Sample daily routine for a housewife. My schedule

A daily routine allows you to be more productive and get more done with less effort. And he “educates” a little both the housewife herself and her household. This is especially true for families with small children. Working housewives can also accustom themselves (and their household) to repetitive routines that will simplify and even stabilize life in our turbulent times.

The daily routine is usually developed approximately, taking into account all the subtleties - the family’s lifestyle and the habits/preferences of household members, even the time of year. If there are small children in the family, then the regime must be adjusted to their routine (quiet hour, etc.).

So, my rough plan (the daily routine of a city housewife with two small children).

Early morning (4-6 am): -time for yourself

since the youngest child (6 months) gets up early - at 4-6 in the morning, but after waking up he can play in the crib/playpen for another half an hour, I allocate this time for myself to work at the computer, besides, my head is still “fresh” in the morning, and the house is quiet, no one bothers you. Of course, I get distracted by feeding, playing, and if I’m lucky, putting the baby to sleep again.

Morning (7-9 am): - breakfast, cleaning, cooking, etc. routine

The household gets up and has breakfast. I take out the food I need to defrost if it hasn’t been done the night before.

If the eldest daughter (3 years old) is in a good mood, then you can let her play with the younger one who has woken up and quickly wash the floors and put things away in 15-25 minutes. During this time, children already get tired of each other and demand attention. The rest of the tasks can now be completed with the children together - if necessary, unload the dishwasher, washing machine, hang out the laundry. A small child (up to a year) can be placed in a sling/chaise lounge - the main thing is that he is close to his mother or sees her. The older child can, if desired, help with chores - serving laundry from the machine, spoons from the dishwasher.

If necessary, I start cooking for lunch: in the morning I usually put the ingredients on the bread in the bread maker; if necessary, I load food into the multicooker (for example, buckwheat, pilaf or baked meat with vegetables, cottage cheese casserole or biscuit). Modern technology is also very “friendly” - you can set the broth to cook on an electric stove with a timer or bake something in the oven, also setting auto shutdown at the right time). Then second breakfast.

Day (from 11 o'clock): -walking and relaxing

In winter, we went out for a walk with the children at 12 o’clock, when the sun appeared and “warmed up” the air at least a little. In spring you can walk from 10 am. In summer you need to have time to go for a walk before 11-12. It’s just a pity that city children, even in the spring, are taken out for a walk for an hour no earlier than 12. We walk for at least 2-4 hours depending on the weather. During this time, the children will “go for a walk” - the eldest will have time to run around and chat with the children on the playgrounds, the youngest will have time to sleep and look around. Everyone works up a good appetite and by 14-15 we return home for lunch. After this, a couple of hours of games and household chores, for example, you need to put your clothes in order or iron your laundry - and at this time the older one dresses up the dolls with the clothes she found, the younger one can sleep or have fun in the general “crowd”.

Early evening (approximately from 17-18 hours) - preparations for the next day

We begin to prepare dinner, if necessary, or preparations (broth, etc.) for the next day. We put away the toys and bathe the children. Before 20, you need to have dinner, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and dirty clothes in the washing machine. Prepare clothes and shoes for the next day.

Evening (21:00) - lights out

Lights out for the eldest, with the younger as it happens. Since you have to get up with your youngest at night and early in the morning, parents also need to go to bed at night in an amicable way.

So, as can be seen from the example, in our case it is better to plan the main household chores in the morning, when you still have energy, or in the evening, after a lunch break. During long walks with children, you can visit shops and at least do grocery shopping. It’s also good to plan leisurely activities in the evening and communicate with family members who work outside the home. On weekends, the routine may be slightly different - for example, longer walks and trips with the whole family.

In the summer, when it gets really hot, the regime will probably change slightly. But nevertheless, a general daily routine is needed and should be adhered to!

Article from the series useful tips for housewives will help you organize your work day at home.

Every woman knows that being a housewife in a home is like being the head of a large company. A housewife has many tasks on her shoulders, the execution of which is a responsibility. Feed the children and husband, wash things, clean the house, take care of the flowers, do homework with the children, go to the store, etc., you can’t keep track of everything, but you need to do everything. How to deal with all this?

Advice to housewives who do not have time to do anything, but really want to become good housewives.

  • You must understand that the first task is proper organization. A woman acts as a leader in household chores, so it is necessary to be able to organize. Remember the concept of division of labor. Those. There are some things your husband or children can do that will help relieve your workday.
  • Next, you need to be able to prioritize. Those. which is more important at the moment, but needs to be placed correctly.
  • Then the main thing is planning. You simply cannot do without planning. Saying that you don't know how to plan is simply stupid. Women are simply experts in this matter; they spend their entire lives planning something. Moreover, planning must begin in the morning.

In the morning, too, everything should be in order; statistics show that about 60% of women housewives spend a lot of time in the morning just wandering aimlessly around the house, not knowing what to do.

When planning, focus on distributing tasks over days, i.e. You shouldn’t dump everything on one day and then not know what to do with it.

Write everything down by day of the week. For example: Monday - laundry, Tuesday - go to the store, Wednesday - cook, Thursday - cleaning, Friday - cook, Saturday - day off, Sunday - cook. This will help you reduce the amount of work you do each day. But the plan should also be drawn up correctly.

Advice on how to create a plan for running a household.

There are five steps to do this.

  1. Schedule regular meetings and activities.
  2. Determine one main task for each day.
  3. Add three to five small tasks to your daily main task.
  4. To complete your main daily task, choose a time that is convenient for you.
  5. Make a schedule of important events. Next, start creating modes. Morning and evening, which would include the sequence of your actions in the morning, while serving breakfast, and in the evening, when you will serve dinner and do basic housework.

And also remember that if you did not have time to do some basic task, then postpone it to the next week, and not to the next day.

Pay attention to how much time you spend cleaning the entire apartment. Half the day will fly by in worries and you won’t have time to look back. There is a good way to spend half an hour a day cleaning. To do this, distribute the housework like this: today you clean one room, tomorrow the next. Or this option: one day to wash the floors. Another day - dusting, putting scattered things in their places, also set aside half an hour of free day. Thus, you will maintain general order in the house, spending from 10 to 30 minutes a day.

Combine cooking with washing in an automatic washing machine and you will do two jobs in one period of time. Of course, you won't get this effect with hand washing.

Prepare. for example, cutlets for several meals. Part for the day of preparation, put the rest in the freezer. At the same time, you can freeze ready-made cutlets or shaped raw ones. The taste will be preserved in both cases; after freezing, the food will be as freshly prepared. You can freeze a lot of dishes this way, making a homemade semi-finished product.

Allow time for unforeseen circumstances. It is advisable to have your plan written down so you don't miss anything. Include time for personal matters in your plan, and try to make it fit your lifestyle. And then everything will work out for you and you will become best housewife!

Housewife: Recipes, home hacks, gardening, raising a child and much more.

I always pay a lot of attention to the issues of distributing my time. And, in fact, it doesn’t matter at all what I do. Both at home and at work, I try to distribute my time in such a way that I have time to fulfill my work responsibilities and have enough energy for my family and household.

On the other hand, when there is a small child in the family, all household chores, all the mother’s worries are aimed, first of all, at meeting the needs of the baby. But the presence of a small child in the family does not mean that a young mother should not pay attention to her appearance.

Today we’ll talk about how to organize the daily routine of a housewife with small children and learn to allocate time for your personal needs.

Of course, the daily routine of a young mother with a baby, especially if you have more than one baby, is absolutely dependent on the needs of the little person. Let's consider options for a housewife's daily routine depending on the age of the baby.

Approximate daily routine of a housewife with a child under six months

In general, a child under six months is an infant who needs constant feeding. Most of the time, such a baby usually sleeps. During this period of time, you can devote more time not only to your appearance, but also to restoring your health and figure after childbirth.

At the same time, many mothers, especially mothers of restless children, prefer to sleep more during the period up to one year. This is also not a bad option for restoring the health and physical activity of the female body.

The proposed daily routine for this age group, as for other age groups, is approximate and based on our own experience. It may be completely different for you, based on your needs and the needs of your baby or babies.

6.00 – 7.00
7.00 – 8.00
8.00 – 9.00
9.00 – 11.00 While the baby is sleeping, I take care of myself (home fitness, home beauty treatments) or do cleaning
11.00- 12.00
12.00 – 15.00 Walking down the street in a stroller. Either I put the stroller on the balcony and, while the baby is sleeping, I do housework or I sleep myself
15.00 – 16.00 Another feeding of the baby. We lie down, “gaze” around, look at toys, listen to children's music
16.00 – 18.00 Cooking dinner
18.00 – 21.00
21.00 – 22.00

Depending on what time your baby actually gets up, you need to adjust your daily routine.

Approximate daily routine of a housewife with a child from six months to a year

Based on the number of feedings, the daily routine is almost comparable to the previous one. There is only one change, but the key one is that the child’s need to communicate and study the environment increases every day. At this age and at an older age, more careful supervision of the baby is already necessary.

It is from the age of six months to a year that the likelihood of injury to the baby increases exponentially. For example, a baby who has learned to roll over may fall not only from the changing table or from the sofa, but also in the bathroom, precisely at the moment when the mother reached for a towel. You need to be as attentive as possible with a child from this age group.

6.00 – 7.00 Getting up, preparing breakfast for my husband, light breakfast. I'm not sending my husband to work.
7.00 – 8.00 Baby wakes up, morning swaddling, feeding baby
8.00 – 10.00 Activities with the child (massage, exercises, etc.)
10.00 – 11.00 If the baby is sleeping, doing self-care (home fitness, home beauty treatments) or cleaning; if he’s not sleeping, I surround him with toys on all sides, and still do the necessary things
11.00- 12.00 Preparing food for the baby, feeding
12.00 – 15.00 Walking down the street in a stroller. Either I put the stroller on the balcony, and while the baby is sleeping, I do housework, or cook dinner, or sleep myself
15.00 – 18.00 Another feeding of the baby. Working with the baby, looking at toys, listening to children's music
18.00 – 21.00 Evening feeding of the baby, waiting for dad to get home from work, feeding dad dinner, lying in dad’s arms (I’m talking about the baby)
21.00 – 22.00 I bathe the baby, feed him at night, and put him to bed. And I go to bed myself.

The older the child gets, the more time is devoted to activities, such as looking at picture books, reading books, turning on music or audio fairy tales. If it’s not cold outside, we walk more and longer.

Approximate daily routine of a housewife with a child from one to three years old

A very interesting age. The child begins to climb everywhere, there is practically no feeling of fear yet. The word “impossible” is not always understood, or pretends not to be understood. I will never forget how my baby, while his mother was ironing clothes in the room, ran into the kitchen, opened the kitchen cabinet, and pulled out plastic jars of buckwheat and rice. He scattered all this on the kitchen floor, and “cooked” in this mass with pronounced pleasure. It took him no more than five minutes to fully mix the cereal...

Let's return to the daily routine for this age group:
6.00 – 7.00 Getting up, preparing breakfast for my husband, light breakfast. I send my husband to work.
7.00 – 8.00 Child wakes up, morning exercises, breakfast
8.00 – 10.00 Activities with the child (massage, books, coloring), he can play much more time on his own. At this time I am doing housework.
10.00 – 12.00 Second breakfast (light snack, such as yoghurt, fruit, cottage cheese, etc.). Then we go for a walk. If it rains, we play at home.
12.00 – 16.00 Let's have lunch. I'm putting him to bed. I mind my own business. Only at this time do I have a couple of hours for myself or to pursue a hobby.
16.00 – 19.00 Afternoon snack. We play, study or go for a walk. We are preparing dinner and waiting for dad.
19.00 – 21.00 We have dinner, play quiet games or read a book, play with dad.
21.00 – 22.00 We bathe, drink kefir at night, and put him to bed. And I go to bed myself.

My daily routine was something like this. Of course, there were days when the established daily routine was disrupted. But, in general, I tried to maintain it in this mode. And it was easier to put the child to bed, and she herself was not exhausted, and she could make time for herself, her beloved.

A daily routine allows you to be more productive and get more done with less effort. And he “educates” a little both the housewife herself and her household. This is especially true for families with small children. Working housewives can also accustom themselves (and their household) to repetitive routines that will simplify and even stabilize life in our turbulent times.

The daily routine is usually developed approximately, taking into account all the subtleties - the family’s lifestyle and the habits/preferences of household members, even the time of year. If there are small children in the family, then the regime must be adjusted to their routine (quiet hour, etc.).

So, my rough plan (the daily routine of a city housewife with two small children).

Early morning (4-6 am): -time for yourself

since the youngest child (6 months) gets up early - at 4-6 in the morning, but after waking up he can play in the crib/playpen for another half an hour, I allocate this time for myself to work at the computer, besides, my head is still “fresh” in the morning, and the house is quiet, no one bothers you. Of course, I get distracted by feeding, playing, and if I’m lucky, putting the baby to sleep again.

Morning (7-9 am): - breakfast, cleaning, cooking, etc. routine

The household gets up and has breakfast. I take out the food I need to defrost if it hasn’t been done the night before.

If the eldest daughter (3 years old) is in a good mood, then you can let her play with the younger one who has woken up and quickly wash the floors and put things away in 15-25 minutes. During this time, children already get tired of each other and demand attention. The rest of the tasks can now be completed with the children together - if necessary, unload the dishwasher, washing machine, hang out the laundry. A small child (up to a year) can be placed in a sling/chaise lounge - the main thing is that he is close to his mother or sees her. The older child can, if desired, help with chores - serving laundry from the machine, spoons from the dishwasher.

If necessary, I start cooking for lunch: in the morning I usually put the ingredients on the bread in the bread maker; if necessary, I load food into the multicooker (for example, buckwheat, pilaf or baked meat with vegetables, cottage cheese casserole or biscuit). Modern technology is also very “friendly” - you can set the broth to cook on an electric stove with a timer or bake something in the oven, also setting auto shutdown at the right time). Then second breakfast.

Day (from 11 o'clock): -walking and relaxing

In winter, we went out for a walk with the children at 12 o’clock, when the sun appeared and “warmed up” the air at least a little. In spring you can walk from 10 am. In summer you need to have time to go for a walk before 11-12. It’s just a pity that city children, even in the spring, are taken out for a walk for an hour no earlier than 12. We walk for at least 2-4 hours depending on the weather. During this time, the children will “go for a walk” - the eldest will have time to run around and chat with the children on the playgrounds, the youngest will have time to sleep and look around. Everyone works up a good appetite and by 14-15 we return home for lunch. After this, a couple of hours of games and household chores, for example, you need to put your clothes in order or iron your laundry - and at this time the older one dresses up the dolls with the clothes she found, the younger one can sleep or have fun in the general “crowd”.

Early evening (approximately from 17-18 hours) - preparations for the next day

We begin to prepare dinner, if necessary, or preparations (broth, etc.) for the next day. We put away the toys and bathe the children. Before 20, you need to have dinner, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and dirty clothes in the washing machine. Prepare clothes and shoes for the next day.

Evening (21:00) - lights out

Lights out for the eldest, with the younger as it happens. Since you have to get up with your youngest at night and early in the morning, parents also need to go to bed at night in an amicable way.

So, as can be seen from the example, in our case it is better to plan the main household chores in the morning, when you still have energy, or in the evening, after a lunch break. During long walks with children, you can visit shops and at least do grocery shopping. It’s also good to plan leisurely activities in the evening and communicate with family members who work outside the home. On weekends, the routine may be slightly different - for example, longer walks and trips with the whole family.

In the summer, when it gets really hot, the regime will probably change slightly. But nevertheless, a general daily routine is needed and should be adhered to!

Continuation: (with preschool children)

Any activity, including housekeeping, requires planning. Only in our case, this is a more flexible option, since everything can change at any moment, for example, if a child got sick, or I had to help out a friend by spending a lot of time solving her problems, or my husband asked me to fulfill several of his requests.

Let's look at an approximate timing plan for a housewife (if you don't have children):

  1. Every day in the morning you should leave yourself a personal 30-40 minutes, during which you must clean yourself up (wash your face, take a light morning shower) and drink invigorating coffee or tea;

  2. No matter how much we would like to, cleaning in the morning is necessary. Most likely, there are still a couple of unwashed cups left in the kitchen from the evening, and dust has already fallen on the TV in the living room. Therefore, it is worth wiping off the dust and vacuuming. (15-20 minutes)

  3. Ventilate the room at least twice, once in the morning after sleep. The second time in the evening before bed. (10 minutes)

  4. Find interesting courses for yourself that will help you broaden your horizons - let it be a related topic with your education, or related to your hobby. An hour of listening to lectures is more than enough for you. (60 minutes)

  5. Be sure to check the news. Men almost always follow what is happening in the world, and you need this in order to maintain a conversation on any topic that your husband would not want to talk about. (20-30 minutes)

  6. Prepare a delicious lunch (if you don’t eat a lot, then cook it just for yourself, so you can eat it and immediately put the dishes away, and not wait until the salad gives juice until the evening, and serve it on the table in such an unsightly form). (20-40 minutes)

  7. Be sure to sign up for fitness. And visit the gym and swimming pool two or three times a week. Firstly, you will relax and have fun, secondly, you will communicate with those who spend time there, and thirdly, you will always keep yourself in shape. And don't be lazy! (60-90 minutes)

  8. After returning from training, take a shower. And read an interesting book for 30 minutes. Your body will rest and your head will switch gears. (40-50 minutes)

  9. Prepare a fresh, delicious dinner. Find interesting recipes that you haven't tried yet to surprise your loved one. (60-80 minutes)

  10. Before your loved one arrives, set the table, even if it is not a restaurant setting, but arrange the cutlery and decorate the dishes in a non-traditional way, with a twist. (10 minutes)

  11. An evening dinner can be spent having a pleasant conversation, to the sounds of melodious music. Music always relaxes and puts you in the mood for relaxation.

  12. And smile! Find new interesting activities for yourself, read books, listen to music, cook masterpiece desserts, decorate your home. Feel like a real woman.

For various reasons, women become housewives. Someone goes on maternity leave and then sits with the baby, someone has a successful husband who is sure that his wife should take care of the house exclusively, and someone works at home, combining the responsibilities of a professional and a housewife. But whatever the underlying reasons, when staying “on the farm”, all ladies face the same problem - how to cope with all the housework and not turn into a cornered horse.

Such work is insidious because it is cyclical, i.e. it simply cannot be done once and for all, and secondly, it is not standardized. As a result, the woman finds herself in the position of a hamster on a wheel - another thing replaces it, with no end in sight. So week after week. Fatigue accumulates, depression develops, and stress becomes chronic. In this difficult situation, time management for a housewife is an effective solution.

Today, many time management systems have been developed for a variety of processes and organizations. But they all are based on a couple of general universal rules: compiling lists of current tasks, clear planning of your activities, regular (weekly or daily) summing up, analysis of the results achieved.

The FLY-lady system is one of the most optimal systems for such time management; it was developed especially for women by the American Marla Seelly. The main principle of the Fly Lady is consistency and gradualism. There is no need to try to create perfect order in the house in one day and embrace the immensity. It is no coincidence that Marla Seelly recommends the baby-steps method to her followers. You need to start with one thing, and then move in small steps, without trying to do everything at once. The Fly Lady system is based on just a few basic principles that help organize the chaos of homework.

1. Get yourself ready in the morning (no flip-flops or bathrobes), put on comfortable shoes and put on makeup. Appearance is very important, in no case should you forget about yourself.

2. We create a certain point that will become the personification of order and cleanliness. Marla Cilley suggests using the kitchen sink since we spend a lot of time in the kitchen and it's always in sight. First, clean it thoroughly. And then just maintain it in this state.

3. We start a special journal to describe routines - small, repetitive everyday tasks that we have to do in the mornings and evenings.

4. To prevent your cleaning from turning into a nightmare, we divide the entire house into separate zones and allocate a different day of the week for each. For example, dining room and living room - Monday, kitchen - Tuesday, toilet and bathroom - Wednesday, washing clothes - ironing - Friday. We spend no more than one hour cleaning each area. Whatever was not completed at this hour is postponed until next time.

5. One of the main principles of the Fly Lady is: “you can’t organize your trash!” Accordingly, our goal is to find 27 used, unnecessary things every day and throw them away. This approach will allow you to easily and gradually get rid of accumulated trash.

6. Hot spots must be extinguished in a timely manner. In this system, hot spots are defined as places in the apartment where chaos easily and quickly develops. This could be a shelf by the front door, a desk, a computer stand, and so on.

7. Dedicate one day a week exclusively to yourself. This means that there is nothing to do on the chosen day, only sleep, relaxation, beauty treatments and other other pleasures. First of all, any woman and we should never forget about this.