Streptocide contraindications. When and why is Streptocide prescribed? Applications and dosages

Using Streptocide powder on wounds is an effective way to speed up healing. The effectiveness of the antiseptic has been tested over years of use. To promote the restoration of damaged tissues, you need to study the features of the medication, advantages, disadvantages, contraindications.

Antimicrobial powder is intended for topical or external use on wounds. It is a dry, snow-white substance with a bitter taste and no odor. This is a chemotherapeutic agent that has a bacteriostatic effect.

Used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases affecting the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

The medicine can be bought at a pharmacy. It is available in the following forms:

  1. Tablets containing 0.3 or 0.5 grams of the active ingredient – ​​sulfonamide. The package contains 10 pills.
  2. Water soluble powder. The instructions say that it is prescribed for internal, subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intravenous use.
  3. Streptocide ointment 5% or 10% with vaseline base. The wound remedy is packaged in jars with a capacity of 15 to 50 grams.
  4. Liniment.
  5. Suspension with a concentration of 5%. The product is enriched with emulsifier, thymol, distilled water.

A common type for use on wounds is crystalline powder.

In what cases can it be used?

The instructions for use of Streptocide powder contain information that the product is intended for external use to treat surfaces. Indications for use of the drug:

  • wounds with purulent discharge - with boils, carbuncles, multiple acne;
  • skin damage characterized by infection and other inflammatory processes;
  • infected burns;
  • erysipelas;
  • trophic ulcers, other types of infected ulcers, including those that tend to weep;
  • festering and long-lasting wounds after surgery;
  • cracks, abrasions, cuts, and other damage to the skin.

Doctors prescribe the use of Streptocide powder if the injury is characterized by a severe inflammatory process caused by pathogenic bacteria. Less often - as a prevention of infection and inflammation.

Rules for application to open wounds in adults

The damage is treated with a small amount of Streptocide powder. Do not apply the product in a thick layer, especially on a fresh wound.

On the eve of use, the skin and damage are cleansed of dirt and secretions. For this purpose, use sterile gauze swabs soaked in antiseptic. It is preferable to use hydrogen peroxide.

After cleaning, you need to let the surface dry slightly. Streptocide is used for wound healing by spraying. The powder should form a light layer. It is necessary to capture areas of the skin adjacent to the damage for a couple of centimeters. After use, you can bandage it.

Dressings need to be done 3 times a day. Each time the skin is cleaned before applying a fresh layer of Streptocide. Therapy continues until the inflammatory process stops and prolongs. Do not overuse the product or exceed the recommended dosage and frequency of application. This will make the problem worse and have the opposite effect.

The dosage of powder for treatment is determined by the doctor based on the age category to which the patient belongs. For adults, the medication is prescribed in the amount of 2 grams for one-time use. The maximum permitted daily dose is 7 grams. Treatment is done 3 to 5 times during the day. The dressing is replaced with a fresh one each time.

When treating skin damage resulting from a burn, the dosage can be doubled. The dressing is changed several times a day.

Streptocide is applied to the surface by dusting, spraying or blowing.

During use, it is unacceptable for the medicinal substance to lie on the burn unevenly, in a thick layer.

How to use for children

The use of Streptocide powder for children is prescribed and supervised by a doctor. The size of a single dose of external medicine for babies under one year of age is 0.1 grams. It is recommended to apply the drug to the wound three times during the day.

For children from one to five years of age, this figure is 0.4 grams, from five years of age to adulthood - 0.5 grams. The powder is applied after treating the damaged area with an antiseptic.

It is not advisable for children to use Streptocide to treat the surface of large wounds. If side effects occur, use is canceled. The child needs to be shown to a doctor.

Side effects and contraindications for use

If the dosage of Streptocide powder for the treatment of wounds prescribed in the instructions for use is followed, adverse reactions rarely occur. Manifestations of allergic reactions are possible, indicating intolerance to sulfonamide. Symptoms:

  • rashes;
  • the appearance of red spots;
  • itching, burning sensation;
  • hives;
  • dermatitis.

Contraindications to the use of powder and other forms of release of Streptocide:

  • allergy to the components of the drug, intolerance to sulfonamide;
  • anemia;
  • heart failure;
  • disorders of hematopoietic function;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • nephrosis, nephritis;
  • porphyria;
  • azotemia;
  • lack of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • gestation, lactation (breastfeeding).

Cases of overdose of wound powder are accompanied by headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn, and pain in the abdominal area. Manifestations of skin cyanosis may be observed. Long-term use of Streptocide in excess doses threatens the appearance of salts in the urine, changes in blood composition, renal function, an increase in hormones produced by the thyroid gland, and thrombocytopenia.

It is known to have a pronounced antimicrobial effect on the body. With its help, you can actively fight gonococci, streptococci, meningococci, pneumococci and other bacteria.

Streptocid tablets: brief instructions for use

This medicine can be used internally or externally (treatment of various purulent wounds). When it comes to treating enterocolitis, pyelitis, you need to use a certain dosage of medication. This is taking one or two tablets, which you need to take five to six times throughout the day. It is very important to ensure that the daily dose does not exceed the amount of medication from three to six milligrams.

In order to correctly approach the treatment of a child whose age ranges from six to twelve years, you need to know the required dosage of streptocide. First of all, you should use no more than one tablet at a time. If we are talking about children whose age does not exceed six years, then only half a tablet should be taken at one time.

It should be noted that this medicine is extremely effective; it allows you to very quickly treat throat diseases. For example, when you have a sore throat or pharyngitis, then throughout the day you will need to slowly dissolve a streptocide tablet, doing this three to four times throughout the day.

Streptocide, however, has a very bitter taste, but there is no need to rush to drink it down. This is explained by the fact that due to the liquid, the concentration of the drug on the surface of the throat mucosa is significantly reduced. Of course, this will reduce the effectiveness of taking the drug itself.

Is it possible to sprinkle streptocide on a wound?

It should also be noted that streptocide is a fairly effective drug when used locally. To do this, the tablet is thoroughly crushed, and the resulting powder should be poured onto the non-healing wound.

Then you will need to put a gauze napkin on top, using a bandage, and fix it properly. This dressing should be changed several times a day. It will take several days, only then the wound will heal completely.

Among other things, streptocide can be used to treat infectious skin diseases, burns, and panaritium.

A tablet of crushed streptocide dissolves in warm boiled water (you can use a simple glass for this). The resulting solution can be used to rinse your mouth in case of stomatitis. In addition, this liquid can be used to gargle when you have a cold. The effectiveness of this remedy in washing wounds is also noted. The solution can be instilled into the nose for a prolonged runny nose.

Streptocide is an antimicrobial drug belonging to the group of chemotherapeutic drugs with a bacteriostatic effect against streptococci, gonococci, meningococci, Escherichia coli, pneumococci and other bacteria.

In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe Streptocide, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Streptocide can be read in the comments.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Suspension 5% containing streptocide 5 g, thymol 0.5 g, distilled water 69.75 g, and emulsifier 20 g;
  • White tablets containing 300 and 500 mg of streptocide, in packs of ten pieces;
  • Streptocidal ointment 5% and 10% on a vaseline basis, in tubes of 25, 30 or 50 g;
  • Liniment 5%, which contains streptocide 5 g, animal fat 3.1 g, lime water 57.9 g, fish oil 34 g, in cans of 25 or 30 g.

What does Streptocide help with?

According to the instructions, Streptocide is indicated for:

  • epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis;
  • sore throat and various coccal infections;
  • chronic and acute gonorrhea;
  • wound infections;
  • colitis;
  • pyelite;
  • colibacillary cystitis.

Treatment with Streptocide is especially effective for infections caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus (puerperal sepsis, erysipelas, streptococcal pneumonia, etc.).

pharmachologic effect

In accordance with the instructions of Streptocide, the drug has a bacteriostatic effect. This drug is active against gram-negative and gram-positive cocci, chlamydia, nocardia, gram-negative rods, as well as protozoa. An alkaline environment promotes the activation of streptocide.

Treatment with Streptocide is not effective in the presence of anaerobes, enterococci, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Instructions for use

The powder is used externally, applied directly to the infected areas, dressings are done once every 1-2 days. Maximum doses:

  • children over 3 years old: once/daily – 0.3 g;
  • adult patients: single dose – 5 g, daily – 15 g.

Streptocid tablets:

  • Orally for adults – 500 mg-1 g 5-6 times a day; children under 1 year – 50-100 mg, from 2 to 5 years – 200-300 mg, from 6 to 12 years – 300-500 mg per dose.

The ointment is used topically and externally to lubricate the affected surface or apply gauze napkins with ointment to the affected areas; dressings are done once every 1-2 days.


Diseases of the hematopoietic system, kidneys, Graves' disease (thyroid disease), hypersensitivity to sulfonamides.

Side effects

After using streptocide, side effects such as severe headache, slight dizziness, gag reflex, nausea and vomiting cannot be ruled out. Some patients experienced a severe allergic reaction, as well as impaired cardiovascular function, manifested in the form of tachycardia.

In case of overdose of the drug, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage with a 2% solution of sodium bicarbonate and activated carbon, as well as other enterosorbents. In case of overdose, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, tachycardia, paresthesia, cholestasis, diarrhea, renal shock, hematuria, cyanosis are possible.


According to the active substance, structural analogues of streptocide are such drugs as: Streptonitol, Osartsid, Sulfanilamide. In addition, the following streptocide preparations are produced: soluble streptocide in the form of a white powder. This analogue of the drug, due to its good dissolution in water, can be used not only internally, but also intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously.

Sunoref ointment, which contains streptocide, eucalyptus oil, sulfadimezin, camphor, ephedrine hydrochloride, norsulfazole. The ointment is used topically to treat acute and chronic rhinitis.

Streptocide can heal wounds and be used for burns. This powder medicine also has a number of other indications for use.

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Streptocide - description of the product

Streptocide is an antimicrobial drug from the sulfonamide group, available in powder form, used for local therapy. It helps relieve the infectious and inflammatory process from the skin and mucous membranes. The active substance of Streptocid is sulfonamide in an amount of 2.0 g. The drug does not contain additional components.

Other forms of release of Streptocide are ointment and liniment.

The powder is available in weights of 2 and 5 g, packaged in heat-sealable bags. In appearance it is a white mass containing crystals. Manufacturers of the drug are Lekar, Pharmstandard, Ozon, Meligen and some others. The medicine costs about 30 rubles for one powder.

How does Streptocide work? It provides a bacteriostatic effect due to competitive antagonism with the most important proteins and enzymes of bacteria. The substance inhibits purines and pyrimidines, which are required for the synthesis of RNA and DNA of microbial cells. This interferes with reproduction, so the process of microbial division stops.

Sulfanilamide destroys pathogenic microbes that lead to the development of the inflammatory process. The active substance acts on the following bacteria:

  • coccal flora - gram-negative, gram-positive;
  • coli;
  • shigella;
  • clostridia;
  • corynebacter;
  • Yersenia;

    The product also affects the reproduction of some protozoa, including toxoplasma. When used externally, the powder helps to heal wounds faster and accelerates the epithelization of erosions. All these properties determine the widespread use of the product.

    The drug can be used to treat many external pathologies caused by bacteria. The drug cannot be taken orally. Previously, Streptocid was produced in the form of tablets for oral administration, but now they have been replaced by more effective and safe drugs.

    The medicine can be used for acute and chronic tonsillitis.

    For sore throat, topical application or gargling will help relieve sore throat. In severe cases of the disease, Streptocide is indicated in complex therapy; in cases of moderate and mild cases, it is used in monotherapy. The drug Streptocide in powder helps against various skin pathologies:

    • boils and carbuncles, including multiple ones;
    • pimples, acne on the face;

      The medicine can be diluted and instilled into the nose for a runny nose with purulent discharge, which is accompanied by a pronounced microbial process. Before starting treatment, it is important to consider contraindications. For children over 3 years of age, the drug is even prescribed topically with caution; it is preferable to use it in adulthood.

      During pregnancy and lactation, treatment with Streptocide is prohibited. Also among the contraindications are kidney and liver failure, blood and bone marrow diseases, severe heart failure. Another contraindication is a lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. It is also prohibited to use the product for porphyria and thyrotoxicosis.

      Typically, adherence to dosages - how much and how often to use the drug - helps prevent systemic side effects. But allergic reactions are possible; they often occur to sulfonamide. Among them are:

      • rash on the body;
      • redness, red spots;
      • hives;
      • burning of the skin;
      • phenomena of dermatitis.

        Systemic absorption is possible in case of overdose, exceeding the dosage regimen or therapeutic course. In this case, headaches and dizziness may develop, the person may turn pale, feel nauseous and may vomit. Dyspepsia is also common and includes belching, heartburn, abdominal pain, and bloating. Other side effects:

        • skin cyanosis;
        • excessive pallor;
        • the appearance of salts in the urine;
        • violation of the composition of granulocytes in the blood;
        • changes in kidney function;
        • increase in thyroid hormones;
        • thrombocytopenia;

          If these effects occur, powder treatment should be stopped immediately. Next, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo symptomatic therapy, if necessary.

          The powder can be used in different ways depending on the indication and area of ​​application. If there are wounds or burns with secondary infection, sprinkle the product directly onto the affected area. If the wound is deep, you can pour Streptocide into the wound. Contact with fingers is not allowed, and the medicine is scattered directly from the bag.

          Dressings with Streptocide are carried out regularly once every 1-2 days, for purulent wounds - up to 3 times a day, for weeping wounds - up to 5 times.

          For an adult, the maximum dosage is 15 g/day, 5 g are consumed at a time. For children, the maximum and single dose is the same, no more than 300 mg. Wounds are treated until they heal. For bacterial rhinitis, the treatment order is as follows:

          • pour a little powder onto a clean surface;
          • using your finger, carefully distribute the product inside the nasal passages;

            Also, in the treatment of rhinitis, a combination of Streptocide, Sulfathiozolon and Ephedrine is often used, which are mixed in equal parts and used to draw into the nasal passages. The norm of treatment is three times a day for 5 days.

            To treat ulcers, acne, pyoderma, they make a so-called mash with powder. Mix 50 ml of salicylic acid 2%, 7 g of Streptocide, 7 g of sulfur, 50 ml of boric alcohol. The composition is stored in the refrigerator and applied to the skin three times a day. The course is no more than 14 days.

            Analogues of Streptocide

            Among the analogues, it is worth mentioning a number of local preparations that also have an antimicrobial effect and are sold in the form of powders, solutions, and ointments:

            In therapy, it is necessary to take into account that some drugs increase the hematotoxicity of sulfonamide. These are all myelotoxic drugs, as well as Digitoxin, Isoprenaline. Streptocide reduces the effectiveness of anesthetics, especially Novocaine. During the entire treatment period, more alkaline mineral waters should be taken orally.

            Streptocide (sulfonamide) is an antibacterial drug, the first representative of the sulfonamide series of drugs.

            The drug is active against streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci and other bacteria. With the accidental discovery of penicillin in 1929, the era of antibiotics began in medicine. Streptocide was one of the first to be discovered.

            Used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by bacteria sensitive to the drug. Side effects of Streptocide include dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), disorders of the hematopoietic system, and dermatological allergic reactions.

            Broad-spectrum antibacterial agent.

            Can be bought without a doctor's prescription.

            How much does Streptocide cost in pharmacies? The average price is 65 rubles.

            You can find ointment and powder in pharmacies. Such varieties of the drug as Streptocide white and Streptocide soluble liniment are also known. Streptocide tablets have not been produced or sold in Russia since 2008.

            The active substance is sulfonamide. Streptocid ointment also contains soft white paraffin as an additional component. The powder contains 0.5 mg of sulfonamide.

            The substance has an antimicrobial effect and is active against gram-positive and negative cocci. Applying the powder to damaged skin accelerates wound healing and helps erosions epithelialize faster. The mechanism of action is based on the connection of compounds with para-aminobenzoic acid, which is necessary for the life of bacteria.

            Due to their similarity to this acid, sulfonamides penetrate into the protoplasm of bacteria, replace the substrate, and block the enzyme system. A disruption of metabolic processes occurs, microbes stop growing and multiplying due to the lack of folic acid. Sulfanilamide is active and quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It reaches its maximum concentration after a couple of hours, being found in the blood.

            Four hours after administration, Streptocide is detected in cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, gastric juice, bile, and urine. Part of the molecule, under the action of enzymes, becomes acetoform, which reduces the antimicrobial activity of the product. This form is found in 10-20% concentration in the blood, in urine - up to 50%. Within eight hours, 50% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys.

            The drug is used in the treatment of the following infectious and inflammatory diseases that are caused by microorganisms sensitive to the action of the drug:

            • impetigo;
            • carbuncles;
            • erysipelas;
            • pyelitis;
            • cystitis;
            • tonsillitis;
            • enterocolitis;
            • boils;
            • infectious diseases of the mucous membranes and skin.

            This remedy is also used in complex therapy of infected burns (I–II stage), purulent wounds and other purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin.

            Streptocide tablets are prescribed for infectious diseases of the skin, ENT organs, respiratory and urinary tract, and wound infections.

            Severe renal failure, blood diseases, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, nephrosis, nephritis, acute porphyria, thyrotoxicosis, I and II trimesters of pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to sulfonamides.

            Contraindications to the drug indicate that Streptocide should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. The active substance of the drug quickly passes through the placental barrier and is found in the fetal blood. In addition, it can cause toxic effects.

            When breastfeeding, the drug can cause kernicterus in infants.

            As indicated in the instructions for use, Streptocide powder can be applied externally to the damaged surface of the skin or blown into deep wounds. Also mixed with Sulfathiazole, Benzylpenicillin and Ephedrine, Streptocide is used for nasal respiration in case of acute runny nose.

            If the wound is deep, then Streptocide powder is blown directly into it. In this case, for one injection, take 5–15 g of powder, depending on the size of the wound. After the powder is injected, the wound is usually covered with a bandage. The powder is injected 1-4 times a day, depending on the intensity of discharge from the wound, following the rule: the more the wound gets wet, the more often the powder needs to be injected into it. The powder is applied to the wounds until they begin to heal or until the release of pus or inflammatory fluid from the wound surface stops.

            One of the effective remedies in the fight against acne is Streptocide. It is a good antiseptic and destroys pathogenic microflora. Streptocide ointment is most often used to treat skin rashes. The drug in powder form is more suitable for making lotions and masks. Before using the ointment, you need to wash your face and wipe it with calendula tincture.

            Then apply ointment to each pimple (do this twice a day for 2 weeks). You can also use tablets: crush 20 pieces into powder and mix with aloe juice to the consistency of sour cream, add a couple of drops of iodine. Apply this mixture to pimples at night and wash off in the morning with plain water. If the use of Streptocide does not help, then you should consult a doctor so that he can identify the cause of acne (this could be a hormonal surge, clogged pores, or disruption of the gastrointestinal tract).

            When using the product, allergic reactions are possible, in addition, the following side effects are observed: headache, paresthesia, nausea, dyspepsia, agranulocytosis, cyanosis, dizziness, tachycardia, vomiting, leukopenia, crystalluria.

            Tablets can also cause diarrhea, and in rare cases, nephrotoxic reactions, thrombocytopenia, hypoprothrombinemia, eosinophilia, visual impairment, peripheral neuritis, hypothyroidism, ataxia.

            Symptoms of overdose are as follows: headache, vomiting, nausea, cyanosis, dizziness.

            In case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is necessary.

            When treating patients with pathologies of kidney function, Streptocide is used with caution. The volume of fluid consumed during the treatment period should be increased.

            When treating with a drug or an analogue of Streptocide, it is necessary to take into account that novocaine and other drugs with a similar chemical structure containing a para-aminobenzoic acid residue may exhibit an antisulfonamide effect.

            We invite you to read the reviews of people who have used the drug Streptocide:

            1. Victoria. Streptocide is always in my first aid kit. I have two children, they often have abrasions and wounds after playing outside. Streptocide should be sprinkled on the wounds to prevent them from festering. You can also dilute streptocide with water and wipe the walls with mold, it removes it perfectly.
            2. Andrey. This is a proven remedy. I often go hiking and love to take this powder with me. It heals open wounds well and disinfects them, which is very important when there is nothing else at hand. But the problem is that finding this drug is not so easy. You run around half the city before you buy. This has become a rarity, I’m surprised because it’s an excellent remedy
            3. Lera. I remember when I was a child, my mother first treated our knees with hydrogen peroxide, then sprinkled streptocide powder. The wounds healed faster and did not leave terrible scars. They say it is still sold in powder form. I remember it was in dark bottles before, but now they say it’s in bags. By the way, it did not pinch when it came into contact with a wound, which is very important for children. So I still recommend it to everyone).

            Based on their structure, active substance and pharmacological action, the following analogues of Streptocide are distinguished - sulfonamide drugs:

            • Streptonitol;
            • Osarcid;
            • Sulfanilamide;
            • Streptocide soluble;
            • Sunorfe ointment (in addition to sulfanilamide, contains eucalyptus oil, camphor, ephedrine hydrochloride, sulfadimezin, norsulfazole - treats acute and chronic rhinitis).

            Before purchasing an analogue, consult your doctor.

            Store out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. The shelf life of liniment is 4 years, powder for external use, ointments and tablets is 5 years.

            is an antimicrobial drug of the group


            for external and local use. Streptocide is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, such as sore throat, infected wounds, burns,


            impetigo town

            Strictly following the letter of the rules, one must assume that the products listed above with different names are varieties of Streptocide. However, the above different names belong to the same drug - Streptocid. Different names for the same medicine are due to the fact that some pharmaceutical factories produce medicines under historical names. In fact, all Streptocides, regardless of the name, contain the same active substance and are available in the same dosage forms, so there is no difference between them, except for the names. Considering this state of affairs, in the further text of the article we will use one name “Streptocide” for all drugs produced under different historical names.

            Streptocide is currently available in Russia in the following dosage forms:

            • Ointment 10%
            • Liniment 5% for external and local use;
            • Powder for external use.

            Powder and ointment are produced under the name “Streptocid”, under the name “Streptocide ointment”, respectively, ointment, and under the name “Streptocide soluble” - liniment.

            In tablet form In Russia and Belarus, Streptocide is not currently available, although such a dosage form existed in the past. However, in Ukraine, Streptocide is still available in tablets for oral administration. Also does not currently exist in Russia and Belarus, but was produced in the past "Streptocide soluble" in powder form for the preparation of solutions for intravenous administration. Streptocide in tablets and in the form of intravenous injections was used to treat sore throat, erysipelas, cystitis, pyelitis, enterocolitis, wound infection and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Streptocide for oral and intravenous administration was no longer produced and used because more effective drugs appeared (antibiotics and other newer and more effective drugs of the sulfonamide group). Accordingly, currently in Russia and Belarus Streptocid is produced and used only in forms for external and local use, and in Ukraine the drug continues to be used in dosage forms for external use and for oral administration.

            Considering the fact that oral forms of Streptocide are outdated, and in Ukraine they are produced mostly by inertia, we will consider various aspects of using only ointment, liniment and powder for external use. We will not give various aspects of the use of Streptocide tablets, since this is impractical. After all, Streptocide tablets are too outdated, since to achieve the desired therapeutic effect they must be taken in very high doses, which leads to a high risk of side effects. Currently, other drugs of the sulfonamide group are being produced, which, compared to Streptocide, are much more effective and with fewer side effects (for example, Biseptol, Sulfamethoxazole, Sulfadimethoxine, etc.).

            All currently existing dosage forms of Streptocide contain as an active substance sulfonamide. Moreover, the ointment and powder contain regular sulfanilamide, and liniment contains a soluble form of sulfanilamide, which is also called mesulfamide.

            Powder for external use contains only the active substance itself - sulfanilamide, and does not contain auxiliary components, unlike ointment and liniment. The ointment contains sulfonamide in the amount of 10 g per 100 g of the finished product, and liniment - 5 g per 100 g of the finished product. Accordingly, Streptocid ointment has a 10% concentration, and liniment - 5%. Streptocid ointment contains medical petroleum jelly as auxiliary components, and liniment - glycerin, purified water and an emulsifier (Lanette SX, Neowax SX).

            Streptocid powder is available in heat-sealed bags of 2 g or 5 g, and is a white powdery mass. Ointment 10% is available in aluminum tubes or dark glass jars of 25 g or 50 g, and is a homogeneous thick mass of white or light yellow color. Liniment 5% is produced in aluminum tubes or dark glass jars with a volume of 30 g, and is a homogeneous, thin mass of white or white with a creamy tint.

            Rp.: Streptocidi 10% unguentum

            In the recipe after the abbreviation “Rp.” followed by the name of the drug in Latin “Streptocidi”, then its dosage form and concentration are indicated (also in Latin): “10% unguentum”. In the second line after the abbreviation “S.” indicates how to use the prescribed remedy. The second line of the prescription is an instruction to the patient.

            Recipe for Streptocide liniment is written as follows:

            Rp.: Streptocidi 5% linimentum

            S. Lubricate wounds 3 – 4 times a day.

            In the first line of the prescription, the name of the drug (Streptocidi), its dosage form (linimentum) and concentration (5%) are indicated in Latin. The second line instructs the patient how to use the medicine prescribed by the doctor.

            Recipe for Streptocide powder is written as follows:

            Rp.: Streptocidi pulvis 5 g

            S. Powder the wounds 3 – 4 times a day.

            In the first line of the prescription, the doctor indicates in Latin the name and dosage form of the drug (Streptocidi pulvis - Streptocide powder), and in the second line - a brief instruction for the patient on how to use the drug.

            Streptocide has a detrimental effect on gram-positive and gram-negative cocci (bacteria that have a spherical shape), such as streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, meningococci, gonococci, enterococci, etc. In addition, Streptocid is destructive against the following microorganisms:

            • Escherichia coli;
            • Shigella spp.;
            • Vibrio cholerae;
            • Clostridium perfringens;
            • Bacillus anthracis;
            • Corynebacterium diphtheriae;
            • Yersinia pestis;
            • Chlamydia spp.;
            • Actinomyces israelii;
            • Toxoplasma gondii.

            Accordingly, all dosage forms of Streptocide can be used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth and nose caused by any of the above microbes.

            Since the drug has an antimicrobial effect, it indirectly also has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the death of microbes that provoked the infectious-inflammatory process.

            In addition to anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, Streptocide promotes faster healing of wounds on the skin.

            So, Streptocide powder, Streptocide ointment and Streptocide (soluble) liniment are indicated for use as part of complex therapy for the treatment of the following diseases:

            • Tonsillitis;
            • Infected wounds of the skin (festering wounds);
            • Burns of I-II degrees;
            • Skin ulcers of various origins (including trophic);
            • Erysipelas;
            • Skin cracks;
            • Purulent-inflammatory skin diseases, such as folliculitis, boils, carbuncles, acne vulgaris, impetigo, pyoderma, etc.

            The powder is applied to the damaged surface of the skin using the powdering method, that is, first a little powder is poured onto gauze, after which the surface of the wound is “powdered” with this gauze. You can also gently pour the powder directly from the bag onto the surface of the wound. But you should try to evenly distribute the powder over the surface of the wound. After applying the powder to the damaged surface, you can cover it on top with a gauze cloth, bandage it, or leave it uncovered. For a single application to the wound, take 2–5 g of powder, depending on the size of the damage.

            The powder can be applied to the wound surface 3 to 4 times a day. In this case, the frequency of application of the powder is determined by the course of the infectious-inflammatory process. For example, if the wound is wet, with copious discharge, then its surface is sprinkled with powder often, up to 4 times a day. If the wound is dry, then it can be treated with Streptocide powder only 1 - 2 times a day. In such a situation, it is recommended to apply Streptocide powder once a day if the wound is then covered with a bandage, and 2 times a day if the wound is left open.

            If the wound is deep, then Streptocide powder is blown directly into it. In this case, for one injection, take 5–15 g of powder, depending on the size of the wound. After the powder is injected, the wound is usually covered with a bandage. The powder is injected 1-4 times a day, depending on the intensity of discharge from the wound, following the rule: the more the wound gets wet, the more often the powder needs to be injected into it.

            The powder is applied to the wounds until they begin to heal or until the release of pus or inflammatory fluid from the wound surface stops.

            For acute rhinitis, Streptocide powder is mixed with Sulfathiazole, Benzylpenicillin and Ephedrine, and inhaled through the nose. This powdered mixture can be used for several days (5 – 7) to treat a runny nose. In this case, the mixture is sucked into the nose several times a day, carrying out this procedure when copious nasal discharge reappears.

            The wound treated with ointment or liniment is covered with a gauze bandage, which is changed once every 1 to 2 days. The ointment or liniment is used until the wound stops releasing pus or inflammatory fluid and it begins to heal.

            Ointment or liniment is applied to the mucous membranes 2–3 times a day at regular intervals until the wound heals or until the severity of the inflammatory process decreases.

            For large wound surfaces, it is necessary to take into account that the maximum daily dosage of drugs for treating injuries is 6 g of sulfonamide (for adults). This amount of sulfonamide (6 g) corresponds to 120 g of liniment or 60 g of Streptocide ointment. The maximum daily dosage of Streptocide preparations for external and local use for children 5–12 years old is 3 g of sulfanilamide (which corresponds to 60 g of liniment or 30 g of ointment), for children 1–5 years old – 1.8 g of sulfanilamide (which corresponds to 36 g of liniment or 18 g of ointment), and for children under 1 year of age - 0.6 g of sulfonamide (which corresponds to 12 g of liniment or 6 g of ointment). This daily dosage limitation means that within 24 hours, no more than 120 g of liniment or 60 g of ointment can be used for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age, no more than 60 g of liniment or 30 g of ointment for children 5 – 12 years, no more than 36 g of liniment or 18 g of ointment for children 1–5 years old and no more than 12 g of liniment or 6 g of ointment for children under one year old. The limitation of the daily dosage for treating large wound surfaces is due to the fact that the active substance from damaged skin and mucous membranes is easily absorbed into the bloodstream, and can have a systemic effect and provoke the development of severe systemic side effects.

            On average, the course of using Streptocide ointment or liniment is 10 – 14 days However, if necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor, you can extend the use of the drug. Without a doctor's recommendation, you should not use liniment or ointment for more than two weeks in a row.

            If allergic reactions develop, you should immediately stop using Streptocide.

            During the entire period of using Streptocid ointment, powder or liniment, you must drink large amounts of alkaline liquids (for example, alkaline mineral waters, such as Borjomi, Essentuki 4, Slavyanovskaya, etc.).

            If ointment, liniment or powder accidentally gets inside (for example, by accidental ingestion), you should rinse your stomach as quickly as possible, then drink plenty of alkaline liquids for 24 hours (for example, mineral water Borjomi, Essentuki 4, Smirnovskaya, Nabeglavi, Luzhanskaya, etc. .d.).

            With long-term use of Streptocide ointment, powder or liniment, it is necessary to regularly take a general blood test, as well as monitor the condition of the liver and kidneys.

            Overdose is manifested by the following symptoms:

            • Headache;
            • Nausea;
            • Vomit;
            • Symptoms of dyspepsia (heartburn, belching, flatulence, etc.);
            • Intestinal colic;
            • Dizziness;
            • Drowsiness;
            • Depression;
            • Fainting;
            • Confusion;
            • Visual impairment;
            • Fever;
            • Hematuria (blood in urine);
            • Leukopenia (decrease in the total number of leukocytes in the blood);
            • Agranulocytosis (disappearance of neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils from the blood);
            • Thrombocytopenia (decrease in the total number of platelets in the blood) - observed only with prolonged overdose;
            • Megaloblastic anemia - observed only with prolonged overdose;
            • Jaundice – observed only with prolonged overdose.

            To treat an overdose, it is necessary to discontinue the use of Streptocide and drink plenty of alkaline drinks for several days.

            (for example, Borjomi, Essentuki 4, Smirnovskaya, Nabeglavi, Luzhanskaya, etc.). You need to drink alkaline mineral water until all the symptoms of overdose go away.

            Interaction with other drugs Ointment, liniment and powder Streptocide, when used to treat large wound surfaces or when used for a long time, when absorption of sulfanilamide into the systemic circulation is possible, can enhance the toxic side effects on the blood system of any other drugs that have hematotoxicity.

            In addition, if Novocain and Streptocide are used one after another, this reduces the effectiveness of the latter. Therefore, if it is necessary to use Novocaine and Streptocide simultaneously, an interval of at least half an hour should be maintained between their use. Ointment, liniment and Streptocid powder do not interact with other means for external use with significant effects.

            While using Streptocid ointment, liniment or powder, it is recommended to avoid using the following medications:

            • Digitoxin;
            • Isoprenaline;
            • Caffeine;
            • Phenylephrine;
            • Phenobarbital;
            • Adrenalin;
            • Hydrochloric acid.

            The safest for use in children is Streptocide liniment. And ointment and powder, compared to liniment, are more dangerous because they contain a larger amount of active substance. Liniment can be used safely for children from the age of three months, and ointment and powder - from the age of three. For children from birth to three months, liniment can also be used, but with caution, in minimal dosages and only under the supervision of a doctor. Accordingly, ointment and powder can also be used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose in children under 3 years of age, but with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

            When used in children, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the maximum permissible dosages and timing of use to avoid overdose.

            It is not advisable to use ointment, liniment and Streptocid powder to treat large surfaces in children, so that the active substance is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not cause systemic side effects.

            If systemic side effects occur, it is necessary to stop using Streptocide in children.

            Ointment, powder and liniment are used in children in the same way as in adults.

            To prepare the mash, mix 50 ml of a 2% solution of salicylic acid, 50 ml of boric acid, 7 g of Streptocide powder and 7 g of precipitated sulfur. All components are thoroughly mixed, and the finished composition is stored in a dark glass jar.

            The mash is applied to the affected areas of the skin once a day in the evening, before going to bed, after cleansing the skin. 5 minutes after applying the mash, you can lubricate your face with moisturizer.

            Boltushka with Streptocide can be used both for the treatment and prevention of acne, blackheads and pustular rashes on the skin. However, you should not use the mash for a long period of time without breaks. It is recommended to use one portion of the prepared mash, then take a break for a month, after which you can again carry out a course of therapy with a self-made product.

            Streptocide and Salicylic Acid Streptocide and salicylic acid in the form of a mixture are used for the treatment and prevention of acne, blackheads and pustular lesions of the skin. Streptocide destroys pathogenic microbes that cause infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin, and salicylic acid reduces sebum production and promotes wound healing. Accordingly, a mixture of Streptocide with salicylic acid is an effective remedy for the treatment of acne and acne.

            To prepare the composition, add 5 g of Streptocide powder to 50 ml of 2% salicylic acid, mix thoroughly and place for storage in a dark glass jar. This composition should be applied to previously cleansed skin in the evening, before bed, once a day.

            A solution of Streptocide in salicylic acid should be used in courses lasting up to one month. After completing the course of therapy, you need to take a break (at least a month), after which you can use the solution again.

            To prepare the mash, you need to mix 30 ml of salicylic acid, 2 g of Streptocide powder and 4 Levomycetin tablets crushed into powder. The finished composition is placed in a dark glass jar and stored for no longer than 1 - 2 months.

            The mash is applied to the affected areas of the skin once a day in the evening, before bed, after preliminary cleansing of the skin.

            Streptocide for the throat (for sore throat) Currently, Streptocide powder is used to treat pain and inflammatory processes in the throat (for example, pharyngitis, ulcers, etc.) and sore throat. In the past, Streptocide tablets for oral administration were also used to treat angina, but currently they are not used because there are more effective and safe drugs, including those from the group of sulfonamide drugs, such as Biseptol, Sulfadimethoxine, etc.

            Streptocide powder can be used to treat a sore throat in three ways - sprinkled on the tonsils, dissolved in the mouth or gargled. To sprinkle, take a small amount of powder and apply it to the tonsils (this is convenient to do with a regular cotton swab), after which you should try not to swallow saliva, eat or drink for 10 minutes, so that the drug remains on the mucous membranes. After 10 minutes, spit out the powder and gargle with any disinfectant solution, for example, chlorhexidine, furatsilin, etc. This treatment of the throat (sprinkling with Streptocide powder + gargling with a disinfectant solution) is carried out every 2 hours.

            For absorption in the mouth, you can use pure Streptocide powder or mixed with honey. Pure powder is poured into a teaspoon (about 1/4 - 1/2 spoon), then licked off and held in the mouth until completely dissolved. Unfortunately, resorption of pure Streptocide powder brings unpleasant sensations, since the medicine is bitter. Therefore, to eliminate the unpleasant bitter taste, Streptocide powder is often mixed with honey. The resulting mixture is absorbed in the oral cavity as long as possible. After complete absorption of the pure powder or mixed with honey, it is necessary to refrain from eating and drinking for 20 to 30 minutes so that the medicine remains on the mucous membranes longer. To treat a sore throat, it is necessary to dissolve a mixture of honey with Streptocide or pure powder 2 to 3 times a day.

            In addition, you can dissolve Streptocide powder in warm water and gargle with the resulting solution. To prepare a rinse solution, take 2 g of powder per glass of warm water. Rinse every 2 hours.

            More about sore throat

            Streptocide ointment or liniment for the treatment of pimples and blackheads is recommended to be simply applied to the skin as a cream 1 – 2 times a day after cleansing the skin. The ointment or liniment is left on the skin overnight or for several hours if the drug was applied during the daytime. If there are few pimples or blackheads, then these products can be applied pointwise, directly to the rash.

            And immediately after washing, you simply dust your skin with the powder. To do this, after washing, the skin is allowed to dry so that it becomes not wet, but slightly damp, after which Streptocide powder is taken onto the fingertips and gently distributed over the entire problem area of ​​the skin with patting movements. Dust with Streptocide powder once a day in the evening, before bedtime. The applied powder is left overnight and washed off in the morning.

            Streptocide quickly eliminates redness, reduces swelling and stops the inflammatory process. Thanks to this action, existing pimples and blackheads on the skin are resolved within a short period of time, and new rashes do not appear.

            The drug is used in courses lasting 2–4 weeks, after which they take a break for a month and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment. Streptocide can also be used occasionally, when skin rashes have already been mostly cured, but sometimes isolated pimples or blackheads appear. In such cases, ointment, powder or liniment is used for several days to quickly eliminate the rash that appears.

            In addition, Streptocide for the treatment of acne and acne can be used not in its pure form, but in the form of a mash prepared on the basis of salicylic acid. The recipe for preparation and rules for using such talkers are given in the relevant sections. However, the effectiveness of mash and Streptocide in its pure form for the treatment of acne and pimples is approximately the same.

            More about acne

            The powder is poured directly onto the wound or into the wound if it is deep, after which it is covered with gauze or a bandage. The ointment or liniment can be applied either directly to the wound, or applied to gauze and covered the wound surface with it. After applying powder, ointment or liniment to the wound, it is recommended to cover the wound surface with a gauze bandage. Powder, ointment or liniment is applied to the wound 1 - 4 times a day for 10 - 14 days.

            Before applying Streptocide powder, liniment or ointment, wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant (for example, a solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin, etc.).

            More about wounds

            Ointment, liniment and powder most often provoke allergic reactions on the skin (urticaria, etc.) or dermatitis (rashes, itching, burning of the skin) as a side effect. However, with long-term use of ointment, liniment or powder in large doses or for treating extensive wound surfaces, the active substance Streptocide may be absorbed into the blood with the development of systemic side effects, such as:

            • Headache;
            • Dizziness;
            • Nausea;
            • Vomit;
            • Dyspeptic symptoms (belching, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, etc.);
            • Cyanosis (pallor or “blue discoloration” of the skin);
            • Crystalluria (salt crystals in urine);
            • Renal dysfunction;
            • Thyrotoxicosis (increased levels of thyroid hormones in the blood);
            • Leukopenia (decrease in the total number of leukocytes in the blood below normal);
            • Agranulocytosis (complete absence of neutrophils, eosins and basophils in the blood);
            • Thrombocytopenia (the level of platelets in the blood is lower than normal);
            • Hypoprothrombinemia (prothrombin level in the blood is below normal).

            If side effects of Streptocide develop, you must stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

            • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drug or to other drugs of the sulfonamide group;
            • Anemia;
            • Chronic heart failure;
            • Hematopoietic disorders;
            • Thyrotoxicosis;
            • Kidney failure;
            • Liver failure;
            • Nephrosis;
            • Nephritis;
            • Porphyria;
            • Azotemia – increased level of nitrogenous compounds (urea, creatinine, etc.) in the blood;
            • Deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
            • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

            So, the following drugs are analogues of Streptocide in terms of therapeutic effect:

            • Argedine cream for external use;
            • Argosulfan cream for external use;
            • Dermazin cream for external use;
            • Turmanidze ointment for external and local use;
            • Mafenide acetate ointment for external use;
            • Sulfadimezin tablets for oral administration;
            • Sulfargin ointment for external use;
            • Ebermin ointment for external use;
            • Etazol tablets, solution for injection, granules for the preparation of suspension for oral administration.

            Reviews also indicate that Streptocide powder perfectly heals and disinfects a variety of wounds on the surface of the skin (for example, abrasions, cuts, non-healing umbilical wounds, calluses, surgical incisions after removal of warts, moles, etc.). Moreover, if wounds are treated within a short period of time after their appearance, then a crust forms on them very quickly, and healing proceeds without complications, suppuration, weeping and without the formation of scars. If the wounds fester, become wet and do not heal for a long time, then sprinkling them with Streptocide powder leads to a rapid cessation of the inflammatory process, the formation of a crust and subsequent healing.

            Reviews also indicate that Streptocide powder is an excellent, highly effective remedy for the treatment of acne and acne.

            Reviews about Streptocide ointment and liniment indicate that these are excellent means for treating various wound surfaces on the skin, leading to rapid crust formation and healing.

            • Powder 2 g, 1 sachet – 15 – 60 rubles;
            • Powder 5 g, 1 sachet – 30 – 72 rubles;
            • Ointment 10%, tube or jar 25 g – 50 – 80 rubles;
            • Liniment 5%, tube or jar 30 g – 71 – 98 rubles.

            Streptocide powder or Baneocin: what to do if you cut off a piece of your finger (folk recipe) - video

            For wound healing, modern pharmacology offers a wide variety of remedies and drugs. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as well as certain indications for use.

            But, despite the effectiveness of modern means, many doctors still prefer old treatment methods and drugs that have been proven for decades.

            White sulfanilamide, which has the trade name “Streptocide,” is one of the oldest and most time-tested antimicrobial agents, used in medicine since the middle of the last century.

            Streptocide in any form is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

            Of course, today this remedy is not used as often as in previous years, but nowadays streptocide is produced not only in tablets, but also in the form of ointments, as well as in powder form for external use.

            If streptocide is stored correctly, its shelf life is almost 10 years, and the drug has a very low cost. The product should be stored in a place protected from moisture and sunlight, out of reach of children.

            Streptocide powder is a white, odorless, crystalline substance with a bitter taste. If previously the drug was produced in tablets for internal use, from which a powder for wounds was prepared by grinding, today the drug is intended exclusively for external use.

            Its action is based on the fact that, when it gets on the surface of skin lesions, it begins to fight pathogenic microorganisms, disrupting their synthesis processes and stopping their spread.

            Streptocide has a wide range of therapeutic effects, since it is highly effective in destroying:

            • E. coli.
            • Chlamydia.
            • Staphylococcus.
            • Streptococci.
            • Gonococcus.
            • Meningococcus.
            • Bacteria belonging to the group of typhoid-dysenteric pathogens.
            • Toxoplasmosis.

            The drug is also effective against a number of other pathogenic microorganisms and even against some types of helminths.

            Streptocide powder can be used for external treatment:

            • Wounds with various types of infection.
            • Infected burns.
            • Wound with purulent formations.
            • Inflammations of the erysipelas type.
            • Boils (in the treatment of furunculosis).
            • For various inflammatory processes accompanied by the separation of pus in the soft tissues.

            In addition, streptocide in powder form is used in the treatment of throat diseases, such as tonsillitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis and various inflammatory processes, but its use for these purposes is no longer very common today, since modern pharmacology has an extensive list of drugs that are safer and more convenient to use.

            When treating injuries, streptocide powder can be sprinkled on the wound, topically, but under no circumstances should it be covered, especially on a fresh injury.

            Most often, the use of the drug is prescribed in cases where there is already an active process of inflammation in the wound, but in some cases the drug can also be recommended as a preventive measure, for example, if there is a clear threat of infection and subsequent inflammation.

            To treat the wound surface with streptocide powder, it is necessary to clean it of existing secretions and contaminants using sterile gauze swabs soaked in a solution of antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide.

            Cleaning is carried out several times if necessary. After treatment, the surface of the wound should be dried.

            Streptocide for wounds is sprayed onto the surface of an open wound in a thin layer, while also covering the area of ​​skin around the injury by approximately 2 cm. After applying the powder, it is necessary to apply a sterile, breathable bandage to the wound.

            Dressing materials will need to be changed three times a day, with mandatory treatment and cleaning of the wound, applying a new layer of powder with each dressing change. Streptocide should be applied until the inflammatory process stops and the wound begins to heal.

            It is important to follow the correct dosage of the drug and remember that for a therapeutic effect you should not apply a large amount of powder to the wound, since in this case the effect will be the opposite.

            The powder should not be applied to a fresh wound, especially if it is large and deep. Streptocide powder significantly accelerates the healing process of wounds, while the tissue does not have time to recover properly, which leads to the formation of rough scars.

            The dosage of streptocide when treating wounds depends on the age of the patient. For an adult, a single dose of the drug should not exceed 2 grams, while the maximum dose per day is up to 7 grams. In most cases, when treating a wound with streptocide, the maximum permissible dose is divided into 4 to 5 times and applied throughout the day with mandatory dressing changes.

            When treating wounds after burns, streptocide powder is used in an amount of 5–15 grams per day, dividing the dose several times. In this case, the powder is applied to the surface of the burn by blowing it in, evenly spraying it or dusting it, avoiding areas where the drug has accumulated.

            The use of streptocide powder shows high effectiveness in the treatment of wounds of various origins, including those with an existing inflammatory-purulent process.

            But it is important to remember that the drug has contraindications that must be taken into account when using the product.

            Contraindications include:

            • The patient has various types of anemia. Patients who experience a marked decrease in hemoglobin levels, including those occurring due to serious blood loss, should not use streptocide to treat wounds.
            • The presence of improper functioning of the kidneys, primarily their failure.
            • Porphyria, when the patient’s body has a violation of pigmentation processes.
            • Azotemia, in which a significant increase in nitrogenous substances is observed in the patient’s blood.

            It is important to remember that treatment of any wound with streptocide in powder form should only be carried out with a doctor’s prescription and under his mandatory supervision.

            The use of streptocide powder can be used to powder wounds and abrasions in children of various ages, subject to medical supervision of treatment, as well as mandatory dosage compliance.

            It is important to remember that for infants under 1 year of age, a single dose of streptocide should be no more than 0.1 grams and applied no more than 3 times a day.

            For children aged from one to 5 years, a single dose when applying the drug to the wound three times should not exceed 0.4 grams.

            For children from 5 years old and adolescents up to 18 years old, the dose per application is no more than 0.5 grams and up to 4 dressings per day are allowed with mandatory treatment.

            The use of the drug is contraindicated for pregnant women, even in small doses., since when it enters the bloodstream, the substance easily penetrates the placental barrier and can negatively affect the development of the baby, especially in the first third of the gestation period. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is best to give preference to other drugs that are safe for the fetus and the expectant mother, but only a doctor should prescribe them.

            The closest structural analogues of streptocide in powder form are streptocide tablets, when crushed you can obtain a medicinal powder, as well as white streptocide and sulfamilamide in their pure form. In addition, an ointment based on streptocide is also produced, which is also used to heal wounds and various skin lesions.

            There are many analogues of streptocide for therapeutic action, among which we can note many types of powder powders for the treatment of wounds, as well as some ointments, for example: Sulfargin, Mafenida, Argedin, Sulfadimezin, Agrosulfan, Turmanidze's composition, Etazol (in all forms), Ebermin, Dermazin.

            Analogs also include Akriderm cream, Berodual solution, Celederm cream, Sunoref ointment, Leniment Sinthomycin.

            It is important to remember that replacing the main drug with analogues, both structural and therapeutic, is possible only with the permission of the doctor who prescribed treatment with streptocide in powder form.


Trade name of the drug:


International nonproprietary or generic name:


Dosage form:

ointment for external use


100 g of ointment contains:

Active substance
Sulfanilamide (streptocide) 10.0 g
Vaseline 90.0 g


Homogeneous ointment from white to light yellow.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

antimicrobial agent - sulfonamide.

ATX Code:

Pharmacological properties.

Antimicrobial bacteriostatic agent, sulfanilamide. The mechanism of action is due to competitive antagonism with para-aminobenzoic acid, inhibition of dihydropteroate synthetase, disruption of the synthesis of tetrahydrophthalic acid, necessary for the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Vidrio cholera, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus anthracis, Corynebacterium diphtheria, Yersinia pestis, Chlamydia spp., Actinomyces istraelii, Toxoplasma gondii.

Indications for use

As part of complex therapy: purulent wounds, infected burns (grades I-II) and other purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin.


Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides, disease of the hematopoietic system, inhibition of bone marrow bleeding, anemia, chronic heart failure, thyrotoxicosis, renal and hepatic failure, azotemia, porphyria, congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate tetrahydrogenase, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding


Directions for use and doses

The ointment is applied directly to the affected skin surface or to a gauze pad; dressing is done after 1-2 days. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
If there is no improvement within 10-14 days, you should consult a doctor. Use the drug only according to the method of use and in the doses indicated in the instructions. If necessary, please consult your doctor before using the medicine.

Side effect

Allergic reactions; with long-term use of large doses - systemic effects: headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, cyanosis, crystallurgy.
If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, intestinal colic, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, depression, fainting, confusion, blurred vision, fever, hematuria, crystalluria; with prolonged overdose - thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, megaloblastic anemia, jaundice. Treatment: drinking plenty of fluids; in case of accidental ingestion - gastric lavage; symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs

Myelotoxic drugs increase the manifestations of hematotoxicity of the drug.
If you are taking other medications (including over-the-counter medications), consult your doctor before using this drug.

special instructions

Premature cessation of treatment with the drug may contribute to the development of sulfanilamide-resistant strains of microorganisms.
During therapy, it is recommended to drink plenty of alkaline fluids.
If necessary, antimicrobial drugs are also prescribed orally. If allergic reactions develop, it is necessary to discontinue the drug and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery.

Considering the side effects of the drug, caution should be exercised when driving vehicles and machinery.

Release form

Ointment for external use 10%.
15, 20, 25 or 30 g in dark glass jars of the BTS type, sealed with pull-on lids with a sealing element of type 1.2. Labels made of label or writing paper or self-adhesive are glued onto the jars.
25 g and 30 g in aluminum tubes. Each jar or aluminum tube, along with instructions for medical use, is placed in a cardboard pack. Packs are placed in group packaging.
It is allowed to pack cans or tubes without a pack from 9 to 300 pieces together with an equal number of instructions for use in a box made of corrugated cardboard or cardboard for consumer packaging (For hospitals).
1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 15, 20 kg in polymer containers intended for packaging, transportation and storage of food products and medicines. A label is attached to each package (For hospitals).

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

5 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Vacation conditions

Available without a prescription.

Manufacturer/organization accepting claims:

JSC "Usolye-Sibirsky Chemical Farm Plant"
Russia, 665462, Irkutsk region, Usolye-Sibirskoye, northwestern part of the city, on the northeastern side, 115 m from the Baikal highway.