Why do you dream about a monitor lizard? Dream interpretation of monitor lizard, why do you dream of seeing a monitor lizard in a dream. Why dream of killing a lizard, catching it, holding it in your hands, talking to a lizard and other details

Why do you dream about a monitor lizard? If you dream of a monitor lizard, this dream warns that you are facing certain problems in life. When you want to stroke a monitor lizard in a dream, this is a sign that you misunderstand the person with whom you plan to communicate.

Why do you dream about a monitor lizard - Freud's dream book

The dream book interprets a dream in which a monitor lizard is seen as a signal from your subconscious, so that you do not rush and seriously consider everything before making an important decision. If the monitor lizard in your dream follows the smell of herbs, this indicates that you will get great pleasure from your life.

If you talk to a monitor lizard in a dream, it means that your enemies will pursue you.

A huge monitor lizard that appears in a dream is a sign that you will soon experience some pleasant event. If a monitor lizard appears in your dream and an unpleasant odor emanates from it, this means certain problems and disappointment for you in life.

In a dream you dream of a tame monitor lizard, this is a sign that someone or something is very limiting you, enjoy life completely. When you stroke a monitor lizard in a dream, this is a signal from your subconscious that you must fight a harmful addiction.

Why do you dream about a monitor lizard - Miller's dream book

The monitor lizard that appears in a dream is a signal from your subconscious that you are spending your life only on the needs of others, it’s time to fulfill your desires, and it also promises that you will soon enjoy good health and excellent shape.

If you dream that you killed a monitor lizard, this is a sign that you are very brave in life and you do not have the slightest resistance to fight for what you need. Varan in general is a symbol of the fact that some person in life is afraid of you.

Why does a woman dream about a monitor lizard - Vanga’s dream book

If a woman dreams of a monitor lizard, this is a sign that no one or nothing can stop you from fulfilling your plans. When a woman strokes a monitor lizard in a dream, the dream predicts that you will free yourself from your opponent in some area.

When you lose a monitor lizard in a dream, it is a signal from your subconscious that you are trying to reconcile with a person with whom you live in disagreement. A monitor lizard that seems dangerous to you in a dream means that a loved one is improving your situation - in general or in a specific case. If you see monitor lizards fighting in a dream, it will bring you wealth. If you hold a box with a small monitor lizard, it is a sign that you will receive great happiness.

Why do you dream of a monitor lizard in the house - Nostradamus’ dream book

The dream book offers somewhat contradictory interpretations of why you dream of a monitor lizard in the house. These are unpleasant surprises. In general, this dream may mean that you want to unite your family affairs, which will then only bear bitter fruits.
If you dream that you are kicking a monitor lizard out of your house, this is a sign that you are in the emotional world of real life, and when you let a monitor lizard into your house it means that you will soon make an important journey that can greatly change your life.

When in a dream you want to be given a monitor lizard, this is a signal that the person wants to use you for his own purposes.

Why do you dream about a monitor lizard attacking - Hasse’s dream book

If you are attacked by a monitor lizard in your dream, it means that you have no problems with your loved ones. When you dream that you are looking for a monitor lizard, and it attacks you, this is a sign of a long wait, an improvement in your destiny. If you are running away from a monitor lizard attack, this dream signals financial shortage and financial problems.

When a monitor lizard attacks your friends in a dream, it signals the fulfillment of your dream.

Dream book for the whole family

Varan- this desert dweller portends disasters, accidents, catastrophes. Avoid traveling if possible over the next week.

Monitor lizard running away from you- portends that you will avoid serious danger and get off with a slight fright, as they say.

If a monitor lizard attacks you and you get into a fight with it- this portends you the danger of a collision with the enemy.

The monitor lizard you defeated- not a very good omen. You will find yourself in an unpleasant situation through your own fault, and the way out will depend on the loyalty of your friends.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If in a dream you quickly deal with the tailed aggressor. This means that in reality you will also be able to resolve the situation and avoid troubles.

I bought a royal python and a pet monitor lizard from a pet store. They were still babies and very affectionate. I stuck them in my pocket and brought them home to the terrarium.

Lizard - You trust the wrong person, you will regret it.

Mythological dream book Why do you dream of a Lizard. A large reptile is a symbol of invulnerability, and this may not be about you, but about your enemy. Pay attention to the actions of the reptile; a more accurate interpretation of the dream will depend on this.

Esotericists remind you to be careful when explaining why you dream of a large lizard in the house. A dreamed predator, even if in a dream he is affectionate and obedient, indicates the risk of suffering at the hands of robbers. Most likely, a tip will be given by a person entering the dreamer’s home.

Dream Interpretation Big monitor lizard dreamed of why you dream of a Big monitor lizard in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically.

  • On Monday night - to health.
  • On Tuesday night - cheerful feasts.
  • On Wednesday night - to bad plans.
  • On Thursday night - to peace.
  • On Friday night - to new adventures.
  • On Saturday night - to serious trials in life.
  • On Sunday night - a lady, to resist adversity.

Possible values. Why see the Lizard - An unpleasant society, where there are many dangerous people; kill - victory over the enemy.

Sleep monitor lizard from Thursday to Friday

What role does a pet play? Was it present in the dream as a companion, was it trying to impress someone, or was it adding an element of novelty to an established relationship.

To see a pet fawning over you in a dream means that they are fawning over you for specific purposes.

Dream monitor lizard. Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

The patient sees a wound on his thumb - a sign of long-term treatment.

Details of night vision.

Tearing off a lizard's tail and seeing in a dream that it has grown back is a sign of the futility of your efforts in the fight against enemies. Stroking a lizard in a dream is a harbinger of false peace and tranquility.

Dream monitor lizard. Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

Buying a pet that you don’t have in real life can serve as a reflection of your desire to have an ANIMAL, however, such a dream can be figurative if owning a pet symbolizes some kind of personal relationship that you already have in real life. The death of an animal is another type of dream of this kind. Such a dream can symbolize your ANXIETY if in real life your pet is still alive. However, if he died, such a dream can serve as a symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another. As you move forward, this symbol may pop up in your memory or remind you of yourself in preparation for a new similar transition. Intimate contact with unpredictable consequences cannot be ruled out, and a sexually transmitted disease cannot be ruled out.

Seeing a lot of lizards in a dream is a sign that you will be haunted by anxieties, worries, and worries.

If you dream of a big green lizard, this is some kind of warning.

Lizard - You will lose faith in traditional values. Catch experiencing disappointment will give you freedom. A small monitor lizard in a dream is an unkind sign, hinting at tormenting doubts, feelings of guilt and sorrow.

Dream monitor lizard. Decoding according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Lizard - An unpleasant person.

Catching a lizard in a dream means trying to establish yourself in life through cunning and the ability to adapt to any conditions. If you catch a lizard, it means that you will achieve your goal without worrying about choosing the appropriate means to achieve it. If the lizard runs away, it means that the coming period will not be lucky for you; moderate your demands and ambitions.

Everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance! These fears are largely drawn from your imagination. But there are also things that simply need to be paid attention to, such as snow in the shade! It says that you will be influenced by negative factors, but if you use the tips of life situations and your own experience, then you will be able to avoid problems, and what’s more, your troubles will turn into happiness or good luck! Everything else you saw in the dream deciphers all the possible troubles and troubles awaiting you... Which, by the way, you invented for yourself! Here are love interests and worries about the fear of getting pregnant and even the fear that your husband or lover will find out or assume about your secret sexual desires! I may be wrong in the presentation, but your subconscious has already drawn you the correct direction of interpretation, i.e., you understand what we are talking about... If you keep all events under the control of consciousness and not emotions, then everything will be fine. But is it possible that weak, strong walls, and attention to the anal are undesirable?

Now you can find out what it means to see a Large monitor lizard in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun.

Intimate contact with unpredictable consequences cannot be ruled out, and a sexually transmitted disease cannot be ruled out.

4 important points in the interpretation of such a dream.

Therefore, movements lie in wait to get strong; it is precisely necessary in advance.

In their dreams, people often see the inhabitants of the animal world. For example, these could be monitor lizards. Why do men and women dream about these lizards? The answer to this question can be found in the article. Of course, it’s definitely worth remembering the storyline; interpretation directly depends on it.

Why do monitor lizards dream: Miller’s interpretation

What does a famous psychologist think about this? Why do you dream of monitor lizards, if we rely on Miller’s interpretation?

  • Just seeing them means attacks from enemies. People who envy the sleeping person will do everything possible to ruin his life. You need to try to keep them as far away from you as possible.
  • Killing a lizard means bringing good luck back into your life. Any business that the dreamer takes up in the near future will be a success.
  • The monitor lizard shedding its skin symbolizes future trials. The sleeper needs to gather strength and be patient in order to withstand them with honor.
  • Does a lizard bite the dreamer? Such a plot predicts the onset of a dark streak in life. It's hard to say how long it will last. Unfortunately, a person cannot influence this in any way.

Freud's interpretation

Why do you dream of monitor lizards, if you rely on the interpretation of Sigmund Freud? Watching a lizard run away - what does it mean? Such a plot is a warning that the sleeper needs to pay attention to the behavior of the other half. Perhaps the spouse is cheating on the dreamer and started a relationship on the side.

Unfortunately, others already know about this or will soon find out. Gossip will negatively affect the sleeper's reputation.

Family dream book

This guide to the world of dreams is also worth a look. Why do people dream about monitor lizards?

  • Just seeing these desert inhabitants means accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters. A person should stop traveling in the near future. It would be great if he rarely leaves the house.
  • A running lizard is a good omen. The dreamer will miraculously escape the danger that threatens him. Thanks to the intervention of Providence, the person will escape with a slight fright.
  • What else can you tell us about why a monitor lizard dreams? Does a lizard attack a sleeping person? Such dreams mean that the dreamer has a lot of dangerous enemies. In the near future he will have to fight with them.
  • Did you manage to defeat Varan? Such a plot predicts an unpleasant situation for the sleeper. He will end up in it through his own fault and will be forced to turn to friends and relatives for help.

Modern interpreter

What can you learn from this book? Seeing a monitor lizard in your dreams means recognizing a liar in real life. This person is part of the dreamer's inner circle. A person should definitely bring him to clean water before he does anything bad.

Why do you dream of a monitor lizard attack? Such dreams predict betrayal, which will be a real blow for the sleeper. The dreamer will be tripped up by a person whom he is accustomed to completely trust.

To the fair sex

Why does a woman dream about a monitor lizard? Such night dreams prophesy the lady's struggle with envious people. The actions of enemies who spread gossip behind her back are dangerous to continue to be ignored. If a lizard bites the dreamer, then in reality the woman will face big troubles. Most likely we are talking about financial problems. Patience will help the sleeping woman overcome everything.

Varan dreamed of a young lady? Such dreams warn the girl that in the near future it is better for her to refrain from making new acquaintances. If the lizard was very large, then this promises the appearance of a dangerous rival. This woman can easily fool the sleeping woman around her finger. Cunning will help you defeat her.

Why does a pregnant woman dream about a monitor lizard? The lizard promises the expectant mother large financial expenses. They may have nothing to do with the birth of the child.

To the stronger sex

Why do men dream about monitor lizards? Such a plot predicts troubles for the sleeper in various areas of life. Enemies will make every effort to harm the dreamer. Because of the actions of his enemies, a man may even lose his job. There is also the possibility that his reputation will deteriorate. This, in turn, will negatively affect the man’s relationships with others.

The bite of a monitor lizard is a disturbing dream for entrepreneurs. Such a plot can serve as a warning that the sleeper’s business partners are not completely honest with him. You might want to think twice before entering into agreements with these people.

Place of appearance

Why do you dream of a monitor lizard in the house? Such dreams predict conflicts with household members. The role of a provocateur will be taken on by a crafty personality known to the dreamer. Also, the appearance of a monitor lizard in the house can promise household troubles.

What does it mean to see a lizard in an apartment? Such a plot warns the sleeper that he risks becoming a victim of a crime. In the near future, someone will try to rob his home. The role of a gunner will be a person who is often in the apartment as a guest.

What does it mean to see a monitor lizard in a cage? Such dreams are a sign that the sleeper will find himself in a difficult situation. He will be able to get out of it only if he calls on all his strength to help.


What does hunting for a monitor lizard symbolize, why do you dream about this? This means that worries and worries await the sleeper ahead. It is difficult to say how long the black streak will last. The outcome of the hunt also influences interpretation. If the lizard managed to elude its pursuer, you should prepare for failures on the personal front. If a person was able to kill a monitor lizard, then this promises him the fulfillment of his cherished desire.

Being afraid of a lizard in a dream - what does it mean? Such a plot warns that the sleeper is preparing to give up and surrender to the mercy of fate. There are no hopeless situations, you just need to continue to act.

Collection of dream books

Why does Varan dream in a dream according to 3 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Varan symbol from 3 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why does Varan dream?

Monitor lizard - intimate contact with unpredictable consequences (a sexually transmitted disease cannot be ruled out).

Combined dream book

Watching an attacking monitor lizard in a dream- to disasters, accidents and accidents.

Watch a monitor lizard running away- to victory over your enemies and slanderers.

If in a dream you see a monitor lizard tormenting its prey- sorrows and sorrows await you, in which even your closest relatives and friends will not help you.

Observe a monitor lizard in a dream attached to something- portends big troubles.

Dream book for the whole family

Monitor lizard - this desert dweller portends disasters, accidents, catastrophes. Avoid traveling if possible over the next week.

Monitor lizard running away from you- portends that you will avoid serious danger and get off with a slight fright, as they say.

If a monitor lizard attacks you and you get into a fight with it- this portends you the danger of a collision with the enemy.

The monitor lizard you defeated- not a very good omen. You will find yourself in an unpleasant situation through your own fault, and the way out will depend on the loyalty of your friends.

Video: Why Varan dreams

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Did you dream about Varan, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what Varan dreams about in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed that two monitor lizards got into my house and bred offspring (little snakes). Snakes were crawling on my floor, I got scared, began to call my husband to remove them, and my husband began to play with them, saying that there is no need to be afraid - they are cute snakes. One bit him, I scream at him to stop playing with them, in case they are poisonous snakes. And then, looking at the fact that the snakes were unusual, we thought that perhaps the monitor lizards had snuck into us again and bred offspring. the husband moved the piano away and said that it was so - here it is, the offspring. We called the rescue service. Service workers placed the monitor lizards in separate open cardboard boxes. I was holding one box in my hands, and the monitor lizard pulled out its head and looked around. I felt scared. I threw the box. The box fell apart, the monitor lizard ran as if to hide. I climbed onto the bed. Everyone from the rescue service was trying to assemble the box. That’s when I woke up

    I dreamed that I was holding a lot of snakes in my hands, and they were dangling as if they were dead. I put them on the shelf. And immediately I see a black cat hissing at me. I wanted to drive him away, but he suddenly turned into a black monitor lizard, which turned in my direction and began to move. I woke up scared. Can you explain please

    I dreamed that I was in Vietnam (and exactly one year ago I was there), there were a lot of markets where they made some purchases, including buying two cans of ground coffee, which looked different from each other. Then I dreamed that I was walking with friends (I didn’t see them, I just heard a voice), we were talking about shopping and someone said that one of the cans of coffee was bad. I began to look at them in turn, the first was ordinary, and the second was some kind of decorative, a strip of coffee, a strip of sand with pebbles, I began to peer and saw a small monitor lizard crawling out (there was a clear understanding that it was a monitor lizard). I dreamed something else today)

    We climbed the mountain. We reached the top of the mountain and beyond the top on the mountainside we saw a large monitor lizard. I think he ate something. For some reason we weren’t afraid, although in life I’m afraid of them. Then I dreamed about the big seven. There were a lot of children there. One child was not his own. And someone told me that he is often offended. It was a girl.

    I very clearly saw a huge monitor lizard, his forked tongue was sticking out of his mouth, he was next to me (a few steps away), but did not attack (I was sitting on the sofa and, just in case, I tucked my legs in, and he made several movements towards me and stopped on the floor not far from the sofa) and I also thought that his tongue was poisonous (but I think I know that it shouldn’t be poisonous).

    Hello. I dreamed that I was on some island. nature. I saw some kind of bag of snakes in it - I thought it was a boa constrictor. I take the bag to drag it away. There are holes in it - snakes crawl out of them and one very large one crawls out and it turns out to be a monitor lizard and they crawl away towards the mountain-forest.

    I'm walking down a dark street, 2 women are walking in front of me. There is a public bath nearby. and suddenly I see a lizard monitor lizard enter the bathhouse and people run out. I’m wary because in my last dream I dreamed that I was in a dark shower and something was biting me, it was very unpleasant. And now I understand that it was a monitor lizard. I move on, the women too, one of them begins to swear that she is far from home, and she wants to go home, she shouts to her, come home, why are you walking with me, I then run up and ask where she wants, it turned out we were on the way . Walking back she also sees the monitor lizard, she grabs it and throws it into some container. then suddenly I see my mother and nephew, while I was looking for my car, that woman released the monitor lizard. and he remained free.

    I dreamed of a monitor lizard that vomited baby snakes. They quickly crawled around the room. I felt bites on my legs. I tried to kill them - first I poured some liquid on them, from which they died, then I simply sprinkled salt on them, from which they also died.

    I dreamed of monitor lizards in a cage, I wanted to pet one of them, he was lying motionless, but when I touched him, he suddenly turned around and grabbed my hand, for a long time I could not shake him off my hand, and when I did this he disappeared somewhere... and there were also a lot of hamsters in this dream

    Hello! I dreamed of a monitor lizard, he was in the same room with me and was like a pet, but I didn’t think so. When I saw him, I began to move away from him, because I was scared and did not want him to come closer to me, but my friends who were next to me at that time told me not to be afraid of the monitor lizard, he would not bite and stroked the monitor lizard, but I was still afraid of him. What could this dream mean?

    Good afternoon This is the second or third time I’ve had the same dream, the sea coast and a path leads from the beach to the subtropics, I have to run along it from a crazy number of monitor lizards, I’m not alone. then I suddenly find myself in another place, as if we had been separated from them, but we are waiting for a new attack and there are so many monitor lizards that we think that humanity is over! then I wake up.

    In general, I dreamed that from the window of the house I saw either a lizard or most likely a monitor lizard about one and a half meters without a tail in my yard in the pool! I watched her for a long time as she ran in and out of the pool (the pool was empty)! Sometimes they barked with my shepherd! In addition to the monitor lizard without a tail, there was also a small snake like a snake, seemingly motionless! Then my wife wanted to hang the laundry outside, I warned her that there was a lizard there, but she went! When she went outside, the lizard ran up to her threatening to attack, but my wife did not react, the monitor lizard twirled around her and went back into the pool! And then in the same dream, or so it seemed to me, my sister told me that she wanted to get a dog, and when I went outside I saw a kind black short-haired puppy tied on a leash on the corner of the house, and a monitor lizard without a tail was already nesting in the pool on a pile of leaves and I wasn’t particularly afraid of him anymore!... And on to the next thing. day I dreamed that a neighbor where I used to live had a small black dog die on a walk and he left it on the street!
    It’s confusing, but somehow I tried in detail!

    I am currently pregnant. I had a dream that the child was born premature and it was not me, but a friend who gave birth to him... the child was in a cuvette for newborns. Under this ditch lived a small black creature that bit and tried to escape, but I brought it back and a large black monitor lizard was sleeping. What is this for? Thank you.

    From Thursday to Friday I dreamed of a huge monitor lizard that attacked another girl and almost swallowed her, but I rushed to save her, beating the monitor lizard on the head with my bag and fought it off from him.
    Another woman stood next to me and watched everything in horror. Then the monitor lizard crawled away and again tried to attack the girl, but I remember that his mouth was bandaged with a scarf and he could not bite. I drove him away again by waving my bag. I remember that the monitor lizard was huge, but this fear did not stop me from protecting it. I myself was not harmed in any way.
    What could this dream mean for me?
    Thank you.
    Best regards, Maya

    Hello! I was making my way through the thorny thickets of bushes, I looked down and saw a free passage, but suddenly, the head of a snake appeared in the cave to the right, when it came out, it turned out to be a monitor lizard and began to attack me. I stepped on his head, but he bit me on the sole of my sneaker and left several teeth there, then he ran behind the net on the left and looked offended until I left.

    Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that what I was catching at the beginning was not clear (it looked like a viper), then it began to look like a lizard, a monitor lizard, I caught it and could not catch it, but in the end I caught it. What is this for? Another interesting monitor lizard climbed onto the icon and hovered after the icon. Why is this?

    I stood on the edge of the ravine and saw a lot of pebbles and the water there wanted to go down, but the path was too high. Three monitor lizards were hiding under the stones and I stood on a high place and watched them hide from me.

    I'm at a friend's house, but there are a lot of people there. I have to wear some kind of pink dress, but it’s wrinkled and needs to be ironed. I go to iron it, but some guy hands me a pink fragile rose and I have to give it to my husband. I’m going to look for my husband in the corridor, I see a girl very similar to my friend, I try to kiss her on the cheek and say hello, but she dodges. I understand that this is not my friend, but a completely different and unfamiliar person. I go out the door of the apartment, there is a large corridor. Apparently my husband is standing with his friend and waiting for me. He says why hasn’t it been collected yet? In response, I hand him this thin sugar rose and say that they asked me to give it to him. We get into the car and drive along the corridor. And when I get out of the car, there are 4 women from my work with me. We are going to inspect the building in which something happened. I see something strange hanging in a blanket in a flight of stairs. Then the blanket starts to fall and I turn away, because there is a body wrapped in it. We walk further from work with the women, and there is a policeman smoking near the window. We also smoke everything now. There are a lot of people around the policeman, but everyone is silent. We go out with the women onto the street. There the old road leads to the garden and stables. I start looking around and see an old camel, very neglected and wearing warm clothes. On the other side there is the same horse and a little further there is an old large gray monitor lizard. I squatted down to watch the camel and scared away some blue and white bird. As if in retaliation, a monitor lizard attacks me and begins to strangle me with its tail. I was scared and couldn’t think of anything better than to bite him by the tail. And he ran away. I get up and then a small white lap dog attacks me. She bites her hand, but I clamp her jaw and take her by the scruff of the neck. I don’t feel the bite, and it didn’t hurt at all. Then I see my husband, I go up to him and tell him about the monitor lizard, he doesn’t believe me. Here the picture changes, I am again with women from work. We are surrounded by an autumn garden. We lie down on the bed and look up. Here I say that we won’t watch a movie here, there’s no TV, and we didn’t take it with us. I got up and started to leave......and woke up