How to organize your first meeting with a girl. How to have a date with a girl. What to do if you don't like the date

First date with a girl- This is often a very exciting event in the life of representatives of the stronger sex. Psychologists assure that anxiety on the first date is completely unfounded. For a date to be successful, you need to think about it from the perspective of what a man can give during the first meeting, if he is the initiator of the date. There is no need to wait for the young lady to be the first to take the initiative, but the man should be active himself, and only after that one can hope for a response from the chosen one.

Your first date - why not worry? You are already hesitant at the very thought of a date, thinking about your first words, trying to plan everything perfectly, worrying about how to make the meeting unforgettable. Are you afraid of not being liked, realizing that you have little experience with ladies? What is appropriate, you wonder, to talk to a girl about? Taking her hand on a walk or kissing her, or is that unnecessary? You dream of coping with the excitement that literally covers you, preventing you from controlling yourself, without even thinking about getting pleasure, although it should be the basis of your communication. You know, the first date will definitely leave an impression on the girl, and you want to appear in a favorable light in front of her, be remembered, and interest her so much that she looks forward to new invitations. After all, every guy competes for the attention and recognition of women with other men; when he really likes a girl, the guy is ready to give his best in order to win the sweetheart of his heart.

So, how to go on a first date with a girl? The tips offered below will help you please the girl by controlling the situation so that the date is comfortable and conducive for both.

How to talk to a girl on the first date? First of all, it is you who must have pleasure from your relationship, you both must feel comfortable, communication must certainly be free, natural, relaxed, which will confirm your compatibility.

Communication with a woman should not be radically different from spending time with close friends or relatives, in which you freely say what you want, without filtering, without wondering how they will react. If you want to tell, you just share it with your loved ones. You share your mood with them. It would be strange if, when telling your loved ones, you would like to specifically form some impression on them about you. So, the young lady will also feel whether you are natural or want to impress her at any cost. She will be more likely to perceive your state if you yourself are comfortable - she will also like the date, but if you are tense - then, regardless of what exactly you tell her, she will also be tense. And since women live by emotions, this is the effect she will remember as the result of your date. Therefore, your goal will be to get yourself in the right mood for your first date with a girl, to provide yourself with comfort and confidence in advance, and to identify details that destabilize your state.

Rather, you are experiencing excitement and anxiety in connection with past experiences, complexes or existing negative attitudes regarding communication with ladies. It happens that the feeling before a first date is so strong that a guy wants to avoid it at the last moment, cancel it, or even come, but if possible, unable to cope with his excitement, hastily end it.

When you wonder how best to spend your first date with a girl, you are on the right track, because having sorted out what is bothering you, you may not leave a trace of your fears. If you find that you are unable to cope with your anxiety yourself, you can attend a special course on communicating with ladies or an individual consultation with a psychologist.

However, in practice, help is rarely needed, and a little psychological education, as well as preparation for the first date, resolves this issue. In this article, you will find practical tips that will help you regain control of the situation, go on a date being yourself, and make communication authentic and unforgettable.

How to talk to a girl on the first date? Remember that there are no universal tips, take only those that do not go against the individual style of your communication, because when you put on a mask, it will not be organic, you will get tired of constantly maintaining someone else’s image in yourself, and the lady will be at a loss, not understanding, why have you changed so much? This note is especially important when you are looking for a young lady for a long-term trusting relationship.

Don’t strive to be perfect, because in the end our loved ones love us for our shortcomings, which for them are the piquant features of our personality. Of course, they should seem like only highlights; you shouldn’t dump all your negative qualities and traits on the young lady. Be with her as you yourself want to be, as you are with yourself alone. It is important here that you accept yourself, that you feel comfortable within yourself, that you personally feel good alone with yourself. Because only then is it possible to build good relationships. Many people run away from themselves into relationships, as if hoping that the other person will save them from loneliness and problems. This is especially unsuitable as a course of action for men. You can build a harmonious relationship only if you understand yourself, when you feel like a complete, self-sufficient person, when you like yourself.

How to invite a girl on a first date?

So, you really liked the girl, now you want to meet together. How to invite her for a walk so as to get her consent? Perhaps you have known each other for a long time, and still do not dare to tell her about your desire to communicate closer. Or maybe love at first sight overtook you, and you need to quickly figure out how to attract her interest? There is no need to worry, because it is always pleasant for a girl to receive such an unambiguous manifestation of attention from a man. What could be a better compliment for a woman than an invitation to a first date? Therefore, do not be afraid to call the girl you like for individual communication. Don't be afraid of getting rejected because it doesn't mean how successful you are. Consent or refusal is always up to the girl herself; she may have a lot of reasons for accepting or rejecting an invitation that do not depend on you personally.

How to invite a girl on a first date? Many guys are hesitant to ask the young lady they are attracted to on a date, wary of the refusal that seems only to be received by losers. However, it is this philosophy that leads guys to failure. In the end, they don’t ask anyone out on a date or call a lady who is not interesting to them, not dangerous, and from whom, they are sure, there will definitely not be a refusal. Is such a date necessary? Remember that women love purposeful guys; some even deliberately, consciously or not, refuse many guys at the first or banal invitation. In this way they test men, weeding out those who are afraid of life's difficulties. Women follow their unconscious need to be close to a strong partner who could protect them and their offspring. By accepting this fact and reevaluating your attitude towards possible refusal, you will be able to invite any ladies on dates.

The more often you become active, the more refusals you will be able to receive, but even then the more consents you will eventually receive. No one is immune from refusal, get rid of this illusion, treat any refusal as a personal choice of the young lady, which should not affect your self-esteem. It is a well-known fact that the most beautiful and successful girls who look very confident are often lonely. Men are simply afraid to fail when approaching such a lady. By overcoming this unconscious fear, you will get a head start, a wide range of opportunities, and will be able to win the attention of the most attractive girls.

When you have decided on a candidate, if the young lady is very valuable to you and you want to be guaranteed to receive consent to continue communication, then you can prepare by studying the girl’s interests and finding out her expectations. This can be done through her friends, from social network pages. Try to find out what she dreams about. This may turn out to be an unexpected, extraordinary invitation to a first date with a girl, which will surprise her, flatter her, show not only your interest in her, but also your ability to think creatively, and set you apart from other guys. Having received such an invitation, the young lady simply cannot refuse you; she will be interested in communicating further, getting to know you as an unusual person. Having prepared an unusual invitation, you can plan everything, and the finishing touch should be your ease. Remember, the efforts you spend on preparation will pay off more than once, both on the date itself with the girl’s joy, and with her pride and the envy of her friends when she tells them. And she certainly won’t forget about the special efforts made for her.

Where to take a girl on a first date?

What to do on the first date with a girl? Standard options for places to meet are cafes and other establishments. In second place behind them are trips together outside the city, to the park, which is already more interesting, but also happens less often. The guy initiates a trip to the theater even less often. Which is absolutely undeserved, since the quality of a date when going to, for example, a play, automatically increases compared to, for example, an ordinary date over a cup of coffee.

Where can you take a girl on a first date? Very rarely, men improvise and try to come up with an unusual date, losing the opportunity to be remembered by the young lady, surprising her, without thinking about what to do on the first date with a girl. Look at what's around you. Perhaps there is a tennis club nearby that you never noticed or considered as an option for a date? Or, maybe, an establishment with board games or an quest room, where you definitely won’t think about how to structure your date, since you will now have such an interesting joint activity that will also show how the young lady behaves in different situations, what line of behavior he chooses, how he experiences victory or loss. How do you like the option of going to a dance together? No, not to a disco, but to classical dance classes? Are you ready for this? But most girls will like such an invitation, you will get wonderful emotions, perhaps even discover a new side of yourself.

Or how about going to a recreational sporting event together if the young lady is into physical activity? Maybe this is an activity at a climbing wall or roller skating rink, a night at a skating rink, flying together in a wind tunnel, on a hang glider, on a small airplane, riding together on aquabikes or ATVs? A horse ride together will be at the same time unconventional and romantic, which will appeal to most girls who love animals. If a girl loves adrenaline, then you can completely move away from the standard first date scenarios and try to invite her, for example, to a bungee jump together. Of course, it is important here not to scare the lady and not seem inappropriately active. Therefore, you can make such non-standard invitations as if as a joke, daring the young lady to find out the limits of what she herself is capable of. And if you succeed, you will get a unique first date.

Take care of safety, plan everything, surround the young lady with care so that she feels your strong masculine shoulder - and then you will leave her no choice but to fall in love with you. After all, the release of adrenaline contributes to the emergence of a strong feeling of falling in love, the rise of emotions will be unconsciously associated with you as a person who was nearby at that moment, in fact, it will create a conditioned reflex. If you take the trouble to secure it, you will win the girl. Today there are many offers for non-standard recreation, you should just monitor them and use them, since joint activities bring you much closer together than a boring trip to a cafe. And perhaps you will still find a common activity that you want to continue together, and the issue of future meetings will also be resolved.

What to give a girl on the first date?

A first date is both a very pleasant and stressful event, for which you want to feel prepared so that the date is fun and no one considers the evening a waste.

How to surprise a girl on the first date? Our mentality considers it the norm that a guy on a date is practically obliged to give some kind of present to the girl, pay for a meal and an event. However, men are not always aware of girls’ expectations; it happens that a guy considers a date just a walk, and the girl has already planned an obligatory entertainment program with flowers and a gift. It’s worth explaining here that for a girl, receiving a gift can mean your assessment of her as a partner, and by whether you give a present, and what kind of present, she will judge, consciously or not, about your attitude towards her. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, it is better to study the girl’s expectations, if this opportunity exists, and if not, try to give her a small, but appropriate and pleasant present.

How to surprise a girl on the first date? Almost every woman expects to receive flowers on a date. However, guys are often afraid to show such signs of attention, because they are afraid that the girl is not interested in them personally, but in receiving a gift. It’s as if they are testing the girl for non-merchantism, interest in herself, and observing how she will behave if the meeting is held without standard gifts. And there is a certain logic here. At the same time, a girl may consider, quite rightly, a guy to be uninterested in her, inattentive, stingy and tight-fisted.

What can you give a girl on a first date? The best recommendation for meeting for the first time would be a small, unobtrusive, but original bouquet or gift that emphasizes the girl’s femininity. It will make her feel wanted and valued in your eyes. An argument against expensive flowers or gifts will also be the fact that a woman may consider them an indecent hint, an attempt to buy her favor.

How to kiss a girl on the first date?

Have you decided to kiss a girl on your first date? Think carefully about this, because it can either please the girl and bring you closer together, or push her away, scaring her with your frivolous intentions.

When meeting, usually a guy and a girl either simply say hello, or hug or kiss on the cheek, like friends. Should we get closer together or leave the date without physical contact and just say goodbye easily? How to avoid mutual awkwardness, you still don’t know how inclined the girl is? Some girls can take the initiative themselves, deciding this issue for the guy, but in most dates the man leads. Guys prefer to find some reason, create an atmosphere to take a woman by the hand or kiss her. And that's true. So, the first contact by hand can be when you offer your hand to a girl when she gets out of a vehicle, or when crossing a busy street. This will be regarded by the girl as good manners, taking care of her will be pleasant and appropriate, and will continue to win her over.

Before going on a date, try to understand what you personally want from the meeting. Just chat or definitely kiss the girl? If a kiss is mandatory for you, then you should think about tactile rapprochement in advance. Often a young lady comes to a meeting in heels, she may get tired, then it would be appropriate for a guy to take a lady’s arm like a gentleman. You can also offer the lady your sweater or give her a little hug if she is cold. And if you come across a large puddle on the street, you can even carry the girl through it.

How to kiss a girl on the first date? For the first kiss, it is better to choose a beautiful, cozy place and a moment when you know for sure that the girl was impressed by the meeting and you liked each other, a romantic moment when you talked about a lot and found something in common. Don’t rush, but you shouldn’t delay it, intensely thinking through the moment of the first kiss. Let yourself go, try to swim with your partner on the same wave, then you will definitely feel the right moment and won’t make a mistake.

What to write to a girl after the first date?

If the first date with a girl was successful, you should continue it with correspondence and telephone conversations. How to make correspondence exciting, leading to deepening communication? It happens that you had a first date with a girl, there will be a significant time period before the next meeting, and you want to maintain interest even when you are not around, not to let the young lady forget the emotions from the meeting, to wait for the next opportunity to see each other. If your correspondence is structured correctly, you will be able to interest her even more in you, attracting the young lady more and more.

What to write to a girl after the first date? After the meeting, you can remind the girl about yourself via SMS. You can joke casually, emphasizing your positive attitude after the date, letting the girl know that you enjoyed being with her during this time. It is important here that the correspondence is lively and natural, that you do not try to show yourself as another person in it, that you do not use worn-out, alien phrases.

The first date between a guy and a girl is exciting for both parties, so when you first communicate on a social network, you can remember the important moments of the meeting, even reveal to the young lady some of your experiences or how you prepared the date. Tell her what you liked and remembered from the first date, what impressed you about her, this will be an unobtrusive and at the same time meaningful compliment for the young lady, she will receive a high assessment and, if she was also worried about how the date went, now she will only have pleasant emotions. At the same time, do not be intrusive, there is a big danger in starting to write too much to a girl when she begins to think that you are madly in love and have no other content and hobbies. Add some humor by telling her what funny moments you experienced during the day, or tell her other stories from your life. Online you can communicate in the comfort zone of each of you, while at home, with enough time to prepare.

Chapter 26

In the process of seduction, there are certain stages that can be completed sequentially, efficiently and in their entirety, or they can be skipped or skipped. These are the stages:

Find and Get to know -> Find out -> Attract -> Get closer -> Sex.

If during the process of seduction you mess up any of the stages, it won’t work. You will have to start the relationship by going through the stages that you missed.

If, for example, the relationship began with sex, then you missed each other as “people.” Relationships include interactions between “person” and “person”, and not just between “man” and “woman”. Although it would seem that you are already sleeping with her, and the relationship has begun.

If you have messed up the attraction stage, that is, as a “person”, but not as a “man,” then certain difficulties will most likely begin in the relationship, because there will be a lack of mutual attraction.

is a particular variant of the general structure of seduction. Three date- an ideal tool for creating long-lasting and beautiful relationships. This is the classic and simplest method. There is no need to use special techniques. As a result, it is easy to repeat without having any special skills, no matter from what starting conditions.

main feature three date patterns is that this model is completely socially adequate. Millions of women around the world are seduced this way, and no one will ever accuse you of acting “too weird.” I will even say this - this is a standard sequence of actions in our culture. By and large, nothing else is expected from a man.

Now let's move on to describe what you need to understand to successfully use the three-date model. Let's start with some very, very important definitions:

First: a date is not a meeting, it's a process. Each date with a girl- this is a certain stage, and it doesn’t matter how many times you need to meet in order to move to the next stage. Let me explain: one date (the first) can last for, say, several of your actual meetings.

Second: You can go through as many stages as you like in one meeting. That is, you can meet a girl during the day and have incredible sex with her in the evening, but you will still go through several stages in your relationship, which are called “dating.”

Change of place within one meeting is the most important criterion that characterizes the change of stages. For example, if at the first meeting you met in a quiet place, recognized each other as “people”, and then moved to a club, then the club can be considered a second date.

So, in order:

Stage zero, preparatory
(find and meet)

At this stage, the task is simple: find a girl, get to know her. And, if the girl or you cannot continue communication right here and now, then exchange contacts for communication. All actions that are carried out before the first actual meeting with the girl will be considered the zero (preparatory) stage.

Purpose of the preparatory stage: do everything to get the girl to come on a date.
Tools: the ability to start communication, the ability to quickly interest.
Time: no more than fifteen minutes.

If communication takes place for more than 15 minutes, then stage zero automatically becomes the first date.

1. How to have a first date with a girl

The most important and significant place in the structure of seduction, without a doubt, belongs to the first date. All future relationships depend on how successful it is.

First date- this is an acquaintance with the inner world, the essence of a person, and further communication is built from the impressions received.

Your task:

1. Show adequacy and establish a certain level of trust.

For a first date, it is better to choose a place that is not noisy, but rather crowded. The fact is that by choosing a secluded place, a girl may get scared and not come at all. And in a too noisy and crowded place, you simply will not be able to talk calmly and concentrate attention on each other.

The most basic scenario for a first date with a girl is a sit-down in a pleasant place and a simple conversation about life. You shouldn’t take it too seriously - regard it as a kind of “brow show”. The girl looks at you, you look at the girl, and you both decide whether you need it. All this in the context of “whack for life.”

2. Make the girl as interested as possible.

Your personality first of all. In order to get a woman of a certain level, you need to show her certain QUALITIES that she wants to see in a man. And a certain combination of these qualities may seem either to her or not (that is, it will either cause an emotional reaction or not).

There are a couple of very important things to remember about a first date.

First: Don't drag it out too much. One to two hours is more than enough time for both of you to decide whether you want to meet with your interlocutor again.

Second: You need to end the date as soon as you have achieved the secondary goal - that is, as soon as you realized that you won’t be able to interest the girl anymore today.

2. How to have a second date with a girl

Before I start writing about the second date, I want you to understand something very important. You no longer need to prove anything to yourself or the girl. If she came for a second date, she is ALREADY interested in you. All that remains is to carry it out correctly and beautifully.

Your task- attract a girl.

The second date should NOT be like the first.. Because if you spend it in the same way as the first one, then you will end up having not two different dates, but two first ones.

Therefore, it is very advisable to choose a meeting place that is different from where you met for the first time. The place should be where you are most likely to be able to evoke it by acting on your instincts.

For example, if you are a fan of clubs and feel like a fish out of water there, then invite a girl to the club. If you have a beautiful body, then you can invite a girl to the beach (in summer) or to the pool (in winter). If you have a company where you enjoy authority and respect, then invite a girl to join your company. And so on. It's different for everyone.

The second date can be divided into 2 phases:

2.1. Friendly communication phase.

The friendly communication phase is needed to relax the girl. You continue and deepen the communication you started on the first date.

Signs of relaxation: becomes more talkative, smiles more often, looks into your eyes, allows friendly touches (such as giving you a hand, holding your waist while passing you forward), brings up topics of your emotional experiences in a conversation, asks you friendly questions with interest in hearing your answer. And so on.

Duration of this phase: the first fifteen to thirty minutes.

As soon as there is a feeling that everything is going as it should, we move on to the second phase - the phase of the sexual context:

2.2. Sexual context phase.

If you don’t want to remain just her friend, take risks.
When is a conversation between a woman and a man boring on a date? - If they avoid the main topic too carefully.
What is the main topic? - Well, the most important topic is that we are very different, and there is no need to disguise our masculine qualities that distinguish us from them.

In any situation, when a man and a woman are left alone, sparks arise between them, like between opposite charges. A dialogue between a man and a woman, in which there is no risk, is not sexually interesting. If the dialogue contains only understanding, support and expression of sympathy (various methods from flowers to treats in a bar), then such communication does not develop in a sexual sense.

Therefore, as an option, you start with banal conversations about women’s underwear...

What kind of underwear do you wear? And what color?…. And what an exciting smell you smell... Is it perfume?, eau de toilette?... What are they called?...
What a sexy smell! (bend over, sniff, kiss on the neck)... Yes, the smell blows the roof away... You are so sexy... You know, I want to give you a compliment... Yes, exactly a compliment... I want you to take these words as a compliment... I want you...!
And so on.

That is, in the second phase, the girl registers at the subconscious level that you are positioning yourself as a sexual partner.

Here it is already appropriate to begin to examine your contact with her, on the subject of what is possible and what is not. Naturally, any researcher is always at risk. Therefore, any new action of yours that could be interpreted as sexual may be rejected. But if you don’t take these actions, then this contact will be useless to you. Between these Scyla and Charybdis your path passes.

Signs of correctly establishing a sexual context: Do what you want and at the same time meet acceptance and counter desire.

Purpose of the second date: Get closer and announce yourself as a potential lover.

Condition for termination the second date will be a clear refusal of the woman to have sex. And here there is an important point: either this is really her reluctance to do this at this meeting, or this is part of the game of being a persistent man and a resisting woman. It is very important not to get confused.

Time limits: no more than four hours. If you haven't had sex during this time, it means it's better next time.

Gross second date mistakes:

Signs of an extended friendship phase

The girl becomes bored: she starts chatting incessantly in order to somehow entertain herself and chatter away her disappointment. Looks away. Limits topics for conversation (like - this doesn’t concern you anymore).

All conversations come down to some harmful topic - such as a long, tedious, detailed discussion of the bones of someone in her life (whom you do not know personally). Talking about nightlife (instead of doing something right now).

Limiting your words and behavior (an attempt to increase control over your behavior) - explaining all this from some speculative positions. He tries to explain to you what is right and what is wrong in communicating with a woman, begins to teach you how to live, dynamite, etc.

The main thing that happens: thinks about how to use you differently, because... As a man, you turned out to be uninteresting to her.

Signs that you have missed the friendly phase:

She is afraid, very stingy with words, tries to be extremely polite, or, on the contrary, is very rude. He tries to get rid of you as quickly as possible, protects himself from you with his phone, SMS, girlfriends, friends, TV, magazine, etc. Looks for any obstacles of speculative or real origin to put between you (for example, sits across the table from you, but not next to you, or interrupts all conversations with the same phrase).

The point is, that you need to protect yourself, because... you are somehow dangerous to her.

If you have made these gross mistakes, then most likely you have already ruined everything...
The slightest sign of what is written in these paragraphs, one must immediately save the situation and, in the first case, move on to the phase of the sexual context, and in the second case, strengthen the friendly disposition.

3. How to go on a third date with a girl

Your goal on the third date is to build on the communication you had on the first and second date. And in the process of communication, be sure to find yourself in a place convenient for sex and, at a favorable moment, initiate active actions in this regard.

A reasonable question: “Why should sex happen on the third date?” I answer: What do you think, if a young lady long and persistently rejected your advances at the previous meeting, then what does she expect at the next one? Talking about pistils and stamens? - Of course no. She is completely ready for the final completion of the marriage games, as well as for the beginning of your relationship. She showed this with one action - she came on the third date.

If a woman comes on a third date after the second, she is ready to give in. There is only one “but” - it is required to demonstrate the appearance of a sudden outbreak of passion and do everything so that she leaves in the morning on shaky legs.

P.S. By the way, if a girl makes it a condition of a third date that you will not “molest” her, then analyze your actions for the possible mistakes mentioned above. And if you don’t feel them for yourself, then feel free to refuse a third date, citing the fact that you cannot guarantee this to her.

Don’t rush at her screaming “Ara! Live woman!”, but you just have to wait half an hour. This time is good for light chatter for life - about fifteen minutes. And it takes another fifteen minutes to arouse the reproductive instinct in her.

Purpose of the third date: many orgasms.
Time limits: as much as you want.

Critical points in seduction:

In the process of seduction, there are only three critical moments, the correct passage of which depends only on you:

1. Acquaintance (initiation of acquaintance itself)
2. Transition to the “sexual context” phase
3. Transition to sex

Your main task is to pay SPECIAL attention to these points.


The best girl for a long relationship will be among those who will agree with you for a short one. This means she likes you enough to want you without any commitment on your part.

If a girl does not end up in bed with you within 1-3 dates, this does not mean that she is smart, or very thoughtful, or extremely “decent”. This means that she is simply not interested in you. She can be reasonable and thoughtful with you. And he will give it to another after 10 minutes of communication. And, as my experience says, in most cases, such avoidance of sex does not at all indicate the strength of a woman’s self-control, but only the weakness of her desire.

For the sake of sex, you can continue courtship longer than 3 dates. But a relationship with such a long-term girl, in my opinion, most likely will not work out well. Or because you will constantly have to persuade her further, but in a relationship. Or, because of your disappointment in her.

When love has a high chance of existing, mutual attraction flares up quite quickly. And the ease of starting a relationship is undoubtedly an indicator that the relationship is viable. Therefore, 1-3 dates are enough to roughly estimate who you are dealing with. The rest can be checked only after the start of the relationship.

If the girl agreed to a second meeting, then either she liked you, or she gave you a second chance. A well-thought-out second date will allow you to win her heart and get consent to a new meeting. But where to start? The key to success will be receiving an invitation on time, interesting topics for conversation and following some advice that will allow a girl to get to know a man better.

When to schedule and how to invite a girl on a second date

It is unspoken that a man should call 3 days after the first date and ask for a second date. That is, during this time the girl will not worry if she does not receive a call from you yet.

You can call a day after the last meeting: she will have a day to replay the first date in her head and decide whether she will go on the second. It is not necessary to immediately invite her to a second meeting - just find out how she is doing and chat about general topics.

The next date can be scheduled in a few days or a week. It depends on how busy both are. But the next meeting should definitely be no later than 7 days later. Otherwise, the young lady may think that the man has someone else or that he didn’t like her that much.

If it is not yet possible to meet or a second date will not happen soon, until then you should call at least once every 3 days to keep in touch. This will reduce the risk that the young lady will accept an invitation from another person. If you maintain contact, the girl will come up with a continuation of the story in advance and will assume that she is already busy with you.

What to talk about on the second date

On the second date, the guy and the girl already know about each other in general terms. Now is the time to find out if they are looking in the same direction in life. This will help avoid conflicts in the future.

The questions can be very different. Ask what you really want to know. If you have experience of unsuccessful relationships before, try asking the girl how she would behave in a given situation.

The main condition is that this should not be an interrogation with bias. Develop the topic, move from life to films and books, tell the story yourself.

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  1. If you are, then when greeting her at a new meeting, do not forget to do the same. If this was not the case, greet her with a friendly kiss on the cheek;
  2. Don't make your second date like your first. If the last meeting was active, then this time book a table at the restaurant. If the first time you walked along the streets or in the park and talked, then the second time you can go to the cinema or theater. In short, try to choose something opposite to the first date. Girls love variety;
  3. Active activities will help you open up better and learn more about the girl. The amusement park will show whether she is afraid of adventure, how she feels about speed and heights. A visit to the quest room will reveal her ability to solve puzzles and her thirst for excitement. At the zoo it will become clear whether the girl is inclined to take care of others, etc.;
  4. It's too early to introduce each other to friends or relatives, so hold off on going to the cinema or bar together;
  5. Don't invite a girl home after the second meeting. If she is from the “available” category, then she herself would have hinted already on the first date. Otherwise, you will have to wait at least 2-3 more meetings;
  6. Listen to everything the girl says and remember. On the second date, the young lady actively shares almost everything that they want to know from her. So this is the best time to find out about her favorite colors, chocolate, food allergies, etc. All this will definitely help when you choose for her. In addition, if a girl willingly talks about herself, then she is very positive towards you, which means that she will definitely agree to a third date;
  7. Be sure to kiss her goodbye. If this did not happen either the first or the second time, then there will be no third chance.

In general, the second date is even more important than the first. After an unsuccessful first meeting, a girl can give a man a second chance, but after the second there will be no such chance.

A sure sign that everything is going well with you will be her laughing at your jokes, an attempt to make joint plans (“I’ll show you this store someday!”) and If the girl agreed to a second meeting, then either she liked you or she gave you a second chance.

Hello my friend! Today you will learn the main tips on how to how to have a first date with a girl so that the girl wants to see you again and goes on a second date? Let's remember how this usually happens. A guy and a girl then invite her to a meeting, they walk, talk about something, maybe even joke. The date goes on as usual, and ends in a banal way - the girl leaves, and the guy does not understand what happened. Common situation?

There are initially two conclusions, and both are worth paying attention to:

  1. You don't give her emotions.

  2. You don't take the initiative during the date.

What to do on the first date with a girl

To give a girl emotions, you don’t have to be as cheerful as a buffoon and bombard her with dozens of jokes. The point is completely different. To make your friend's heart beat faster, you should do something she doesn't expect at all. And these will not necessarily be positive things.

Let's start with something simple:

You meet, and you hug her, start smelling her, touch her neck with your nose and lips, and say how great she smells. Then you take her hand and she goes crazy and goes with you. 🙂

Believe me, very few guys do this on the first date, so it will be unusual for a girl. Plus, you show your confidence by using skin-to-skin contact from the very beginning. And it will be much easier to get closer to her. On the other hand, there is a possibility that she will say: it’s not time to hold hands, etc. But that’s the job of a seducer, to gently go one step further than the girl can allow herself and you.

What to talk about with a girl

In a relationship, in every sense, the leader is the man. In conversation too. And there is no need to seriously discuss who studies where, what he wants to become, when he grows up 🙂 and how much he earns. This is the first sign that you will not see each other a second time. We need to talk about “nothing.” How to do it? For example, you highlight something in her appearance and begin to describe, discuss, ask her. You can make fun of her, and then praise her for something. This is a swing plus or minus.

In addition, you must decide: do you want to have sex with her right today or have a date, interest her, so that you see each other more than once. In the first case, you must act much faster and tougher.

Before a date, don’t even think about how it will go and how it will end. This will keep you in constant tension, and the girl will feel it.

Where to invite a girl

If the weather is good, you can go for a walk in the park, there are benches and many secluded places - a good opportunity to get closer to a girl. Also a good option is various kinds of cafes, especially with soft sofas, where it won’t be difficult for you to hug her or take her hand.

How to get a girl to like you on the first date

If you want to have a second date after the first date, and the girl would like it more than you, you need to follow a certain strategy, namely:

Get her interested

Tell me something unusual about yourself. About what you are interested in, what you do in life. Just not trivialities. Even your work can be described in different ways. For example, you work as a logistics manager. Instead of telling what your job is called or how you sit in the office all day, you can tell about some interesting extraordinary incident in your work. And she will already be at a loss as to what you are doing. But you can’t reveal your cards completely; when communicating with a girl you must always keep the intrigue.

Increase your importance

The girl should see your relevance in society, in particular, among other girls. A simple example: a friend just drove me to meet you, and we saw such a terrible accident. The emphasis is on the accident, but the girl will immediately notice that there is at least one more girl in your life. This creates competition.

Create trust

A very important stage. Once your new friend understands that you are a cool and successful guy, you must create an atmosphere of trust between you. This is very important for subsequent rapprochement. For example, during one date you move to several places. You pick her up, you go to wash the car, then you sit in a cafe, then you go to the store to choose a gift for your mother) That is. the girl experiences different situations with you and sees how you behave in them. In addition, it creates the illusion that you have known each other for a long time. Only after creating trust can you move on to the last stage, especially if your goal is to seduce her today.

Bonding and arousal

Here you need to find a secluded place where no one will disturb you. At this stage, it is important to start touching the girl. Those. you have to touch her at all stages, but it was socially acceptable touching. And here you should take touching to a personal level. Example: you are sitting in a cafe and you say that you can give a great hand massage. You take her hand and do it :-). Important! When you touch a girl, all your movements and touches should be slow and smooth. Especially when you are worried, you don’t notice that you are doing it quickly and frantically. This will scare the girl away.

In conclusion, I want to talk about time on the first date. If you are not planning sex today, then it should pass especially quickly. The most important thing here is to feel the peak of the girl’s interest in you, and at this moment, under a plausible pretext, quickly leave.

By following these simple tips, you will increase your effectiveness on the first date several times.

What to do in your free time

100 and 1 ideas on how to have fun together


What to do…

in spring

1. Send paper boats on the water and see whose is faster

will swim to the finish line (stone, river bend, etc.).

2. Spend the whole day at an amusement park.

3. Write your wishes on a piece of paper, cork it in a bottle and let it go


4. If you live in a big city, ride around it at night.

5. Learn how to make a Mojito (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and

spend the evening talking.

6. Sit on the deck and kiss.

7. Write essays on the topic “How will we spend this summer” (the more

time has passed since graduation - the more fun).

8. Learn to bake pancakes by flipping them in the air.

9. Buy a balloon filled with helium and write your

desires and release them into the sky.

10. Look at the stars and talk about the eternal.

In summer

11. Go to the park and fly a kite.

12. Swim at sunset.

13. Swim in the pond after the rain.

14. Watch the starfall (mid-August).

15. Let in sunbeams.

16. Go to the zoo: remember your childhood, feed the animals, and yourself

buy cotton candy.

17. Go to the park and lie on the grass, looking at the sky and guessing what

clouds look like.

18. Ride bicycles (roller skates) together. It will be doubly fun

Find a tandem bike for rent and master it.

19. Go to the sea in the middle of the night. 100 and 1 ideas of what to do with your loved one.

20. Have a water pistol fight.

21. Go to the park and rent a boat or catamaran.

22. Get up early in the morning and walk through the dew.

23. Go to the country and eat your favorite berries.

24. Take a walk in the summer rain.

25. Lie together in a hammock.

26. Go to the lake and watch the sunset sitting on a wooden pier.

27. Marinate and fry kebabs together.

28. Spend the night outdoors (in a hut).

29. Swim in the river naked.

in autumn

30. Take a walk through the yellow leaves.

31. Pick up a whole armful of them and arrange leaf fall.

32. Bake charlotte.

33. Carve a monster into a pumpkin for Halloween.

34. Tell horror stories around the fire.

35. Jump in puddles.

36. Have an evening of childhood memories, asking each other questions

queue questions.

37. Ride on a children's swing.

38. Launch a flying lantern (which is set on fire).

in winter

40. Celebrate the New Year in an unusual place.

41. Have a winter picnic, decorate it with candles sunk into holes

In the snow.

42. Make special cookies for birds and hang them on your walk.


43. Organize One Day of Summer: go to a water park.

44. Slide down a high icy mountain.

45. Making snow angels in the snow. 100 and 1 ideas for what to do with your loved one.

46. ​​Cut out snowflakes from paper and decorate your apartment with them.

47. Wrap and sign gifts for friends for the New Year.

48. Cover yourself with one blanket and watch “An Ordinary Miracle.”

49. Turn off the lights and watch the lights on the Christmas tree blink.

50. Learn to make mulled wine.

51. Take a ride on the ice tracks that children roll on


52. Build a snowman.

53. Decorate the Christmas tree and apartment for the New Year.

54. Go to the skating rink, skate on it all day, and then drink tea or

mulled wine from a thermos.

55. Play in the snow. You can even make a snow castle for this.

Ideas that you can implement regardless of the time of year

56. Jump on a trampoline.

57. Bet a small amount on his favorite football team to win


58. Blow bubbles from the bridge.

59. Attend a hockey or football match.

60. Learn to make sushi.

61. Learn to eat with chopsticks.

62. Make a milkshake in a glass, beautifully decorated with sugar


63. Give each other funny roles for one day and perform them.

64. Eating with your eyes closed, or feeding each other with your eyes closed


65. Lead each other around the apartment when one of you is blindfolded.

66. Make a joint video clip.

67. Write a story about you together (how you met, what awaits you

etc.) and print this story in the form of a photo book.

68. Learn to perform magic tricks and have a theme night.

69. Come up with your own gesture (for example, squeeze your palm three times tightly

another means “I love you”).

70. Set up a shadow theater at home.

71. Shake a tree branch when your other half is standing under it and arrange

leaf fall (snowfall, rain).

72. Watch the sunrise and sunset.

73. Sing a duet at karaoke.

74. Talk about dreams.

75. Go on a picnic.

76. Have a pillow fight.

77. Make some popcorn and buy a DVD of a movie you’ve been wanting for a long time

wanted to see.

78. Spend a weekend in the countryside - explore neighboring settlements


79. Choose a book that interests both of you and read it out loud.

80. Have a romantic dinner.

81. Feed each other pieces of fruit placed on the body.

82. Write a letter to yourself to the future: how do you see your

relationships, your dreams, how you feel now, wishes, etc.

83. Paint each other with gouache. You can also draw on the body -

chocolate spread or whipped cream.

84. Arrange a photo shoot for each other.

85. Play the first date: take off the wedding rings, order

two different tables in a restaurant and meet there “by chance.”

86. Come up with a joint poem about you, your relationship or about

how you met.

87. Play chess/checkers/fool for stripping/desire.

88. Take a shower together.

89. Go for a test drive.

90. Give each other massages according to instructions (or go to a

Training courses).

91. Dance funny dances at home (you can do it without music).

92. Play tag in a big shopping center.

93. Fight for fun.

94. Complete 100 puzzles and 1 idea of ​​what to do with your loved one.

95. Sing each other a lullaby before bed.

96. Make faces and imitate each other (no offense!).

97. Speak only in sign language all day.

98. Play a sea battle.

99. Eating long noodles together (one for two).

100. Go on a “healthy eating” diet together.

101. Go to a nursing home with homemade goodies or

orphanage with toys.