The Witcher 3 100% walkthrough. Passage of the game - velen. It's darkest under the lantern

After watching a few introductory videos and cutscenes, we are finally allowed to steer the hero. The place where he is, it seems to us, is already familiar. This room is similar to the one we used to be with Triss. This time our hero is not alone either. Who is this naked beauty sitting gracefully on the couch? A little patience, now you will find out everything.


"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

A simple starting tutorial quest, during which we will be able to admire Yennefer without clothes (for the first, but not the last time in the game), be touched by little Ciri (hurry up to see, because you won’t see her like this again in the game), brush up on the faces of her brothers witchcraft (hello guys, long time no see), look at Kaer Morhen with one eye and, most importantly, learn the basics of witcher combat under the guidance of uncle Vesemir. Get ready for an abundance of cutscenes. True, they can be squandered if desired, but I would not do this. Without them, the quest will lose the lion's share of its charm. Yes, and get used to the management will not hurt.

1. After the introductory video, we finally get control of Geralt in our own hands. Our first task is to find the key to the bedroom using the witcher's flair. You won't have to look for a long time - it lies on a table near the door. We take it and open these very doors. Now you can leave the room, but you can also linger to exchange a couple more phrases with Yen and inspect other items in the room. They do not carry a plot load, rather, they add a few strokes to the portraits of the main characters.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

2. After leaving the bedroom, we go down to the floor below and talk with Vesemir. Then the game itself will take us from the castle to the upper courtyard, where Ciri is training on the pendulum. Talk to the girl (in the dialogue, you can safely choose any remark you like: it will only affect the content of the answer from Ciri, but not the further plot), and then go to the lower courtyard to the rest of the witchers. Running to the destination in a race with Ciri is optional. If you still run, then the girl's subsequent reaction to the mini-competition that took place will depend on who comes first.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

3. After a short conversation in the lower courtyard, the actual training will begin. The game will tell and show in great detail how to use swords, witcher signs and bombs, and then let you practice with all this in sparring with Vesemir. However, you can skip the tutorial. In this case, the next video will immediately start, during which the Wild Hunt will appear to us.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

And then Geralt, unexpectedly for us and for himself, wakes up in the forest under a tree. Vesemir sits next to the fire. It turns out that Kaer Morhen, and Ciri, and the Wild Hunt were just a dream. Welcome to the real world, White Wolf! After a short or not very conversation (depending on the answers chosen in the dialogue), the witchers will set off. Quest completed.


"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

1. White Garden Tavern

2. Nilfgaardian garrison

3. Herbalist's house

4. The place where the buckthorn grows

5. Hunter's house

7. Mill

8. Granny (beginning of the quest "The pan is like new")

9. Dwarf Willy's Forge

10. Duni Veldervelt (start of the quest "Missing")

11. Place of battle

12. The house where Bastien and Rosen hide

13. Merchant (the beginning of the quest "Valuable Cargo")

14. Carriage with valuable cargo

15. House of Odolan

16. Abandoned village, noon

17. Place of power (Irden), bear

18. Smuggling

19. Ruined castle, bandit camp

20. Cemetery of the White Garden, Place of Power (Igni), crypt with the remains of Kolgrim

21. Cache with treasures, the beginning of the quest "Temerian values"

22. Place of Power (Quen)

23. Deserted village

24. Bandit Camp

25. Treasure under guard

26. Place of power (Axii)

27. Treasure under guard

28. War trophies

29. Place of power (Aard) and lair of ghouls

30. Treasure Cache

31. Treasure cache, start of the quest "Gold of the Deserters"

32. Bandit Camp

33. Place of Power (Quen) and Ghoul Lair

34. Ghoul Lair

35. Deserted village

36. Treasure under guard

37. Bandit Camp

38. Hut at the mill

39. Merchant (after completing the quest "Valuable Cargo")

lilac and gooseberry

1. This quest will start under the same tree at the fork in the road where the previous quest ended, and it will begin with an attack by a flock of ghouls, the number of which depends on the selected difficulty level. We deal with the corpse-eaters and go. But no, stop. First, we will collect the ingredients from them and tear off the flowers-petals from the grass-ants growing nearby. My advice to you: V Witcher 3 grab indiscriminately all the alchemical ingredients that you can get your eyes on and under your arm. Don't be picky. Finding a specific spine later, when you need it, will be extremely difficult. Also, take a quest item with you - crystallized raven skull left over from Yen. Much later, after completing the Skellige side quest "Last Wish" or even later, after moving the events of the main plot to Kaer Morhen (act II), you will have the opportunity to return the skull to its rightful owner and get for it 50 units experience.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

Everything, now you can go. We spur Roach and follow Vesemir at a brisk trot.

2. Suddenly, a griffin blocks the way for the witchers. The winged beast attacked the merchant's cart, bit the horse, and now peacefully regales himself with fresh meat, and under the cart, half-dead from fear, the merchant whines. At the sight of the monster hunters, the griffin retreats, taking with him the downtrodden filly. The merchant is overjoyed at the help that has suddenly arrived and is even ready to pay for it. He will also advise you to ask the regulars of the tavern in the village of White Garden about the woman wanted by the witchers. Geralt is free to take the payment or refuse.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

In the first case, he will receive + 50 crowns to the already existing 250, and in the second - a sincere Gratitude saved man and a little later, but completely free of charge, four fried chicken legs from the innkeeper from the White Garden. After the conversation, the task will be updated and instruct us to visit the same tavern (see 1 on the map). We sit back in the saddle and follow Vesemir. You won't have to drive long.

3. After exchanging a few words with the owner of the tavern and leaving Vesemir to enjoy cold vodka, Geralt goes to question the visitors of the drinking establishment. The most informative will be Gunther o' Dim(sitting at a table near the entrance to the tavern). It turns out that he saw Yennefer quarrel with the commandant of the local Nilfgaardian garrison and then gallop away from the White Orchard. The Witcher has no choice but to pay a visit to the "blacks". If the witcher agree with Gunther to drink, then his Backpack will replenish a bottle of alcohol needed to make elixirs.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

The two Kmets who settled down near Vesemir's table need not be disturbed. When you try to talk to them, they will either be rude in response, or, being enchanted by Aksy, they will only say that they saw a woman in black and white, but they don’t know where she went. A scientist in a wide-brimmed beret and not at all sleepy or spirited. As for Yennefer, it is useless to torture him, but he will gladly teach the witcher to play gwent. However, the gwent is already from the category of side tasks, and therefore we will leave it aside for now.

In addition to playing gwent, the scientist is happy to talk about wars as such. Actually, he left Oksenfurt only for the sake of seeing the war with his own eyes. Geralt will in every possible way dissuade the pundit from visiting the front line personally, but he will not listen to the advice of the witcher. A little later in Velen, under the Hanging Tree, Geralt will find the unfinished book of his gwent teacher. There, our hero will also find a gwent card that belonged to a scientist, if he did not bother to win it during his stay in the White Orchard.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

4. In the courtyard of the tavern, Geralt will once again manage to get into trouble. Three local gopniks decide to mock the white-haired mutant. Whatever answer options you choose, you won’t be able to avoid a massacre, but if you prefer a replica with enchantment, then there will be one less opponent. So, we give out to the insolent people in a tambourine, we saddle the Roach and go to the nilfs (2).

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

5. The commandant of the Nilfgaardian garrison refuses to name the location of Yennefer, but he is also in no hurry to put the witcher out of the gate, but all because he has a problem whose name is " griffin". Now, if the witcher saves the district from the winged creature, then it will be possible to speak for the sorceress. There is nothing to do, Geralt agrees to fulfill the order. This activates the quest "The Beast from the White Garden", and until we complete it, there will be no progress on the current quest will.

6. Having completed the quest "The Beast from the White Garden", we return to the tavern (1) to Vesemir. The last moments of the witchers' stay in the White Garden will be overshadowed by the massacre, and then, as if nothing had happened, Ian will appear and inform Geralt that His Majesty Emperor Emhyr wants to urgently see the witcher.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

7. The way to Vizima will not be without adventures, but once in the Royal Castle, our hero will be able to relax and take a bath. He will be combed, shaved and asked about the affairs of the recent past. It is during these inquiries that players will have the opportunity to transfer from The Witcher 2 V Witcher 3 their choices and decisions. If you imported your saves from the previous part at the very beginning, then the scene with questions will be automatically skipped. This completes the "Lilac and Gooseberry" quest, and starts the "Audience" quest.


The quest is issued by the commandant of the Nilfgaardian garrison at the first meeting with him. He will tell the witcher where it is better to start hunting for a griffin. Hunter Myslav can show the place where the creature first attacked the Nilfgaardian patrol. Who knows, suddenly he will also be able to indicate the location of the lair of the beast? About the herb needed to make the bait - buckthorn - you should talk with the herbalist Tomira. Whom to visit first is up to you.

1. (optional) Tomira lives near the turn to the sawmill (3). Her house is difficult to confuse with another - around it is full of herbs suitable for collecting, planted in neatly organized beds. We need a buckthorn. According to the herbalist, it grows at the bottom of the river, in the place where the channel widens (4). It seems that the witcher will have to go diving.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

2. If your mini-map has not disabled the indicator of suitable for collecting herbs, then finding a buckthorn will be easier than ever. Focusing on the icons on the mini-map, choose a place to dive. Having dived, we turn on the witcher's flair. It works the same underwater as it does on land. There are a lot of buckthorn bushes at the bottom, but one serving is enough for us.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location) 3. (optional) Having obtained the grass, we go to meet the hunter. He lives on the outskirts, south of the White Garden (5). If Myslov is not at home, then Geralt will come to use the witcher's instincts. By holding the appropriate button, we will examine the path in front of the hut. The tracks left by the hunter will lead the witcher straight to him.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

4. (optional) The hunter is ready to take the witcher to where the Nilfgaardians died, but first he would like to deal with a pack of wild dogs prowling nearby. Geralt is free to either keep the hunter company, or insist that he show him the place of the griffin's attack immediately. In the second case, we will immediately go to watch the massacre, and in the first case, only after we finish with the dogs. By the way, if you help Myslov, then later you can learn about his past, as well as get 350 experience points.

5. (optional) Arriving at the place of the griffin's attack, we carefully examine it using the witcher's flair. We will be interested in the bottles and the fire pit left by the soldiers, the huge bloody pools on the ground and the prints of boots near the road sign. Having discovered the latter, Geralt decides to find out exactly where they lead. Having turned on the witcher's flair, he sets off in the footsteps of the Nilf soldiers.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location) 6. Traces will lead the witcher to the lair, or rather, to what is left of it. Bones and pieces of human bodies are scattered nearby, but they are not what attract Geralt's attention. The corpse of a female near the ruined nest is the reason for the extreme aggressiveness of the man-eating griffin. Now only witcher's blades will be able to calm down the creature raging with grief. Investigation completed. It's time to return to Vesemir in the tavern and discuss a plan for further action.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

7. We give the buckthorn to Vesemir and say that we are ready to hunt. He will give us the recipe for Thunder and take us to a place where we can set a trap (6), and just before the battle he will also present a crossbow. The fight with the griffin will take place in two stages. It will begin in the fields where the bait stood. We shoot down the flying beast with a crossbow, then we beat with a silver sword, if possible, keeping to the side or behind it; bounces/rolls are welcome. Then the wounded creature will fly away. We are looking for her near the mill (7). The battle tactics remain the same.

8. Having knocked down the griffin, we go to the commandant (2) for a reward (300 crowns) and for information about Yennefer. However, the witcher can show pride and refuse money, but in this case he will receive nothing but information about Yen. The decision must be made quickly, otherwise the game will do it for you.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

1. Quest in the spirit of interactive cinema. First, Geralt will be washed, shaved and forced to answer questions from the Nilfgaardian general Morvran Voorhis regarding some of the decisions we made during the passage of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. The activation of the interrogation stage, if desired, can be disabled before the start of the game in the section Settings the main menu, since for those playing on a PC and having the opportunity to import their saves left over from the passage of the previous part, it may not seem particularly relevant. However, for console players, interrogation is the only way to take into account their past choices and decisions in the current game.

2. When hygiene and interrogation are over, we will be asked to choose attire for an audience with Emhyr, and then the emperor's chamberlain will teach us bow properly. You will have to learn and prove in practice that the lesson has been learned, it will not work out (the correct answer is: "Left foot forward, right hand on the chest"). Then the witcher will be taken to the emperor. Regardless of whether he bows or not, regardless of the answers chosen, Geralt will receive the task find Ciri and will perform it throughout the first half of the game.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

Attention! Do not throw away or sell the Nilfgaardian parade outfit immediately after the audience. It will come in handy later when completing the additional quest in Novigrad "A Matter of Life and Death" and the main quest in Skellige "The King is dead - long live the king" (act I).

In addition, any of the Nilfgaardian ceremonial outfits will open Geralt unhindered access to the premises Guest house for Nilfgaardian officers in Velen, located northwest of the Nilfgaardian Army Camp Center (lower right corner of the Velen location). However, there is nothing special to do there: neither to trade, nor to play gwent. You can only profit from some loot (if the guards do not burn) and stare at the prostitute boy - a rarity even for this more than liberated game. (Thanks to ScullySS for the tip.)

Well, if your witcher is tight with money, do not hesitate to take all three outfits offered by the chamberlain in order to sell two of them later.

2. After the audience with Emhyr, there will be a conversation with Yennefer. She will give Geralt some clues as to where to start looking, but won't give him what he wants. :) They will have to part again. The sorceress will open the portal and disappear, and Geralt will take his clothes and weapons from the chamberlain and also set off. The quest "Audience" will end, and four main quests will begin at once: "In the footsteps of Ciri" (general quest, covering the entire first act of the game), "Nilfgaardian liaison"(The quest that starts the search for Ciri in Velen), "Bonfires of Novigrad" (a task that opens the search in Novigrad and its environs) and "On Skellige!" (A mission that allows you to open the locations of the archipelago and start searching on the islands). The front doors in the throne room of the castle are a fast travel point that opens access to the global map and previously opened locations. I advise you to go first to Velen. Missions in other territories may not yet be possible for your low-level hero.

Interesting. In the royal castle of Vizima, you can find a letter from two years ago, addressed to Roderick de Wet, one of the antagonists of the first Witcher.

In the courtyard of the castle, where the fountain murmurs and the courtiers stroll, there is a secret lever that opens the forgotten utility room. The stone (1), which should be clicked, is located right behind the round table, which stands by a small pond. The door to the utility room (2) is located to the left of the lever stone. There, on the floor, Geralt will find a small chest containing the "Old Letter" and some other loot.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

On the bank of the river, not far from the place where the buckthorn grows (see the quest "The Beast from the White Garden"), there is a hut (8). An old woman stands near the hut and talks to herself. To start the quest, Geralt needs to talk to the grandmother and agree to help her.

1. The essence of what happened is simple: some time ago, some visiting gentleman begged the old woman for her only frying pan and retired with her in the house, near which she now stands. Soon, however, the guest left the hut and went to God knows where, but the granny never got her frying pan back. She would be glad to get inside and pick up the vessel, but she doesn’t know how - the house is locked. Geralt, unexpectedly for himself, decides to help, because he has not yet had orders for a frying pan.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

2. The problem of the locked door is solved by Aard. We kick it out, go inside and look around, using the witcher's flair. In the room to the right of the entrance, a corpse with traces of a violent death will be found, and next to it is someone's cracked monocle (we'll grab the find). In the next room, on the table near the stove, there will be a quest frying pan, peeled clean. Looks like the soot was removed from it to make ink. The burnt letter, part of which can still be read, is lying near the stove itself. It also makes sense to raise it.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

3. We pick up the pan and take it to the old woman. Having received back her loss, the granny will thank the witcher with food. This will complete the quest. We will learn the name of the owner of the monocle later in the course of the side quest "Deadly Plot".

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

Easter egg? Coincidence?


The quest is issued by the dwarf blacksmith from the White Orchard, Willy (9). One of the villagers burned down his hut and forge, and he really wants to find out the name of this bastard. After completing the quest, Willy will become available for trade and crafting.

1. The fireman will tell the witcher that on the night of the arson he heard some sounds outside the house. Geralt decides to start his investigation from there. With the help of the witcher's instincts, he looks for at least some traces and finds them.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

2. Traces of human boots lead Geralt to the river. Here the trail ends, but the witcher does not intend to give up so easily. On the same bank of the river, but on the other side of the bridge, he discovers more footprints, human mixed with drowned ones.

Traces of men's boots from the shore lead back to the village, to one of the houses. The arsonist was attacked by drowners, he was bleeding. Geralt enters the hut. He is sure that the attacker will be given the wounds left by the monsters.

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

"The Witcher 3": a complete and detailed walkthrough of the Prologue (White Garden location)

3. So it is, on the right side of the hut, a drunken Nepelka can hardly stand on his feet. His hand is bandaged. The arsonist will ask you not to say anything to the blacksmith and will even offer a modest amount as payment for silence. Geralt can either accept the offer, or still take the guy to Willy.

4. If Geralt takes the side of Nepelka, he will receive 20 gratitude crowns, and he will lie to the customer that he did not find anyone. If Geralt decides to extradite the attacker to the victim, then Nepelka will have to be led to Willy either by force or by first enchanting him with Axiom. The blacksmith will not stand on ceremony with his neighbor, but will hand him over to the hands of the Nilfgaardian soldiers. The Witcher will receive the same 20 crowns for his work. This will complete the quest.

Consequence. If later, after getting to Velen, you return to the White Garden and visit Willy, then he will already have a new hut built with the help of the Nilfgaardians. The dwarf will tell you that he works for the army for free, and the locals have stopped buying from him and use the services of an inept blacksmith-man, who is half a day's journey from the village.

general information

Developer: CD Projekt RED. Publisher in Russia: SoftKlab.

System requirements
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Core i5-2500 3.3 GHz
AMD Phenom II X4 940
Intel Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz
AMD FX-8350 4GHz
video card Nvidia GeForce GTX 660
AMD Radeon HD 7870
DirectX 11
Nvidia GeForce GTX 770
AMD Radeon R9 290
DirectX 11
35 GB 35 GB
operating system Windows 64-bit: 7 / 8.1 Windows 64-bit: 7 / 8.1

Decor. How to use the walkthrough

The entire walkthrough is divided into playable areas. At the beginning of the description of each area there is a convenient list of links to all tasks. Any task can be found in two clicks: 1) select the area, 2) select the task.

The frame highlights actions that are not required for the passage of the game's plot: additional tasks, witcher orders, secret places.

1,2,3 - if a line of text starts with a number, this means that this is just one of the options for game events. There are a lot of such places in The Witcher where you can independently choose how to behave further.

white garden

Quest selection menu in the White Garden:
Map of the White Garden


At first we see how the girl Yennefer got on the battlefield between the two armies, but she managed to protect herself with the help of magic and got out alive. The witchers Geralt and Vesemir follow in the footsteps of this girl and arrange an overnight stay in the forest.


Kaer Morhen. The witcher's stronghold on the river Gwenlech

Witcher Geralt washes in the bath, and next to him is the naked girl Yennefer. We look around, use the witcher's flair (right mouse button), find the girl's perfume, silverware, but we only need the key on the table on the left. We open the door with the key, we go down into the courtyard.

We speak with the witcher Vesemir, we go to the little girl Ciri, together with her we are trained in movement in the game. After that, we study the combat system.

Five magical signs:

During training, Ciri escapes behind the wall of the fortress. At that moment, a Wild Hunt airship with ghosts on board arrives, they kill the girl. This completes the training and sleep of the witcher.

Lilac and gooseberry
The Witcher 3. Wild Hunt. Walkthrough

Temeria, the road to Vizima. May 1272


We can discuss the dream with Vesemir, we look through the letter from the same Yennefer. We are attacked by a flock of ghouls, we kill them with a silver sword. In the bushes at the fork in the road we find crystal skull left over from Yennefer's magical raven. After that, we sit on our horse Roach and continue the journey.

(From the resting place we can go to the field to the northeast, it was there that the battle between the two armies took place, which we saw in the prologue. You can find many sets of simple weapons and armor on the battlefield, and then hand them over to the merchant).

Burnt village

We pass by a destroyed village, in it there are only dead men and crying women. The biggest house has a chest. To the left of the village on the sandy shore there is a flock of utopians, we kill them, we collect items from two chests.

River crossing

At the crossing we see how a griffin attacked the wagon. We drive away the monster, a surviving peasant gets out from under the cart.

1. We can take 50 crowns from him for saving.

2. If we do not take money, we will receive discounts from his relative in the nearest tavern.

Village White Garden

Through the Bridge of the Weepers we come to the village. In the tavern we speak with the hostess, and then we ask three visitors if anyone has seen the girl Yennefer with the aroma of lilacs and gooseberries.

The first is a peasant, we use the intoxicating magic of Aksy on him to untie his tongue. He doesn't know anything.

The second, a scientist, invites us to play the Gwent board game (the essence is simple as in blackjack - you need to score more cards than your opponent, but it all looks like a collectible card game). For the victory we get the Golden Chivay card.

The third - the vagabond Gunther o "Dim, tells us that Yennefer was seen near the local military garrison. We will go there as soon as we look around the whole village.

At the exit from the tavern, we are met by local people. They want to beat us. Regardless of the choice, the fight will still take place. When choosing the first dialogue, we will also be deceived and we will still fight with everyone. If a sign to calm one of them, then we will fight with only two. But we can avoid this fight if we do not approach them, but immediately run away.

The merchant we saved from the griffin is now standing at the entrance to the village. We can buy a unique set of Temerian armor from him (only in DLC). Armor level 4, cost 676 crowns. Horse armor costs 595 crowns.

White garden. Additional tasks
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Walkthrough

There is a bulletin board in the center of the village, there are 6 messages on it, but only 1 of them is a task. On a large tree in the center of the village, there is a separate announcement that the herbalist Tamira is buying honey.

(Some additional tasks are given only for a certain time, if we do not complete them immediately, but continue to go through the story, they will fail).

Extra mission: Playing with fire

In the village we approach the blacksmith dwarf, he complains that one of the locals set fire to his house. We can find the arsonist by the evidence left behind.

Turn on the flair, examine the land around the house. Near the white bushes behind the house we find traces highlighted in red. We get to the water, here the tracks break off, but after passing under the bridge, on the other side we find blood. The trail of blood leads us to a man named Nepelka with a bandaged hand.

1. We can take 20 crowns and not tell the blacksmith about the criminal.

2. We can enchant the mind of a person and make him come with a confession to the blacksmith. The criminal will be hanged, and we will get a discount from the blacksmith and 20 crowns.

Bonus: Frying pan like new

In front of the house on the shore in the north-west of the village we find an old woman. She gave her frying pan to a stranger who stayed overnight, and now she cannot enter the house where he spent the night.

We examine the door, knock it out with the blows of a steel sword. Inside we learn that the wanderer needed only soot from the pan to create ink and write a letter. There is a dead deserter in the house, who is wanted by the military, the wanderer himself has long been gone. Nearby we find cracked glasses such as a monocle. In the fireplace we find the remains of burnt letters. We collect useful items in chests. We give the frying pan to the old woman, we get several servings of food.

Side mission: Missing

There is a message on the bulletin board: the peasant Dunya asks to go with him into the forest and find his missing brother.

On the map we find the marked house, we go to it, then after Dunya we go to the place of search. On the battlefield, we fight monsters with corpse-eaters - ghouls. We are looking for a blue shield with white flowers. There are several shields, but the one we are looking for is located at the southwestern edge of the search area. From this place the dog will take the trail, we run after it.

We come to an abandoned house, two soldiers have taken refuge inside: the Redanian Bastien, whom we are looking for, and the Nilfgaardian who saved him. Dunya only wants to take his brother, but his brother refuses to leave his new friend Rosen to his inevitable death. We can decide his fate:

1. Persuade you to take Nilfgaard with you.

2. Agree that it is risky.

Additional task: On the deathbed (lvl. 2)

We communicate with the local herbalist Tamira. Now she is trying to cure the girl Lina, who was mutilated by monsters in the forest. For treatment, you need to prepare the witcher's elixir Swallow.

To create the elixir, we are looking for the necessary components: 5 servings of swallow grass (grows in the glades of the White Garden, this plant with small yellow flowers), 1 brain of a drowner (drowners live on the banks of rivers, in swamps) and 1 bottle of Krasnolyudsky alcohol (you can buy in a tavern or found in bandit camps).

We return to Tamira. We cook the elixir - in the inventory menu, go to the left to the alchemy tab, find the desired recipe and use it. We give the potion, as a reward we get other recipes and 50 crowns.

If we return here a little later, we will see how the elixir helped Lina.

Additional task: Valuable cargo

Leaving the military garrison, we go along the western road, turn south. On the side of the road we see the injured merchant, he gives us this task. You need to find the monster that attacked the trading wagon.

On the road we find traces of the wagon, and then its remains in the swamps. We examine the bodies, we find traces of arrows. The wagon was attacked by people, not monsters, and the merchant himself is somehow involved in this. We speak with the merchant:

1. "Mission completed."

2. "I exposed you." In this case, the merchant will hide from us on a horse. We sit on horseback and catch up with the fugitive. Having caught up, we inflict one blow, and the person will fall to the ground. Choose what to do with it:

1. "I'll take you to the Nilfgaardians." (+30 crowns).

2. “Good. Ride." (+30 crowns).

3. “I will let you go. But I'll keep the medicine." (+50 crowns, 5 servings of swallow grass).

Bonus Objective: Collect a complete collection of cards

We will perform this task throughout the game. Cards can be bought from merchants or received as a reward for winning a gwent. But there are no good cards in local villages, real rivals and access to hero cards will be in the city. In total, you need to collect more than 100 different cards.

Order: Famously at the well (level 2)

We find the order on the bulletin board near the tavern.

In the village we speak with Odolan, who left the order. We go south to an abandoned village, examine the evidence. Around the well we see scorched earth, in one of the houses we find the skeleton of a girl without an arm, her diary.

We find out the type of ghost, in the bestiary we read information about the midday (open the map, turn the pages to the right to the bestiary).

We find the girl's hand hanging in the well, jump into the well. At the bottom of the reservoir we find a bracelet from the girl's hand. You can only get back through the underwater tunnel into the lake. We return to the well.

Boss: Noon

Getting ready for battle: oiling the silver sword with anti-ghost oil. We take out and set fire to the skeleton along with the bracelet, after which a ghost will appear. The ghost flickers, and therefore it is not always possible to hit it. We use the sign of the magical trap Yrden to make the ghost vulnerable.

Having defeated the enemy, we collect his remains. We return to the customer for a reward. There are options here:

1. We take money. We get 20 gold.

2. We refuse to pay, as compensation we receive an amethyst.

(The story of noonday and the story of the hunter Myslov, who helped us track down the griffin, are connected. We can learn more by visiting the herbalist Tomira after that).

Treasure Hunt: Temerian Treasures (Tier 4)

On the bridge near the mill at the dead deserter we find the key. We dive into the water, at the bottom we find a locked chest, open it with a key, take useful items and a letter. We find and read the "Letter of a Spy" in our inventory (plot items tab).

Treasure Hunt: Deserters' Gold (Tier 3)

We go to the house to the west of the mill. Inside the house we break the scattered boards, under them we find the entrance to the dungeon. There are many chests below, one of them is closed, we open it with the found key.

Treasure Hunt: Dirty Money (Tier 2)

To the east of the "Mill" sign, we find the "Hidden Treasure" point, kill the deserters, take the letter from them. After reading it, we get the task. We go further east, find the main camp of the bandits, kill them, take the treasure from the chests.

Witcher Antiquities: Snake School Equipment (Tier 6)

We examine all the question marks that appear on the map. In one of the bandit camps we find a list of equipment. We can make this task active, and we will see where the special things of the witchers of the snake school are located.

1. One of the things lies in the crypt to the north of the mill. The ghost at the entrance must be killed using the Yrden sign.

2. The steel sword of the Snake School is located in the deserters' lair west of the Burnt Village, in the ruins of a tower on a hill. There is only one way to climb up - from the west.

According to the found drawings, you can forge unique blades, but for this you need to find a master blacksmith. (Bronniks will not forge this).

Beast from the White Garden
The Witcher 3 Walkthrough

We arrive at the military garrison of Nilfgaard, located northeast of the village. The guards let us through, having learned that the Witcher is in front of them, and demand to talk with the boss.

In the courtyard of the garrison, we can inspect the goods or create a new thing with a craftsman with glasses.

The commandant of the garrison orders us to kill the griffin, who has already killed 9 local residents. Only then will he tell us where Yennefer went. Let's take an order. We ask for all the necessary information, find out where to find a local herbalist (for the production of a bait plant) and a hunter (he knows the place where the griffin attacked for the first time).


We come to the marked house of the hunter, he is not in place. We activate our intuition, we notice traces in front of the house, we carefully examine them, only after that all other traces will appear. We follow the trail into the forest.

The Hunter of Myslov is stalking feral dogs, we can help him with this:

1. We help to kill a pack of 5 dogs, we find the body of the person whom they bit to death. (+350 experience).

2. We refuse. We are waiting for the hunter.

After that, the hunter takes us to the place where the griffin tore several soldiers to pieces.

Griffin nest

We remain alone and study the place of the griffin attack. In the bodies of people you can find a couple of items. Instinctly we find traces, we find out where the soldiers came from. There are a couple of chests under the destroyed bridge.

We return to the destroyed bridge, from the road sign we quickly teleport closer to the herbalist.


We communicate with the local herbalist Tamira. Now she is trying to cure a girl who was mutilated by monsters in the forest. She needs to stop the intracranial bleeding, but we can't help with that yet.

You can always buy ingredients from the herbalist or turn in your collected herbs.

We ask about the necessary buckthorn grass-bait, we learn that it needs to be looked for in the center of the lake in the deepest place.

Extraction of grass

We go into the lake north of the village, swim, and then dive under the water. There are a lot of bushes of the necessary grass under water, you won’t have to look for a long time. In addition, at the bottom we can find several chests.

Griffin trap

After collecting the grass and information about the griffin, we return to the tavern to Vesemir. We get the recipe for the "Thunder" potion. Together with Vesemir, we go to the northern field and set up a trap for the griffin.

Before the battle, we are given a crossbow, it can be selected in the same way as magic (press “Tab”, select the bottom cell, and then use it in the game with the “middle mouse button”), but we use the crossbow only if the enemy is in the air, it’s better on the ground act the old fashioned way - with a sword. Before the fight, we can use shield magic to protect ourselves from the blows of the clawed monster.

The griffin flies to the smell of stinking buckthorn, we enter into battle with him. When the griffin flies by, we bounce to the side. Either we shoot down the bird with a crossbow shot, or after several visits it will land on its own. You need to be wary of the undercutting blows of the monster's wings, it is impossible to block them, and dodging is also not always possible. But the monster is dangerous only from the front side, from behind it is absolutely defenseless. In battle, we roll forward, find ourselves at the hind legs of the griffin, hit him from behind. While the monster is turning, we move after it, so as to always be behind, in which case, we roll again.

Having lost half of its health, the griffin will fly away from us towards the mill. We sit on a horse, we catch up with the monster. On the hill we continue the fight, we finish off the enemy to death, we take trophies.

Return to the garrison

With the head of a griffin, we return to the soldier's garrison for a reward. (If you don’t move around the map, but ride a horse, then along the way we will get to the cemetery. There is an altar of power and one ghost. We use the silver sword, wait for the ghost to appear and attack it. Having lost health, the ghost will hide in the crypt, we go down there and finish it off.After the victory, we approach the power stone, we get +1 additional skill point).

In the garrison, we report to the commandant on the fulfillment of the order. We learn that Yennefer needs to be looked for in a neighboring settlement - in Vizima.

1. Additionally, we can take money as a reward. (+300 CZK).

2. Or refuse it.

Road to Vizima

We return to the tavern to Vesemir.

(If we have not yet completed additional village tasks, then we need to take on their passage. Approaching the World, we will finish the plot in the White Garden, and the outstanding tasks will be failed).

In the tavern, the witchers are attacked by local residents who are dissatisfied with the new government. We enter the battle, kill all the bandits.

At the exit, suddenly, we are met by Yennefer with imperial guards. The girl hired herself to work for the Nilfgaardian emperor Emhyr, and invites us to follow her example.

Vesemir leaves us and goes to Kaer Morhen for the winter. And we, together with the girl, are jumping to the neighboring city. In the forest, we are attacked by a detachment of ghosts "Wild Hunt", miraculously escape from them outside the city walls.

Royal Castle in Vizima

The Witcher 3 walkthrough website

Preparing for the meeting

We are taken to the royal castle. Another scene with a bathhouse and girls. Geralt is brought into a civilized state before meeting the emperor.

Questions (save transfer from The Witcher 2):

During our shave, the general asks questions about the past. (Our answers change the version of what happened and what actions we did in the previous part of the game - The Witcher 2. If you manually import the save from the Witcher 2 game, then the scene with the interrogation will be skipped).

The fate of Prince Arianne during the siege

The siege of the castle of La Valette. The fate of the commander of the defense, a certain Aryan ... "

1. “I killed Aryan. That's how it happened." (We will meet the prince's mother - Marie Louise Le Valette in the story quest in Novigrad. Her attitude towards us will slightly affect the course of the quest. If we killed the prince, she will refuse to talk to us).

2. “I gave him life. He was running". (If the prince is still alive, then Marie will talk to us, and will accompany us to the races in the estate).

Whose side did we choose in Flotsam

“Then you hid in the charming Flotsam and from there you got to Vergen. Just how? The city was considered cut off from the rest of the world.

1. "I got out of Flotsam with Vernon Rocher." (When meeting with Roche, we will easily go to his secret camp. The initial level of trust with Roche is slightly higher).

2. "I joined Iorvet." (Before the camp, Roche will have to fight with the guard. We will not see Iorveth himself in the third part of the game, perhaps he will appear in additions).

Who was helped in Loc Muinne

“An infamous encounter with Loc Muinne. You were there. And again he interfered in the affairs of the powerful of this world.

1. "I had to save Triss." (When meeting with Triss, we will not hear words of gratitude from her for this, but the initial level of relations with her will be higher).

2. "I helped Roche recapture Anais." (To this answer, the general will notice that you only moved the pawns on the chessboard. The girl Saskia, whose side we chose, is not in the game. Perhaps she will appear in the supplement).

The fate of Sheala de Tanserville

"Shortly after that, you were watching a tainted megascope tear your friend, Sheala de Transserville, to pieces."

1. "Sheala escaped." (We will meet Sheala in the prison in Oxenfurt).

2. "That's what she needs." (We will still meet Sheala in the story, but she will be dying).

The fate of the witcher Leto from Guletto

“In the interests of the state, it is sometimes necessary to conclude difficult alliances. Even with witches."

1. “This union has already been terminated. I killed Summer." (In this case, we will not meet Summer in The Witcher 3).

2. “Is this union still in force? What about Leto? (We can find Leto by completing additional quests in the village of Zalipye: "The Fall of the House of Reordan", "Ghosts of the Past". A little later, Leto can help in the battle with the Wild Hunt).

Choose one of the three costumes, put it on. We rehearse the bow before the emperor, repeating the actions of the courtier (correct option 2).


We enter the throne room for an audience with the emperor.

1. We bow. (The Emperor will be surprised that Geralt decided to bow before someone).

2. We just stand and wait. (If we don’t bow, nothing terrible will happen, the emperor will only casually notice that we were never taught manners. Only the courtier will receive punishment for not preparing us).

The Emperor has called us to find his daughter Ciri. At the beginning of the game, we had a dream about this little girl, but now she is already an adult girl. She actively uses witcher magic, and therefore the Wild Hunt is chasing her.

1. We take on this order for a large amount of money.

2. We volunteer to help our former student.


After an audience with the emperor, we can talk with his associates in the waiting room.

After that, we go to the room to Yennefer. She still treats us coldly, remembering old grievances (in the first part of The Witcher, Yennefer was Geralt's lover, and in the second part, the hero lost his memory and contacted many other girls, at the player's choice). Yennefer only says that she is also participating in the search for Ciri, kisses Geralt goodbye and immediately leaves for the magical teleport leading to the search site.

We can see the whole castle. Ambassador var Attre tells the political situation in the world. We go out into the garden, here we see one gwent player. While it is useless to play with him, we have a weak deck, but later we will need to return to him.

Secret. In the garden, to the left of the gwent player, on the wall we find a pressure plate. Pressing it opens a secret room in the wall to the left. We enter there, find a skeleton with a chest, take boots and a note that refers us to the events from the previous parts of the Witcher game.

We go to the gate to the exit from the castle, on the global map we quickly move to Velen. (To quickly move, you need to press the middle mouse button on the castle map, this will move us to the global map. On the world map, select the “Velen” area, in Velen itself, double-click on the only open “Gallows Tree” column. You can quickly move around the map perform only between such symbols of green road poles).

The game starts with the witcher taking a bath. Yennefer wakes him up and our hero begins his journey and receives the first task to get out of the bedroom.

In order to use the witcher's flair, click on the right mouse button, and explore the bedroom. All items that have some kind of quest value are highlighted in red. The key lies on the table on an open book. Take it and use it to open the bedroom door.

Go down to the first floor and talk to the old witcher and Ciri. Complete training with Ciri and with Vesemir, where you will learn how the witcher moves and fights. Also learn 5 witcher signs.

  1. Aard- telekinetic strike stuns the enemy and sometimes knocks him down
  2. Igni- deals fire damage
  3. irden- a magic trap that slows down enemies
  4. Aksy- allows you to temporarily disorient enemies
  5. Quen- a protective shield that protects against damage

After that, Geralt will see the hunters and wake up.

Lilac and gooseberry

Discuss the letter from Yennefer with Vesemir, after which ghouls will attack us, kill them with a silver sword. Next to the horse, look for a quest item crystal skull. We ride a horse after Vesemir, on the way we will see how a griffin attacked the merchant's wagon. After driving off the griffin, ask the peasant about the woman. He will send us to the tavern of the White Garden village.

In the tavern, ask Brahm's sister about the girl, she will say that she has not seen her. In the tavern, the peasants will sit, we will talk to them in dialogue, we will use the Aksy sign to untie their tongues, but they do not know anything. At another table sits a gambler. You can play Gwilt with him. Your task is to score more points than the opponent by placing cards. After winning two rounds, we will receive a reward

And at another table sits the traveler Gunther Oh, Dim, ask him about Yennefer. He will say that he saw her in the Nilfgaardian garrison. In the garrison, talk to the chief. He will give us a new task to find the griffin.

Beast from the white garden

Go to the hunter's hut to ask him about the bodies of the group that went in search of the griffin (point 09, White Garden village). Find the traces of the hunter and follow him. Then he will lead us to the griffin's nest. On the spot we will find a female griffin. Talk to the herbalist Tamira (White Garden West point 06), she will tell you where to get the herb to attract the griffin.

When everything is ready, go to the tavern and talk to Vesemir. Near the meeting place, the witchers will set a trap for the griffin. Before the fight, Vesemir will give us a crossbow. We destroy the griffin. He will take off into the air and swoop down on us, when he is in the air, shoot him with a crossbow. When hit or after several visits, he will land on the ground, where we chop him with a steel sword.

After he has half of his lives left, he will fly away to the old mill, catch up with him there and finish him off. Bring the Griffin's Head to the Garrison Captain. He will tell you that Yennefer has gone to Vizima and will also offer you a reward. You can take money, if you refuse, you will not get money, but you will get more experience.

Important. If you have not done everything in the White Garden yet, then do not approach Vesemir and report that you found out where Yennefer went, or otherwise you will lose all the additional tasks on this map, so you should do all the additional tasks first.

When you're done, talk to Vesemir to leave the White Garden. Before leaving, a fight will begin in the tavern. Defeat the bandits. At the exit, Yennefer will be waiting for us and will ask us to go with her to Vizima for an audience with the king. Vesemir will leave us and go to Kaer Morhen.


Having met with Yennefer, we will go with her to the castle for an audience with the king. On the way, they will chase after us and she will destroy the bridge and the soldiers with her. Before an audience with the king, the witcher will be washed and shaved. You will be offered three outfits, you can pick them all up and wear one of them. After that, the chamberlain will teach you how to worship the king, the correct second option in the dialogue.

After that, follow the chamberlain, he will lead you to the king, you will have the choice to bow to the king or not. If you don't bow. then nothing terrible will happen, although do not forget our actions determine the ending of the game. The king will ask us to find his daughter Cirilla, whom we saw at the beginning in a dream as a young girl. Now she has become an adult girl. After talking with the king, follow the chamberlain. He will bring you Yennefer, talk first with her and then with the ambassador, they will give more detailed information

At the exit from you will meet the chamberlain, he will give the witcher's equipment and the task will be completed on this. Let's go to Velen

White Garden East (right side of the map)

Map of the White Garden Vostok (left side of the map). To open click on the picture

01. Game start point. Here we start our journey together in Vesemir. Search here is crystal skull

02. Pointer. Mark near them to open fast travel points on the map.

03. River crossing. In this place, a griffin will attack the merchant, he will direct us to the village

04. Dunya character. Near the bulletin board, you can get the quest "Missing in Action". Talk to him, he will offer you a payment if you help to cope with the ghouls to find the body of his brother.

05. Meeting point with Dunya. When you talk to Dunya about your brother, meet him in front of the battlefield. He will send you to the battlefield.

06. Box. Contains the recipe: Albedo

07. Use your witcher sense to find the Temerian shield. Near one of the shields you will see footprints, follow them to the hut.

08. Bastien hides in a hut after the battle. Finding his mission "Missing" will be completed.

09. Smuggling. Search the boxes under the bridge and collect all the loot.

10. Bandit camp.Blueprint: Impact Bolt And torn page: forktail decoction

11. Bandit camp. Ruins of Amavet Castle. Blueprint: Viper School Steel Sword and interrogation protocol. As soon as we take the drawing and the protocol, we will receive a new additional task.

Witcher Antiquities: Snake School Equipment

It is necessary to find all the drawings of the witcher school of the snake. We have just found one. Read the protocol of interrogation about the witcher, who was convicted for what he did not do. After that, we will need to find the remains of Kolgrim. The second drawing is in the crypt (point 10 White Garden North)

Serpent School Silver Sword

When you collect two drawings and all the ingredients, then in the garrison at the blacksmith you can collect both for yourself: the steel and silver sword of the snake school

12. Treasures under protection.Recipe: Nigredo, Blueprint: Cidari Gambeson, Recipe: Cinnabar

13. bandit camp.

14. G nest of monsters. Can be destroyed with a Samum bomb or buckshot. The ingredients for the bomb can be bought from the herbalist Tamira (looks at point 06 White Garden West)

Village White Garden (map of the village itself)

Map of the village of White Garden

01. Tavern. In the tavern, talk about Yennefer with the visitors. Buy cards from the seller you will have a task

Collect a complete collection of cards

02.Bulletin board a lot of ads will hang on it, we take them all and get an additional task and a witcher's order

Side mission: Missing

Duny Veldervet has lost his brother. In the burnt village (see point 04 on the map East of the White Garden) Talk to Dunya. Continue on the mission until you find his brother Bastien.

Order: Famously at the well

One of the peasants posted a notice that asks to destroy the ghost near the old well. Go to point 07 and talk to Odolan. He will send us to an abandoned village, where, after examining the place, we will find out that this is a midday ghost that will need to be destroyed (see White Garden South for more details).

03. Blacksmith Willy. Get him a job

Playing with fire

Talk to the gnome, his workshop was burned down at night, offer him your services in finding the arsonist. Follow the trail to Nepelka. See points 04, 05. Having completed the task, we will receive a good discount from the blacksmith and the opportunity to forge weapons from him.

04. Traces of Willy's workshop

Use your witcher's vision to see them and follow them to the water. On the shore you will see a boot. Pass under the bridge and you will see on the bank the continuation of the tracks that lead back to the village.

05. Character Nepelka. Following the trail, you will come to a barn, where you will see a wound on Nepelka's hand. In the dialogue, you can choose to take it or not. If you decide to turn it in, then the task "Playing with Fire" will be completed.

06. After leaving the tavern, soldiers will be waiting for you on the street to fight with you. You can negotiate with them, but you can pile on them.

07. Odolan. Talk to Odolan about the order: famously at the well, he will send you to the southern part of the map to an abandoned village (White Garden Map South 01). When you destroy the ghost, return to him for a reward and to complete the quest.

08. old lady. Talk to the old woman, she will tell a sentimental story about how she lost her frying pan. She will give you a task. Inside the house recipe: ether

Frying pan like new

Use the sign of Ard to break the door to the hut. Inside, using witcher's vision, examine the corpse, find a monocle, burnt papers and a peeled frying pan. A man needed a frying pan to make ink from its soot and write letters. Give the frying pan to Grandma.

09. Use witcher's vision to this point we will be sent by the head of the Nilfgaardian garrison and follow the tracks to the south where you will find Myslav (point 09 South white garden)

White Garden South (bottom of map)

01. abandoned village. Search the village using your Witcher Senses to find evidence of the spirit's presence. After examining the corpse of a dog and traces near the well, we learn that this is a noon ghost. Search the houses in one of them to find the remains of a man. Nearby, take a yellowed diary from which we learn about a certain bracelet that binds the spirit to the village.

Follow the traces of blood, after examining the traces, we will understand that the traces lead to the well itself. Seeing the rope inside the well, we will see the hanged corpse of a woman. After examining the skeleton, we jump into the well and at the bottom we find the girl's bracelet. We swim towards the lake.

02. Inside the well, when we swim under water to the exit of the lake, you can find a drawing: wide head bolt And torn page: decoction of a water woman.

03. Here we will swim out of the well, after that return to the well itself, go to the girl's skeleton and a noon will appear, destroy it. Get mutagen noon.

04. bandit camp. Deserters. Blueprint: Gwennel And torn page: decoction of katakana

05. Place of power. 1 skill point

06. Place of power. 1 skill point

07. deserted village. Residents leave these places when some kind of danger appears nearby, such as monsters. If you destroy all the enemies near it, then people will start to populate it.

08. Treasure under guard. This treasure is guarded by drowners. Torn Page: Ghost Brew

09. Character Myslav. (Needed for the quest Beast of the White House, get him in the garrison. Help him destroy the wild dogs at point 10.

10. Destroy wild dogs for Myslav and go to the next point after him.

11. The place of death of the Nilgaardian soldiers who went after the griffin. Explore this place using witcher's vision and go to point 12.

12. Dead Griffin. You will come to this place in the footsteps of the soldiers of the garrison. The griffin is needed for the task of Bestia from the White House.

White Garden North (top of the map)

01. Old Mill.

02. hidden treasure, here you will also find the key with Temerian lilies to the chest in the cellar under the house point 03.

Temerian values

We will receive the task as soon as we get military orders soaked in blood from the box. Go to point 03, where you will open the treasure with the key. This will complete the task.

03. Secret and hidden Temerian treasure. Enter the house, jump into the basement, there will be a closed door in front of you, use the Aard sign to open it. There will also be a closed box here, the key to it is located at point 02. We get Drawing sword of Dorian, Torn page decoction of basilisk

04. hidden treasure. Blueprint: Temerian Dagger, Torn Page: Doppler Brew

05. hidden treasure. Pick up the spy's notes on the corpse.

06. bandit camp. Deserters and the leader of the deserters.

07 Bridge of Laughs. Use the witcher's sign of Igni to set fire to the barrels nearby and open a passage for yourself further.

08. G a nest of monsters and a place of power. A place of power gives one skill point. The nest is destroyed by bombs or buckshot. The ingredients for the bomb can be bought at Tamira's herbalist (looks at point 06 White Garden West)

09. Place of power.

10. Treasure under guard. Go down to the crypt, it is guarded by a ghost. Here is the second part blueprint: silver sword of the snake school.

11. Place of power and nest of monsters.

White Garden West (left side of the map)

01 Nilfgaardian garrison.

02. Head of the garrison. Talk to him and he will give you the quest Beast of the White House, which is a main quest. after completing the task, he will tell us where Yennefer went.

03. Loot. You need to get to him.

04. Protected treasure.

05. Military trophies. Look carefully here you can find buckthorn for the Beast of the White House quest.

06. Herbalist Tamira. We need it in order to complete the task of Bestia from the White House, she will tell you where you can find grass to attract the griffin buckthorn. You can also buy saltpeter and celandine from her to make bombs to destroy monster nests.

It is also worth looking at her after completing Likho's order at the well, she will give you many different ingredients, for this she will have a dialogue thread about Clara.

You will also receive an additional task from the herbalist.

On deathbed

It is necessary to create an elixir Swallow for a girl who is dying. The celandine can be found by looking around Tamira's house. Drowner's brain, look near the point 07 in swamps or kill drowners, usually live near water. The third ingredient can be bought at the village tavern. When you make the elixir, give it to the girl.

07. Treasure under guard. Protected by a water woman.

08. bandit camp. Blueprint: Composite Bolt

09. Place of power. guarded by a ghost

10. Deserted village. Kill the ghouls so people can populate it

11. Merchant. Talk to him get a task from him

valuable cargo

The merchant will ask you to bring him one chest, using witcher's vision, find the place where the cart left the road, then read about point 12.

12. medical wagon. Needed in the quest Valuable Cargo. A wagon that has run off the road. Get to it and examine carefully the place around. The wagon is all studded with arrows, next to a corpse with a broken head. The merchant is clearly missing something. Pick up the chest and return to the merchant. If we tell him that we have figured him out, he will try to hide from us on a horse. Chase him on your horse and slash with your sword to throw him off. He then confesses that he is a Timerian military man and that he destroyed the medical wagon. You can choose three options to donate it not to donate and not to donate, but to take the medicines for yourself. If you let him go, he will still throw some money.

Map of the royal castle in Vizima

01. starting point. Here you will be washed, shaved and given clothes to meet the king. Here the chamberlain will be waiting for you when you get dressed to go to the king.

02. Emperor Emhyr var Emreis. He will ask us to find Tsyri

03. Ambassador Var Attre. Talk to him after talking with Yennefer, he will give more details

04. Yennefer. Talk to her after the king. She will give us a lead on Ciri in Verena and Novigrad.

05. Gwilt. Here you can chop into Gwilt.

06. Move point. From here you can teleport to Velen.

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Enlisting the support of Vesemir, Geralt went in search of his beloved Yennefer, who, after a long absence, made herself known with news from Verbitz. Arriving at the meeting place, the witchers faced the consequences of a bloody war: practically nothing remained of the former village. However, this did not prevent Vesemir from confidently taking the trail of the sorceress and, thanks to this, to continue the search.

Kaer Morhen

The witcher's stronghold on the river Gwenlech

Yennefer of Vengerberg.

Enjoying carefree hours in the company of the charming Yennefer, Geralt completely forgot about training with Ciri. Having finished with water procedures, we use the witcher's flair to find the key on the table. We can also look around and talk to the sorceress, who, regardless of the chosen replica, will ask us to finish things first. Unlocking the door, we go downstairs and find Vesemir dozing and Ciri, who prefers practice on the pendulum to boring theory. Further training will continue in the lower courtyard, so we immediately move there or agree to run along the walls. In the second case, we follow the student, overcoming simple obstacles. If there are stairs on the way, then we will definitely use them: falling even from a small height is fraught with the loss of a significant part of health.

Vesemir will shame Ciri for her irresponsible attitude to sources of valuable information, and then distribute everyone in pairs. Starting from the very basics, we draw a steel sword and deliver three quick and three powerful blows. We perform two dodges and somersaults, as well as three series of blocks. In order not to lose sight of stronger and more dangerous enemies, we use “Target Lock”. Next, open the quick access menu and select the indicated characters one by one, checking them in action. Moving away, with one training bomb we hit Vesemir with a quick throw, and with the second one with an aimed throw one of the highlighted dolls. We apply everything we have learned in sparring with Vesemir and finish the training by putting the sword back into its sheath.

Ciri strikes the doll with such force that its helmet flies off the wall. Rushing after him, Ciri disappears. Geralt's attention is drawn to the doll: pulling a piece of cloth, he reveals the face of a child. Suddenly, a snowstorm begins, and literally out of nowhere, the riders of the Wild Hunt appear, one of which rushes at Ciri with a sword.

Temeria, road to Vizima

May, 1272

The events in Kaer Morhen turned out to be just a nightmare, but Geralt does not leave the feeling that Ciri is in danger. If you wish, we tell Vesemir about the nightmare, after which he will want to study the letter from Yennefer for missing details. We share the most frank with a senior friend or we are silent about the joys with Yennefer on a stuffed unicorn.

Lilac and gooseberry

Using a silver sword and the "Igni" sign, we deal with the ghouls that attacked us and collect useful items from the corpses. With the help of witcher's instincts, we find a crystal skull belonging to Yennefer near the path and select it. Saddling a horse, we go after Vesemir. At the crossing we come across a griffin, greedily eating the merchant's horse. Before flying away, the griffon will attack Vesemir and take the torn carcass of the animal with him. We accept a reward of 50 crowns from a very grateful merchant or refuse it. Let's ask Bram if he knows anything about Yennefer's whereabouts. He will advise you to go to the village of White Garden, where visitors often stop at the only tavern in the area.

Geralt of Rivia.

Having reached the White Garden, we go into the tavern and get acquainted with its owner Elsa. She, like her brother, has never seen the sorceress and recommends turning to travelers with this question. Valuable information can only be obtained from Gunther o'Dim, who is familiar with Buttercup's ballads firsthand. He will tell you about the scout of the Nilfgaardian garrison, who was present during the conversation between Yennefer and the commander of the garrison. After leaving the tavern, we encounter aggressive peasants. If you use the Aksy sign in the dialogue, then in a fist fight you will have to sort things out with only two opponents. Having defeated them, we go straight to the Nilfgaardian garrison.

The guards at the gate will let us into the camp without further questions as soon as we introduce ourselves as a witcher. In the tower we meet Captain Peter Saar. Before providing information about Yennefer, he will wish us to kill the griffin that is annoying his people. The herbalist Tomira will help with the bait for the monster, and the hunter Myslav will help with the search.

Beast from the White Garden

Road signs provide a quick transition between them on the map, thus eliminating the need for long horse rides. From the Nilfgaardian garrison we move to the Weeper's Bridge and from there we get to the hunter's dwelling. Having knocked on the door and received no answer, with the help of the witcher's instincts, we find footprints on the ground and follow them to the south, towards the forest. Myslav was engaged in tracking down wild dogs - even more dangerous creatures than wolves. We agree to help, in order to kill the wolves, gain additional experience and at the same time learn the history of Myslav.

When the hunter takes us to the place where the griffin tortured the young soldiers, using the witcher's flair, we study the fire, bottles and dried blood on the ground. A little further south, the footprints of the Nilfgaardians begin. Continuing to walk along the road, we jump under the destroyed bridge and collect useful items from the chests. Immediately after the bridge, we turn left, climb the rocks to the very top and find the griffin's nest. We examine the body of a soldier, the remains and the female of the royal griffin. At night, the soldiers surprised the female royal griffin, killed her and burned the nest. This was the reason for the atrocities of the angry male throughout the district. Having received the second level, we acquire one of the skills and drag it to the empty cell on the right. Inside the nest, you can find some money, and the soldier next to the griffin has a Velen sword.

The herbalist Tomira is trying to alleviate the suffering of another victim of the griffin - a young girl, Lina. On her advice, we get to the river and collect buckthorn from the bottom. At the same time, we purchase from Tomira all the necessary ingredients to create useful elixirs. For example, the “Swallow” elixir allows you to effectively restore health both during the battle and after it.

Returning to the tavern, we inform Vesemir that we have accepted an order for a griffin from a Nilfgaardian captain. We share all the obtained information and proceed to the execution of the order. First of all, we make the Thunder elixir (increases attack power) and transfer it to the quick access cell in the inventory. Following Vesemir, we go to an open field, where we ambush the griffin. Before meeting with a dangerous enemy, we get a crossbow from a partner.

In the battle with the griffin, we use a silver sword and the most effective sign "Aard", and also do not forget to use the "Thunder" elixir to increase the damage done. We dodge somersaults from the enemy’s sweeping blows and, whenever he is in the air and dives at us, we knock him out with an aimed shot from a crossbow. The second half of the fight will continue near the mill in the north, therefore, without thinking twice, we call Roach and get to the appropriate place. Several surprise attacks will appear in the griffin's arsenal: we insure ourselves against taking damage with the Quen sign. Having won, we collect useful items from the corpse, including a trophy and a griffin mutagen. The mutagen is available in the tab of the same name in the "Skills" section - we transfer it to the indicated cell in order to get an increase in maximum health. A mutagen and a skill that have the same color and are in the same field will give an additional increase to the bonus. We deliver the head of the griffin to the captain of the Nilfgaardian garrison as proof of the completed order.

Peter Saar will tell you that Yennefer went to Vizima. For the work done, the captain will offer a reward of 150 crowns - accept or refuse. Before leaving the camp, we clean out all the barrels and bags with provisions and other useful items that are not under the gaze of the soldiers, and we will repair the worn out things at the blacksmith. Next, we return to the tavern to Vesemir and tell him new information about Yennefer.

Incident in the White Garden

A conflict breaks out between the visitor and the owner of the tavern, in which Vesemir intervenes. The situation is heating up to the limit, and now the peasants are ready to rush at us with weapons in their hands. Having finished with the enemies, outside we meet Yennefer, accompanied by Nilfgaardian soldiers. A lot of questions have accumulated for the sorceress, but she will be able to answer them only upon arrival in Vizima, where Emperor Emhyr var Emreis is waiting for us with an interesting proposal. On this, our paths with Vesemir will part: he will return back to Kaer Morhen, and we will go directly to Vizima. On the way, we are attacked by the Wild Hunt. As a result, every single soldier perishes, and Geralt and Yennefer miraculously flee.

Vizima, capital of occupied Temeria

A day later...

Having gained strength after a long trip, with the instructions of the chamberlain Mererid, we bring ourselves into a presentable appearance before an audience with the emperor. In the course of preparation, we get acquainted with Morvran Voorhis, the commander of the Alba division, who wants to know what happened to his people on the way to Vizima. Then, if before the start of the game you transferred saves from the second part of the game or turned on the simulation of decisions, a series of questions will follow regarding key decisions made in The Witcher 2.


We choose any outfit we like (or better, all three at once), put on a doublet, pants and shoes in the inventory and inform the chamberlain about our readiness to meet with the emperor. We will demonstrate our ability to bow, and then learn how to do it correctly by choosing the second answer. Also, it will not be superfluous to collect a lot of useful and not very things in the rooms.

Emhyr var Emreis.

We get to Emhyr's office and, if desired, express our respect with a bow. The Emperor, without further ado, will get down to business and ask to find his daughter Cirilla, who is being pursued by the Wild Hunt. Yennefer and Emhyr's large army will help us with the search for the girl. The chamberlain will take us to Yennefer's library, where we can reminisce about the past and discuss a plan of action. The sorceress admits that magical rituals were not enough to find Ciri, and in addition to this, she attracted the attention of the Wild Hunt. The last hope remains in the traditional and most reliable way - tracking. We must find Ciri before the Wild Hunt does. The girl was last seen in Velen and Novigrad. Informants Yennefer - the merchant Hendrik in Velen and Triss Merigold in Novigrad - will share the information they have. The sorceress herself will go to the Skellige Islands, where there was a large release of magical energy. We take our things from the chamberlain Mererid and examine the entire castle before leaving it. Having reached the exit, we open the world map and select Velen on it - the Hanging Tree.

Velen, North Temeria

Five days later...

Nilfgaardian liaison

We get to the tavern "At the Crossroads" and ask its owner about Gendrik. A minute later, three bandits will visit the tavern and ask why we carry two swords with us - we provoke interlocutors, answer them with restraint or friendly. When choosing the first option, in a limited space, we deal with enemies with powerful blows and fry them with the Igni sign. One way or another, the owner of the tavern will report that Gendrik lives in the village of Vereskovka. Again, if they showed aggression, then more soldiers will be waiting for us outside. You can avoid meeting with them by leaving the tavern through the back door on its right side.

Arriving in the ruined village of Vereskovka, we find the only survivor and save him from wild dogs. The peasant will tell in detail and in colors about the events that took place last night. As it turned out, the riders of the Wild Hunt got to Gendrik before us and, after long painful tortures, killed him. We examine the body of Gendrik in the house and in the shoe we find a hidden key, with which we unlock the hatch in the floor in the next room, having previously discovered it with a witcher's instinct. Having descended into the cellar, we activate the witcher's flair and interact with the secret lever in the form of a torch in the doorway. From the opened cache we take out Gendrik's things, among which we find curious notes concerning Cyril, the baron, a certain witch in the swamps and other strange circumstances.

witch hunt

In the village of Podlesye we learn about where the witch lives from one of three sources - from an elderly man near a tree at the western entrance, from two gossips, overhearing their conversation from a distance, or from a peasant woman's husband, paying him 50 crowns or enchanting him with a sign Aksiy (requires Deception skill level 1).

To the east of the village, we move along the path along the pond until we come across a lone stone at a fork. Then we turn right, deal with four nakers at the crashed cart and get to the witch's hut. The girl will escort the local residents who are harassing her and, seeing us, will hasten to hide. Entering the house, in the room on the left side, with the help of witcher's instincts, we find a skull on a shelf against the wall, touch it and go through the portal.

Morvran Voorhis.

We go up the stairs and greet our old acquaintance, the sorceress Keira Metz. Witch hunters, eager to exterminate all who practice magic, forced her to move to this wilderness. Asking about Cirilla, Keira admits that besides us, she was also interested in some mysterious elven sorcerer hiding in the ruins not far from Polissya. Without thinking twice, Keira will agree to take us to him.

Northwest of the village of Styozhki

A few hours later...

To the touch

Having descended into a dark dungeon, on the other side of the bridge we notice three riders of the Wild Hunt and ask Keira to immediately teleport us to them. However, something goes wrong and, after passing through the portal, we will find ourselves in a nest of utopians. Keira, like us, was transported to no one knows where. We destroy the enemies, swim under water to the other side and get out to the bridge along the easy (left branch) or along a slightly more difficult path (right branch). We destroy the doors with simple blows with a sword or the “Aard” sign, and we clear areas with poisonous fumes with the “Igni” sign.

We move to the southern part of the dungeon and, again, take the direct, safest, or detour, route to Keira. First of all, we destroy two rat holes marked on the mini-map with the “Igni” sign, and only then we finish off the remaining rats. The sorceress will once again try to persuade us to leave this place, but, ultimately, she will agree to continue the search for the elf.

The morph projection of the elven sorcerer left a message for Ciri with a hidden meaning, allowing her to find a secret passage. We go down, clear the way with the sign "Igni" and go right, along the way, finishing with several ghosts. We climb up the ledges, get to the projection of the elf and listen to the second message about Kelpi - Cirilla's horse. Silhouettes of a hunting dog and a sea monster are depicted on the rocks, which are traps, so it is better not to touch them. Instead, we jump into the water, swim through the depths to the other side and, with the help of the witcher's instincts, we find the silhouette of a horse on the wall. Having activated it, we return to Keira and pass into the opened room, where, in turn, we activate another silhouette on the wall - the silhouette of a swallow.

After passing through the portal, we are transferred to the hall with the golem, which will take us for enemies. The enemy is slow, has powerful, but rather predictable blows, and also occasionally hits the floor, forming a shock wave around him, and runs like a ram, swinging his arms in all directions. We try to keep our distance and attack the golem in the back with a series of powerful blows at the moment when he is distracted by Keira. Having won, we climb up and, guided by the mini-map, we get to the next portal, which opens all the same by touching the silhouette of a swallow on the wall.

This time we ended up exactly where we planned from the very beginning. It remains only to overtake the Wild Hunt in the great hall. The sorcerer summons White Chill, which begins to ooze from three ruptures. While Keira is trying to close them, we must be close to her, not going beyond the magic shield, and protect her from the hounds of the Wild Hunt. When the exhausted Keira falls into our arms, we can flirt with her or show indifference.

Keira Metz.

On the way to the last projection, we will encounter a warrior of the Wild Hunt - Nitral. The battle will conditionally take place in three stages, each of which ends with the appearance of hounds and the full restoration of Nitral's health under an impenetrable shield. We try to attack the enemy in sync with Keira and use the Quen sign to protect ourselves from Nitral's quick blows. Having won, we climb up on the left side and listen to the message. The elf asks Ciri not to linger here and warns of dangerous witches from Crooked Marsh. Keira will share some information about these witches and hand over the book "Ladies of the Forest" - we read it in the inventory. Further, with the help of witcher's instinct on the floor near the fire near the wall on the left side we find records, on the table - a flask with a potion, on a barrel near the blockage on the right wall - herbs and, finally, on the front wall - a secret passage. We get one more item from Keira - the eye of Nehalena. We use it to dispel the illusion and, turning right, get to the surface.

mistresses of the forest

After reading the book "Mistresses of the Forest", received from Keira Metz, we get to Crooked-ear Marsh and examine the wooden statue. The only path will lead us to an orphanage where five orphans live and an old woman looking after them. The most talkative of the children will mention a certain Ivasik, by whom nothing passes in the swamps, but we will never be able to find out where to find him. Grandmother will punish Arek for being too talkative and forbid him to leave the house. Once again we will try to talk to the boy, after which we will ask other children to help us distract our grandmother. They will agree, but on the condition that we play hide and seek with them.

Having counted to twenty, we begin the search. With a witcher's flair, it will not be difficult to track the movements of children and determine their location accordingly. The first and second children hid in the bushes and in a haystack behind the house in the east, the third in the house in the west, the fourth in the bushes behind the house in the south. The kids will lure Grandma out so we can ask Arek about Ivasik.

We deal with drowners and a water woman in the indicated zone, and then, following the footprints on the ground, we look for Ivasik's hole. As it turned out, Ivasik lost his voice, so before he talks about Ciri, we must help him. We follow the bogeyman, simultaneously destroying utopians. Further, we rise to the crow's nest and kill a flock of harpies, knocking them down with a crossbow and finishing with a silver sword. We take the sealed bottle from the nest and bring it to Ivasik. Having regained his voice, the gods will tell about the wounded Cyril, who headed towards the orphanage, about witches and about the difficult relationship with her grandmother. We go back to the shelter, on the way defeating a couple of drowners and a water woman. Ivasik will calm the grandmother and persuade her to arrange a meeting with the witches for us.

Arriving at the ancient oak, we make our way into the cave under it, having previously dealt with the wolves and the werewolf near the entrance, marked on the mini-map with an icon in the form of an arch. We swim under water and meet with a ghost enclosed in a tree. He will reveal the terrible secret of the Mistress of the Forest and warn of the danger threatening children.

If you do not believe the ghost, then he will go into a deaf defense and call on the spiders. We cut the branches, and then the heart itself, in between destroying the annoying spiders.

If you believe the ghost, then we begin preparations for the ceremony, which will require a crow's feather, a black wild horse and the remains of the ghost's body. The crow feather should already be in inventory, provided that we took it from the nest along with the sealed bottle. For the remains, we go to the tombstone in the western part of the specified zone and find it with the help of witcher's instincts, but before that we destroy many utopians and a water woman. Next, we go to the clearing, tame the black horse with the Aksy sign and, returning to the cave, perform the ritual.

Outside, the headman will be waiting for us. Having received from him an award in the form of our own ear, we are transported to the shelter of the witches and learn from them new information about Ciri.

History of Ciri. Escape from the swamps

Ciri, finding herself in Crooked-Ear Marshes, fled from the Lady of the Forest, who wanted to feast on her, and immediately became the object of attention of the Wild Hunt. The girl has only a steel sword in her arsenal, and instead of dodging, she can instantly move over short distances. Her health regenerates on its own, outside of combat. We cut the hounds of the Wild Hunt, endlessly appearing from the gaps until we get bored, and then we get out of the Crooked Marsh, guided by the mini-map.

bloody baron

You won’t have to wait for a warm welcome in the Vronitsa castle if we killed the bandits in the “At the Crossroads” tavern earlier: the locals will scatter to their homes, and the baron’s people will bravely try to stop us. Still, you won’t be able to go further than the main gate, directly to the baron’s chambers, so we ask for help from an old man sitting alone on a barrel in the center of the settlement. For 15 crowns, he will tell you how to bypass the gate to get to the castle. We get to the chapel in the northwest outside the castle, jump into the river and swim through the secret passage under the rock. Having met a water woman in a cave, we destroy it and climb the ledges to the very top. We continue to run forward until we find ourselves in a drained well. We go up the stairs and meet the baron in the garden.

Saying goodbye to the guests, the baron takes us to his office and offers to drink vodka for the meeting - we agree or refuse. One way or another, the Bloody Baron will introduce himself as Philip Stenger and talk about Ciri.

History of Ciri. wolf king

Having broken away from the enemies and torn off the cliff, in search of help we continue to move forward along the old channel. Having met a little girl Gretka, we save her from hungry wolves and learn about the wolf king and his pack, which will not allow us to go further. We destroy six more wolves and fully inspect the torn body of a peasant. The nature of the wounds suggests that a wolf king is really walking around somewhere nearby. We are preparing for the fight by collecting three blue wolf-dogs and two white dog parsley around the district. Having finished with the next group of wolves and having made oil for the sword according to Vesemir's recipe, we will follow Gretka into the cave and deal with the werewolf. In gratitude for the saved life, the peasant will take us to his master, who is the Bloody Baron.

After feeding and drinking Ciri and Gretka, the Baron allowed them to stay in the castle, even though none of them turned out to be his daughter.

Family matters

The Baron will offer a deal - to find his wife Anna and daughter Tamara in exchange for more information about Ciri. Before searching, we get the go-ahead to look around the rooms. Let's follow the baron to the third floor and first look into Anna's room. Using witcher's flair, we pay attention to the wall, the picture, the hole behind the picture, the wardrobe and the bent candlestick inside it, the vase of flowers on one table and the mess on the other. A trace of the smell of aged wine will lead us back to the stairs - we select the talisman that has fallen into the gap between the boards in the floor. In Tamara's room, we take out a rusty key and incense from the closet and pay attention to the doll by the bed. We ask the baron about everything that we managed to find. The baron will give a tip to the fortuneteller, from whom Anna, most likely, received the medallion.

Bandits have gathered in front of the fortune teller's house, intending to get even with the old man for writing out the wrong prescription for their comrade Edric. The bandits will refuse money, but they will gladly accept a new recipe. We can also kill them or enchant them with the “Axii” sign (requires the skill “Deception” of the 2nd level).

Soothsayer admits that he made the talisman for Anna. A specific accessory was supposed to protect Anna from evil forces. The fortune-teller does not know where Anna and Tamara are, but he can ask the spirits about it. Before divination, we must find his goat Princess.

Having received the bell, in the inventory we transfer it to the appropriate cell and follow the tracks on the ground in the direction of the west until we encounter wolves, and then a goat. We select the bell in the quick access menu and, periodically ringing it, we head home. At some point, the goat will move back - we catch up with it and deal with the bear. Returning to the fortuneteller, we learn from the spirits about the cursed child of Anna, who turned into an igosha. The old man will advise you to remove the curse from Igosha, thereby turning him into a chura. We open the glossary - bestiary and in the section "The Damned" we read information about Igosh.

Upon returning to the castle, we find the stable on fire. The Baron's man will ask you to save his brother Austin, who remained inside the stable - we agree or refuse. In the first case, we penetrate inside the stairs on the left side of the building. We cut the barrels with a sword, go down the stairs, then quickly open one of the pens with a horse and, guided by the mini-map, get to the exit, bypassing the debris on the right side. The heroic deed will not go unnoticed, so the next time you visit the castle, we will receive 20 crowns from the rescued groom.

Having heard the bitter truth about himself and his family, the drunken baron will become furious and rush at us with his fists: in battle we use powerful attacks, occasionally dodging or blocking. After a series of revelations, closer to midnight, the baron will lead us to the place where he buried the baby. Igosha just got out of the grave - we attack him or turn him into a chura.

In the first case, we deal with the ghosts and the Igosh himself, using the Aksy sign whenever he starts to restore his health. Having obtained the blood of Igosha, we go to the Witch for the ritual. Following the old man, we get to the wolf tract: we light the fires on three stones and, fighting with numerous ghosts, do not forget to re-ignite the extinguished fires, otherwise the ritual risks dragging on for a long time.

Bloody Baron.

In the second case, we return to the castle, destroying ghosts along the way and calming Igosha with the Aksy sign. We try not to move too far away from the baron in order to prevent the Igosha from turning into a huge monster. The baron will give the name of the unborn daughter and bury her according to the rules. We sit at the grave and meditate until the next midnight, when we can call the chura. Following the chur, we get to the barn, where, with the help of the witcher's instinct, we find a horseshoe, a bracelet on a barrel and clothes on the ground. Then, continuing to follow the road, we stumble upon the corpse of a horse and inspect it, having previously destroyed the rotten ones.

On our own or together with a chur, we get to the fishing hut on the river bank, where Wojciech lives with his family. It turns out that the grandmother from the orphanage in Krivoukhovy swamps is Anna - the wife of the Bloody Baron. Tamara is most likely located in Oxenfurt. Returning to the baron, we tell him about our daughter and, having received the Redan travel letter, we go to Oksenfurt. There we look for Tamara and give her a choice - to return home or go with Graden. Despite all our attempts to explain to her that the baron really regrets what he did, the girl remains unshakable in her decision to stay with a new friend.

Once again we return to the castle and put an end to the family business, supplementing the story with details about Anna.

History of Ciri. horse racing

Once, having gathered around the fire after a hunt, the conversation turns to who is the best at managing a horse. Without thinking twice, Ciri and the Baron conclude a dispute, putting at stake the most valuable thing they have. To win at the races, you need to quickly rush forward along the route specified on the mini-map, while trying with all your might not to let your opponent go ahead. One way or another, we will have to forget about the reward for a while, because, out of nowhere, a basilisk appears and attacks us.

History of Ciri. From the shadow

We bring down a flurry of blows on the basilisk every time it descends to the ground, and dodge its poisonous claws. After disarming the baron, the basilisk will carry him to the top of the tower. We pull ourselves up on straight ledges on the rocks right in front of the road sign and, having risen up, we finally deal with the enemy. After saying goodbye to the baron and warning him about the Wild Hunt, Ciri will go to Novigrad.


Bonfires of Novigrad

On Hierarch Square, we witness how Caleb Menge publicly burns the sorceress Felicia Corey and Lacharel's doppler. Having reached the house of Triss Merigold, we find several robbers in the courtyard, stealing the last things of the sorceress. We learn from them that Triss may be hiding in the Rotten Grove with the King of Beggars. Caleb Menge will soon appear and order the guards to take the marauders away. He will also warn us that there is no place for magic and crime in the city.

You can find out the location of the Rotten Grove from the beggar sitting on the upper beam in the west, or by following the pickpocket that will appear in the northern zone when we approach the crowd. In the first case, in order to get into the grove, it is enough to name the password "The old pig bred gilts", and in the second case, pay 50 crowns or enchant the guard with the "Axius" sign (requires the skill "Deception" of the 2nd level).

Caleb Menge.

Triss Merigold joined the influential community of beggars and thus provided herself with a cover. The Beggar King - Francis Bedlam - seeks to overthrow Caleb Menge and seize power in the city. After asking Triss about Ciri, we go with her to complete the order. The informer, who was supposed to get an important ingredient, gave in to the guards and threw the bag of magickal into the canal. One way or another, we will have to make a trip under the water. Having gone down to the basement, we destroy the drowner and with the help of the witcher's instinct we activate the secret button on the column. Having got out, we get to the place where the bundle is supposedly located. We dive into the water and with the help of the witcher's instinct we find a bundle at the bottom, almost next to the bridge. Returning to Triss, we go to the customer at the grain warehouse. If desired, you can get a deposit of 150 kroons.

Entering the warehouse, with a witcher's flair we find three small cracks on the walls and place one crystal in each of them. Then Triss activates the spell, after which we will have an extra minute for a frank conversation. The rats, as if on call, leave the warehouse in a friendly formation, and instead of them, witch hunters, who were called by the customer, appear. Having dealt with the enemies, we take away a double rate from Brandon for the inconvenience caused and we receive from Triss the coordinates of the oneiromancer Corina Tilly, who specializes in dream predictions.

Sleep in the big city

Rudolf de Jonker, the owner of the largest bank in Novigrad, invited Corina Tilly to his newly acquired house to rid him of the ghosts. Having risen to the bedroom on the second floor, we find a god over the body of a oneiromancer, who, having seen us, will hasten to hide. Being in a dream, the girl will mutter about a certain doll in the attic. Having climbed even higher, we clear the passage with the “Aard” sign and in the next room we select the drawing of the cradle from the chair, and the rag doll from the bench. We examine the drawing in the inventory in the “Things for tasks” section, go down back to the second floor and in a small room put the rag doll in the cradle. Next, open another drawing from the door and go down to the basement through the door under the stairs. Inside the furnace, we find Sarah, a god, who decided to play a trick on Korina, sending her terrible dreams.

Sarah will flatly refuse to leave the house - we let her stay, but on the condition that she lags behind Korina, or we drive her away by a reliable method. For the second option, you need to purchase burdock from the herbalist, put it in the oven and set it on fire with the Igni sign. Returning to Korina, we tell her about the tricks of the god and agree on the next meeting at the Golden Sturgeon tavern. Waiting for Rudolf outside, we notify that the house is free from ghosts or that we could not do anything.

Having met Korina in the Golden Sturgeon, we share memories of Ciri, after which we plunge into a dream in which we see Buttercup and a swallow. Waking up, we talk about what the dreamer saw and learn from her that Buttercup inherited a brothel called "Sage and Rosemary".

List of harlots

In the brothel we meet our old friend Zoltan, together with whom we expel a bunch of tramps who have come down from the institution. We tell Zoltan about Ciri and the Wild Hunt pursuing her, after which we learn from him about the disappearance of Buttercup. Using the witcher's flair, we select Buttercup's diary from the chest of drawers under the window. In it we find a list of girls with whom the loving bard met. At least one of them, Buttercup should tell about his immediate plans. We open the "Things for tasks" section in the inventory, read the diary and, before leaving, we will once again talk with Zoltan about all the girls.

Triss Merigold.

We save Vespula from the company of racketeers in any of three ways: by paying 200 crowns, intimidating the King of Beggars, or by dealing with enemies in battle. With the rest of the girls - Elihal, Molly and Marabella - there will be no problems: each of them will tell an interesting story about Buttercup, but nothing more. In the case of Molly, if you wish, you can compete in horse racing with General Morvran Voorhis himself and, if you win, get a saddle with 70 cells.

There are two ways to get into the house of Rosa var Attra - by introducing yourself to the guard as a fencing teacher or by independently sneaking into the territory of the villa. In the second case, we go around the villa on the left side until we come across a staircase near the fountain. Then, going down, we run along the cliff, jump over the gap and climb up the ledges. In the garden we meet Rosa var Attre, who will cover us in front of the guards and order us to be taken to the training room.

Let's follow the captain of the guard inside the house and, taking the wooden sword from the rack, we'll go down to the practice room. Having changed clothes, we start training: in both rounds we attack the opponent with powerful blows to the bitter end. Rosa's twin sister Edna var Attre will join us later. Rose admits that the relationship between her and Buttercup did not work out due to the fact that he sang the talents of a certain Cyranca. Saying goodbye to the sisters, we return to the brothel to Zoltan and ask him about the troubadour from Kovir. As it turned out, Buttercup fell head over heels in love with a girl named Priscilla, who performs every evening at the Kingfisher with the Renard and the Foxes troupe.

Arriving at the indicated place, being outside, we meditate until 18:00 and go to the institution to meet Zoltan and listen to Priscilla's solo performance. When finished, the girl will tell you that Buttercup planned a raid on the treasury of Sigi Reuven, tried to help Ciri, and also got in touch with the gang of Bastard Junior, who subsequently chased him through the whole city. Since then, nothing has been heard of the bard.

Hunt for Junior

In the baths we will be received as a welcome guest: we leave our things in the dressing room and follow the eunuch. The bastard Junior, having enlisted the support of a certain influential gentleman, managed to ruin relations with everyone he could, so Sigi Reuven, Francis Bedlam and Carl Varese intend to exclude him from the Big Four. Instead of coming to the meeting, he sent his people to surprise the members of the triumvirate and massacre them. Armed with the first thing that comes to hand, we help the bigwigs of the underworld to hold back the onslaught of enemies. For Tesak, such audacity on the part of the Younger was the last straw, and he intends to find and punish the traitor at any cost, even if he raises the whole of Novigrad to his ears.

Sigi Reuven will remember our past grievances, but will not refuse help. He will advise you to look for the Bastard in his own house, as well as in his casino and arena.

In the house of the Bastard Junior, with the help of a witcher's instinct, on the first floor we inspect things on the floor, and on the second - things on the floor and a rack with objects on the wall.

We bribe, enchant (requires the Deception skill level 2) or kill the gatekeepers at the entrance to the arena. With a peaceful option, we agree with Igor, who is engaged in conducting fights, about work and agree to take part in the fight in the ring. Before that, do not forget to replenish the reserves of the Swallow elixir and stock up on food, as we will have to stand four rounds in the ring without the opportunity to finish the fight ahead of schedule. After winning, Bastard Junior will appear and order his people to kill us. Peaceful and hostile options will lead to one outcome: we sequentially deal with a large number of enemies, not allowing them to surround us. Having finished with everyone, among Igor's things we find a note that tells about the cache and how to get to it. Actually we get to this very cache and with the help of the witcher's instinct we activate the secret mechanism in the form of a torch to the right of the wall. We pass into the secret room and get a mysterious letter from the chest. From it we learn that Bastard Junior works for King Radovid.

King of the poor.

We enchant (requires the skill "Deception" of the 2nd level) or kill the gatekeepers at the entrance to the casino. With a peaceful option, you will have to play three games of Gwent, while not mentioning Bastard Junior in a single word, so as not to cause aggression among the enemies. Peaceful and hostile options will lead to one outcome: we consistently clear all three floors from enemies. On the top floor in the room we find a dwarf named Rico, who is a spy for the King of Beggars. He will tell us that Bastard Junior has become friends with the Redans. However, this information will already be known to us if we have previously visited the arena. We release or leave bound Rico. When choosing the first option, then we can go to the King of Beggars and get a silver sword from him.

Returning to Reuven, we tell him about the connections of the Younger with the Redans, after which we go to the partisan camp near Oksenfurt, led by our friend Vernon Roche. At the entrance to the camp we encounter Ortensio - we enchant him with the Aksy sign or win in a fistfight. Roche will agree to set us up with Radovid, but before that we will have to meet with a messenger at the bridge in Oxenfurt. Arriving at the place, together with Roche we go to the chess club, where, to our surprise, King Radovid himself is located, who will hand over the Junior Bastard to us with giblets.

History of Ciri. Visit to Junior

Doppler Dudu was captured by Bastard Junior, and Ciri and Buttercup pondered how to save him. Without thinking twice, the girl decided to get into Willy's house on her own. We climb the stairs, climb even higher on the ledges and, having reached the balcony along the roofs, we penetrate inside through the window. In the battle with Willy, we use a special gift for the first time, which allows us to effectively deal significant damage to one or several enemies at once. Having won, we release Duda Bibervelt, we clean the first and second floors from opponents and leave the house.

Service for Radovid

At the audience, King Radovid will wish that we bring to him the living sorceress Philippa Eilhart, who seeks to restore the Lodge of sorceresses.

Treasures of Count Reuven

Reuven is ready to use his influence to find Buttercup, but before that, we must help him investigate a mysterious robbery. After going down under the baths, we follow Sigi to the treasury. The only witness - the troll Bart - was powerless in front of smart thieves who smashed the wall with explosives, and before that they somehow made a long way through the sewer canal with poisonous pop mold. Attempts to follow the trail of thieves did not lead to anything good: Reuven lost his man, and even encountered a monster that forced him to return back.

Sigi Reuven (Dijkstra).

After drinking the antidote for pop mold, with the help of a witcher's instinct, we examine the burst pipe above the breach, the grate from the pipe lying against the opposite wall, and a piece of pipe at the fork. We move along the channel along the blue line on the mini-map, destroying drowners along the way. Having reached the next section, at the grate we find the bottom of the vessel, presumably a fragment of a homemade bomb, and, having studied it properly, we return to Reuven with a report.

While visiting the bathhouse, the thieves threw a homemade bomb into the drain of the pool, which detonated behind the wall next to the treasury. With the help of a witcher's instinct, we find oil in the water of the far pool, and a silver lid next to the edge. On the ill-fated day, among the visitors was the late Margrave Henckel, under whom the robber apparently disguised himself. Sigi will give the coordinates of Henkel's mansion and ask you to immediately go there.

In the fight with the forktail, we use improved oil against draconians and the most effective Aard sign. The enemy, having received a serious wound, will try to hide - we overtake him in a dark cave, following the traces of blood on the ground, and finish him off, adhering to the previous strategy. Having obtained the liquor of the forktail, we return to the fortress of Kaer Morhen in a race with Excel. In case of victory, as a reward from the witcher, you can get the boots of the mountain people.

Last test

Lambert got the most responsible task - to fill the phylactery with the power of the Circle of Elements. Having met with the witcher in the fortress, we go with him to the pond, simultaneously destroying the harpies. Last time Lambert left the boat tied to the pier, but it was not there. We continue to walk along the shore until we encounter numerous drowners and a water woman. Having dealt with them, we get into the boat opposite Lambert and cross to the cave on the other side of the lake.

Once at the entrance to the cave, from somewhere nearby, the cries of a child begin to be heard. Despite Lambert's warnings that this is just an illusion, we can independently verify that he is right and be trapped in the fogs. Having finished with the enemies, we return to the cave and go inside. Climbing high and not very ledges, we move deeper into the cave, where we find the Old Grotto, lightly sleeping. Without approaching the cyclops, we climb the ledges on the right side and leave the cave. Otherwise, before getting out, we engage in a fight with a large enemy and actively use the signs "Aksy" and "Kven" along the way.

On the way to the Circle of Elements, we meet several trolls who will be against us going further than they will cause aggression from Lambert. We quickly get to the next cave, we pass through it and on the other side we again enter into a dialogue with the local inhabitants. We peacefully negotiate with the trolls or deal with them in battle, after which we rise to the Circle of Elements, light four torches located in the corners, and lay the phylactery on the altar. After talking heart to heart with Lambert, we pick up the phylactery filled with power and return back to the fortress.


We rise to the room at the top of the tower and communicate with Yennefer, who is extremely unhappy with the progress in preparing for the ritual to remove the curse from Uma. The conversation about the bed can end with the sorceress reminding us of an affair with Triss, and then, if not to apologize for her words, in a frenzy teleports us directly into the river far beyond Kaer Morhen. One way or another, we help Yennefer restore the megascope's performance, namely, we find and eliminate the cause that disrupts the operation of the crystals. We go down to the first floor, pick up the potestikvisator, approach the source of magical interference - boxes with dimerite bombs against the wall, to the left of the large cage next to Vesemir and Uma - and interact with it. Returning to Yennefer, we take part in a conversation with Ida Emean, who is one of the members of the Lodge of Enchantresses. She will give some advice on how to remove the curse and at the same time remind you of the prophecy of Itlin, in which Ciri plays a key role.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better

Vesemir will insist on an alternative way - to remove the curse with the help of folk traditions - and for this he will take Uma to the mountains for the whole night. We devote our free time to socializing with friends over a drink. When Yennefer goes to bed, we join her or continue gatherings in a purely male company, having fun in more and more sophisticated ways in proportion to the amount of alcohol consumed.

Va Faill, Elaine

The next morning, Vesemir and Uma will return from the mountains to no avail, so all hope remains for the ritual. Having collected the ingredients from the table, we prepare an elixir from them in the Alchemy section according to the recipe Herbal Extracts and give it to Yennefer. This time everything will go as it should, and Uma will be disenchanted: under the body of an ugly creature, Ciri's companion, the elf Avallac'h, was hiding. He will tell you that Ciri is on the Isle of Mists and that she is being pursued by the Wild Hunt in order to obtain Elder Blood and use it to open the gates to our world for an army of thousands.

Brothers in Arms

The inevitable battle with the Wild Hunt is getting closer to reality every day. The battle for Kaer Morhen is expected to be serious, therefore, it will not be superfluous to enlist the support of our friends and just good acquaintances, including Triss, Dijkstra, Roche and Zoltan from Novigrad, Keira Metz from Velen, Emhyr var Emreis from Nilfgaard, Collapse, Myshovur, Cerys and Hjalmara of Skellige. For most of them, you will have to provide a service, i.e. complete one or more additional quests, but there will be those who unconditionally agree to come to Kaer Morhen.

Isle of Mists

We find any free boat on the shore of Skellige Island and on it we get to the Isle of Mists, where the recommended character level starts at 22. In this case, all previously unfulfilled tasks will automatically fail.

Following the magical firefly received from the elf Avallac'ha, on the water we fight off annoying harpies with the help of a crossbow, and on land - from tangapors. We get to the house on the top of the hill, in which the gnomes who survived the shipwreck took refuge. They will let us inside only after we bring their missing comrades to them - Ivo, Gaspard and Ferens. Having received information about their whereabouts, we go in search.

On the shore we deal with a couple of watermen and at the top of the cliff we find Ivo, who, having tried to go down, will eventually break to death. The second dwarf named Gaspar is found sleeping inside the tower. He suffers from narcolepsy, so we try not to move too far away from him, in order to wake him up after another attack, and at the same time protect him from tangapors. We find the third dwarf Ferens dead in the swamps, having previously dealt with the demon: in battle we use the signs "Quen" and "Axii". Returning to the hut with the only surviving dwarf, we find a cold and not breathing Ciri on the bed, which, having merged with a magical firefly, miraculously comes to life in our arms. We ask the girl about her adventures or immediately go to Kaer Morhen. The dwarves, without waiting for us, sailed away in a boat, and meanwhile a ship of the Wild Hunt appeared on the horizon. We convince Ciri to use the portal and take us to the witcher's haven.

Battle of Kaer Morhen

After a short but warm meeting, we convene a council in the fortress, where we scrupulously discuss the plan for preparing for the upcoming battle against the Wild Hunt. We make a choice in favor of elixirs (we will get "Thunder" and "Excellent Swallow") or traps, sealing holes in the wall or clearing the arsenal. After a few hours, when all the preparatory work is completed, we go outside and watch the arrival of the Wild Hunt. Yennefer will create a magical barrier around Kaer Morhen, Triss will stop the first enemies approaching the fortress with a fiery rain, and together with Lambert, saddling horses, we will go into the forest for reconnaissance. To avoid a fight, we try not to get close to the hounds and close the portals from a distance, with an aimed throw of a dimerite bomb. If there are not enough stocks of bombs, then the Irden sign can be used. With the advent of Imlerich, our invisibility will disappear, so we signal Triss with a shot from a crossbow into the sky, but we will not wait for support.

Meanwhile, Ciri will not want to sit out in the fortress and will come to the aid of Vesemir and Triss surrounded by enemies. Using new abilities, we make our way to the roof to the red-haired sorceress and destroy the warriors and hounds.

Having finished with numerous opponents, but not with Imlerich, not without the help of a fiery rain, we return to Kaer Morhen on horseback and, first of all, close the gate, having risen to the lever on the wall. However, the riders will continue their advance and take Lambert by surprise, to whom Keira Metz will come to the rescue in time. Further, we retreat to the courtyard, where we also destroy a large number of enemies, and then we go to the main gate, which Eskel was supposed to open, but for some reason has not yet done so. We get to Triss and with joint efforts we deal with warriors and hounds.

Eskel and Ciri will successfully fight Caranthir, after which the latter will hasten to escape. We destroy every one of the warriors and open the gates for friends. Using the usual methods, we close all the portals of the Wild Hunt as soon as possible, replenishing the supplies of dimerite bombs from scattered boxes if necessary, and get to the main gate at the request of Triss.

Yennefer, who has lost her last strength, will pass out, thereby leaving Kaer Morhen without any protection and allowing the Wild Hunt to break through the last line of defense. Having reached Ciri, Eredin tries to lead her through the portal, but Vesemir stops this attempt by desperately rushing at the enemy. After that, Imlerich begins to brutally beat the witcher and intends to kill him, so Ciri decides to voluntarily surrender to the Wild Hunt. Taking advantage of a good moment, Vesemir takes out a dagger and plunges it into Imlerich, who in turn kills the witcher. Shocked, Ciri falls into a state of uncontrollable anger and, through a deafening scream, releases energy from herself so powerful that the Wild Hunt has no choice but to retreat. To stop the Explosion of Force, Avallac'h suddenly came to his senses.

Landscape after the battle

After the burial of Vesemir, we meet with friends at the wall of Kaer Morhen and discuss with them the past battle, which could have ended very tragically. The Wild Hunt turned out to be stronger than we expected, so Yennefer offers to enlist the support of powerful sorceresses, and for this she has already concluded an agreement with the emperor, so that in exchange for help he will amnestied the Lodge of sorceresses and give her refuge in Nilfgaard.

After several days, Avallac'h was still unable to teach Ciri to control his power. The girl still blames herself for the death of Vesemir and therefore turns to us for advice on how to overcome depression: we offer to drown her grief in alcohol or have fun playing snowballs. When choosing the second option, we try to hit Ciri with aimed throws, while dodging the return snowballs. We replenish stocks of snowballs from places where snow accumulates.

The next morning, Ciri will ask you to go with her to Bald Mountain, where Imleric himself will be present at the sabbat of sorceresses, whom Ciri intends to kill in revenge for Vesemir. If we convince Ciri to drop by the emperor, then if we wish, we can receive a reward of 2000 crowns from the latter.

bald mountain

Ard Kerbin is the home of the Lady of the Woods, who are revealed to be in secret contact with the Wild Hunt. We get to the village in the depths of the island and, sitting by the fire, we will talk with the locals. At the annual festival, three boys and girls are honored to meet with the Mistresses of the Forest. The old man will direct us to Tekla, who is engaged in the selection of the Chosen, who are lucky enough to visit the tops of the mountain. On the way we will meet an old friend - Ivasik. He will advise you not to mess with witches, and even more so with Imlerich.

Ciri, being a young and beautiful girl, will easily pass the selection to meet with the witches, and for this we will have to accept a rather simple challenge. When Tekla throws an ancient coin into the water, we jump down and dive into the water. Having destroyed the drowners from the crossbow, with the help of the witcher's instincts we find a coin at the bottom of the underwater cave and together with it we return back to Tekla. Further, following the assistant of Tekla, we get to the gate at the top and go into the cave. The gatekeeper Fugas will pass us a death sentence as soon as we show him the troublemaker's coin. In battle, we use the “Quen” sign, which, in addition to protecting against blows, also removes the negative effect from fire. Having won, according to the game “stone, scissors, paper”, we determine who will go where: we are after Imlerir, and Ciri is after the witches.

Having gone down to the waterfall, we jump into the gap and get to the heart of the oak roots, where the Mistresses of the Forest are located. Consistently destroy the witches one by one, using a special gift and dodging attacks more often. In the end, one of the defeated witches will rip Vesemir's medallion from Ciri's neck and fly away in an unknown direction.

We rise to Imlerich, sitting at the very top of the mountain, and, after a short conversation, we engage in a fight with him. Coming close to the enemy, we dodge his attack to the right side and inflict two quick blows to the back, then quickly jump back or defend ourselves in advance with the Quen sign. Periodically, Imlerich will be covered with a white coating and due to this, teleport to us behind our backs. You can avoid an unpleasant sneak attack by cooling the enemy with the Igni sign. In the second half of the fight, Imleric will drop his shield and be permanently covered in a white coating. We still prefer the Quen sign, but now we have to show more skill, dodging first back and then forward when the enemy is behind us. After the third attack, the commander of the Wild Hunt will stop for literally a few seconds - this is our chance to land as many quick blows on him as possible. Having defeated Imlerich, together with Ciri we are transferred to Novigrad.

Final preparations

In the brothel "Sage and Rosemary" we will be met by Buttercup and Zoltan, who will tell about the latest events. Things are not going well for Yennefer, Triss and Avallac'h, so each of them needs help from our side.

Through time and space

Avallac'h is impressed with how quickly we dealt with Imleric, but we should not forget that this is only the beginning of the journey, because two more strong commanders remain under Eredin's command. One of them - Ge'els - Avallac'h hopes to win over to our side, revealing to him the truth about Eredin, who killed the king of the elves Oberon and subsequently took his place. You can find Ge'els in Aen Elle - in the land of the Alder people, which is the home of the Wild Hunt and all other elves from a parallel world. You can get there through the combined system of passages in other worlds. In our world, such a passage is hidden in the basement of one of the ordinary houses in Novigrad. Having reached the indicated place, we break through the wall with the Aard sign and go through the portal.

Once in the destroyed desert world, we follow Avallac'h to the portal at the other end and destroy the sandworms that have come running. As soon as the portal opens, we immediately pass through it and move to the next world. We go around the first rock, then the second and go down the slope on the right side. We quickly cross the meadow with red plants and stone pillars, then climb up again and get to the next portal. We swim to the next portal, which will take us to a snowy world. At the exit from the cave, we melt the ice wall with the “Igni” sign and quickly descend down the slope, from one shelter to another. We smoothly shift to the right side and immediately after the destroyed building we roll down an even steeper slope. In the same breath, we go down to the next building on the left side and, jumping down, quickly kindle a fire on the ground. Thanks to the heat, we will quickly replenish the health lost by the cold. Having dealt with a couple of hounds, we get to the farthest building and, after passing through it, we roll down. Without departing from the heat sources, we destroy a few more enemies and, finally, we reach the lighthouse.

Avallac'h will tell you that once Ciri saved us from the Wild Hunt and since then Eredin has not stopped chasing her. After a short conversation, but a meaningful conversation, we are transported to Tir on Lia, we look for Ge'els and convince him to go with us to Novigrad.

Oneiromancer Corina Tilly will perform a dreaming session for a guest from a distant world to show him how Eredin killed King Oberon. Having received irrefutable evidence, Ge'els will agree to help us and tell us how to lure Eredin into our world with the help of the Sun Stone located on Skellige. Then, when the leader of the Wild Hunt is trapped, Ge'els promises to leave him without support.


For all the time that Ciri spent in Novigrad, she managed to acquire not only good acquaintances, but also make enemies. The first person Ciri wants to see is Bastard Junior. If earlier we left Willy alive, then it will be possible to find him in the Scraps: there will be no shadow left from the miserable and lowered member of the Big Four to the lowest strata of society, so Ciri, instead of killing him, will consider that life has already fully punished his. If earlier we killed Willy, then we go to his shelter. Having enchanted the bandits at the entrance with the “Axii” sign (requires the skill “Deception” of the 3rd level) or dealt with them in battle, inside we find the doppler Dudu, who has taken on the guise of Bastard Junior.

Next, we go to the "Golden Sturgeon" to the waitress Bei, who, risking her life, helped Ciri in search of Buttercup. We drive the bandits away by force or word and, having thanked Bey, we go to Zastenye to the camp of wandering circus performers. Waldo and Aegar helped Ciri with money and took her in when she faced difficulties in a large foreign city. Waldo will lament the lack of horses needed to leave Novigrad due to harassment by the Temple Guard. After riding horses with Aegar, we agree or refuse to participate in the adventure. In the first case, we take part in the theft of horses, and in the second, we sort things out with Aegar in a fistfight. We make our way to the stable, having previously climbed onto the roof from a wooden platform, go down the stairs and slowly approach the table. Having picked up the key, we unlock the front door with them and take the horses right from under the nose of the guards. If it was not possible to act silently, then first we deal with the guard, and then, before leaving the stable, we calm all the horses with the Aksy sign.

It's darkest under the lantern


Philippa Eilhart fell into the trap of her former lover Arthur, who in an original way decided to take revenge on her for past grievances: when the sorceress, yielding to Arthur's persuasion, turned into an owl in order to hide from the persecution of Radovid, he shackled her in dimerite shackles. Soon Arthur was executed, and Zoltan bought the owl at the auction. A few days later, the dwarf lost the owl at cards to a certain non-local person. Having resorted to hydromancy, Triss will determine that Philippa is in Dijkstra's baths. Arriving at the place, we find Dijkstra himself and Philippa, who caused a rout in the room. Pursuing the sorceress, we deal with the enchanted people of Dijkstra, as well as with the troll Bart, or we convince him to let us go further, saying that we want to help his new mistress. Having overtaken Philippa, we destroy the called fire elemental, using the Quen sign in battle and avoiding purple traps. Having won, we go upstairs and neutralize the sorceress. Dijkstra does not want to part with Philippa so easily, so in return we provide valuable information about the Emperor of Nilfgaard or enter into an open conflict, during which Dijkstra's second leg will be broken.

great escape

Yennefer learned that the sorceress Marguerite Lo-Antil was being held in the Oxenfurt prison, from which, until recently, not a single prisoner could escape. Abbot Faria was the only one who managed to break free, so his knowledge will be useful to us in the process of releasing Margarita. After waiting for the fugitive to appear, we try to talk to him, but he, sensing danger, will hasten to hide. After we catch the Abbot, he will share his story of escape, and also talk about the guards who often drink and about the tunnels through which you can quietly enter the prison.

Turning to Zoltan for help only makes sense if we previously ignored the problem of sorceresses who wanted to escape from the city (quests "A Matter of Life and Death" and "Now or Never"). In this case, the dwarf will agree to deliver strong drinks to the prison and give them to the guards to drink.

Having met with Yennefer, we follow her to the well, through which we descend into the ruins under the prison. We swim under water, we pass into the room on the right side and deal with the cemetery woman. Then, using the witcher's flair, we find a mechanism on the wall without the most necessary part - the lever. We get to the next room, where we destroy several drowners and remove the lever from the mechanism on the wall near the doorway. Returning to the previous mechanism, insert the lever into it and thereby open the secret door. Further, we go to the left, break through the flimsy wall with the sign "Aard" and deal with one rotten and three ghouls. At the end of the tunnel, through a small gap on the right side, we penetrate directly into the prison block.

Depending on whether Zoltan helped us or not, we sneak past the drunken witch hunters or deal with them. Enemies on the second floor, one way or another, will have to be killed, after which we learn from Margarita that you can open the cell only with the key that the head of the guard constantly carries with him. Having got out, we deal with numerous Redanian soldiers in the courtyard or, if they are drunk, we sneak past them. During the battle, you can always run into the building to take a breath and replenish lost health. Next, we go up to the office to the head of the prison, kill him and take the key to the cell. Returning to Margarita, we release her from confinement and leave the prison.

Final preparations (continued)

Philip Eilhart.

Ciri is worried about the fact that Philippa and Margarita are showing increased interest in her - we offer to go with her or send one to talk with the sorceresses who want to recruit the girl into the Lodge.

Tango threesome

A declaration of love by both Triss and Yennefer at the same time will lead to the fact that both sorceresses will come forward for an offer to spend a pleasant evening together at the Kingfisher. Arriving at the indicated institution with a bottle of good wine, we go up to the second floor and knock on the door of the room. Triss and Yennefer will appear before us in all their glory, but the happiness that has come so suddenly will not last long: the girls will chain us to the bed and, having celebrated their small victory over us, imposingly leave the room. And only the next morning Buttercup will look into the room and free us after a night spent on the bed, being shackled.

Preparing for battle

Having met with allies in the port, Yennefer will tell you that, despite the agreement with Emhyr, the last sorceress - Fringilla Vigo - is being kept in the imperial dungeons. We inform Avallac'h of our readiness and set off for the Skellig Islands in full force. The Nilfgaardian fleet, led by the emperor, also arrived there, on board of which Fringilla is located.

Veni Vedi Vigo

Having received a letter from Yennefer about the inviolability of the Lodge, we meditate until midnight and swim to Emhyr's ship from the road sign closest to the fleet. Avoiding the illuminated areas, we board the anchor on the right side of the bow of the ship, convince the emperor to let the sorceress go, and together we return to Ard Skellige.

sun stone

Myshovur will help us with the search for an ancient artifact. Depending on whether we helped Cerys and Hjalmar (quests from the Collapse - "Chosen of the Gods", "Lord of Undvik" and "King's Gambit") or not, Cerys (Hjalmara) or Svanrige will become the new king of Skellige. In the first case, this will lead to a war between the clans, and in the second - with Nilfgaard. We go to Caer Muir, where we help Mousewort deal with Lugas the Mad and his people, or to Caer Trold, where we kill Nilfgaardian soldiers. One way or another, Myshovur will direct us to the skald Eyvind, who for sure may know something about the Sunstone.

We trick Eyvind into giving the coordinates of the cave, saying that we are collecting material for an adventure novel. Otherwise, the bard will quickly see through the lie and refuse to help us. An alternative option involves meeting with a pearl diver, which can be reached by swimming under water into a cave in the west. Having received the necessary information, we deal with drowners and return to Yennefer.

Ciri will tell about a certain laboratory, which Avallac'h chose to visit without unnecessary witnesses. Philippa will search for the elven ruins, where the Sunstone is likely to be.

On the boat we swim to the entrance to the elven ruins on the northern side of the mountain and together with Philippa we go inside. Moving forward, we deal with drowners, a siren, after knocking it out from a crossbow, and a golem. Next, the sorceress will donate blood to the guard Fiallan, after which we can get to the room with the mirrors. Focusing on the mini-map, we go up to the mirrors in detours and activate each of them exactly once, having previously destroyed the nearby spirit. Then it remains only to pick up the Sun Stone and leave the ruins along the same path that they made their way into them.

Elder blood child

Having met with Ciri and Yennefer at the entrance to the laboratory of Avallac'ha, we deal with the golem and go inside. After looking around, we will talk with the sorceress and go downstairs, where we will find the genealogical tree of the Elder Blood. In the last room we will meet an elf who will tell about the true, not entirely rosy for Ciri, intentions of Avallac’h. We calm down the upset Ciri or let her give free rein to her emotions, smashing everything in the laboratory that comes to hand.


Ciri, having learned that her friend Skjall died during the battle with the Wild Hunt, wishes to visit his grave - we agree or refuse to keep her company. In the first case, Yennefer will take us to the island of Hindarsfjall, to the village of Lofoten. Not finding Skjall's grave in the local cemetery, Ciri will remember that the bodies of the exiles are thrown into a special pit intended for fallen sheep. After we humanly bury Skjall, the villagers will accuse us of breaking the law, but then they will come to the conclusion that they have no right to condemn the person who saved their lives.

On thin ice

Having finished with all the affairs on Arda Skellige, we inform Avallac’h that we are ready to go to the island of Undvik, where, after all the preliminary discussions of the upcoming battle, we call the Wild Hunt into our world with the help of the Sun Stone. Caranthir appears first and casts a spell with his staff, thereby freezing absolutely everyone and everything within a radius of several hundred meters. Ciri, despite her earlier promise, is the first to rush into battle in order to interrupt the spell as soon as possible.

We get to the ghostly ship of Naglfar, simultaneously cracking down on warriors and hounds, and in a short battle we easily defeat Caranthir. However, at the last moment, the commander substitutes his staff, the powerful energy from which throws us far back. Before Caranthir grabs Ciri, she manages to teleport to who knows where.

Meanwhile, Geralt gets rid of the icy shackles and undertakes to finish what his ward has begun. We constantly get close to the enemy, moving from side to side to avoid the ice spheres, and inflict as many blows on him as possible. Slow elementals of ice will not cause any special problems, so you can not be distracted by them at all. The defeated Caranthir teleports us to the bottom of the sea - we swim to the surface and watch how Ciri once again escapes from the ghost riders.

Having reached Naglfar, we become witnesses of the murder of Kran an Craite and enter into a decisive battle with the leader of the Wild Hunt - Eredin. At all three stages of the battle - on the ship, on the top of the cliff and again on the ship - we adhere to the same tactics as in the battles against Imlerich and Caranthir. Only unlike Warlords, Eredin deals slightly more damage at close range and carries out more massive attacks from a distance. Also, do not forget to actively use the most effective signs "Igni" and "Quen". Before his death, Eredin will tell you that Avallac'h is supposedly a traitor, and his only goal was to take Ciri and use her power to his advantage.

Tedd Deireadh. The hour of the end

Yennefer will take us to a safe place, and soon after that, the gates between the worlds will open. We follow the sorceress, first on our own two feet, and then on a horse. Further, we climb the slope, keeping close to Yennefer, so as not to die from the blizzard, and cracking down on the hounds of the Wild Hunt. Once at the bridge, where the action of the magical barrier begins, we pass through the gap made by Yennefer and, finally, we get to the tower. As it turned out, the culprit of all that was happening was Ciri, who set out to stop the White Frost. Regardless of our persuasion, the girl will step into another world. Its further actions will depend entirely on the decisions made earlier.

Something ends, something begins

Decisions that affect the main ending of the game:

Quest "Landscape after the battle"

1) Play snowballs (positively) or get drunk (negatively)
2) Go straight to Velen (positive) or visit Emperor Emhyr (negative). Receive a reward (negatively) or refuse it (positively)

Quest "Last preparations"

3) Go to a conversation with the sorceresses Philippa and Margarita (negatively) together with Ciri or send her alone (positively)

Quest "Child of Elder Blood"

4) Allow Ciri to wreak havoc in Avallac'h's laboratory (positive) or calm her down (negatively)

Quest "Child of Elder Blood"

5) Together with Ciri, visit Skjall's grave (positively) or abandon this venture (negatively)

Most affirmative actions, including ignoring Emperor Emhyr or visiting him but refusing the reward, will result in the first ending.

Most positive actions, plus visiting Emperor Emhyr and receiving a reward, as well as completing the side quests "An Eye for an Eye", "A Deadly Plot", "Enemy of the People" and "Matters of State Importance" (will be opened provided that in a good way agreed with Dijkstra to release Philip from the baths), in which we take the side of Roche and kill Dijkstra, will lead to the second ending.

And finally, most of the negative actions, regardless of whether we visited Emperor Emhyr or not, and whether we accepted the reward or refused it, will lead to the third ending.

Ending 1

Two weeks later, Geralt arrived in Vizima to tell Emhyr about the tragic disappearance of his daughter Ciri. In the end, the emperor wishes never to see us again. After the advent of some more time, we go to the ruined fortress to meet with an old acquaintance - master Ort - who specially made a unique silver blade for us. Having added the finishing touches to the sword, we get to the tavern in the White Garden and hand over the gift to Ciri, who decided to become a witcher secretly from her father.

Ending 2

Geralt returned to the White Garden along with his friends Triss, Zoltan and Dandelion. Having reached the hut of the hunter Myslav, we immediately head from there to the meeting place with Ciri. At the request of the girl, we will visit the griffin's nest, where we will deal with the suddenly appeared forktail, and then we will go down to the lake. We scare away the bear in any way, after which we throw a bomb into the hole and collect four dead fish. Returning to the village, Ciri will tell about her decision to become the heiress of Emhyr and, accordingly, lead the empire of Nilfgaard.

Ending 3

A week after the disappearance of Ciri, and possibly her death, Geralt went to the swamps of Temeria, where he met a werewolf named Berem. Berem will agree to take us through the swamps straight to the only surviving witch - Spinner. On the way, we deal with a group of peasants from the nearest village, who caught a she-wolf that had been vexing them for a long time. Having reached the shelter, we destroy the Spinner and several drowners. Geralt finds Vesemir's medallion in the house and after some time finds himself surrounded by drowners, gathered from all over the swamps.

"Family Matters" is one of the main story quests in Velen, where the witcher will visit in search of traces of Ciri's presence. Here we will witness a tearful family story and learn that a person with a loud harsh nickname can be overly sentimental.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning when and where we will receive this quest. In the Bloody Baron quest, the witcher will get to the castle of Vronitsa and get acquainted with the well-known self-appointed baron in Velen, nicknamed Bloody (real name Philip Stenger). The Baron will confirm that he saw Ciri, but in exchange for information about the circumstances of the girl's visit to the castle of Vronitsa, he asks for help in finding his family (Anna's wife and Tamara's daughter). The Witcher gives his consent, thereby launching the quest "Family Matters", where Geralt will have to look for the wife and daughter of the Bloody Baron who disappeared under strange circumstances. According to the description, they are about forty and twenty years old, respectively.

The Bloody Baron reports that his family disappeared on the last new moon for unclear reasons. It is obvious that the baron is not finishing something. Geralt suggests first of all to inspect their rooms. The witcher and the baron head to the top floor, where the necessary premises are located.

After the baron opens the doors, you can start looking for possible traces of the disappearance of the baron's relatives. We head to the bedroom of Anna and the baron, while the baron asks not to make a mess there. We go into the room and understand that it will not be difficult to adhere to the request of the owner of the house, since, ironically, there is still a mess there.

We will be engaged in searches, so it is not difficult to guess what will help us in this. With the help of a witcher's instinct, we examine the situation of the room. We notice a light trace on the wall, as if something had hung there before. By size, we can guess that they outweighed the picture depicting the baron and his wife, located nearby on the inner partition of the room. We remove it from a new place, behind it there is a hole in the wall. It becomes clear that this same hole was closed with a cloth. We examine it from the other side, for this you will have to open the doors of the cabinet located behind the partition. There we find a bent candlestick, someone broke through the wall with it and broke the cabinet. We also pay attention to the deep dents on the support beam. It can be concluded that there was probably a struggle here.

We continue the search in the room of the Baron and Anna. On the table is a broken candlestick and wine stains. Apparently the bottle was broken. By smell, the witcher determines that this is Ervelus from Toussaint. We are trying to find out where the trace of the aroma of this noble wine leads. In the mode of the witcher's flair, we follow the trail, it will break off on the stairs between the floors. There, under one of the floorboards, we find a certain amulet.

In the room of the baron and Anna, they found out everything they could. Now you can start examining the room of the daughter of the Baron Tamara. Next to the bed we find some kind of ugly doll, somewhat reminiscent of a voodoo doll (the one in which pins are stuck to harm someone). Not far from the front door, in a closet, you can find an incense jar and an old key. The key will still be useful to us, and we follow the smell of anise, sandalwood and saffron. We go down the stairs to the basement. In the far pantry (we unlock it with the found key) is the altar of the Eternal Flame. Apparently, the daughter of the baron was fascinated by religion. Also in the basement, you can replenish your inventory with various useful gizmos.

Having practiced the use of detective abilities, we return to the baron to tell about the finds. Unfortunately, the baron was pretty drunk that evening and will shed little light on this story, but still we will be able to get something out of him. He made a noticeable pogrom and spilled wine in his bedroom with his wife, he himself had a few quarrel with his wife that evening. That strange doll was presented to Tamara a long time ago by the baron, and he made it himself. Now it is clear why the doll is of such an unfavorable appearance, and it also turns out that the baron tried to portray the sorceress Triss Merigold with this craft. To put it mildly, the baron is not very skilled in this matter and a puppeteer would not have come out of him ...

As for the amulet, it belongs to Anna and was handed to her, most likely by one of the local representatives of witchcraft. The witcher asks the baron if there is any medicine man in the area. The baron reports that there is such a fortune teller here, he is still a weirdo. He lives near the village of Bolshoi Boughs. The Baron warns that it is unlikely to get anything intelligible from him. They say that the fortuneteller moved a little, sees spirits, in his youth he killed his own father with the help of an ax, and he also has an unhealthy relationship with his goat ...

It becomes curious what kind of eccentric this is. We go to this most infamous soothsayer to find out about the medallion. In the village of Bolshie Boughs, on the way to the abode of the fortuneteller, we will meet angry local residents. They also want to see the fortune-teller, but for a completely different reason. He bewitched one of their friends, from which he was covered with scabs and almost did not get out of the closet ...

In order to get rid of these comrades, there are several options:

  1. You can advise them to get away, which will lead to an armed clash with them (“introduce” 5 opponents of the 6th level to their sword).
  2. It is possible to ward them off with Axiom, but this will require the Deception skill, developed to the 2nd level.
  3. You can offer them coins. It will not be possible to pay them off, as they are driven by other motives, and they themselves want to “pay off” with the fortune teller for their comrade. As a result, they will engage in battle with the witcher.
  4. You can find out from them exactly how the fortune-teller treated their comrade, and offer your help. If at one time in the quest "The Nilfgaardian Messenger" the witcher did not get involved in a fight in the inn "At the Crossroads", then everything will be resolved peacefully, otherwise the witcher will face an inevitable skirmish. In the case of a peaceful resolution of the situation, you won’t have to go anywhere separately, the witcher will give a couple of tips that will moderate the ardor of annoying bullies and they will finally go home.

Having got rid of hostile strangers, we go into the house of the fortuneteller. We meet a strange old man who refers to himself in the third person, and generally expresses himself intricately. According to him, he was already waiting for Geralt. He says that divination does not lie and the bones predicted his arrival. The Witcher asks a new acquaintance about the amulet found in the Baron's estate. Soothsayer reports that he gave this talisman to Anna to protect against evil spirits. The witcher also asks if the fortune teller knows anything about the disappearance of the baron's wife and daughter. He does not know anything about this, but he assures that the spirits can know. To search for spirits, a fortuneteller needs a certain Princess ...

The princess is the fortune-teller's favorite goat. The witcher will have to find her in order to get his help. The fortune-teller gives the witcher a bell, to which the Princess responds and advises to avoid ... strawberries and wild raspberries. Once again, we are convinced of the eccentricity of the fortuneteller and set off in search of a goat.

A small additional task "To help the Princess" is launched. We have to go through, probably, the most senseless and at the same time funny quest of those that can be found in the game. In terms of stupidity, however, it competes with that well-known quest where we had to look for a frying pan for one grandmother. In any case, you will have to complete this quest in order to further advance on the Family Matters quest.

So, first you need to prepare the bell by placing it in the appropriate inventory slot. Further, with the help of a trouble-free witcher's instinct, we follow the goat's tracks from the abode of the fortuneteller. Along the way, we deal with a pack of wolves and a large bear. Soon we will hear goat bleating and find Princess. We return with the goat to the fortune teller's house. In order for the goat to follow the witcher, you will have to constantly ring the bell. This beast will certainly be distracted and run away to the side. If earlier on the way the bear and wolves were eliminated, then there will be no additional problems, except for the need to have considerable patience for this “exciting” walk with a goat.

Finally, Geralt brings his pet to the fortune teller. He thanks the witcher and performs the ritual using goat's milk. As a result, he will tell that Anna had a miscarriage, he was buried without a ceremony, and he turned into an igosha. This is a cursed creature that feeds on the blood of pregnant women. The creature is quite vile, but you can remove the curse from it, then it will turn into a chura (a kind of guardian spirit of the hearth). It becomes obvious that, based on this, we have to make a choice: remove the curse from Igosha or stop his miserable existence.

Soothsayer reports that Igosha will help find Anna, because "blood will always find its own blood." He adds that the Igosh should be looked for at midnight at an empty grave, and the baron should know where the burial is.
We return to the castle of Vronitsa for a conversation with the baron. Upon arrival, our gaze is greeted by a stable in flames. The baron himself set it on fire in a drunken stupor. One soldier asks the witcher to save his groom brother, who was left inside the building. Rescue the poor fellow or go further - you choose.

If we still decide to save the groom, then we have to get into a burning building. To do this, climb the stairs to the second floor. Inside we will experience a lack of air, so we will have to act quickly enough. We make our way through the wreckage with the help of Aard, find the groom and get out through the main gate. The next time you return to Vronitsa, the groom will thank the witcher for saving him with 20 coins. Not a lot, of course, but if we leave him to die, we won't get anything at all.

After that, Geralt meets the baron and brings him to his senses with the help of cuffs and immersing the head of the accursed drunkard in water. After making sure that the baron is now ready for a reasonable conversation, the witcher brings him up to date on the situation with the igosha. The Baron agrees to point out where the burial is.

At midnight we head to the place where the baron buried the child. We will not find Igosha in the grave, because he has already rushed to hunt, but soon he will come to us himself. This is where the need for a choice arises: to kill Igosh and, with the help of his blood, allow the fortune-teller to perform a ritual of communication with spirits, or to remove the curse from the unfortunate creature and, after turning into a chura, learn from him the necessary information. The second option is preferable, but the decision is up to you.

If we decide to kill the damned creature, then an intense battle awaits us. First, you can lubricate the sword with oil for the damned. During the battle, the initially small and not seemingly dangerous Igosha will increase in size. The enemy is not very agile, but his blows cause significant damage. Also, his danger lies in the fact that he can regenerate and release poisonous spikes. The fight will be complicated in addition by the appearance of ghosts, which will also have to be dealt with.

Following the option of killing Igosha, after the end of the battle we head with the blood of Igosha (the inventory will be replenished with it automatically after the inglorious death of the vile creature) to the recently familiar eccentric soothsayer. It is a necessary ingredient for the ritual. We leave with a fortune teller to the place of the ceremony. Here it will be necessary to keep the fire in the braziers and fight off a horde of ghosts. After the end of the ritual, based on visions, the fortune-teller reports that the missing wife and daughter of the Bloody Baron visited the fisherman Wojciech. Accordingly, it will be necessary to visit this fisherman and ask him about what he knows about the disappeared women.

If we choose the option of saving Igosha and removing the curse from him, then you will need to deliver Igosha to the threshold of the house, where a suitable grave has been prepared. Igosha must be carried by a failed father. As a preliminary preparation, you can smear the sword with ghost oil. On the way, you will have to fight off the ghosts and calm Igosha Aksy. It is worth noting that in this case it is not recommended to move far from the baron and it is worthwhile to pacify the Igosh in a timely manner, otherwise you will have to move on to the option of calming him down through killing.

Having reached the porch of the house, under which the grave has already been prepared. The proper rites of burial and naming are performed here. Left waiting for the Igosha to turn into a chur, Geralt will send the baron home. After a while, a chur (guardian spirit, now tied to the baron's house) will appear, which the witcher will ask to show the way to relatives.

We follow the soaring spirit to the fisherman's house. On the way, we first get to an abandoned house, near which, with the help of a witcher's instinct, we find traces of horseshoes and an abandoned bracelet. This may indicate that women were a passage here. Further, following the chur, we stumble upon the torn remains of a horse, next to which rotten ones graze (scavengers that break into pieces before death and poison those around them with cadaveric poison). Apparently, some large monster attacked the fugitives here and tore the horse to pieces. The next stop on the tip of the chur, finally, will be the dwelling of the fisherman.

You can find out about the baron's daughter by going to Oxenfurt, but in order to get into the city, we need a Redan travel letter. A fake letter can be obtained by completing the additional quests "Fake Papers" and "Cemetery Hyenas", but it's better to get a real one. A genuine letter can be earned as a reward for completing the Witcher order "Forest Monster" (the order should be received at the bridge in front of the Redanian Border post on the notice board, posted by Captain Felix Grubb). In fact, the easiest way to get a document is from the Bloody Baron. Having learned from the witcher the whereabouts of Tamara, the baron himself will issue a letter to him in order to enter the city and visit the girl.

After the end of the baron's sensual impulse, the witcher tells him what he managed to find out about his relatives. If at the moment the quest "Mistresses of the Forest" is completed and we have information about the whereabouts of the baron's wife, then we should not immediately share them. Before that, it is better to find out about the fate of Tamara, having received that very letter from the baron and going to Oxenfurt, otherwise this item of the assignment will fail, and the baron will rush to the Krivoukhovy swamps to help out his wife. This will affect Tamara's attitude towards her father when they meet in the quest "Return to Krivoukhov Marshes".

We are going to Oxenfurt. With the help of the Redan travel document, we pass into the city. We find Tamara in the house at the pier in the northern part of Oxenfurt. We learn that she joined the ranks of witch hunters and they will help her find her mother. By no means does Tamara intend to return to her father in Vronitsa.

Once again, we return to the baron with a new portion of information. In exchange for information about Tamara, the baron will tell part of the story of his time with Ciri. As part of the short quest "History of Ciri: Racing", we learn that they competed with each other in the races, then they were attacked by a basilisk. The baron refuses to reveal the last part of the story until the witcher finds his wife Anna.

We have to explore all the remaining clues in Velen and find the baron's wife Anna. You can find out Anna's whereabouts by completing the "Ladies of the Forest" quest. We will receive it after completing the quest “To the Touch” (we will go to it in turn after completing the “Witch Hunt” quest and finding an old acquaintance of the witcher Keira Metz) with the participation of the sorceress Keira Metz, she will give us a tip on the so-called mistresses of the forest. Having visited Krivoukhovy swamps as part of the "Mistress of the Forest" quest, we learn that she is subject to the will of local witches and looks after the kids for them in a shelter in the swamp.

Again we visit the baron and lay out to him the location of his wife and her difficult situation. You can also listen to the baron's tearful revelations about his family life, it turns out that Anna is also far from an angel and cheated on him. Having put an end to mental torment, in exchange for the information obtained by the witcher about Anna, the baron will finally tell the end of the story of Ciri's stay in Velen.

This will be served through the short quest "Ciri's Story: Out of the Shadows", where Ciri saves the Baron from the Basilisk, but the Wild Hunt is on her trail and she has to leave Velen and head to Novigrad. Quest is quite simple. Controlling Ciri, you will have to overcome the basilisk, using accurate strikes and well-timed dodges. In the midst of the battle, the basilisk will grab the baron and carry him to the top of the tower. In order to get there and rescue the Baron, Ciri will need to use her teleportation power, which will attract the attention of the Wild Hunt. The Baron will be saved, and Ciri will continue to hide from the persecution of the Wild Hunt, heading for Novigrad.

After the witcher receives all the necessary information about Ciri's stay in Velen and understands all the ups and downs of the Bloody Baron's family relations, the quest "Family Matters" will be completed. But in addition, the baron will ask for Geralt's help in rescuing Anna from the tenacious clutches of the witches from Crooked-Ear Marshes.

We will find out the final conclusion of this burning family drama when completing the additional quest "Return to Krivoukhov Marshes". It is also worth noting that the choice made in the Whispering Hill quest will have a significant impact on the endings of this story.

The Witcher is free to help the baron save his wife (additional quest "Return to the Crooked Bog") or continue the search for Ciri and head to the free city of Novigrad (main story quest "Bonfires of Novigrad"). Family affairs are completed, leaving only ground for reflection.

You can also get acquainted with the passage of the quest "Family Matters" in the following video: