How to plant parsley seedlings. When and how to plant parsley? It is important to plant parsley correctly in open ground.

It was well known in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, where it was widely used both in cooking and in cosmetics and medicine. Parsley has straight, hollow stems reaching 60 cm in height and a thick, fleshy taproot. The serrated leaves are divided into three segments, resembling a triangle in shape. Parsley is used in the form of a decoction or tincture as a diuretic, cleansing agent, and has a tonic effect. Parsley leaves help treat bruises and insect bites. However, it should be remembered that it must be used carefully, since in large quantities it can be poisonous.

  • Growing: easy
  • Location: direct sunlight and partial shade
  • Temperature: suffers from low temperatures
  • Watering: regular
  • Flowering: no
  • Height: up to 60 cm
  • Latin name Petroselinum sativum
  • Family Ombrelliferae
  • Homeland Mediterranean
  • Replant: every two years
  • Care: pull out weeds

In cooking, parsley is used as a spicy and aromatic plant. So that it does not lose its aroma, fresh herbs are added to ready-made dishes. Finely chopped parsley leaves enhance the flavor of meat, fish and vegetables. Parsley is a biennial plant. Its most popular varieties include P. sativum with extremely aromatic small leaves, as well as P. cnspum with curly decorative leaves.

On a note

Buy young plants in the spring, choosing the strongest bushes without yellow leaves or drooping stems.

Due to its unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation, parsley can be kept in bright rooms, even in very small pots. To stimulate leaf growth, flower ovaries are cut off.


Parsley prefers direct sunlight and a well-lit place. Indoors it should be placed as close as possible to windows facing south.


Low temperatures slow down the growth of parsley. During cold periods, it is recommended to bring the container with parsley indoors or place it in a well-lit place where the temperature does not drop below 0 ° C.


Watering is not abundant, but regular, so that the soil always remains slightly moist. Make sure that the parsley does not suffer from excess water.


Parsley is transplanted when young plants are planted in the ground. It is imperative to update the soil and replace old plants with young and stronger ones every two years. Add some sand and organic fertilizer to the soil mixture.


Parsley is propagated by seeds, which are sown evenly, in parallel strips, in boxes or in pots with a soil mixture intended for growing seedlings, to a depth of 1-2 cm. The surface of the soil must remain constantly moist; until the seeds germinate, the temperature in the room is maintained at no higher than 20 ° C . Select the strongest of the sprouts and, when they have grown and become strong enough, transplant them to a permanent place. Typically, the first harvest can be harvested within 60-70 days after sowing.

Diseases and pests

Parsley can be susceptible to some diseases and attacks from aphids and insects, such as the small white midge, chafers and various lepidopterans. Since parsley is edible, do not use insecticides or other chemicals. It is best to destroy affected plants.

Keep frozen

If the parsley harvest is especially plentiful, the leaves can be frozen whole without chopping to prevent loss of flavor and aroma. If necessary, you can always remove them from the freezer and add them directly to the dish.

Parsley is one of the few leafy vegetables that seems to be specially created for humans. It would seem like a banal herb, but how many useful things are collected in it, this is a real storehouse of health, which you cannot do without either in winter or summer. Everything in it goes into use: the leaves, the roots, and the seeds are used in the daily diet of a person who cares about maintaining his health and the normal functioning of all body systems. You will get even more incomparable pleasure and true benefits from fragrant parsley grown with your own hands. It can be sown immediately in the garden. And if you are in a hurry to quickly get early greens, it is recommended to grow the popular spice through seedlings.

Parsley comes in two types:

Although now breeders have developed a universal variety that has both roots and leaves (for example, the Bogatyr variety).

In this case, the sheet is:

In leaf parsley, only the leaves are edible. In addition to the root vegetable, you can also eat greens from root parsley, but if you start picking it too early, the fruit simply will not grow and will turn out very small.

Video: how to grow parsley - the best varieties

When to plant parsley for seedlings and in open ground

If you are going to sow parsley seeds directly into open ground, then the optimal time is the end of March-April, depending on the weather conditions of your region.

When growing parsley from seedlings, it is correct to plant it in the garden at the age of 1.5 months, in other words, it should be planted as seedlings in March, so that it can be planted in open ground in mid-April-early May.

By the way! You can plant parsley before winter: in the fall before frost begins, that is, around October.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

For greater discipline, many gardeners often turn to the lunar calendar for specific dates.

Thus, the most favorable days in 2019 for sowing leaf parsley for seedlings or open ground are:

  • in March - 8-12, 15-17, 27-29;
  • in April - 6-13, 15-18, 24-26, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 8-10, 12-14, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-31;
  • in June - 5, 6, 9-15, 22-25;
  • in July - 10-12, 20-22, 29-31;
  • in August - 2-8, 11-13, 17, 18, 26-28;
  • in September - 1-5, 7-10;
  • in October - there are no favorable dates;
  • in November - 1-3, 6-8, 15-18, 24, 25.

By the way! If you are going to plant parsley to the root (root), then for this there are completely different favorable dates according to the lunar calendar.

So auspicious days according to the lunar calendar for planting root parsley in 2019 are:

  • March – 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April – 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • in July - 25-31;
  • in August - there are no favorable dates.
  • in September - 17-19, 26, 27, 30;
  • in October - 4-7, 15-17, 19-21, 23-25, 27;
  • in November - 1-3.

However, it is not as important to sow greens or vegetables on a favorable day as it is not to do so on an unfavorable one, and according to the 2019 lunar calendar this is:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17;
  • in August - 15, 16, 30, 31;
  • in September - 14, 15, 28, 29;
  • in October - 14, 28;
  • in November - 12, 13, 26,27.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Preparing parsley seeds for sowing

Parsley seeds, like others from the umbelliferous family (parsnips, celery, carrots), are coated with essential oils that inhibit their hatching. If you want to improve the germination of planting material, it should first be prepared and processed, namely soaked.

One of the most popular ways is to place the seeds, wrapped in a cloth, in warm water for 2-3 days, changing it 1-2 times a day, and then dry.

Another way: soak the seeds overnight in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, then put them in damp gauze or a paper napkin to germinate in a warm place (for example, near a radiator).

Another way: the day before sowing, take parsley seeds and soak them in a glass of water with the addition of potassium humate (literally 1 drop), covering the top with the same glass with a cut out top and two holes in the bottom and creating a kind of water greenhouse. Then put it all on the battery. The next day, the seeds must be thoroughly dried, spread in a thin layer on paper or newspaper, and you can sow.

There is another very interesting way of soaking seeds in a syringe, which you can see in the following video:

Planting parsley seeds directly in open ground

The most important thing when growing and sowing parsley in the ground is to choose and properly prepare the bed and soil.

Organic fertilizers, such as compost or humus, should be added to the soil before planting.

If your soil is very clayey, then add sand to it for better germination, because a loose layer will not allow moisture to escape.

Advice! Parsley is a biennial plant, so you should choose a site for planting that you definitely won’t need next year and won’t want to dig up. And next spring you will get super early greens.

Before sowing, you need to dig up the bed (or loosen it), add fertilizer, water it well, compact the soil and make rows for sowing at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other.

The depth of planting parsley seeds depends on the sowing time. If you plant in early spring in late March - early April, then you should deepen it by 1 cm, and if in late April - early May, then by 2 centimeters. But again, this depends on the region of your residence and weather conditions: if the deadlines have come, and there is snow outside the window, then no one will think about any sowing.

Advice! To speed up germination, cover the bed with the crops with film or spunbond for about a week.

There is no longer any need to water the crops until germination.

By the way! You can get fresh parsley from spring until the first frost if you plant it using a conveyor belt method, in other words, you need to sow the seeds every 2-3 weeks (until mid-August). Plus, you can help yourself by additionally planting these greens as seedlings or even at all.

Video: how to sow parsley in open ground in spring

How to sow parsley seeds for seedlings: agricultural cultivation techniques

Selection of containers and soil

As a planting container for growing parsley seedlings, it is very convenient to use purchased black cassettes, sold together with a tray and a plastic lid that allows you to retain moisture.

You can also use the most ordinary 0.2 liter plastic cups, taking an additional tray. Just remember to make drainage holes in the cups.

As soil, you can use the most ordinary soil for growing seedlings, which should be mixed in equal proportions with ordinary garden soil, and add a little river sand to loosen it.

Direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing parsley seeds for seedlings:

Video: planting parsley for seedlings

Caring for parsley seedlings after sowing

As soon as the first shoots appear, the shelter should be removed, and the planting container itself should be placed in a bright place, for example, on a southern or western sunny windowsill. Or provide additional illumination with phytolamps or their LED analogues. In this case, the temperature should be kept at +15-20 degrees.

Young parsley seedlings do not require special care. It should only be watered as the soil dries out, preferably along the edge of the container or, for example, from a spoon. You can also use a spray bottle, but it is recommended that the water be settled.

As a rule, gardeners do not resort to picking parsley seedlings, even despite its dense crops. But just for fun, you can, of course, try to do this when it has 2-3 true leaves (that is, about 4 weeks after planting).

Video: growing parsley through seedlings with picking

Planting seedlings in open ground

It is worth planting parsley seedlings in a garden bed in open ground at the age of 1.5 months, that is, if you plant them in mid-March, the planting date will be in early May.

Parsley is a rather unpretentious plant in terms of location and growing conditions: it can grow in sunny areas and in shaded corners of the garden. Moreover, in the shade, according to some gardeners, it turns out even more juicy and tasty. But in the scorching sun it becomes a bit dry in taste. Moreover, if you have sandy soil, then so that it does not dry out quickly, you need to plant it in the shade.

By the way! It is convenient to plant this greenery next to fruit trees. If under the apple tree you get a very thin and thin one, then the parsley will grow very well.

Even .. can also be good neighbors. In general, parsley is great for mixed plantings.

As for crop rotation, this plant can be planted in the bed where it was previously grown. , And.

The optimal scheme for planting parsley seedlings: the distance between seedlings is 5-8 cm, between rows is 25-30 cm.

2-3 seedlings should be planted in one hole. If the ground is damp, then there is no need to water additionally, but if possible, cover the seedlings with a plastic bottle on top.

Video: planting parsley seedlings in open ground

Thus, growing parsley from seedlings is not so difficult, and you will be rewarded with a wonderful early harvest. As a rule, it is believed that the seedling method is more suitable for leaf varieties, because When growing a root variety through seedlings during transplantation into open ground, it is very easy to damage its young roots, which will cause the development of unsightly branched root crops. However, some gardeners in Siberia and the Urals successfully plant it as seedlings.

Video: growing root parsley with seedlings

Caring for parsley in open ground

Further care for parsley in open ground will consist of regular watering as the soil dries, thinning, loosening and weeding at the very beginning of its development.

It is best to water parsley in the evening.

By the way! Root parsley loves abundant watering most of all in August, this is when its root crops need moisture.

If you have sandy soil, then you need to water the plantings more often than, for example, on loam.

Parsley on pre-fertilized soil, as a rule, does not need fertilizing. If you have excessively sandy soil, then during the season you can feed it by watering it with an infusion of manure or an herbal infusion.

Important! Liquid fertilizing should be done so that the fertilizer does not fall on the leaves, but only on the ground next to the greens.

Leaf parsley, as a rule, does not need thinning, since it occurs naturally.

By the way! If you don't dig up root parsley in the fall, you can get the earliest greens next spring. So be sure to leave some parsley in the garden.

If you care about what your future parsley harvest will be like, trust our good recommendations and advice, and an excellent result will not be long in coming.

Video: everything about growing parsley through seedlings

Almost every gardener grows herbs in their beds. In Russia, dill and parsley hold the palm. Without them, it is difficult to imagine vegetable salads, borscht, cabbage soup, and even more so a variety of pickles. Planting and caring for parsley in the open ground is so simple that even a beginner will not have any difficulty growing it on the plot.

Characteristics, beneficial properties and contraindications

Parsley is a biennial plant belonging to the celery family, that is, it produces a flower stalk and produces seeds in the second year. Culture is valued for the following characteristics:

  • cold resistance, it winters well in open ground;
  • wide growing area;
  • it is a source of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B12;
  • herbalists use it as a remedy;
  • As a seasoning, it is popular in almost all cuisines of the world.

In folk medicine, for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, all parts of the plant are used - leaves, seeds, roots - in the form of decoctions, infusions, lotions, lotions.

Parsley relieves inflammatory processes in the body, strengthens vision, normalizes the digestive system, restores metabolism, improves the functioning of the genitourinary and endocrine systems.

It has also found wide application in cosmetology, because, as you know, whoever eats parsley becomes younger. It maintains tone, helps fight fatigue, and has a rejuvenating effect. Parsley juice whitens skin and teeth and restores health to hair.

Despite its unique composition and benefits, the culture has contraindications. It should not be consumed in large quantities by pregnant women, people with kidney disease, anemia and low blood pressure.

Varieties and varieties


This variety of parsley is grown for its fragrant and tender greens. Popular varieties:

  1. “Ordinary leaf” - forms a large rosette with a large number of dark green leaves (30–100 pieces), suitable for sowing before winter.
  2. "Breeze" is a frost-resistant variety. Greens are cut 80 days after germination. The rosette grows up to 75 cm in height.
  3. “Bogatyr” is a shade-tolerant variety with a late set of greenery. After cutting, it quickly grows a new one.
  4. "Astra" is an early variety with curly leaves. The green mass actively grows after cutting. Seeds can be sown before winter.
  5. "Esmeralda" is a curly-leaved variety with medium ripeness, forms a rosette with leaves on short petioles.


This species uses roots and tops for food. It does not have many leaves, they are tougher and less aromatic compared to leafy greens.

If the leaves of root parsley are frequently torn off, the root stops growing. He remains frail and small.
  1. "Bordovikskaya" is a late-ripening variety with a cylindrical white root crop. The rosette has 28–30 dark green matte leaves.
  2. “Sakharnaya” is an early ripening variety. The cone-shaped root vegetable of a grayish-white color is ready for consumption 95–100 days after the appearance of the first shoots. There are 20–40 leaves in the rosette. Not suitable for long-term storage.
  3. “Urozhaynaya” is a mid-season variety, ripeness occurs after 130 days. There are 11–20 leaves in a spreading leaf rosette. The length of the root crop is 20 cm, has good keeping quality.

What to plant before and after parsley

To obtain a good harvest and to reduce the risk of pest attacks and the development of diseases on parsley, it is necessary to observe crop rotation. The planting site is changed every 3–4 years. The best predecessors for it will be cucumbers and other representatives of the pumpkin family, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and white cabbage.

After the parsley, sow legumes, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, and onions. You cannot sow crops of the umbelliferous family after it - dill, carrots, celery, fennel, coriander, cumin and others. For the same reason, experts advise not to combine planting dill and parsley; it is better to plant them separately from each other.

Rules for sowing and planting

Despite the fact that planting and caring for parsley in open ground does not require special agrotechnical measures, sometimes incidents occur in the form of a lack of seedlings or poor seed germination. However, this is something to worry about when more than 3 weeks have passed since sowing. This culture itself takes a very long time to germinate.

If you plant dry seeds in the ground, the first shoots will appear after 2-3 weeks, since they contain a large amount of essential oils that repel water.

Why do seeds germinate poorly?

  1. For sowing, old seeds that had lost their germination were used (the maximum shelf life of parsley seeds is 3 years).
  2. Sowing was done in unsuitable soil - heavy, dry or acidic.
  3. We chose a place for the garden bed in the shade.

How to sow seeds for seedlings

Planting leaf parsley in seedlings helps to get an early harvest of greenery. Growing the root variety through seedlings is not practiced, since there is a high probability of damaging the root during transplantation.

Soak. It is necessary to soak the seeds to get quick shoots. They will appear within a week after sowing. There are several ways. All of them are aimed at leaching essential oils from the seed shell.

  1. The seeds are poured with hot water (40–50°C) and left until the liquid cools. Then they are washed and soaked overnight in fresh water. In the morning they are dried and sown.
  2. Pour vodka over the seed and leave for 15–20 minutes. Wash well, dry and plant in the ground.
  3. Seeds are poured with warm water for 48 hours, the water is changed every 4 hours. Then they are dipped into a solution of a biostimulator - “Epin”, “Zircon”, following the instructions on the package. After processing, they are dried and planted in the ground.
  4. The seed material is poured with warm water for 3 days, the water is changed once a day. Dry and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 7 days.

Preparation of land and containers. It is convenient to plant seeds for seedlings in purchased black cassettes. They are equipped with a tray and a lid, which allows you to retain moisture for a longer period. Peat tablets and ordinary plastic cups with a volume of 0.2 liters are suitable for these purposes. In the last containers it is necessary to make drainage holes and provide trays. The soil for seedlings is prepared 1.5 months before sowing. To do this, use a mixture of purchased universal soil and garden soil (1:1). Add 2 tablespoons of chalk and superphosphate to one bucket of soil mixture.

Sowing and subsequent care. When you can sow parsley for seedlings depends on climatic conditions. Seeds are sown in February in southern regions or March in temperate climates. Having filled the containers with soil and watered it well, make grooves 5 mm deep and sow the seeds. Then they are covered with earth and the container is covered with polyethylene or a plastic lid.

For seed germination, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20–25°C. The crops are regularly ventilated and watered. When the first shoots appear, remove the lid and move the container to a bright place. The best option is a western or southern window sill.

Young leaves must be protected from direct sunlight. If the plant stands on a north or east window, then it is illuminated with phytolamps. The temperature is reduced to 15–20°C. The main care for seedlings is watering. For this purpose, use a spray bottle or water along the edges of the container using a regular spoon. Use settled water. Plant picking is not carried out.

Timing for transplanting to the garden bed. Seedlings are planted in open ground in the spring at the age of 45 days - in April or early May in fertile, moist soil. The distance between the rosettes is 5–8 cm, between the rows - 25 cm.

Seedless method of sowing in open ground

When to plant parsley in open ground also depends on the climate. In the southern regions, the first sowing is carried out in early March, in the Far East - in the last days of this month. In the Urals, Siberia and northern regions, the deadlines are shifted to the end of April. Leaf crops are sown in spring and summer - in June, July, August.

Planted leaf parsley in July or the first ten days of August manages to produce the first greens, and then goes into winter and produces a harvest for the next year.

We must sow root parsley in the spring, no later than mid-May, otherwise the root crop will not have time to ripen. In a greenhouse, to obtain an early harvest of greens, parsley is sown in the north at the end of March, and in the southern regions in February.

Site selection and soil preparation. The culture loves fertile light soil with a neutral environment, humidity and light. The beds are prepared for spring sowing in the fall. They are dug up and manure or humus is added under the leaf crop. The root variety is planted in the second year after applying manure under its predecessor. In spring, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil:

  • ammonium nitrate - 20 g per 1 m²;
  • superphosphate - 50 g;
  • potassium chloride - 30 g.

The area is watered abundantly with warm water and the top layer is loosened. Making grooves:

  • in light soils - 1.5–2 cm;
  • in heavy cases - 1–1.5 cm.

Scheme and technology. To plant parsley in the ground, the seeds are pre-soaked for rapid germination. They are sown in prepared furrows. How to sow parsley depends on the type of plant. The leafy one is planted at a distance of 10–12 cm, the curly one at an interval of 8–10 cm.

3–4 seeds are placed in each nest, followed by thinning. The root crop is planted at intervals of 1–4 cm, placing one seed at a time. Then the grooves are covered with soil, lightly compacted and watered. The beds are mulched, covered with covering material and removed only when the first shoots appear.

Growing from root vegetables

Parsley reproduces not only by seeds, but also by root crops. This is usually how it is grown at home. The root crop is planted in a flower pot, the soil is kept moist. The container with the spine is placed in a bright place. After 1–2 weeks, young stems begin to grow. The first greenery is cut after 1.5 months.

Sowing before winter

This is a frost-resistant plant, so gardeners often sow it before winter. The warmer the region, the later the plant is planted. If in the northern regions seeds are planted in October, then in the south they do this in November. When is the best time to sow seeds in the fall? Wait until the temperature is no more than +2°C during the day and below 0°C at night. Seeds are sown in slightly frozen soil, this will prevent them from swelling and germination.

In September-October, the site is dug up and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. m. m. Make furrows and cover the beds with polyethylene. Before sowing, the film is removed and dry seeds are placed in the grooves. The depth of their placement is increased by 2 times compared to the spring-summer period. It is 12–20 mm. What to do if frosts do not set in and it starts to rain? We cover the beds with plastic film to prevent the seeds from getting wet.

Root crop varieties suitable for autumn planting are “sugar”, “igl”, “Russian size”; leafy - “esmeralda”, “ordinary”, “Italian giant”.

Seasonal care

Root and leaf parsley require almost the same care in open ground.

Watering, loosening

Until the seedlings appear, the soil is kept moist. Water the beds carefully so as not to bury the seeds. The cover is regularly removed and the crops are ventilated. Weeds are removed promptly. As soon as the first sprouts appear, carefully loosen the top layer.

Root parsley needs more abundant watering in August, when the root crop begins to ripen. The green crop is thinned out when three true dissected leaves form on it. Root parsley is subjected to this procedure 2 times per season. The first time two true leaves are formed. The distance between plants should be 3 cm. And then, when 5-6 leaves grow, leave 10 cm between the bushes.

How and when to feed

If the area is prepared correctly, then regular feeding of parsley is not required. It is enough to apply foliar potassium-phosphorus fertilizers twice a season. You need to be careful with nitrogenous ones, since they accumulate in plants. For the root variety, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are not used.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

Diseases more often affect the plant due to errors in care - waterlogging, soil compaction, air stagnation.

  1. Powdery mildew - the disease affects the leaves on which a white coating forms. It occurs in cold and rainy weather, as well as on the rosettes of plants growing in a greenhouse.
  2. Rust occurs on young leaves, yellow pads are localized at their tips.
  3. Rots affect different parts of the plant and are difficult to treat.

In case of damage, plants are treated with Fitosporin. But it is better to prevent the development of diseases and follow preventive measures:

  • do not forget about crop rotation;
  • After harvesting, dig up the soil well;
  • loosen the soil regularly;
  • remove weeds;
  • ventilate greenhouses.

Pests and control methods

Parsley is attacked by:

  • carrot fly;
  • carrot psyllid;
  • stem nematode.

The leaves of the plant on which the pest has settled turn yellow, wither, stop growing, and become deformed. If there is little time left before harvesting, insecticides are not used. Infusions are prepared from plant materials and the tops are sprayed. An infusion for carrot flies and flea beetles is prepared from garlic arrows. 200 g of raw materials are crushed and poured into 10 liters of water, and 60 g of grated laundry soap are added.

As soon as the soap is completely dissolved, spray the plants for 3 days in a row. An infusion of onion peels is effective against aphids. 200 g of dry raw materials are poured with hot water (10 l) and left for 15 hours. Then the culture is filtered and processed. If time allows, then treating plants with Fitoverm, karbofos, Fufanon and Iskra is effective.

Terms, methods of harvesting and storage rules

Leaf parsley is cut throughout the growing season. Store it frozen or dried. To make dry greens more fragrant, watering is limited several weeks before cutting. Root crops are dug up in the fall before the onset of stable frosts - at the end of October.

By this time, the pulp becomes dense and juicy. The harvest is harvested on a sunny day. Before this, the tops are cut off, leaving petioles no more than 1 cm high. Then the roots are cleared of soil and dried. Early and mid-ripening varieties are dried and canned; late-ripening varieties are suitable for long-term storage.

Parsley is an indispensable spice in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine. The unpretentiousness of the crop allows it to be grown in unfavorable climatic conditions. In regions with short summers, it is better to play it safe and always soak the seeds before sowing so that the parsley sprouts quickly. In this case, you will not be left without aromatic spicy herbs.

The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of parsley and it has long been known to mankind as a cultivated plant. Parsley is grown at home by almost everyone who has even a small piece of cultivated land.

Parsley is a member of the Umbelliferae family, and in terms of its biological qualities it is classified as a root vegetable. Being a biennial plant, parsley produces only roots and greens in the first year; in the second year it blooms, which allows you to collect its seeds.

When growing parsley at home, it is divided into two types - leaf and root. There are two varieties of leaf parsley - curly leaf and common leaf. The first one is used more in the decorative design of dishes, since it is inferior in nutritional qualities to ordinary leaf parsley.

Almost any soil can be used to grow parsley at home. The name itself, translated from the ancient Roman language, is interpreted as “growing on a stone.”

Growing conditions

Parsley is very unpretentious, so it grows easily in almost any area allocated to it in the garden. It can be grown even between the rows of trees in the garden, but it still gives the best harvest when the area in which it grows is well lit by the sun.

Changes in air temperature are not scary for her, even unexpected frosts of 15 degrees, as a rule, do not harm her, and planted seeds can germinate at only 3 degrees of heat. Such unique properties of parsley allow you to have fresh greens from early spring to late autumn. And, growing parsley as a houseplant, you will have this opportunity all year round.

Parsley is considered the healthiest and most valuable of all the spicy vegetable crops that are grown in our climate zone. The large amount of vitamins, minerals and essential oils that parsley contains that are beneficial to the human body allows it to be classified as a plant with medicinal properties.

Growing parsley indoors

In order to be able to cut fresh parsley leaves all year round when growing at home, it is best to use leaf varieties (curly and ordinary parsley).

It is advisable to place pots or boxes with parsley in places that are well accessible to sunlight. If the outside temperature is constantly above 15 degrees, it is advisable to move the plants to fresh air (balcony, loggia, terrace).

They begin to grow parsley seedlings at home in late autumn or early spring. Leaf varieties with rapid maturation are suitable for this. Parsley is sown in long narrow boxes; about 10 g of seeds are required per square meter of soil. After individual sprouts are well formed, they are transplanted into small pots or thinned out for free further growth.


Parsley, like all other plants used as herbs, requires enriched soil. Of the ready-made mixtures for indoor plants, “Biogrunt”, or ordinary well-fertilized garden soil, is very suitable.

After the first shoots have appeared, it is necessary to thin the rows, maintaining a distance between plants of 3-5 centimeters.

Watering is carried out regularly as needed, the soil should be constantly moist.

Once every two weeks, on an ongoing basis, fertilizing should be done with universal granular or liquid fertilizers.

You can cut greens after two months from the moment the first shoots appear. In this case, you should leave the plant at least one third of all its leaves.

In the second year, parsley blooms, and after its seeds are collected, if necessary, the plant is disposed of.

Growing from seeds

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Growing and planting parsley at home

Growing from root vegetables

The method of growing parsley at home by planting root crops gives results more quickly.

When planted in ordinary flower pots (no more than two copies), within a week or two the first young shoots appear. It will be possible to harvest the first harvest of greenery in a month and a half.

The use of parsley for planting root vegetables does not depend on the time of year, so you can grow it in this way either in summer or in winter.

To improve germination conditions in the winter season, root crops planted in pots should be covered with transparent plastic bags, leaving a sufficient volume of air in them above the pot itself.

Uses of parsley

The plant itself has been known for a long time. Even in Ancient Greece and Rome, parsley was well known, but it was used only as a medicinal or ornamental plant. It came to us in the 15th century and was used mainly for medicinal purposes, but besides this, thanks to myths and legends, it was also used in mystical rituals and ceremonies.

Nowadays, parsley is a widely used herb in cooking. It is used simply as a herb, as a spice in pickles, and as a seasoning for main dishes. Chefs are happy to add parsley to soups, and in some European countries it is eaten in stewed form.

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Video: Ficus - selection, cultivation, care

Like all plants of the umbelliferous family (celery seeds contain a lot of fatty and essential oils. This is why) in parsley, like the others, they swell and germinate very slowly. Young plants develop slowly even in the initial period of their growth - this is further aggravated by low temperatures, since it is sown very early in the spring. Parsley is not afraid of frost, but naturally, at low temperatures in early spring it grows very slowly. Then it gradually increases its growth rate and reaches its highest rate in the second half of August, i.e., when it is time to harvest. Consequently, this results in a large shortage of products.
In the southern regions this can be corrected; there the parsley can grow and ripen for about a month, but in the north this is not possible. To get out of this impasse, for some annual umbelliferous plants, primarily celery and fennel, the seedling method is used. But with regard to parsley, all literary sources claim that it does not tolerate transplantation at all.
Not believing the “generally accepted” opinion, I decided to try to grow it with seedlings. I did this in two ways: in a container, i.e., in a milk carton, and subsequently removing the seedlings for planting with a lump of earth (with a closed root system) for minimal trauma to the roots. And in the classic way - growing seedlings in a seedling box, then replanting them with bare roots. Transshipment of seedlings with a clod of earth showed that parsley practically does not suffer at all and continues intensive growth without post-planting depression. Transplanting with an open root system causes some depression, but its negative significance is greatly exaggerated in the literature. In fact, with minimal observance of the transplantation rules, i.e. if the root system is not injured, not dried out, etc., then the depression turns out to be small.
The advantages are very significant, because in this case we gain 1.5-2 months of development, and in favorable (greenhouse) conditions, which gives a significant gain in the resulting mass of products, both roots and leaves. By the time of harvesting, lush parsley bushes grow from the seedlings, almost equal in size to lovage bushes (which is a perennial plant) and several times larger than plants that were grown from seeds. So, to provide one family with processed parsley products (dried, salted, rolled, etc.) for the winter, only 5 such copies are enough.
The mass of plants grown from seedlings with closed roots is even higher, although the differences between these two options are not as striking as between the latter and those specimens that were grown from sowing seeds in the ground. Although no measurements were taken (I didn’t conduct a special quantitative experiment, I just wanted to find out whether it is possible to grow parsley with seedlings), but by eye the difference reaches 5-6 times! Anyone who wants can confirm or refute my preliminary conclusions quantitatively more accurately.
I consider growing parsley by seedlings (both with a closed and open root system) very advisable, although somewhat more labor-intensive than by seed. The timing of sowing seeds for growing seedlings for celery and parsley is approximately the same, late February - early March. If you want to grow even more powerful plants, you can sow the seeds even at the beginning of February, but then you will need additional lighting, since parsley is a light-loving crop.
By the way, I tried to grow carrots with seedlings, they are also from the celery family and also “cannot be transplanted.” Carrot seedlings grow well in a seedling box; there is no point in planting them in containers, since the need for them is usually many times higher than for parsley and in artisanal conditions there is simply no way to obtain hundreds and thousands of plants in containers. It also tolerates transplantation well, develops much faster, and, thanks to the seedling method, is protected from carrot fly damage. By mid-summer it gains considerable weight.
But an indirect result of replanting (especially if there was a breeze during it) is that the root crops turn out crooked, twisted, and deformed. Those who are not afraid of this, that is, for whom only their mass is important, and not their presentation, can successfully grow carrots using seedlings. Otherwise, it is better to sow it in the ground later, on June 4-6, although the literature most often places emphasis on early sowing, which is not always correct. Then it avoids being attacked by the carrot fly and, as a result, after some time it overtakes in development the one that was sown earlier (even very early), but was later attacked by the pest, which is almost inevitable (it is quite difficult to fight the fly). As a result, an excellent carrot crop grows. True, this technique is only suitable for obtaining root crops intended for winter storage, since the harvest ripens quite late.
This technique is not suitable for obtaining early products. Growing an early carrot crop and protecting it from carrot flies can be done by early and very early sowing and covering the seedlings with various covering materials (polymer film, lutrasil, etc.). And lastly, carrots work well only on light, loose soils: sandy (but well seasoned), sandy loam, peaty, etc. On heavy soils, no matter how rich they are, do not expect a good harvest of carrots, like most root crops. Root crops grown on such soils will always have a gnarled, branched shape. Therefore, select or create appropriate conditions for growing them.
Conclusion: parsley seedlings are indeed more capricious than those of other umbrella crops, but not so much that it is impossible to propagate them in this way. And the benefits from this growing technology are very great. The seedling method for carrots can have only a very limited significance, for example, when the products are used as livestock feed. In general, growing it through seedlings should be considered unpromising.
V. Starostin,
Ph.D. agricultural sciences
Newspaper "GARDENER" No. 2, 2012.