Daily requirement of folic acid. Daily requirement of folic acid. Daily value of vitamin B9

Every day the human body should receive about 30 vitamins and minerals. A lack of these substances leads to general weakness, malfunctions of organs and their systems, and other health problems. This is especially true for women and men who are planning to conceive a child. Folic acid is one of the most important substances when planning pregnancy. Your doctor will tell you how and in what dosage you should drink it.

Benefits of vitamin

If a woman's body lacks folic acid, or vitamin B9, conception may not occur. Its normal amount, on the contrary, promotes pregnancy and easy gestation. Thanks to this substance, the neural tube is formed - the rudiment of the central nervous system of the unborn child. A sufficient amount of vitamin B9 prevents developmental defects.

What happens if a woman’s body lacks vitamin B9?

There is a risk of such difficulties:

  1. Placental abruption. May be partial or complete.
  2. Unexpected termination of pregnancy in the early stages.
  3. Stopping the development of the embryo.
  4. So-called developmental errors. These are cleft lip, complications in the formation of viable brain cells, and neural tube defects. These include severe damage to the spinal cord due to the fact that the canal is not completely closed; anencephaly (the brain is not fully developed).
  5. Intrauterine death of a child.
  6. Anemia, joint pain in a pregnant woman.

Each of these defects can occur in the first 20-30 days of pregnancy. Why so early? Because at this time the formation of organs and their systems occurs. That is why it is important to normalize the level of folic acid in the body before conception.

Vitamin B9 is responsible for the formation of DNA in the embryo. And that, in turn, is the basis for the formation of tissues and organs. Also, folic acid when planning pregnancy contributes to the proper development of the placenta.

Folic acid deficiency is not always accompanied by any special symptoms. Take anemia, for example. It occurs when the number of red blood cells produced by the bone marrow decreases. At first, a woman’s mood often changes, she becomes irritable, and gets tired quickly. Other symptoms include stomach upset, vomiting and even hair loss. Ulcers may appear on the oral mucosa. And if a woman suffers from hypertension, the risk of childbirth with complications will increase.

Pharmacy drugs

The daily intake of folic acid, according to the instructions for use, is 400 mcg. In the period before conception, a woman needs to double the dose (800 mcg).

It is necessary to increase the dosage in cases where there are visible signs of vitamin deficiency, as well as when there are factors that contribute to its rapid elimination, for example, the use of oral contraceptives and anti-seizure drugs. Women who were on protein diets before pregnancy or suffer from pregnancy toxicosis should also drink more folic acid.

Particular attention should be paid to those suffering from diabetes or epilepsy. With such diseases, B9 will help prevent disturbances in the development of the child’s central nervous system.

In all of the above cases, the daily intake is 3 tablets. A large dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is indicated for those who drink alcohol, smoke, do not add vegetables and herbs to their diet, or often suffer from constipation/diarrhea. It will be better if the dosage is determined by a doctor.

Is there a risk of overdose?

Hardly ever. This condition can occur if you exceed the daily intake of the vitamin several times.

Excess has no effect on the body. The only thing that may occur is an allergic reaction.

Vitamin B9 does not accumulate in our body “in reserve”. Its excess is immediately removed. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that daily consumption covers human needs.

How to use?

In most cases, doctors advise taking one tablet 1-4 times a day. According to the instructions, its use can last up to three months.

You should take folic acid immediately after meals with a small amount of water.

Sometimes doctors prescribe vitamin E for complex therapy. Together with B9, it protects the body’s cells from adverse external influences, improves sexual function in both women and men, restores balance in the hormonal system, promotes the formation of female and male hormones progesterone and testosterone, and accelerates conception.


There are diseases when the use of vitamin B9 is strictly contraindicated:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • renal failure,
  • pyelonephritis,
  • allergic reactions.

Sometimes the body reacts to a substance in unpredictable ways. Vomiting, stomach upset, sleep disturbances, cramps and abdominal pain may occur. What to do in this case? See a doctor immediately. He will reconsider the appropriateness of using the drug and its dosage.

Do future dads need folic acid?

Experts answer in the affirmative. If a man’s body has little folic acid, he develops vascular atherosclerosis or anemia:

  • Atherosclerosis is a consequence of metabolic disorders, in particular, amino acids containing sulfur. A substance called homocysteine ​​appears in a man's body. It provokes weakening and destruction of blood vessels.
  • Anemia, or anemia, occurs when the bone marrow produces large, but immature red blood cells. “Thanks” to them, the disease progresses.

Scientists have proven that a lack of folic acid in a man’s body provokes the formation of incompetent sperm, that is, those that cannot fertilize an egg. That is why the use of B9 by a man before conceiving a child is considered the norm.

It is better for men to compensate for the lack of folic acid with foods containing it, for example, green vegetables.

"Male" dosage

The optimal level of B9 is 3-17 ng per 1 ml of blood. The norm is 400 mcg. According to the instructions, you need to take 1 tablet (1 mg) once a day.

As with women, men need to see a doctor to determine the optimal dose.

Folic acid is available in pharmacies in the form of medicines. Their use without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited. Such amateur activities can harm both the expectant mother and the baby.

  • Vitamin B9 tablets. The amount of the main substance is 1 mg. This dosage is considered ideal for both men and women when planning a child.
  • Folacin. According to the instructions, each tablet contains 5 mg of the substance. This is significantly more than the body requires per day.
  • Folio. This product contains 400 mcg of B9 and 200 mcg of iodine. It satisfies the body's need for these substances both during the planning period and during pregnancy.

Among other things, B9 can be found in vitamin complexes designed for pregnant women. They usually contain a prophylactic dose.

Where to look for vitamin?

Proper, balanced nutrition will provide the future baby with a sufficient amount of essential vitamins. Folic acid is found in both plant and animal products.

Most of all it contains:

  • greens and lettuce leaves,
  • legumes,
  • horseradish leaves,
  • pumpkin,
  • carrot,
  • beet,
  • cucumbers,
  • bananas,
  • melons,
  • mushrooms (especially porcini and champignons).

Nuts are rightfully considered the record holders for the amount of vitamin B9 in the composition.

Folic acid levels can be normalized by drinking orange and apricot juice, eating barley dishes and baked goods made from wholemeal flour.

Among animal products, preference should be given to fish (especially tuna and salmon), liver, meat, chicken, eggs, and dairy products.

Like all other vitamins, B9 is destroyed when exposed to high temperatures. During cooking, about 90% of folic acid breaks down. Therefore, sometimes doctors advise taking special vitamin complexes.

Both men and women should take folic acid during the period before conception.

A lack of vitamin in a woman’s body leads to disastrous consequences - this includes retarded fetal growth, placental abruption, and even stillbirth. Poor health also threatens the expectant mother - she develops anemia, as a result of weakness and fatigue.

For the future father, a lack of B9 is fraught with the appearance of low-quality sperm that will not be able to participate in fertilization. A sufficient amount of this substance in the body of both parents will speed up conception and significantly increase the chance of having an absolutely healthy baby.

FOLIC ACID (acidum folicum) is a water-soluble B vitamin (vitamin B9), necessary for the formation of red blood cells and promotes protein metabolism. The body receives it both from food and in synthetic form (in the form of tablets). It is indispensable for women when planning pregnancy and breastfeeding, useful for anemia, and necessary for the formation of red blood cells. The vitamin contained in vegetables and fruits is destroyed if these products are stored at room temperature. Folic acid has the ability not to accumulate in the body, so its reserves must be replenished frequently, because. it is spent at a high rate. Folic acid is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin in the human body.

Daily requirement

Folic acid is necessary for normal development in childhood, ensuring the processes of growth and development, protein metabolism. Premature, weak children need this acid to a greater extent. It is also needed in the womb, starting from the 3rd week of fetal development, so women begin to drink folic acid during pregnancy.

It promotes normal development of the placenta and brain. It is also useful for low hemoglobin levels. The child absorbs some of the acid from breast and cow's milk and other foods. A fetus who receives folic acid from its mother has a reduced risk of developing Down syndrome. For a pregnant woman, the likelihood of miscarriage and severe pathologies in the baby is reduced. For normal human functioning, about 400 mcg of this vitamin per day is needed. When playing sports, the need increases slightly.

The acid in food is very poorly absorbed, so children, pregnant and lactating women need to resort to consuming synthetic acid. Children's diet should be monitored especially carefully, adding acid in powder form to their most favorite dishes: porridge, puree or cottage cheese. Acid in the form of vitamins is absorbed much better than from food. With dysbacteriosis and a number of other diseases, acid begins to be absorbed worse, so gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract must be carefully treated. When taking folic acid, you should limit alcohol consumption to a minimum.

What is folic acid for?

Folic acid is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, to normalize digestion, and in the production of DNA. It is very necessary during pregnancy and breastfeeding, helping the normal development of the baby. Helps improve mood, increase immunity, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and liver. Synthesizes proteins and nucleic acids, provides a good mood, optimism, and a boost of energy. Helps when planning pregnancy and throughout it, helping the proper development of the fetus in the womb. Helps relieve depression after childbirth and give birth to a healthy full-term baby.

Sources of folic acid

Folic acid is found in a wide variety of foods. This includes liver, caviar, greens, and cabbage. But basically, 90% of all the acid contained in the listed products is destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore, you need to eat not only liver and meat, rich in this vitamin, but also raw vegetables and herbs: cabbage, spinach, green onions, dill, tomatoes, as well as cottage cheese and cheese.

Attention! When vegetables and fruits are stored for a long time at room temperature, a significant portion of folic acid is lost. Therefore, it is important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Foods containing folic acid


Spinach leaves

Parsley leaves

Onion leaves

White cabbage

10-31 (depending on type)


Mineol (tangerine and lemon hybrid)



Grain bread

Beef, chicken liver

What diseases are caused by a lack of folic acid?

With a lack of folic acid, anemia develops. If a pregnant woman does not take enough folic acid, this can lead to severe irreversible consequences for the fetus, such as spina bifida, insufficient development of the baby's nervous system, and delayed growth and development of the fetus. Also, with a lack of this acid, even colorectal cancer can occur. From a lack of folic acid, depression and insomnia develop, brain function deteriorates, and insomnia may occur. Eczema and redness of the skin may occur.

A lack of folic acid leads to a decrease in hemoglobin, and this is fraught with hair loss, peeling nails, decreased appetite, stomach ulcers, inflammation of peripheral nerves, apathy towards everything, and decreased performance. With a lack of folic acid, the skin becomes pale, fainting and difficulty breathing may occur, insomnia, nervous and mental disorders, and weight loss may occur.

How to determine folic acid deficiency

Signs of a lack of folic acid in the body are:

  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anxiety;
  • inflammation in the mouth;
  • anemia (iron deficiency);
  • decreased appetite;
  • memory impairment;
  • inflammation on the lips;
  • red color of the tongue.

The listed signs should serve as a reason for concern and contact a doctor, who, when taking the necessary tests, will determine the required dose of folic acid.

How to increase folic acid levels in the body

To increase the level of folic acid in the body, it is necessary to eat. But often such products do not contain enough acid, so it is necessary to use synthetic folic acid in tablet form. This is especially necessary during stressful situations, high mental stress, exams, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What are the dangers of overdose?

An overdose of this vitamin is extremely rare. The excess dose of the drug can be excreted in the urine without causing any harm to the body. But folic acid poisoning is still possible when large doses of the drug are prescribed, especially during pregnancy. When taking repeatedly high doses of this drug, children are born who are prone to frequent colds, as well as bronchial asthma. For older people, there is a risk of developing myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease. In childhood, excessive activity and dyspepsia may occur. But for this it is necessary to exceed the dose of the drug many times over. Long-term use of an increased dose can lead to the hidden development of the disease; it is not so noticeable.

In case of an overdose, there is a metallic taste in the mouth, digestive problems: increased gas formation, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, insomnia, hallucinations. When taking a higher dosage, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases.

Prepared by "Person Sport.ru"

Folic acid is one of the vital vitamins. As a rule, there is not much of it in the usual diet, so vitamin B9 deficiency is far from uncommon. To replenish the balance, you need to know the correct dosage of folic acid and be able to properly consume additional folate.

Vitamin B9 (medical name is folic acid) is one of the most important nutrients for humans, which is needed for many processes in the body. Folic acid helps cells grow and maintain DNA integrity, so the vitamin prevents the development of cancer.

In addition, folic acid is involved in hematopoiesis and helps the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. By improving blood supply, acid has a beneficial effect on the immune system, improving the functioning of the nervous system and the general condition of the body.

Our intestines can produce folic acid itself, but in very small quantities, so the bulk of this vitamin must come from food.

Reception features

Like any other drug, folic acid must be taken regularly. At the same time, take into account its interaction with other drugs. For example, acid reduces the effect of phenytoin, therefore, its dose needs to be increased.

A number of substances reduce the absorption of folic acid by the body:

  • Antacids
  • cholestyramine,
  • some antibiotics (sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, tetracyclines, neomycin, polymyxin)

The effect can also be reduced by:

  • cytostatic drugs ( Methotrexate),
  • antibacterial agents (Pyrimethamine),
  • diuretics (Triamterene).

With this option, instead of folic acid, doctors prescribe calcium folinate.

How to take for prevention

For prevention, small daily doses of B9 are used: 400 mcg for adult.

For teenagers this dosage may be prescribed to prevent anemia, immunodeficiency and retarded physical development.

Women Those planning pregnancy are recommended to consume 1 mg of acid once a day for medicinal purposes for six months in order to reduce all kinds of fetal malformations.

When is the best time to take

"Folka" must be taken orally after meal, as indicated in all instructions for the drug.

The fact is that taking vitamins on an empty stomach can lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa: like other acids, folic acid increases its acidity. This provokes stomach diseases - gastritis, ulcers, etc.

If you take a vitamin while eating, food will be more difficult to digest, since the acid forms an insoluble complex with zinc.

Important: If you miss a pill, you do not need to take a double dose

Admission to courses

To maintain optimal levels of folic acid in the body, it is necessary to consume it daily.

It is better to drink any vitamins in the morning during breakfast, with plenty of liquid. This way the body can easily remove undigested vitamin excess.

How many folic acid tablets should you take per day?

The number of tablets depends on the mass of the active substance in it, since folic acid is now sold in different dosages.

Most often, folic acid is sold in pharmacies in a dosage of 1 mg. For medicinal purposes, you need to use 1-2 tablets. per day. Pregnant women - 1 tablet per day for prevention.

Folic acid and vitamin E: dosage regimen

Vitamin E and folic acid - a pair of useful elements that complement each other. Most often, gynecologists prescribe this combination of vitamins to girls from the first stages of pregnancy or to those who are just planning it.

Vitamin E and B9 guarantee the full development of the child’s internal organs and the development of the central nervous system. Vitamin E is directly responsible for the reproductive system, increases a girl’s fertility, reduces the threat of miscarriage in the short term, and prevents the placenta from exfoliating.

When consumed with folic acid, the intestinal wall is strengthened, the mother’s condition improves: efficiency increases, immunity strengthens, and the nervous system is restored.

Optimal dosage:

  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 0.8 mg per day.;
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - 0.3 mg per day..

Is it possible to take folic acid without prescription?

Any pharmacy will tell you that this medicine is available without a doctor's prescription.

If you find yourself deficient in folic acid, then the smallest daily dose will not harm you, since the excess is eliminated by the body on its own.

The best option is dietary supplements that already contain folic acid. Like vitamin complexes, dietary supplements contain many other useful substances.

The daily amount of folic acid is determined by various factors: gender, age, lifestyle and body condition; Only a doctor can help you in the selection.

Despite the widespread belief that folate is easily excreted from the body and an overdose is impossible, it must be taken into account that the vitamin has a number of contraindications:

  • increased sensitivity to B9,
  • malignant anemia,
  • oncology,
  • vitamin B12 deficiency.

Release forms

Folic acids in pharmacies can be found in the form of powders or tablets (usually 1 mg, 25 and 50 pieces per pack).

However, there are other forms of release:

100 mcg

  • the minimum dosage can be prescribed by a doctor for prevention;
  • 100 mcg is how many mg: 0.1 mg

400 mcg

  • dosage in tablets 400 mcg:
    1 tab. per day (if there is no deficiency), or half a tablet (1/2 tablet of acid) with a dosage of 1 mg per day - for children over 4 years of age and adults as maintenance treatment; pregnant women to prevent fetal defects
  • 400 mcg is how many mg: 0.4 mg;
  • folic acid 400 mcg is how many tablets:
    1 tab. dosage of 400 mcg or a quarter of a tablet with a dosage of 1 mg is the recommended daily dose for women of childbearing age and during pregnancy.

800 mcg

  • dosage in tablets 800 mcg:
    1 tab. or a little less than 1 tablet. a dosage of 1 mg is prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.
  • 800 mcg is how many mg: 0.8 mg

1 mg

  • dosage in tablets 1 mg:
    1 tab. for the treatment of anemia, pregnant women - from 1.2 to 2.5 tablets. per day in the first trimester.
  • 1 mg is how many micrograms: 1000 mcg

4 mg

  • dosage in 4 mg tablets:
    attributed to planning pregnancy. There is no need to be afraid of such doses: if the doctor prescribed this volume for you, it means that you or your baby are lacking B9

5 mg

  • dosage in tablets 5 mg:
    adults 1 tablet. per day for the treatment of vitamin deficiency, for children - in smaller doses depending on age
  • 5 mg is how many grams: 0.005 g

Folic acid dosage for children

Folic carbon dioxide is necessary for the growth and proper development of the body, because the body’s immunity is developed directly in childhood, the main life-support systems are formed, so it is important to give the child all the necessary vitamins for its construction.


Infants are recommended 25 mcg of folic acid every day. With normal development, the baby receives all nutrients from mother's milk, but if the doctor reveals a lack of nutrients in the newborn, B9 is prescribed additionally. Premature babies often require folic acid.


During adolescence, B9 is necessary for children for the normal course of sexual development: vitamin B9 helps the young body establish hormonal balance. During adolescence, many face problems with the skin of the face and body: acne, pimples, redness. With the help of folic acid you can fight redness and irritation of the skin.

To prevent vitamin deficiency, children at this age are recommended to take 150-200 mcg, which is half a tablet with a dosage of 400 mcg. But you need to remember that if the body needs restoration, then the doctor determines the therapeutic dose of acid.


Folic acid for school-age children from 6 to 10 years is prescribed in a dosage of 100 mcg per day; from 10 to 14 years – 150 mcg.

Schoolchildren need vitamin B9 to regulate brain activity to help children cope with their academic workload and relieve emotional stress.

How much folic acid do children need: summarizing

Daily value for women

To maintain the balance of vitamins in the body, an adult woman needs to take at least 400 mcg of folate per day.

In addition to the fact that vitamin B9 strengthens the body, normalizes internal processes and improves general condition, folic acid (folic acid, as mothers like to call it) is of particular importance for women:

  • has a beneficial effect on the reproductive organs,
  • stops hair loss, rejuvenates and tones the skin;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • reduces menopause symptoms;

How many times to take per day

Doctors advise taking folic acid (vitamin B9) like all other vitamins according to the following regimen: 1 time per day, preferably in the morning, with meals. Drink with a small amount of water.

Daily norm when planning pregnancy

Doctors always prescribe folate for pregnant women. Normally, a woman should receive 400–600 mcg of acid per day, this is half a tablet with a dosage of 1 mg.

Daily value for pregnant women

How many weeks should I take folic acid?

Due to the fact that folate is not accumulated by the body, acid is needed already in the first weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend taking it at the planning stage of the baby.

IMPORTANT!A woman's body needs vitamin B9 most in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Daily value for nursing mothers

When breastfeeding, a young mother should drink this medicine at a dosage of at least 500-800 mcg of “folk” per day. It is better to take it as part of dietary supplements or multivitamins, since at this moment not only the mother’s body needs nutrients, but also the baby’s.

Daily value for men

If the male body receives at least 700 mcg of folic acid daily, then the risk of the formation of sperm with different types of abnormalities in chromosomes is reduced by 25-30%.

To avoid infertility in men, it is recommended to take B9 together with vitamin E.

When a couple is planning a pregnancy, a man needs to take folic acid 2-3 months in advance.


  1. Vitamin B9 ( in other words folic acid) participates in the formation of the circulatory system and immunity.
  2. Folic acid is primarily needed women, who decided get pregnant, as it participates in the normalization of the process of formation and development of the fetus.
  3. Folic acid for men necessary for good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improving memory, and increasing fertility.
  4. Folic acid is prescribed children to improve appetite, brain function and immunity.

In contact with

We think many of us have come across such a name as folic acid. In the scientific world, it is customary to use the full name of this useful biologically active compound - Vitamin B9(folic acid). Folic acid is recognized as the “foundation of the foundations” of the human body, which is one hundred percent true.

Without vitamin B9 (folic acid), human development and growth slows down or stops. A lack of vitamin B9 (folic acid) leads to significant problems with the immune and circulatory system, which leads to a number of severe and sometimes incurable diseases.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) gets its name from green spinach leaves. The beneficial vitamin substance folate has been found in spinach. The name of the new vitamin comes from the word "folium", which literally translates from Latin as leaf. Scientists have found that the most vitamin B9 is found in the chemical composition of vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Daily requirement of vitamin B9 (folic acid)

That is why adherents of a vegetarian diet regularly receive a sufficient daily requirement of vitamin B9 (folic acid). However, you should not rush to extremes and start uncontrollably consuming those foods that contain vitamin B9 in their chemical composition, because this can lead to no less sad consequences.

Doctors advise strictly adhering to the established daily norms of vitamin B9 (folic acid): the minimum level is 200 mg and the maximum is 500 mg. in a day. Folic acid is so important for humans also because this substance is one of the essential natural compounds. This means that vitamin B9 is not synthesized in our body on its own and we constantly need to replenish reserves of the useful element.

Vitamin B9 deficiency (folic acid)

The substance folacin, which is part of the group of vitamins B9, is involved in the processes of the digestive and circulatory system. Without vitamin B9, a fatal malfunction occurs in our nervous system, which leads to a suspension of the production of such important substances as serotonin or norepinephrine, which directly affect human mental activity.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency include: developmental problems, anemia, bleeding gums, gastritis or other diseases of the digestive system. A lack of vitamin B9 (folic acid) affects not only a person’s internal health, but also his appearance. Therefore, if you have noticed that your complexion has deteriorated recently, or that you have problems with hair growth (loss in large quantities) or nails (fragility and brittleness), consult a doctor.

Perhaps your illness can be easily cured with a course of treatment with vitamin B9 (folic acid). It should be remembered that folic acid is a substance that does not tolerate any heat treatment. When cooking or frying foods that initially contain an excess of vitamin B9, more than 95% of the active beneficial substance evaporates. In order for our body to receive enough folic acid, it is worth increasing the consumption of fresh green vegetables, fruits and grains in our diet.

Vitamin B9 is water soluble. Folic acid does not have independent activity; it acts as a coenzyme. Once in the body, it is converted into biologically active tetrahydrofolic acid in its living cells. As a coenzyme, it is involved in the intracellular production of proteins, the formation of red blood cells, and the construction of nervous tissue.

Vitamin B9, stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid, stimulates appetite. It protects the health of skin and hair. Also, the actions of folic acid include participation in the production of the joy hormone serotonin, which it provides us with a good mood, increases resistance to stress.

Sources of folic acid in the body

The large intestine produces small amounts of folic acid. But its main absorption occurs in the thin section.

Folic acid is quite unstable and is easily destroyed by sunlight. Cooking foods destroys up to 90% of vitamin B9. And when fresh green vegetables are stored for 3 days, vitamin B9 is destroyed by 70%.

Where and in what foods is folic acid (or, if you prefer, vitamin B9) found?

Natural sources of vitamin B9 are leafy vegetables, yeast, legumes, and liver. Among the greens, it is worth mentioning currant and raspberry leaves, mint, nettles, dandelions, beets and beet tops, bananas.

The table shows foods rich in folic acid. The percentage is calculated from the average daily requirement for folic acid.

Chemically synthesized folic acid is more easily absorbed by the body. Only 50% of what comes with food is adsorbed. 0.01 mg of folic acid in foods is equivalent to 0.6 mg in its synthetic form.

Do I need to drink synthetic folic acid and why? Since the usual daily diet does not cover our needs for vitamin B9, it is recommended to replenish it to avoid a lack of folic acid in the body. Folic acid is produced in the form of powder, tablets, capsules, and is part of multivitamin complexes. There are ampoules with a solution of vitamins for hair, which also contains vitamin B9.

Average cost of folic acid preparations in Moscow pharmacies:

  • folic acid tablets 1 mg No. 50 – 25 rubles;
  • “9 months Folic acid” 400 mcg No. 30 – 85-93 rubles;
  • Dietary supplements with folic acid, capsules No. 90 – 101 rub.

There are pharmaceutical analogues of vitamin B9: ascofol (with ascorbic acid), foliber.

Take vitamin B9 tablets once a day, preferably with meals. The dosage is determined by individual need. To prevent deficiency of vitamin B9 (folic acid), take 1-2 mg or 20-50 mcg per day.

Daily value by age

Required dose depending on age:

  • 0-1 year – 25-35 mcg.
  • 1-7 years – 50-75 mcg.
  • 7-14 years – 100-150 mcg.
  • From 15 years – 200 mcg.
  • Pregnant women - 400 mcg.
  • Nursing mothers – 300 mcg.
  • When planning pregnancy, the dose of folic acid should be increased to 400 mcg per day.
  • Elderly people – 200-400 mcg.

Diseases caused by vitamin B9 deficiency

The normal level of folic acid in the blood is 6-25 ng/l. The deficiency indicator is 3-5.9 ng/l. The hypovitaminosis indicator is 3ng/l and below. The normal content of folic acid in red blood cells is 100 ng/l and above.

Symptoms of folic acid deficiency are nonspecific:

  • weakness,
  • decreased performance,
  • headache,
  • emotional instability,
  • sleep and memory disturbance.

The reasons for the deficiency are: disruption of the transport of folic acid from the intestines to the blood caused by chronic colitis; inadequate food intake; increased needs due to pregnancy, diseases with increased cell division (oncology, infections).

Alcoholism as chronic intoxication is a serious factor in the development of B9 deficiency. It depletes folic acid and interferes with its absorption in the small intestine.

Severe vitamin B9 deficiency causes the development of megaloblastic anemia. With this pathology, the bone marrow produces immature red blood cells of gigantic size. They are quickly destroyed and the content of normal red blood cells in the blood decreases sharply. The disease can be fatal if the patient does not receive help.

Hypovitaminosis B9 can be caused by weight loss diets. It can occur in patients undergoing hemodialysis and receiving intensive care and parenteral nutrition.

Vitamin B9 deficiency is especially dangerous during pregnancy., . The risk of developing toxicosis in pregnant women, depression, and anemia increases. There is a danger of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and placental abruption.

The fetus has a deficiency of vitamin B9 can cause pathologies in the development of the neural tube, subsequently causing hydrocephalus, cerebral hernias, and in severe cases, anencephaly.

In newborns, deficiency contributes the occurrence of enteritis, diaper rash, malnutrition. The risk of complications from infections and delayed physical and mental development increases.

In elderly and middle-aged people neuritis, polyneuritis develop, and with more severe deficiency, depressive disorders and memory impairment. Hypovitaminosis of vitamin B9 contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.

With a deficiency of vitamin B9, the synthesis of enzymes involved in the transformation of homocysteine ​​into methionine is disrupted. This increases the amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood plasma. The endogenous amino acid homocysteine ​​is capable of destroying the surface layer of the walls of blood vessels and promoting the deposition of cholesterol.

Men are deficient in folic acid threatens infertility. The synthesis of spermatozoa is disrupted; they are inferior in the number of chromosomes. This leads to congenital deformities and hereditary diseases in the offspring (Down syndrome).

Combination with other drugs

  1. Taking oral contraceptives and antiepileptic drugs reduces the level of B9 in the blood plasma.
  2. Biseptol reduces its absorption in the intestines.
  3. Antibiotics inhibit the intestinal microflora, which produces folic acid in the body.

The possibility of an overdose when taking B9 exists more theoretically.

Folic acid is found in most modern multivitamin complexes. And if a package with one of them is always present on our table and complements our diet, we can be sure that we are reliably protected from vitamin deficiency.

Useful video

In this video, Elena Malysheva tells the whole truth about folic acid - why it is vital and where it is found: