Star single mothers and their children. Single dads: Soviet and Russian celebrities who raised children without a mother Slave of honor. The story of the marriage of Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova

Hollywood actresses who became single mothers.

Hollywood actresses are the idols of millions. It seems that their whole life is a continuous celebration, exciting filming, glamorous parties, champagne and dizzying love stories. Much of this is, of course, true. But it is also true that in the life of Hollywood actresses there are also everyday concerns. Many of them, in addition to work, manage to devote time to their family – their husband and children. And some, moreover, manage to raise children on their own. Our review contains stories of world famous actresses who are happy to be mothers, no matter what!

7. Actress and singer Minnie Driver

Actress and musician Minnie Driver.

Minnie Driver's finest hour was the filming of the 1997 film Good Will Hunting, where she played the supporting role of a young Englishwoman, Skylar. For this role she was nominated for an Oscar. Afterwards there were dozens of roles in films and sitcoms, and musical experiments. Unfortunately, Minnie's personal life was not as successful as her career. In 2008, she became a mother, but the child’s father did not want to take part in his upbringing. Minnie never mentions the name of her former lover.

Minnie Driver with her son Henry.

6. Supporting heroine - Taraji Henson

Portrait of Taraji Henson.

Taraji Henson's awards collection includes an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. She received a high award for starring in the film “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” The actress’s personal life took a dramatic turn: despite the fact that she married the guy she had been in love with since school, she was unable to create a happy family. In 1994, their son Marcell was born into the marriage, but Taraji’s relationship with her husband was tense. It often resulted in scandals and even beatings. Unwilling to tolerate violence, Taraji found the strength to divorce her husband and raise her son on her own. The actress’s ex-husband did not live long and was killed in a street fight, so all the worries about supporting her son fell on her shoulders.

Strong and independent Taraji Henson.

5. Sex and the City star Kristin Davis

Portrait of actress Kristin Davis.

Christine was never married, but this did not stop her from becoming a mother. In 2011, she adopted a newborn black girl, and simply dotes on her. The girl was named Gemma Rose.
Kristin is beloved by fans of the TV series Sex and the City. It is interesting that on screen she also played a heroine whose personal life did not work out. True, the movie character Samantha had to go through a terrible ordeal - a miscarriage.

Kristin Davis with her adopted child.

4. The unsurpassed Sharon Stone

Portrait of American actress Sharon Stone.

Sharon learned the joys of motherhood by raising three beautiful sons. All of them were adopted by her, since the actress cannot have children due to asthma and diabetes. Sharon Stone's eldest son now lives with her ex-husband Phil Bronstein. The actress adopted two more sons after the divorce.

Sharon Stone with her sons.

3. Scarlett Johansson - the heroine of Marvel films

Portrait of Scarlett Johansson.

Scarlett Johansson's name constantly appears in the tabloids; her personal life haunts journalists and paparazzi. The actress has two official marriages. In the second, her daughter Rose was born. Now Scarlett is divorced and is raising a three-year-old baby on her own. Her ex-husband Romain Dauriac lives in Paris, so the Hollywood diva is unlikely to be able to give him her daughter for the weekend.

Scarlett Johansson with daughter Rose.

2. The first black Oscar winner, Halle Berry

Film actress Halle Berry.

The name Halle Berry went down in the history of world cinema as she became the first black actress to receive an Oscar for playing a leading role.
As a child, Holly experienced her parents' divorce, and as she grew up, she was unable to build a strong family. The actress has been married three times and has two children - daughter Nala and son Maceo. Now Holly is raising them on her own.

Film actress Halle Berry with two children.

1. South African actress Charlize Theron

Portrait of actress Charlize Theron.

Charlize Theron is known all over the world for her outstanding acting talent. She shone in such films as “The Devil's Advocate”, “Mad Max”, “Atomic Blonde” and many others.
As a child, Charlize experienced a terrible tragedy. Her parents were deeply unhappy in their marriage. The father abused alcohol, the mother tolerated his antics. All this continued until Charlize’s father lost his mind in a drunken stupor, then his mother shot him, defending herself and her daughter.
Apparently, the tragedy left an indelible mark on Charlize’s memory. Growing up, she was never able to build a happy relationship. Despite the fact that the press wrote about her numerous novels, she never got married. But she adopted two children. Theron has a son, Jackson, born in South Africa, and a daughter, Augusta, born in America.

Charlize Theron with children. Photo:

3 of 46 The first years of life in the capital Lyubov Polishchuk were not easy. She huddled with her little son Lesha in rented housing and slept with him on the same mattress.
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  • 5 of 46 Halle Berry. The actress began dating French-Canadian model Gabriel Aubry in 2005, and in early 2008 the couple had a daughter, Nala.

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  • 8 of 46 Jennifer Lopez. Seven years of marriage to Marc Anthony did not in any way affect the Latin American star’s decision to raise children alone.

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  • 10 of 46 Sandra Bullock. The actress and her husband adopted a little boy, but five years later the marriage broke up due to her husband’s infidelity.

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  • 13 of 46 Kate Hudson. The actress was married twice, gave birth to two sons, but separated from both husbands.

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  • 15 of 46 Michelle Williams. The actress is raising the only heiress of the tragically deceased Heath Ledger and is considered an exemplary mother in Hollywood.

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  • 17 of 46 Denise Richards. The ex-wife of brawler Charlie Sheen also turned out to be an exemplary single mother.

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  • 20 of 46 Charlize Theron. The actress deliberately decided to become a single mother: in March 2012, Charlize adopted a boy from South Africa, whom she named Jackson.

  • 21 of 46 Later she married the famous Hollywood "scandal" Sean Penn, but he did not become the father of her child, and the marriage lasted only a year.

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  • 23 of 46 Uma Thurman. The actress single-handedly raised her daughter Maya and son Levon from her marriage to actor Ethan Hawke.

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  • 26 of 46 Sheryl Crow. The singer has never been married. From 2003 to 2005, cyclist Lance Armstrong was her boyfriend, and it was after breaking up with him that she decided to adopt a child.

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  • 29 of 46 Catherine Deneuve. In her life, the actress never had a single official marriage, but only at her own request.

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  • 32 of 46 Madonna. The pop diva has four children, and while the father also takes part in raising the older ones, she adopted the younger two.

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  • 34 of 46 Renata Litvinova. The actress and director, having been married twice, considers the birth of her daughter Ulyana to be the main event.

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  • 36 of 46 Yulia Baranovskaya. Andrei Arshavin left his wife for his mistress when she was expecting her third child.

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  • 39 of 46 Irina Leonova. The actress lived with Evgeny Tsyganov in a civil marriage for more than ten years and gave him six children. When she was expecting her seventh child, Tsyganov chose the also pregnant Yulia Snigir over her.

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    42 of 46 It became known that Lyubushkin entered into a marriage without annulling his previous one. Soon, the shocked Valeria announced a divorce, noting that she was unhappy in her marriage from the very beginning.

  • 43 of 46 “Single moms, never despair! In place of one subhuman, God will send a hundred kind helpers,”– the director wrote on her Instagram account.
    45 of 46 The artist was left without support with two children in her arms. “It’s very difficult to raise a family alone. After the divorce, I couldn’t afford to sit at home. It’s difficult for a single woman to make many decisions, especially regarding the family. I had nowhere to live, I had to rent a lot to pay off the loan I took from the bank to buy a two-room apartment in the center of Moscow. I have already repaid the loan, this apartment is all the property I have", Epple said.

  • 46 of 46 The sons have an age difference of almost ten years, so Potap took on the role of father and raised Efim while I was on tour. There were, of course, elements of hazing in the relationship, but for the boys, I think this is for the better - they will be stronger and more resilient."
  • Irina Davydova

    Reading time: 8 minutes

    A A

    Famous single mothers who brilliantly cope with all responsibilities - who are they, and what can we learn from them?

    Marriages, as they say, are made in heaven. But alas, they fall apart here on earth, and neither “mere mortals” nor star mothers are immune from divorces and separations. It would seem that it is much easier for celebrities to raise children even alone, but in fact, even famous mothers have a hard time alone. And yet they successfully combine their careers with raising children.

    Video: Celebrity single mothers

    The world-famous diva failed twice in family relationships. First with Sean Penn, and then with Guy Ritchie. The first was a hooligan of all kinds, and the second turned out to be a very boring British gentleman who, despite his brutal films, did not want either publicity or chaos in his life.

    Having “had enough” of family life, Madonna decided that she had had enough of this prison, and she would never marry again. The only thing Madonna cares about now is her children.

    True, raising them is not easy. Daughter Lourdes grew up wayward, Rocco ran away from his strict mother to father Guy Ritchie, and it is still unknown how the fates of the adopted Mercy and David will turn out.

    But Madonna tries very hard to be a good mom between concerts.

    And this beautiful girl was unlucky in her marriage. Moreover, several times.

    No matter how hard the beautiful Holly tried, all serious relationships ended in failure. The first husband, David Justice, beat her, the next (musician Eric Benet) shamelessly walked “to the left,” and Holly almost killed herself, and the relationship with the fashion model Aubrey ended in war when Gabriel wanted custody of their common daughter. The third official spouse was actor Olivier Martinez, but only for a couple of years.

    Holly doesn’t want to get married anymore, and is raising her son Maceo and daughter Nala in splendid isolation.

    Holly doesn't need alimony, she's successful enough to support her children, and even more so, she pays her former common-law partner Aubrey (Nahla's father) $20,000 a month.

    The former “tatushka”, one of the vocalists of the sensational group “Tatu” in the “2000s”, today is a single mother. The successful trick with the unconventional relationships between the vocalists did its job: Volkova and Katina were known throughout the country - and beyond.

    But in life, the girls did not change their orientation given by nature, and in 2004, Yulia gave birth to a daughter, Vika, from Pavel Sidorov, her own bodyguard.

    Alas, the relationship did not work out, and after 3 years a son, Samir, was born from industrialist Parviz Yasinov. The marriage lasted 3 years.

    Today, Yulia tries to devote all her free time to her children, and does not even think about a new relationship.

    The details of the adventures of this star lady were savored by all the yellow newspapers in 2011.

    Masha’s son Miron was born from a “Chechen businessman” who was not happy about the news and suggested that Masha go for an abortion.

    The presenter and model, between separation and the baby, chose the second, who became her meaning of life.

    After a while, Masha admitted that Makhno’s authority became Miron’s dad (approx. – Mamikhan Malsagov).

    This Russian actress said goodbye to her second legal relationship and her businessman husband Dombrovsky in 2007.

    Renata raised her daughter Ulyana, who was 5 at that time, alone, providing her with education at a Paris school.

    Ulyana is surprisingly similar to her mother, and photos of this young model often appeared on the covers of fashion magazines.

    In addition, the girl can boast of her film debut in 2014.

    Despite the fact that Diana managed to officially “get married,” her twins (note: Marta and Artem) are not his at all. But Diana does not reveal the name of the father of her babies, born in 2010, to anyone. We only know that he is a Russian businessman living in the States.

    Diana does not experience any discomfort from her status as a single mother, and she does not need a breadwinner husband - the singer copes well with financial issues and other issues.

    During the tour, Arbenina leaves the children with their grandmother.

    It is important to note that this year Diana was even presented with an award in the “Mom of the Year” category.

    The child was not at all included in the plans of the singer and her friend, dancer Andrei Tsar. But, despite the priority of career in Loboda’s life, the girl decided to leave the random baby. So in 2011, daughter Evangelina was born. And, although after 3 years Andrei and Svetlana announced their separation, he continues to help his former lover and daughter.

    Loboda does not consider herself a loner; she successfully copes with the role of a mother, even despite her busy schedule. She always believed that her love was waiting for her somewhere ahead, and fate would smile on her.

    At the beginning of 2018, the singer’s fans were amazed by the news about Svetlana’s pregnancy from the famous and outrageous Till Lindemann, lead singer of the band Rammstein. In May, the singer gave birth to a daughter, and a little later the world learned the name of the newborn - Tilda. But whether it is Till Lindemann’s daughter is anyone’s guess; confirmation from Svetlana and Till has not yet been received.

    Svetlana copes brilliantly with both her singing career and maternal responsibilities.

    Surprisingly, she breastfeeds her youngest daughter, and if she leaves, she uses every opportunity to leave or donate breast milk for the newborn.

    The peak of this actress's popularity came in the 90s, after which Sharon's level of professional activity began to decline due to the fact that the actress focused her attention on her personal life and motherhood.

    The second marriage also ended in failure, and the result of the unsuccessful relationship was a court decision, according to which the adopted son Rowan - alas! — stayed with his adoptive father, Phil Bronstein.

    Dejected, Sharon adopted two more children, Laird and Quinn.

    Subsequent affairs with men did not become a reason for marriage, but the actress does not lose hope and believes that she will still meet her prince, who will love her along with her sons.

    In the meantime, she is raising her children alone, trying to give them the best in this life.

    In modern realities, women are forced to be independent. True, often the male sex does not get along with strong ladies and leaves their chosen ones, despite the children they have in common. Today, both average people and celebrities from Russia raise their children on their own. The editors have compiled a list of stars - single mothers.

    Valeria Gai Germanika

    There are many star single mothers in Russian show business. For example, the director, whom the viewer knows from the films “School” and “Everyone will die, but I will stay,” is raising two daughters. Octavia was born married to, and Severina’s father is.

    Renata Litvinova

    In her second marriage she gave birth to a daughter. The actress divorced Leonid Dobrovsky and left her beloved child for herself. Now the child of a cinema star is traveling around Europe. It is known that the artist did everything to ensure that her daughter had the best education and a happy childhood.

    Ekaterina Volkova

    None of her divorces broke her. The actress was officially married three times and once lived with her chosen one in. After these unsuccessful unions, the artist was left with children, in whom Volkova dotes. Today, the star mother and her children live a happy, full life without a man in the house.

    Yulia Volkova

    At the age of 19, she gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, and a few years later, her son Samir was born. The ex-vocalist of the group "" does not maintain relationships with the fathers of her children, raising her beloved children on her own. It is known that during the tour Samir and Victoria stay with the performer’s mother.

    Masha Malinovskaya

    By personal example he proves that if you want to, you can raise a child on your own. The father of the artist’s son is not involved in his upbringing today. This does not bother Malinovskaya at all, who is used to coping with difficulties without outside help. The son of a TV presenter is her outlet and meaning of life.

    Alena Shishkova

    And the rapper broke up a few months after the birth of their daughter Alice. The couple’s relationship was not legalized, so the model could not demand anything from the performer. It is worth noting that the artist, unlike the majority, did not abandon the child and today is actively involved in upbringing.

    Alika Smekhova

    Among the stars are single mothers, who gave birth to her second son Makar without a husband. It is known that the actress’s ex-husband, 2 weeks before the divorce, demanded that Smekhova sign a paper confirming that she had no material claims against him. Alika did this and today supports herself and her children on her own.

    Irina Saltykova

    She didn’t give up after the divorce. In order to provide herself and her daughter Alisa with everything they needed, the famous singer, having separated from her husband, moved with her child to her mother and rented out her comfortable apartment. It is known that in 2018, Alice periodically helps her mother create musical material.

    Back in 2003, the journalist named her Antonina. It is known that shortly before this, Svetlana divorced her second husband. In conversations with media representatives, Sorokina has repeatedly said that she consciously became a single mother and does not regret her decision at all.

    10 single mothers of Russian show business

    After the ugly separation of football player Andrei Arshavin from his common-law wife, the sympathies of the public and the media were on her side: in 10 years, three children appeared in the family, and now their father does not see them and avoids paying alimony. But Yulia turned out to be unsinkable: she immediately retrained from a housewife to a TV presenter, and recently bought an apartment for herself and her children.

    Irina Leonova

    film “It’s not harmful to dream” (2005) When information appeared in the media that Evgeny Tsyganov had left his wife, no one simply believed it - at that time Irina Leonova was pregnant with their seventh child. But the couple still broke up, today Irina is raising the children herself, and Evgeniy is growing up with a son, Fyodor, whom actress Yulia Snigir gave birth to.

    Valeria Gai Germanika

    Valeria Gai Germanika is raising two daughters, Octavia and Severina, on her own. The father of the second daughter is Vadim Lyubushkin, whom Valeria met on the show “Dancing with the Stars.” An affair broke out, then marriage and pregnancy - and soon an equally rapid divorce. Valeria does an excellent job of raising children herself.

    Svetlana Sorokina

    In 2003, the TV presenter adopted the baby and named her Antonina. Svetlana was then 46 years old, and shortly before that she divorced her second husband. In an interview, Svetlana noted that her desire to become a single mother was quite conscious, and now Tonya is her main life project.

    Olga Budina

    The actress's marriage to businessman Alexander Naumov was unsuccessful - after the divorce, the ex-husband even took away the jewelry given to his wife. But little Naum remained with his mother - and Olga says that this is the main man in her life.

    Masha Malinovskaya

    Masha is raising her son Miron herself - her relationship with his father, businessman Denis Davitiashvili, deteriorated almost immediately after the birth of the baby. The father does not pay child support and prevents the child from being taken abroad.

    Irina Saltykova

    In order to support her daughter after her divorce from Viktor Saltykov, Irina even had to move with her child to her mother and rent out her apartment. Irina always tried to spend as much time as possible with Alisa.

    Sandra Bullock

    Sandra Bullock doesn't have a single husband, but she already has two children, both adopted. First, the actress had a son, Louis Bardot, and last year, a daughter, Lila (Sandra just turned 51 years old).

    Charlize Theron

    While fans of Charlize Theron were waiting for her romance with Sean Penn to continue with a marriage proposal, she simply adopted a second child and remained a single mother. Son Jackson and daughter August are quite happy with this state of affairs.

    Britney Spears

    Britney Spears's marriage to dancer Kevin Federline did not last long - only three years, but the couple managed to have two sons. After a high-profile divorce, Britney is raising the boys herself, but they regularly communicate with their dad.

    Sharon Stone

    Sharon Stone says she never felt particularly happy in her marriage, so after her second divorce she adopted two more boys. There are now three sons - the eldest, Roen, lives either with his mother or with his father, journalist Phil Broinstein, and the younger ones -