Sports diet for men. Sports diet for men for weight loss. Fats, proteins, carbohydrates: daily intake

If a person who comes to the gym has a clear goal - to build muscle mass, a well-designed training program is not enough. It is necessary to approach the construction of the diet correctly. The menu should be dominated by protein foods, since protein is the main element necessary for building muscle.

The energy expended by a person, replenished by eating food, is directly proportional to physical activity. Strength training requires several times more energy than normal human activity. And if you reduce your diet, the body will begin to experience a lack of nutrients. This will negatively affect both your well-being and the results of your classes.

Follow a diet to increase muscle mass- this is not to starve, but, on the contrary, to consume more calories than the energy expended. This fact should not be taken as the only condition for such nutrition. A diet that promotes muscle gain should be balanced and built on six basic principles:

Fractional meals

You need to eat a lot, but in small portions throughout the day. This promotes the rapid absorption of food for energy, rather than for the accumulation of fat deposits. By eating fractionally, an athlete gains muscle mass rather than fat mass.

High calorie food

Each serving of food you eat should contain a lot of calories. The lower the energy value of food, the more often you will have to eat. About 70% of the daily diet, compiled by the nutrition program, must be made up of high-calorie foods.

Slow fats and carbohydrates

You need to exclude fast carbohydrates and fats from the menu - sweet fruits, confectionery and flour products. They require a long time to digest, which leads to the build-up of fat rather than energy. The body does not have time to spend most of the nutrients extracted from fast carbohydrates and fats to renew the expended energy, but sends it to “storage,” that is, to a fat depot.

Sufficient amount of water

A diet for gaining muscles speeds up metabolism and puts the body into a stressful situation, which can be avoided by following a drinking regime. You need to drink at least three liters of water per day. Failure to comply with this point can lead to dehydration, expressed by deterioration of well-being and stopping the growth of muscle mass.


Portions eaten before 16.00 should make up the majority of the daily diet. At a later time in the diet, foods with fast carbohydrates and fats should be avoided.

Sports diet

Involves mandatory intensive training. Otherwise, all the calories you consume will turn into fat and not into lean muscle mass. On training days, you need to eat 2 hours before and after training. Accelerating the process of muscle growth is facilitated by additional intake of sports supplements.

Fats, proteins, carbohydrates: daily intake

A balanced diet is the main condition for achieving success in following a special diet for building muscle mass. This can be achieved by following the principle of an inverted pyramid, which determines the ratio of nutrients in the diet:

  • carbohydrates - from 55 to 60%
  • proteins - from 25 to 30%;
  • fats - from 10 to 20%.

Compliance with this rule requires an accurate calculation of all substances consumed per day. This makes it possible to receive more calories than expended during strength training. The excess goes into muscle mass.

To calculate the daily caloric intake, it is enough to use the following formula: “athlete’s weight” is multiplied by “30”, plus “500” to the result obtained. It should also be taken into account that the ratio of these elements is different for both men and women.

  • Squirrels. Some amino acids are synthesized in the body, while other compounds are replenished from the food consumed. And in order to ensure a sufficient amount of protein per day, you need to include protein-rich foods in your diet, for example, meat, milk, fish. The need for a substance is calculated by multiplying your own body weight by two. If an athlete weighs 80 kilograms, then he needs 160 grams of protein per day.
  • Fats. Should be reduced, but not eliminated completely. Without them, the body will not be able to function normally. The daily norm is determined by age. Men under 28 need 130-160, men under 40 - 100-150 grams. At a more mature age, the amount is reduced to 70 g/day.
  • Carbohydrates. They can be simple or complex. The former are of no value for muscle mass, and the consumption of the latter per day should be at least 500 grams


  • Squirrels. The lack of this element negatively affects the appearance of the fair sex. Deficiency leads to deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair structure, and nail plate. Girls, unlike men, need to consume 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of their own weight.
  • Fats. The need for this substance is also determined by age. Up to 28 it is 86-116, up to 40 - 80-111, after 40 years it decreases and amounts to 70 grams per day.
  • Carbohydrates. To increase muscle mass, girls need to consume at least 400 grams of slow carbohydrates.

Absolutely any dietary nutrition, including those for increasing muscle mass, involves the inclusion in the diet of products that allow you to fully provide all the nutrients necessary to maintain normal life. For this purpose, athletes can consume both regular food and special supplements.

Along with foods that are beneficial for an athlete gaining muscle mass, there is also food that needs to be excluded from the diet. It does not bring any benefit to the body and is stored in the fat layer. The list of prohibited foods includes the following food groups:

  • fatty meats, sausages and sausage products, ham;
  • industrial food products containing dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and other chemical additives;
  • any types of spread, natural butter, mayonnaise, margarine;
  • sweet pastries, sweets, cakes, etc.;
  • salted, pickled, smoked food.

Protein sources

Protein-rich foods for increasing muscle mass include:

  • Chicken or turkey fillet. You need to consume from 150 to 200 grams of this dietary meat per day.
  • Dairy products with low fat content. This could be yogurt and milk.
  • Cottage cheese and egg whites. The first, along with protein, also contains valuable microelements. Eggs, for obvious reasons, become a source of protein only without the yolk.
  • Sea fish. Salmon, tuna, and so on contain omega acids, which are essential for humans.
  • Cereals. Wheat should be consumed sprouted, bread made from whole grain flour, raw or roasted sunflower seeds. You can eat lentils and buckwheat.

Carbohydrate-rich foods

Allows you to obtain the energy supply required for training. The amount of carbohydrates is reduced only for the purpose of losing weight. People gaining muscle mass, on the contrary, need to include the following sources of carbohydrates in their diet:

  • brown rice containing more carbohydrates than white;
  • unsweetened types of fruits by reducing the consumption of grapes, pears, bananas;
  • vegetables, including herbs and garlic;
  • pasta, prepared from durum wheat;
  • cereals

Sources of fats

The optimal need for fats is compensated by consuming:

  • Brazil and walnuts;
  • hazelnuts, almonds, cashews;
  • applesauce pastilles;
  • mackerel.

Designed specifically for naturally thin ectomorphs. Provides six meals a day. Portions should be small so as not to overeat and feel hungry. The results of this diet can be seen after a month.

Diet to increase muscle mass

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Oatmeal, nuts, apple.Potatoes, chicken fillet, vegetables.Cottage cheese and banana.Fish, rice, vegetables.Tuna with vegetable salad.Fruit salad.
2 Orange, nuts, buckwheat porridge with honey and milk.Boiled pasta, baked veal, vegetables.Whole grain bread, kefir.Cottage cheese with honey, kiwi.Baked mackerel, vegetable salad.
3 Oatmeal, banana, apple, nuts.Potatoes, lean veal, vegetables.Brown bread, omelette, apple.Smoothie made from milk and fruits.Turkey fillet, rice,Jam, cottage cheese.
4 Rice porridge with milk, nuts, apple.Vegetable soup, veal.Whole grain bread, kefir.Fruit salad.Turkey fillet, baked potatoes.Vegetable salad.
5 Chicken fillet, omelette, vegetables.Potatoes, lean veal, banana.Apple, cottage cheese with jam.Fruit smoothie.Chicken fillet with vegetable stew.Strawberries, yogurt, peanut butter.
6 Nuts, banana, oatmeal.Chicken fillet, potatoes, vegetables.Kefir, whole grain bread.Kiwi, cottage cheese with honey.Baked mackerel, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad.Fruit salad.
7 Chicken fillet, omelette, vegetablesVeal, vegetable salad, apple.Banana, cottage cheese with jam.Fruit smoothie.Chicken fillet, rice, vegetables.Vegetable salad.

Sports nutrition while dieting

A complex schedule or lifestyle does not always allow you to eat up to six times a day. And if such a problem exists, various supplements can come to the rescue to fill the “gaps” in nutrition.

These sports nutrition products include:


Protein powders

A protein supplement involved in the process of creating muscle mass. It does not interfere with a gainer; it is consumed an hour before training.


Retains water in muscle tissue. Drink forty minutes before physical activity.

Be sure to take care of a sufficient amount of vitamins. They not only increase the absorption of nutrients, but also prevent intestinal problems.

Drying the body while increasing muscle mass

In order not only to increase muscle volume, but also to dry out, the diet is tightened. All sources of fast carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. No cakes, muffins, sweets or sugar-containing products.

You need to eat not six, but seven to nine times. This will prevent the accumulation of fat mass. It is highly recommended to consume vegetable fats instead of animal fats.

There is an opinion that dieting is a purely female matter, and men, in order to lose weight and maintain physical shape, need to focus on exercise. This is not entirely true. Of course, sport should be an integral part of the lifestyle of modern men.

But following a certain diet will help you achieve the desired result faster and consolidate it.

Healthy Habits for Losing Weight and Staying Fit

In order to lose weight or maintain good physical shape, in addition to sports and diet, it is important to follow rules that at first glance are not particularly important, but in fact help to achieve the desired result faster and maintain it.

Proper nutrition for both women and men involves eating 5 times a day. This will help, firstly, to gain the required daily amount of calories, and secondly, to speed up metabolism and, accordingly, burn excess fat reserves. Drinking plenty of fluids also helps you lose weight. 2 liters of liquid is the daily norm for an adult. But it should be just water without gas. Tea, coffee, juices cannot replace it for the body.

Boiled or stewed products retain much more nutrients, and their energy value is lower than fried ones due to the smaller amount of oil. In order for the weight loss process to happen faster, you need to minimize the consumption of salt, which tends to retain water in the body. And, of course, you shouldn’t expect results from sports diets for men if you don’t control the amount of food you eat. Reducing portions is a surefire guarantee of quickly losing weight and acquiring a sporty, toned body.

It's never too late to take care of your body. If you are an overweight man, but want to become the dream of many women, then it’s time to act. To do this, start with physical exercise and a special sports diet.

Sports diet for men for weight loss, body drying diet for men: menu

A sports diet for men is a specific diet with a special menu that will allow you to get in shape - lose weight (if necessary), and also make your body sculpted through so-called drying. Depending on your goals, the menu will be slightly different. However, in general there are no global differences. The most important nuance that should not be forgotten is the mandatory combination of a sports diet with the sport itself. Without physical exercise, it will be difficult to achieve stunning results. In addition, there is a diet for male athletes. It is designed to preserve and maintain a form that is already in perfect order.

A sports diet for burning fat for men requires compliance with certain provisions.

  • Let's start with the fact that you should do exercises in the morning. Let it not be too heavy, but not too simple either. Morning exercises will “wake up” your metabolism, and this will only benefit you;
  • It is also necessary to monitor your drinking regime and remember to drink more water. Thanks to it, the process of losing weight will go much faster;
  • In the diet of a sports diet, proteins, or proteins, occupy a dominant position. The amount of protein per day is calculated as body weight in kilograms multiplied by two;
  • But you will have to safely forget about simple carbohydrates: sweets, sugar, store-bought juices and soda, flour;
  • As for complex carbohydrates, they are needed. Some cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), legumes, and vegetables (but not potatoes) are especially suitable for a sports diet. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber: it creates a feeling of fullness, although its energy value is practically negligible;
  • Pasta is allowed, but in limited quantities and only from durum wheat;
  • You should eat at least five times a day. This will help speed up metabolism and fat burning;
  • Dinner is the lightest meal of the day. Never forget this;
  • Make friends with low-fat and unsweetened dairy products, especially cottage cheese, milk, kefir;
  • Sources of protein for you will be lean meats, fish, poultry, as well as chicken egg whites;
  • Do not eat anything fried, smoked, canned or pickled;
  • The diet should include fats in the form of nuts, olive oil, fish;
  • Alcohol and fast food are prohibited.

Workout diet for men

So, we have already said that training is an integral part of sports nutrition. In addition to the basic rules above, there are those for training in the gym. Surely many people have asked the question, how to eat if you go to the gym and want to get a sexy, slim body?

A couple of hours before training you can eat: buckwheat or oatmeal, some vegetables or fruits (just not banana), chicken egg white. In general, you can not eat anything, but you are unlikely to last long this way. When you return home after training, you shouldn’t immediately run to the refrigerator. Wait one and a half to two hours. During this time, the body will intensively burn your fat reserves. Therefore, you definitely shouldn’t interfere with such an important process if you want to lose weight. But you can drink water in any quantity, this is only welcome. After a couple of hours have passed, you can eat. But only protein products are allowed: boiled meat or fish (lean, without skin), boiled chicken egg whites, cottage cheese, kefir (low-fat). We make dinner as light as possible: cottage cheese with fruit or fish with vegetables.

Training in combination with a sports diet will inevitably lead you to some result. If you want to get rid of fat and gain muscle mass, then they will, as it were, “turn” fat into muscle. If you don’t have excess fat tissue, then they will simply help you keep yourself in good shape and continue to build muscle mass.

Sports diet for men for weight loss: sample menu

  1. Breakfast:
    1. boiled chicken eggs (two pieces), oatmeal and orange juice;
    2. two-egg omelette and an apple;
    3. oatmeal and a glass of milk;
    4. yogurt, a slice of cheese and fresh grapefruit;
    5. buckwheat and fresh apple;
  2. Second breakfasts:
    1. fruit salad;
    2. cottage cheese and carrot juice;
    3. cottage cheese and grapefruit;
    4. peach;
  3. Lunches:
    1. boiled chicken with buckwheat and vegetables;
    2. boiled beef and grapefruit;
    3. vegetable salad with shrimp;
    4. light soup with chicken broth;
    5. boiled beef with vegetable salad.
  4. Afternoons:
    1. cottage cheese;
    2. natural yogurt (without additives);
    3. apple;
    4. cottage cheese with pieces of kiwi;
    5. a glass of kefir.
  5. Dinners:
    1. fish and vegetable stew;
    2. boiled fish with beans;
    3. chicken baked with vegetables;
    4. a piece of boiled beef with lettuce;
    5. boiled shrimp with arugula and lemon juice.

For drinks, choose green tea, milk, and freshly squeezed juices.

Body drying diet for men

For those who don’t know, drying the body is the process of getting rid of fat while simultaneously building muscle mass. It is needed to make the body look more prominent and muscular. Athletes often resort to drying before competitions. That is, drying is not a way to lose weight. This is a way to make your body more attractive. The sports diet for men and drying are a little similar in diet. But the latter is more strict and, we repeat, pursues other goals.

A diet during cutting for men in 100% of cases should go along with strength exercises and training. The nutrition itself must be fractional, so as not to overload the body, in order to speed up metabolism. The calorie content of the daily diet should be reduced. We make the amount of protein in the menu maximum, carbohydrates - minimum. On average, their ratio will be 2:1. As for fats, they should be there, but in small quantities. The main foods that a cutting diet for men allows:

  • Chicken egg whites;
  • Lean boiled meat and fish;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Dairy products with low fat content;
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • Legumes;
  • Vegetables: especially zucchini, cabbage of various varieties, celery;
  • Fruits: especially green apples, lemons and grapefruits.

In addition to the proposed list, you can enrich your menu with protein and amino acids. But they, of course, should not replace ordinary and familiar food products. The maximum calorie content of a dry diet is no more than 2300 calories. Of course, you'll have to do some boring calculations. But over time, you will remember what the energy value of the most common foods is. We drink at least two liters of water per day.

Cutting diet for men: menu

  • Day 1: oatmeal, chicken broth soup, beef chop, steamed fish cakes, vegetables (salads);
  • Day 2: boiled pink salmon, buckwheat, boiled chicken fillet, a pack of cottage cheese, vegetables, grapefruit;
  • Day 3: boiled whites from two eggs, a slice of cheese, fish broth soup, an apple, boiled rice;
  • Day 4: oatmeal, vegetable soup, boiled chicken, vegetable and fish stew, orange;
  • Day 5: omelet of two proteins and milk, bread, mycelium, buckwheat, boiled chicken with vegetables, apple;
  • Day 6: barley, chicken broth soup, cabbage salad, steamed beef cutlets, grapefruit;
  • Day 7: fish with vegetables in the oven, vegetarian soup, two eggs, orange, boiled rice.

Thus, a diet for drying the body for men involves a rather strict menu. Therefore, it is better to first consult with your doctor and find out if you have any serious diseases that may be a contraindication (for example, pathology of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys).

Do men who play sports need a diet in its classical sense? Athletes need a special diet. The male body spends more calories on basal metabolism than the female body, and for strength training the body will need additional sources of energy. Therefore, a sports diet for men is not aimed at losing weight through exhaustion, but provides adequate nutrition so that the male body has the necessary resources to play sports and build muscle tissue.

What is a sports diet

In order to achieve results in losing weight, it is not enough for a person to exercise. It is known that without proper nutrition, even the most effective workouts will not show the desired results. Why is this happening? To lose weight and build muscle mass, the body must have a powerful metabolism. Training will not work properly if the body is loaded with harmful foods or does not receive the required amount of nutrients. Therefore, a sports diet for men for weight loss is necessary to achieve results.


Fat tissue does not turn into muscle tissue, and during intense training, muscle tissue has the properties of burning, just like fat tissue. This process is possible if you exercise and eat incorrectly. Therefore, the main thing in proper nutrition for active men is to eat protein, which will help strengthen muscles. If you decide to take care of your health, intend to gain muscle mass and lose weight, then you need to adhere to the basic rules.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids - drink 6-8 glasses of clean water per day.
  2. Consume a daily dose of protein with food - at least 1.5 g, and preferably 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.
  3. For breakfast - slow carbohydrates.
  4. A rational diet is to create a schedule for 5 meals, but not in large portions.
  5. Don’t forget about the importance of fiber and eat vegetables and fruits (sweets in the first half of the day).
  6. Watch the calorie content - it should not be critically low. Calculate the amount of kcal consumed taking into account physical activity.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a sports diet is that, thanks to its diversity, it helps saturate the body with the elements that are necessary for physical activity and good functioning of all organs and systems. By following the regime, a man feels a feeling of hunger, and as a result, he will not succumb to the temptation to eat something harmful.

This diet for weight loss is easy for men, but there are disadvantages to this regimen:

  • sports nutrition must be accompanied by physical activity; if you consume protein heavily and do not exercise, health problems may arise;
  • due to the large amount of protein consumed, the body needs support in restoring the acid-base balance; To do this, you need to drink water with lemon in the morning or drink specially designed sports cocktails;
  • A sports diet may have contraindications for people with gastrointestinal problems, so consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The above disadvantages are not significant compared to the disadvantages of other diets that are aimed at sharply reducing caloric intake. The body does not perceive such restrictions in the best way: while subcutaneous fat is burned, visceral fat accumulates around the internal organs. Therefore, it is more important to monitor the balance of dietary fat in your diet and whether the calories you consume are sufficient not only for physical activity, but also for basal metabolism.

Sports diets for men

The basis of all sports diets is the same, and only the daily calorie content and the percentage of dietary fat differ. This difference is directly dependent on how many calories the body can burn during training, as well as on the extent to which a man intends to build muscle mass. In order to properly “build” muscles, they focus on protein and fatty acids.

For weight loss

If the reason you switched to sports nutrition is weight loss, then in addition to controlling your energy intake and calories, it is useful to eat fat-burning foods. In the assortment of sports products, you can now easily find specialized cocktails that you need to drink immediately before training in order to increase the body’s energy expenditure. Fat burning can be achieved without special cocktails by eating:

  • apples;
  • lemon;
  • grapefruit;
  • cinnamon;
  • green tea;
  • mustard;
  • pepper;
  • ginger.

The food you eat daily should contain healthy fats. Athletes who are keen on bodybuilding, in addition to protein shakes, consume omega 3 vitamin complexes rich in fatty acids. Omega 3 and omega 6 enter the body in their natural form along with nuts, fatty fish, and vegetable oils. Not consuming enough healthy fats interferes with weight loss.

When playing sports

If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then simply building muscles will not be enough to achieve your goal. To build muscle, you need sources of protein. Even the most effective exercises may not give the desired results that you dreamed of if the amount of protein and fat entering your body only covers the cost of basal metabolism. A man needs a weight loss diet only in the initial stages to burn fat. An increase in physical activity involves changing the diet:

  • with light load – 2-2.3 g;
  • average level of load (for example, running and strength training) – 2.3-2.5 g;
  • intensive strength training – 2.5-3 g.

Weekly sports menu for men

To have an idea of ​​how to create your daily menu, you can take the following menu as a basis, but taking into account your daily needs for food and drink.


  • Breakfast – vegetable juice, 2 soft-boiled eggs, cottage cheese.
  • Lunch – 200 g boiled rice, boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad with olive oil.
  • Afternoon snack – 200 ml milk, 7-grain porridge.
  • Dinner – 200 g turkey fillet, boiled potatoes, cabbage salad with olive oil.
  • Breakfast – 7-grain porridge, juice.
  • Lunch – 150 g of beef, 100 g of sautéed vegetables, wheat porridge.
  • Afternoon snack – kefir, 100 g of cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast – 2 egg omelet with milk, tea (preferably without sugar).
  • Lunch – vegetable broth soup, veal 150 g, boiled potatoes.
  • Afternoon snack – 250 ml of fermented baked milk, banana or other fruit.
  • Dinner – 200 g stewed vegetables, cottage cheese, juice.

  • Breakfast – 200 ml of vegetable juice, cottage cheese with berries, honey and nuts.
  • Lunch – 150 g fatty fish, 200 g boiled rice, any vegetables with olive oil.
  • Afternoon snack – kefir with honey and cinnamon, banana or any fruit, almonds 50 g.
  • Dinner – lentils with vegetables 200 g, 2 boiled eggs.
  • Breakfast – 7-grain porridge, cottage cheese with berries, a glass of juice.
  • Lunch – vegetable broth soup, a slice of bread, wheat porridge with steamed chicken.
  • Afternoon snack – a glass of milk, a banana, a handful of walnuts.
  • Dinner - any lean meat 150 g, fresh vegetables - salad with olive oil.
  • Lunch – 150 g of beef, 100 g of sautéed vegetables, buckwheat porridge.
  • Afternoon snack – low-fat kefir with honey and cinnamon, banana.
  • Dinner – 200 g turkey fillet, boiled potatoes, steamed vegetables.


  • Breakfast – a glass of vegetable juice, 2 soft-boiled eggs, cottage cheese.
  • Lunch – chicken breast baked with vegetables, 200 g of rice.
  • Afternoon snack – a glass of fermented baked milk, 100 g of cottage cheese with nuts.
  • Dinner – baked fish, steamed vegetables 200 g.

Video: diet for sports

It's no secret that athletes eat differently. They have their own diet, diet, and even the athletes’ menu is different from everyone else. But what specific athletes’ weekly menu should be is known to few; these are mostly experienced athletes who have tried many diets in their own skin.

You should immediately exclude any fried foods and fast food from your diet. You will also have to slightly reduce your intake of starchy vegetables and baked goods.

The nutrition of athletes is very specific. It must be clearly planned and calculated according to the percentage of the main organic substances - proteins, carbohydrates and fats (35/55/10). For representatives of different sports, the ratio may vary slightly.

You need to eat 5-6 times a day, and 4 of them should be substantial, and the remaining 2 should be at the level of an average snack.

Vegetables should make up at least half of everything eaten. Food should be varied, steamed or boiled and arouse appetite.

Don’t forget about it, but you shouldn’t overload your liver with excessive protein intake either.

A healthy weekly diet should also include low-fat dairy products, cereals and cereals, low-fat fish, and meat. All this can be combined and created for yourself a personal menu.

Proper nutrition for a week

Products must always be fresh. You need to buy them and plan your meals for each of the seven days in advance - so that there are no problems or hiccups.

Eat carbohydrate foods mainly before lunch, and then gradually increase protein foods, although you don’t need to completely eliminate both.

Morning meals should be slightly larger than evening meals in portion sizes.

Athletes' menu for the week:


  • breakfast – oatmeal with milk with dried fruits, nuts, 2 boiled eggs, a glass of milk or kefir;
  • lunch – low-fat kefir, several bananas, orange;
  • dinner – boiled chicken breast, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, juice;
  • afternoon tea – a sandwich with ham and low-fat cheese, a glass of milk;
  • dinner – assorted vegetables, chicken or beef chop, a glass of milk.


  • breakfast – mashed potatoes, fish, a glass of milk;
  • lunch – low-fat cottage cheese, apple, juice;
  • dinner – soup with meat or meatballs, vegetable salad, chop, juice;
  • afternoon tea – chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, you can add yogurt, juice;
  • dinner – steamed fish cutlets, Greek salad, a glass of milk.


  • breakfast – muesli with milk, a couple of boiled eggs, juice;
  • lunch – cottage cheese with pancakes, a glass of milk;
  • dinner – borscht, pilaf with meat, cocoa with milk;
  • afternoon tea
  • dinner – boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, juice.


  • breakfast – wheat porridge, boiled chicken fillet, juice;
  • lunch – chicken sandwich, glass of milk;
  • dinner – spaghetti soup, vegetable salad, a glass of kefir;
  • afternoon tea – fruit slices from bananas, oranges, apples, kiwi, a glass of yogurt;
  • dinner – stewed peppers with minced meat and cabbage, juice.


  • breakfast – baked fish with cheese in the oven, rice porridge, tomatoes;
  • lunch – cottage cheese casserole, a glass of milk;
  • dinner – fish soup, chicken chop, any porridge, vegetable salad, juice;
  • afternoon tea – seasonal fruits, yogurt;
  • dinner – mashed potatoes, fish cakes, cabbage salad, juice.


  • breakfast – roast with cheese in a pot, orange, glass of milk;
  • lunch – meat pie, yogurt or kefir;
  • dinner – pea soup with meat, jacket potatoes, stewed vegetables, juice;
  • afternoon tea – cauliflower in batter, a glass of milk;
  • dinner – , banana, juice.