Recommendations for epilepsy: study, employment and life. Recommendations for epilepsy Where is the best place to work for patients with epilepsy?

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Epilepsy and work, three “yes!”

<<Az beech epilepsy part 1 ABC of epilepsy part 2>>

Can epilepsy interfere with your work? - Yes!
Can work worsen the course of epilepsy? - Yes!
Is it possible to work successfully with epilepsy? - Yes!

There are legal restrictions on some professions where patients with epilepsy can cause harm to themselves or others as a result of an attack, professions and activities on which the life and health of the patient and the people around him depend: driver, pilot, surgeon, work at height, near moving mechanisms, water, fire, etc.

Mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) upon entry to work (hereinafter referred to as preliminary examinations) are carried out in order to determine the compliance of the health status of the person entering work with the work assigned to him, as well as for the purpose of early detection and prevention of diseases. Complex and controversial issues are resolved by a clinical expert commission. An approximate list of some absolute and relative medical contraindications for epilepsy for carrying out certain types of professional activities in conditions of increased danger

Approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers -
Government of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1993 No. 377
(as amended May 23, July 21, 2000)

Work at height, steeplejack work and work associated with climbing to heights, as well as work on maintenance of lifting structures
Personnel servicing existing electrical installations with voltages of 127 V and higher and performing operational switching on them, performing adjustment, installation work and high-voltage tests on these electrical installations
Work in state forest protection, felling, rafting, transportation and primary processing of timber
Work in remote areas and underground: work in the oil and gas industry, including on a rotational basis, in the Far North, equivalent areas, all types of underground work; work at hydrometeorological stations, communication structures located in difficult climatic and geographical conditions;
Operators servicing pressure vessels; machinists (stokers), boiler room operators, gas inspection workers
Work related to the use of explosive materials, work in explosion- and fire-hazardous industries
Workers of paramilitary security, special communications services of the collection apparatus, employees of departments and services who are allowed to carry and use firearms
Gas rescue service, voluntary gas rescue squads, paramilitary units and squads for the prevention and elimination of open gas and oil gushers, paramilitary mountain, mountain rescue teams, fire protection, emergency medical services, specialized medical teams of constant readiness
Work on turning, milling and other machines, stamping presses
Work directly related to traffic, including intra-factory traffic
Drivers of cars, motor vehicles and urban electric transport (all categories)
Work directly related to the movement of trains, with access to existing railway tracks,
Employees of food industry enterprises, public catering and trade, dairy farms, dairy kitchens, distribution points, bases and warehouses of food products who have contact with food products during their production, storage and sale,
Medical workers in surgical hospitals, maternity hospitals (departments), children's hospitals (departments), pathology departments for newborns and premature babies;
Employees of educational institutions; workers of children's and adolescent health institutions
Employees of preschool institutions, children's homes, orphanages, boarding schools, boarding schools at schools;
Employees of medical institutions, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, boarding schools, directly related to the organization of nutrition for patients;
Employees of enterprises providing sanitary and hygienic services to the population (bathhouse attendants, shower workers, hairdressers, manicurists, pedicurists, beauticians, support staff of laundries, linen collection points, dry cleaners);
Coaches, swimming instructors, workers of swimming pools and therapeutic baths, dispensing procedures;
Service personnel of hotels, hostels;
Workers of water supply facilities directly related to the preparation of water, and persons servicing water supply networks;
Workers of livestock farms and complexes.
It is important to know that “safe”, absolutely mental (“sedentary”) work has its “pitfalls”. Emotional stress, strong feelings, stress, troubles at work, lack of adequate physical activity inevitably cause neurotic anxiety disorders, depression, fears, frustration and lack of sleep, bad habits - all these are factors provoking an epileptic attack.Successful work and good social adaptation of a patient with epilepsy are quite real, and consist of three components that are inseparable from each other.
1. Medical factor - correct diagnosis and adequate antiepileptic treatment
2. Social and personal motives – the patient’s responsibility for himself and others, compliance – voluntary, responsible actions of the patient according to the doctor’s recommendations (“Adherence to Treatment”)
3. Professional and biological aspects: unmistakable choice of profession, healthy lifestyle, correct daily routine
Many studies have been conducted on the quality of professional activities of patients with epilepsy. It has now been convincingly proven that for professional and social success, patients with epilepsy do not need special support.
Highly qualified patients with epilepsy successfully work in a wide variety of fields and areas of production. In general, the statistically significant frequency of occupational injuries and sickness absence was approximately the same in the control group of “virtually healthy” patients and in the group of patients with epilepsy; no convincing evidence was found of the interdependence of the severity of epileptic disease with the options and nature of professional activity. Also, a clear connection between the diagnosis of epilepsy and the quality and level of professional qualifications has not been proven.

However, in our country, sometimes or even often, in some places, at times, a diagnosis of epilepsy significantly narrows the opportunity to get a good job. To this day, some employers retain a biased attitude towards employees with epilepsy; other things being equal, preference is given to an employee who does not have this diagnosis. In this case, patients with epilepsy, even if it concerns permitted and “recommended” specialties, have to withhold a certain part of information about their health.

Modern concepts of registration and provision of work for patients with epilepsy were determined by the employment commission of the International League Against Epilepsy in 1989.


In most cases, attacks can be completely controlled with adequate therapy.
Neither the diagnosis of epilepsy nor the possibility of seizures is an obstacle to obtaining paid work,
In a small percentage of cases when there are restrictions on the choice of certain types of work activity, the decision is made individually, taking into account the wishes of the patient and the requirements for this type of activity.
All patients with epilepsy should have equal opportunities for health care, rehabilitation and rest, as well as social support to increase employment opportunities and improve social adaptation.
Patients with epilepsy have the same rights as other members of society to search for work, choose a profession and find employment.

The Employment Commission has identified 4 main areas, including health protection, occupational selection, selection for specific work and assistance at work.


(Employment Commission, ILAE, 1989)

Health protection

When hiring a person with epilepsy, the employer must be aware of the basic facts regarding epilepsy to take into account the possible impact of the disease on the quality of work performance.

Seizures have a variety of manifestations and many people have only one attack in their entire life.
A first-time attack can have a negative impact on a person’s self-confidence.
In most cases, attacks are completely controlled by adequate therapy.
Properly prescribed anticonvulsants do not cause any side effects that could affect the quality of work.
Only in some patients may seizures be observed at work or the anticonvulsant therapy administered may affect the quality of work.
In such cases, it is advisable to consult an epileptologist in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment and reduce side effects.
Diseases, absences from work, and accidents are no more common in patients with epilepsy than in healthy people.
Persons with epilepsy should be provided with the same health insurance as all other employees.

Selection of profession

Most activities are acceptable for people with epilepsy.

Selection for a specific job
The decision to select for a particular type of activity is made by the employer, first of all, on the basis of the skill level of the individual, and not on the basis of an existing diagnosis.

Help at work

If a seizure occurs for the first time at work, the employer must ensure that the employee has access to necessary medical care before deciding whether the employee is fit for the job. If there is a risk of seizures occurring at work, the employer must help “rule out epilepsy” for other employees.

If special work restrictions are necessary, these provisions must be clearly formulated and always discussed individually.

(American Academy of Neurology. US Society of Epileptologists, American Epilepsy Foundation, 1994)

1. How is a driver's license issued? How important is the opinion of the attending physician?

The decision to issue a driver's license depends more on the state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) than on the attending physician.
The attending physician is required to correctly fill out the medical documents provided by the Center.
Medical documents required for the issuance of a driver's license must be carefully and clearly completed.
The medical form includes a question about the doctor’s opinion regarding issuing a driver’s license to the patient, as well as a column for the attending physician’s comments, if any.
The decision to issue a driver’s license can be made independently by DTS employees based on the medical documents received.
The procedure for issuing a driver's license is governed by state laws implemented by the DTS and provides provisions to provide adequate protection from liability for persons involved in this procedure.
Criteria for issuing a driver’s license and restrictions for medical reasons” are reflected in the rules and recommendations specially developed by a group of experts in each specific case.
The process for issuing a driver's license should allow for individual decisions on a case-by-case basis.

2. Is a certain attack-free period necessary?

An attack-free interval of 3 months is required from the date of the last attack

3. What factors can influence the duration of this period?

Favorable factors

Seizures that occur as a result of changes in therapy as prescribed by a doctor;
simple partial seizures without impairment of consciousness and/or motor control;
attacks in the form of isolated auras:
attacks that occur only at night;
attacks caused by acute metabolic disorders or intoxications without the likelihood of recurrence;
attacks caused by sleep deprivation;
attacks caused by reversible acute diseases.

Unfavorable factors:

Inadequate medications and doctor visits;
alcohol and/or drug dependence during the last 3 months;
increased frequency of attacks over the past year;
structural brain damage;
incurable functional or metabolic state of the brain;
frequent attacks after an attack-free interval;
transport accidents within the last 5 years.

4. Are driving restrictions necessary? Under what circumstances and what restrictions?

DTS has the right to restrict driving for persons who do not meet the general criteria for a driver’s license.

5. Messages

Doctors should not provide information about their patients to the DTS, but should inform patients of the possible risks, the requirements of the DTS, and give their own recommendations for driving. The patient must inform the DTS about the state of his health and the occurrence of attacks in writing. At. If an attack occurs, you must stop driving for a while, consult a doctor and notify the DTS. If the doctor does not believe that the patient has reported himself to the DTS and there is a threat to public safety, the doctor has the right to do so himself. If patients fail to report to the DTS, the DTS has the right to impose a fine in an amount at its own discretion.

6. Medical examination
Periodic medical examination is not required if the patient sends timely reports of his seizures to the DTS and regularly fills out a special form submitted by the DTS for renewing or renewing a driver's license.

7. Degree of “immunity” for doctors

Doctors must have a certain “immunity” (protection) in the event that they do not send messages about patients to the DTS, since they consider this inappropriate. Doctors must also have “immunity”(protection) in case they send the first or repeated message about a patient to the DTS.

8. Should each state have its own medical advisory committee? What are its functions?

There should be a medical advisory committee or similar structure in every state. This committee approves recommendations and rules regarding driving by persons with various diseases. The committee must meet at least once a year.

9. Should the law implement the function of refusing to obtain a driver's license?

There must be a mechanism for officially refusing to obtain a driver's license.

10. What are the hearing and appeal rules?

Before an official denial of a driver's license, an appeal or a hearing is possible. If there is a real threat to public safety, obtaining a driver's license is refused.

Few people choose their future career while still in school, but any thoughts about the future can be useful. Some schools have classes that specialize in specific areas of study, and identifying a specific area of ​​interest can make your selection easier.

It makes sense to think about a future profession already at school, so professional consultants or psychologists, who are often available in schools and with whom you can discuss your plans, can be useful.

A lot of useful information can be found on the websites or at open days of various universities, which will also allow you to better navigate your preferences. Communication with students can also be a good help (and perhaps an inspiring example) when choosing a profession or at least a field of activity.

As a rule, there are no restrictions for studying at a university; it all depends on the degree of preparedness for studying in a particular field. You should not limit yourself in choosing a field; it is important to try yourself in those areas that seem most interesting and in which personal talents and abilities manifest themselves in the best possible way.

In addition to basic training, you can also realize yourself in some creative activity, such as photography or drawing. After all, often a favorite hobby turns out to be a calling and in the future becomes an equally favorite job.

Patients with well-controlled or infrequent seizures typically have few or no occupational restrictions. However, those whose attacks persist may face some restrictions.

When choosing a field of activity in which you would like to work in the future, patients with epilepsy should consult their doctor for recommendations regarding possible restrictions or exceptions, since each case is strictly individual.

Typically, doctors do not recommend driving a car, working with unprotected machinery, working at heights, near bodies of water, in the army, in the police, in fire departments, in prisons, security, in ambulances, with chemicals, with valuable fragile objects and other potentially dangerous types. activities. At the same time, work related to intellectual work that is not associated with increased danger, provided that you have the appropriate qualifications and level of physical and intellectual development, is not limited in any way.

Consultation with your doctor when choosing a profession, identifying preferences and the most interesting areas will help you make the right choice of your future profession.

Epilepsy is not a reason for refusal by an employer, but it is a factor that employers must take into account when hiring, as it is important to understand how the disease can potentially affect the employee's work and safety.

August 31, 2018, 4:38 AM

Epilepsy and employment: does an employer have the right to fire an employee due to a seizure?

Finding a job is not an easy task for anyone, but for people with epilepsy it is a real challenge.

Dmitry Z. turned 18 in July, and he was faced with the question of finding a job. On the Internet, the young man found a vacancy as a sales consultant in a construction hypermarket in Yekaterinburg. After passing the interview, the young man received the position, but he only managed to work in the new place for only a short time: two weeks later he had an epileptic seizure. Colleagues were scared, and the next day the managers of the hypermarket asked Dmitry to write a letter of resignation of his own free will.

Due to inexperience and ignorance of his rights, the young man quit himself.

Dmitry became an epileptic 8 years ago. His attacks are infrequent and mostly nocturnal. Therefore, this does not particularly bother him in life. However, as it turned out, it is almost impossible to get and hold a job with epilepsy. Before reaching the age of 18, the young man more than once encountered the fact that employers refused him even unofficial employment after learning about his illness.

However, Dmitry does not have a disability. Doctors believe that the disease does not interfere with the young man’s life.

“A person with epilepsy who also has some other intellectual component, mental retardation, for example, can become disabled. It’s just that someone with seizures won’t give you a disability. Moreover, if they are not private, isolated and do not interfere with the quality of life,” said CSTO epileptologist No. 1 Artem Volodkevich.

According to him, people with epilepsy cannot work at heights, on the railroad, or in the kitchen. The positions of driver, hairdresser, miner, geologist and others are also prohibited. However, the work of a programmer, fashion designer, accountant, artist, or operator is quite suitable for epileptics. It should be calm and non-risky, so that in the event of a possible attack, harm will not be caused to people around.

“It is certainly possible to work as a sales consultant in such cases,” says Volodkevich.

From a legal point of view, an employer does not have the right to fire an employee for an epileptic seizure, and the managers of the Yekaterinburg construction hypermarket broke the law by firing Dmitry.

“The employer had no right to fire him. This is forced resignation. These issues are resolved in the courts, this is a violation,” the labor inspectorate told EAN.

According to lawyers, it is quite difficult to prove the fact of coercion. However, if a person still has correspondence or recorded telephone conversations, then coercion is provable.

“A sales consultant is not a position for which you need to undergo a medical examination, there are no special health requirements in this case. The fact that he had a seizure at work is not grounds for dismissal at the employer’s initiative, it is not a disciplinary offense, Dmitry did nothing wrong,” the lawyers say.

According to them, even if an employee hit his head hard during an attack and was injured, the employer would not be held responsible for this, since such an injury is not considered work-related.

“The employer is most likely afraid of material losses. For example, if a young man is injured during a seizure, the employer will then have to pay him sick leave. And a person with epilepsy may break some goods, this again means material losses and problems,” experts say .

This case is far from the first and not the last, and the law in such situations is constantly violated.

Ekhtiram Sh. from Bogdanovich has been suffering from epilepsy for 13 years, now he is 28. The young man was luckier than Dmitry. He had no significant problems with work, but his illness prevented him from getting the education he dreamed of.

“I was just lucky when I got a job. Employers asked what to do if an attack suddenly happened. I told them everything. There were seizures, of course, at work... The only thing I regret is that because of epilepsy I was not accepted into the institute. I entered the theater school, EGTI, because I have been singing all my life, one might say. But I was refused. They said it would be a big workload, but they didn’t need such responsibility,” says Ekhtiram.

Now he performs only in restaurants and small concerts. Although the young man does not have a disability either. Doctors do not have a clear opinion whether people with epilepsy can work on stage.

Thus, patients with rare epileptic seizures, who by law have minor restrictions in choosing a profession, are often left without work due to the arbitrariness of employers. And even if you can sometimes be lucky with employment, the range of professions prohibited for epileptics is artificially narrowed by the heads of organizations. At the same time, patients with epilepsy most often do not receive any social benefits from the state.

Professional perspectives

There are many famous people who suffered from epilepsy, and yet they left a big mark on history, for example, the ancient Roman emperor Caesar, the writers Dostoevsky and Flaubert, the artist Gauguin, the composer Handel and the scientist Helmholtz

Of course, people with epileptic seizures should not drive vehicles, work near unprotected machinery, at heights, near water, fire, or serve in the army or police.

Choice of profession

After finishing school, patients with epilepsy are less likely than healthy people to continue their education

Most often, they subsequently engage in unskilled labor

Perhaps this is due to greater professional restrictions

Lack of adequate mental stress, being in the company of people with low social and intellectual status leads to gradual degradation of personality

Activities related to driving a car, moving machinery, chemicals, incl. explosives, service in the police, fire departments, near water bodies, at heights and underground, protection of important objects

With a shift schedule of work and study during the 2nd and 3rd shifts, in the evenings, proper sleep and regular intake of AEDs are necessary.

Materials used by Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Vice-President of the NP “Association of Epileptologists and Patients” Voronkova K.V.

In the event of a diagnosis of epilepsy, the legal justifications for admission and prohibition in various specialties come into force.

Often, when the disease begins in adulthood, the question of undergoing professional examinations and access to work in the profession arises.

In this case, it is important to be “biased” about the nature of the attacks and the conditions for their occurrence. that is, an accurate diagnosis is important.

A misdiagnosis can lead to job loss and improper treatment.

Patients with epilepsy are prohibited from working with harmful and dangerous production factors. It is prohibited to work near water, fire, moving machinery, or at heights that could cause injury and create life-threatening situations during an attack.

If the diagnosis is correct - the prohibition on the work of each profession is determined by law (legally) - if this profession is listed in Appendix No. 2 of Order 302 n - work in this specialty with a diagnosis of epilepsy is prohibited.

Civil service work is also prohibited. (see extracts from the order below).

Work without the presence of harmful and dangerous production factors is allowed.

For example - lawyer, economist, accountant, manager. architect, programmer, fashion designer, artist, engineer (without the presence of harmful factors).

A professional examination must be performed by a doctor trained in the conduct of professional and periodic medical examinations.

All decisions are made based on Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 N 302n (as amended on December 5, 2014)

"On approval of lists of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions"
(Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2011 N 22111)

According to this order, the presence of epilepsy is general contraindication for permission to perform work with harmful and (or) dangerous factors and work during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out. (Appendix No. 3 - extract from the order, see below).

In cases where it is difficult to determine the professional suitability of an employee due to an existing disease and for the purpose of examining professional suitability, the medical organization sends the employee to an occupational pathology center or a specialized medical organization that has the right to conduct an examination of the connection between the disease and the profession and professional suitability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation.

The list of works for which mandatory preliminary and periodic inspections and professions are carried out is indicated in Appendix No. 2 (see extract from the order below).











List of changing documents

N 296н,

dated 05.12.2014 N 801n)

Extract from Appendix No. 3.


48. Employees (persons entering work) are not allowed to perform work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as work in which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are required in order to protect public health and prevent the occurrence of and spread of diseases, in the presence of the following general medical contraindications:

diseases accompanied by disorders of consciousness: epilepsy and epileptic syndromes of various etiologies, syncopal syndromes of various etiologies, etc.;

Extract from Appendix No. 4





List of changing documents

(as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 15, 2013 N 296n,

dated December 5, 2014 N 801n).

Name of work and professions:

1. Work at height, steeplejack work, as well as work on maintenance of lifting structures, including:

1.1. Work as a crane operator (crane driver)

1.2. Work as an elevator operator (there are no contraindications for hiring ordinary elevator operators).

2. Maintenance and repair work on existing electrical installations with voltages of 42 V and above alternating current, 110 V and above direct current, as well as installation, adjustment work, testing and measurements in these electrical installations.

3. Work on felling, rafting, transportation, primary processing, protection and restoration of forests.

4. Work in special geographic regions with a significant distance between the work sites and medical institutions providing specialized medical care, including:

4.1. Work in the oil and gas industry, carried out in the Far North and similar areas, desert and other remote and insufficiently populated areas, as well as during offshore drilling.

4.2. Work at hydrometeorological stations, communication structures located in polar, high-mountain, desert, taiga and other remote and insufficiently populated areas, in difficult climatic conditions.

4.3. Geological exploration, construction and other work in remote, sparsely populated, hard-to-reach, swampy and mountainous areas (including the rotational expedition method).

4.4. Work performed under employment contracts in the Far North and equivalent areas.

5. Work directly related to the maintenance of pressure vessels.

6. Work directly related to the use of flammable and explosive materials, work in explosion and fire hazardous industries.

7. Work in paramilitary security, special communications services, cash collection apparatus, banking structures, and other departments and services that are allowed to carry weapons and use them.

8. Work performed by the gas rescue service, voluntary gas rescue squads, paramilitary units and detachments for the prevention and elimination of open gas and oil gushers, paramilitary mining and mountain rescue services of ministries and departments, fire protection.

9. Work performed by emergency rescue services to prevent and eliminate emergencies of a natural and man-made nature.

10. Work performed directly on mechanical equipment that has open moving (rotating) structural elements (lathes, milling and other machines, stamping presses, etc.).

11. Work under water performed by workers in a gas environment under normal pressure conditions.

12. Underground work.

13. Work performed using insulating personal protective equipment and filtering gas masks with a full face part.

14. Work in food industry organizations, dairy and distribution points, at bases and warehouses of food products, where there is contact with food products during their production, storage, sale, including work on sanitary processing and repair of inventory, equipment, as well as work where there is contact with food products when transporting them on all types of transport.

15. Work in catering organizations, trade, buffets, catering units, including in transport.

16. Work performed by students of educational organizations of general and vocational education before and during internship in organizations whose employees are subject to medical examinations (examinations).

17. Work of medical personnel of medical institutions, as well as maternity hospitals (departments), children's hospitals (departments), children's clinics, departments of pathology of newborns, premature babies.

18. Work in educational organizations of all types and types, as well as children's organizations that do not carry out educational activities (sports sections, creative, leisure children's organizations, etc.).

19. Work in children's and adolescent seasonal health organizations.

20. Work in preschool educational organizations, children's homes, organizations for orphans and children without parental care (persons in their place), boarding educational organizations, recreational educational organizations, including sanatorium type, children's sanatoriums, year-round camps recreation, as well as social shelters and nursing homes.

21. Work in consumer service organizations (bathhouse attendants, shower workers, hairdressers).

22. Work in swimming pools and spas.

23. Work in hotels, hostels, passenger carriages (conductors), as a flight attendant.

24. Work in medical industry organizations and pharmacy chains related to the production, packaging and sale of medicines.

25. Work on water supply facilities related to water treatment and maintenance of water supply networks.

26. Work related to milk processing and production of dairy products.

27. Control of ground vehicles:

27.12. Tram, trolleybus

27.13. Tractors and other self-propelled machines

27.14. Mini tractors, walk-behind tractors, forklifts, electric cars, traffic controllers, etc.

27.15. Cars of all categories with manual controls for disabled people

27.16. Motorized wheelchairs for disabled people

Question for a psychologist:

I live with my parents, I started having epilepsy at the age of 4, that day they suddenly turned off the lights in the evening, and then they started drilling into the wall, I got scared and a week later I had my first attack, and then after the 4th grade I switched to home schooling, after that I I entered the Mechanical-Technological College, everything was fine there, I only had two or three attacks, in 2012 I graduated as a businessman, worked in the field of my profession (in trade), and there were attacks, but I, the fool myself, drank and smoked, in 2014 I got a job at M.Video, but left there because I had an attack, I was fired under the article (for health reasons) at the beginning of 2015, gave up all bad habits, then went to the psychiatric hospital for treatment for a month, now it’s like a year I don’t have seizures, but I don’t work until today, I registered with the employment center, the employment center sent me to a psychiatric hospital, there were a lot of jobs and professions for whom I could graduate, but the psychiatric hospital didn’t allow anything, and when I asked who could , they said only a janitor, I had a brain explosion, and due to my health condition they only offer a janitor at the employment center. But I have an education, I don’t want to work as a janitor, I’m an adequate and very able-bodied person, I had very good results in M.Video, but they won’t hire me to work anywhere because of my medical record and the fact that I’m registered there. Maybe I can unlearn someone again? Even if so, none of the parents are going to pay, they themselves are in debt and I haven’t been able to find a job for a year and a half. I no longer know what to do and who to turn to. I really need a job, I’m trying to fight what life has thrown at me, but I no longer have the strength, no rights, no army, I can’t get a normal job, there’s a cross in my work book, but I’m not going to file for disability, I’m not For this purpose, I studied for three years so that 4 years after graduating from college, I would become disabled. I want a job, a family, and to get my parents out of debt. Tell me what to do in such a situation? Where can you go to study for free? Or who?

A psychologist answers the question.

Hello Sergey!

Thank you very much for writing, you are not the only one and many people diagnosed with epilepsy feel similar emotions and experiences to you. In truth, the problem is rather in a society that is illiterate and has no experience in collaborating with people who have different diagnoses. It really can be both a test - to fight against the system, and a search for oneself. You wrote that you studied at a technical school to become a businessman, if you liked it, then continue your search in this direction. This can be sales at home, through an online store, copywriting, or you can sell your services. The main thing is to understand what exactly you like most. Attacks usually occur from stressful situations, overexertion, and poor lifestyle. Therefore, a job that suits you should first of all be interesting to you, you should feel comfortable, have time for breaks and rest. This may be a part-time job.

Free training can be obtained at employment centers and also via the Internet. There are a huge number of training videos on the Internet in various specialties. But for this it is important for you to understand what you want and can do. You must clearly understand that the main thing for you is the regime. You cannot be superficial about sleep and nutrition, however, like any person, sooner or later an incorrect lifestyle will come back to haunt you with health problems. It's just that in your case it might happen faster. But he who is forewarned is forearmed. Knowing this and adhering to a clear schedule, you can already minimize complications.

In addition, it would be a good idea to register on forums and exchange experiences with people with a similar diagnosis. After all, the world is small, and you are not alone in this search; you will probably be able to find more friends there, and even mentors who have coped with this illness and are living a full life. In such communities, friends share advice, contacts, and opportunities. Expand your social circle. If there are social services in your city, you can contact them; some have special programs and trainings for people with different diagnoses.

Another important aspect is self-hypnosis. The more you expect and fear attacks, the more often they may occur. I understand that it is difficult to convince yourself and others of your capabilities in a country where everything depends on certificates and papers, but since this happens in your life, it means you need this disease for something. At least for personal growth, as an incentive to overcome yourself and your fears. Learn to set goals for yourself, break them down into stages and take action, don't stop trying. It is difficult for people without epilepsy to find a good job, but those who want it look for opportunities, and those who don’t want it look for reasons. Therefore, use social media. networks, acquaintances, chats and forums in order to communicate your needs and receive useful information. Read, be interested in new trends, get to know yourself. Don’t set the maximum right away, go up gradually. Don't take on too much. If your parents are in debt, then you can help them when you have this opportunity, but you should not constantly be tormented by this. Try a part-time job first. Even hourly, it doesn’t matter, at first it’s important for you to overcome this milestone, that you are working again, and get used to this idea. Let it be as a freelancer, and then your experience will be important, not the diagnosis. Therefore, develop your surroundings, study what you don’t know yet, and gradually everything will change for the better. The faith within you must be unshakable. What you believe in will come to fruition in your life.