What is colon hydrotherapy? Colon hydrotherapy is an effective colon cleansing procedure. Contraindications to the procedure

Today, health and appearance have become important priorities in the lives of many people. In this regard, interest has increased in various ways to maintain the vital functions of the body at the proper level. One of the options for solving this problem is to cleanse the body, and it is recommended to start with the intestines.

Colon hydrotherapy. Patient reviews

As in any matter related to health, you should think carefully before agreeing to a manipulation called colon hydrotherapy. Reviews from people who have experienced this procedure are not always unanimous. Some write with delight about the consequences of the procedure, others are less emotional, but note positive effects:

  • the manipulation is carried out painlessly, although it is difficult to call the sensations pleasant;
  • the body gets rid of toxins, intestinal stones, some note weight loss of up to 7 kg during all sessions;
  • after colon hydrotherapy it is easy to cope with gluttony and switch to a healthy diet;
  • The stomach decreases, bloating disappears, and a feeling of relief appears, headaches disappear (a consequence of intoxication);
  • if you take the recommended medications to maintain microflora in the intestines, you don’t have to worry about problems with dysbacteriosis;
  • after a course of colon hydrotherapy procedures, stool normalizes;
  • Many clinics perform intestinal cleansing not only with a decoction of herbs, but also with the introduction of beneficial bacteria into the intestines, thereby eliminating the problem of dysbacteriosis.

Some reviews contain valuable advice and warnings:

  • you shouldn’t believe the advertising: not the whole body is cleansed, but only the large intestine, which, however, is also not bad;
  • allergy sufferers need to be interested in the composition of the herbs included in the solution and the name of the enterosorbent; in case of intolerance to any component, an allergic reaction is possible;
  • tips inserted into the anus during the procedure are of two types: for children and adults; According to reviews, you “wouldn’t wish it on an enemy” for an adult tip; you only need to ask for a child’s tip, although its size is impressive!

Colon hydrotherapy is very controversial. Reviews about her are sometimes negative, for example:

  • the appearance of problems with dysbacteriosis, the inability to consume yeast baked goods even several years after the course of treatment;
  • a sharp increase in temperature after the procedure is possible if the body has the Helicobacter bacteria, and the preliminary examination was not done well and did not reveal this contraindication;
  • it is impossible to talk about any significant weight loss;
  • high prices for procedures: minimum 15,000 rubles per course.

Indications for the procedure

The large intestine, its normal functioning, as well as the bacterial flora are of great importance for the health of the entire body, so treating diseases by restoring the functions of the digestive tract is quite logical.

At the same time, a certain lifestyle, certain diseases, helminths, congestive processes, etc. can lead to the formation of tens of kilograms of fecal stones, which poison life and significantly increase a person’s weight. Colon hydrotherapy often comes to the rescue in these cases.

Indications for its implementation arise in inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, as well as in cases of diverticulitis. In the early stages of pregnancy, up to 4 months, this procedure does not pose a threat to the fetus.

Good results are also observed with hemorrhoids (not in the acute stage). Recently, more and more people are experiencing symptoms such as causeless weakness, headaches, and unpleasant body odor. All these are signs of autointoxication, for which colon hydrotherapy is also used.

Indications for its use are obvious in case of disruption of the immune system, the signs of which are frequent colds, dermatitis of unknown origin, etc. Preparation for diagnosis or surgery on the large intestine also often includes a colon hydrotherapy procedure. And, finally, very often they do this for the sake of weight loss.

Contraindications for colon hydrotherapy

However, not everything is so rosy. Colon hydrotherapy has a lot of contraindications, so in any case it should only be prescribed by a doctor, and after a thorough examination of the whole body. Otherwise, the consequences can be to cause serious harm to yourself and worsen chronic diseases. So, when is colon hydrotherapy prohibited?

Contraindications exist if there are heart diseases, vascular diseases, complications of anemia, diverticulosis, intracavitary bleeding. This procedure will not be beneficial for people with diseased kidneys, as well as those with cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, urolithiasis, hernia, or malignant tumors.

Contraindications are also pregnancy after the 4th month, severe hypertension, blood loss, polyps in the intestines and damage to the intestinal wall.

In what other cases is colon hydrotherapy not prescribed? Contraindications are exacerbations of colitis or hemorrhoids, the presence of adhesions, pathology of the rectum, Crohn's disease, as well as the period of remission after operations.

Harm from using hardware colon cleansing

There is an opinion that the colon hydrotherapy procedure not only does not provide any health benefits, but also significantly harms it. Proponents of this point of view remind us that our intestines are home to almost 500 species of different essential bacteria.

Moreover, the ratio of these microorganisms is unique; it has been formed for more than one year. All this microflora takes an active part in the metabolism of steroids, the synthesis of enzymes, as well as vitamins such as K and group B, depends on it, it also affects immunity and the ability to protect the internal environment from the invasion of foreign bacteria.

A sharp water shower, produced in the intestines under pressure for 20-45 minutes and disturbing the dynamic balance of its contents, is called colon hydrotherapy. The harm from it lies, first of all, in the fact that the damaged microflora can no longer be restored. Foreign bacteria will take the place of beneficial ones, there will be no one to expel them, so intestinal problems will inevitably begin. All this happens despite the opposing goals of a procedure called colon hydrotherapy.

Reviews from many patients indicate that prescribing bacterial preparations after cleansing should not be reassuring. They usually do not take root and, most importantly, do not reproduce in the intestines.

About licensing the bowel cleansing procedure

There is also a very interesting detail: among the official specializations there is no one called “colon hydrotherapist”; there is no such thing as an “intestinal hygienist”; these types of activities are not licensed, that is, they are not a medical service.

In addition, laxatives, as well as solutions used for rinsing, are classified as dietary supplements, that is, they cannot be called effective or safe. Moreover, the devices used for colon hydrotherapy are means for preparing for surgical or diagnostic procedures. There is no license that would permit their use for other purposes.

And finally, the last objection: there are many descriptions of serious complications that resulted from colon hydrotherapy. Reviews of people who have undergone it mention such consequences as:

So, before agreeing to such a procedure, it makes sense to seriously think about its feasibility.

What are the benefits of colon hydrotherapy?

Proponents of colon hydrotherapy like to remind us that it was used to successfully treat various diseases back in Ancient Egypt. Colon lavage using hollow reeds was recommended by Hippocrates and Galen.

In the 20th century in America, the method of colon hydrotherapy was used very intensively and showed good results, despite the devices for performing the manipulations being far from perfect.

Modern devices are capable of performing colon hydrotherapy not only without negative consequences, but with an excellent therapeutic effect.

Many doctors say that colon hydrotherapy not only leads to a healthier body, but is also good for your figure. After this procedure, about two or even more kilograms of waste are removed from the intestines!

As a result of a series of such manipulations, weight is reduced and the stomach is tightened. In addition, metabolism is activated, and the skin becomes healthy, rashes on the body and acne disappear. Hair and nails also become shiny and attractive.

With the normalization of intestinal microflora and the removal of pathogenic microbes, immunity is normalized and the functioning of internal organs is improved. All this inevitably leads to a slowdown in the aging process.

The conclusion of the above should be an understanding of how controversial colon hydrotherapy is. Harm and benefit can equally result from its implementation. Much depends on the circumstances.

Procedure for colon cleansing

How is colon hydrotherapy performed? First of all, it is done in the direction of a proctologist. Before visiting a doctor, you need to do an enema at home, as he examines the intestines with the introduction of an endoscope through the rectum. This examination is mandatory because it reveals the presence of diseases, problems and contraindications for this procedure.

This manipulation is performed in the morning on an empty stomach or 3-5 hours after eating. In the treatment room, disposable gowns and slippers are provided, and the patient is placed on his back on a special couch with a hole for the buttocks, or on a gynecological chair.

After this, a special tip with two tubes is inserted through the anus into the intestines. Through one of them, using a special apparatus, a decoction of herbs or water with enterosorbent is pumped under pressure. Through another tube, the same solution, but together with toxins and fecal stones washed out of the intestines, is discharged into the sewer.

The entire cleansing process lasts 20-40 minutes, during which 20-25 liters of liquid pass through the intestines. Finally, a small amount of medicinal solution is injected, which is not removed. After the procedure, the patient is left alone for 30 minutes in an office where there is a toilet with a toilet and a bidet to wait for the final release of the intestines.

Anyone who decides to undergo colon hydrotherapy also demonstrates a determination to take care of the health of their own body. In order for all efforts not to be in vain, it is necessary to consolidate the results of the procedure, and the first step on this path will be the organization of proper nutrition.

Experts recommend following colon hydrotherapy to adhere to the principles of separate nutrition, as this prevents the development of fermentation processes in the intestines. For the same purpose, it is advised to refuse or at least sharply limit fatty, sweet, heavy foods, as well as foods that cause severe gas formation.

You should listen carefully to your body; it most likely will not want to poison itself with junk food after therapy. As always, doctors recommend fresh vegetables and fruits, yoghurts and juices, and only of natural origin, herbal decoctions without sugar, which can be replaced with honey (just not artificial).

Since the most useful products appear in the warm season, it is better to carry out the colon hydrotherapy procedure in spring or summer.

The results of working to get rid of excess weight also require certain actions to maintain them at the achieved level. In addition to separate nutrition, you need to worry about restoring the balance of intestinal microflora.

And in order for the new microflora to take root well in your body, it is better to exclude alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea, confectionery and yeast products from your diet, and also not to overuse chocolate.

Colon hydrotherapy at home

Colon hydrotherapy can also be done at home. True, this will not be a complete analogue of what can be done in a medical institution, but to a certain extent the goal of cleansing will be achieved.

First of all, 2-3 days before the manipulation you need to start taking activated carbon. Meat, fats, and all foods that produce a large amount of gases are excluded from food. These include: cabbage, legumes, rye bread, alcohol. Only unsweetened juices, white crackers, low-fat kefir, and water-based porridge are allowed.

Having prepared in this way, you can begin the procedure. Prepare 10-11 glasses of saline solution, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. If you drink unsalted water, it will simply be absorbed into the body through the intestinal walls. A salty solution, on the contrary, will begin to draw off liquid. Along with it, all the harmful layers accumulated on the walls of the small and large intestines will also come out. Drinking salt water is usually accompanied by a laxative effect.

First, you need to drink two glasses at once, and then the rest of the solution gradually until the emerging liquid is completely cleared. To achieve greater effect, enemas can be used simultaneously.

Such sessions can be carried out 3-5 times every 1-3 days in the morning. Heavy food is not recommended after cleansing. Porridge, fruits or vegetables are best. Water and juices will also not be superfluous.

However, some claim that colon hydrotherapy at home is a fancy name for an ordinary enema.

Cost of hardware colon cleansing

The cost of hardware colon cleansing varies greatly depending on many factors. First of all, the price is influenced by the quality of the rinsing solution, as well as the sophistication of the apparatus with which the procedure is performed.

It also matters how much disposable nozzles cost. Basic manipulation can be carried out with a herbal medicine, a sorbent, a mineral solution or structured water. These differences alone can double the cost.

A session conducted with domestic pipes will cost 20% less than with German analogues. Paying for one procedure at retail will cost you 20-25% more than buying a whole course. A separate fee is charged for populating the intestines with microflora, however, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without it.

In addition, the price of a procedure performed in the capital will most likely be significantly more expensive than in the provinces. But even in the same city, different clinics have different prices for colon hydrotherapy. In Moscow, for example, its cost ranges from 1000 to 4500 rubles.

Alternative to colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is a cleansing of the intestines, but it is not the only way to improve the health of the body. Of all the possible alternatives, non-mechanical cleaning methods that do not affect microflora deserve the most attention.

So today there is a choice, if only you had the desire to take care of your health!

Colon hydrotherapy is a colon cleansing procedure. If you want to find out what the benefits of this procedure are, whether it can cause harm, how colon hydrotherapy works and what indications and contraindications exist for undergoing this procedure, read this article.

In it you can get acquainted with general information regarding colon cleansing, and also read reviews from people who have already completed these steps and are satisfied with the result.

Colon hydrotherapy - motor cleansing of the intestines - is a fairly effective procedure. It can be carried out in a hospital using a special device or at home, following simple rules.

The intestine is an organ responsible for digestion and excretion; a person’s overall well-being depends on its normal functioning.

In a state of tonic tension, the total length of the human intestine is four meters (with a small error).

Ballast produced by the digestive system and not removed from the body naturally in time, settles on the “corrugated” walls of the intestines and remains on them for a long time, decomposing and poisoning a person with toxins, poisons and other products of its harmful activity.

The result of this problem is poor appearance, terrible health, and a gradual but obvious decrease in activity.

The cause of these troubles is unsystematic eating, eating foods that cause harm to the body rather than benefit.

The weight of stool that can accumulate in the intestinal tract depends on a number of factors. The average maximum, according to doctors, is at least twenty-five kilograms.

People carry this ballast, poisoning their lives, within themselves and do not know that regular bowel cleansing can help them.

Reviews from those who have not experienced colon hydrotherapy before and then completed a course that involves washing this area note that properly performed intestinal cleansing is beneficial to the body, not harmful.

The advantages of this procedure are extensive, but there are also small disadvantages that prohibit certain groups of people from undergoing colon hydrotherapy.

Indications for undergoing a procedure such as colon cleansing:

  • regular constipation;
  • frequent and unfounded diarrhea;
  • large body weight;
  • intestinal toxicosis;
  • problems with the normal functioning of the immune system;
  • frequent respiratory illnesses;
  • causeless dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • disturbances in the tone of the large intestine;
  • various intoxications of the body caused by poisoning with chemical products, alcohol or drugs;
  • sharp, unpleasant odor of sweat;
  • regular gas formation in the stomach;
  • inflammatory diseases affecting female and male genital organs (prostate adenoma
  • or vaginitis, erosion).

Obviously, the indications that allow for bowel cleansing are extensive.

The advantages of colon hydrotherapy are obvious - it helps to get rid of all the above-mentioned pathological manifestations.

Contraindications and preparation

If you want to know the dos and don'ts before colon hydrotherapy, read this section of the article.

The preparation involved in colon hydrotherapy must be done carefully.

The condition of the person planning to attend a bowel cleanse depends on how accurately this preparation is carried out.

For several days before the procedure, you should not eat animal fats. In addition, you should exclude from your diet baked goods made with bran, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, and bread.

You are only allowed to drink tea or coffee. Do not drink alcohol or carbonated drinks. The best food that is ideal for preparing to cleanse the intestines is porridge cooked in water.

Remember - the disadvantages of many fermented milk products are that they contain animal fats.

In addition to cereals, you can eat low-fat fish, chicken or turkey fillets. If you want to eat vegetables, steam them.

Two days before colon hydrotherapy, you should start taking medications that absorb ballast, which is localized in the intestines.

Drugs of this spectrum include activated carbon, etc. Final preparation should be carried out on the day of the procedure: doctors do not recommend eating four hours before colon hydrotherapy.

Contraindications that exclude or make it difficult to cleanse the stomach as part of the colon hydrotherapy procedure:

  • anemia;
  • pathology of the heart or blood vessels;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • abnormalities in kidney and liver health;
  • hernias, hemorrhoids;
  • tumors and neoplasms (cysts, polyps) localized in the intestines;
  • internal bleeding;
  • colitis;
  • recent surgery undergone by the patient.

If the contraindications listed in this list are present in your medical history, then a procedure called colon hydrotherapy is not possible for you.

How is the procedure done?

Many of those who are undergoing hydrocolonotherapy do not know how this procedure is carried out and what preparation for it involves.

A person who arrives at the hospital for a procedure must go into the doctor’s office, lie down on a specially prepared couch and relax as much as possible.

Some doctors ask nurses to gently massage the patient's intestines to make the procedure easier. However, such a massage is not performed in all cases.

Colon hydrotherapy at home is a good opportunity to undergo the procedure without leaving your own home.

As a rule, colon hydrotherapy at home is prescribed to those patients who cannot overexert themselves and visit the clinic on their own.

A hose is inserted into the patient. Water, saturated with salt or herbal infusion, penetrates the patient’s intestines using this hose.

The standard volume of liquid used for washing is twenty liters.

The liquid, saturated with ballast accumulated in the intestines, enters a special container with a sealed structure. In theory, the transparency of this container allows you to control the color of the discharge.

During the entire time during which the hydrocolonoscopy procedure takes place, the attending physician must be with the patient to monitor his well-being.

The main factor over which the doctor must exercise control is the patient’s intra-abdominal pressure readings.

The hydrocolonoscopy procedure allows you to cleanse not only the large intestine, but also the small intestine. In addition, during this operation, a light cleansing of the liver and kidneys occurs.

Colon lavage brings benefits to the body, not harm. However, washing this area causes some discomfort. If during the procedure the patient feels unwell, he must inform the doctor about this without fail.

The average time for a colon cleansing session ranges around half an hour. Complete cleansing of the intestines cannot occur after one procedure.

To get rid of the ballast that has accumulated on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract for years, at least three procedures will be required.

If the case is advanced, the doctor has the right to extend the number of procedures that the patient will have to undergo to ten.

After undergoing colonic lavage, the patient will feel slight discomfort, which will remain with him for several hours.

The doctor performing the rinsing must warn you that after the procedure:

  • mild to severe nausea;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • unpleasant sensations localized in the intestinal area.

To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you need to relax, drink warm water, lie on your back, and put a heating pad on your stomach.

Benefits of the procedure

If the technology of the procedure is followed, colon hydrotherapy (intestinal cleansing) will only bring benefit to the body, but not harm.

The advantages of flushing the gastrointestinal tract are obvious - a course of procedures performed in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations will return the patient to excellent health, increase vitality and relieve unnecessary ballast.

In turn, the disadvantages are small - slight, minor discomfort that accompanies the patient for some time after the procedure, which goes away quite quickly.

Do you want to experience for yourself the benefits of colon hydrotherapy, but do not have the opportunity to attend the procedure in a clinic?

Consult your doctor and find out if you have any contraindications to the procedure. Colon hydrotherapy at home is carried out as follows.

Drink at least two liters of warm salt water and wait for the effect. Salty liquid is laxative, so the result - end-to-end cleansing of the intestines - will not take long to arrive.

You need to carry out home “cleansing” of the body in a course, three to five times, taking a week break between each procedure.

Colon hydrotherapy is a new concept, and therefore people often wonder what it is? Colon hydrotherapy or intestinal lavage is a procedure that allows you to cleanse the intestines of feces accumulated there and completely empty it. This cleaning procedure is performed using a special device - a colon hydrotherapy apparatus. Hardware colon cleansing can be performed in a hospital, clinic, sanatorium, private medical center or clinic.

Indications for use

Irrigation of the intestines with special liquids (mineral water, saline solution, herbs) is carried out only as prescribed by doctors. Self-prescribed colonic lavage may do more harm than good.

Indications for colon hydrotherapy are as follows:

  • long-term chronic constipation;
  • helminthic infestations that affect the large intestine;
  • intestinal disorder caused by medication, alcohol or drug abuse;
  • bloating and increased gas formation;
  • obesity;
  • intestinal (colon) dyskinesia;
  • frequent viral diseases;
  • acne and other skin problems that are caused by intoxication of the body with accumulated feces;
  • BPH;
  • pseudo-erosion;
  • cleansing the intestines of toxins.

It is necessary to rinse the intestines with the help of a device not only according to indications, but also in the absence of contraindications. You can find out about this from a specialist in the center where you want to undergo colon hydrotherapy.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various medications. To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...


Colon hydrotherapy is not allowed for everyone, and therefore contraindications should be carefully studied before rinsing the intestines.

Intestinal irrigation cannot be performed:

  • people with cardiovascular diseases;
  • during pregnancy;
  • people with hypertension;
  • patients with urolithiasis;
  • people with tumors of any part of the intestine, especially the rectum;
  • people with intestinal polyps;
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • people with anemia;
  • people with inflammatory processes in any part of the intestine;
  • in the presence of Helicobacter;
  • during adhesions;
  • people with diverticulitis, fistulas, Crohn's disease and other intestinal diseases.

If there are such contraindications, then colon hydrotherapy in this case harms the entire body more than it helps.

Cleansing will be useful only if the patient has previously consulted a doctor and has been approved or even prescribed colon hydrotherapy for treatment or prevention.


Advantages and disadvantages

Colon cleansing with large volumes of water has recently become very popular. But such a deep and complete cleansing is not suitable for everyone, as it has a number of consequences that may be unacceptable for a person in one case or another.

Weight loss and a feeling of lightness appearFlushing not only cleanses the intestines of harmful substances, but also washes away beneficial bacteria - dysbacteriosis occurs
The belly decreases, the figure becomes slimmerThe intestinal mucosa becomes irritated, and if the body is weak, inflammation may begin.
The rash goes away, especially on the face, a healthy glow appearsIf you are not sure of the complete health of the intestines (absence of tumors, diverticula, polyps), then you can significantly harm the body
Appetite improvesColon hydrotherapy is a big enema, and weak intestines may not be able to withstand the water pressure
Metabolism is restoredIf poorly trained specialists clean the intestines, then damage may occur in the places where the intestines bend due to inaccurate operation of the device
Improves intestinal motilityA very large amount of fluid comes out of the intestines, which can lead to disorders (nausea and vomiting), as well as affect the mental state of an unprepared, impressionable person
The immune system is strengthened, a person is less susceptible to colds
Reduces cholesterol levels
Swelling goes away

To cleanse the intestines, you need to carefully weigh both factors and decide whether colon hydrotherapy is really necessary or you can do without it.


When preparing for the colon lavage procedure, you should keep in mind that you cannot just come to the hospital and do it.

To cleanse the intestines, it is not enough to pour a lot of water into it; you also need to prepare in advance so that everything goes well.

Preparation for colon hydrotherapy consists of:

  1. Three days before the procedure, stop eating heavy foods, flour, sweets and alcohol. The diet in preparation contains mainly water-based cereals, fruits and vegetables.
  2. At home, two days in advance, they begin taking activated carbon or other sorbents to prepare the intestines.
  3. Before doing the procedure, you need to do one cleansing enema to alleviate your condition.
  4. On the morning of the day of colon hydrotherapy, you should not eat anything for four hours, but it is better to do the cleansing on an empty stomach. They drink water only in small sips and not much at all.
  5. In the hospital, you should carefully check that all instruments (handpiece, tube) are disposable and sterile to prevent infection.

Colon hydrotherapy is performed using a special device, and therefore the patient will not have any difficulties associated with going to the toilet.

How the procedure goes:

  1. The patient is asked to undress from the waist down and lie on the couch on his side.
  2. A tip with a connected tube is inserted into the rectum, and a small amount of water or a special solution is supplied.
  3. When there is a desire to empty the intestines, the water supply is stopped and all liquid from the intestines begins to be removed into a special container.
  4. Next, the tip is inserted again, but deeper, to clean most of the large intestine.
  5. The supply of water and the discharge of “waste” is carried out until the entire large intestine is cleansed.


As colon hydrotherapy is carried out, about 20 liters of liquid, the temperature of which will gradually decrease (from warm to cool) to stimulate independent bowel function.

Throughout the procedure, a specialist is located next to the patient who monitors the temperature and pressure of the fluid. Normally, the procedure takes place with slight discomfort, and if pain occurs, you should mention this so that the pressure of the supplied fluid is reduced.

Can I do it myself?

Intestinal lavage at home can be performed only if there are no contraindications. The home procedure requires the same principles of preparation, but has a completely different technique.

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of salt water (prepared at the rate of 1 liter and one tablespoon of salt - as much as needed), bend to the sides and do breathing exercises. Then a glass of water and breathing exercises alternate seven more times. After this, the first bowel movement occurs.

It is important that the water is saltier than saline solution (1%), then it will not be absorbed by the body through the intestinal walls and excreted by the kidneys, but will completely pass through the entire intestinal tract. But since many people feel sick from salt water, it is better to conduct colon hydrotherapy with a specialist.

Where to do it and how much does it cost?

Prices for colon hydrotherapy will vary greatly in many cities. Also, the cost will vary greatly depending on which clinic or hospital you decide to undergo the procedure at. It is cheaper to do hydrocolotherapy in public clinics than in private ones.

Kyiv Clinic "Hippocrates"Ivan Lepse Boulevard, 4300 UAH
Moscow "Hippocratic Oath"Lubyansky proezd, 19
St. Trofimova, 36, bldg. 1
1800 rub.
(8000 rubles for five procedures)
Saint Petersburg "Petroclinic"Furshtatskaya, 472000 rub
Sochi Mishilen Detox & WellnessSt. Bolshoy Akhun, 72750 rub.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the first devices for washing the rectum began to appear. In the USA at that time, people were obsessed with cleansing the body and did it using primitive home methods: for example, using an enema. But an enema allows you to irrigate only the rectum, but what about the rest of the intestines?

Now what it is, colon hydrotherapy is quite well known: “hydro-” means “water”, “-colon-” means an internal examination of the colon, “-therapy” means “treatment of internal diseases”. That is, this is nothing more than a hardware cleansing of the intestines with water. At least 20 liters of solutions are passed through the intestinal system.

After colon hydrotherapy, the functioning of both individual organs and the entire body improves. Immunity increases, fatigue is relieved, and other long-standing diseases disappear: allergic skin rashes, diseases of the digestive system. Weight decreases, lightness appears, overall well-being improves, overall appearance transforms: a person literally becomes younger before our eyes.

You shouldn’t delude yourself about weight loss: its reduction is explained by the fact that feces are removed, of which a lot accumulates over the years. If a person continues to eat as before and does nothing to lose weight, he very quickly returns to his usual weight. But if you skillfully take advantage of your renewed state, you can easily achieve excellent results in losing weight.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparing for colon hydrotherapy involves changing your diet. A special diet should be aimed at reducing the formation of gases and fermentation processes in the intestines. It is necessary to completely exclude animal fat, rich broths, sausage, canned food, spices, bread made from rye flour, fruits and vegetables, legumes, and sweet baked goods. Soda, kvass and any alcoholic beverages are excluded from drinks. At this time you need to eat porridge with water, boiled low-fat meat and fish, dry stale bread. Allowed liquids: green tea, unsweetened juices, low-fat fermented milk. During the diet, take expumizan and activated carbon tablets (the dosage is prescribed by the doctor).

How to perform colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy procedure (video) is quite simple. The principle of operation is as follows: the patient is placed comfortably lying on his back or side. A special tube is inserted into the rectum and connected to a machine. An aqueous solution heated to a certain temperature flows through it. The volume of fluid passing through the intestines is constantly monitored. As water enters the intestine, the person feels the urge to defecate, and then the movement of water immediately stops. Feces enter the apparatus and are thus removed; a bowel cleansing procedure takes place (video), which lasts 45 minutes.

The benefits of such washing are obvious. Due to the fact that the passing water either fills or empties the intestines, an internal massage occurs. Since the temperature regime of intestinal irrigation alternates from warm to cold, the entire intestine is toned and spasmodic phenomena in it are relieved. The doctor should be nearby and monitor the procedure and monitor the general condition of the patient. It should be noted that if the patient is not sufficiently prepared for the procedure, then feces do not always come out through the device, sometimes you have to run to the toilet.

Therefore, before visiting a colon hydrotherapy room, you need to ask how far away the toilet is from it, in order to avoid embarrassment. It is also incorrect to say that during the procedure the patient does not experience absolutely any unpleasant sensations. Any intervention in the rectum always brings unpleasant sensations; everyone experiences them differently.

A person does not always feel well immediately after colonohydroscopy; sometimes it takes time to recover after it. The patient should not think that he will lie down and relax, this is far from the case. First of all, he must understand that, despite some painful reactions, this is still a useful procedure, and for the sake of his own health, sometimes it is useful to be patient.

In various clinics, colon hydrotherapy is carried out both with the addition of mineral water and with anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs. Thanks to such additives, monitored intestinal cleansing, carried out using the amok device, occurs without unpleasant consequences, only enhancing the cleansing effect. At the end of the procedure, a biotic solution is poured into the intestines. This must be done in order to avoid dysbacteriosis, because during the process of colon hydrotherapy, some beneficial microorganisms are washed out and must be restored.

Along with mineral and herbal supplements, colon hydrotherapy with ozone has proven itself well, where ozone saturation is done. Oxygen is added to the prepared washing water. In addition to the disinfecting effect, the therapeutic effect is enhanced: blood circulation and muscle tone are improved. Ozone is added at the beginning or end of the procedure, along with bifidobacteria necessary for healthy microflora.

Colon hydrotherapy is a painless procedure, and the patient can immediately return to their usual work schedule. For the best result, it is advisable to repeat hydrocolonoscopy at least 5-7 times. But even one procedure of colon hydrotherapy gives positive reviews.

Where is colon hydrotherapy performed?

Typically, colon hydrotherapy is performed not only in medical institutions, it can be done at home. At the same time, colon hydrotherapy at home is also quite effective. It is not always possible for a person to get to a medical facility. There is an alternative option - colon hydrotherapy at home. Preparation for the procedure is similar to what is done in the clinic. First, for three days, you need a diet with simultaneous intake of activated carbon (taking into account that 1 tablet is required for every 10 kg of weight). It is better to choose a day off and go through the cleansing without haste.

On the intended day of colon hydrotherapy, begin cleansing by taking ten to eleven glasses of water with added salt: 2 tsp. – for 2 liters of water at a temperature of 40 degrees. The solution should taste like the salty taste of blood. It is better to use sea salt, but you can also use regular table salt. Salt water is almost not absorbed through the intestinal walls and has the necessary laxative effect to remove accumulated waste products. A salt solution is a prerequisite for successful home cleansing.

The entire volume of the resulting saline solution must be drunk in small sips within one and a half to two hours. At this time, the feces should be asked to come out. Until clear liquid comes out, the procedure must be continued, after which you can take a break. The maximum benefit from such intestinal cleansing will be if it is repeated three to five times with breaks of one or two days. The whole process should take place on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.

The average cost of monitored bowel cleansing using the AMOC device is about 1,300 rubles. There are centers where colonoscopy and hydrocolonoscopy are performed in Moscow (Konyushovskaya St., Leningradskoye Shosse, etc.), in St. Petersburg (Mariinskaya St.), Ufa (Aurora St.) and in other large cities. Such services are also appearing in regional centers. The method of colon hydrotherapy began to be closely studied and discussed. He gained both ardent supporters and opponents. Like any medicine, this method has indications and contraindications. Each of the opinions has the right to exist, but colon hydrotherapy cannot be considered a panacea for any intestinal abnormalities.

Colon hydrotherapy indications

Intestinal motility disorders (constipation or, conversely, diarrhea), irritable bowel syndromes, colitis. Such treatment gives good results for inflammatory processes inside the intestine, especially when irrigating the intestines with medicinal herbs.

Weight loss has already been mentioned above; the main condition for consolidating the result is to constantly maintain weight with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

For metabolic disorders (gout, diathesis, acne), the method of colon hydrotherapy also gives good results.

Colon hydrotherapy contraindications

  • Any bleeding from the intestines.
  • Hemorrhoids in acute or chronic form.
  • Cracks or fistulas in the intestines.
  • Oncological neoplasms in the colon or rectum.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Crohn's disease.

In cases of colonic diverticulosis, there are limitations to this procedure.

In addition to gastroentorological and proctological contraindications, there are also general ones: severe forms of heart disease, anemia of unknown origin, cirrhosis of the liver, pregnancy after the sixteenth week, recent operations in the abdominal cavity. In case of hypertension, aortic aneurysm, abdominal wall hernia, hydrocolonoscopy is performed with restrictions, only after consultation with a specialist.

In addition to contraindications, you need to be aware of possible complications. For example, there is a possibility of getting dysbacteriosis, an allergy to herbal supplements, and an exacerbation of existing proctological problems (hemorrhoids, anal fissures). Acute paraproctitis, intestinal perforation, acute water intoxication, infection, and electrolyte disturbances are possible.

To be fair, it should be noted that these consequences are rare and, as a rule, occur due to violations or an unprofessional approach to the procedure. You need to treat the hydrocolonoscopy method without fanaticism: this method cleanses the body, but does not solve all health problems.

Current scientific evidence does not agree that colon therapy is an effective method for treating cancer and other diseases. In some sources you can read that colon therapy procedures can threaten the health and life of the patient. Today, the article will look at this method of colon cleansing.

Colon therapy is

Adherents of colon therapy claim that this method of rectifying the body from vital waste stuck in the lining of the large intestine is the best to date. They claim that the detoxification process strengthens the organs' natural healing abilities. But in reality, intestinal colon therapy is an excellent means of prevention. This is a fairly acceptable way of “hygiene” of the body.

Doctors use enemas that cleanse the body (mostly coffee enemas) to treat some cancers, but this method is highly controversial. Adherents of this method of treating patients claim that it is good to cleanse the large intestine, and that the intestine, cleared of “junk,” can independently find and kill cancer cells. Although some doctors believe that coffee enemas stimulate exclusively the removal of toxic elements from the liver tissue and gall bladder and guarantee 100% “removal” of them from organic tissues, due to which the immune system destroys cancer cells.


Modern science does not substantiate all the benefits that colon therapy can provide to a person. Scientists say that basically all the body's digestive processes (for example, reabsorption of useful substances) occur in the lining of the intestinal tunnels. All those elements that are needed for the productive functioning of the human body, which do not leave the colon, must leave the body along with fecal accumulations.

How does the procedure work?

Before prescribing a colon therapy procedure, a person must be examined by a gastroenterologist, who will be able to see all the indications and contraindications for this method of therapy and, if necessary, prescribe a more thorough check.

The doctor carries out complex lavage and irrigation of the intestines individually for each patient; he selects the necessary herbal decoctions, various absorbents or mineral water. Sometimes, to enhance the effect, the medicine is administered orally.

In the room where colon therapy is performed, each person receives disposable underwear and a special set necessary for colon therapy. The person is placed on his side, his legs are slightly bent, and the nurse or doctor himself inserts a catheter, which is lubricated with Vaseline before use. This device is connected to a device that pumps the injected solution, and the necessary settings for the speed and volume of the medicine are made. One cycle of the process may take a little time - from 15 to 45 minutes. The volume of medicine introduced into the body varies from 20 to 60 liters.

At the end of the main procedure, the doctor must populate the intestinal environment with bifid or lactoid bacteria or some other bacteria. One course is carried out 3-10 times, and the scheme is individual for each. It is recommended to repeat the full cycle no more than 3 times a year.


The average person’s body has a reduced background of immune resistance due to exposure to negative factors of a polluted environment, poor diet and regular mental shocks, so its ability to self-regenerate is significantly muted. Over time, the lining of the intestinal tract accumulates waste and harmful toxic substances that pollute our body, thereby disrupting its functioning, affecting the tissue of the kidneys, liver and respiratory tract.

Colon therapy, reviews of which in the medical community are very positive, can use 40 or more liters of water in one procedure. Thanks to this, the doctor cleanses the large intestine of various mucus, removes feces and hardened fossils that form on the lining of the digestive system. When the intestinal tunnel is freely filled and then emptied, its ability to conduct nutritional masses within itself improves. During the removal of gases and formed stool stones, the shape of the intestine and intestinal mechanisms are almost completely restored.

This event also helps improve blood circulation in the vessels. One cycle of colon therapy can help you lose 5 kg of excess weight. Having cleansed the body of toxins, a person becomes more resistant to colds.

This procedure is performed either by proctologists or hygienists. This is done as follows: through the anus and rectum, a special plastic pipe enters the lining of the large intestine. Through this pipe, the organ is filled with H2O liquid (maximum 40 l). The liquid is pumped by a device or a specialized pump designed for this purpose. For example, we can compare: a simple enema cleanses exclusively the rectum and uses significantly less water (a couple of liters) for this. After filling the colon with liquid, massage the abdomen. This is necessary to stimulate the rectification of the intestinal lining from the accumulation of feces or stones. Then, through another pipe, all excess waste and fluids exit the body. The doctor usually repeats this procedure once or twice. On average, its duration varies from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

Colon therapy is

Colon therapy at home

Colon therapy at home, how to do it? To cleanse the intestines of toxins, feces and excess weight, you only need to carry out a couple of cycles of colon therapy. To achieve the desired result, you need to conduct only 5-7 sessions with a short rest between them of one or two days. Shortly before the start of the cycle of this therapeutic procedure, it is worth drinking absorbents and completely eliminating foods with a high fat content, meat, baked goods and alcoholic products from the diet. Recommended for consumption are cereals boiled in water, dried white bread and freshly squeezed juices or fermented milk drinks with a minimum amount of fat.

It is better to cleanse the intestinal tract in the morning. You need to drink 2000 ml (about 10 glasses) of a weak saline solution (add 1 teaspoon of salt per 1000 ml of clean water). Such a volume of saline solution taken orally at once has an acute diaritic effect. It is recommended to drink 2 glasses in a row, and drink the remaining 8 glasses in parts. To improve the effect, you can stimulate intestinal relaxation with an enema. Continue doing the procedure for 15 minutes (until you feel the initial signs of relaxation). When the bowel movement is over, eat a few fruits or vegetables, or cook porridge. During the day you need to drink water or juice. After intestinal lavage, it is worth taking medications that strengthen the microflora of the tract.