How long to cook sea scallop? How delicious to cook scallops in different ways? Scallop dishes recipes

Even residents of places far from the sea and ocean coasts can now treat themselves to delicious seafood dishes. Let this not happen so often, but on holidays - for sure. And many have long discovered the charm of salads, appetizers and other dishes from trepang, octopus, scallops, shrimp or mussels. And for those who still do not know how to cook scallops - our article with a variety of recipes.

Defrost Rules

Unfortunately, chilled, and even more so fresh seafood, is not only inaccessible, but also much more expensive than frozen. Therefore, before cooking scallops, you need to defrost them. And this process has its secrets. If you do not know or do not follow them, you can ruin all the taste of mollusks. The easiest way is to put a bag with them in cold water for about thirty minutes (the time depends on the mass of the purchased scallops, they are packaged differently). Neither a microwave, nor heated water, nor heating in an oven (even on the most gentle mode) are suitable. And just in the air they will defrost for a long time and unevenly. Those who have already mastered the recipes for cooking scallops, or even come up with their own, advise gourmets to carefully release the clams from the packaging and put them in water combined with milk (if you don’t mind, 1: 1, if you save - 2, or even 3 parts of water and only one part of milk). Scallops thaw faster in such conditions, and the meat becomes juicy and tender. Immediately after defrosting, you need to start cooking - clams quickly lose quality if they are thawed.

frying shellfish

One of the easiest, cheapest and fastest ways to make a delicious dish is frying. To cook fried scallops, in addition to them, you will need olive oil, lemon, salt, sesame seeds and ground pepper. Thawed clams need to be washed and dried with a napkin, and then salt and season with pepper. Then they are put in a deep plate and hidden in the refrigerator - marinate scallops. The recipe advises doing this for about 20 minutes. During this time, sesame seeds are dried in a dry frying pan with constant stirring. Attention! Seeds quickly begin to burn, so be careful. Marinated scallops are browned - also in a dry frying pan - then laid out on a dish, sprinkled with lemon juice, sprinkled with pepper and sesame seeds - and welcome to the table.

Marinated scallops

A very easy and tasty dish of sea scallops is used as an appetizer. Fresh or thawed clams are put into a deep cup or bowl, poured with soy sauce (classic is most suitable), into which a few drops of sesame oil are poured. Those who like it spicier can add wasabi to the sauce as well. It is enough for scallops to marinate in this mixture for ten minutes, after which the appetizer is served at the table.

Sea scallop with potatoes

If you are wondering how to cook scallops as a complete second course, use the following recipe. Take 350 g of clam meat, one egg, 4 pieces of a white loaf, the same number of small potatoes and gherkins. Additionally, you will need 2 tablespoons of flour and 4 - starch, plus a tube of mayonnaise, lemon and herbs. Instead of a loaf, you can, in principle, take ready-made breadcrumbs, but the taste can be spoiled by poor-quality bread from which they are made. So it is safer to cut the loaf into pieces, dry it in the oven and grind or ceiling. Scallop meat is washed, dried, cut into strips and breaded: first in flour, then in an egg, and then in breadcrumbs. Breaded clams are fried in hot oil. Peeled potatoes are cut into strips, sprinkled with starch and fried in portions. From above, a ready-made dish, laid out on a plate, is decorated with greens and lemon slices, and mayonnaise is served in a gravy boat, into which gherkins are chopped. Hearty, tasty and beautiful! And enough for four.

Sea scallop with mushrooms

Recipes for cooking scallops as a main dish are very diverse. Fans of "quiet hunting", for example, can cook shellfish with their prey. To do this, 400 g of chopped mushrooms are fried with chopped garlic and onions in butter, and a pound of scallops in olive oil. It takes 3 minutes for each side of the clam. The finished ingredients are combined, mixed so that they are mutually saturated with juices, and laid out on plates lined with lettuce leaves.

"Casket" with cheese

It can be made from both frozen shellfish and canned ones. The last enough cans of 160 g; if you take raw - stock up twice, as they decrease in volume during cooking. In addition, you will need cream in the amount of 120 g, hard grated cheese (a little, 50 g is enough), breadcrumbs for breading and finely chopped parsley (a teaspoon at least, but the amount can be increased).

First, the cream warms up well. They drop scallops. If you took canned - just drain the marinade and cut; if frozen - cook without defrosting, adding a small amount of your favorite spices to the water. After a couple of minutes in the cream, the clams are laid out in a heat-resistant dish, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and grated cheese, and then placed in the oven for 15 minutes at 190 degrees. The result is a very appetizing scallop - the photo serves as a vivid illustration.

Sea scallops boiled in cucumber brine

These clams can also be a highlight on the table that needs a side dish. Here's how to make scallops that go with rice or potatoes, boiled whole or mashed. First, a decoction is made: two onions, carrots and root parsley are thrown into boiling water. They can be laid whole, or they can be cut into large pieces. After 20 minutes, laurel and peppercorns are added. Separately, cucumber pickle is boiled for about half an hour in the amount of two glasses, after which it is poured into the broth. Scallops, defrosted and cut into thin slices, are lowered into the resulting liquid, which will be cooked in it for about 10 minutes. When the clams reach readiness, they are taken out and poured over with melted butter. Love fragrant dishes - sprinkle on top with chopped herbs of your favorite herbs.

Grilled Clams

One of the most uncomplicated dishes, as grilled scallops can be prepared quickly, and they are accessible even to the most inexperienced cook. Much more time will take the preparation of the appropriate sauce. It consists of a shot of dry white wine, the same amount of wine vinegar and chopped shallots, which must be boiled over a fire until a tablespoon of liquid remains. Then 100 ml of 33% cream is poured in, and the sauce is reduced to half the volume. As it evaporates, butter is added in small pieces to the future sauce (it should be 150 g in total mass). When everything is ready, the sauce is removed in heat. 16 scallops smeared with olive oil, salted and peppered. On the grill, they are baked for a couple of minutes on each side until opaque and golden brown. It remains to put them on a plate filled with sauce, or serve it separately.

Scallops in a salad

They are combined with so many ingredients. So there are a lot of salads from these mollusks. However, we liked the scallop salad the most, with such ingredients. A large washed orange is cut into slices, and the peel is not removed from it. 100 g of small cherry tomatoes are cut in half lengthwise. Lettuce leaves (you take 150 g of them) are torn by hand into large shreds. 2 large spoons of olive oil mixed with one spoon of cognac are poured into a hot frying pan. 100 g of uncut scallops are laid out in a frying pan and quickly, no longer than 2 minutes, are fried. 4 tablespoons of yogurt are also poured here (find not fruity, not sweet and fatter), the mixture is sprinkled with pepper and salt. It is necessary to simmer again for 2 minutes, otherwise the clams will become tough. Put torn lettuce leaves on a plate that you will serve on the table, tomatoes on them, and already between them - scallops stewed in yogurt. The dish is topped with mint and orange slices. Please note: this salad is consumed only warm. Cold, it somewhat loses its aroma and flavoring piquancy.

So even if you have not come across these clams before and have a vague idea of ​​how to cook scallops, there is a recipe, don't worry! There are a huge number of dishes from them, and most of them will be to your taste.

Scallop is a shellfish that contains B vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It has a pleasant delicate taste, so it is appreciated by gourmets. Regarding other seafood, scallops are quite expensive. The scallop muscle, which connects the shells, is eaten. The product can be fried, stewed, boiled, baked, and also added to various dishes.


  1. Frozen scallops - 1 kg
  2. Greens - 1 bunch
  3. Olive oil - 10 tbsp.
  4. Garlic - 5 cloves
  5. Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  6. Salt and spices - to taste


  • First you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, finely chop the greens, pass the garlic through a press, add olive oil, salt and lemon juice.
  • Defrost the scallops, put them in the marinade and leave for 30 - 40 minutes. Then fry in olive oil over low heat. Grill the scallops for about 2-3 minutes on each side.
  • Put on a beautiful dish, garnish with herbs and lemon slices. As a side dish, vegetables and rice are ideal for scallops.

Scallops with creamy notes


  1. Sea scallops - 1 kg
  2. Butter - 100 g
  3. Salt and pepper - to taste


  • Pour frozen scallops with cold water and wait until they are completely defrosted. You can use a microwave for this, but in this case, defrosting is uneven.
  • Next, cut the clams into small pieces, pour boiling water over and leave for 5-10 minutes. Drain the scallops in a colander and let the water drain. While the water is draining, heat the pan, melt the butter and lay out the scallop pieces. Fry the clams for 2 - 3 minutes. Don't forget to salt and pepper the dish. If desired, you can pour lemon juice over the scallops and garnish with chopped herbs.
  • The dish is ready! Boiled potatoes or fried eggs are suitable as a side dish for this recipe.


  1. Sea scallops - 500 g
  2. Onion - 1 pc.
  3. Lemon juice - ½ tbsp.
  4. Vegetable oil - ½ st.
  5. Mustard - 5 tablespoons
  6. Sugar - 3 tsp
  7. Salt and pepper - to taste


  • Rinse the scallops under running water and place in boiling water. Boil the clams for 2 minutes, then cool and cut into strips.
  • In a deep bowl, mix mustard, sugar, salt, pepper and vegetable oil. Pour in the lemon juice in a thin stream and whisk the sauce until smooth.
  • Peel the onion, cut into half rings and add to the scallops. Toss the clams with the mustard sauce and refrigerate for half an hour.


  1. Sea scallops - 1 kg
  2. Bacon - 400 g
  3. Butter - 200 g
  4. Ground chili pepper - 3 tsp
  5. Cayenne pepper - 1 tsp
  6. Salt - to taste


  • Rinse the clams under running water and drain in a colander. Cut the bacon into strips. Wrap each scallop tightly with bacon and pierce with a toothpick.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put the scallops on a baking sheet with a wire rack and put in the oven for 20 minutes, periodically turning the appetizer.
  • Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the chili pepper, cayenne pepper and salt. Stir the sauce and pour over the bacon-covered scallops. This dish is the perfect party appetizer.


  1. Frozen scallops - 500 g;
  2. Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs.
  3. Butter - 100 g
  4. Garlic - 3 cloves
  5. Basil - 1 bunch
  6. paprika - to taste
  7. Cayenne pepper - to taste
  8. Salt - to taste


  • Defrost the clams by soaking them in cold water. Place defrosted scallops on paper towels and dry thoroughly. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the clams until golden brown.
  • Peel the garlic and cut it into slices. Wash peppers, remove seeds and cut into thin strips. Fry the peppers in the pan where the scallops were fried, add garlic, salt and spices.
  • Coarsely chop the basil, add to the pan with the pepper. Arrange scallops and peppers on a platter.


  1. Sea scallops - 500 g
  2. Champignons - 300 g
  3. Butter - 4 tbsp.
  4. Flour - 4 tbsp.
  5. Milk - 1 tbsp.
  6. Salt and spices - to taste
  7. Sweet pepper - 2 pods


  • Peel and rinse the mushrooms, cut the pepper into strips. Boil the mushrooms, cut into slices and fry. Add pepper, flour and milk to the pan to the mushrooms. Bring milk to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes.
  • Cut the scallops into small pieces and add to the pan. Bring to a boil again. Don't forget to salt and pepper to taste. Ready snack can be served with boiled potatoes or rice.

Many of us have seen and even have beads made of beautiful convex shells. But few people know that these shells belong to mollusks called scallops. Their meat is highly valued by gourmets. Until recently, their world population was on the verge of extinction due to the rapid spread in the 90s of the twentieth century of brown algae - the natural enemy of the mollusk. However, now the number of scallops has been restored. Those shellfish that are sold in stores are grown on special farms. Experts say that "domesticated" seafood meat is sweeter and more tender than those caught in the ocean. Learn how to cook in this article.

These seafood are sold peeled, in vacuum bags. Therefore, they must first be brought to room temperature. It is not allowed to put them in the microwave on the “Defrost” mode. Let the process be longer, but the product will not lose its taste. Soak the bag in cold water for about 40 minutes. But you should not keep the scallops at too long either - the clams will become watery. In a word, while seafood is defrosting, you have time to think about how to cook scallops.

Some gourmets love to eat these clams raw. Seafood extracted from shells is lightly salted, peppered and sprinkled with olive oil. And to make the taste even more tender, they are pre-marinated. How is it sea scallops in the marinade? As easy as pie! Add balsamic vinegar, salt and spices (thyme, basil, rosemary, pepper, dill) to the olive oil. In such a “bath”, clams cut into thin plates should swim for at least an hour.

Now consider the various methods of heat treatment of these seafood. Boil them in lightly salted water for a very short time, literally three to four minutes. Ready-made scallops, the photos of which you see, should lose their transparency and gelatinity. Often boiled seafood is used as an ingredient for salads or sushi. If you have a whole pack of them, you can cook a main dish from them - for example, stew. Fry the finely chopped onion until golden brown, add a spoonful of tomato paste. Put the scallops to the onion in a frying pan with high edges or in a stewpan, pour water with aromatic herbs and spices, simmer under the lid until tender. Serve with mashed potatoes.

How to cook on the grill? To do this, rub raw scallops well with vegetable oil so that they do not dry out and turn out juicy. It is also necessary to grease the grill grate with oil so that the clams do not stick to it. In a frying pan, they are generally easier to cook: spread them in heated vegetable oil so that they do not touch each other. Frying for two minutes on each side will be enough, even if the middle of the clams remains slightly “glassy”.

But if we decided to use these seafood as part of other hot dishes - soups, paella, risotto - then how to cook scallops in this case? After all, there is some difficulty: rice and vegetables are cooked for a long time, while shellfish - 2-3 minutes. And the longer you cook seafood, the more “rubber” they become. Therefore, you need to add them to the main dish only five minutes before it is completely ready. You should also take into account the fact that reheated scallops completely lose their valuable sweetness.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


This seafood has invaluable benefits, rich in protein, iodine, vitamins and minerals. It is less popular in Russian cuisines than the usual shrimp, mussels and rapana. The peculiarity of this product is its unique taste. What dishes can be prepared from this inhabitant of marine nature?

How to cook scallops at home

These clams are boiled, pickled or eaten raw. You need to buy, carefully looking at the color of the pulp, it should be gray, pink or cream, pronounced smell of the sea. It is permissible to use raw only living inhabitants of the sea, their shell is always closed. It is better to water the meat with lemon juice, olive oil or a sauce made from these ingredients. How to cook scallops at home will be described below.


Seafood spoils quickly, which is why they are often frozen immediately after being caught. They can be sold in three types: frozen sea cocktail, bulk goods or in vacuum packaging. Individual packaging is better for buying. It is important to know how to cook frozen scallops in order to preserve their beneficial properties and not kill the refined taste. You need to defrost clams exclusively at room temperature, without hot water and a microwave oven, so as not to spoil the taste properties.

How to fry

Creatures from the bivalve family cook quickly. For those who are interested in how to fry sea scallops, there is a simple instruction. It can be fried in a pan or grilled. It is important that the seafood does not come into contact with each other when cooking, it is better to use olive or butter, the dairy product will shade the pleasant sweetness as much as possible, you need to fry on both sides, until golden brown (see photo). The total heat treatment time does not exceed 5 minutes.

How much to cook

By themselves, these inhabitants of the sea have a low calorie content. Those who follow a strict diet or an exceptionally healthy diet should know how to boil scallops. They need to be thrown into boiling water, left for 3-4 minutes. The readiness of the product is indicated by the loss of transparency, the meat should look dull white (as in the photo), then they can be removed from the pan. To spice up, you can add different types of sauces.

scallop recipe

This sea delicacy gained its popularity thanks to strict church fasts. Believers tried to compensate for the lack of meat, but also to make their diet rich in vitamins and tasty, therefore they introduced shellfish in large quantities to the menu. There is more than one recipe for scallops: soups are cooked from the pulp, kebabs are fried, it is added to salads, combined with other seafood, marinated under a variety of sauces.


You can safely experiment with marinades, giving them your favorite accents. You can marinate scallops with vinegar, lemon, cream, soy sauce, oriental spices, wine. You can come up with your own cooking method, combining different products and achieving the perfect taste. It is very important to select spices so as not to interrupt the taste of the main component.


  • balsamic vinegar - 40 g;
  • ground or grated ginger - 30 g;
  • cilantro - 1/5 bunch;
  • olive oil - 30 g;
  • large scallops - 9 pcs.;
  • garlic - 0.5 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix vinegar and oil together. Finely chop the garlic, chop the ginger, tear the cilantro with your hands.
  2. Pour the clams with a mixture of oil and vinegar, add the remaining ingredients, mix well.
  3. Leave in a cold place for an hour and a half, then serve.


Good food compatibility has made shellfish a popular ingredient in many different dishes. Salad with scallops can be found on the Internet or come up with your own. Relying on the taste preferences of their household members. The main guarantee of successful preparation of the dish will be the observance of the proportions of the components and a delicious dressing that emphasizes the notes of the main ingredient.


  • scallop meat - 400 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • parmesan - 100 g;
  • lemon juice, olive oil for sauce;
  • any available greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Process shellfish. Separate them from the shell.
  2. Cut tomatoes into halves. Rub the cheese on a small part of the grater.
  3. Mix all products, pour vegetable oil with lemon juice.
  4. Sprinkle with chopped herbs, mix.

in Korean

Asian cuisine has long earned its popularity in the cuisines of the CIS countries. This is due to the spice and non-triviality of the dishes that she offers. Sea scallops in Korean have several options for their recipe. Your attention is invited to one that has a small and affordable list of products and at the same time will be an excellent snack at any buffet, banquet or family gatherings.


  • soy sauce - 50 g;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • scallop - 460 g;
  • frying oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix soy sauce with water at room temperature in equal parts, add sugar and stir until it dissolves.
  2. Cut the garlic very finely and fry until golden in a pan.
  3. Pour the mixture over the shellfish fillet, put in a steam bath for 5 minutes.
  4. Add oil and garlic. You can sprinkle with onion, chopped in half rings.


Delicious and healthy dish, originally from Thailand. Soup with scallops will surprise you with its exoticism and allow all guests to plunge into the world of unknown Thai cuisine with its unusual, but so delicious elements. The components are difficult to find on the shelves of the usual supermarkets, but the effect of this dish is so amazing that the chef will not regret the time spent.


  • coconut milk - 700 ml;
  • shrimp and scallop - 300 g each;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • ginger root - 40 g;
  • garlic - 35 g;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • chives - 1 fruit;
  • glass noodles - 80 g;
  • olive oil - a couple of tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the carrots, onions and garlic, heat the oil in a pan, squeeze the lime juice. Put all the prepared products there.
  2. Mix coconut milk with water and bring to a boil, throw shrimp into it.
  3. Add scallops to the pan. Fry 2 minutes.
  4. Pour the contents of the pan into boiling milk, add the noodles, cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Decorate the finished soup with herbs and serve.


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Sea scallop: recipes