Growth hormone side effects and consequences. Consequences for the body when using growth hormone. Conclusions: what do we know about the effects of growth hormone use and side effects?

Growth hormone and muscle mass | Side effects of growth hormone, harm to health

As sellers convince us, somatropin for gaining muscle mass is the best remedy, not inferior in its effectiveness to steroids. And the bulging bellies of professional athletes, which have already become the hallmark of bodybuilding, only confirm this. It would seem, where do the doubts come from? All you have to do is buy growth hormone and you are guaranteed to gain weight! However, if you look carefully, it turns out that the benefits of taking growth hormone for muscles are very illusory. But the side effects of growth hormone and the harm to health are completely real. Whether somatropin helps gain muscle mass or not, and why it is needed at all, read my article. The most interesting things about training and sports nutrition on our telegram channel


If we talk about hormones for weight gain, then the leader in this regard is, his authority in this matter is undeniable. The best proof of this is that men naturally have more muscle mass than women, even without training. However, those who use steroids can confirm this with a clear conscience.

If you compare a person who regularly exercises, but exercises without using testosterone, and someone who does not exercise, but uses anabolic steroids, then the latter will have more muscle mass, so strong is the effect of testosterone on muscle growth. Therefore, the level of male sex hormone in bodybuilding was, is and remains the cornerstone that determines muscle growth.

GROWTH HORMONE and GROWTH (sorry for the tautology)

Growth hormone, also known as somatropin, is a peptide hormone that is produced by our body during adolescence. It is thanks to him that we grow, develop and turn from a baby weighing several kilograms into an adult. The maximum level of secretion of the hormone somatropin is observed in early childhood, peak values ​​occur at the time of puberty, and a slowdown in the production of growth hormone by our body begins at the age of 26.

Conclusion: a protruding belly in a professional athlete is certainly unsightly. But this and other side effects of somatropin are a fair price to pay for using growth hormone in bodybuilding.


However, the effect of somatropin on internal organs is much more dangerous than a bulging belly and constant snoring. Cases of severe heart disease among professional athletes have increased significantly as a result of the growth hormone craze in bodybuilding.

Just last year, two famous, iconic representatives of bodybuilding passed away. Rich Pina died at the age of 46, and Dallas McCarver was even younger, he died at the age of 26. The autopsy results of both, in addition to liver and thyroid diseases, revealed serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Studies conducted in many countries have confirmed that an excess of somatropin in the body contributes to the development of such diseases. These are the worst side effects of HGH. However, there is one interesting fact...

The hormone somatropin significantly improves collagen production. Collagen is a fibrillar protein that is the building material for our bones, ligaments and tendons. Almost all the results of using growth hormone are associated with this, both positive and negative. The worst effect is on the heart and blood vessels. They have a collagen base, and somatropin promotes its compaction.

If the level of somatropin exceeds the norm, then excessive growth of collagen structures begins, due to which the vessels become stiffer, and the passage of blood through the heart becomes more difficult. With age-related changes, the vessels become thinner - hemorrhagic stroke and other diseases of the circulatory system may occur. It turns out that any deviation from the norm in the level of somatropin, both higher and lower, causes damage to the heart.

Many bodybuilders decide to buy growth hormone, also because it significantly strengthens the musculoskeletal system. This effect is considered positive for mass gain, since strong ligaments and joints allow you to work with heavy weights. Reviews of growth hormone from athletes who have tried it on themselves indicate that the muscles become a little larger and stiffer while taking it.

But this does not happen due to hypertrophy of muscle fibers. The fascia-shells in which they are packed become simply denser, slightly increasing in volume. But this has no effect on muscle growth.

It happens that during training mistakes happen or the body cannot cope with a given level of load. In this case, somatropin has a positive effect - with its help, damaged muscles and ligaments heal faster. But to avoid such problems, it is enough to plan your training correctly. Because when doing strength sports, underperformance is better than overwork.

Conclusion: The ability of growth hormone to increase collagen production has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. But it increases, especially in adulthood, the risk of heart problems.


The use of somatropin has been practiced for quite a long time, its properties have been fully studied. The production of drugs containing it was established back in Soviet times. If muscle growth hormone and really was as good as anabolic steroids, then it would be used on an equal basis with them. However, this did not happen.

There were isolated cases of the use of growth hormone by bodybuilders in the Soviet Union, but exclusively for the purpose of increasing muscle rigidity. And some athletes, especially weightlifters, used the hormone somatropin to quickly heal injuries received while working with extreme weights. In this case, the use of such a drug was justified.

But no one experienced tremendous muscle growth from somatropin. This is despite the fact that in those days it was extracted from the pituitary gland of the dead, that is, it was natural, not artificial, that is, more effective. The fact that no one used somatropin for weight gain at that time indicates its uselessness in this capacity.

As for steroids, they were incredibly popular among bodybuilders at that time. And although it was possible to buy growth hormone in a pharmacy, along with anabolic steroids, freely and even without a prescription, those who wanted to gain weight opted for steroids. And this continued until the beginning of this century.

Conclusion: growth hormone is useless for muscles. Somatropin in bodybuilding makes sense only as a means for healing and recovery from injuries.


In the 2000s, Chinese scientists invented a method for producing recombinant (artificial) proteins. So they began to do business with growth hormone - they set up production privately, since it did not require large financial costs, and put it up for sale.

And since advertising is the best engine of trade, a massive and well-funded information wave covered the whole world. The myth claiming that buying growth hormone means gaining mass with a 100% guarantee, and “lean” mass without fat, has been elevated to the rank of absolute truth.

But sports magazines published in the CIS also had a hand in popularizing growth hormone in bodybuilding. And this is no coincidence, because one of the Russian publications on strength sports, which actively advertises somatropin, was at the same time the official exporter of artificial growth hormone from China.

The information provided below is for reference only. The use of growth hormone for non-medical purposes is prohibited by Russian law.

Since growth hormone or growth hormone is synthesized by the body, the incidence of side effects remains low. All negative manifestations of somatotropin are mainly observed when its recommended dosage is exceeded. In fact, the following side effects are identified:

  • Compression-ischemic neuropathy (tunnel syndrome) - with this pathology, pain and paresis of the limbs often occur. During the period of intense muscle growth while taking somatotropin, muscle tissue begins to grow faster than peripheral nerve fibers are formed near this tissue, thereby compressing the nerves, causing unpleasant tingling sensations and pain. In fact, this is not a serious side effect, it does not pose a threat to health and is easily relieved after reducing the dosage of the drug.
  • The accumulation of fluid in the body is, in fact, also not a side effect, since the accumulation of fluid occurs in muscle tissue, increasing it in size due to excess water. It often happens that even the prescription of small dosages of the drug can lead to severe swelling of the extremities (in particular the hands).
  • Increased blood pressure is a consequence of the previous point (excess fluid provokes the development of arterial hypertension), it is normalized in the same way - the dosage of the drug is reduced, or medications that lower blood pressure are used (preferably diuretics).
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland - in this case, no serious symptoms are observed, since the suppressive effect of the hormone is too small. To relieve it and increase the effectiveness of the course, synthetic analogues of thyroxine (T4) are used - for example, L-thyroxine 25 µg per day.
  • High blood sugar levels can be treated with insulin injections or pancreatic stimulants (antidiabetic drugs). Often does not require adjustment and is a completely reversible side effect.
  • Acromegaly is a pathology that occurs with excessive use of growth hormone. There is an increase in the bones of the skull, nose, feet, and hands. Rational use of growth hormone eliminates the occurrence of acromegaly.
  • Myocardial hypertrophy is observed after long courses of growth hormone in increased dosages. Rational intake also eliminates this disease.

Side effects,
allegedly related
to take growth hormone

  • Abdominal enlargement - there is an opinion that growth hormone increases the abdominal area due to hypertrophy of the peritoneal organs (due to the fact that these organs contain receptors for the protein IGF-1 - insulin-like growth factor). There is currently no evidence of this fact. Doctors suggest that an enlarged belly is a consequence of several factors.
  • Erectile dysfunction and decrease - growth hormone does not affect reproductive function and sexual function. The opposite opinion is erroneous.
  • Inhibition of the pituitary gland and suppression of the production of endogenous growth hormone - to refute this fact, a study was conducted on more than a hundred people, the results of which did not reveal any negative effect on the synthesis of its own somatotropin.
  • Oncological diseases - growth hormone supposedly promotes the division of cancer cells. To confirm or refute this, several more studies were conducted that involved patients undergoing hormonal therapy using growth hormone. As a result, it turned out that the incidence of tumors in the experiment participants was no different from the statistical data, this in turn proves the safety of growth hormone in terms of the occurrence of cancer.


Growth hormone has virtually no serious side effects, naturally, if used in standard and safe dosages. Almost all side effects of growth hormone are completely reversible. There is evidence that growth hormone promotes rejuvenation of the body: it tones, reduces the amount of LDL, improves skin condition, increases bone strength, etc.

A growth hormone Today it is quite popular among professionals and sports fans. However, recently they have increasingly begun to talk about the side effects and dangers of using this drug, and the information is quite contradictory. Some experts consider growth hormone one of the most effective means for prolonging life, others argue that it is very harmful to our body. Let's try to understand this controversial issue!

The mechanism of action of growth hormone.

A growth hormone, or somatotropin, is a protein that consists of the 191st amino acid. The production and secretion of this hormone occurs in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland (in the endocrine gland). By the way, of all the existing pituitary hormones, growth hormone is produced in the largest quantity, and this process lasts throughout a person’s life (after 20 years, the production of growth hormone begins to decrease by 15% per decade). The basal level of growth hormone reaches its maximum in early childhood, and peak secretion occurs during adolescence (puberty, intense linear growth).

Main functions of growth hormone.

Having a direct effect on the endocrine glands, somatotropin accelerates the production of a number of growth factors and muscle mass, and also actively regulates the metabolism of human bone tissue.

Growth hormone inhibits enzyme activity, which have a destructive effect on amino acids, regulates collagen synthesis in bone tissue, skin and other tissues and organs. Causes an increase in the size and number of cells of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, liver, gonads, thymus gland and muscles.

Growth hormone enhances fat breakdown, as a result of which the concentration of fatty acids in the blood increases, which suppress the effect of insulin on membrane glucose transport.

Physiological effects of growth hormone.

Growth hormone prevents the development of a large number of destructive processes in the human body and stimulates restoration ones. Many authoritative scientists claim that under the influence of growth hormone, the body rejuvenates by 10-20 years:

  • the skeletal system is strengthened;
  • fat deposits are converted into muscle;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • mental abilities increase;
  • blood cholesterol levels decrease;
  • sexual activity increases.


Growth hormone is the strongest active drug for active growth of muscle mass and rapid reduction of fat deposits. But in order to achieve the desired results from taking this drug, a number of conditions are required, which not many people can adhere to (a fairly strict schedule of nutrition, training and injections). So, what is a growth hormone course? Of course, the course of the drug and its dosage depend on the severity of physical activity and the type of sport, for example, dosages for track and field athletes reach 8 units per day, which is insufficient for an effective gain of muscle mass for a weightlifter.

For bodybuilders, the dosage should be at least 12-16 units, and the course duration should be at least 3 months. It is recommended to take growth hormone in large dosages for one simple reason: the receptors quickly get used to the drug, so you should not inject it for a long time. After a course of therapy, a break equal to the length of the course is required.

Of course, growth hormone is not prohibited from being taken for 6 months or more, but only in small dosages of 2-4 units per day. However, it is almost impossible to achieve hypertrophy and hyperplasia of muscle cells with this regimen.

Anabolic effect of growth hormone and related drugs.

Your goal is hyper growth of muscle mass. For such a process, your body will need maximum stimulation, and growth hormone alone will not cope. Complex therapy is required, including drugs that can not only enhance the effect of growth hormone, but also ensure the safety of your body. There is a certain regimen of drugs: growth hormone - anabolic and androgenic steroids - insulin - thyroid hormones. Let's look at each drug separately.

Androgenic steroids have powerful anabolic properties and significantly enhance muscle cell hypertrophy, so their inclusion in the complex is mandatory. Steroids will also stimulate cell hyperplasia, which will lead to faster results.

Insulin is also a mandatory drug in the complex, especially if the dosages of growth hormone are really high. Insulin will ease the load placed on the pancreas, which, under the influence of growth hormone, enhances its work and quickly depletes its reserves, and will also accelerate the growth of muscle cells. It is recommended to take 6-8 units of insulin before each meal.

Thyroid hormones help accelerate metabolism and stimulate tissue growth. The inclusion of thyroid hormones in the cycle will weaken the effect of growth hormone on the function of the gland (the size of the thyroid gland may increase). It is important to know that the use of growth hormone in large dosages can lead to changes in the functions of the thyroid gland (the development of hypothyroidism). Athletes using rather large dosages of growth hormone should take triiodothyronine (thyroid hormone) 50 mcg per day in two doses. However, large dosages of triiodothyronine are not recommended, as this will contribute to the opposite effect, i.e. loss of muscle mass.

What are the concerns?

Growth hormone, being an anabolic agent, promotes more intense metabolic processes and the production of free radicals in the body, which in turn leads to a shortening of life and the occurrence of a host of diseases: heart attack, stroke, cancer, etc.

When using growth hormone, side effects may occur such as nausea, headache, hyperglycemia, increased intracranial pressure, development of diabetes mellitus, excessive growth of cartilaginous bones, which leads to enlargement of facial features and enlargement of the lower and upper jaw.

To avoid local reactions, subcutaneous injection sites should be changed, as lipoatrophy, the burning of adipose tissue, may develop over time. With open growth zones (up to 25 years), the fact of linear body growth cannot be ruled out.

In custody.

Remember that you should not start a course of growth hormone without auxiliary medications - otherwise you will not only not achieve the desired results, but will also develop a number of chronic diseases. The dosage and duration of use in this case are critical. That's why, be careful and trust only experienced specialists!

Growth hormone or somatotropin plays an important role in the life of every person. It is responsible for the growth of bone and other types of tissue, affects fat deposits and prevents aging. It is produced in the body in both men and women of any age, so taking it additionally usually does not cause any unpleasant symptoms.

Most often, synthetic somatotropin is used in bodybuilding. With its help, athletes gain muscle mass and burn fat. The maximum effect is achieved only if you strictly follow the instructions. Usually the drug is well tolerated. But sometimes negative consequences are possible. They develop with an unmotivated increase in dosage or increase in course.

  1. Tunnel syndrome. Manifests itself in pain and a feeling of numbness in the arms and legs. The muscles become larger, which puts pressure on the nerves. This effect can be easily corrected by reducing the dose of the hormone.
  2. Accumulation of large amounts of liquid. It collects in muscle tissue, making the muscles more elastic and prominent. This phenomenon can be avoided by limiting the consumption of salt and alcohol while taking medications.
  3. High blood pressure. To reduce it, you need to either change the dose or start taking special medications.
  4. Allergy at the injection site. Manifests itself in rashes, severe itching, redness, swelling, etc.
  5. Thyroid gland dysfunction. This effect has virtually no effect on the general condition of the body. To remove it, you need to take 25 mcg of thyroxine daily. As soon as the course is completed, the activity of the thyroid gland will return to normal.
  6. Acromegaly. A disease associated with the proliferation of limbs. Develops when consuming too large doses of growth hormone.
  7. Hypertrophy of the heart and other internal organs. This is usually the result of prolonged use of large amounts of the drug.
  8. Weakness, reluctance to do anything, pain in joints, bones and muscles, increased body temperature. In most cases, this is a consequence of using low-quality products.
  9. Daytime sleepiness.
  10. Increased abdominal volume. This condition occurs when growth hormone is used along with insulin and anabolic steroids, as well as poor nutrition. According to research, it develops extremely rarely.
  11. Gynecomastia or breast growth in men. Somatotropin rarely produces such side effects.

It is noteworthy that side effects sometimes relate to carbohydrate metabolism. After growth hormone enters the bloodstream, the body uses fats rather than glucose as an energy source. Because of this, hyperglycemia develops immediately after the injection.

An increase in sugar levels occurs when courses with increased doses of growth hormone are too long. It becomes difficult for the pancreas to cope with large amounts of glucose. As a result, a condition similar to type 2 diabetes mellitus develops. Special supplements containing alpha-lipoic acid will help get rid of it. This substance helps tissues and organs restore sensitivity to insulin.

Sometimes the sugar level drops significantly. In response to excess sugar, the body produces too much insulin. As a result, glucose decreases and hypoglycemia develops.

Like all other medications, growth hormone has its own contraindications and features of use. Therefore, the course should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions.

In some cases, injections of somatotropin are strictly prohibited.

  1. the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  2. traumatic brain injuries;
  3. the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  4. acute stage of chronic diseases;
  5. infections and viruses.

If there is at least one of the contraindications, it is better to avoid using growth hormone.

So, like any other hormonal drug, growth hormone can have side effects. If at least one of them develops, it is better to build muscle mass without this drug.

HGH hasn't always been an artificial muscle-building drug. Anabolic drugs were previously used as a treatment for pathological conditions. Today, the main task of somatotropin is to stimulate tissue growth in athletes and form an ideal body contour. Does it existharm and side effects from growth hormone?If yes, then in what cases does this happen?

Why do athletes take growth hormone in bodybuilding and fitness?

A somatotropic drug, also known as growth hormone, is valued by athletes for actively increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat. At the same time, the drug does not affect strength and endurance. This characteristic is important for bodybuilders and those who are professionally involved in fitness.

Athletes often start using growth hormone on the eve of competitions or when they have not seen progressive changes in their body for a long time. In bodybuilding, somatotropin acts as a stimulator of muscle volume. For fitness, this is, first of all, improving the contours of the body.

Bodybuilders who want to increase body weight through muscles can expect an increase of 2 to 4 kg per month with the use of the drug. When fat mass is lost, weight, on the contrary, decreases. Somatotropin has a feature: strengthening bone and connective tissue. Therefore, some athletes use growth hormone to reduce frequent injuries and speed up recovery from injury.

The effect of somatotropin on the body

The effect of growth hormone on the human body has been studied for a long time and work in this direction continues to this day. Both the benefits and harms of taking an anabolic hormone have been proven.

The area of ​​influence of somatotropin covers a wide range of the human body: from the nervous system to metabolism.

1 . On the cardiovascular system Growth hormone acts with its vasodilating properties. Peripheral blood circulation increases: through small arteries, veins and capillaries.

2. On the immune system This drug has a positive effect. Physical activity is stressful conditions for the body, and growth hormones strengthen the immune system during this period.

3. On the nervous system somatotropin has a negative effect: affecting peripheral nerves, which are responsible for impulse transmission from the central nervous system to muscles, organs and skin.

4. The effect of growth hormone on the kidneys is ambiguous. On the one hand, it maintains water balance and stimulates the secretion of acid by the kidneys. But on the other hand, it contributes to the occurrence of renal hypertension (increased blood pressure) and the rare disease acromegalic cardiomyopathy.

5. On the growth and development of the human body, somatotropin acts by suppressing the production of its own growth hormone. At significantly increased doses, the drug causes enlargement of various parts of the body and internal organs.

6. On the thyroid gland anabolic hormones in high concentrations have a depressing effect, slowing down the production of insulin. As a result, diabetes mellitus is provoked.

7. Effect of growth hormone on metabolism observed as a whole. Firstly, somatotropin destroys fat cells, which means cholesterol decreases. Secondly, it accelerates protein synthesis and has a stimulating effect on the delivery of amino acids to cells. Growth hormone also stimulates the synthesis of glucose in the liver, which increases blood sugar levels.

8. The effect of somatotropin on testosterone and potency enhances. Growth hormone improves erectile function and the effect of testosterone, but has very little effect on a man's libido.

Side effects of growth hormone in humans

There are side effects when taking growth hormone in humans. The main characteristic for any negative deviations is the excess of the permissible dosage, the duration of taking the drugs and unsuccessful combination with other stimulants.

The consequences of using somatotropin may be the following:

Suppression of the thyroid gland. Insulin begins to be produced slowly, which means there is a risk of diabetes.

Tunnel syndrome. Peripheral nerve fibers feel the weight of muscles that have increased in volume. This makes the limbs hurt and go numb.

N akmelting of liquid.Occurs mainly in the muscles themselves. But without restrictions on the consumption of salty foods and alcohol, during the period of taking medications, fluid accumulates in the hands and fingers. Loss of muscle mass after completing the course is minimal.

Acromegaly. Enlargement of human body parts. The process is accompanied by pain. Observed when consuming large doses of somatotropin.

Cardiac hypertrophy (increase in organ size). This pathology occurs in professional athletes who have taken growth hormone for a long period, exceeding the dose.

Risk of stroke and high blood pressure. Taking growth hormone in childhood can trigger a stroke in adulthood. The consequences of using an anabolic hormone manifest themselves in the form of increased blood pressure. In this case, you need to reduce the dose of somatotropin.

Weakness and drowsiness. This may be the body’s reaction to the first acquaintance with the drug or to a low-quality product.

Growth of internal organs. Visually, this side effect is projected in the form of a protruding abdomen. Such symptoms are observed in bodybuilders on a long course of drugs with excessive doses. This is due to the fact that somatotropin suppresses natural growth hormone, which is produced by the body itself.

Increased blood sugar levels. The somatotropic drug stimulates the synthesis of glucose in the liver and thereby provokes a jump in sugar levels.

Side effects of growth hormone in male athletes, in addition to the above-mentioned consequences: headache and muscle pain, damage to articular cartilage, carbohydrate intolerance, decreased hearing function.

Fictional myths about the side effects of growth hormone

A wide range of possible side effects from taking growth hormone is substantiated by existing research. However, some phenomena are subject to doubt among the athletes and scientists themselves.

1. High risk of cancer. This myth carries some truth if there is uncontrolled consumption of somatotropin or when the athlete has a predisposition to the occurrence of malignant tumors. In this case, growth hormone will contribute to the development of tumors. With normal use of the drug, no clear relationship was found.

2. Reduced levels of growth hormoneproduced by the body itself. Again, such consequences are only possible at high doses.

3. ANDand it increases in size, which means hypertrophy of internal organs occurs. When an athlete does not exceed the norm of consumption of artificial growth hormone, this pathology does not occur.

4. Men should be wary of the effect on potency when taking somatotropin. The male reproductive system does not suffer at normal dosage, this has been proven by scientists.