Fresh blackcurrant leaves are used in tea. Tea made from currant leaves. Tea for colds

Nature envelops a person not only in the harmony of beauty and perfection, it endows him with its priceless gifts. The most striking example of this is currants. This shrub is widespread in the southern Russian regions and in the middle zone. It grows in dachas, annually delighting caring owners with the aroma of ripe berries. Currants are also grown for decorative purposes.

In ordinary circles, it is generally accepted that only berries have beneficial properties. Indeed, the fruits of the bush have a unique composition. But the leaves of the plant are no less useful. Although the debate about their medicinal properties between traditional healers and representatives of official medicine still does not subside, both sides recognize the healing properties of currant leaves.

Scope of application of currant leaves

Blackcurrant leaves are widely used for various purposes: extracts from them are used in the production of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, they have found use in cooking, herbalists and traditional healers also have not ignored this natural gift. The leaf of the bush is included in many herbal preparations; decoctions, infusions, tinctures and many other medicinal forms are prepared from it.

Features of the composition

All the healing power of the surprisingly graceful currant leaf is hidden inside itself. Its composition is simply phenomenal, so many useful and very rare elements are contained in the leaves. If you list just one polyphenolic compound, you get an impressive list:

  • flavonols;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • catechins (free and condensed);
  • proanthocyanidins.
All these substances are the strongest natural antioxidants. They are able to suppress free radicals and other unstable oxygen compounds that destroy cellular structures. That is why people suffering from cancer or at risk due to a genetic predisposition to it are often recommended to include currant leaves in their diet.

But this part of the plant is also rich in essential macro- and microelements:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

These minerals ensure bone growth, are responsible for the condition of muscles and motor functions of the body. The presence of potassium and magnesium prevents the development of a heart attack. These elements regulate blood circulation and maintain normal heart rhythm. The leaves also contain essential oils, a whole complex of vitamins, and emulsin.

What are the beneficial properties of currant leaves?

In addition to the fact that the black currant leaf is a storehouse of vitamins and other useful components, it is capable of influencing the physiological processes occurring in the human body to varying degrees and curing many diseases. So, thanks to the high content of vitamin C, it helps fight anemia. Healing drinks prepared on its basis have a tonic effect and have a positive effect on overall well-being.

The beneficial qualities of black currant leaves are especially evident in the following:

  • localization of inflammatory foci;
  • in the ability to remove excess fluid from the body;
  • the ability to have a positive effect on diseases of the digestive system;
  • in removing waste and toxins from the body;
  • regulation of blood clotting;
  • in the ability to cure skin diseases;
  • opportunities to maintain and strengthen human immune forces.

All of these properties are used for preventive purposes, and are also often included in complex therapy in the form of auxiliary treatment for vascular pathologies, heart problems, and viral diseases.

Antioxidant properties not only help to cleanse the body of harmful products, but for smokers, for example, they are useful because they cleanse their lungs. People living in areas with high background radiation are also recommended to drink decoctions and infusions of currant leaves.

Both fresh and dried raw materials are suitable for the preparation of medicinal compositions. You can prepare it yourself in the summer, but you must strictly follow the process technology. Many people prefer to purchase ready-made raw materials from a pharmacy chain. The beneficial qualities of the leaves are perfectly preserved when frozen.

When properly prepared in dosage forms, the herbal preparation is effective in the treatment and prevention of:

  • bronchitis and colds;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • dysentery;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • skin problems.

In addition to the fact that the components of the composition strengthen the body’s immune forces, they have a positive effect on vision and regulate the functions of the kidneys and liver. If you cleanse your facial skin with infusion every day or apply lotions to problem areas, you can get rid of acne and inflammation.

Contraindications for use

Despite the high usefulness of the plant, there are a number of restrictions that make it impossible to use currant leaves. In this list:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive system;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • individual intolerance.

Long-term treatment and preventive courses are not recommended. The optimal duration of treatment is 30 days, after which you need to take a break for several weeks and resume herbal therapy again. The most reasonable decision is to first consult with your doctor about the treatment option and its duration.

Methods for preparing medicines

Drinks that are prepared according to folk recipes from blackcurrant leaves are conventionally divided into two groups: medicinal and preventive. The effect of medicinal drinks is aimed at eliminating specific symptoms and improving the general condition of a person. Preventative agents, and these are mainly aromatic teas, are used to strengthen the body.

Important! There are some specific points that should be taken into account when preparing dosage forms from currant leaves.

Since the human body is not able to synthesize ascorbic acid on its own, this vitamin must be regularly supplied with food. But the organic compound is instantly destroyed under the influence of high temperature. Therefore, in most folk recipes, the currant leaf is used whole; it is not boiled, but placed in hot water.

Healing tea

Currant tea will be a great addition to your daily diet. In addition, this option is a worthy alternative to such aggressive drinks as strong tea and coffee. Currant tea has diuretic properties and can become an integral part of complex treatment for the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • gout;
  • swelling of various origins.

This vitamin tea is especially useful for older people and children. The drink acts gently without disturbing the natural functions of the body.

Now a few recipes for preparing a healing drink:

  1. The simplest option: place the crushed leaves in a teapot, pour boiling water over it and let it brew. To give the drink an original taste, you can add raspberry, strawberry or rowan leaves. It is not advisable to add sugar to such teas; it is better to replace it with a spoonful of natural honey.
  2. Vitamin tea. In addition to currant leaves, you will need rose hips, lingonberry and raspberry leaves. All components are taken in equal parts - 2 tablespoons each. The mixture is first poured with boiling water and left for 10 minutes until cooked over low heat. The prepared composition should be drunk during the day. A fortified drink for digestive disorders can be prepared with St. John's wort or clover flowers. In the latter case, the drink can be used as a diuretic and for vitamin deficiencies.
  3. Summer tea. In summer, it is advisable to use fresh currant leaves. Just 5-6 pieces are enough to get a healthy drink with a pleasant taste. The prepared leaves are placed directly into boiling water (250 ml), the solution is kept on the fire for another minute, then removed and infused for 3 minutes. You can add a little honey before use. It is recommended to drink the drink before bed, as it has a pronounced sedative effect and improves the quality of sleep.


To prepare the medicinal composition, crushed leaves (4 tbsp) are placed in already boiling water (1 liter) and the mixture is kept in a water bath for half an hour. After cooling the product, filter it and drink one glass at a time.


In this case, it is better to use a thermos. Pour dry leaves (5 tbsp) inside the container and pour a liter of boiling water over them. Leave for up to 3 hours, then strain well. You can take half a glass up to 4 times a day. The infusion is excellent for external treatment in the form of lotions. The procedure for treating inflamed skin areas lasts up to 15 minutes.

Therapeutic baths

Similar procedures are indicated for prickly heat and diathesis in children; dermatitis and even radiculitis are treated with baths. In addition, a bath with blackcurrant leaves is an excellent substitute for a spa treatment in an expensive salon.

Therapeutic baths improve metabolic processes, stimulate blood circulation, and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the nails and the whole body. After this procedure, the skin becomes elastic and silky. Typically the course of treatment is 10 sessions.

The bath composition is prepared from 1 kg of dry raw materials and 10 liters of water. The named components are combined, and the mixture is set to boil for half an hour. Then the container is tightly covered and infused for an hour. After filtering, the solution is added to the already prepared bath. The procedure can be taken no more than twice a week, and its duration should not exceed 25 minutes.

Cosmetical tools

The composition for the antiseptic compress is recommended for eliminating acne and for those with oily skin. The composition is prepared from dry currant leaf (20 g), sea buckthorn fruit (50 g), chamomile (30 g). All three components are first mixed, and then the plant mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water. The resulting mass is placed in a water bath for 20 minutes. After the specified time, the solution is filtered and used for lotions. The recommended course of treatment is 5 days.

Nourishing face mask. For this recipe you will need fresh leaves (6 pieces) and 150 g of curdled milk. After grinding, the plant material must be mixed with a lactic acid product and the mass must be squeezed through cheesecloth. The nourishing mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes. This cosmetic procedure evens out the complexion and softens the skin. In winter, dried material can be used.

Currant leaves are a truly unique product created by nature itself. They are added to salads and hot dishes. The aromatic leaves are irreplaceable when preserving vegetables. The phytoncides contained in the leaves prevent food spoilage during long-term storage. But the most important thing is the quality of this herbal component - its high effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as its availability. After all, to prepare vitamin tea or a relaxing water treatment, all you need to do in the summer is go outside and pick a few leaves from the nearest bush. It’s good that sometimes even a single leaf can do much more for a person’s health than the most expensive medicine.

Video: blackcurrant leaf tea

For a long time, currants have been used to prepare drinks, winter preparations and even medicines. The berries and leaves of this crop are rich in minerals and vitamins beneficial to the human body. It is no coincidence that currant tea is recommended for consumption by people with reduced immunity, as well as those who suffer from a lack of vitamins.

Properties of the shrub

Currant is a plant 1-4 m high with a strong root system. You can recognize the plant by its straight, elongated branches of red-brown or gray color. Currant leaves consist of several lobes and have a jagged, rounded shape. Their color depends on the variety, so you can find both bright green and dull green leaves.

Decorative varieties have unusual foliage colors: red-orange and crimson, which changes depending on the time of year. For the most part, the currant crop is a deciduous shrub, but in tropical areas you can also find evergreen species.

The plant blooms in mid-spring and, depending on the species, can produce white, yellow, pink or red flowers. Currant fruits can be round or oval in shape. Their color can be black, red, white, yellow or purple. As for taste, a lot depends on the plant variety. The berries can taste sour, sweet, sour, and sometimes tasteless.

Useful qualities

Currants contain many vitamins, which determine the beneficial qualities of the plant. Vitamin C is quite pronounced, found not only in berries, but also in leaves, buds, buds and flowers. In addition to ascorbic acid, the fruits contain vitamins A and B - groups.

Recipes based on currants are used for many health problems. For example, they are used for high blood pressure or high glucose levels. Currants also help restore the immune system after severe viral diseases.

Currant decoctions have laxative and diuretic properties. They can also help with mild forms of gastritis and stomach ulcers.


Despite the many positive qualities, currants have a number of contraindications. For example, eating currants can be harmful to health due to hepatitis, venous thrombosis, allergies, increased stomach acidity and increased blood clotting.

What parts of the plant can be used?

In order to experience all the amazing properties of currants, it is not necessary to eat fresh berries or resort to fruit-based recipes. To treat diseases in the field of dermatology or improve immunity, you can use decoctions based on the leaves, buds and even shoots of the plant.

Currant leaves contain vitamins, phytoncides, minerals and flavonoids. The rich citric acid content makes the leaves essential for vitamin deficiencies and a suppressed immune system. Based on them, drugs are made to restore strength after illness, as well as to prevent the occurrence of cancer. Leaf tinctures help disinfect wounds and relieve inflammation.

Currant leaves are good for treating gout and rheumatism. They are no less useful in the treatment of peptic ulcers and gastritis. The leaves are also useful for preserving vision for older people.

Fermentation is often used for special processing of currant leaves. It involves withering of raw materials, fermentation and drying. This method allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the leaves as much as possible, as well as express their taste and aroma.

Young shoots of black currant have diuretic, diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. Decoctions are prepared from the branches, which are actively used to stimulate the adrenal glands.

Blackcurrant buds are often used to restore the human circulatory system. Decoctions are made from them, which help to effectively treat dermatitis, exudative diathesis and eye diseases.

Currant flowers are rich in vitamins and microelements that do not compromise the amazing properties of currant leaves. In addition, they are excellent honey plants. Currant honey has a number of beneficial properties that help fight colds, improve appetite and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to collect correctly?

Each element of currant has beneficial properties that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In order to properly prepare this or that recipe, you need to know the rules for collecting currant leaves, buds, berries and twigs.

  • Currant buds are harvested in March - April. To collect, you need to use pruning shears, which are used to cut off branches with swollen buds. After cutting, the branches are tied into bundles and left to dry for a couple of days. After this time, the buds are separated from the branches and stored in the freezer. The preparation can be used within the next year.
  • Berry picking time is in July– August, when the fruits reach their peak ripening. Collect them in a container, and then distribute them evenly on the surface of the tray so that they dry well. Drying can take place either in the shade under a canopy or in the oven of a gas stove. Dried berries can be stored for two years.
  • Currant leaves are cut in early autumn. They should be green, without any damage. After collection, they should be left in the fresh air to dry. The shelf life of dried leaves is one year.
  • It is best to prune currant branches at the end of the season, when the leaves have already fallen from them. To collect, you will need pruning shears to cut off the best parts of fresh branches. After cutting, the branches must be placed on the windowsill to dry.

They can be used throughout the year.

How to brew?

To brew currants at home, you will need to prepare chopped currant leaves. To prepare one serving of tea, just take 1 tablespoon of dry leaves and pour boiling water over them for 12 minutes. After the tea has been brewed, it must be strained.

In summer, you can brew tea from freshly picked leaves. To do this, you just need to wash them, place them in a mug and fill them with hot water.

To make fermented tea from currant leaves, you need to prepare the raw materials. To ferment the leaves, you first need to dry them. To do this, they are laid out on a tray and left in the shade for a day. After this, you need to extract juice from the leaves. To extract it, you can use the shredding or meat grinder method.

The chopped leaves need to be fermented. To do this, they need to be placed in a container and covered with a damp cloth. The raw materials should ferment for approximately 7-8 hours at a temperature of 25C. You can tell that it has fermented by its strong fruity smell.

After the fermentation process, the leaves must be dried in the oven at a temperature of 100C. It is important that the oven door is slightly open. You can tell when it’s time to turn off the oven by how the leaf reacts to the fold: if it breaks, it means drying is complete.

Fermented tea is brewed in the same way as regular tea. It differs only in a more pronounced taste and aroma.

It is known that the benefits of currants lie in the content of microelements and vitamins. But not all people can eat this product. Therefore, it is very important to know to whom currants are recommended and in what quantities.

Currants can significantly help the body with anemia. Currant berries are a good hematopoietic agent that cleanses the blood well. In addition, they can increase hemoglobin levels.

It has been proven that tinctures of leaves and berries help fight high temperatures. Therefore, currant decoctions can be drunk for colds accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Currant remedies have a diuretic effect, which makes it possible to treat diseases of the bladder and kidneys. It is also important that currants can relieve puffiness.

Diabetics can safely add the fruits of this crop to their diet, as they will only strengthen the body and increase overall immunity.

People suffering from oily skin can use a decoction of currant leaves for daily wiping.

It has been proven that this method significantly reduces the work of the sebaceous glands, normalizing the condition of the skin.

Delicious recipes

There are a great many recipes based on currants. The simplest recipe is tea, which also includes raspberry branches. This drink has a unique taste and smell.

You can make unusual cookies from blackcurrant berries. To prepare it you will need:

  • currant berries – 300 g;
  • butter – 300 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • wheat flour – 300 g;
  • ground nuts – 100 g;
  • potato starch – 35 g.

To prepare cookies, you need to prepare a bowl with melted butter, to which you need to add sugar. Next, you need to beat everything until smooth, gradually adding currants. Pour nuts, flour and starch into the resulting mixture and knead the dough. The kneaded dough should be placed in a bag and put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. After this, you need to shape the dough into a sausage and cut it into thin circles. Bake cookies in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Currants have found application in the production of liqueur. To prepare it you will need:

  • fresh or frozen currants – 500 g;
  • vodka – 500 ml,
  • granulated sugar – 270 ml;
  • water – 270 ml.

The recipe is quite simple: you need to mash the berries and pour vodka. The tincture should infuse for at least a week, after which it must be strained and water and sugar added. The amount of sugar and water can be adjusted independently - it all depends on personal taste preferences. The result is a delicious currant liqueur, the strength of which is approximately 20 degrees.

To learn how to make tea from blackcurrant branches, see the following video.

" Currant

Currant leaves are a gift from nature, possessing a wide range of beneficial properties for the internal health of the body and external beauty. This is an accessible raw material for the preparation of medicinal infusions and decoctions, culinary preparations and cosmetics. The beneficial properties of blackcurrant leaves are recognized by official medicine, and extracts are used by beauty concerns to prepare expensive care products.

The beneficial properties of each product for the human body are determined by the substances predominant in their composition, the combination of vitamins and macroelements.

During the flowering of the bush, a record amount of vitamin C accumulates in currant leaves (260 mg%). This is 1.5-2 times more than in the fruits of the crop, which is achieved due to the low content of enzymes that destroy ascorbic acid. Vitamin C contained in 100 g of product significantly exceeds the daily requirement of the human body (90 mg).

Without the participation of vitamin C, the formation of collagen and connective tissue is impossible. It ensures the density of bone and dental tissue, elasticity and firmness of the skin. Therefore, the external beauty of our body partly depends on vitamin C.

The organic compound regulates the process of blood clotting, reduces the permeability of vascular walls and suppresses the development of inflammatory processes. These properties are excellent for the prevention and auxiliary treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, vascular pathologies and viral diseases.

Vitamin C is not synthesized in the body, so it must be supplied steadily through food. The organic compound is easily destroyed by mechanical damage and improper heat treatment. Therefore, fresh currant leaves are used whole and placed only in boiling water.

Currant leaves differ in the content of polyphenolic compounds that is significant for the human body:

  • flavonols 2700 mg%;
  • free catechins 941 mg%;
  • condensed catechins 4414 mg%;
  • proanthocyanidins 2174 mg%;
  • bioflavonoids 7365 mg%.

These are strong natural antioxidants that suppress the development of free radicals, unstable oxygen molecules that oxidize and destroy healthy cells. Excessive formation of free radicals disrupts all biochemical processes in the body, promotes malignant transformation of connective tissue. Therefore, currant leaves are useful for the diet of people after treatment for cancer or with a hereditary predisposition to it.

The benefits of currant leaves for people who smoke, live in areas with a predominance of background radiation and in cities with polluted air are undeniable. Natural antioxidants resist toxic substances and help eliminate them from the body.

Currant leaves contain an impressive amount of essential macronutrients:

  • magnesium 370 mg%;
  • calcium 327 mg%;
  • potassium 178 mg%;
  • phosphorus 7.5 mg%;
  • sodium 2 mg%.

These minerals are responsible for the strength and growth of bones, the health of muscle mass and the motor function of the body.

The predominance of magnesium and potassium in currant leaves is especially useful for heart function and the prevention of heart attack. These macroelements strengthen the myocardium (heart muscle), regulate blood flow and restore heart rhythm.

In addition to the benefits, currant leaves can also cause harm to the body. The herbal component cannot be used in case of increased acidity of the body, acute gastritis and stomach ulcers, hepatitis. If you have chronic pathologies, it is important to consult a doctor before use.

A contraindication to the use of currants in any form is thrombophlebitis. Blackcurrant leaves should not be overused, because of them, blood clotting may increase.

You should not take a decoction based on black currant leaves if gastric acidity is increased, if you have a peptic ulcer or an inflammatory process in the duodenum. Large quantities of medications should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding, they lead to side effects and various allergic reactions.

Application of black and red currant leaves

Currant leaves can be used all year round. Thanks to the phytoncides in their composition, the beneficial substances of the plant are preserved almost in their natural form when dried and frozen.

Decoctions and infusions - benefits and harms

In addition to the undoubted medicinal properties, decoctions and infusions of currant leaves have a wonderful aroma.

When used systematically and correctly, they have a high therapeutic effect during prevention and treatment:

  • bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • inflammatory and cold pathologies;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysentery;
  • diabetes

The plant component strengthens the immune system, visual functions, regulates the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Decoctions and infusions are used for daily cleansing of the skin, and lotions are applied to problem areas.. Such procedures suppress inflammatory processes in skin cells, a common cause of acne and systemic facial sepsis.

Therapeutic baths

The anti-inflammatory properties of currant leaves significantly alleviate the manifestation of dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Currant leaf baths are used to treat:

  • all types of dermatitis;
  • prickly heat in children;
  • diathesis;
  • radiculitis.

A bath of currant leaves is an excellent way to nourish the cells of the skin, nails and hair with beneficial substances. It is a good alternative for many spa treatments for women.

Healthy tea

Currant leaf tea is a good addition to your daily diet.. The drink has tonic and restorative properties. This is a worthy replacement for more aggressive drinks tea and coffee.

The diuretic properties of tea complement complex treatment:

  • renal pathologies (cystitis, pyelonephritis)
  • urolithiasis;
  • gout (removal of uric acids);
  • swelling.

Tea is especially beneficial for older people. At this time, significant disturbances in metabolism, blood circulation and the functioning of the nervous system occur in the body. The structures of the heart wear out and require increased support from nutrients supplied with food.

Tea made from currant leaves is a source of significant macroelements and vitamins, the mild effect of which does not disrupt the natural functioning of the body. The drink has no age restrictions and will be useful for children and adults.

Recipes for medicinal and cosmetic products

Treatment with currant leaves has been practiced for a long time; in addition, the beneficial properties of the plant component are constantly being studied. Therefore today we can use the best recipes for medicinal and cosmetic products from currant leaves.

Popular recipes:

  • Decoction. To prepare the remedy, dry and crushed leaves (4 tbsp) are placed in boiling water (1 l) and kept in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain and cool. Take 200 ml 3 times a day.
  • Infusion. Dry raw materials (5 tbsp) are poured into a thermos and poured with boiling water (1 l). Leave for 2-3 hours, filter and cool. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day. Using the infusion, lotions are made during acne inflammation. To do this, moisten a piece of gauze in a medicinal product and apply it to problem areas for 15 minutes.
  • Therapeutic bath. You can also use plant branches to prepare a bath. To do this, 1 kg of raw material is poured with 10 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes. After this, cover the dishes with a lid and leave for 1 hour, filter and add to the bath. The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes, the recommended frequency is 2 times a week.
  • Tea. In summer, it is better to brew tea from fresh currant or raspberry leaves. To do this, leaves (5-6 pieces) are placed in boiling water (250 ml), kept on fire for 1 minute and left for 2-3 minutes. To improve the taste, add a spoonful of honey. Tea can be brewed with the addition of mint, in which case you will get a good sedative that promotes healthy sleep.

  • Antiseptic compress. The treatment procedure is recommended for those with oily, acne-prone skin. Dried currant leaves (20 g), chamomile flowers (30 g), sea buckthorn fruits (50 g) are poured with boiling water (1 l) and exposed to a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool and filter. A gauze cloth soaked in the broth is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. The recommended course of treatment is 5 days.
  • Mask for the face. Chopped fresh leaves (6 pcs.) and curdled milk (150 ml) are thoroughly mixed and squeezed through gauze. The nourishing mixture is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes. In winter, an infusion of dry raw materials can be used as a component. The mask lightens pigments, evens out complexion, and has a softening effect.

Currant leaves are used not only for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Their extraordinary aroma makes them an excellent addition to salads and hot dishes. The leaves are also indispensable for preserving vegetables. The high content of phytoncides in their composition protects products from decay during long-term storage.

Collection and storage

Currant leaves will be useful only if properly prepared. The leaves are collected during currant flowering, when the content of vitamins and macroelements reaches its maximum. Collection is carried out at minimal ambient humidity.

To do this, choose a day without precipitation, a period between 10-12 hours, when the morning dew dries. Pluck off whole leaves of young shoots without signs of disease. Dry on the surface of the fabric in a dry and ventilated area without exposure to sunlight..

Store the product in tight fabric bags or glass jars, closed with a lid. The beneficial properties of raw materials are preserved for 2-3 years.

Despite the huge potential of healing and beneficial properties for the human body, currant leaves are unfairly pushed aside. This can be explained by the easy availability of raw materials and the lack of complete information about the amazing plant component. Therefore, it is important to take a closer look at the modest plants around us, the names of which are often mentioned in the composition of expensive creams and medicines.

Not only currant berries are good for health, but also the leaves. They make a health-improving tea, and you can use either individual leaves as tea leaves or in a blend with other herbs. Let's find out in more detail how to brew currants correctly.

How to brew currant leaves

These leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, much more than the berries. It is also a real storehouse of useful microelements, tannins, phytoncides and antioxidants. The leaves are brewed both fresh and dried. For drying, the topmost leaves are collected, but only from those bushes that have not been treated with various chemicals. If you do not have direct access to currants, then dried leaves can be purchased at pharmacies and homeopathic departments.

So, if you have crushed currant leaves, then for proper brewing you need to do the following:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry or 2 tbsp. l. crushed fresh leaves are placed in a cup;
  • pour boiling water;
  • leave for 10 minutes;
  • filter.

You can also add black or green tea (1 teaspoon per cup). Those who have a summer house or a vegetable garden can brew this tea in a completely simple way in the summer: freshly picked leaves are placed in a container treated with boiling water and poured with hot water. Cover and let it brew.

Currant leaf tea: benefits and contraindications

People should not brew blackcurrant or any other:

  • with an allergy to the berries of this plant or vitamin C;
  • those suffering from gastritis (with high acidity);
  • having a stomach ulcer.

As you can see, there are not many contraindications.

Everyone else can strengthen their body with this remedy. Currant tea brings tangible benefits:

  • strengthens the immune system, which is useful in the autumn-winter period;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • has fixing properties;
  • can help with high fever and inflammation;
  • improves kidney function;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • increases appetite.

The benefits, of course, are considerable, but you should not abuse this drink, much less try to cure serious diseases with it. It can be beneficial in these cases, but only as part of complex therapy prescribed to you by your doctor. If you have existing chronic diseases, before drinking a course of currant tea, be sure to consult with your doctor about this.

A unique gift from nature – currant leaves. The medicinal properties are the subject of debate among representatives of traditional medicine and traditional healers. The leaves are used to prepare various decoctions and infusions, effective cosmetics.

Teas and decoctions prepared using currant leaves will help improve a person’s condition in various pathological processes. This is a storehouse of useful substances. The leaves of the medicinal plant contain vitamins and minerals, essential oils, and emulsin.

Beneficial properties of black currant:

  • promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body due to its pronounced diuretic effect;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • saturates the body with the necessary components for vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, asthenia;
  • has a positive effect on the body in diseases of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys;
  • removes oxalic and lactic acid, used for gout, rheumatism;
  • tea can be drunk for skin pathologies;
  • strengthens the immune system, protects against pathogens of infectious and viral diseases.

Natural antioxidants (flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, catechins) prevent the formation of free radicals that destroy healthy cells, promoting the formation of malignant tumors in connective tissue.

Application of black and red currant leaves

Red currants are in no way inferior to black ones. Both of them can be used to prepare effective remedies throughout the year. In the summer, decoctions and infusions are prepared from fresh leaves, in the winter - from pre-prepared or dried raw materials purchased at the pharmacy. The beneficial microelements contained in the leaves of the medicinal plant are perfectly preserved when frozen or dried.

Currant leaf tea: recipes

Drinks made from currant leaves can be divided into two categories: preventive and therapeutic. The first group includes teas with a pleasant aroma and excellent taste. Medicinal drinks are products that contain a high concentration of beneficial substances. Their action is aimed at eliminating one or another symptom and improving a person’s well-being.

  • Vitamin. Mix currant, lingonberry, and raspberry leaves in equal proportions, add a small amount of rose hips. 2 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of the mixture and leave on low heat for 10 minutes. Drink the prepared drink once a day.
  • With St. John's wort. Grind currant leaves, add St. John's wort, pour boiling water. Take a glass of the drink in the morning before meals. Tea is excellent for treating diseases of the digestive system.
  • With clover. Pour boiling water over the flowers of the medicinal plant and currant leaves and leave. The product is used for anemia, exhaustion, vitamin deficiency. The drink has a diuretic effect and is a natural antiseptic.

The simplest recipe is to chop fresh or dry leaves, place them in a teapot for brewing, and pour boiling water over them. If desired, you can add raspberry, rowan, and strawberry leaves. It is advisable not to add sugar to such drinks. If the tea seems bitter, you can sweeten it with a spoon of natural honey.

Decoctions and infusions in folk medicine

A decoction of the leaves is used internally for the complex treatment of anemia, cystitis and other pathologies of the genitourinary system, and externally for skin diseases, redness, and irritation. Due to the content of a large number of useful microelements, the leaf has an antibacterial, bactericidal, and disinfectant effect. Regularly wiping an open wound with decoctions or infusions accelerates regeneration processes.

Therapeutic baths

Baths with currant leaves have a positive effect on the body. With their help, you can get rid of unpleasant odors, improve metabolic processes in the body, and stimulate blood circulation. After such water procedures, a person calms down, and his skin becomes smooth and silky, acquiring additional firmness and elasticity. To prepare a bath, you can use red currant or black currant leaves. The course of treatment, as a rule, is at least 10 sessions. The bath is useful for skin diseases, diathesis, and eye pathologies.

Currant leaves in cosmetology

Cosmetics made from currant leaves effectively cope with various skin defects.

For those with oily, combination, or problem skin, you can make the following mask:

  • pour boiling water over currant leaves, sea buckthorn fruits and chamomile flowers in proportions 1:2:1;
  • leave the mixture in a water bath for half an hour;
  • cool and strain using clean gauze;
  • add low-fat kefir or yogurt;
  • apply to face for 20 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

Using this effective folk remedy, you can quickly eliminate defects such as acne, blackheads, and rashes. There is also a nourishing mask for dry skin. It is prepared from curdled milk and chopped currant leaves. The product softens, lightens age spots, improves complexion.

Benefits for weight loss

The effectiveness of remedies made from currant leaves for weight loss is due to the fact that the medicinal plant has powerful diuretic properties. The leaves contain substances that remove excess fluid from the body along with harmful substances and help eliminate tissue swelling. Some components restrain appetite and suppress hunger.

Use during pregnancy: benefit or harm

During pregnancy, the body's immune system is weakened and susceptible to various pathogens. To protect yourself from infections and viruses, you can use currant tea. 100 grams of leaves just need to be poured with boiling water and left to infuse. You need to drink tea three times a day in small portions, not forgetting about general contraindications. The product will help relieve symptoms of diseases such as hypertension, anemia, and colds.

Contraindications for use

If you use products from currant leaves in reasonable doses, they will not cause any harm to the body. Even pregnant and breastfeeding women can drink teas and decoctions. But there are still several nuances that should be taken into account if you are planning to carry out treatment using such means.

  • An absolute contraindication to the use of natural raw materials is thrombophlebitis.
  • The drugs have the ability to disrupt blood clotting.
  • Decoctions and infusions should not be given to patients who have increased stomach acidity and have been diagnosed with the following diseases: ulcers, gastritis,
  • Do not use the drug if there is an inflammatory process in the digestive organs.
  • Individual intolerance to the substances contained in the leaves is also a contraindication.

It is advisable to use medicinal products in courses of 30 days, with a break of several weeks between them. If you plan to drink teas or infusions for a long period, be sure to consult your doctor about this.

Proper preparation for the winter

If in summer you can use fresh leaves, but in winter only properly prepared dry or frozen raw materials are suitable.

The maximum concentration of beneficial microelements in the plant occurs during the flowering period. It is at this time that the collection should be carried out, always in dry weather, when the morning dew has already disappeared. Only completely healthy leaves without any signs of damage should be used.

Dry them in a well-ventilated area, protecting the fabric from sunlight. You can store raw materials in bags made of natural material or tightly closed glass containers.

The herbal component is not only effective, but also affordable. You can find it at the dacha, in the vegetable garden or garden. Products prepared from the leaves have a beneficial effect on the body, help cope with various cosmetic imperfections, and improve health and well-being.