How does the hub work? What is a hub? Using the hub in various industries

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What is a “hub” - urban planning educational program

The vocabulary of an urbanist is replete with borrowings, and “hub” is one of them. However, today this term is increasingly used not only in conversations about the urban environment, but also in a number of other cases. Let's look at some of them.

"Hub" translated from English means "node, wheel, center." In architecture, this word is used to mean major transport hubs- such as airports, ports, railway and bus stations, metro stations with several transfer options and growing passenger traffic. Usually, around already existing transport hubs with uninterrupted functioning, their own infrastructure is formed in the form of hotels, shopping and office centers.

In March 2016, an important hub for New York, designed by the famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, opened on the site of the World Trade Center, the most expensive transport hub in the world. The grand hub connects trails and unifies the city's spaces, with subway lines and the Underground Railroad running through it, new towers under construction nearby, and popular walking trails and the Hudson River nearby.

In urban planning Hubs are often called important urban conglomerations- megacities, regional centers and settlements of strategic importance. On the political and economic map of the world, such examples are undoubtedly New York, Moscow, Shanghai, Istanbul, Frankfurt, London, Berlin and so on.

The hub is also urban center, in which improvement processes have been activated. In an urban context, hubs are also commonly referred to as public spaces that attract a large number of visitors, where life vibrates, and where activities and events that are interesting for the city and its residents are held.

An example of such a hub is the famous Kensington Gardens in central London. In particular, every year a new temporary pavilion of the famous Serpentine art gallery appears on their territory, which attracts world-famous architects to work on the project. The author of the gallery's summer pavilion this year was the Dane Bjarke Ingels, founder of the BIG bureau.

The word "hub" is often used to mean cultural or educational center: Lectures and meetings with experts are held here, films are shown here, concerts and theater performances are held here. Thus, a large museum, cultural center, or library can be considered a hub. The iconic cultural hub of St. Petersburg is the Main Headquarters of the Hermitage, which is considered not only from the point of view of art: today it is a center for holding serious business events - such as the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum and others.

Another example of a cultural hub is the new Whitney Museum building, which houses a collection of American art. The iceberg-shaped structure was erected in the Meatpacking district of New York and designed by the outstanding architect Renzo Piano. Until recently, this was an unremarkable area, but a few years ago a new High Line park appeared here on the site of an abandoned railway, and last year a new museum of modern art opened. One side of the building faces the river - fantastic panoramas open from the windows. The facade faces the city - a public space has been formed in front of the museum, beloved by the townspeople.

Today, the word “hub” is also used in other industries that, at first glance, are far from urban planning. This is, first of all, the IT sector, where a hub is called any distribution point or information center. Everyone is familiar with USB hubs or network hubs that distribute information and devices. A hub in an IT context can be an educational or social online platform or website, which often operates in an interactive format - that is, as a unifying source of resources, links and accounts in which useful information is concentrated.

The use of the concept “hub” in the field of public relations is also interesting: advanced PR managers and media strategists call hubs people with connections, that is, those “communication geniuses” who have a solid base of contacts and useful connections. Most often, experienced journalists, PR specialists, and representatives of press services become such “communication nodes.”

As can be seen from the examples, even though the term “hub” is gradually acquiring meanings, in most cases the semantics of this word remains unchanged and hubs continue to be associated with the concentration of traffic flows and a combination of various activities. To summarize, we can say that today a hub is synonymous with communication (and not only in the media environment), movement and distribution of resources and information.

If there are several devices in your home (computer, tablet, smartphones, laptop) that need to connect to the global network, the question arises as to how best to organize shared Internet access for several devices. In this article, we will look at equipment designed for organizing a home network and sharing a single Internet access channel for several devices. For this purpose, hubs, switches and routers are used, which will be discussed.


The name of the device is translated from English as router. It is used as a connecting element between several different computer networks. As a rule, this is the provider’s network and your home network organized using a router. The router is equipped with connectors, usually four, for connecting client devices and one port for connecting to the provider’s network via twisted pair cable. The router also has a built-in Wi-Fi module for connecting to the network a large number of mobile devices equipped with this interface.

Router operation diagram

The network cable that goes into your apartment is connected to the router. Next, the device distributes Internet traffic between all devices. To optimize the process of distributing incoming traffic, devices are equipped with a convenient software shell where you can limit the speed for each connected client.

Based on the routing table, the router accurately routes incoming traffic packets along the correct channel, and they reach the device to which they were addressed. The same thing happens with outgoing traffic.

Sometimes routers are equipped with additional functions, for example, a hardware firewall and the ability to encrypt traffic on Wi-Fi networks.

Router Features:

Security of the wireless communication channel;

Ability to connect up to 4 devices via twisted pair and up to 99 or more via Wi-Fi;

Allows you to access the Internet from anywhere in your apartment or house;

Electromagnetic radiation emanating from the integrated Wi-Fi module has a negative effect on the body;

A huge number of settings to distribute the load and ensure the security of your home network.


A hub or network concentrator is a device designed to connect a small number of computers into a local network and provide them with shared access to the Internet.

The device is equipped with several ports (4, 8, 16, 24, etc.) for connecting workstations via compressed twisted pair cables and one connector for connecting a network cable to connect a network segment to the provider.

Operating principle of the concentrator

When several computers are connected to the network, they will be able to “communicate” with each other. When a user on one PC wants to contact another, the latter sends a request in the form of a data packet to the hub. The packet contains information about the recipient of the message. The hub broadcasts data to all computers until the packet reaches the destination. The intended device sends a signal to the hub that the data has been received.

This method of interaction between computers on a local network is impractical - a large amount of unnecessary information is repeatedly transmitted over the network, and computers must receive these packets that are not addressed to them. Because of this, hubs have begun to be replaced by switches in recent years.


Switch is translated as switch or network switch.

Like a hub, it serves to connect computers into a network or connect local network segments to the Internet, but unlike the first, data packets are transmitted directly to the recipient. This way of operating the network has several advantages:

Increased network performance compared to the hub;

High level of network segment security.

The switch is equipped with several (4, 16, 24, etc.) ports for connecting workstations and a port (or ports) for connecting a network cable.

Operating principle of the switch

It stores a table of MAC addresses, which indicates their correspondence to the ports to which computers are connected. At first, this table is empty and the switch operates in learning mode, which is very similar to the principle of operation of the hub. After building a complete table, the device begins to work more efficiently, sending data packets only to the specified recipients.

The switch operates at the OSI data link layer.

In conclusion, it is worth deciding on the areas of application of network equipment. It would be advisable to use a router to provide several devices, including via a wireless communication channel, with access to the Internet. The switch should be used to connect several workstations into a local network using a properly crimped twisted pair cable as a data transfer interface. The hub has been very rarely used lately due to the low efficiency of its operation.

If this is your first time driving a crossover, you should understand what HUBs are on an SUV. Experienced destination conquerors assure you that you can’t do without this small detail. Let’s say right away that manufacturers do not install devices on all models. In such cases, you will have to buy it yourself - and you should not save on this purchase. One more note: when purchasing an SUV, ask whether it has permanent or switchable drive.

It’s better to overpay a little, but buy the latest modification, since disabling one axle allows you to make the operation of the crossover more economical. And if you add HUBs, the budget savings will increase even more. By the way, for those who are not yet aware: this device is often also called a freewheel.

What are HUBs on an SUV, what they are like and why they are needed, we will now figure it out.

Goals and objectives of HUBs

A crossover equipped with a switchable drive should be used in city mode with only one active axle. At the same time, fuel consumption is greatly reduced without loss of passing qualities: in a metropolis, all four driving wheels are, to put it mildly, redundant. However, by turning off the wheelset, the driver is not able to ensure that the associated mechanisms stop working. While driving, the wheels touch the hubs, as a result of which both the cardan and the axle shafts do not stop rotating. Consequently, fuel continues to burn in excess, and working parts depreciate faster.

HUBs installed on an SUV turn off the front axle hubs, as a result of which its components stop rotating, their resource is no longer wasted, and fuel is not spent on maintaining the vital functions of parts not involved in the movement.

Like any other mechanism, the HUB needs to be monitored: if one of the pair fails, you will suddenly find out while moving that you are not driving an all-terrain vehicle that doesn’t care what’s under its wheels, but a helpless rear-wheel drive car.

Types of HUBs

Currently, 3 types of freewheel have been developed.

  • Manual HUB. To use it, the owner of the SUV must get out from behind the wheel and turn the device to the desired position. Not all drivers like this mode of use. However, of all types of freewheels, manual ones are the most durable and reliable. There are a great many manufacturers of such HUBs. Particularly popular among off-road conquerors is the Brazilian AVM and USSR WARN. Although recently they have slowly begun to be replaced by Ukrainian couplings from the company “ AmisA": they are produced using the latest technology and perform their functions even in extremely difficult conditions. In addition, they cost a third less than competitors from foreign countries;
  • Automatic HUB The good thing is that you don’t need to leave the heated place to turn it on. To make it work, you just need to turn on the four-wheel drive and go. To make the clutch stop working, tilt the front drive and move it back about a meter. However, it has a couple of disadvantages. Firstly, some of its parts wear out too quickly. Secondly, in difficult terrain conditions it does not always work. For example, an unsuccessful ride on a hill with a predictable slope back, the automatic HUB turns off spontaneously. In addition, if the situation is on sticky soil (for example, on wet clay), you may simply not be able to move back to remove the blockage;
  • Vacuum often supplied at the factory. On the one hand, they are more advanced than manual and automatic ones. To turn them on/off, you don’t need to leave the cabin or move back and forth - the signal is sent to the vacuum pump electronically. On the other hand, the performance of vacuum couplings directly depends on the tightness of the entire system. Worn seals and tubes, dirt or water on the outside. As a result: at first the blocking becomes incomplete, and over time the HUBs stop working altogether.

Many people are interested in the question of what hubs are and what they are used with. Now let's look at this issue. In general, a hub is a node in a network. This term has different meanings in different industries.

Using the hub in various industries

For example, in transport, hubs are transfer or transshipment nodes, hub airports. In the energy industry, this is a kind of special center in which one route is divided into several. On SUVs, this word refers to the freewheel installed on the front axle. Various Internet networks also use hubs. What is this on the Fidonet network? Here, a hub is a node that serves to transmit mail. In the Direct Connect file sharing network, this is the name of the network server.

But the concept is most widely used in computer technology and the Internet. A specific set of network equipment is based on the tasks assigned to the designed network and the costs of implementing a specific solution. An important element of such tasks is the choice of devices, among which routers, switches and hubs play the main role. What is this, we will try to figure it out.

Hubs in computer networks

Construction technologies are constantly evolving. The devices that underlie them and are used to organize communication between computers are called differently: hub, switch and router. We will look at what this is in more detail.

Each of the listed devices plays its role in organizing communication between network computers. Externally, they may look the same: small metal boxes with a number of ports or connectors where an Ethernet cable is connected. As for such concepts as switch, hub, hub, router, they are often used as synonyms, but this is a mistake. These are all different devices.


One of the first network devices are hubs. What kind of devices are these? The term is of English origin. The word hub means center of activity. Hub, or designed to connect computers into a simple peer-to-peer network. The device has a number of ports to which you can connect all personal computers on the network. Most often, twisted pair cables, which are crimped in a special way, are used for this purpose.

How the hub works

Let's consider the principle of operation of a network hub. When any computer on a network equipped with a hub attempts to access another PC, the first device sends a special block of information called a packet to the address of the network hub.

Let's try to figure it out using an example of a circuit with three computers. Let's say computers PC1, PC2 and PC3 are connected to the device. The role of the hub is to replicate the data packet from PC1 by transmitting it to other devices connected to the local network, that is, PC2 and PC3. At the moment the signal arrives at PC3, for which it was intended, the latter sends a response packet to the hub. The network hub again sends this packet to all network computers until the response from PC3 returns to the sending computer PC1.

This is an approximate diagram of the interface of computers connected to a local network with a hub. The main disadvantage of such networks is that too much information is sent. A network hub continuously sends data packets to all devices on a computer network, even if the destination is one specific PC. At the same time, computers receive blocks of information that they often do not need at all. The technology turns out to be very expensive. This is why network hubs are now almost obsolete. Instead, more intelligent devices were developed - network switches, which are commonly called switches.


The term is of English origin and means a switch, or network switch. Like a hub, a switch is required to connect computers on the same local network. The circuit for connecting it to computers is no different from the circuit with a network hub. Instead of a hub, PCs are simply connected to a switch.

While outwardly very similar to a network hub, the switch has fundamental differences from it, consisting in the method by which information is transferred between computers on the local network.

After receiving a packet of information from a computer, a network switch, unlike a hub, does not forward it to all PCs participating in the network, but organizes the sending of the packet to the address of the computer for which the package is intended. For example, when PK1 sends a packet of information to computer PK3, the switch organizes the transfer to it, bypassing PK2. The network switch also returns the response packet from PK3 only to the sender of the information packet - PK1.

The switch has the ability to remember the addresses of all computers that are connected to its ports, and thanks to this it can work as a traffic controller, transmitting information only to the recipient’s PC and ignoring others.

The operation of the network switch is based on a table of special MAC addresses of users’ network equipment in the external and internal networks. As a result, the information packet arriving at each of the ports is compared with the routing table and sent to the port address where the corresponding equipment is located.


The name "router" gave rise to the English router. This is a router that can organize the transfer of information between two or more different local networks. In addition, the router has ports that are required to connect some other devices to it using a cable.

How the router works

Just like a network switch stores a table of registered MAC addresses, a router stores a table of IP addresses as its routing table. The router's main job is to store this data and ensure that other routers know about changes in the network configuration. It is solved by using it to coordinate with other routers. When packets arrive at a router, the router uses different protocols and criteria to determine the best path to forward the packet of information to the destination.

The router can be programmed to enable multi-level rules that are determined by the content of the information packets that arrive at it. The router is programmed to enable network equipment security, translate network NAT addresses, and provide DHCP network services.

Packed with intelligence, routers are among the most sophisticated network devices. In addition to the ability to redirect information packet traffic, routers can be used to control traffic on the network. In addition, they have the ability to respond to changes in the network, dynamically detecting them, protecting it with packet filtering, calculating packets for blocking or passing.

USB hub

In addition to Ethernet network hubs, the term "hub" is used to refer to USB technologies. The development of new equipment places increased demands on the level of development of user interfaces of computer equipment. The wide variety of computer peripherals that connect via USB require a special device that allows you to connect multiple devices simultaneously via USB. It's called a USB hub. What is the principle of its operation?

It is a small device with several ports. Connect it through the computer socket. It allows you to connect multiple USB devices to one USB port on your PC.

USB hub device

The design and arrangement of the hubs are not very complicated. They are designed to switch signals and provide supply voltage. In addition, they monitor the status of peripherals connected to them, making the host aware of changes.

The hub includes two modules - a controller and a repeater. A repeater is a managed switch that connects the input and output ports. It has the ability to reset and pause signal transmission. The controller includes registers that allow you to interact with the host. Registers are controlled using special commands that allow you to configure the hub, monitor the status and change the parameters of downstream ports. It is possible to use a daisy chain hub when devices are connected sequentially.

Types of USB hubs

One such type is an internal card on the system bus. It is used to connect USB devices to the motherboard. This is done using a USB PCI card installed in the free space of the PCI bus located directly on the motherboard. This type of USB hub is best used by those who are familiar with the structure of a computer. For those who do not have experience, it is better to choose another type.

Another type is an external USB hub without power. Such a device is simple and relatively inexpensive. This type of USB hub connects to the USB port of your computer. This device is great for laptop owners. For home computer users, it is also possible to use such a USB hub, but you must take into account that a number of devices connected to the computer require power supplied through the USB port. This type of hubs is not capable of powering several similar devices at once. In this situation, it is best to use powered hubs. What are these devices and how do they differ from devices without power?

A powered USB hub operates in exactly the same way as an unpowered hub. The difference is that it can be plugged into an outlet. This allows you to provide adequate power to all devices that are connected via USB. The largest USB hubs are seven-port.

Another type of such device is a USB computer board. This device is suitable for laptop users. It connects to a special USB port located on the laptop body and makes it possible to use two ports instead of one.

The term "hub" has many meanings. Literally from English, hub is translated as “wheel hub”. In its most general form, a hub is a node in a network.

In this article we will look at what a hub is depending on the scope of application of this term.

Meanings of the word "hub"

  • Most often this word can be heard today in the context of using computer technology. Moreover, users use the phrase usb hub. This is a network hub or USB hub. In other words, this is an adapter that adds sockets for USB cables to the device.
  • In transport and aviation, a hub is understood as a transfer or transshipment hub.
  • In the automotive industry, the term hub refers to the freewheel of a front, plug-in axle. Can be manual or automatic.
  • In the energy sector, a hub is a special place intended for trading electricity.
  • In the international amateur computer network FidoNet, a hub is understood as a backbone node. It is used to send and receive mail.
  • In the Direct Connect file-sharing network, network servers are considered hubs.
  • And finally, in sports, namely in hockey, players and fans of the NHL Montreal Canadiens club are called hubs.

In different areas, the understanding of the term “hub” may vary, but the general meaning remains the same.

You can find many other interesting definitions in a special section of our website.