Damaged tooth enamel. How professionals restore tooth enamel and more. Means for strengthening tooth enamel

Tooth enamel is one of the hardest tissues in the human body. But over the years, under the influence of many factors, it gradually becomes thinner.

This can be noticed by increased tooth sensitivity and the development of carious formations.

The damage will not disappear on its own, however, you can influence the strengthening and restoration of the enamel. This will be discussed further.

The main factors include:

  • incorrect food temperature. When eating food that differs sharply from each other in degree, microcracks form on the enamel, into which microbes enter and, thus, it is destroyed.
  • mechanical damage. They often occur when brushing with hard bristles or from injury, such as a blow.
  • gastrointestinal diseases. Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract unbalance the pH of the oral environment, which affects the condition of the enamel.
  • antibiotic abuse. Chemical components act aggressively on teeth and weaken them.
  • enamel hypoplasia. This is a congenital underdevelopment of the enamel of molars or baby teeth.
  • smoking. Nicotine makes teeth yellow and has a destructive effect on the protective surface layer.
  • pregnancy and childbirth. When carrying a child, a woman’s body may lack calcium, so this microelement is borrowed from the teeth.
  • bruxism. The disease is characterized by severe clenching of the jaw during sleep. This leads to abrasion of the enamel.
  • genetic predisposition. Heredity has a huge impact on human health in general.

How can professionals help?

In modern clinics, clients are offered several methods of enamel restoration. The doctor individually selects treatment based on factors such as the degree of damage, the general condition of the gums, the presence of infections and bad habits in the patient.


The method was developed in Japan. It consists of the following: a plate is made, adjusted to the patient’s jaw, which is saturated with calcium, fluorine and phosphorus. It must be left in the mouth overnight to saturate the teeth with microelements.

In addition, a thin film of hydroxyapatite enriched with vitamins can be used for remineralization. This material is very durable and flexible. It is able to give the enamel a white and shiny appearance.

The cost of the procedure is on average 2500-3000 rubles.

Simple fluoridation

This is done in 2 ways:

  1. The dentist covers the surface of the teeth with a special varnish with fluorine. A dense healing layer is formed. The average course of treatment is 3-4 sessions.
  2. An impression is taken of the jaw. It is used to make a so-called spoon. It is filled with gel or paste and applied to the teeth for 15 minutes. To achieve results, it is necessary to carry out about 10-15 procedures.

Thanks to this method, the enamel is saturated with such an important trace element as fluoride.

The price for fluoridation of one row of teeth is about 1,300 rubles.

From the video you will learn more about dental fluoridation.

Deep fluoridation

Consists of several stages. First, the doctor performs a professional cleaning, removing hard deposits and soft plaque. Then he drains the mouth and coats the teeth with a solution of magnesium fluoride. Its action is aimed at sealing the enamel. Next, a protective layer of copper and calcium hydroxide is applied.

The two means interact with each other. During the chemical reaction, calcium fluoride is formed. Its particles fill microcracks in the enamel and improve its condition.

The price for the procedure in Russian dentistry is approximately 260 rubles per tooth.

Enamel implantation

The method is used if the damaged area is large, and is also often used to restore the surface layer on the incisors.

The procedure itself involves the dentist applying a substance similar to natural enamel.

Thus, restoration occurs at the molecular level. Thanks to implantation, teeth become healthy and white.

The cost varies between 2000-2500 rubles.


The filling method in this case differs from the usual one.

The restoration method is that the filling material is applied in layers and evenly distributed over the entire damaged surface.

Thus, the cracks are filled and pain is reduced.

Price – 3500 rubles.

Veneers and Lumineers

Veneers are ceramic plates that hide damaged enamel, correct the position of teeth and reduce gaps between them.

Installation requires grinding down your own teeth. They are attached to the front wall of the fangs and incisors. They last approximately 10 years. At the same time, their appearance remains impeccable.

Lumineers, unlike veneers, are thinner and fit more tightly, which prevents infections from penetrating underneath them. They do not require grinding down the tooth and can be removed at the dentist.

The cost of veneers is cheaper. It will be about 16,000 per piece. While 1 lumineer will cost 40,000-50,000 rubles.

What can you do at home?

If treatment in a clinic is not affordable, then you can use products for home use.

It should be remembered that pastes, gels and various folk recipes cannot be compared with professional dental treatment. However, they are able to slow down the destruction processes.

Special toothpastes and gels

  1. Elmex Gelee. Available in gel form. It strengthens tooth tissue and saturates enamel with fluoride. Indicated for use by adults and children over 7 years of age. It has a preventive effect against the formation of caries and fights sensitivity. It is recommended to use once every 7 days. The cost of the gel is about 280 rubles.
  2. O.C.S. Medical Minerals. The gel contains calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Microelements enrich and strengthen the enamel. The product can be used daily after brushing your teeth. It prevents bacteria from penetrating microcracks in hard tissues, thereby protecting them. The price per tube is about 400 rubles.
  3. LACALUT fluor Gel. Fluoride-containing remineralizing gel. It has a strengthening effect and serves as a preventive measure against carious formations. It can be purchased in pharmacies for about 200 rubles.
  4. Sensodyne Repair & Protect– paste with fluorine elements. It can be used every day. Promotes bone tissue regeneration. Not suitable for people with sensitive teeth as it may cause bleeding. A tube costs 180-200 rubles.
  5. Colgate Sensitive ProRelief– paste with mineral components, the main of which is calcium. It is aimed at reducing pain. It is recommended to use once a week. The price of the product is 170 rubles.
  6. SPLAT Biocalcium. The paste helps strengthen the enamel and eliminate cracks in it. The manufacturer claims that a month of use gives a whitening effect of 1 tone. Cost 150-170 rubles.
  7. Biorepair. The pasta is made in Italy. Contains hydroxyapatite, which eliminates cracks. Provides protection to the oral cavity from bacteria and removes unpleasant odors. The price per tube is around 450 rubles.
  8. President Unique. Paste with calcium neutralizes the acidic environment and prevents the rapid spread of plaque. Tube 100 ml – 250 rubles.

Folk recipes

  1. Lemon zest pulp. You need to take one lemon and peel it. Rub the skins on a fine grater and wipe your teeth with it. Lemon zest has an enamel whitening effect. However, the method is radical. It should be used infrequently and carefully, as the acid has a negative effect on the gums and teeth.
  2. Activated carbon slurry. You will need 2-3 tablets of this product. Crush them in a bowl until they become powder and add enough water to make a paste. You should brush your teeth with this mixture 1-2 times a week. Charcoal does an excellent job of removing yellow deposits. Careful use will not cause harm.
  3. Sea salt rinses. Take 3 teaspoons of salt and dissolve in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth with the solution for one to two weeks. The product reduces tooth sensitivity and strengthens enamel.
  4. Beeswax. Zambrus is especially valuable. This is the wax that covers the honeycomb. Bees add a little poison to the zambrus, which is beneficial for the human body. It should sometimes be chewed instead of gum. It heals wounds in the oral cavity, strengthens gums and protects enamel from destruction.
  5. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Mix the ingredients until a paste forms. Apply the mixture to your teeth and leave on them for 3-4 minutes, and then rinse your mouth with clean water. After this, it is recommended to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. A mixture of baking soda and peroxide has a whitening effect.

For information on preventing enamel destruction and methods for restoring it, watch the video.

Healthy foods and drinks

The diet should include:

  • dairy such as cheese, yogurt, milk, kefir and cottage cheese. They contain phosphorus and calcium, which are essential for our health.
  • hard vegetables or fruits. It is useful to chew carrots, radishes, celery, and apples. When chewing, saliva is released abundantly, which is a natural means of cleansing the enamel. In addition, gum massage and blood flow occur.
  • parsley. The plant prevents the growth of microorganisms that negatively affect enamel. It can be used instead of chewing gum to remove unpleasant odors.
  • green tea. Firstly, it contains fluoride. Secondly, it prevents the formation of plaque.
  • chicken eggs and fish. These foods contain large amounts of vitamin D. It also helps in strengthening teeth.

Human teeth are a durable formation. But they require constant care; if this is not carried out, the top layer (enamel) begins to gradually deteriorate. This leads to pain when drinking food or water. A person’s smile becomes unsightly. In such cases, many people do not want to go to the dentist right away, so they are interested in how to restore tooth enamel at home.

The causes of violations can be completely different, and can be caused by completely different factors. The reasons must be determined to prevent recurrence of the condition.

Injuries, mechanical impact

They are caused by a strong impact when falling. Chips and cracks form, and most of the tooth may break off. Pathogenic microbes accumulate in places of damage. Without the top protective layer, it is easier for them to reach the inside of the tooth. Gradually there is less enamel. The tooth becomes yellowish in color.

Another factor is constant mechanical stress. This includes the clicking of seeds and nuts. Often people have neurological diseases in which they constantly grind their teeth against each other or chew on permanent objects. With an incorrect bite, a person’s teeth wear against each other while chewing.

Products that have a destructive effect

Consumption of products or chemicals that have a destructive effect on the top layer of teeth. Products include soda, crackers, chips. Drugs are isolated from chemical substances. Cigarette smoke not only causes damage, but also discoloration.

Heat treatment

If the enamel is exposed first to cold and then to sudden heat very often, this leads to the appearance of microcracks. Pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in them, which gradually destroy the top layer and make their way inside to the pulp.

Infrequent teeth cleaning

Teeth should be brushed twice a day. Plaque and pieces of food also remain between them, so it is important to use threads, irrigators (a device that supplies a stream of water under high pressure). The longer the plaque remains on the surface, the faster the bacteria will destroy it. As it develops, it can reach the pulp and cause external and internal destruction.

Selection of hygiene products

If the toothpaste or mouthwash contains the wrong formulation with a very high or low pH, it will cause damage.

Systemic diseases

With hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins) and lack of microelements, destruction of the upper layer is often observed due to a decrease in the amount of calcium. The same phenomena cause gastrointestinal diseases, in which there is a lack of absorption of nutrients in the intestinal walls. Endocrine disorders cause micronutrient imbalances and poor calcium absorption. This causes destruction not only of the outer shell, but also of dentin and pulp.

Use of medications

For hypertension, medications are prescribed that cause a decrease in the function of the salivary glands. This causes a decrease in the amount of saliva, which has a bactericidal effect against many bacteria.

Dental procedures at home

For example, teeth whitening without the participation of a professional doctor and special devices will lead to a gradual thinning of the enamel.


If relatives in previous generations experienced gradual thinning of the upper layer of teeth and the appearance of further diseases, there is a high probability that the patient will develop the same symptoms.


During this period, a woman’s body changes, hormonal levels and metabolism are rearranged. Most of the incoming microelements are directed through the bloodstream of the placenta to the baby.

What can you do at home?

Since the enamel structure is not restored after damage, it is necessary to carry out procedures to maintain it and improve its quality. Medicinal substances and drugs are used. Before using them, it is better to consult a dentist so as not to harm your own body. You can use traditional medicines. When using them, you should make sure that the person is not allergic to plant components.

Using traditional methods

Anna Losyakova


Note! It is impossible to restore tooth enamel using folk remedies at home, but you can remove the damaging factor or slow down the destruction.

Table of folk remedies used to prevent further damage to the upper dental tissues.



DietEating foods with lots of minerals. Dairy products (sour cream, milk, cottage cheese) and fish are suitable for this. Products are not introduced temporarily; a person must constantly consume them.
VitaminsThe doctor prescribes multivitamin complexes, which contain almost all vitamins and microelements. Take vitamin D separately in the form of drops or capsules.
Lemon zestUse white pulp and rub the surface of the teeth for no more than a few days, since lemon has high acidity.
Activated carbonThe drug is pounded into sand, poured with a small amount of water and lubricated on the teeth. Wash off with water. This method is not a replacement for brushing with toothpaste.
RinseA solution of soda along with a teaspoon of salt is suitable. The method eliminates pathogens and prevents swelling of the gums.

Anna Losyakova


Important! To avoid the risk of damage from self-medication, make an appointment with a doctor and learn how to restore tooth enamel using folk remedies.

Professional products

There are several ways to restore the top of your teeth. To find out how to restore tooth enamel at home using these products, consult a dentist.

  1. Fluoridation. Preparations for the procedure can be purchased at a pharmacy and applied at home yourself. It is important to prevent the drug from being swallowed or left on the tooth surface. The gel is dangerous for mucous membranes and can cause damage.
  2. Application of gels for mineralization. The drug contains elements that are lost by teeth or not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Apply to the surface, then wash off.
  3. Toothpaste. It should not foam much, have a high or low pH and contain destructive elements.

Other methods are also used, but they can only be used by a dentist. They use and, that is, protective plates that completely match the structure of the enamel. Their cost is very high. Use layering of filling material on the damaged surface. All these techniques require medical training, expensive instruments and materials. Such manipulations can only be performed by the patient at the dentist.

Features of enamel restoration at home

A diet for restoring teeth at home should be maintained throughout your life. If a person stops consuming necessary products or, on the contrary, begins to abuse harmful products, destruction will begin again. In addition to the above means, the following procedures must be carried out:

  • Apply fluoridated toothpaste to the surface of the teeth for a few minutes before brushing, so that more fluoride is absorbed;
  • increasing blood flow inside the gums through the use of massage, it is done in a circular motion with clean hands (blood will begin to flow more strongly to the gums, useful substances and microelements will pass through it);
  • a preliminary consultation with a dentist, as some products have a positive effect on the enamel, but lead to damage to the mucous membrane.


Tooth enamel protects against the penetration of pathogenic flora into dentin, pulp and roots. It has a white coloration, which contributes to its aesthetic appearance. She requires daily care to ensure that all these qualities are maintained. If the top layer is damaged, the teeth begin to hurt and change color. If external signs of this condition appear, consult a doctor to find out how to restore tooth enamel at home. He will carry out therapeutic measures, tell you which procedures can be carried out at home and which cannot. This will prevent the risk of damage to the oral cavity when self-medicating.

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Tooth enamel is the hardest and most durable surface layer of the tooth. Its function is to protect its tissues from chemical or physical influences.

It consists almost entirely of mineral substances (97%), in particular, hydroxyapatite (most of it), apatite carbonate, chlorapatite, fluorine apatite, magnesium carbonate. A considerable amount belongs to calcium (35%) and phosphorus (17%). The percentage composition of minerals in enamel may vary depending on a person’s nutrition, lifestyle, age, and environmental conditions.

When tooth enamel is damaged, it inevitably leads to tooth decay and destruction of the deeper tooth tissues.

Is tooth enamel restored? If we talk about the ability of enamel to self-heal, this does not happen, no matter how much we would like. We can only restore it artificially, using various dental techniques. And I will tell you exactly how tooth enamel restoration (regeneration) is carried out using artificial methods on www..

Factors that destroy enamel

There can be many reasons that destroy tooth enamel. This can be either external mechanical damage or destruction from the inside: a lack of minerals occurs in the enamel due to their leaching (demineralization occurs). The rapid loss of essential elements and their insufficient supply from food leads to the destruction of the protective enamel shell.

This, as a rule, is facilitated by insufficient or excessively hard toothbrushes, a love of sour or sweet foods, poor condition of the stomach and intestines, metabolic disorders, etc. There is evidence that frequent consumption of citrus juice during the day can lead to the “dissolution” of enamel . In this regard, the use of many modern tonic drinks is also not harmless.

What does modern dentistry offer to restore tooth enamel?

Methods for restoring tooth enamel

Dentists offer us two methods. Firstly, we can restore the missing ions of calcium, fluorine and other components in the structure of the outer layer of teeth. Secondly, use artificial materials.

In the first case, enamel fluoridation agents are used topically: fluoride-containing liquids, gels, varnishes. They strengthen tooth enamel, make it more resistant to adverse factors and suppress the activity of bacteria.

To achieve this, dental applications are widely used: a gel (liquid) containing fluoride and other necessary substances is placed in a ready-made mouthguard (or an individually made impression), then it is put on the teeth. With prolonged contact of the medicinal substance with the surface of the teeth (it is usually recommended to use it overnight), enamel regeneration occurs: ions of fluoride, calcium, etc. naturally fill empty spaces in its crystal lattices.

Instead of application, you can use a special varnish with the same effect. It is applied with a brush to the surface of the teeth.

In the second case, a special substance is used to restore tooth enamel - amorphous calcium phosphate. After treating damaged enamel, a reaction occurs in which calcium phosphate is converted into solid apatite, very similar in structure to tooth enamel. As a result, the local defect is eliminated, the sensitivity of the teeth is reduced, and their surface becomes denser and smoother. From a cosmetic point of view, teeth become more beautiful.

Enamel implantation

It is worth mentioning one new method of regenerating the surface of teeth - enamel implantation. It is used to restore large damaged areas of enamel or to achieve a cosmetic effect.

Using this method, the bite is corrected, the shape and color of teeth are changed, and especially sensitive teeth are protected. A specialist applies a special composition to the teeth, very similar to tooth enamel.

The implant connects with dental tissue at the molecular level. Therefore, artificial tooth enamel is able to perform the protective functions of natural enamel for a long time.

Self-restoration of tooth enamel

From all that has been said, we can understand that we can only partially restore tooth enamel on our own by adhering to the first method. Namely: you need to try to compensate for the deficiency of minerals and trace elements important for teeth. This is more effective at the initial stage of enamel destruction, as well as for prevention.

For this purpose, toothpastes with increased fluoride content and other medicinal additives are used. While brushing your teeth, you need to hold the paste in your mouth for a few minutes so that the process of nourishing the tissues of your teeth and gums is more effective.

Undoubtedly, nutrition plays a big role: you need to increase the amount of foods in your diet that contain more calcium and vitamin D, which helps its better absorption. Consume dairy products rich in calcium (cheese, yogurt, milk); Among plant products, white cabbage, broccoli, and Peking cabbage are preferable. Fortified foods (for example, juices), dishes using dry cereals (muesli) and soy are also useful.

The enamel of human teeth is one of the hardest substances on the planet. Every day she is exposed to a lot of stress: food, drinks, periodic injuries. Erosion of tooth enamel is quite common. With this pathology, the patient's tooth sensitivity increases significantly, which is often accompanied by the development of caries; in some cases, complete tooth destruction is possible.

Enamel erosion concept

Erosion of tooth enamel is a pathological condition of hard dental tissues in which enamel and dentin are destroyed. It begins with damage to the top layer and gradually penetrates deeper, reaching the bone tissue. Dentists classify this disease as non-carious lesions. The disease is common mainly among middle-aged women and lasts a long time.

Tooth erosion is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a significant dental problem that requires urgent treatment. The external manifestation of the pathology is an oval or round spot on the surface of the tooth. As a rule, the most protruding part of the tooth is affected first, after which the pathological area increases and spreads to deeper tissues.

Often the disease is recognized quite late, when erosion penetrates deep into the tooth, completely corroding its coating. Then painless treatment is no longer possible. To prevent this from happening, you need to consult a dentist in time and have your teeth treated. Often people do not attach much importance to this pathology, considering it a purely aesthetic defect. In fact, this is a real dental disease that threatens complete loss of enamel.


Tooth enamel is made up of minerals, so it is not easily destroyed. Erosion is a slow process that can take several years before it makes itself felt. An exhaustive list of causes causing erosion of tooth enamel has not been determined.

There are 3 main factors that can lead to the disease:

  1. mechanical - the use of aggressive pastes and powders, frequent enamel whitening with aligners and whitening preparations, as well as bruxism (involuntary grinding of teeth, often at night, often leading to abrasion of the tooth shell);
  2. chemical factor - excessive consumption of acidic foods (citrus fruits, undiluted freshly squeezed juices, vinegar marinades), carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, Fanta);
  3. The endocrine cause of erosion is a disruption of the thyroid gland (often due to thyrotoxicosis, changes in the composition of saliva occur, which leads to damage to the surface of the teeth).

Other causes of the disease include excessive consumption of ascorbic and folic acid, malocclusion, various bacterial diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. Occasionally, there is a congenital predisposition to abrasion of the tooth shell.

Stages of the pathological process and their symptoms

The onset of the disease can be missed if you do not undergo a dental examination twice a year, since at the initial stage there are practically no obvious changes.

Dentists distinguish the following stages of development of enamel erosion:

  • Initial. The superficial area is affected, which is almost invisible upon examination.
  • Average. The defect penetrates into the inner layers of the teeth, which causes increased sensitivity.
  • Deep. The disease leads to complete destruction of the enamel, and the bone substance is gradually affected.

Symptoms of the disease vary and may not appear at all until the inside of the tooth is damaged. This largely depends on the stage of erosion.

Initially, the erosion has a round, cup-shaped shape. Its bottom is hard, smooth and shiny. Over time, the defect expands and deepens, the enamel is worn away, and dentin is exposed. At the initial and middle stages of development, erosion has a whitish tint; with a deep degree, the color changes to light yellow or brown.

At the initial stage, there is a slight darkening of the tooth coating and loss of shine. You can see changes only when the tooth surface is completely dried with air or a drop of iodine tincture is applied to it. The affected area is colored iodine. In this case, there is no pain.

The average degree is characterized by the patient experiencing discomfort when consuming hot or cold food and drinks. The shade of the teeth changes to darker.

Phases of enamel erosion and associated symptoms

The following phases of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Active - characterized by a pronounced clinical picture. The disease develops quickly and affects almost all teeth at once - their color changes, discomfort appears, and sensitivity worsens.
  2. Stabilized - absence of pronounced symptoms. The disease progresses slowly. Teeth form tertiary dentin, produced by the pulp. It creates a protective shell and suppresses excessive sensitivity.

Diagnostic methods

Treatment of dental erosion begins only after a thorough examination and consultation with a dentist. When independently examining the oral cavity and self-medicating, there is a high chance of making a mistake in making a diagnosis and choosing a method of therapy. Erosion must be differentiated from enamel hypoplasia, wedge-shaped defect, and superficial caries. Diagnostics consists of:

  • An examination of the oral cavity, thanks to which the doctor will identify the problem and determine the possible causes of erosion of tooth enamel.
  • Drying the damage with an air jet followed by application of iodine. This method helps to identify the location of the lesion.
  • Blood test for hormones and ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland. This is necessary to exclude endocrine pathology.

Features of treatment of erosion of hard dental tissues

At the dentist

Treatment of a defect such as tooth erosion requires an integrated approach. During the active phase of the disease, the dentist tries to minimize the destruction of hard tissues, stabilize the patient’s condition and stop the destructive process. It is necessary to achieve the transition of the active phase into a stabilized one. The patient is prescribed a course of vitamins and microelements, including calcium and phosphorus.

Local remineralization is carried out within 15-20 days (daily applications with fluoride and calcium preparations). After which the surface of the teeth is coated with fluoride varnish.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also used, such as electrophoresis with a 10% calcium solution. The duration of such treatment is 10-15 procedures. It is advisable to repeat the course in a year.

In case of severe damage to the hard tissues of the tooth and an obvious cosmetic defect, an artistic restoration of the crown is performed. For these purposes, a photopolymer composite or microprostheses (veneers, inlays, crowns) are used.

In the stabilized stage, it is necessary to continue taking vitamins and minerals. The patient undergoes depigmentation of the affected surfaces. To do this, you need to brush your teeth for several days with an abrasive toothpaste with a high fluoride content. After treatment, it is recommended to apply Fluorgel or Fluorvarnish to the teeth for 2 days.

At home

Sometimes treatment can be carried out at home, but only with the consent of the attending physician and exclusively at an early stage of the development of the disease. The basic principle of home therapy is strict adherence to hygiene rules:

  • use a toothbrush with medium-hard bristles - it does not damage the enamel;
  • after brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with antiseptics;
  • use fluoride-containing toothpastes as they strengthen the lining of the teeth;
  • If a defect is identified, teeth should be brushed not twice a day, but after each meal - this is a temporary measure, and after the end of therapy you should return to your normal routine.

If the cause of the disease was a bacterial infection, it must be eliminated first.

Enamel destruction can be caused by lactic acid bacteria and staphylococcus that live in the oral cavity during chronic tonsillitis and stomatitis. In this case, antibiotic therapy is carried out, after which the procedures described above are performed.

Preventive measures

Erosion of enamel does not occur when the following preventive measures are taken:

  • Refusal to eat acidic foods. It is better to drink carbonated drinks through a straw to avoid contact with the enamel.
  • You should not eat very hot and very cold food at the same time. Strong temperature fluctuations provoke the appearance of cracks in the enamel.
  • After eating, rinse your mouth with mouthwash or warm water.
  • Use a soft brush and toothpaste without abrasive particles to brush your teeth. It is necessary to start cleansing from the inner surface, without pressing too hard on the bristles to avoid damaging the enamel.
  • Visit the dentist twice a year. This will detect pathology at an early stage and prevent undesirable consequences.

If you examine all the tissues in the human body, it turns out that tooth enamel is the most durable and strong of them. And this is not surprising, because it is she who bears the heaviest load. Enamel is the first to come into contact with active substances contained in food and drinks; it is subjected to friction every day when chewing food.

Over time, the enamel becomes thinner, and due to metabolic disorders in the body, it becomes loose and gradually collapses. To stop destructive processes, dentists are developing new means to strengthen and restore it.

Is it possible to restore enamel at home?

In general, the following factors influence the thinning of tooth enamel:

  • improper metabolism;
  • impaired alkaline balance of saliva;
  • natural abrasion (or due to excessive jaw clenching).

The enamel is not destroyed instantly. This usually occurs due to poor nutrition and, as a result, a lack of fluoride and calcium in the body. When the alkaline balance of saliva is disturbed, more acids settle on the surface of the tooth, which also soften the enamel.

You can prevent thinning at home at the initial stage. As a rule, at this stage there is no pain in the teeth, but they may react slightly to hot or cold foods or sweets.

The main measure for prevention and restoration of the protective layer is to establish proper metabolism by revising the nutritional system and including a complex of vitamins in the diet. In addition, it is advisable to replace regular toothpaste with a specialized one. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to reverse the processes that have begun. If destruction has already begun, it can only be stopped, slowed down.

Restoring tooth enamel at the dentist

Modern technologies make it possible to restore enamel even in the most advanced cases. Using the fruits of scientific developments, you can choose one of two main treatment methods. Among them:

  • regeneration of own tissue;
  • implantation of pieces of artificial enamel on the tooth;
  • installation of veneers

In the first case, specialized solutions (varnishes) are used that transfer active substances to the tooth. As a result, a new protective layer is formed on the surface. The varnish is applied directly to the tooth or poured into a dental tray for longer contact with the damaged area. This method works great in the early stages of destruction.

An effective and absolutely painless method of restoring tooth enamel, worn almost to the ground, is the implantation of so-called artificial enamel. A plastic substance, similar in composition to real enamel, is applied in small pieces to the tooth.

If the enamel has worn down to zero, veneers will help. They are composite plates that repeat the shape of a tooth in a healthy state. Veneers are a relatively new dental development, which, however, has managed to gain universal recognition. The main advantage of veneers is their resistance to alkalis and acids. They effectively protect the tooth from destruction and give a dazzling smile.