Fradkov Pavel Mikhailovich business management. The son of the head of the Foreign Service went to work in the presidential administration. “Office plankton” and just a worker

Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov

Place of work: Russian Foreign Intelligence Service

Positions: 1992-98 - Deputy Minister, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, 1999 - Minister of Trade, 2000-01. - First Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, 2001-03. - Head of the Federal Tax Police Service, 2004-07. - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, since 2007 - Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

Participation in business: In 1998-99. - Chairman of the Board of Directors, then General Director of the successor to the Main Directorate of Foreign Insurance of the USSR - Ingosstrakh Insurance Company. While working at Ingosstrakh, he headed the insurance section of the Advisory Council on Foreign Investment under Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov.

Impact on business: Noted by the press as a lobbyist for the so-called “Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems.” The president of the ABOP since its founding was the former head of military counterintelligence of the Main Headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces, Viktor Shevchenko. ABOP, among other things, specialized in issuing paid academic orders to businessmen, outwardly practically indistinguishable from state ones. As the first deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Fradkov sent a letter to the country's security forces with a request to support the ABOP; Viktor Shevchenko himself claimed that he headed the Academy precisely on Fradkov's instructions. In 2008, ABOP was liquidated by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Having headed the Federal Tax Police Service (FSNP), Fradkov initiated the filming of the television series “Maroseyka, 12”, dedicated to his employees, managing to convince FSNP-controlled businessmen to fully finance the project.

Continues to influence business after his appointment as director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. In 2007, Alexander Blagov, an SVR employee close to Fradkov, became the deputy head of the international corporation Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC). The media indicated a possible connection between Fradkov and businessman Ruslan Valitov - the owner of the Commercial Bank for Investment and Social Development (Investsotsbank), a person involved in the investigation of thefts in the Tomskneft company (formerly owned by the Yukos Oil Company) and the main prosecution witness in the case of the convicted person for bribery of the head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Dovgiy. In particular, Valitov was called the former head of one of the SVR departments, his bank was called the unofficial financial center of the Service.

Participation in the redistribution of property: During Mikhail Fradkov’s work in the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, the state enterprises of the USSR “Novoexport”, “Prodintorg”, “Soyuznefteexport”, “Tekhmashimport”, “Tekhnopromimport”, “Tekhnopromexport”, “Tyazhpromexport”, which owned foreign property with an estimated value of $1 billion. These organizations controlled over two-thirds of the volume of Soviet oil export agreements. "Soyuznefteexport" was transformed into OJSC "Nafta-Moscow", the shares of the enterprise were placed at the disposal of a major businessman, Suleiman Kerimov.

In 1995, a number of high-ranking employees of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations were suspected of spending 4.9 billion rubles on personal expenses. from the ministry's income. During the audit, documents were discovered worth about 150 million rubles, which Mikhail Fradkov allegedly received from the extra-budgetary fund of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations as a loan for the construction of a dacha. The investigation of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation did not produce practical results. The office in which the materials of the audit on financial violations at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations were stored burned down, according to the official version - “due to a short circuit.” The main witness, head of the Main Control and Financial Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Alexander Koltsov, died suddenly. Ultimately, the case was dropped, Minister Oleg Davydov resigned, Mikhail Fradkov took his place, repaying the dacha loan ahead of schedule.

In 2010, a man who identified himself as SVR director Mikhail Fradkov called the National Reserve Bank, owned by former KGB officer Alexander Lebedev. The caller asked to see his employee. He introduced himself as Konstantin Mikhailovich Yakovlev, stated that a criminal case had been opened against the NRB and offered to organize its closure for $1 million, presenting documents from the case as evidence. The SVR of Russia did not give any comments; the press discussed the opinion that in this way the NRB was provoked to give a bribe.


Wife, Elena Olegovna Fradkova, economist. According to one of the registrations, she is a neighbor of the former director of the FSB of Russia, head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev and chairman of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov. She was listed as a leading marketing specialist at OJSC International Trade Center (Sovincenter), worked in the structures of Vnesheconombank and Gazprom, and is currently officially retired. Declared income for 2009 is 190 thousand rubles, property is a land plot with an area of ​​1466 square meters. m and shared ownership in an apartment of 19 sq. m. m. The spouse's income is 5.53 million rubles, Mikhail Fradkov owns a land plot with an area of ​​10,300 sq. m. m, a dacha of 301 sq. m and a 587-meter apartment in Moscow.

The eldest son, Pyotr Mikhailovich Fradkov, is a banker. Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a degree in world economics. In 2000-2004 worked in various positions in the state corporation “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs” (Vnesheconombank). In 2004, being deputy representative of VEB in the USA, he was appointed deputy general director of the Far Eastern Shipping Company. In 2006, he returned to work at VEB. He held the positions of Deputy Head of the Investment Banking Operations Directorate and Director of the Structured Finance Department. Currently - Deputy Chairman of the Board of VEB, member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Terminal. The enterprise was created by Vnesheconombank, Aeroflot airline and VTB Bank, and is engaged in the construction of the Sheremetyevo-3 terminal. Andrei Chikhanchin, the son of the head of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, Yuri Chikhanchin, works at Terminal OJSC. In 2009, Pyotr Fradkov’s income amounted to 10 million 952 thousand 606 rubles. 81 kop. The property has an apartment with an area of ​​219 sq. m. m, garage and Lexus-350. According to the registration database, the Mercedes Benz and BMW 318iA cars registered to Pyotr Fradkov are not in his declaration. The wife's ownership is listed as an Alfa Romeo and a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

The youngest son, Pavel Mikhailovich Fradkov, is a diplomat. In 1995, he entered the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School, about which his father informed his friend, the vice-mayor of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin. In 1996, simultaneously with the gubernatorial elections lost by Putin’s team and the dismissal of friend Mikhail Fradkov from the mayor’s office, 15-year-old Pavel Fradkov was transferred to the Moscow Suvorov Military School. He graduated from the FSB Academy (he studied with Andrei Patrushev, the son of Nikolai Patrushev) and the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry. As a student, I registered two Mercedes Benz cars. Since 2005, he has been employed as 3rd Secretary of the Department of Pan-European Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Closest friends

In December 1991, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations Peter Aven allowed the head of the Committee for External Relations (FRC) of the St. Petersburg mayor's office, Vladimir Putin, to issue licenses to commercial organizations to sell raw materials abroad in exchange for supplies of food products to the city. Subsequently, a working group of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg discovered that some exporting firms cannot be controlled, and most contracts are deliberately drawn up with gross errors that allow exporters to evade fulfilling their obligations. Deputies recommended removing Vladimir Putin from the post of chairman of the KBC, but the mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, refused to fire him. In turn, Petr Aven retained the right to issue licenses for Putin and instructed Mikhail Fradkov to oversee this process from the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations. This episode served as the beginning of financial cooperation between Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Fradkov and Pyotr Aven, since 1994 co-owner of Alfa Group (together with Mikhail Fridman and German Khan).

According to a number of experts, Fradkov contributed to the realization of the interests of this holding, continuing in 1992-98. work at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations. Alfa Bank received permission to buy Russia's foreign debts at 25-30 percent of the cost, and then receive the original amount from the budget for them. The Alfa-Eco company was given the opportunity to purchase imported goods to pay off the debts of Russian producing countries, as well as a government contract for the annual supply of 1.5 million tons of Russian oil in exchange for 500 thousand tons of Cuban sugar.

The press indicated that, most likely, not without the participation of Mikhail Fradkov, Alfa-Eco acquired 40% of the shares of OJSC Tyumen Oil Company. According to the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, a maximum of 46.8% of the actual value of the shares was paid during the transaction. The criminal case opened by the prosecutor's office as a result of the auction was soon closed. Alfa-Eco also became a foreign economic commission agent for the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant, using this opportunity to export oil.

Fradkov Pavel Mikhailovich (born September 3, 1981, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) is a Russian statesman, active state adviser of Russia, first class, son of the former director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Deputy Administrator of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation (since 2015).

Graduated from the Moscow Suvorov Military School. He received two higher educations, one military (specializing in jurisprudence), the second diplomatic (specializing in world economics). Knows English and French. After graduating from the Suvorov Military School, he entered the Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation. In 2005 he graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Faculty of World Economics.

Since August 2005 - in the service of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he was accepted into the Department of Pan-European Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry (the department responsible for relations with the G8 countries and the European Union) to the position of Third Secretary. According to some reports, in 2011–2012 he was deputy head of a department at the FSB, where he worked in the “K” department, which oversees the credit and financial sector. Resigned from the FSB of the Russian Federation with the rank of colonel.

From August 27, 2012 to May 2015 - Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Deputy Head of the Federal Property Management Agency). Coordinated and supervised the activities of the business administration, the management of the organization of work of territorial bodies, financial management and the management of material and technical support and government procurement.

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Peter Fradkov. 38-year-old Pyotr Mikhailovich has made a brilliant career. Having studied in Moscow and London, he worked as deputy director of the representative office of Vnesheconombank in the USA, and in 2011 headed the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance. And now Pyotr Fradkov works as deputy director of VEB

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Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov - head of the Board of Directors of Russian Railways, ex-head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (successor - Sergei Naryshkin, former speaker of the State Duma). For many years, he held various high government positions - he headed the Ministry of Trade, the Federal Tax Police Service, the Representative Office of the Russian Federation in the European Union, and the Government of the Russian Federation.

Israeli analysts called the nomination of Fradkov, who is Jewish, to the post of prime minister a brilliant political decision by Putin, thanks to which the president demonstrated the groundlessness of his accusations of anti-Semitism and prejudice against oligarchs of Jewish origin.

In 2014, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service was included in the sanctions list introduced by the EU in connection with the situation in Ukraine and Russia’s annexation of Crimea. Its validity was extended by the permanent representatives of the EU member states on December 21, 2015 for six months due to non-compliance with the Minsk agreements.

Family and childhood of Mikhail Fradkov The current high-ranking official was born on September 1, 1950 in the village of Kurumoch, located in the Kuibyshev (today, Samara) region. The non-Russian name of the village is explained by its foundation for the Kalmyks during the reign of Empress Anna Ioannovna and its origin from a similar Kalmyk name of the river flowing there. “Corum” translated from the language of this Mongolian people means “rocky riverbed”.

Mikhail's parents were employees of Kuibyshevgidrostroy. At the end of the forties of the last century, they lived in Kurumochi and participated in the construction of the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station and the railway along Samarskaya Luka, an area of ​​a sharp bend of the Volga River. According to unofficial information, this road was under the jurisdiction of state security agencies for a long time and was intended to serve defense facilities.

It is interesting that the relatives registered their newborn son in Kurumoch not there, but upon returning to Moscow, so there is no information regarding his birth in the local registry office departments. Perhaps in connection with this circumstance, a version was circulated in the media that the official was the son of Hero of the Soviet Union, born in the Smolensk region, Efim Fradkov, who was buried in Odessa. However, this assumption is wrong - Mikhail denied it personally.

Misha's mother was Russian by nationality and worked in a kindergarten. Dad was a Jew by nationality, and by profession an engineer at Mosgiprotrans. To Mikhail’s credit, he never denied or hid his Jewish roots.

The future politician received his secondary and higher education in the capital. As a student at a machine-tool university, he was an active participant in public life, a group leader, and secretary of the Komsomol. Then he was accepted into the ranks of the CPSU.

The beginning of the career of Mikhail Fradkov After graduation, the young specialist spent a year improving his English language skills at special courses at the KGB. Then he was sent to India to serve in the Soviet diplomatic mission as an engineer-translator. It was possible, according to analysts, to receive such an appointment for a Jew without high-ranking parents and work experience only with the assistance of the State Security authorities.

Returning from abroad in 1975, Fradkov was hired by the Tyazhpromexport management under the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations (GKES) as a senior engineer. According to unofficial sources, in reality, as in the previous case, he worked for the KGB. The truth of this statement is confirmed by the fact that this association, among other things, was engaged in the export of weapons.

Career of politician Mikhail Fradkov In 1984, Mikhail Efimovich was appointed deputy head of the GKES department. Since 1988, he took another leadership position - deputy head of a division of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations.

Since 1991, he became a senior adviser to the permanent representative of the Russian Federation in Geneva. A year later, he first replaced and then acted and in 1997 headed the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations (MFER).

In the 1990s, he was awarded the sign “Honorary Officer of Russian Counterintelligence.” In 1999, he was appointed general director of Ingosstrakh JSC, then minister of trade.

Since 2001, the official received a new position - director of the Federal Tax Police Service (FSNP). The appointment of a civilian to this post was an unexpected phenomenon for society and subordinates. After the abolition of the department, the official took up the duties of the country's plenipotentiary representative to the EU.

In the period 2004-2007. he served as Chairman of the Russian Government, replacing Mikhail Kasyanov, and since 2007 - head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (SVR).

Personal life of Mikhail Fradkov Fradkov is married. His life partner, Elena Olegovna, has an economic education. Before her retirement, she worked at Vnesheconombank (VEB), at Gazprom, and at the capital's International Trade Center (WTC). The couple has two sons - Peter, born in 1978, and Pavel, born in 1981.

The eldest son received an excellent education - at MGIMO and graduate school. He worked in the American branch of VTB, then as the general director of the Far Eastern Shipping Company, occupied a director's chair in one of the departments of VEB, and headed the agency for insurance of export credits and investments. Since 2015, he has headed VEB’s subsidiary, Russian Export Center. In October he was awarded the Order for “Services to the Fatherland.”

Pavel is a graduate of the Suvorov Military School, the FSB Academy and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 2005, he worked as 3rd Secretary in the Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, specializing in relations with the European Union. In 2007, he transferred to the FSB, and in 2012, he left military service with the rank of colonel. Then he received the position of deputy head of the Federal Property Management Agency.

High-ranking official Mikhail Fradkov has the diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and also has every reason to be proud of his sons.

The media noted the financial cooperation of the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service with Pyotr Aven, co-owner of Alfa-Bank, which began back in 1992, when Fradkov was Deputy Minister of Foreign Economic Relations. Around the same period, Mikhail Efimovich met Vladimir Putin.

Fradkov behaves correctly with his subordinates, never allowing himself to raise his voice. He does not smoke, practically does not drink alcohol, and goes in for sports.

The income of the director of the SVR in 2013 was about 7 million rubles. In 2014, it tripled to 22 million corresponding monetary units. His wife earned 446 and 330 thousand rubles, respectively, during the same period.

The official lives in the elite Residential Complex “House on Smolenskaya Embankment” in a three-story “penthouse”. He also owns a mansion of 300 square meters with a plot of land of 1 hectare in the village of Petrovo-Dalneye, next to the country house of Valentina Matvienko, Chairman of the Federation Council. His wife Elena owns a dacha and land near the Gorki-2 village, the area of ​​which is 325 and 1466 square meters.

Mikhail Fradkov today Mikhail Efimovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, has a number of state awards, including the Order of Honor, “For Services to the Fatherland.” Analysts noted that Mikhail Efimovich is one of President Putin’s most trusted representatives, but is not included in the “personnel reserve”. It is assumed that the current post will be the last in his long-term public service. In September 2016, during a major personnel reshuffle in the government, Vladimir Putin invited Mikhail Fradkov to head the Board of Directors of Russian Railways. In turn, Sergei Naryshkin was appointed head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

There is a man in Russia named Pavel Fradkov.
But not just Pavel Fradkov, but Pavel Mikhailovich Fradkov, the son of the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, ex-prime minister of President Putin Mikhail Fradkov (he is the father in the photo).

Since August 2012, Pavel Fradkov served as deputy head of the Federal Property Management Agency.
On May 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Pavel (Mikhailovich) Fradkov as deputy director of presidential affairs.

Of course, I was immediately interested in generational affiliation.
Those who regularly read my blog know that I am interested in .
And now, since 2014, according to my calculations, a very interesting period has begun.
The dominant generation of the previous social cycle (1987-2017) should have begun to be replaced by the dominant generation of the next social cycle (2014-2044).

So, the old dominant social generation (Putin, but also most of our leading politicians who head independent political groups and/or play/played a special role in governing Russia during this period - Mironov, Yavlinsky, Mitrokhin, Nemtsov, Gaidar, Gudkov, Bortnikov , Stepashina, Patrushev, etc.) are people born in 1951-1963.

The new dominant generation is people born between 1978 and 1990.
It is these people who will gradually replace the current power and political elite, thanks to which they will determine the development of Russia in the next 30 years.

Representatives of the new generation are not yet very visible.
Therefore, we know few names: Konstantin Mazurevsky, Ilya Yashin, Pavel Shkumatov, Ilya Varlamov, Ksenia Sobchak, Dmitry Gudkov, Pavel Durov (created VK).
There are probably other famous people born between 1978 and 1990, but they need to be looked for/remembered.

The director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Mikhail Fradkov, was lucky; both of his sons fall into the dominant group.
Both are in the most important, defining, formative part of the new dominant social generation (born 1978-1981).

Newly appointed Pavel Fradkov - born in 1981.

The eldest son, Fradkov Petr Mikhailovich - born in 1978.
In January 2014, just in the year of the beginning of an independent social life, Pyotr Fradkov was appointed deputy chairman of VEB.

Moreover, what is important, the old dominant group solved the power and political problems of society.
Accordingly, she aspired to political power, political life, created parties, etc.
It was the place in politics and power that determined the degree of influence and success/failure of representatives of this group.

The new dominant generation must solve the problems of the active reorganization of society. Here we have a choice between military expansion and an internal trade economy, and, most likely, it is the second development path that will win.
This means that the priority for people of this generation will no longer be power and politics, but business, any forms of trade and economic activity.

That is, Fradkov’s sons are making a very good career.
This is our new ruling elite. For the next 30 years.
Meet me.
Get used to it

PS. If you know any notable representatives of the new dominant generation born in 1978-1990, please send them. I'll put it on the lists