Make your voice more pleasant. How to make your voice beautiful for singing and more? How to Improve Your Singing by Using Proper Breathing

The inimitable Marlene Dietrich said that if only a beautiful voice could be bought in a supermarket, there would be many who wanted to do it. It's a shame we haven't thought of this yet. Can you imagine what a huge line would form behind the counter with soft velvety voices?

Unfortunately, such a necessary product is not yet available on supermarket shelves. Therefore, we will have to make do with what we have and improve our intonation and speech.

Today we will talk about how, with the help of simple exercises, you can make your voice more sensual, gentler and more attractive to men.

Exercises for speech and voice that will make them irresistible

1. A constrained body becomes a real cage for a soft, pleasant voice.. So first, allow your body to release and remove any existing tension. That sensual energy that will be freed will make your voice sound much gentler and more attractive.

Dancing is another great way to throw off the shackles from your body. It will become more flexible, movements – more plastic, and voice – more attractive.

2. Vocal lessons with an experienced teacher will help you change your voice and make it sound more melodic. Start a new day with a song or dance to the sound of your voice!

3. Intonation makes it easier to convey your point of view to the listener. After all, if you mumble monotonously, the interlocutor may completely stop perceiving what you are saying.

There’s no way around this without training either. A good exercise is to pick up a book and read passages from it out loud for a few minutes. For example, take out any women's novel and read a couple of pages in different voices. This will lift your spirits so much that you will go out to a romantic meeting with a young man in full combat readiness.

Exercise to “adjust” the volume of your voice: Count from one to ten, decreasing and increasing the volume. This way you will determine which sound is most optimal for you. It’s just important to remember that in a room where, for example, music is playing loudly, the volume of your voice should be increased. You don’t want the listener to take your quiet conversation as disrespect, do you?

5. State your thoughts clearly. This will give you the impression of a woman who is confident in her irresistibility. Rehearse the situation in front of a mirror, watch the gestures. If you make fussy movements, the interlocutor will definitely notice your lack of confidence.

6. Take a closer look at the cat's movements. You know that for a man this image is the most attractive. Imagine that you are a catwoman and make your movements appropriate to her - graceful and soft.

In the morning, stretch in bed gently, like a cat. If your voice lacks sensitivity, try meowing and purring every morning.

Exercises to create a unique, sensual voice can be an excellent lifesaver, both in personal relationships and in a business environment. Just say it gently, loudly, gracefully, and you will definitely be heard!

Each person, like a fingerprint, has an individual and unique voice. This is one of the main tools with which a person communicates with other people. Thanks to the characteristics of the voice, a person can establish contact with the audience, win the favor and trust of the listener, or, conversely, alienate the interlocutor. It is known that more than 90% of information is transmitted verbally, using the voice. Therefore, the impact you will have on your interlocutor directly depends on your clear, calm and expressive voice.

If you speak in a calm, measured tone, and your voice sounds free, sincere, velvety and rich, what you say always matters. While enjoying your speech, people will listen carefully to the form rather than the content, and therefore, fall under the influence of you and the influence of your voice. On the one hand, we are talking about voice as a means of manipulation, but on the other, the effectiveness of your communication, speeches, and negotiations will increase significantly.

By nature, every person is given a sonorous and rich voice, but the influence of social institutions and schools determines the development of a timbre that is not always close to ideal. With the restriction of a child’s freedom, an adult develops a number of complexes; he is afraid to sing, speak in front of an audience, or strike up conversations with strangers. As a result, we don’t like our own voice and, as a result, we use only 5-10 percent of its capabilities. As a result, we get a person who is unsure of himself, his abilities and strengths.

Is it possible to restore the natural capabilities of the voice and make it beautiful?

Every person is endowed with a sonorous and beautiful voice by nature; you just need to learn how to reveal these capabilities. According to modern psychologists, there are two factors that prevent our voice from sounding good - physiological and mental. The main cause of physiological problems is most often diseases of the upper respiratory tract, throat or vocal cords. To solve these unpleasant issues, you need to consult a doctor who will detect the problem and tell you how to deal with it.

The second factor - psychological - is most often caused by the human fear of speaking in front of an audience, communicating with strangers or unfamiliar people. In this case, you need to love your voice, learn to use it correctly, and eliminate speech defects that lead to fear and uncertainty.

It is enough to devote ten minutes a day to special exercises and the sound of your voice will significantly improve. First, try recording your voice on a tape recorder, listen to the recording and analyze the pronunciation features of vowel sounds, exclamatory and interrogative sentences, complex sound and word combinations. Note what you don't like and try to correct these problems using the following exercises.

Exercises for a beautiful voice!

First, learn to tone your articulatory apparatus; do this with the help of a special “growl” exercise. Pronounce the letter “r” slowly: from a high sound to a low sound and vice versa. Repeat the exercise ten times, then say clearly and quickly:

  • bra-be-be-bo-boo;
  • tra-te-ti-to-tu;
  • zam-zam-zim-zom-zu.

Then try the following tasks and exercises:

  1. To begin, take a deep breath and exhale, as you exhale, begin to pronounce vowel sounds in turn: “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllll Pronounce the sounds slowly and expressively, repeat the exercise 3 times.
  2. In order to tidy up your chest, try humming the sound “m” with your mouth closed. Repeat the task several times, each subsequent time pronouncing the sound louder than the previous one.
  3. Take a deep breath and exhale and begin to pronounce the words accurately and expressively: carpet, goods, cheese, rice, rank, ring, frost, king. This will help give your speech precision and clarity.
  4. Read the following tongue twisters, memorize them and repeat the exercise several times a day:
    1. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake;
    2. Kondrat's jacket is a bit short;
    3. In Polycarp's pond there are three crucian carp, three carp;
    4. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
  5. An exercise called “Tarzan” will not only strengthen the vocal cords, but also help in the prevention of colds and cardiovascular diseases. Take a deep breath, clench your hands into fists, start making the sound “eeeeeeee” and beat your chest with your fists, just like the movie hero did. Repeat the same exercise with the sounds: a, e, o, u. After this, cough well - clear your bronchi.

Do these exercises every day, develop your vocal abilities and remember that for a beautiful voice, not only accuracy and expressiveness are important, but also melody and intonation. Therefore, remember the following rules:

  • always answer as if you are talking about something very interesting and pleasant;
  • every day repeat letter combinations and combinations of words that are difficult for you to pronounce;
  • learn to make logical pauses in speech and highlight basic information.

Repeat the exercises every day, this will make your speech beautiful and melodious. Remember that a deep, velvety voice seems exciting and sexy to many men and often affects the stronger half of humanity better than any aphrodosiac.

How to influence men with your voice? How to make your voice seductive?

Many men believe that a velvety, low female voice sounds sexiest. To charm a man with your voice, you should speak in a calm tone, your voice should sound soft and ringing. If this is acceptable in a given situation, you can speak with a slight breathiness, which any man will perceive as a sign of a woman’s sexual interest in him. A harsh, high-pitched or shrill-hysterical manner of speech more often repels than attracts, so watch your voice: don’t shout, don’t go ultrasonic, and don’t speak very loudly.

In order to seduce and seduce a man, you should use the advice of experts:

  • speak in a whisper or half-whisper;
  • Highlight especially significant words with a short pause, which will allow you to draw a man’s attention to important and “necessary” information;
  • talk enthusiastically, show interest in what your man is talking about;
  • Be calm and relaxed - this will help you speak confidently and at ease.

Friends, I have been asked many times how to make your voice beautiful and pleasant. In fact, many people are naturally given an ordinary voice, without much beauty. That’s why I want to improve it, make it more beautiful and more harmonious. This is not a problem, your voice can be improved! Polina Gagarina and the methods of vocal teachers will help us.

This is training and the most important thing here is, first of all, regularity and striving for success. Do the exercises below daily and you will be pleased with the results. Next, read the complex for improving your voice, and watch the video. In total, these recommendations will definitely help!

Pronouncing consonants

Stand in front of the mirror. Exhale, then inhale and say each sound until you have enough breath. So, take a breath and begin:

  • and-and-and-and...
  • uh-uh...
  • ah-ah-ah...
  • oh-oh-oh-oh...
  • wow...

This sequence is not random, you start with the highest frequency sound - “i”. Say all the sounds slowly one after the other three times. If you want the timbre of your voice to be lower, and your voice to be deeper and more expressive, then pronounce the sound “u” repeatedly throughout the day. This is especially useful for men who want to deepen their voice.


Now you need to activate the chest and abdomen area, and to do this you need to pronounce the sound “m” with your mouth closed. Do exercises on the sound “m” three times. Once very quietly, the second time - louder and the third time - as loud as possible so that the vocal cords tense.


Roar like a running tractor. Exhale, then inhale and start growling: “rrrr.” After this, say the following words expressively and emotionally with an emphatically rolling “r”:

rrrroll - rrrrul - rrrring - rrrruble - rrrrhythm - rrrris - carpetrrr - cookrrr - fencerrr - cheeserrr - goodsrrrr - trrrrava - crrrrrylo - sirrrrren - morrrroz- words are possible repeat several rounds.

Tarzan Exercise

Stand up straight, exhale, then take a deep breath. Make fists with your hands. Say loudly the sounds “i-i-i-i...” and at the same time beat yourself on the chest with your fists, as Tarzan did in the famous film.

Then do the same exercise with sounds:

  • uh-uh...
  • ah-ah-ah...
  • oh-oh-oh-oh...
  • wow...

Indian yogis are known for their deep, beautiful voice, which is achieved with the help of this simple exercise.

Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart, take a few calm breaths in and out, then draw air into your stomach and exhale one sharp breath, accompanied by the sound “Ha-a.”

The exhalation should be complete and the sound as loud as possible. It should be audible in neighboring houses :) In this case, you can slightly bend the body forward.

Exercises to strengthen the vocal cords

Well, the following exercises, in addition to training your voice, will also help strengthen your vocal cords, and will also help increase your resistance to cold and various types of infections. The exercises themselves are simple. But it will require patience and regular repetitions. Do them in the morning. The time is approximately ten minutes. Perform in front of a mirror.

Question intonation

Inhale, and as you exhale, without opening your lips, say mmmmmmm with a rising tone at the end, as if asking mmmmmmmmmmmmmm? You should feel a slight vibration in the area of ​​your upper lip and nose.

Exhale forcefully

Take a deep breath and then exhale forcefully, as if you want to extinguish a burning candle located a meter away from you.

Bomm, bimm, bonn

Inhale deeply, and then as you exhale, pronounce bomm, bimm, bonn. Pull out the last letters as long as possible. Until you feel vibration in the area of ​​your upper lip and nose.

Mo-moo, mi-mee, mu-muu, mee-mee

Inhale deeply, and then, as you exhale, say first briefly, and then with a drawl, mo-moo, mi-mii, mu-muu, mee-mee.

Tongue extension

And finally, the last lesson from Polina

Repeat the exercises regularly and practice. Only practice will allow you to improve your voice, sing songs, copy your favorite performers, and before you know it, you will charm those around you with your vocals and speech.

Both in everyday communication and during public speaking, the voice plays an important role in how others perceive us. A voice can tell a lot about a person. For example, a hoarse voice tells us that a person either lost his voice or got sick. A quiet voice indicates fatigue or apathy. How to make your voice beautiful is a concern not only for professional speakers, but also for ordinary people. After all, we all want to appear in a more favorable light, to be understood and heard.

Thus, by the quality of the voice we can tell what kind of character a person has, what kind of temperament he has. We can understand how he feels at the moment. Accordingly, other people just as easily read information about us. If you want to work on your voice and don't know where to start, this article is for you.

Characteristics of a pleasant voice

It is obvious that, above all, pleasant voices have a positive effect on listeners. What characteristics should a voice that is pleasant to others have?

Firstly, there should be a sense of friendliness in your voice. Secondly, attractiveness as a personality quality. For a male voice, attractive or attractive characteristics are masculinity, determination, and self-confidence. For a female voice, this naturally means femininity and kindness. It should be added that a certain sexuality in the voice during communication with the opposite sex also plays a big role in the perception of the voice as pleasant and attractive.

How to work on friendly notes? A “friendly” voice is one that is not harsh or assertive. On the contrary, almost every person likes a soft, kind voice. Such a voice, as a rule, makes it clear to the person that you feel good and at ease with him. And he, in turn, feels at ease and comfortable next to you. Your intention to meet a person halfway, to be friends with him, creates soft notes in your voice.

If for some reason you need to communicate with a person who is unsympathetic or unpleasant to you, you should not pretend to be friendly - it may turn out to be insincere. Therefore, it is better to abandon this quality when communicating with such a person and focus on other characteristics of the voice.

Masculinity and femininity. When men have a strong, chesty and low voice, it has a masculine connotation. Such a voice is believed better, the owner of such a voice is respected more, etc. and so on. Therefore, men are recommended to develop masculine voice qualities, that is, to make their voice so that it is not thin or quiet, but rather low and chesty. In order for a woman to hear attractive feminine notes in her voice, she must add even more softness than a man, and, on top of everything else, work on the smoothness and “roundness” of her speech.

Concerning sexuality in the voice, that is, a manner of speech such as aspirated pronunciation. In this manner, sound does not originate at the level of the vocal cords, but in the thoracic region or even lower. And it is precisely this voice that has a sexual connotation.

Thus, it is a voice in which friendliness is heard, since it opens a channel of communication between you and the interlocutor. The second factor is personal characteristics, for example, determination, masculinity in a man; softness and tenderness in a woman. And the third is sexuality in communication with the opposite sex.

Voice and speech defects

Another important condition for a pleasant voice is the absence of defects in the voice and speech. Voice or speech defects can greatly spoil the impression of a person. For example, a nasal or burry voice is difficult to perceive. In the same way, speaking with a lisp does not make the voice beautiful. These and similar disadvantages arise due to the structure of the human speech apparatus. On the other hand, defects in speech and voice always indicate personality traits. If, for example, a person speaks with a lisp, then he is not very careful. That is, by voice defects one can characterize a specific person and determine his character traits.

In connection with the situation described above, it is advisable to remove defects. There are different types for this (pronouncing tongue twisters, pronouncing any phrases out loud, short texts with nuts or pebbles in the mouth, etc.). If the case is complex, contact a speech therapist - most defects can be corrected.

When we have overcome the defects, it is very important to make the voice melodious. To do this, you need to very clearly and distinctly pronounce all sounds, including vowels, because due to them, melody appears in speech. And this also affects the euphony of the voice.

How to make your voice beautiful? First, take into account all the factors influencing the perception of voice and correct weak points. And then our voice will sound in a new way. Well, naturally, since the voice plays an important role in creating an impression of us, it is often a pleasant, beautiful voice that becomes one of the key factors for success in work and personal life.

There are some lucky people whose voice gives you goosebumps. You can listen to such people endlessly. Their timbre beckons and enchants and everyone undoubtedly dreams of their voice being the same. How to get closer to the ideal? TO how to make your voice more beautiful?

Always try to talk clear and understandable. There is no need to shout or speak in a raised voice; excessive stress on the vocal cords is unfavorable for the throat.

Do not use slang or profanity, always speak in clear words. Women who use swear words in conversation repel others and make an unpleasant impression on them.

It is worth noting that only 5 percent of the planet's population has a pleasant voice from birth. The rest, unfortunately, are deprived of this gift. However, everyone has the opportunity to train their vocal cords. Excellent helpers can be: vocal lesson(where you will be taught special exercises) or announcer course s (where teachers will give you a voice). Presenters on television and radio, various commentators have a pleasant voice precisely because of all kinds of activities.

If you can't study with a teacher, don't despair. You can achieve good results at home. To do this you need to do special exercises which will make your voice more beautiful.

Exercise No. 1. Take a comfortable position and make the “A” sound. You need to do the exercise calmly and quietly. Constantly change the position of your head, turn it from side to side. Try to achieve the most pleasant sound for the ear.

Exercise No. 2. The next exercise is aimed at activating the abdominal and chest areas; to do this, close your mouth and pronounce the sound “m”. Do the lesson 3 times. The first time is very quiet, the second is a little louder, and the third time is very loud so that the vocal cords tense.

Exercise No. 3. First exhale and then inhale. Start growling like a tractor: “rrrrrr.”

Exercise No. 4. Inhale as deeply as possible and then exhale forcefully, as if there is a burning candle in front of you and you want to extinguish it.

Exercise No. 5. Take a deep breath, and then as you exhale, say bom, bim, bon. The last letters must be pulled out for a long time until you feel vibration in the area of ​​your nose and upper lip.

Exercise No. 6. First, stick your tongue out, try to do it as far as possible, try to reach your chin with its tip. Without hiding your tongue, tilt your head forward. Then raise your head up. Now you need to try to reach the tip of your nose with your tongue.