Silicon dioxide: composition and application. Silicon dioxide Silicon dioxide colloidal anhydrous what

There is a long range of drugs that can adsorb hazardous substances in the gastrointestinal tract and on the surface of the body. The first place in terms of speed of action and the amount of toxins removed today is occupied by a product of mineral origin, which is a powder of silica particles ranging in size from 5 to 20 nm - colloidal silicon dioxide.

Along with other excipients (corn starch, talc, magnesium stearate) it is used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology, food production, characterized by hypoallergenicity and the absence of side effects.

International nonproprietary name

The international name of the substance is colloidal silicon dioxide.

Trade names

Aerosil is a trade name from the German pharmaceutical company Degussa.

Polisorb MP is a Russian name owned by the company Polisorb ZAO.

ATX and registration number

In the anatomical-therapeutic-chemical international classification, the substance has code A.07.BC.

Registration number: P No. 001140/01-100908

Pharmacotherapeutic group

It is a multifunctional inorganic adsorbent and has a pronounced detoxifying effect.

Mechanism of action

Silicon dioxide (colloidal) is a light bluish-white powder consisting of tiny (up to 0.09 mm) particles. The pharmacological action of the drug is based on the ability of silica to capture, retain and remove toxic compounds of any origin from the body.

The substance can be used in the form of an emulsion obtained by mixing with water. The resulting suspension exhibits sorbing and detoxifying properties both when applied externally and when taken orally.

When used internally, 1 g of the drug can absorb 300 m² of pathogenic compounds from the inner surface of the intestine. Pharmacodynamics allows you to effectively combat endogenous and exogenous intoxications caused by the following reasons: pathogens, their waste products, allergens, antibodies, as well as excess of your own bilirubin, cholesterol, lipid compounds, urea. The drug neutralizes radionuclides, heavy metal salts, poisons and alcohol.

When applied externally, the suspension cleanses infected wounds, suppuration, ulcers, has a necrolytic effect and accelerates tissue regeneration.

A feature of the pharmacokinetics of Polysorb is its complete elimination from the body, without breakdown. The substance is active in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, does not penetrate the intestinal walls, and is not detected in the bloodstream. Useful biologically active compounds (bacteria, vitamins) are not affected by the sorbing effect of the drug, their concentration remains unchanged.

Unlike other substances that can stabilize medical solutions and emulsions, Polysorb does not create dangerous compounds with alkaloids, antibiotics, and other drugs. Thus, magnesium stearate (stearic acid) has more contraindications for use than highly dispersed silica.

Composition and release form of colloidal silicon dioxide

The composition of the powder produced by pharmaceutical companies includes finely dispersed fractions of colloidal silicon dioxide (99.9%) with minor impurities of other oxides.

When released, they are packaged in disposable bags and plastic bottles. Dosages of the drug in various forms of release:

  • from 1 to 12 g – paper foil bags;
  • from 12 to 50 g – jars with screw-on lids made of neutral polymer materials.

Batches of the drug are packed in cardboard boxes or sealed with vacuum film, with instructions for use included.

The medicine is available in a single form - powder for the preparation of an aqueous suspension.

Indications for use of colloidal silicon dioxide

The detoxification and adsorption properties of the substance are widely used in medicine to alleviate any conditions accompanied by intoxication, sepsis, and bacterial infections.

The main reasons for prescribing Polysorb as an enterosorbent:

  1. Intestinal infections, food poisoning (bacterial and medicinal).
  2. Poisoning with toxic substances: salts of heavy metals, chemicals, alcohol.
  3. Liver pathologies with increased bilirubin levels (hepatitis, chronic failure).
  4. Acute and chronic renal failure.
  5. Allergic reactions: acute, recurrent, chronic. Food and drug allergies.
  6. Hangover syndrome and withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism.
  7. Prolonged stay in a polluted environment or hazardous production.

When used externally, the drug is used to treat granulating and aseptic wounds to prevent sepsis and accelerate healing. Purulent wounds covered with dry powder are cleaned after 2-3 dressings. With the anhydrous method, granulation is doubled, and the regenerating effect of silica is manifested.

As part of complex therapy, Polysorb is used for the following skin lesions:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • phlegmon;
  • trophic ulcer.

The powder is prescribed for external treatment and at the same time internally for various purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues.


Medical contraindications for internal use of Polysorb suspension are: stomach and duodenal ulcers, decreased intestinal tone, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

When used topically, atypical skin reactions are possible. This happens extremely rarely and can be caused by individual intolerance to the active substance. An excess amount of powder forms a crust on the surface of the wound, preventing air access, which complicates healing.

Method of application and dosage of colloidal silicon dioxide

The dry preparation must not be taken orally.

Silicon dioxide in powder form can be applied to wound surfaces and opened ulcers, followed by applying a bandage. The dry substance, once in the stomach, instantly dries out and thereby injures the mucous membrane.

To prepare the suspension, add at least 100 ml of water to one dose of powder. The finished suspension can be stored for up to 48 hours without losing its properties, but it is still better to dilute the medicine before use.

The dry substance has a small mass, so when dosing it at home, cutlery is often used. The amount of active ingredient at different volumes (the spoon is filled “heaped”:

  • 1 teaspoon contains about 1 g of the drug;
  • in 1 tablespoon – up to 3 g of powder.

The approximate single dose for a child is 1 tsp, for an adult – 1 tbsp. l. The amount of drug per day is calculated based on the patient’s body weight, age and severity of symptoms. For an adult – a maximum of 200 mg of the drug per 1 kg of weight.

For an adult – a maximum of 200 mg of the drug per 1 kg of weight.

special instructions

The use of Polysorb for various diseases has its own characteristics. In case of intestinal infections, acute poisoning, food allergies, the stomach is first washed with a weak (1%) suspension, and then treatment is carried out orally according to the following scheme:

  • first day: 1 dose of the drug every hour (no more than 5 times);
  • second day: 1 dose – 4 times a day;
  • 5 subsequent days: 1 dose three times a day.

Treatment is continued for one to two weeks, depending on the condition. For long-term therapy, a break of 7-10 days is taken between courses. The required course of treatment for various pathologies can only be calculated and prescribed by a doctor.

During pregnancy and lactation

The adsorbing properties of the drug are used to eliminate any intoxication. The drug does not enter the bloodstream and has no effect on the fetus, therefore it is allowed to use silicon dioxide to alleviate toxicosis in pregnant women and use it for treatment during breastfeeding.

To eliminate nausea and vomiting, take the suspension three times a day before meals. The daily dose is calculated by the doctor based on the severity of the symptoms. Uncontrolled use of the drug can cause constipation. It is unacceptable to use the product for more than 14 days in a row.

In childhood

Polysorb is prescribed to children for the following conditions:

  • diarrhea of ​​unknown cause;
  • allergies (food or drug);
  • viral or bacterial infection (to remove toxins and relieve symptoms).

An aqueous suspension is used along with traditional therapy for hyperbilirubinemia in infants (newborn jaundice) from the first days of life.

Dosages used for children are calculated taking into account the child’s weight. The amount of substance in one dose ranges from 0.5 to 1 g for children weighing up to 10 kg. The powder is diluted with water, taken in an amount of at least 50 mg.

For children weighing up to 40 kg, 1 tsp is enough. for one appointment.

Starting from this weight, it is permissible to use adult dosages.

In old age

No specific studies have been conducted in elderly patients. The drug is prescribed according to general rules and indications. Particular attention is paid to the duration of continuous use, avoiding exceeding the recommended 14 days.

For liver dysfunction

The silica-based drug effectively eliminates toxic effects in viral, autoimmune and radiation types of hepatitis. Lesions caused by taking medications or alcohol and their consequences also require the use of sorbents. With any type of pathology, liver cells are destroyed and bile stagnates, causing the entire body to be poisoned.

Polysorb, prescribed for these conditions, allows you to cleanse the body of breakdown products and prevent the development of acute liver failure. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is more easily relieved with complex treatment using enterosorbent.

For impaired renal function

In case of kidney pathologies, enterosorbents are prescribed to bind and remove through the intestines excess urea, protein metabolic products, and foreign substances that the diseased kidneys cannot cope with.

The use of Polysorb makes it possible to increase the intervals between hemodialysis procedures in chronic renal failure.

Symptoms of body poisoning in any nephrological diseases are alleviated.

Possible harm to the body

External and internal use of the drug based on silicon dioxide does not have any harmful effects on the body. The substance belongs to hazard class 3 (moderately dangerous) and can cause harm only if the powder is inhaled.

Effect on driving


There were no cases of overdose. The drug is completely eliminated through the intestines and does not accumulate in tissues.

Drug interactions

Potent medications (including antibiotics) should be taken no earlier than 1 hour after using the sorbent. When used simultaneously, Polysorb can partially or completely neutralize their therapeutic effects.

Long-term use may impair the absorption of calcium. For courses of therapy lasting more than 14 days, multivitamin complexes are additionally prescribed.

Alcohol compatibility

The silica-based enterosorbent does not create dangerous compounds with ethanol and alkaloids and is approved for simultaneous use. Polysorb is able to quickly neutralize and remove both alcohol itself and harmful products of its breakdown from the body. This property is used to prevent intoxication (taken before a feast), to prevent a hangover (in time and after), as well as to alleviate a hangover that has already occurred.

In case of withdrawal syndrome, the use of a safe sorbent allows you to quickly cleanse the body, speed up its recovery and support impaired liver functions.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies


The cost of enterosorbent on sale depends on the country of origin and the amount of the drug in the package. Approximate prices for Polysorb MP produced in Russia:

  • disposable package (3 g) - from 35 to 40 rubles;
  • polymer bottle (12 g) - from 120 to 150 rubles;
  • jar (50 g) for a full adult course - from 350 rubles.

Storage conditions

Storage temperature – up to +25 degrees Celsius. Be sure to keep the packaging sealed and prevent moisture from entering.

Best before date

In appropriate conditions, the drug is stored for 5 years.


A domestic drug based on silicon dioxide is Polysorb MP (medical oral). Products of similar composition with varying degrees of purification are produced in Belarus and Ukraine.

In Europe and America, the analogue of the active substance has the trade name Aerosil.

Medicines with other active ingredients that have adsorbing properties:

  • Smecta;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Ecoflor;
  • Activated carbon.

The listed drugs can, if necessary, replace Aerosil and Polysorb, but do not have the same characteristics in terms of adsorption capacity, selectivity and versatility of action.

Silicon dioxide (silica, Silicon dioxide, silica) is a substance consisting of colorless crystals with high strength, hardness and refractoriness. Silicon dioxide is resistant to acids and does not interact with water. As the reaction temperature increases, the substance interacts with alkalis, dissolves in hydrofluoric acid, and is an excellent dielectric.

In nature, silicon dioxide is quite widespread: crystalline silicon oxide is represented by such minerals as jasper, agate (fine-crystalline compounds of silicon dioxide), rock crystal (large crystals of the substance), quartz (free silicon dioxide), chalcedony, amethyst, morion, topaz (colored crystals silicon dioxide).

Under normal conditions (at natural ambient temperature and pressure), there are three crystalline modifications of silicon dioxide - tridymite, quartz and cristobalite. As temperatures rise, silicon dioxide first transforms into coesite and then into stishovite (a mineral discovered in 1962 in a meteorite crater). According to research, it is stishovite, a derivative of silicon dioxide, that lines a significant part of the Earth's mantle.

The chemical formula of the substance is SiO 2

Preparation of silicon dioxide

Silicon dioxide is industrially produced at quartz factories that produce pure quartz concentrate, which is then used in the chemical and electronics industries, in the production of optics, fillers for rubber and paints, jewelry, etc. Natural silicon dioxide, otherwise called silica, is widely used in construction (concrete, sand, sound and heat insulating materials).

The production of silicon dioxide by a synthetic method is carried out by the action of acids on sodium silicate, in some cases - on other soluble silicates, or by the method of coagulation of colloidal silica under the influence of ions. In addition, silicon dioxide is produced by oxidizing silicon with oxygen at a temperature of about 500 degrees Celsius.

Applications of Silicon Dioxide

Silicon-containing materials have found wide application both in the field of high technology and in everyday life. Silicon dioxide is used in the production of glass, ceramics, concrete products, abrasive materials, as well as in radio engineering, ultrasonic units, lighters, etc. In combination with a number of ingredients, silicon dioxide is used in the manufacture of fiber optic cables.

Non-porous amorphous silicon dioxide is also used in the food industry as an additive registered under the number E551, which prevents caking and caking of the main product. Food grade silicon dioxide is used in the pharmaceutical industry as an enterosorbent drug and in the production of toothpastes. The substance is found in chips, crackers, corn sticks, instant coffee, etc.

Harm of silicon dioxide

It has been officially confirmed that the substance silicon dioxide passes through the gastrointestinal tract unchanged, after which it is completely eliminated from the body. According to 15 years of research by French experts, drinking water with a high content of dietary silicon dioxide reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by 10%.

Thus, the information about the dangers of silicon dioxide, which is a chemically inert substance, is false: the food additive E551, consumed orally, is completely safe for health.

Formula: SiO2, chemical name: silicon dioxide.
Pharmacological group: organotropic agents / gastrointestinal agents / adsorbents.
Pharmachologic effect: regenerating, adsorbing.

Pharmacological properties

Aerosil has a high sorption capacity for antigens, enzymes, antibodies, tissue breakdown products, exogenous and endogenous toxins and other protein substances, food allergens, microorganisms, poisons, medicines, water. When used topically, Aerosil promotes the rejection of necrotic tissue and healing, and also prevents the progression of necrotic changes.


Purulent-inflammatory pathology of soft tissues (phlegmon, purulent wounds, mastitis, abscess); food toxic infections, acute intestinal infections, allergic reactions, acute poisoning with toxic and potent substances, exogenous and endogenous intoxications; alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Method of application of colloidal silicon dioxide and dose

Local application: the drug is applied in a layer of 4 – 6 mm, after preliminary treatment of the wound; the wound is covered with an aseptic dry bandage; Dressings are carried out once every 1 – 2 days. Fractional or flow-through washings are performed 1–6 times a day with a 1–3% aqueous suspension until washing water is obtained, which is identical in consistency and color to the suspension used, and they are completed by filling the cavity with an aqueous suspension of the drug.
Internal use: Aerosil is taken 1 hour before meals. Severe diarrheal syndrome: on the first day, a single dose is 4–6 g, the average daily dose is 12 g. The duration of therapy is 3–5 days. Toxic infections and acute intestinal infections: 3 times a day, 2–3 g. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: 3–4 times a day, 2–4 g for 3–4 days. Acute oral poisoning with drugs, including potent ones, toxic substances and ethanol, depends on the severity of the condition, a single dose is set at 0.1 - 0.15 mg/kg (on average 7 - 10 g) in 2 - 3 doses. In case of severe poisoning, after gastric lavage, the drug is administered through a tube into the stomach every 4 to 6 hours throughout the entire toxicogenic phase of poisoning. The maximum daily dose is 24 g. Drug and food allergies: 2–3 times a day, 2–3 g each. The course of therapy is 10–15 days.

Contraindications for use

For local use: aseptic and clean granulating wounds; for oral administration: exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

Restrictions on use

No data.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

No data.

Side effects of colloidal silicon dioxide

When used topically: the appearance of a crust that prevents aeration of the wound surface (when using excess quantities); when taken orally: symptoms of dyspepsia.
Interaction of colloidal silicon dioxide with other substances
When taken orally, Aerosil reduces the effectiveness of medications used together (Aerosil must be taken 1 hour before using medications).

The list of additives that are used in the production of food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics can take up more than one page. The average person has absolutely no idea about such chemicals, their characteristics and effects on the body. However, when you encounter one of these elements in the list of components, it is better to inquire about its features, taking care of your health. Silicon dioxide is considered to be one of the most common additives. So let's talk about silicon dioxide, consider its use in medicine and cosmetics, as well as its properties on www..

Why silicon dioxide is valued (properties)

Silicon dioxide is a substance that consists of colorless crystals characterized by a high degree of strength, hardness and refractoriness. This substance is resistant to acids, in addition, it is not able to interact with water. If the reaction temperature increases, this element reacts with alkalis, gains the ability to dissolve in hydrofluoric acid, and also becomes an excellent dielectric.

Silicon dioxide in medicine

In medicine, colloidal silicon dioxide is usually used, which is a loose powder of white or white-blue color. This substance is odorless, and when shaken with water it forms a suspension. This form of silicon dioxide is used as an enterosorbent; in addition, it is used externally for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory lesions of soft tissues, for example, purulent wounds, phlegmon, abscess, mastitis, etc.

After entering water, colloidal silicon dioxide is able to attach hydroxyl groups to itself, forming a rather complex spatial structure. The main feature of the resulting structure is that the sorption of particles of toxins, allergens, microorganisms and aggressive metabolic products occurs on the surface of the particles, in those places where silicon dioxide binds to hydroxyl groups. An aqueous suspension contains many such particles; accordingly, they have a significant total sorption area. Sorption takes place on the surface, due to which such enterosorbent successfully fixes aggressive substances and removes them along with it. Moreover, its effect also extends to substances with a large molecular weight, which include allergens, due to which colloidal silicon dioxide is actively used in the treatment of allergies.

Colloidal silicon dioxide is capable of binding and eliminating from the body endogenous as well as exogenous aggressive substances of various natures. It helps cope with pathogenic bacteria, bacterial toxins, antigens, allergens, medications and poisons. This substance also exhibits activity against salts of heavy metals, radionuclides and some metabolic products represented by excess bilirubin, urea, as well as cholesterol, alcohol breakdown products and metabolites responsible for the formation of endogenous toxicosis. When using colloidal silicon dioxide, the normal components of the gastrointestinal flora are preserved and digestion is not disturbed. The drug is not broken down in any way in the digestive tract and is not absorbed, leaving the body naturally in a completely unchanged form.

Silicon dioxide in cosmetics

This substance occupies far from the last place in the production of cosmetics. This element is often used to create toothpastes. So many people believe that whitening pastes are far from beneficial for teeth, as they can damage the integrity of tooth enamel. However, if their main component is silicon dioxide, this paste will not harm the teeth. Thus, silica is a completely safe and at the same time effective bleaching abrasive.

In addition, this element is often used as a base and additional components when creating a wide variety of cosmetics. It has an effective mattifying effect, which makes it a real find for girls with oily and shiny skin. It is added to lotions, creams and powders. This supplement also smoothes out skin unevenness quite well, eliminating existing wrinkles. Silicon dioxide is often added to cosmetics intended for different skin types and for different ages.

Another useful cosmetic property of such a substance is the ability to remove already dead skin cells. Thanks to this quality, the skin renews itself much faster and begins to shine with health and beauty.

Thus, the effect of silicon dioxide on the body is undeniable. This is a fairly useful supplement, which at the same time is not able to be absorbed into the body’s tissues.