Mashed potatoes calories per 100. How many calories are in mashed potatoes? Harm of mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes most often end up on our table. In addition, it is included in the diet of sanatoriums, kindergartens, as well as dietary menus for patients with gastrointestinal problems. This is a favorite side dish for many people; it goes well with meat, fish, vegetables, and sausages.

Although it is the first carbohydrate to be removed from the diet when losing weight due to its glycemic index (90 units), a small amount of pureed vegetable is necessary as it has excellent taste and is not an allergen (not intended about personal intolerance).

Composition and nutritional value of mashed potatoes

Potatoes are the basis of mashed potatoes, and the calorie content of the final dish depends on the additional fats that are included in its recipe.

The main components of potatoes, and, consequently, the composition of mashed potatoes, are carbohydrates, in particular starch. Mashed potatoes also contain vitamins C, A, E, B1, PP, B2, protein, mineral components (manganese, iron, potassium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, sodium), fiber. in mashed potatoes can be calculated by reading this article.

The composition of mashed potatoes prepared from boiled in water and then crushed potatoes without adding milk or butter corresponds to 1.8/0.4/14.6 g per 100 grams of the finished product. If additional ingredients are added to mashed potatoes, the BJUs look different:

Calorie content of puree

The energy value depends entirely on which recipe is taken as a basis. So, 100 grams of mashed potatoes with water, without butter and milk, contains about 68.9 kcal. The calorie content of mashed potatoes with milk will, of course, be higher. Below we present the indicators of some variations in the calorie content of mashed potato dishes:

How to make mashed potatoes

Potatoes that are slightly yellowish on the inside are best suited for mashed potatoes. Potatoes must be cut into small pieces and placed in boiling water, add salt to taste and cook for 15 or 20 minutes until done. The cooked potatoes should fall apart when cut. If you are preparing mashed potatoes using water, then part of the liquid in which the vegetable was cooked must be poured into a separate bowl and, when mashing the potatoes, added to the mashed potatoes in small portions. You should not use a blender or mixer when making mashed potatoes.

During the diet, herbs and spices will help diversify the taste, for which you can use nutmeg, lemon zest, paprika, sage, thyme. Also, green peas, boiled mushrooms or celery, herbs, carrot puree as gravy will not greatly increase the calorie content of mashed potatoes. And if you fry onions in vegetable oil and add them to the dish, the mashed potatoes will become much tastier, but the calorie content will not increase.

Don’t forget about this, this will save you from digestive problems and gaining extra pounds.

  1. The milk you add to mashed potatoes should be warm; cold milk will spoil both the taste and appearance of the food.
  2. All existing “eyes” should be removed from vegetables.
  3. The longer you knead and beat the puree, the more tender and fluffy it will be.

Potato calories: 160 kcal*
* average value per 100 g, depends on the variety and method of preparation

Potato dishes are rich in flavor and nutritious. During a diet, it is important to choose the least calorie ones. Depending on the method of preparing the vegetable, the energy value also changes.

Nutritional value of potatoes

Potato tubers are a source of not only complex carbohydrates, but also various microelements, as well as dietary fiber. Due to its fiber content, the vegetable is useful for disorders of the digestive tract. Potassium helps to quickly remove excess fluid and normalize heart function.

The high calorie content of raw potatoes (1 piece contains ~70 kcal, and 100 g – ~76 kcal) is due to the significant content of carbohydrates, mainly starch.

In terms of their quantity, the vegetable exceeds all others, for example, beets and carrots. See. The share of starch, the concentration of which is highest in the tubers of the autumn harvest, accounts for over 20% of the total weight of the root crop. That is why the young vegetable does not have such a high energy value - about 60 kcal. During heat treatment, calorie content increases significantly.

Calorie content of mashed potatoes

The calorie content of mashed potatoes can be low if milk with 0% fat or water is added during the process. One 100-gram serving contains about 85 kcal. If you choose higher fat milk, the figure may increase to 35 units. Any oil significantly increases the nutritional value of a dish.

The puree will have a calorie content of 130 kcal if you add just one teaspoon of butter (the numbers vary depending on its fat content).

You can reduce the energy value if you cook your favorite dish in dishes coated with ceramic, marble or Teflon. In addition, it is important to ensure that no more than 10 g of fat-containing product is consumed per 500 g of root vegetables. Read about it in our article.

How many calories are in boiled, fried, baked potatoes?

The dietary option for preparing vegetables includes boiling them (about 85 kcal). In terms of energy value, boiled potatoes are inferior to pasta, wheat bread, bananas and buckwheat. Read about the calorie content of buckwheat. However, this only applies to cases where mayonnaise, cream sauce or butter is not added.

When boiled in the peel, the value remains almost unchanged (78 kcal). Nutritionists recommend cooking the vegetable “in its uniform,” since most of the beneficial elements are retained in the root vegetable.

The calorie content of baked potatoes is identical to that of boiled potatoes, but any additive increases these numbers. You can reduce the starch content by leaving the vegetable in cool water for several hours. Fried potatoes contain 3 times more calories (up to 200 kcal).

The type of oil has a slight effect on the energy value: when cooking with olive, sunflower or butter, the numbers will be approximately the same. More details can be found in our publication. French fries contain about 310 kcal, and in fast food restaurants, a serving of deep-fried vegetable will cost almost 280 kcal.

Potato calorie table per 100 grams

You can get acquainted with the energy value of a popular vegetable using the table of calorie content per 100 g.

Calorie content of potato dishes

Most dishes with the popular root vegetable can hardly be called dietary, so people trying to get rid of extra pounds should refrain from eating them.

Options for first, second courses and baked goods with potatoes:

  • noodle soup – 69 kcal;
  • chicken broth soup – 50 kcal;
  • dumplings – 220 kcal;
  • chicken stew – 150 kcal;
  • country-style potatoes – 130 kcal;
  • fried pies – 200 kcal;
  • potato pancakes – 220 kcal;
  • casserole with mushrooms – 170 kcal;
  • homemade chips – 500 kcal;
  • stewed potatoes with cabbage and onions – 95 kcal.

To satisfy the body's needs for such important substances and elements as phosphorus, potassium, carbohydrates, you need to eat about 300 g of vegetables per day. A larger amount will increase your waist by several centimeters.

When choosing the least high-calorie dishes, you don’t have to worry about gaining extra pounds. A starchy vegetable consumed in moderation will only benefit the body.

Mashed potatoes rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B6 - 12.4%, vitamin C - 12.6%, potassium - 16.4%, silicon - 131.2%, cobalt - 41%, copper - 11.4%, molybdenum - 13.2%, chromium - 16.6%

What are the benefits of mashed potatoes?

  • Vitamin B6 participates in maintaining the immune response, processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, promotes the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining normal levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by decreased appetite, impaired skin condition, and the development of homocysteinemia and anemia.
  • Vitamin C participates in redox reactions, the functioning of the immune system, and promotes the absorption of iron. Deficiency leads to loose and bleeding gums, nosebleeds due to increased permeability and fragility of blood capillaries.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Silicon is included as a structural component in glycosaminoglycans and stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, and the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor for many enzymes that ensure the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Chromium participates in the regulation of blood glucose levels, enhancing the effect of insulin. Deficiency leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Every third woman in the world needs to lose weight, and more than half of the female population strictly monitors their figure and tries to avoid using spices and other additives in their dishes. In this case, representatives of the fair sex count calories. For example, do you know how many calories are in mashed potatoes? It’s very difficult to give up this flavorful side dish while on a diet! You shouldn’t deprive yourself of a tasty dish; it’s enough to avoid using fatty ingredients such as butter and milk in the recipe.

How to make mashed potatoes?

The preparation of any dish should be approached very responsibly. Purchasing quality products is, of course, the most important point, but the algorithm of actions in the kitchen should also be thought out in advance. If you are on a diet, calculate your calorie intake. Mashed potatoes with milk have an energy value of 90 kcal, and with butter - 120 kcal. If these numbers don’t scare you at all, stock up on all the ingredients and start preparing the side dish.

Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water. Melt the butter and beat the chicken egg, prepare the milk. If you wish, you can add chopped dill and fried onions. Place the hot potatoes in another container and chop them with a rolling pin, periodically adding milk, beaten egg, and melted butter. Continue whisking the mixture until you get mashed potatoes (calorie content per 100 grams will be 132 kcal).

Three cooking methods

In the kitchen, the housewife must have all the necessary equipment with which she can make a dish of any complexity and consistency. To get the perfect mashed potatoes with calories ranging from 80 to 130 kcal, you can use three devices - each of them has its own advantages, and it’s up to you to decide which one you prefer.

  1. Mixer. Using this indispensable kitchen unit, you can prepare puree from any product. Place the hot boiled potatoes in a bowl and add the egg, butter, milk and spices. In just a few minutes you will have a great side dish ready. The calorie content of mashed potatoes prepared in this way will be 132 kcal.
  2. Sieve. Pureed foods are great for children and the elderly. True, you won’t be able to pass an egg with butter through a sieve, but mashed potatoes will be more dietary - only 80 kcal per 100 grams.
  3. Wooden crusher. With its help you can prepare puree of any homogeneity. This method is much faster than rubbing through a sieve.

Calorie content of mashed potatoes: independent calculation

Having preliminary data on the energy value of all products, it will be easy for you to find out the amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and other components in the finished dish. The table shows the calorie content of mashed potatoes, taking into account additional ingredients (milk, butter, eggs) per 1.5 kg and 100 grams. Knowing this data, you can calculate the energy value of a serving of any weight at any time.





Calorie content


Pasteurized milk

Butter (melted)

5 teaspoons

General indicator

Indicator in 100 grams

Thus, the calorie content of mashed potatoes with milk and butter, prepared according to this recipe with the addition of one egg, will be 132 kcal per one hundred gram serving. If you exclude one of the components, the energy value of the side dish will be significantly less.

Calorie content of mashed potatoes with water. The best recipe for a diet

Boil several peeled potato tubers in lightly salted water. Without cooling, mash the potatoes. A pinch of black pepper and salt will improve the taste of the side dish. The calorie content of mashed potatoes with water prepared in this way will be only 80 kcal. Combine this side dish with boiled or raw vegetables and a small piece of fish. During a diet, do not serve it with meat ingredients or bread, give up fatty sauces, and then in a short time you will be able to get your body in order.

Diet mashed potatoes "Original"

While losing weight, you should avoid consuming salt and other spices that can adversely affect your figure. However, not everyone will be able to completely give up fragrant seasonings, because then the dishes will become completely tasteless. If you do not accept side dishes without spices, prepare original mashed potatoes: the calorie content per 100 grams will be only 80 kcal. The secret lies in adding unique ingredients, thanks to which the puree becomes tasty and fragrant even without the use of butter and milk. Boiled celery, mint, green peas, green onions, sage, bell pepper, lemon juice and nutmeg are spices that are not only harmless, but also useful during the diet. By adding them to purees made with water, you will significantly improve the taste of the side dish and will enjoy this dish with pleasure.

Vegetable, mushroom and meat gravy for potatoes: method of preparation and calorie content

In some cases, a side dish is less dietary than the main dish. The energy value of stewed vegetables will be only 50 kcal, while the calorie content of mashed potatoes cooked in water is 80 kcal. Chop the eggplant, green beans, zucchini, carrots, and onions and place them in a frying pan. Simmer in sunflower oil with the addition of tomato paste and spices. Serve the prepared vegetable stew with mashed potatoes.

Mushroom sauce is also recommended to be served with high-calorie side dishes. Depending on the variety, mushrooms can be fried, boiled or canned. What will be the final calorie content of the dish? Mashed potatoes prepared with milk have an energy value of 90 kcal, and stewed mushrooms have a little more than 60 kcal.

If you are not afraid for your figure and prefer to eat fatty gravy as a side dish, fried meat is just what you need. It will be a great addition to tender mashed potatoes, but keep in mind that its calorie content is almost 200 kcal. If you wish, you can replace the meat with sausage or frankfurters.

Grandma's recipe for mashed potatoes: calorie content

“It’s not easy to be a grandson!” say those who spend time every summer in a country house with their elderly relatives. Grandmothers, as a rule, cook all dishes in butter, after which slender girls gain extra pounds. If you really want to treat yourself to something tasty and homemade, make your own mashed potatoes with butter (calorie content - 120 kcal) or with milk (90 kcal). In small quantities, it, of course, will not harm your figure, but you should not abuse such a delicacy every day.

Butter is added to hot boiled potatoes along with milk and spices. Keep in mind that the cooled side dish will become harder. Magnificent "grandmother's" puree tastes better than in the most expensive restaurants. Add dill and parsley for flavor.

What are the benefits of mashed potatoes?

This side dish is the most delicious, but also one of the most high-calorie. Mashed potatoes prepared according to an improved recipe, whose calorie content ranges from 80 to 130 kcal (depending on the amount of additional ingredients), saturates the human body with microelements. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, teeth and bones. Even though potatoes are mostly carbohydrates and starch, you shouldn't avoid them completely. We should also not forget that mashed potatoes contain vitamins A and C, so consuming this side dish is not only harmless, but also healthy. Bon appetit!

Most people love mashed potatoes. Due to its high nutritional value, easy digestibility and inability to cause allergies, this dish is included in the menu of various children's, medical and health institutions.

Potatoes contain a lot of carbohydrates, mostly starch. The root vegetable also contains vitamin A and C, various microelements.

A 100-gram serving of mashed potatoes, prepared with milk and butter, contains:

  • proteins about 2 grams;
  • fat 3.7 grams;
  • carbohydrates 15.2 grams.

It is difficult to talk about the calorie content of ready-made dishes that contain several ingredients. The energy value of mashed potatoes largely depends on the fat content of the milk used, as well as the amount of butter that is added to the dish.

On average, 100 grams of mashed potatoes containing milk and butter contain about 106 kcal.

Dishes made from boiled potatoes are suitable for consumption by people who suffer from stomach diseases. For ulcers, this root vegetable helps reduce pain, and potatoes also have an enveloping effect.

Potatoes are especially valued for their ability to stimulate brain activity.. With its help, the human brain produces substances necessary to improve memory.

Calorie content of mashed potatoes cooked in water

To reduce the calorie content of a dish such as mashed potatoes, you can cook it without adding other products, just with water. After chopping the potatoes, add the water in which they were boiled.

The calorie content of 100 grams of mashed potatoes cooked in water will be about 70 kcal.

If you prepare mashed potatoes without adding milk and butter, then it will contain less fat. The nutritional value of 100 grams of this dish is T:

  • proteins 2 grams;
  • fats 0.8 grams;
  • carbohydrates 14.7 grams.

To add tenderness and improve taste, you can add half an onion to the potatoes during cooking. The broth will acquire a delicate onion flavor, as a result the finished puree will be more tasty.

Instead of water, you can use broth made from chicken breast. This part of the chicken has the least fat content. The calorie content in the broth will be insignificant, and the taste of such mashed potatoes will be brighter.

Mashed potatoes with the addition of cauliflower will have a low calorie content and excellent taste. This vegetable is extremely beneficial for the body and is recommended for use in many diets.

How many calories are in mashed potatoes with cutlets?

Nutritionists do not recommend eating mashed potatoes in combination with meat dishes.. But many of us love to enjoy our favorite mashed potatoes with a cutlet.

A traditional fried meat cutlet contains 430 kcal per 100 grams of product.

You can reduce the calorie content of cutlets by cooking them in a double boiler. Depending on the type of meat, with this cooking method the number of calories can be reduced from 60 to 80 kcal. This occurs due to the saturation of minced meat with water vapor.

Traditionally, cutlets are made from minced pork and beef. To prepare it, they take pig meat and lard, as well as beef. All ingredients are ground in a meat grinder. Many housewives add grated raw potatoes and stale bread, previously soaked in milk, to minced cutlets. All these components do not allow us to talk about the low calorie content of homemade fried cutlets prepared according to a traditional recipe.

This dish will be no less tasty if prepared from chicken meat.

100 grams of fried chicken cutlet contains 210 kcal, while a steamed one will contain only 130 kcal.

Kiev cutlet will have the highest calorie content if you follow the traditional recipe when preparing it.

100 grams of chicken Kiev contains 445 kcal.

Fish cutlets also have low energy value, they contain 200 kcal per 100 grams of product if fried in a frying pan. When cooked in a double boiler, their calorie content is reduced to 140 kcal.

The calorie content of a serving of mashed potatoes with a cutlet will largely depend on the cutlet itself.

On average, 100 grams of such a dish can add 400 to 500 kcal to our body.

Mashed potatoes are a dietary dish recommended for consumption during a diet. It is best to eat mashed potatoes with lean fish, various vegetables and herbs, cheeses, and boiled mushrooms.

You should not combine mashed potatoes with fried meat, chicken and fish dishes. Also, during the diet, it is better not to eat smoked sausage, sausages, sprats and other canned fish in oil in combination with potatoes. Bread does not go well with this root vegetable.

Nutrition systems for weight loss using potatoes

Existing potato diets are designed for different periods. But they all require boiled potatoes. It can be mashed potatoes, jacket potatoes or boiled potato salad. The best addition to the diet menu is milk and fermented milk products such as kefir and low-fat yogurt.

During any diet, and potato diet is no exception, you need to drink a lot of water. The recommended amount is 2 liters.

You cannot go on a potato diet for more than ten days. L It is best to use this nutrition system for weight loss at the end of summer.

During this period, young potatoes contain more vitamins and other microelements, and the starch content is minimal. These potatoes are best baked in the oven and consumed with the skin, because it is in it that the concentration of nutrients is maximum.

You can create a menu for the potato diet yourself.

The main thing to remember is that you need to eat no more than one kilogram of this root vegetable per day. All potato dishes must be without salt. Include fresh vegetables and kefir in your diet; you can use apples or other fruits as a snack.