Simultaneous operation of several Skypes on one device. Features of working with two Skype accounts Second Skype account

Some Skype users have two or more accounts. But the fact is that if Skype is already running, you won’t be able to open the program window a second time, and only one instance will remain active. Is it really impossible to run two accounts at the same time? It turns out that it is possible, but for this you need to do a number of additional steps. Let's figure out which ones exactly.

In order to work with two accounts simultaneously in Skype 8, you just need to create a second icon to launch this application and configure its properties accordingly.

  1. Go to "Desktop" and right click on it ( RMB). From the context menu, select "Create" and in the additional list that opens, move to the item "Label".
  2. A window will open to create a new shortcut. First of all, you need to specify the address of the Skype executable file. In the only field of this window, enter the following expression:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop\Skype.exe

    Attention! On some operating systems you need it in the address instead of the directory "Program Files" enter "Program Files(x86)".

  3. Then a window will open where you need to enter the name of the shortcut. It is desirable that this name differs from the name of the Skype icon that is already available on "Desktop"- so you can distinguish them. For example, you can use the title "Skype 2". After assigning a name, click "Ready".
  4. After this, the new shortcut will appear on "Desktop". But this is not all the manipulations that should be performed. Click RMB Click on this icon and select from the list that appears "Properties".
  5. In the window that opens, in the field "An object" to the entry already there you need to add the following data after a space:

    Secondary --datapath "Path_to_profile_folder"

    Instead of meaning "Path_to_profile_folder" You need to specify the directory location of the Skype account through which you want to sign in. You can also specify a custom address. In this case, the directory will be created automatically in the designated directory. But most often the profile folder is located in the following path:

    %appdata%\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop\

    That is, you only have to add the name of the directory itself, for example, "profile2". In this case, the general expression entered in the field "An object" The shortcut properties window will look like this:

    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop\Skype.exe" --secondary --datapath "%appdata%\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop\profile2"

    After entering the data, click "Apply" And "OK".

  6. After the properties window is closed, to launch the second account, double-click the left mouse button on its newly created icon on "Desktop".
  7. In the window that opens, click on the button "Go".
  8. In the next window, click "Sign in with a Microsoft account".
  9. After this, a window will open where you need to specify a login in the form of email, phone or Skype account name, then click "Further".
  10. In the next window, enter the password for this account and click "Entrance".
  11. The second Skype account will be activated.

Running multiple accounts in Skype 7 and below

Launching a second account in Skype 7 and in programs of earlier versions is performed according to a slightly different scenario, although the essence remains the same.

Step 1: Create a shortcut

Which of the two methods described above for creating a Skype shortcut to use is up to each user to decide for himself. This fact is not of fundamental importance.

Stage 2: Adding a second account

You now have two Skype shortcuts on "Desktop", which can be launched simultaneously. In this case, of course, you enter registration data from different accounts into the windows of each of these two open copies of the program. If desired, you can even create three or more similar shortcuts, thereby being able to launch an almost unlimited number of profiles on one device. The only limitation is the size of your PC's RAM.

Stage 3: Automatic start

Of course, it is very inconvenient to enter registration data every time to launch a separate account: login and password. You can automate this procedure, that is, make it so that when you click on a certain shortcut, the account allocated for it will immediately launch, without the need to make entries in the authorization form.

As you can see, although the developers of the Skype program did not provide for launching several copies of the program on one computer, this can be achieved by making changes to the shortcut parameters. In addition, you can configure the automatic launch of the desired profile, without entering registration data each time.

Sometimes it may be necessary to simultaneously use two or more accounts on one computer of one of the most popular programs created for comfortable communication on the Internet - Skype. This situation may arise if, for example, someone else uses the same computer besides you, or one user has several accounts, say, one for friends and relatives, and the other for work. The question arises, how run two or three Skypes on one computer at the same time, if by default this feature is not provided?

You need to start by removing existing Skype shortcuts on your desktop. Simply delete them and empty the Recycle Bin by right-clicking on it and selecting the “Empty Recycle Bin” menu item from the list that appears.

To confirm deleting files from the Recycle Bin, click the “Yes” button.

Let me add that you can permanently delete any file or shortcut in Windows 7, bypassing the Recycle Bin, as follows: select the file or shortcut you need to delete with one click with the left mouse button and, while holding down the “Shift” key, press the “Delete” key on the keyboard. Then in the window that appears, click the “Yes” button to confirm deleting the file.

Now you need to create the required number of Skype shortcuts on your desktop. If you need to run two skypes at the same time, we create two shortcuts, but if there are three, that means three shortcuts. I think everything is clear here. There are two ways to create a shortcut for Skype. Let's consider the first of them. For Windows 7 32-bit, go to the following path: “C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone”. By right-clicking on the Skype launch file, select the line “Desktop (create shortcut)” from the “Send” drop-down menu item. Do this action as many times as you need to create shortcuts.

For Windows 7 64-bit, go to the following path: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone”. Here we do everything exactly the same - right-click on the Skype launch file and select the menu item “Desktop (create shortcut)”.

Consider the second way to create Skype shortcuts on your desktop. To do this, right-click on an empty space on your desktop and then select “Shortcut” from the “Create” drop-down menu.

A window will appear in which you can click the “Browse” button to specify the location of the Skype launch file.

The paths will be the same as I indicated in the first method. I’ll show you using 64-bit Windows 7 as an example, that is, the path to the startup file will be: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone”.

The location of the object is indicated; to continue creating the shortcut, click the “Next” button.

Now specify the name of the future shortcut. For example, “Skype work” or “Skype mom”. After entering the name, click the "Done" button to complete the shortcut creation process.

It doesn’t matter which method of creating a shortcut for Skype you use. The main thing is to create them. For me personally, the first method seems more convenient. So, the shortcuts are created.

What do you need to do now to launch two skypes simultaneously? There are several ways, but I will share with you the best option. To launch two Skypes on one computer in any order, you need to make some changes to all Skype shortcuts. Let's start with the first shortcut. Right-click on it, then select “Properties” from the menu that appears.

A small Skype shortcut configuration window will open. In the “General” tab at the top of the window, you can set a name for the shortcut, say, “Skype working”.

Then go to the “Shortcut” tab and in the “Object” field after the quotes, add /secondary separated by a space. I draw your attention to the fact that there must always be one space between keys starting with a slash. Now the “Object” field for Windows 7 with 32 bits will look like this:

"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary

To confirm the changes made, click the “Ok” button.

Do the same operation with the second Skype shortcut. Just don’t forget to immediately rename it in the “General” tab. All is ready. You can try to launch and log in. Everything worked out for me - two Skypes were launched simultaneously.

Now you can run two Skypes on one computer, which will work simultaneously. It only remains to add that for the convenience of using two or three Skypes, you can immediately set a username and password for each account, so as not to enter them when starting the program. To do this, open the shortcut settings again by right-clicking on it and selecting “Properties”. After this, in the “Shortcut” tab, you need to add /username:*** /password:*** in the “Object” field separated by a space. Here, instead of asterisks, write your Skype account login and password without spaces or quotation marks. Now the “Object” field for 32-bit Windows 7 will look like this:

"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary /username:*** /password:***

However, do not forget that the Skype login and password can be seen by other computer users, if any, by opening the properties of the shortcuts you created. But not everyone can think of this. And if only you use the computer, then you don’t need to worry at all.

As you already understood, simultaneous launching two or more Skypes on one computer is no problem. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. Be on friendly terms with your computer!

How to install 2 Skypes on one computer

Many Skype users prefer two or three accounts: one is personal, the second is work, and the third is for some other purposes.

It’s very easy to launch two QIP or ICQ accounts on your computer, but with Skype things are more complicated, since sometimes Skype can behave capriciously.

When multiple users use Skype, each user has their own login password. The user with the first login to Skype should log in with the already familiar login, and under another account - log in using a Microsoft account, entering the email address to which it was registered. This is the case when you cannot log in with a second login through the usual Skype panel. But it’s much easier to use not one, but several Skypes.

Here you will learn how to install 2 (or more) Skypes on one computer.

How to install two Skypes on one computer

This method only works on the new version of Skype. Download .

1. The first thing you need to do is log out of Skype, which is currently installed on your computer.

If the Skype shortcut remains in the taskbar after exiting Skype, right-click on it and select the “Exit Skype” command.

To do this, go to C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\ and find the Skype.exe file there

3. Right-click on this file and select “Send to Desktop” (create a shortcut)

4. Find the newly created shortcut on the desktop, right-click on it and select “Properties”.

In the “Object” column you need to add


In order to be able to open a second account from one shortcut.

Attention! Be sure to put a SPACE after Skype.exe”!

Should be: Skype.exe” /secondary

Now you can easily log into the second Skype by clicking on the same shortcut on your desktop (we use one shortcut to log into two different Skypes). But each time you need to re-enter the password for the second Skype.

Therefore, sometimes it is more convenient to write not /secondary (highlighted in green) but to immediately register the username and password.

/secondary /username:Skype Login /password:Your Skype Password

For example,

C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /secondary /username:admin /password:12345

(and don't forget about spaces)

Where exactly the spaces should be located is marked in blue in the figure (everything else is without spaces).

In this option, it is more convenient to install 2 Skype shortcuts on your desktop and write your own username and password for each. Then you will go to each of them immediately as soon as you click on the shortcut. But this is only if the computer has good protection from third-party malware; otherwise, it is not recommended to register passwords in advance.

You can change the name of the shortcut to anything you want. At least Skype2.

First we launch Skype1, i.e. when you first install the program, and then Skype2, and Skype3 by analogy. It is important that you can log in by launching any shortcut and select a login login or create a new one for a third one, etc. (as in QIP). Therefore, it does not matter whether there are two or three shortcuts on the “Desktop” if you want to launch three Skypes at once. To remove an account from the launcher (for example, erase logins that were launched on this computer), you must select “START”, then click “Run” and copy into the window: “%APPDATA%Skype” (without quotes). Next, delete the folders with the names of logins.

For work, many people require not only Skype, but also the creation and promotion of websites. It will help you with this -

Sometimes it becomes necessary to run two Skypes on one computer at the same time, for example, when you need to answer work questions and communicate with loved ones using a personal account, or when spouses use the same laptop. But the standard installation does not provide this opportunity, so you need to resort to other methods. These are the methods described in this article.

Method 1.

We create a shortcut for Skype, to do this you need to open the folder:

For Windows 7 32-bit - C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone.

For Windows 7 or 8 64-bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone.

This folder contains the only file Skype.exe. Right-click on it and select “Send to – Desktop”

The shortcut has been created. Then you can move it to any convenient place, even to the Startup folder. For convenience, so as not to be confused, you can rename the shortcut to “Skype 2”.

Now you need to configure this shortcut. Right-click on the created shortcut and select “Properties”, “Shortcut” tab, add the following in the “Object” line: /seсondary

The result should be the following (including all quotes and spaces):

“C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /secondary

Note: for Windows x64 (you can find out whether x32 or x64 is in the computer properties), the “Program Files” folder changes to “Program Files (x86)”. After the closing quote, a space is required - this is the key indicating that Skype will be launched second.

Then click “OK”. The setup is complete.

/username:name /password:password

where: name is the login for the second account, password is the password for this account. Note: Between two keys space is required.
For the first Skype:

“C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /username:name1 /password:password1

For the second Skype:

“C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /secondary /username:name2 /password:password2

Note: for Windows x64 (you can find out whether x32 or x64 is in the computer properties), the “Program Files” folder changes to “Program Files (x86)”.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary /username:name2 /password:password2

Method 2.

In Windows 8, it is not always possible to use the method described above, but it is still possible to launch two Skypes.

Launch the first Skype and log into your account. Using the key combination System + R (where System is the key with the Windows icon), we launch the “Run” window. You can, of course, launch “Run” through Start, but it’s still much easier. In the window that appears, enter the following:

C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /secondary

for Windows x64:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /secondary

And press Enter.

If the path to Skype.exe differs from the one presented above, then write your path. Now you have two Skype accounts running on your computer at the same time!

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Users who use this program are often faced with the need to launch several accounts at once. Typically, this situation occurs when several owners use the device at the same time; in this case, they have to log in each time to enter the application again, which is very inconvenient.

Run multiple Skype accounts at the same time

Some users have multiple accounts at the same time, which are used for different purposes. Some accounts may be intended for work, while others may be for personal communication. Agree, exiting and logging into the utility again each time takes a lot of time. Fortunately, the program provides the ability to work with different profiles simultaneously.

Add a profile to Skype

In order to add an account to work on Skype, you will need to perform a number of fairly simple steps, namely:

  1. After launching the application, go to the main menu and click on the item "Skype".
  2. In the list that appears, click on the option "Exit".
  3. A tab will appear in front of you for user authorization.
  4. Enter the data required to log in to your new profile and be sure to uncheck the box next to the inscription "Auto login".
  5. Click on the item "Entrance".

By completing these simple steps, you have the opportunity to work with multiple accounts. Now, in order to switch between profiles, you just need to log out of one profile and log in to another.

This method is quite convenient when the device is used by several users at the same time, but if the computer is used by only one person with different profiles, constant authorization will only be a waste of time. In this case, it is necessary to launch several accounts simultaneously to quickly switch between them.

Adding accounts for simultaneous work

This method allows you to almost instantly switch between running profiles in Skype. It is important that there are no restrictions on the number of accounts, so you can add any required number of users.

After completing this procedure, you will be able to work with several accounts simultaneously, after selecting the appropriate shortcut and passing authorization in the main program window.

It is recommended that you use Skype directly to sign in rather than your Microsoft profile. Immediately in the first tab that opens when you click on the utility, there is an item "Register", by clicking on which you can create a new user.

Subsequent accounts are added in the same way, with the only difference being that the number 1 in the value changes "/secondary1" to another. Thus, you can create any required number of profiles.

The entire procedure described above can be done in another way. Let's look at it in more detail:

In addition to the fact that you can create separate shortcuts for users, you can significantly speed up the account authorization procedure, or rather eliminate it completely.

Cancel authorization when selecting a different profile

By following the above steps, you will greatly simplify your work with the application, but it is also possible to speed up the user identification process. Let's take a closer look at what you need to do to avoid having to log in every time you launch the application.

  1. Go to the Skype icon settings and go to the tab "Label", where you previously specified the value "/secondary".
  2. Add the following to the existing text:
    • "/username: Your username for logging into Skype".
    • “/password: password required for authorization”.
  3. Click on the button "OK" to save completed actions.

Please note that each command must be preceded by a space, otherwise you will not get the expected result.
When launching profiles, you should start with the main shortcut created when the application was installed. This will help you avoid all sorts of difficulties that may arise when logging into different accounts.

Run multiple windows at once

In order not to be tied to the main profile, which you must log into before switching between accounts, you can take the following actions:

  1. Find the main Skype shortcut that appeared on your PC immediately after installing the program and remove it.
  2. Go to the folder "Phone" and create a shortcut by writing in its properties opposite the item "An object" the following parameters:
    • "/secondary: profile number"
    • "/username: login name"
    • "/password: password to use"

Please note that the values ​​you enter must be identical to those specified in the previously deleted shortcut.

Having completed these steps, you will become completely unattached to your main account and will be able to access your profiles in any order.

Understanding how to work with multiple accounts is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The most important thing is to enter the correct values ​​and do not forget to put spaces between segments. Please note that all the described actions will only be relevant for standard Skype and will not work with the program installed, for example, automatically on Windows 10.