Dip into your personal life. The mysterious Ingeborga Dapkunaite is a woman who knows how to be happy here and now. Early life

Ingeborga Dapkunaite is a famous Soviet and Lithuanian actress. She has more than sixty films to her credit. In any film in which she starred, it is very easy to note the woman’s wonderful talent, the way she gives one hundred percent. Today Ingeborg lives in England, in its capital London. And it should be noted that this is one of the very few actresses who were born in the Soviet Union, but at the same time gained fame in Hollywood. This circumstance alone gives reason to be proud of this magnificent woman. The talented actress proved that it doesn’t matter where you were born, if you have a goal, you can achieve it if you have the desire and perseverance. Let's take a closer look at the life path and facts about the Lithuanian star.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ingeborg Dapkunaite

What height, weight, age. How old is Ingeborga Dapkunaite? Fans ask themselves these questions just by looking at Ingeborga’s photo. After all, she looks amazing, gorgeous. It seems that time has no power over her at all, because she is always young, stylish and beautiful. She has all the circumstances for this. After all, with a height of 165 centimeters, she weighs only 45 kilograms. Well, just take it straight and send it to the world podium. But the woman is already 54 years old, but, again, it’s almost impossible to believe. Young girls can admire her appearance; the actress has many fans and this is not surprising. Now let's take a closer look at how it all began. After all, Ingeborga Edmundovna Dapkunaite was not always famous; she was born an ordinary girl, like millions of other children. But at the same time she was able to announce herself to the world as a bright, unique and talented person.

Biography of Ingeborga Dapkunaite (actress)

The biography of Ingeborga Dapkunaite begins lightly and pleasantly. She grew up in an atmosphere of love and happiness, in addition, she was born the first child in the family, in the city of Vilnius in Lithuania. Her birthday is January 20, 1963. Her childhood was especially happy, because the girl was left in the care of her grandparents, and, as you know, the latter love to spoil their grandchildren. This circumstance is explained by the fact that the girl’s father worked as a diplomat and had to often go abroad. Also, the child’s fate was influenced by the fact that relatives worked in the opera house, sang arias, and this affected the fragile nature of the future actress. It’s hard to believe, but already at the age of four, Ingeborga appeared on stage, this happened thanks to her grandmother’s patronage. She tried herself in the opera “Cio-Cio-San”.

After the little singer successfully debuted on stage and showed herself well, other roles followed. But theater was not her only hobby, because little Dapkunaite also preferred to play sports. Basketball and figure skating became her companions in her young life, but at the same time, she still decided to further connect her life with art. At school, the star was remembered as a quiet, kind, shy girl, always ready to help others. True, it must be said here that her dream was to become a ballerina, but she decided to enter the university of foreign languages. But fate decided differently; soon she became a student at a theater school. True, this was explained quite simply and banally: exams were held here a little earlier than in others.

Her acting career began in the mid-eighties. The place of work was the Kaunas Drama Theater. Although she worked there for a short period, she managed to prove herself in seven famous performances, which were a stunning success. Here she marries actor Arunas Sakalauskas. A little later he goes to work at the Youth Theater, where he plays in various productions, including classics such as “King Lear” and “Carmen”. She managed to bring to life the role of a passionate gypsy; many actresses dreamed of getting this role, but Ingeborga got it. By the way, it was while working in this theater that she met John Malkovich, a famous actor. He invites her to a play called “Speech Error,” and this becomes a real revolution in the life of a rising star.

In London she gets the main role, so she decides to stay here. In a noisy city, she finds a second love and gets married again. This time the chosen one was Simon Stokes, who was the director of the production. Next, the actress is working on the world-famous production “The Vagina Monologues”, where she talks about various sensitive topics. But thanks to the beautiful, versatile talent of the young woman, all this does not carry vulgarity and is positively perceived by the audience. She confidently climbs the career ladder of an actress, building her position step by step. But she was not going to stop there, because she was destined to conquer the world of cinema in order to become recognizable on screens and be loved by thousands of viewers of different ages.

Filmography: films starring Ingeborga Dapkunaite

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's filmography is varied and begins early in her life, although it did not immediately bring her recognition and popularity. She made her film debut when she was a student. She got the role of a quarrelsome, capricious, but charming girl, and I must say that she coped with this task perfectly, because the girl seemed to live on the screen, embodying even the most daring tasks. But fame came a little later, when she appeared in the film “Intergirls”. Here she plays a prostitute, whom clients call Kisulya. Then, in the early nineties, she took part in the film “Tsikiki”. After this, she appears in the film “Moscow Nights”, for which she is awarded for best actress.

The mid-nineties marked the actress's popular role in the film "Burnt by the Sun" where she played the role of Marusya. The performance amazed the audience, Ingeborga once again proved that she is capable of playing amazing in any film, no matter what role she got. I would also like to note that she played in such world-famous films as “Mission: Impossible” and “Seven Years in Tibet.” Her partners on the set were, no less, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt.

The images of those women played by the actress contain different destinies. They are mysterious, beautiful, gentle, smart. Somewhere they may be unlucky in life, but they continue to fight for their happiness. Dapkunaite really managed to show that she was unique and stood out among the rest of the cast, which allowed her to receive a special position in the castings.

Personal life of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

The personal life of Ingeborga Dapkunaite is also bright and eventful. She failed to find her true love right away the first time. But the actress knows that not everything in life is given at once; you have to fight for many things. This happened in my personal life as well. Her first husband was an actor in the same theater where she played, and that’s where they met. But their family life did not last long; they divorced. True, they separated completely without conflicts or scandals; the former spouses still have a warm relationship; they remember each other with gratitude, because they learned a lot while being spouses. Everyone went their own way, deciding to look for happiness separately.

The marriage to her second husband Simon Stokes lasted ten years and even longer. But for some reason, family life did not work out again, they divorced. But again, this happened quietly, they did not get angry, did not curse each other, as often happens when other couples divorce. To this day, ex-spouses maintain good relationships, they understand that sometimes this happens when love exhausts itself, you have to move on, and this is far from the end of the world. In addition, this very personal happiness awaited Ingeborg further, for the sake of which it was worth going through unsuccessful and temporary alliances.

The actress found true happiness and feelings with director Emir Kusturica, who is known especially in Serbia. They met at a film festival, after which their feelings almost immediately flared up. They dated for a long time without hiding their relationship. When Emir's wife found out about this, she simply filed for divorce, giving the latter the freedom he needed. He still had children from his first marriage, but this did not stop him from starting a new personal life with Ingeborg.

Today, the actress continues to actively act in film, and has expanded her activities to various television projects. Her latest project is that she decided to open a series of master classes in Moscow in order to give Moscow youth a chance to express themselves in the acting field. So, perhaps we will hear about how many future pop stars came out from under her wing.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite family

Today, Ingeborga Dapkunaite’s family consists of herself and her beloved husband Emir Kusturica. I must say that this family was not so easy for the actress, because when they met, her beloved was married. But only after learning that her husband had fallen in love with someone else, the wife did the right thing and filed for divorce. Which made it possible for Ingeborg and Emir to get married in order to create a strong family, which became exactly the third for the actress. The couple has not yet said anything about children; it is unknown whether they are going to expect a new addition to the family. This can be explained by the fact that Kusturica already has children from her first marriage, and Ingeborga herself is in no hurry, but no one can say for sure.

Children of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

The children of Ingeborga Dapkunaite are not yet a very popular topic, because so far she has never become a mother. At least that's what fans know from the press. The celebrity herself tries to avoid questions that are asked in this direction. It's hard to say why she thinks this way, but there could be several reasons. Perhaps it’s the star’s busy schedule, maybe she still wants to remain an individual, free from children’s worries. Although everything may be the other way around, maybe the star has been ready to become a mother for a long time, she is just waiting for the right opportunity for this. And although her age is no longer very suitable for this, and she has three marriages behind her, you can be sure that if Dapkunaite wants to become a mother, she will find a way to do it.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's ex-husband - Arunas Sakalauskas

Ingeborga Dapkunaite’s ex-husband, Arunas Sakalauskas, played with her in the same theater when they met. They fell in love with each other, after which they decided to link their destinies. But this did not give them a guarantee of a long and happy life. After some time, the husband and wife, apparently not finding common ground, made a common decision to divorce. True, they parted calmly, without problems and unnecessary worries. In addition, today they have maintained a warm relationship, they even sometimes communicate, remembering previous feelings. Ingeborga remembers her first love with gratitude. Arunas today is a famous TV presenter and actor.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's ex-husband - Simon Stokes

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's ex-husband, Simon Stokes, became her second chosen one, and this time the marriage lasted a long time. They met at a theater performance of the actress and fell in love with each other. Their family union lasted more than ten years, they steadfastly endured all the hardships that they had in life. But here, too, it was time to say goodbye, so in 2009 they divorced. This time, too, everything went smoothly; the actress did not share anything with her ex-husband and calmly separated from him. Simon works as a theater director in Britain. When they have the opportunity, they can maintain relationships, communicate, and remember past feelings.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's common-law husband - Emir Kusturica

Ingeborga Dapkunaite's common-law husband, Emir Kusturica, became her third and happiest choice. He is a famous director in Serbia, he met the actress at one of the film festivals when they ended up there together. They fell in love almost immediately, dated and lived together for some time. After her still future husband received a divorce from his first wife, they decided to legalize the relationship. Today they live together, act, participate in various projects. They found each other, now they are happy and loved. Emir has two children from his first marriage, whom he sees regularly and helps with deeds and advice.

Photo by Ingeborga Dapkunaite before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Ingeborga Dapkunaite before and after plastic surgery can be easily found on the Internet. But are they genuine? On the one hand, looking at this young, stylish, beautiful woman, it is difficult to imagine that she is already in her sixth decade. The thought immediately creeps in that she repeatedly uses the wonders of plastic surgery, especially considering that Hollywood stars love to do this kind of thing. On the other hand, the celebrity herself does not want to admit this, she claims that she has never radically changed her appearance because she does not need it, if only because she is loved by millions of fans and, most importantly, her beloved husband. So it’s difficult to say where it’s true and where it’s not.

But in any case, Ingeborga Dapkunaite looks amazing, no matter whether these are natural data, or, nevertheless, she helps herself with plastic surgery.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ingeborgi Dapkunaite

Finding out about Ingeborg Dapkunaite is not so difficult, because there is a lot of information about her on the Internet. One of these sources is her personal page on Wikipedia (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dapkunaite_Ingeborga), which contains general facts about her life, both career and personal. The Wikipedia page is a good place to start if you want to get to know the star. Although the celebrity is not on Instagram, there is plenty of information about her from various sources, ranging from articles on regular websites to resources that are dedicated specifically to her. Wikipedia Ingeborga Dapkunaite will help you get as close as possible to the star personality, to find out that among the cast there is such a unique, talented woman.

Most likely, there is hardly a single person in our country who has never watched “Burnt by the Sun” or “Mission: Impossible” in their life. The connecting link of these paintings, oddly enough, was a fragile and small woman with a radiant smile - actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite. During her creative biography, she achieved not just recognition, but world fame and employment not only in films by Russian and native Lithuanian directors, but also in theatrical productions and films of British and Hollywood celebrities. With all this, personal life, children of Ingeborga Dapkunaite always shrouded in clouds of utter mystery, which the actress is in no hurry to dispel.

It seemed that Fate itself had prepared an artistic career for the girl, almost everyone around whom in childhood belonged to the acting community (grandmother, grandfather, uncle and aunt), with the exception of her parents, although she herself at first cherished completely different plans - playing sports, then ballet and even the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Ingeborga Dapkunaite’s connection with the theatrical stage began at the age of four, when she sang her small part on the stage of the opera house, and continues to this day. Any role this little woman takes on turns into a kind of masterpiece. Now that Ingeborga Dapkunaite is already 53 years old, and her age is completely invisible on her face and figure, the beauty of the actress seems to be an absolutely indisputable fact. Therefore, it is difficult to believe that in her youth she considered herself very gray and homely. Thanks to this, apparently, she devoted so much effort to the development of artistry and acting talent, with which she wanted to compensate for her not too bright appearance.

In the photo - Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Emir Kusturica

Despite this prejudice, Ingeborga Dapkunaite’s personal life did not suffer from this at all. The actress first married her colleague at the Kaunas Drama Theater Arunas Sakalauskas, with whom she still maintains friendly relations. Her second husband was theater director Simon Stokes. This marriage broke up in 2009. Since Ingeborg Dapkunaite did not have children either in her first or second marriage, this is what is considered to be the official version of divorces. We may never know what the real reason is, since the actress’s ex-husbands, at her request, also do not want to divulge the details of family life with a celebrity. In the biography of Ingeborga Dapkunaite, for several years there was an affair with the legendary Baltic director Emir Kusturica, because of which the master’s family broke up.

In the photo - Ingeborga Dapkunaite with her third husband Dmitry Yampolsky and his daughter from a previous marriage

Today, for the third year, the actress has been happily married to Dmitry Yampolsky, a businessman, lawyer, restaurateur and head of several charitable foundations. Despite the age difference, the couple appears to be happy. And although psychics several years ago, along with an imminent wedding, predicted early motherhood for Ingeborga Dapkunaite, so far this has not happened.

She first appeared on stage at the age of four, acted in films from the age of 20, and became famous after the striking role of Kisuli in the cult film by Pyotr Todorovsky “Intergirl”. She is light and strong, mysterious and open at the same time. Ingeborga Dapkunaite has always sought to keep her personal life secret. But the actress always attracted attention, and some echoes of her relationships with men became public. And yet she managed to surprise the audience on her 55th birthday.

Arunas Sakalauskas

He fell in love with the small and fragile Ingeborg literally at first sight. She reminded him of a fairy-tale elf galloping around the auditoriums of the Latvian Conservatory, where they studied at the faculty of choral and theater arts. She could not sit still for a minute; she was constantly on the move. One minute she stands serious, and a second later her laughter scatters like ringing bells and echoes.

The four of them were friends: Arunas Sakalauskas, Tauras Chizhas, Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Saulius Balandis. They sat together in class, came up with their sketches together, but after class, Ingeborg was accompanied home by a completely different young man.

Arunas would never have dared to explain himself; he successfully hid his feelings for two and a half years. But that day he drank a little and, seeing his fairy-tale elf in the corridor, unexpectedly for himself suddenly asked how his love was doing. And in the morning she sat him down on a bench and said that she had loved him for a long time. It was real happiness. At the same time, Ingeborg categorically forbade him to tell anyone about their affair, and they met secretly for several years.

Then the actress began to go to Russia more and more often to film, Arunas was desperately bored and, at the slightest opportunity, rushed to see her in Moscow. They could walk around the capital all night, and in the morning he would fly to Vilnius on the first flight and suffer from the inability to admit to his friends who he had spent the weekend with. And she liked this strange game of spies.

He never knew whether she was jealous or not when she asked about the young saleswoman in the store or about the random girl he said hello to. The smile did not leave her face, only her gaze became a little sharper and more intent.

However, she could also be extremely straightforward: if she didn’t like something, she spoke straight to the forehead, not caring at all about how it looked from the outside. This applied to both profession and personal life. Ingeborga's career was rapidly going up, but Arunas had no upward movement. After the young man returned from the army, the actress proposed breaking up.
A couple of years later, she also unexpectedly offered to renew the relationship and even get married. They tried to save their feelings, but they both did not have enough wisdom or patience for this. And then she fell in love with someone else.

Simon Stokes

She was invited to his play “Speech Error” by Simon Stokes; Ingeborga Dapkunaite’s partner in the production was John Malkovich. The director, as soon as he saw the actress at the audition, immediately thought that this unearthly girl must certainly become his wife. And he achieved his goal.

Despite the fact that there were persistent rumors about Dapkunaite’s affair with Emir Kusturica, she married Simon. And she again managed to hide the details of her relationship with her husband. In the interview, she only mentioned that complete mutual understanding and trust reign in her family. And in 2009, Ingeborg and Simon broke up.

Dmitry Yampolsky

At the beginning of February 2013, in an atmosphere of strict secrecy, Ingeborga Dapkunaite got married for the third time. For some time she even managed to hide the name of her chosen one, but then it became known that the actress’s husband was Dmitry Yampolsky, a successful businessman who co-owns a law firm and several Moscow restaurants. Dmitry is younger than Ingeborga, but the age difference did not prevent them from being happy.

However, the actress remained true to herself and continued to keep her personal life a secret. Dmitry himself only once admitted that they do not like to gather guests at home; all friendly meetings usually take place in one of his restaurants.


To celebrate the actress’s anniversary, the film “Ingeborga Dapkunaite. Everything they write about me is not true.” The actress spoke frankly about herself, her childhood, and creativity.

She knows how to enjoy life, enjoying the present, without dwelling on the failures of the past. For her, every moment is unique, because happiness is life itself. She knows how to enjoy an apple eaten for breakfast and a ray of sun running across her cheek. She thinks about death and believes that dying in an instant, without suffering, is also happiness.

The last frames surprised the viewer. Charming blond baby Alex, the son of Ingeborga Dapkunaite, appeared on the screen. The actress turned 55 years old, and the baby looks no more than one and a half years old. She picked up her son in her arms and left. Into your true earthly happiness, where no one else has access.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite looks incredibly attractive at 55 years old and deservedly takes her place among

January 29, 2018, 11:04

Little is known about Ingeborg Dapkunaite’s personal life: this charming woman with a sunny smile knows how to keep secrets.

It is only known that the star got married twice. Although her parental family, according to Dapkunaite herself, was very friendly, the actress’s own marriages were childless both times and ended in divorce.

First husband - Arunas Sakalauskas: an actor with whom she studied at the Lithuanian Conservatory.

“The old parquet floor at the theater academy was always waxed... Now as soon as I light a candle, a familiar smell hits my nose and a picture flashes before my eyes: at the end of a long corridor there is a bunch of students. And one of them is itching - jumping and jumping... On a chair, on a windowsill... Wide a smile blooms here and there... A ringing laugh. Not a boy, but a ball! Short haircut, corduroy pants fluttering on thin legs, a beige shirt... The boy is not a boy - but an elf! I looked at this fluttering with fascination, like other classmates... Ingeborg is like a spring inside - he cannot speak in a static position, he dances all the time... It seems that I fell in love even before I realized that in front of me was not a fairy-tale creature, but a charming girl. I unconsciously fell in love with an elf...” said Arunas.

“I held back my feelings for 2.5 years. The dam burst unexpectedly - under the influence of alcohol. I’m trudged along the corridor of the conservatory, slightly tipsy, and her smile comes towards me! We caught up, I say with tenderness: “Well, how is my love doing?” - and I move on without waiting for an answer. And in the morning I wake up, burning with shame: “How can I show up at the institute? Will she communicate with me?” I get to class, barely dragging my weak legs. And in the same corridor - Inga again! She grabs me by the sleeve of my shirt, takes me to a bench: “Sit down and hold on tight! I love you too, idiot! It’s been a long time!”

As soon as I was able to throw off my secret, like a stone from my soul, Ingeborga again complicated my life: “Let’s not tell anyone about us!” And for more than four years we lived with her, like heroes of a spy novel.

Ingeborg liked to hide. She would die of boredom if we became one of those cheesy couples walking around hugging each other. It seemed that this whole game captivated her even more than her loved one. It was as if she and I had become heroes of some strange play. I couldn’t help but feel that if the curtain was lowered, our relationship could fall apart. While we worked together, the aura of our secret began to gradually dissipate: people whispered behind our backs. The nerve in the relationship disappeared, and there remained unsettled life. But the main thing is that Ingeborga was building a career, and I was marking time. She constantly went to film and returned with a lot of new impressions - from people, from the filming process. And I really couldn’t carry on a conversation about cinema anymore. We both felt that there was a crack between us. The crisis in the relationship coincided with my joining the army. I was 24 years old at the time, and I could only get away with it if I went to a mental hospital. But after that I would be restricted from traveling abroad - and goodbye touring! When I returned, I immediately realized: she would leave me. She didn’t fuss and quickly started an important conversation, although it was difficult for her. But if Ingeborg cut off the connection, then abruptly and for sure: “It’s all gone...”

They spent two years separately, and one fine evening after the performance Ingeborg suddenly said: “Come to me.” Even now I don’t understand why they started everything again: I felt in my heart that it would not be possible to fix her and me. And Ingeborg, apparently, thought that last time we never moved to a more serious level. In general, I don’t even remember how they decided to get married, but I know for sure that it wasn’t me who made the proposal...

And so, the young people got married and were married in a Catholic church.

We lived in Vilnius, Ingeborga often went to filming in Russia. After successful work in cinema (“Intergirl”, “Cynics”, “Burnt by the Sun”, etc.)

A promising young artist is noticed by John Malkovich, a famous producer and director. He invites Dapkunaite to audition for the play “Speech Errors” in London. Dapkunaite cannot refuse such an offer. She goes and auditions. The Lithuanian actress was approved for the main role.

Inga (as her husband called her) consulted with Arunas: she promised that if the head of the family was against it, then she would not fly anywhere.

All-Union popularity and recognition came to Dapkunaite after her appearance in the legendary film “Intergirl” by Todorovsky. The prostitute Kisulya, performed by the Lithuanian actress, turned out to be very bright.

“If not, then I’ll stay here, sit at home, have a child...” But I loved Ingeborg and understood what she was striving for with all my soul,” recalled Sakalauskas, who sent his wife to America.

Some time later, Ingeborga called and said that she had fallen in love with director Simon Stokes; their romance began during rehearsals of the play.

Our wedding was not typical: we did not get married in a church, but only went through official registration,” Dapkunaite said then. - And then in the foyer of the theater where Simon worked, they gathered friends and acquaintances. We had fun for a couple of hours, and at six in the evening we went about our business.

For some time Ingeborga played in England. Later she was invited to the Chicago theater. There, Dapkunaite had success in the provocative and scandalous play “Vagina Monologues”.

She acted in films..

Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Brad Pitt in the film "Seven Years in Tibet"

Dapkunaite divorced her second husband in 2009 after 10 years of marriage...

The Baltic beauty lived with the Englishman for more than ten years, but the breakup occurred without noise or mutual insults. After the divorce, Simon remained to live in London, while Ingeborga first licked her wounds in Moscow
“Marriage to Simon Stokes is now a thing of the past, I don’t remember and don’t want to talk about it anymore,” Ingeborga admitted.

The necessary papers were drawn up in the capital of Great Britain - the same place where the marriage was formalized in the late 90s, which secular reporters often called “guest”.

And then Ingeborga fell in love again... This love ended with a third marriage - Ingeborga Dapkunaite married Dmitry Yampolsky.

Her chosen one is the ideal “prince”, the man of her dreams. A brilliant lawyer, respected businessman.

Before his relationship with the star, he was married to actress Olesya Potashinskaya.

Men often want variety. Even complete harmony makes them bored. Everything worked out - how it happened...

I did everything to preserve our alliance with Dima. But there are such things when it is already pointless to fight. As practice shows, if a man decides to leave for another woman, it means he will leave and you won’t do anything, you’ll just waste your nerves. I admit, at first it was very difficult for me. But I came out of depression. Only time heals.

After a while, he and I resumed normal relations - after all, we have a common daughter. Of course, I don’t communicate with Ingeborg. Although I do not deny that she is a talented, insightful and strong artist. In our profession you need to catch the wave, and then you will be carried away. True, you can fall at any moment. It is important to constantly stay afloat. But Dapkunaite I was very lucky with my Dima, and with him she definitely won’t fall anywhere,” Olesya talked about this situation.

The couple has a daughter together; the divorce did not affect her relationship with her father.

The child also has an excellent relationship with Ingeborg.

In 2013, Ingeborga became the wife of lawyer and restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky.

Their wedding ceremony took place in the strictest secrecy. Each of the invitees signed a non-disclosure document about the details of the event.

Dapkunaite’s husband is a Russian businessman, lawyer, and public figure. He is the creator of a number of successful Russian companies and international projects. In the area of ​​interests and business activities: jurisprudence, finance, projects in the HoReCa segment. He is a co-founder and managing partner of the law firm Sedov Yampolsky, specializing in corporate law. For many years, he has been Chairman of the Board and takes an active part in the work of the Russian hospice charity fund “Vera”. He is one of the initiators of the construction of the first Children's Hospice in Moscow and the popularization of the hospice movement in Russia.

Since 2003, he has been a co-owner and president of the large restaurant holding TableTalk, which unites such assets as the French cafe chain Jean-Jacques, John Donne pubs, Italian restaurants Mercato and Cervetti Bar, and the club Mayak", art cafe "Mart", children's clubs "Shardam".

He is interested in martial arts and gliding.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite has also been helping the Vera Foundation for many years.

5 facts about the actress
1. On New Year’s Eve, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, co-chair of the board of trustees of the Vera Foundation, came to the First Hospice and Palliative Care Center to read Alexander Tsypkin’s “Goodbye Home and New Unprincipled Stories” aloud for patients.

11 years old Dapkunaite with the Vera Foundation team: “I had no questions about whether to join or not. It seemed to me that if I am needed, then here I am..."

2. Yampolsky’s ex-wife, actress Olesya Potashinskaya, married him and a year later gave birth to a daughter, Sonya. The couple was together for seven years, then there was a divorce at the husband’s initiative, but Potashinskaya was able to forgive her husband after a while and improve the relationship. It cannot be otherwise if the couple has a child together. The businessman's current and ex-wife do not maintain a relationship.


3. Dapkunaite’s first husband said in an interview that they got married in a Catholic church.

The actress had a secret ceremony with Dmitry in England. The wedding and celebration five years ago were attended by relatives and friends. They say that all guests were warned that it was impossible to disclose information about the wedding.

4. For Dapkunaite’s recent anniversary, they made a documentary in which she showed her son.

The boy is as curly as his dad, but with blond hair like his mom. The child looks like both father and mother. For two years, only relatives knew about the happy event. Everyone claims that the actress turned out to be a wonderful, caring mother.

5. A favorite topic among fans was discussing the age difference - the husband of 55-year-old Ingeborga Dapkunaite is 12 years younger than her.

But Dapkunaite looks 10 years younger without any surgeries or interventions. Naturally slender - 48 kg with a height of 1 meter 66 cm, Dapkunaite once shared her beauty secrets in the Elle gloss: “My grandmother lived to be 103 years old without a single wrinkle. But she didn't really do anything to herself. She had only one piece of advice: you need to cleanse your face morning and evening. And I follow him..."

Dapkunaite gave this definition of love: “ Comedy or tragedy? Love is different every day. But a sense of humor never hurt anyone».

Dapkunaite attracts men not only with her beauty, but also with her special energy, her ability to always smile in a way that no one else can. The daughter of diplomats with excellent manners, who knows her worth, attracts attention, and her lifestyle inspires respect - not a word about her personal life, only charity and work are visible.
Ingeborga's first husband said that she was always admired. Even in her student years, men listened to her with their mouths open. “Our friends... were also a little in love with Ingeborg. It was impossible not to fall in love! – Sakalauskas recalls their youth together. “I suspect that our master also felt uneasy about her.” Once he even scolded the whole course: “Do we only have one girl? Why did you surround Dapkunaite? Inga only lit up in response with her innocently sly smile. She understood everything about herself perfectly...

A lot of flattering words can be said about actress Ingeborg Dapkunaite. How else. She is a talented actress who is known and loved not only in Russia, but also in England and America. Despite her age, the actress looks great.

She has a slender figure and a youthful face. Many are surprised and ask about the secret of her success. Ingeborg answers that the main secret is hard work and love, which she feels from fans and close friends.

Of course, such a woman could not be alone. It is known that she was married three times. In addition, she was credited with having affairs with many men, for example, figure skater Alexander Zhulin and director Emir Kusturica.

First love

With her first husband Arunas Sakalauskas, the actress studied at the Lithuanian Conservatory. Later they worked together at the Kaunas Drama Theater.

They got married and later got married. They lived together in Vilnius. Arunas played in theatrical productions, Ingeborga starred in films and often went to Russia to film. But nothing overshadowed their marriage.

This continued until the actress was offered a role in a Hollywood film. She did not make a decision on her own and decided to consult with her husband about the upcoming trip.

It was hard for Arunas to let his wife go to a foreign country for a long time. But he understood that cinema for Dapkunaite Ingeborga is the meaning of life, so he agreed to this trip.

Second marriage and affairs

Several months passed and Ingeborga Dapkunaite told her husband that she had fallen in love with another man. It turned out to be British director Simon Stokes. Their relationship developed very quickly. After some time, the couple got married.

Dapkunaite was in no hurry to talk about her family life. Therefore, journalists know practically nothing about the period that she lived with Stokes. It is known that the couple lived in England. The actress continued to play in theater productions and act in films.

It seemed that the marriage of two creative personalities would be successful. But after 10 years of marriage, the couple filed for divorce. They parted quietly, without unnecessary fuss. They say that the reason for their separation was the lack of children. But the couple does not comment on the reason for their divorce.

The actress had the most resonant romance with Serbian director Emir Kusturica. Their meeting took place at a film festival. It was like love at first sight. The couple began dating, but had no intention of formalizing their relationship. At that time, the actress was already divorced, and Kusturica was married and had children.

Changes occurred when the director’s wife found out about the connection between Kusturitsi and Dapkunaite. She immediately filed for divorce. The director did not interfere with her and they officially filed for divorce.

Neither the age difference nor Emir’s children from a previous marriage could interfere with the love of the actress and director. But still their union broke up. The parties chose not to talk about the reasons for this.

Real love

Three years after breaking up with the British director, Ingeborga Dapkunaite fell in love. This time her chosen one was a man far from the creative environment. The actress's chosen one was lawyer and restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky.

They got married and later got married. They lived together in Vilnius. Arunas played in theatrical productions, Ingeborga starred in films and often went to Russia to film. But nothing overshadowed their marriage.

Interesting notes:

Dmitry was 12 years younger than the actress, and at the time they met he was married and had a daughter. But this could not prevent Ingeborg from finding her happiness. She does not hide the fact that she took her third husband away from the family, but does not regret her action at all, because he is her true love.

At first, Dmitry's former family could not accept that he left them. But gradually he managed to improve relations with his ex-wife and daughter. Now he is actively involved in his daughter’s life and she has managed to make friends with Ingeborga.

Actress Olesya Potashinskaya was also able to forgive Dmitry. She believes that it was difficult for him to love one woman. Dmitry may have become tired of the well-being in his family and wanted a new relationship.

Secret wedding and separation

Dmitry and Ingeborga got married in 2013. Their wedding ceremony took place in conditions of strict secrecy. Only the closest relatives and friends were invited to the celebration. They were forbidden to film the ceremony, and along with the invitation they signed an agreement on non-disclosure of wedding details.

After some time, information leaked to the press that the couple had gotten married. The wedding ceremony took place in one of the ancient churches in England. But these are not all the events that the couple managed to hide.

They managed to hide the fact of the birth of the child. It is unknown when the boy was born. There are rumors that the couple used the services of a surrogate mother. For the first time, fans learned about Dapkunaite’s son Alex from a documentary film that was dedicated to the actress.

Now information has appeared in the press that Ingeborg has separated from her third husband. In addition, the couple has already managed to formalize their divorce in one of the Moscow courts. The reason for the separation, as in previous cases, is not stated by the actress.