How to meet a girl in a nightclub? Winning dating options. How to meet a guy in a nightclub Rubbing against a guy in a club

Meeting a young man is always marked by an event that is interesting, intoxicating and incomprehensible in its future manifestations.

Perhaps these manifestations of the future depend on the place of acquaintance or the occasion itself. So is it possible to meet a guy in a nightclub? And how to avoid a number of mistakes?

First meeting or how to get acquainted

A place that looks like a shop window, where very cute male “products” are placed, which will welcome new acquaintances, especially if the liking is mutual. Meeting a guy in a nightclub should not be the main goal of the evening, but only a pleasant addition to it. Since it is not always feasible, and the evening can be hopelessly ruined due to vain expectations.

Therefore, it is worth going to the club to relax and at the same time practice the charms of your perfection. A prerequisite: do not drink a lot, smile brightly and be yourself, but be sure to be a mystery to men.

True, it is also worth remembering the truth of club relations, which usually extends to several meetings, joint breakfasts and new adventures. You won't find long-term romance in the club.

First you need to inspect the club territory. But don’t just look around, but turn on all your receptors and sensations to understand which guy is sad alone. It is precisely this “object” who will be looking for a new acquaintance for a pleasant evening.

As soon as such a man is noticed, you need to “show” yourself to him. Just no abuse. There is no need to walk near him, ask what time it is and persistently stare at him.

We entice you with your gaze

The most effective action will be a fleeting but catchy glance that will tell him about your interest. If such a look is not in your assortment of tricks, then you should learn it using the help of a mirror.

The first hook is thrown, the next could be an unobtrusive invitation to dance, which is always accompanied by a slight smile. Excessive modesty will be good in the theater, disco and the dance floor require moderate persistence and excited sparkles in the eyes.

Resist temptation...

After rhythmic dancing, during which sympathy appeared, you can think that meeting a guy in a club is gaining successful momentum. And this is where you need to pull yourself together!

No matter how many unusual cocktails are offered, no matter how sweet the talk about a cozy apartment and coffee in a homely environment, you need to remember your company in order to return home, to yourself, and not to a new young man.

A gentle forgiveness with a virginal kiss on the cheek and a hint about good cakes in a familiar cafe will be a step towards a second meeting. However, many people allow themselves. The main thing is to stop in time...

If meeting number two did not happen, it means that this man turned out to be not at all the person who would be able to discern your uniqueness in the light of color music. A new interesting party will help you forget about such a disastrous experience, as well as looks, languid smiles, beautiful bodies - in a word, contenders, contenders!

Where to meet a guy? How to do it? These are probably more rhetorical questions, and instead of looking for theoretical answers, it’s better to start practicing!

A nightclub is the very place where girls specifically come to meet each other. Absolutely everything here is conducive to quick acquaintances and relaxed communication. We'll show you how to take advantage of these amazing benefits.

Advantages and disadvantages of club dating

Here are some of the main benefits of a club environment:

  • Atmosphere. Girls specifically come to the club to relax, dance, and meet new people. A charge of joy and good mood will contribute to your communication.
  • Alcohol. Most people in clubs are a little tipsy. Alcoholic drinks liberate girls and help quickly break mistrust.
  • No need to look for a reason. There is no need to look for a reason to meet someone in a club. All you have to do is walk up and say “Hello.”

The biggest drawback is the loud music, which makes dialogue difficult. Therefore, if you want to learn how to meet people in clubs. Learn to express your thoughts as briefly as possible and use gestures more often.

Where to start getting acquainted in the club

The first thing to start with is appearance.

The club environment is not so demanding for an ideal appearance. On the dance floor, in semi-darkness, in a crowd of people, no one will look closely at you.

The only recommendation is to wear more light-colored clothes: white and pastel-colored T-shirts, shirts and polos, light jeans or trousers. This is necessary so that you are more noticeable in the semi-darkness and stand out against the background of other people.

In addition, in some clubs you will be subject to strict face control at the entrance. Learn more about clubwear and face control in this video:

How to choose a girl and attract her attention

How to determine whether a girl is looking to meet you or has just come to relax and dance? If a girl wants to attract attention, then she will:

  • actively look around, “catch” guys’ glances;
  • willingly communicate with others, smile, flirt;
  • have fun laughing with friends;
  • she will be beautifully dressed and brightly made up;
  • located in a place where it is easy to approach: in the aisle or near the bar counter.

As soon as you notice a suitable girl, you need to be in her line of sight. In order to attract her attention, you need to “catch” her gaze and smile. As soon as you receive an answering smile, you can safely approach and start getting to know each other.

How to approach her and start a conversation

An informal club atmosphere does not imply any special reasons for getting to know each other. Therefore, it is enough to simply approach her and say something like:

"Hello. I liked you. Let me buy you a cocktail” or “Hi. You dance great. My name is Aleksey."

This does not mean that you can only meet people on the dance floor. There are other great places to meet people, such as face control or a bar counter.

A very useful video that explains in detail all aspects of club dating:

Meet us at the entrance to the club

The entrance to the club and face control is a great place to meet people. There is usually a queue here and a great opportunity to talk. In order to start a dialogue, you can ask the girl something or make a comment. Here are some examples:

"Hello. Do you come here often? Do you like this club? This is my first time here."

“So many people today. Don't overcrowd."

Let's meet at the bar or at a table

If you see that a girl is sitting alone at the bar, then this is an ideal option to try to make an acquaintance.

The easiest way is to simply treat her to a cocktail. In addition, the same phrases that are used for meeting people on the dance floor are perfect.

Here are some useful tips:

  • Don't concentrate on one. There is no need to focus your attention on one girl, even if you really like her. The right strategy is to communicate with everyone a little and continue acquaintance only with those who have shown great interest in you.
  • Emotions. In club dating, your emotions play the biggest role. If you come there after a hard day at work, nothing good will happen. You need to come to the club well rested beforehand. It’s best to sleep a few hours before or just lie in bed.
  • Confidence. When communicating with women anywhere, it is important to be confident. The nightclub is no exception. Guys are often hampered by fear and shyness. To overcome them

Photo: Dmitriy Shironosov/

Can meeting someone in a nightclub turn into a serious relationship? A man's opinion on what to expect when going to hot spots.

It is believed that the easiest way to meet someone is to go to a nightclub. If you are not worried about what they will think about you later and what they will tell their friends about you, bragging about their next victory.

Let's try to imagine dating in clubs as something like theory of probability. Who are you most likely to meet and what will come of it if you do it one way or another?

I’ll say right away - don’t go alone. This is a dead-end branch of the development of events; you shouldn’t even be distracted by it. Take a friend with you, or better yet two. If something happens, they can be exposed to attack, and retreat to a safe place. Or what is it like for you women?

A shorter skirt, a deeper neckline, brighter lipstick - and go ahead! In principle, somewhere such an approach has a place. But here's the result... The likelihood of getting into trouble will increase exponentially based on the depth of your neckline and the degree of exposure of other parts of your body. The exception is if you are a lover of thrills, cheap popularity and group sex.

Most likely, in a club in combat gear, you will have to withstand the onslaught of unibrowed, unshaven macho men from “training”. Then listen to a bunch of unfortunate compliments about your appearance from the “tips” you’ve read about how to quickly and surely pick up a girl for the night.

This is not our social circle, we strive higher because we have read more than one book. Afterwards will come all those who, while the first two types representing the club scene were trying to glue you together, were warming up with alcohol. They will breathe fumes and nicotine into your face, and sometimes, in rare cases, menthol from chewing gum. Then “golden boys”, “daddies” and all those who buy relationships appear. Whether for a cocktail, or for something else, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you owe them right away. They, too, will have to be turned away, despite the fact that they smell of expensive cologne, are hung with gold trinkets, and are holding the latest model phones. It should be noted that this type of club fauna usually appears later than everyone else and is recognized by their manners.

When He decides to approach you for the first time, then, most likely, you will begin to get tired of the constant appraising glances and such attention, get nervous, spoil your opinion of others, or even run off to the dance floor to cheerfully wag your hips and jerk your limbs to the beat of the music. When He finally dares to approach you a second time, you will save your friends who are fighting an unequal battle with alcohol. By the way, alcohol has one interesting property: if you have not calculated the dosage, then complete relaxation usually occurs before the moment when you have managed to meet someone. Having turned into a “walking dead”, you are unlikely to interest people who are still alive. Most likely, your social circle will be limited to the same dead or those who, in principle, don’t care with whom. Therefore, watch the amount you drink and soberly assess the body’s capabilities.

So, you smell like a wonderful mixture of tobacco smoke, your perfume and alcohol. He has finally found the opportunity to get close to you, but you will most likely send him to hell because you are “tired”, because you “drank a lot”, because “where were you before.”

Were you hoping for a serious acquaintance? Well, it's possible, although unlikely. Because this requires too many coincidences to occur. And the main thing is that at the same time in this club there will be a man who is looking for a serious relationship, he will be handsome, well-mannered, free, he will smell good and you will like each other at first sight. His visual acuity is enough to spot you in the crowd and see who you really are under all that you are wearing and wearing. In addition, he is decisive and will approach you right away. You will be amazed by your smile and sense of humor and manners.

It turns out that he should be the same prince on a white horse, which for some reason I personally find hard to believe. Because even the presence of all of the above does not guarantee you that you have not fallen into the networks of a clever seducer, which are found in abundance in nightclubs.

I often heard stories about how a girl met such an awesome guy in a club that she was blown away when he just came up and opened his mouth. Well, he is like that, just like that - unearthly. And what a smile, and what a shirt or something else that she noticed... Her chatter about this extraordinary person is so emotional that the girl, imperceptibly for herself, switches to ultrasound, which only her friends can hear, and even then not always. After a detailed story about how it happened, what exactly happened, how many times and when it will happen again, emotional release sets in, the friends stop rejoicing and begin to envy, and the narrator enjoys the superiority she has received. But, despite such opposing feelings, they all have one thing in common - they are waiting for his call. A day passes, then two days pass, then a week. And now the friends are gloating in their hearts and regretting it in words, and the “twitter” and the winner are upset and perplexed. How so, why? After all, he was so...

Why did this happen? The answer is on the surface. A club is not a good place to meet for a long time. I don't want to say that it's impossible. But if a relationship that began in a club continues for a long time and develops into something more than dancing together, then this is rather the exception than the rule. It's all about the atmosphere of the establishment. Mostly people who come there try to quickly shed negativity and relax. “clubbers”, “daddies”, golden youth, “one-browed guys from training”, students - on the one hand. Girls of different styles of behavior - on the other. Color music, strobe and alcohol - from the third. All this diversity has its own goals, its own tasks. How to be able to see the one and only one in all this, approach her, shout through the music, trying to find the right words, and not splash her ears with saliva - that’s another question.

In order not to be disappointed in people after meeting them in a club, you should not initially attribute to them the qualities that you yourself would like to see in them. A club is a place where everyone puts their appearance on display first and foremost.

Don’t worry too much about all of the above, this is just part of club life, and not the most attractive one. In addition, it greatly depends on the establishment itself and its reputation. Don’t set out to find yourself a groom in a nightclub. Every time you go there to relax in the company of friends, you will get good music and a great mood. By tuning in to this, you won't get frustrated judging people by their appearance and jumping to conclusions.

If you are not wearing a mask, then in a crowd of people moving to the beat of the music, you will be able to see who is looking at you. And if at the moment when your eyes meet, your heart falls somewhere in the stomach area, then this will be a good reason to meet. Because you can meet your person anywhere, the main thing is to be able to look at him. And once you look at it, don’t lose it. I know what I'm talking about. Because it was at the club that I met the one with whom I lived for many happy years.

Weekend evenings are a great time to relax, have fun and improve your personal life. Young people prefer to relax and relieve the stress accumulated during everyday work in nightclubs, bars, music concerts and various parties. Blood-stirring cocktails, loud music, spotlights and twilight, beautiful girls moving rhythmically in dance - this is a burning mixture that best attracts men to make acquaintances.

Despite such an environment conducive to relaxation and new contacts, it can be extremely difficult for girls to muster up the courage to meet a handsome guy first. Any trip to a nightclub can be turned into an excellent platform for finding your soulmate. The most important thing is to present yourself correctly and set priorities correctly.

How not to get burned while dating in a club?

Despite the fact that the club atmosphere is conducive to dating, girls should not indulge themselves in illusions, since there is a high probability of running into a gigolo, a party animal or a Don Juan who collects women. Remember that acquaintances made under the influence of alcohol rarely develop into long-term relationships. When going to the club, determine your goal in advance - light flirting, communication, finding a lover or a serious relationship.

Which men should you focus your attention on?

All men visiting clubs and parties can be divided into 3 groups:

  • those who want to forget, relax and walk to the fullest;
  • looking for one-time sex;
  • men who accidentally wander into the club (on the occasion of a friend’s birthday, bachelor party and other occasions) who just want to dance, maintain the boundaries of decency, never get drunk and soberly assess the situation.

If you want to meet a decent and serious guy, then the third group of guys should be your goal. It is among this category that there is a much greater chance of finding your love.

How to prepare for a party?

At a party you should look stylish, attractive, but not too vulgar. Your appearance should correspond to the format of the event, the crowd of people and the surrounding stop. Clothing should be comfortable and practical, so that while dancing you can move freely without worrying about your appearance.

Choose discreet outfits. An elegant and moderately modest dress that favorably emphasizes your figure, and shoes with stable heels will be the best choice. Too revealing clothing can attract the attention of those guys who are looking for one-night stands.

How to make acquaintance with a serious guy?

A universal place to meet men is near the bar. Here young people wait for their cocktails, chat and meet girls. Near the bar, the music is not as loud as in the epicenter of the party, so talking here is much easier.

If you spot a nice guy at the counter, feel free to take a seat next door. Behave casually, not paying attention to the object of desire, chatting and joking with the bartender. After this, the man will most likely want to join in the lively conversation. If the guy doesn’t make the first move, then start a conversation with him first. You can ask questions about how his environment is, who he is hanging out with at the party, and how often he comes here.

You can also meet a handsome man in a smoking room. As soon as you notice that the guy you like has gone outside, follow him and ask him for a lighter.

Another option to quickly get to know a guy is dancing. Start dancing next to the handsome man who charmed you or invite him to a white dance. Try to make eye contact with the man and smile at him. This way you will demonstrate that you are ready to meet, flirt and communicate. If he is willing to dance with you, then you can be sure that your evening will pass on a positive note and, perhaps, develop into something more. To chat closer, you can invite a man to the bar, at a table, in a recreation area, in a billiard room, or on the street. In a quieter environment you can get to know each other and chat.

At the club, girls are determined that guys will come up to them and get to know each other. The club is a great place to practice your social skills and meet beautiful girls.

Dating in the club always opens up a lot of advanced awareness for me to grow. The following 11 realizations will help you understand how to properly meet a girl in a club and improve your results.

1. Feel the thread of the conversation, have a sense of control

  1. You have to feel your condition and feel the girl.
  2. There must be an understanding: there is loud music here– you should not pay attention to conversations and focus on words. And in that place it’s quiet, where we can get to know each other very well.
  3. You have to notice when you're talking to nothing.
  4. Feel when loud music makes your words unnecessary.
  5. You can say a lot more through a look than with words..

These 5 points will make communication easier for you and help you understand how to better meet a girl in a club and not waste your energy.

2. Calibrate according to the girl’s condition, trust empathy

Read her condition from a girl's face

Look carefully at the girl’s face, her facial expressions, her eyes. So I can always determine what I can already do this with a girl now, but it’s still too early.

From her face I can read what emotional level the girl is on. Thanks to this, I can determine whether I can right now suck this girl without words.

If I read on a girl's face slight discomfort, which means she is not yet used to the club. This means she will react badly if I quickly start hugging her. Then I'm in no hurry. This fine calibration must always be there.

Feeling of empathy

The feeling of empathy is when I feel what the girl feels. It develops on its own when you do a lot of approaches.

Don't put too much pressure on her

If I feel that a girl is freezing, scared because of me, I say sentences that turn off the pressure between us and relieve tension from the girl.

For example: " Oh, sorry, I'm too arrogant. It happens to me».

With these words you let her know:

  • that you are an adequate person and have a healthy emotional system;
  • you don't want to scare her or hurt her.

Such proposals definitely need to be said. Then she relaxes and feels safe around you.

Video with an example of my approach

My acquaintance with two beauties in the next video.

3. Meet unfamiliar mixed groups

You shouldn’t limit yourself to just talking to girls. Approach groups of girls and guys.

Many guys smile at me when I easily meet girls from his company. Just determine in advance who exactly from his company is the guy’s girlfriend.

No need to fight with guys! The guy might be a great person and you might become friends. Next, he will introduce you to his girlfriends. Having found out who you are, the guy will help you get closer to the girls from his company.

4. Talk to guys: make the game easier for yourself

Talk to strangers. Many guys come to the club to meet only girls. Don't limit yourself, talk to men. WITH you can find a common language with any of them. He might even become in the future an excellent partner for going to the club together.

A guy you don't know can help you

So you made friends with a guy at a club. Then you can always find him and you can dance and jump on the dance floor together. Can be done respite,talk about your topics.

One day I had a conversation with one interesting guy. He bought me juice himself, and then we made approaches together and met girls. He was very good with the girls and also came to the club alone, like me!

5. Give her a quick hug and dance

Dancing and quick hugs give you the opportunity to instantly bond with a girl. Quick hugs you jump over all these trivial questions: "What is your name?". It’s as if you’ve known her for five years.

This method gives you an understanding of how to quickly meet a girl. Thus, you easily get close to her and suck her in.

Dancing with a girlan important key to rapprochement! It is in dancing that you feel each other, touch each other and get excited. While dancing you feel her pleasant figure, waist, and hips. It is in dance that attraction and passion for a girl are quickly created. Girls also love close hugs and quick intimacy.

Keys for dancing with a girl in a club

  • Dance with a girl so that you have fun first of all. Do everything for your own pleasure, so that YOU get pleasure. Know that everything will be ok!
  • Be completely in the moment. Don't look around, don't look at the people around you, completely immerse yourself in the dance with her. Let happy music pass through you. Enjoy the process. Focus only on yourself and on dancing with the girl.

Video “How to dance with her and quickly get close on the dance floor”

You don't have to be a dance master. All variations of dancing with a girl on the dance floor and pickup in the club, watch in this video:

6. Understand that words on loud dance floors only ruin everything.

Give minimal importance to words

On a loud dance floor, you don’t need to ask the girl where she works or anything. People come to the club to relax and escape from the daily routine of life.

In general, you pay minimal attention to words. Loud music everywhere.

The words on the dance floor will simply be a sign and a fact of acceptance of your rapprochement. It's like a small formality between you two, don't give it too much importance. Focus on your condition. Non-verbal language plays a major role.

Non-verbal: gaze and smile

In non-verbal communication, gaze is very important! Your look should fully correspond to your good condition.

The look is the most attractive tool. The way you look at a girl and your gaze can say much more than simple words.

You must have an inner smile. Natural smile from within. It attracts and gives people warm emotions.

Example of my approach

So I'm on the dance floor I saw a beautiful girl. I tell her: “Let’s go dance,” or I take her hand without words. I lead, put my arm around the girl’s waist and we dive into the dance, huddling close to each other. I don't even know her name, who she is. I just chose it.

At the moment I am filming my video from the club with interesting clips.

You can give many good video examples of dating in a club and club seduction. Over the entire period of practice, quite a lot of them accumulate.

7. Kissing tricks: an instant, quick feeling of the right to a passionate kiss

I won't focus on this here. You can read more about kissing in the articles at the link below.

If you met the one, how to spend time with her

So, you found that very girl in the club that you really like. You're doing great.

You should always know how to spend time with her. And you will never get lost and procrastinate, you will know what to do. The girl will feel your confidence and will trust you more.

Put all these realizations into practice.

I told you some of my tips on how to meet a girl in a nightclub in an original way.

You can get even more secrets and advanced material in my live programs and individual training!