NLP - overcoming anxiety and fear. Fear of relationships with men, fear of falling in love, sex, kissing, fear of women, girls, serious close and intimate relationships: symptoms, causes and treatment of phobias NLP how to get rid of fear of girls

How to overcome fear and self-doubt?

(NLP in overcoming anxiety and fears)

One of the very common NLP terms is “anchor”. An “anchor” is a conditioned stimulus that was once or more times in the past combined with an important event for a person and caused one or another psycho-physiological state. In real life, we repeatedly encounter similar phenomena, sometimes without even paying attention to them. It happens that the smell of eau de toilette, accidentally perceived in the crowded subway, suddenly lifts our mood, and other times it irreversibly spoils it. This may be due to the fact that one toilet water was used by a person dear to us, and the second by an unloved boss. If the degree of influence of the smell on our sense of smell is insignificant (we fleetingly pass through a cloud of aroma), then we may not even understand what, in fact, happened, noting only a sudden and “inexplicable” change in mood. Such an anchor could be a melody heard accidentally, a name spoken in a conversation, or a photograph found in a personal archive. Conventionally, “anchors” can be divided into “positive” and “negative” (based on the emotions they evoke), as well as “visual”, “auditory” or “bodily” (based on the sensations involved).

As psychologists say, “fear is learning on the first try.” This means that with a powerful emotional shock that accompanies strong fear, any signal preceding it will automatically become an “anchor” and will cause corresponding experiences. For example, if a person felt bad with his heart when he entered an elevator, or a woman was sexually assaulted in a dark entrance, then in the first case, claustrophobia is highly likely to occur, and in the second, an obsessive fear of the dark. The fact that some signals can cause negative emotions in us over and over again, of course, does not inspire much joy, but we should not forget that there are also “positive anchors”. There have been many moments in every person’s life when he experienced powerful positive emotions: joy, confidence, fearlessness or calmness, and with the help of NLP it is possible to use “positive anchors” to induce these states at the right time at will. Psychological or physiological states that allow a person to achieve a goal are called in NLP "resources". Thus, with the help of “positive anchors” we can give a person the necessary resources to overcome anxiety and fear, extracting them from his own past. For example, a student has an exam tomorrow. He is afraid of him because he is unsure of his knowledge. His uncertainty will, firstly, prevent him from answering, and, secondly, will give the examiner the impression that the student did not study well during the academic semester. Thus, fear and uncertainty reduce the chances of successfully passing the exam. Now, if it were possible, with the wave of a magic wand, to give this student confidence... After all, every person in his life has experienced this feeling more than once: with peers, with his younger brother, with his own dog, finally! Now, if you took the confidence that you felt two months ago, demonstrating to your girlfriend how to roller skate, and transferred it to the chemistry exam, the fear would immediately decrease by half, and the professor would probably be impressed by your conviction in own knowledge, a relaxed demeanor that says a lot to the interlocutor.

How is this possible, you ask? After all, the past is already irretrievably lost to us? Fortunately, no. All the necessary states of soul are stored in our memory for years and can be quickly retrieved using special techniques. Of course, if possible, I would recommend seeking help from a certified NLP master, but if this is not possible (let’s assume that there is no such thing in your city or village, or the cost of his services is beyond your means), you can do some techniques yourself.

First, let's try to do an exercise called " resource anchoring" It will allow you to draw from your own past the energy and abilities needed at certain times in life when existing resources are not enough to successfully solve a problem.

1. Sit comfortably in a chair or armchair in a private place(over time, after constant training, you will learn to call the necessary resources anywhere and at any time - even on the bus during rush hours, but first it is advisable that no one bothers you). Think about a situation where you were afraid, worried, or anxious.

2. Think, what state you would like to be in at that moment or what quality would be very useful to you in that negative situation (confidence, determination, perseverance, courage, creative spirit, etc.). Choose from this series a quality that, if possessed, would make you an honorable winner in a difficult situation.

3. When you have selected the necessary resources for yourself, turn to your past experience and, from many real situations, choose an episode of your life in which you showed the desired quality. Try to choose memories that have the greatest clarity and intensity. (If it seems to you that you have not experienced such a state in your life or did not possess the necessary quality, you can imagine your friend or a movie character who has a similar quality and mentally put yourself in his place).

4. When you have a real (or, worse, but acceptable - invented) situation, where you have the necessary resources, start selecting “anchors” that will trigger resource states at your request.

The first version of the anchor is bodily (as a rule, it is the most powerful). For example, you can firmly grab your left wrist or interlace your fingers in a special way, or touch your earlobe - the only important thing is that this “anchor” is not a habitual gesture for you.

The second anchor option is auditory. It can be a word or phrase spoken to oneself. This could be any word or sound, such as “elephant” or tongue clicking, but it would be better if it meaningfully reflected the state you were looking for and reminded you of the required resource. For example, to work with fears, the word “Courage!”, pronounced with the appropriate intonation, would be better suited; to overcome indecision, the word “Confidence!” etc.

The third anchor option is visual. This could be the sight of a certain object (a thread on your wrist, a handkerchief) or a mental image of a situation where you have already demonstrated the necessary resource.

5. Let's move on to linking the selected anchorswith the desired state. Return in your imagination to that situation from your past in which the desired quality was present. Remember where you were then and what you were doing. Try to reconstruct the surrounding environment in as much detail as possible, see in your mind's eye the people who were near you then, hear the sounds and voices that sounded then, and experience the feelings associated with that situation. Since you showed qualities worthy of respect in that situation, enjoy the memory longer and do not rush to return to the present. When the memories come to their peak, and you again, as then, have access to the necessary resources (feeling confidence or courage, or calmness...), use the anchors you have chosen: bodily, visual or auditory (for example, touch your wrist , remember the corresponding visual image and say the word “Confidence!”). The anchor should be engaged before the highest point of experience and last for several seconds.

6. Return from your memories to reality and check which anchor works best for you(different people have different visual, auditory or bodily anchors, and you need to decide which one to use in a problematic situation). Make the necessary gesture and see how clearly the desired feeling comes to you, how expressed it is. Then use the sound anchor (say the keyword) and compare the sensations. Check your visual anchor in the same way. Evaluate which anchor works best. If the strength of its influence does not satisfy you, return to the past again - to the same situation or another and again feel or experience feelings of confidence (courage, calmness, etc.) The more times you combine the anchor and the desired sensations, the stronger they are will connect in your consciousness and the more reliably this anchor will call them in the future.

7. Now return to the original situation that caused you unpleasant feelings(fear, uncertainty, anxiety, etc.) Think about what served as a precursor to unpleasant feelings? What signals made you afraid? Maybe it’s the door of your immediate boss’s office, maybe it’s the sight of exam papers on the table, maybe it’s the voice of the person you’re embarrassed about... Now imagine in your mind how an unpleasant situation begins to unfold, and when it reaches this critical moment, present the prepared anchor (for example, grab your wrist or say the word “Courage!” to yourself in a firm voice). Feel how dramatically your condition will change, how much better you will begin to feel! Repeat this several times to reinforce it in your subconscious. Now the signal that previously put you in a stressful state will give you courage and self-confidence.

How to get rid of the fear of a serious relationship.

There are many obstacles on the path to a happy relationship. Most of them are fears. In this article you will learn how to overcome them.

How to get rid of phobias and fears on your own: advice from a psychologist

  • First, determine what kind of phobia you have. Then read what thoughts trigger it. Tune in to the right way of thinking, get rid of obsessive ones.
  • Then each phobia requires an individual approach. However, when choosing your method of getting rid of a phobia, do not forget to check the tips in the article.

Fear of men - androphobia: symptoms, causes

  • Unpleasant experiences from the past. They are associated with failed relationships.
  • Family. If the relationship between the parents was bad and the mother constantly condemned the father in front of her daughter.
  • The phobia arises from watching films where men show cruelty and anger in relationships.
  • Confidence in your unattractiveness.

How to express it:

  • A woman constantly feels falsehood in the courtship of men. It seems to her that behind all their attempts to establish communication there is a hidden desire to take possession of her and abandon her.
  • She feels anxious in places where there are a lot of men.
  • For her, the word man is associated with selfishness and arrogance.
  • A woman susceptible to this phobia is too critical of men. Finds many shortcomings in them.
  • She often considers herself a feminist. Constantly seeks out facts of violation of women's rights by men.

Ways to solve the problem:

  • Acknowledge your fear. And don’t try to hide it behind the fact that men are “bad.”
  • After the first point, consult a psychologist. With the help of hypnosis or conversations, he will help you look at men as ordinary people.
  • You can write letters in which you express all your worries because of them. Of course, such letters should not be sent to this address.
  • Encourage and support yourself. Every day, consciously do not allow yourself to criticize your actions.
  • Practice communicating with men.

Fear of falling in love - philophobia: symptoms, causes

  • Finding an ideal partner who has only positive qualities.
  • The loss of a loved one and the idealization of his personality. This makes new relationships impossible.
  • Unsuccessful relationships with the opposite sex. The previous partner was rude or cruel.
  • Adolescent trauma. Unrequited love, suffered from 12 to 18 years. During this period, failures are usually perceived more painfully than by adults.
  • Family problems. If a child has often seen scandals and humiliation in his family, the opposite sex becomes unpleasant for him.

What increases philophobia?

  • Low self-esteem
  • Fear of losing personal freedom
  • Fear of taking responsibility for decisions made

How to express it:

    People often have no idea about this phobia. He creates his own comfortable little world into which he does not allow outsiders. This world consists of a lifestyle convenient for the philophobe.
  • The stronger the philophobia, the more difficult it is for a person to share his feelings and emotions.
  • A person either tries to be alone, or is constantly in a noisy company, in a crowded place.

  • A philophobe can be sloppy and cares little about his appearance. Or go to the other extreme: pay a lot of attention to your appearance.

Ways to solve the problem:

  • Realize the hidden benefits that philophobia gives you. To do this, you can use the technique from the video at the end of this subtopic about philophobia. Such benefits may include: protection from the loss of a loved one, protection of personal space and freedom, and protection from disappointment.
  • Become more attentive to your behavior. Notice those moments when you are driven by philophobia. Awareness of the problem is the first step to solving it.

  • Boost your self-esteem. To do this, praise yourself even for small successes. At the end or beginning of each day, note five of your positive qualities.
  • Develop positive thinking. To do this, every day remember five happy events of the past day and five of your achievements. And also find five positive qualities in people you don’t like at the moment. Read books by Luza Hay or A. Sviyash.
  • Try to communicate with new people more often, travel.
  • Do familiar things in an unusual environment. For example, take your morning walks in a new, unknown area.

VIDEO: NLP: how easy it is to change in 15 minutes? (reframing)

Fear of women, girls - gynecophobia (gynephobia, feminophobia, gynophobia): symptoms, causes

  • A cruel, domineering, or hot-tempered mother. Or she changed her mood quickly.
  • The father is weak and weak-willed.
  • Unpleasant personal experience. A personal unsuccessful relationship or simply an unpleasant situation involving a woman. Sometimes ladies act tense and aggressive with men because of past disappointments or bad stereotypes. Therefore, a man immediately faces the unpleasant side of girls.

How to express it:

  • Unpleasant sensations when trying to start a conversation with a girl. This could be anxiety or a strong feeling of fear.
  • Fear of being the first to start dating, even if the girl is pretty.
  • A gynecophobe tries to communicate with women as little as possible. Next to them he feels weak and unprotected.
  • When communicating with women, feminophobes can be rude and arrogant. They try to emphasize their superiority.
  • Gynecophobes are afraid to enter into intimate contact.

Ways to solve the problem:

  • You can consult a psychologist. But only if your phobia does not respond to your own treatment.
  • Try to get to know the girls better. The unknown is scary. And if there is no uncertainty, starting communication will be easier each time.
  • Understand that girls are people just like you. They have their own complexes and fears.
  • Practice communicating with girls more often.

  • Don't be afraid of rejection. Someone's “no” is not at all a confirmation of your unattractiveness. This is just a sign that somewhere there is an even more interesting and beautiful girl who will say “yes” to you.
  • Try to get rid of negative experiences from the past associated with girls. Imagine that a girl who once offended you tells you her story. Remember, any aggression is evidence of a person’s complexes and fears. Mentally see how the girl says that she is sorry, that she herself felt bad, that’s why she did what she did.

Fear of kissing - philemaphobia: symptoms, causes

  • Fear of appearing awkward and inexperienced
  • Fear of unpleasant sensations
  • Fear of losing control over yourself and the situation
  • Unpleasant sensations when someone is in your personal space
  • Once upon a time, a guy/girl a person was kissing made fun of his kissing style.
  • Unpleasant memories of someone kissing you against your will
  • Sometimes philemaphobia is closely related to the fear of becoming infected with other people's germs (bacteriophobia)
  • Fear of being rejected or being rejected

fear of kissing - philemaphobia

How to express it:

  • Philemophobes are afraid of relationships and try to avoid contacts with the opposite sex
  • When thinking about kissing, these people feel dizzy and nauseous. They are shaking and very stressed
  • Looking at a simple scene in a movie with a kiss or at a kissing couple, philemophobe feels fear and disgust

Ways to solve the problem:

  • Realize: your partner loves you. And any kiss will be pleasant for him, simply because he will kiss you.
  • Consult a psychologist.
  • If you have fear of the first kiss, then once you kiss you will no longer experience it.
  • Understand that refusing a kiss is not a big deal. Make attempts to start new relationships often. Then refusals will stop scaring you.
  • If you are a man, remember that a woman may refuse a kiss due to coquetry or shyness.

  • Read about the hidden sexual signals of women and men to know whether you should try to kiss or not.
  • Don't try to learn how to kiss using manuals and instructions. Each person is unique and individual. Everyone has their own preferences in kissing. So just be observant during the process. Try to feel whether your partner likes what you do - or not.
  • If you are afraid of bad breath, then remember a few simple rules. The smell from dental diseases like caries or tartar cannot be masked, only cured. To make your breath smell good before kissing, chew chewing gum for 10 minutes. You can read more about treating bad breath in.

Fear of sex and sexual relationships - genophobia: symptoms, causes

IMPORTANT: The fear of showing one’s inexperience in a young woman/young man should not be confused with erotophobia. It can be overcome by gaining experience over time.

  • Severe pain when losing virginity
  • Past violence
  • Negative attitudes from childhood. The mother or grandmother who said sex was dangerous and dirty
  • Complexes due to the fact that a person is convinced that he is ugly
  • Your partner's sarcastic comments about your sexual relationship

fear of sex - genophobia

How to express it:

  • A person tries to avoid intimacy, refuses, making up excuses.
  • In severe cases, he tries not to have a relationship at all.

Ways to solve the problem:

  • If you are embarrassed about your body, understand a simple truth. Your partner loves you and your body is perfect for him.
  • Decide to practice more often. Over time, the fear will pass.

Fear of sex - erotophobia: symptoms, causes

  • Violence
  • Convincing adults that sex is dirty or shameful
  • Unpleasant personal experience

Ways to solve the problem:

  • Contact a psychologist or undergo psychological training.
  • Think about the advantages of successful sex: incredible sensations, improved relationships with your partner, health improvement and positive emotions.
  • Talk to your partner, discuss the problem. Ask him to be more gentle with you.

Fear of sex - erotophobia

Fear of first intimacy - intimate phobia: symptoms, causes

  • Not knowing how to behave
  • (In the case of girls) Fear that after sex, the guy will lose interest

How it manifests itself:

  • A person tries to avoid contacts with the opposite sex.
  • Avoids relationships and is afraid to fall in love, because... knows that the relationship will have to go through sex.

Ways to solve the problem:

  • Get rid of the attitude that not knowing about sex and being inexperienced is shameful. This is your first time. Not knowing much about something you've never done is not a bad thing.
  • Be sure to protect yourself and make your sex safe. Then you won’t have to regret the first time.

  • Relax and get ready to have fun. Think about the pleasant sex that characters in movies, books, or people you know had. You can do it too!
  • (For women and girls) Mentally thank your fear for trying to protect you. And let him go. Realize that your partner will help you and become your protection. An incentive to get rid of fear will also be the fact that it itself can become a cause of pain. The emotional and muscular tightness that fear causes will cause pain.

Fear of first intimacy - intimate phobia

VIDEO: Training: how to get rid of the fear of first sex?

Fear of getting a sexually transmitted disease - venerophobia: symptoms, causes

  • Personal experience of contact with a person infected with sexually transmitted diseases
  • Understanding that sex can be unsafe
  • Erroneous information taken from unreliable sources
  • Misconceptions learned from friends

How it manifests itself:

  • Any discomfort in the intimate area causes fear and panic in a winephobe. Even harmless inflammation seems to him the beginning of a venereal disease.
  • A person who has once suffered a sexually transmitted disease becomes distrustful. It always seems to him that the recovery is not yet complete.

Fear of getting a sexually transmitted disease - venerophobia
  • Vinerophobe is afraid of any sexual contact and avoids it.
  • In serious cases, thoughts about sex cause panic. It is manifested by rapid breathing, increased pulse, and severe weakness. The same thing is repeated when the possibility of sex arises.

Ways to solve the problem:

  • First of all, sincerely wish to get well. Find the positives in sex and the benefits it finds.

  • Choose a gentle, patient doctor. He should calmly and patiently answer all your questions about your health.
  • Take all the necessary tests and make sure that you do not have sexually transmitted diseases.

Fear of beautiful women

  • Lack of self-confidence, inferiority complex
  • The stereotype that beautiful women will always try to take over a man
  • Fear of Rejection
  • The stereotype that beautiful women are stupid and selfish

How to express it:

  • At the sight of a beautiful girl, a person experiences shortness of breath, dizziness, and rapid heartbeat.

The cause of fear is lack of self-confidence
  • A man feels uncomfortable in the company of a beautiful girl.
  • A man communicates well with girls of ordinary appearance, but panics when communicating with beauties.
  • In cases of severe phobia, a man may run away from the place where a beautiful woman is.

A man feels uncomfortable in the company of a beautiful girl

Ways to solve the problem:

  • If the guy is still a teenager, then this phobia will most likely go away with time.
  • Contact a psychologist. Find out what event from the past caused this phobia.
  • Take a self-esteem course.
  • Learn affirmations about self-love and repeat them to yourself during phobia attacks.

Treatment of phobias with hypnosis

Briefly, hypnosis treats phobias according to the following scheme:

  • The hypnotist finds in the patient’s subconscious the root cause of his panic and fear.
  • With the help of attitude and suggestion, the client accepts the painful event. Stops clinging to him. Forms a new, positive model of behavior. Returns to reality as a different, better person.

The hypnotist finds the root cause of his panic in the patient’s subconscious

Video: Hypnosis: treating fears and phobias with hypnosis.

Video: Meditation & Hypnosis. Self-hypnosis. How to learn to control the subconscious?

Video: Hypnosis session. Fears, phobias, anxiety.

Video: How to overcome your fears? Oleg Gadetsky

But today I would like to talk about a special variety of it. The fear of being rejected or getting a “no” from a partner, colleague, friend, and God forbid from a loved one, blocks any activity.

Have you ever thought about how exactly this phobia affects you? And do you know how cool it is your life will change, if you stop caring about being liked by all the people on the planet? Is the fear of rejection a justified fear or a game of our mind?

The fear of rejection is a massive hindrance to a person’s development both as an individual and as a professional. Unjustified fear before a deal, business communication with a partner, dialogue about your promotion, makes us disarmed, weak and unsure of their own path to success.

When communicating with loved ones or friends, we also often hide in a shell or an animal shell, in order not to hear such a nasty “no!” " How to deal with annoying feelings and get the necessary motivation for self confidence ?

I want to invite you to familiarize yourself with a method that helps people cope with the fear of failure and rejection. It is based on comprehensive and in-depth approach for the upcoming work on yourself. It is also aimed at alleviating the suffering and experiences generated by the phobia.

A comprehensive method with 8 principles:

Try remember your thoughts and feelings. Focus on what you feel?

That's all. I sincerely wish you to stop being afraid of failures and learn to enjoy the process of gaining experience.

Subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, be sure to tell us how you deal with rejection and what advice you can give about it?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Gynophobia, or the fear of approaching a girl, often plays a cruel joke on the stronger sex. Having doubts when meeting someone is normal, but sometimes this develops into real panic just by looking at a woman.

Gynophobia - fear of approaching a girl

Overcoming this fear and learning to react calmly when meeting a girl is quite simple. To do this, you don’t need to visit psychologists or psychotherapists at all, but you can destroy your fear yourself.

Causes of fear

The fear of approaching a girl can appear in a young man’s head for various reasons. They are purely individual, since the main role in the development of a phobia is played by one’s own bad experience or someone else’s stories about it.

The most common reasons are:

  • an authoritarian, domineering, overly strict mother who suppresses the will of a small child;
  • an incomplete family without a father or when the father had no authority, weak-willed and too soft, taking on the role of a woman in the house;
  • lack of self-confidence due to past failures;
  • low self-esteem, which arose in childhood or appeared for some other reason in adulthood;
  • fear of women themselves;
  • lack of certain knowledge to maintain a conversation, etc.

Contrary to popular belief that only young men suffer from the fear of approaching a girl, it is also difficult for mature men to overcome this fear. Previous negative experiences, such as divorce, mistrustful relationships with mothers, betrayal of a lover, difficult relationships in the family, force a man to be careful with representatives of the opposite sex.

How to overcome fear

In order to overcome fear, you first need to understand its cause. Most often it lies on the surface. It may take some time to realize this, but it will definitely help get rid of the obsessive fear of approaching a girl. If you cannot find the root cause, then at this stage it is still recommended to contact a specialist for qualified help.

NLP method

NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming. This technique allows you to use so-called “anchors” to combat obsessive fears. An anchor in NLP is a certain stimulus or marker that evokes and holds for some time a certain subjective state of a person, an emotional association.

It could be:

  • the smell of perfume;
  • a certain turn of phrase;
  • some special gestures, etc.

All these factors are deposited in a man’s subconscious if they are associated with a particular woman in the past. A person may not even realize that it is somehow familiar to him and he is attracted to or repulsed by a particular girl.

In order to bypass these anchors and create new, positive ones, you will need to notice pleasant factors in the women around you and record them in your memory.

This method can also be effectively used to attract the attention of the girl you like. In a conversation with her, marker words are used that spark interest in the interlocutor.

NLP will help a man feel more free with a girl

Cognitive method

You can get rid of the fear of meeting a girl using the opposite method. Cognitive methods of dealing with phobias are based on the ability to overcome fear by experiencing the factors that provoke it.


The fear of meeting a girl certainly has its origins. This fear is irrational and does not pose any real threat to human life and health. If a guy is afraid to be the first to approach or write to a representative of the fair sex, then a psychotherapist will support him in his fight against this.

A specialist will help:

  1. Understand the reason for fear of dating. If it lies in childhood psychological trauma, then it may take a lot of time to find it.
  2. Accept this fear and overcome it. In order for girls and women to cease to be something frightening and unknown, the patient is offered to take pickup courses or attend blind dates.
  3. Secure the result with positive markers. If fear creeps in again, the man can mentally return to the positive anchors set by the psychotherapist. This is nothing more than a starting point.

The fear of approaching a girl is not an insoluble problem and can be successfully corrected over several sessions of psychotherapy.

But there are also difficult cases when one or two meetings with a specialist will not be enough. In this case, the fear is the result of other deeper fears and phobias.

Drug treatment

Sometimes the fear of being the first to meet a girl is a consequence of neuroses and prolonged stress. Constant workload at work or troubles in personal life make a person downtrodden and insecure.

In order to get out of this state, it is recommended to take sedatives or sedatives. Only a doctor can prescribe a treatment regimen; you should not self-medicate, as this can lead to negative consequences.

Most often, herbal preparations are used. They have virtually no side effects and are better absorbed by the body. Decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures are prepared from these herbs:

  • mint;
  • Melissa;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Linden;
  • thyme.

If there is severe emotional stress, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers or antidepressants. Their huge disadvantage is that they are addictive, and if the dosage is exceeded, they have strong side effects.

Herbal decoction is an excellent sedative


The fear of approaching a girl is a problem for many men, regardless of age, social status and financial situation. Lack of self-confidence most often occurs in adolescents, as well as men after 35 years of age.

You can meet a girl and start some kind of relationship with her only after overcoming your own fears and concerns in this regard. Often positive experiences are the best cure for a phobia.

Guys have a fear of communicating with girls and the reasons for its formation. The article will give recommendations to those young men who have decided to radically change their personal lives and find their happiness.

The content of the article:

Fear of communicating with girls is an unpleasant feeling that can arise in young people after any life situations that have happened to them. However, in some cases, such a phobia arises solely due to the character of the guy himself. To normalize contact between young men and the fair half of humanity, it is necessary to deal with the problem voiced for its optimally productive resolution.

Reasons for fear of communicating with girls

Note! Guys have no less complexes than girls. In some cases, solely with the acquisition of experience, a real conqueror of women's hearts grows out of a once immature personality.

Types of fears of communicating with girls

Fear of meeting and further relationships with representatives of the fair sex can be classified as follows:
  1. Fear-numbness. In this case, we should talk about those guys who fall into a stupor at the sight of a person they like. At the same time, they do not experience any fear, but are simply unable to be the first to start a conversation with the object they like. Such an idol will definitely not attract the attention and interest of any coquette, because girls love self-confident representatives of the opposite sex.
  2. Fear-panic. Young people with increased anxiety will always feel frightened by the upcoming communication with a girl they find interesting. If an energetic lady herself is able to be the first to start dating, then in the future such an experiment can result in a fairly successful couple. Otherwise, the young man remains a bachelor for life, even if there are a large number of attractive people around him.
  3. Fear-demonstration. Guys of this type of character, having any hidden complexes of their own, always show with all their appearance that it is not bad for them to be exclusively in the company of themselves. They can be identified by the phrases “why are those girls needed”, “the female sex is only capable of gossiping and looking in the mirror” or “not a single fidgety girl can ever fool a real man.” Despite all the apparent bravado, such pseudo-macho men, deep down in their souls, want to get acquainted and communicate with representatives of the fair sex, but they are afraid of any mistake on their part, even if the development of acquaintance is favorable.
  4. Fear is cyclical. In this case, I immediately remember the animated film, where the pony was very sad that he had to run in circles when he had another dream. Young people with a fear of communicating with the opposite sex often repeatedly refuse the opportunity to meet an attractive person. The reason for such a refusal of personal life is quite banal: the fear of being ridiculed and rejected by another spectacular lady.
  5. Hermitage due to fear of communication. The voiced factor can be called the finish line, which determines the impossibility of acquaintance between representatives of the opposite sex due to the fault of the young man. If the fear of being rejected becomes an obsession for a guy, then he withdraws into himself and gives up all attempts to improve his personal life.
Under no circumstances should you cultivate the described phenomenon in yourself, because being alone when it is possible to correct the situation that has arisen is illogical behavior for guys. People in the prime of life should flirt and communicate with each other, which is considered natural during youth.

Ways to deal with fear of girls

If a guy has firmly decided to get rid of the described complex, then he should seriously take up his self-improvement. This process will not require large financial expenses, but the young man will definitely have to apply willpower in large quantities.

Independent actions to eliminate fear of girls

Representatives of the fair sex do not immediately mock and attack young men who behave correctly towards them. Therefore, a young man with a problem raised should take the following actions to overcome the fear of communicating with a girl:
  • Improved appearance. You can even choose an image that is quite unusual for those around you, but your clothes must be clean when going out. Using a good perfume also doesn't hurt when it comes to attracting attention from spectacular girls. In addition, these factors significantly influence the increase in self-esteem of a young man, who will feel more confident when he sees flirtatious glances from ladies in his direction.
  • Expanding your horizons. In this case, reading fiction and watching quality cinema will help. Any girl will immediately fall in love with a young man with whom there is something to talk about. Even a silly girl will be fascinated by looking into the mouth of a guy who talks a lot and to the point. This will instantly captivate an intellectual woman, because in our time not every person is engaged in self-development. At the same time, the complex young man himself realizes that he is the initiator of a conversation that can lead to friendship and even love relationships in the future. Hobbies also play an important role in communication. For example, if a guy knows how to play the guitar beautifully or sing songs, or is an organizer of hiking trips or kayaking trips, it will always be interesting to be with such a person.
  • An anecdote or an interesting phrase on the topic. The main thing in this matter is to gain initial interest in your person on the part of a pretty person. People are greeted by their clothes, but a pleasant impression based solely on this factor may not last long. You should stock up on a set of interesting jokes to make the girl you like smile. However, in this case, it is necessary to clearly remember that black humor and greasy statements will definitely repel the person you like, who will consider the suitor to be an elementary boor.
  • Playing sports. Any manipulations to improve your body will add confidence to every person. Yesterday's "goon" will definitely attract girls if he is in excellent physical shape after training. If there are no health restrictions, then you can even engage in hand-to-hand combat. Young coquettes love boys who can stand up for them. In addition, in the same sports section you can start a conversation with the person you like, based on common interests.

Help from psychologists to eliminate the fear of communicating with girls

Specialists are always ready to help those who need their help. If a problem arises, they advise following the following program in order to get rid of the voiced complex forever:
  1. Learning body language. In order to find out for sure whether the person you like likes the young man or not, you should carefully observe her first reaction. If a girl looks at a young man and smiles invitingly at him, this does not mean at all that something about his appearance made her laugh. You should forget about all the complexes and try to start a conversation with an attractive object for flirting. If a girl constantly straightens her hair and clothes when looking at a young man, then she is definitely determined to communicate with him and should not hesitate. When the young lady is the first to ask the guy questions and is interested in his life and hobbies, then the acquaintance can be considered successful.
  2. Gaze technique. You also need to be able to look at a sexually attractive object correctly, so as not to scare him away with your ridiculous behavior. Firstly, you should not look away when a girl looks a guy straight in the eyes. She can draw the wrong conclusions in the form of the fact that in front of her is a boring, modest person or even a secret maniac. It is also not an option to fixate your gaze on any part of the young lady’s body, which will look like either bullying or outright sexual assault in her direction. You definitely need to look at the girl clearly, as if enveloping her with your gaze. At the same time, she will not feel aggression towards herself, but will definitely notice a frank interest in her person.
  3. Autotraining. It is necessary to love yourself and your body, because nature itself endowed the young man with the available data. Therefore, it is worth starting the mechanism of positive thoughts in yourself as much as possible. In this case, phrases like “I can do anything”, “I have no equal” and “all the girls are ready to meet me” will not hurt. With the problem mentioned, you don’t have to be afraid of developing a Narcissus complex, because if a young man has low self-esteem, such a phenomenon is unlikely to happen.
  4. Asking for help from a friend. In every male company there is a craftsman who does not see a problem in meeting and further communicating with girls. At first, it’s worth going to all the get-togethers and parties with him to observe his behavior. Moreover, next to such a generally recognized macho, even his silent friend will seem to young beauties more like a mysterious person than a notorious person.
How to get rid of fear of girls - watch the video: