Why does sport make us happier? About the processes that occur in our head during classes. Physiology of sports The body resists depression

Everyday human activity involves two types of activity: psychological and physical. Psychological activity includes intellectual work, communication, emotions; physical – performing mechanical work, movement. Psychological activity requires activation of a limited number of body systems, mainly the higher levels of the nervous system. During physical activity, all systems of the body are activated without exception, which, working together, create the conditions for performing a certain physical action. Having arisen much later in terms of evolution, mental activity controls physical activity. The influence of physical activity on human mental activity is very limited.

Physical activity is a special physiological state of a person, in which the body’s efforts are aimed at overcoming the physical resistance of the environment. In most cases, physical resistance is represented by gravity. Regular physical activity that is part of a certain culture of movement is called sports.

During sports (if physical activity does not exceed physiologically acceptable), a number of adaptive processes occur in the human body that help a person adapt to the conditions of regular physical activity. If the degree of physical activity far exceeds a person’s physical potential, various health problems may occur: overtraining, chronic fatigue, and various diseases.

Lack of movement (hypodynamia) is also dangerous. Physical inactivity is considered one of the main factors (along with obesity, poor diet and bad habits) in the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes.

Below we will consider the main physiological aspects of physical activity and the changes that occur in the body during regular exercise.

Changes in the musculoskeletal system
The main functional load in sports falls on the musculoskeletal system, that is, on the system of muscles, bones, joints, ligaments and tendons.

Muscles are the only motor element of the human body, and therefore any movement or work is the result of their contraction. Let us immediately note that muscle contraction is the result of the coordinated work of nerve centers, nerves and muscles, as such. Voluntary work of denervated muscles (muscles without nerves) is impossible. Any movement, regardless of its complexity and purpose, originates in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) in the form of the activity of certain groups of neurons. The nerve impulse from these cells is transmitted along the nerve trunks to the muscles and causes their contraction. An interesting fact is that during sports, it is not the muscles that get tired first, but the nerve cells that regulate their activity; this mechanism prevents muscle wasting. During training, therefore, not only the muscles are trained, but also the nerve centers responsible for movement. One type of doping is psychostimulants, which increase the activity of the nervous system, and thereby increase the physical (muscular) characteristics of the athlete.

Muscle training consists mainly of thickening muscle fibers. Muscle mass is increased by increasing the thickness of muscle fibers. The thickening of muscle fibers is accompanied by the synthesis of contractile elements - myofibrils. Myofibrils are like long protein strands that can contract to absorb energy. The work of myofibrils depends entirely on the energy state of the cell, that is, on the amount of nutrients, oxygen, vitamins and minerals. Regular training leads to the growth of blood vessels in the muscles (this increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles), as well as to an increase in the concentration of various enzymes in muscle cells, with the help of which energy is produced. As it became clear, muscle development requires not only proteins, but also vitamins and minerals that promote energy release and muscle contraction (muscle contraction, for example, is impossible without calcium).

Bones in the human body play the role of support, protection and leverage. Muscles are attached to bones by means of tendons or directly adhere to bones, intertwined with the fibers of the periosteum (or rather the shell of the bone). The closer the muscle insertion is to the point of rotation of the bone (joint), the faster the movements at the other end of the lever will be performed and the less force the movement will be. An example of such a mechanism is the shoulder muscle (biceps, triceps), which are attached immediately after the elbow joint (the place of their attachment can be felt if these muscles are slightly strained). On the other hand, the deltoid muscle is inserted in the middle third of the shoulder and develops more strength.

Under the influence of training, bones undergo significant restructuring. The process of bone renewal occurs constantly, with some parts of the bone being resorbed and others being restored. In athletes, bones are rebuilt in accordance with the load. In this case, the load lines coincide with the bone stiffness lines (bone substance concentration). Therefore, regular exercise strengthens bones.

Under the influence of physical activity, ligaments and tendons thicken and become stronger. In trained people, the strength of the ligaments reaches such a magnitude that in the event of an injury, a piece of bone with a ligament attached to it is torn off, but the ligament itself remains unharmed.

Regular moderate exercise has a positive effect on joints. The range of motion in the joint increases, and the cartilage tissue thickens. Excessive physical activity can negatively affect the condition of the joints. Professional athletes often develop a disease such as osteoarthritis or osteochondrosis, in which articular cartilage is destroyed.

For the normal development of bones, ligaments and joints during sports, you need to provide the body with the necessary minerals and vitamins. Vitamin C stimulates the development of connective tissue in ligaments and tendons, while calcium and phosphorus give bones strength.

Changes in the cardiovascular system
The cardiovascular system is designed to circulate blood and supply tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Regular exercise has a stimulating effect on the heart. At the same time, the heart muscles thicken a little and become more resilient. In trained people, the heart rate (pulse) at rest slows down. This is due to the fact that a trained heart pumps more blood in one contraction than an untrained one.

The walls of athletes' blood vessels become more elastic and resilient. The beneficial effects of sports on the veins of the legs are especially pronounced. When muscles contract, the walls of the veins compress, thereby pumping blood from the veins to the heart faster. Moderate exercise helps prevent varicose veins and vein thrombosis of the lower extremities. The number of red blood cells in the blood of athletes increases, thereby improving the supply of oxygen to tissues.

Changes in the respiratory system
The lungs of trained people are significantly different from the lungs of people who do not exercise. Firstly, in the lungs of an athlete, the bronchi expand and additional alveoli (air sacs) open, thereby increasing the vital capacity of the lungs. Secondly, the lungs of a trained person are much better supplied with blood. Thanks to this, the saturation of the blood with oxygen increases, and consequently the supply of oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body.

Thanks to improved lung ventilation, people who play sports are much less likely to suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia (pneumonia).

The influence of sport on metabolism in the body
Moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body.

Protein metabolism In athletes, it is characterized by a positive nitrogen balance, that is, the amount of nitrogen consumed (mainly nitrogen contained in proteins) exceeds the amount of nitrogen excreted. Negative nitrogen balance is observed during illness, weight loss, and metabolic disorders. People involved in sports use proteins primarily for muscle and bone development. While for untrained people - to obtain energy (in this case, a number of substances harmful to the body are released).

Fat metabolism accelerates in athletes. Much more fat is used during physical activity, which means less fat is stored under the skin. Regular exercise reduces the amount of so-called atherogenic lipids, which lead to the development of severe blood vessel disease - atherosclerosis.

Carbohydrate metabolism accelerates during sports activities. In this case, carbohydrates (glucose, fructose) are used to obtain energy and are not stored as fat. Moderate muscle activity restores tissue sensitivity to glucose and prevents the development of type 2 diabetes. To perform fast power movements (lifting weights), mainly carbohydrates are consumed, but during prolonged light exercise (for example, walking or slow running), fats are used.

In general, moderate exercise has a general healing effect on the body. Regular physical activity is an important preventive measure against diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis), metabolic disorders (type 2 diabetes), and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthrosis).

It should be noted that only moderate physical activity (comparable to a person’s physical abilities) has a beneficial effect on his health. Excessive physical activity is dangerous for the body and can lead to various diseases.

In general, sports are recommended for everyone. You just need to sensibly assess your abilities and choose a sport that will bring you pleasure. This could be simple walking or cycling, slow running, swimming, aerobics, fitness. Any form of movement is useful if only it corresponds to the physical abilities of the body, and its implementation brings pleasure. It is strictly forbidden to engage in sports “through will,” that is, by force.


  • Dubrovsky V.I. Sports Medicine, M.: VLADOS, 1999
  • Epifanov V.A. Therapeutic physical culture and sports medicine, M.: Medicine, 1999

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

If you have started actively playing sports, then in order for it to bring you tangible and desired results, you need to carefully monitor your diet. After all, if you eat not the most healthy and “correct” foods in large quantities, then even the most intense exercise will not help you achieve the shape of your dreams and an elastic, toned body.

To begin, determine for yourself how many calories per day you need to consume for your complexion, and in what ratio fats, proteins and carbohydrates should be in this diet. In addition, it is important to consider other equally important points, which you can learn about from this article.

How many calories should you consume per day?

If your goal is to lose weight, then it is not at all necessary to reduce your daily caloric intake as much as possible. More precisely: it is absolutely impossible to do this. Any strict dietary restrictions and reduction in total daily caloric intake less than 1200 kcal per day entails the likelihood of serious failures mainly. Since exactly 1200-1500 calories are required on average by a person per day to maintain basal metabolic rate. This energy is spent on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, maintaining body temperature, and so on.

If the body receives fewer calories, it automatically “turns on” the mode energy saving, because he believes that “hunger” has come. All processes slow down, and your progress in losing weight is slowed down.

Thus, thinking that the less we eat, the faster we will lose weight is a serious error, fraught with future metabolic disorders. That is, it will be even more difficult for you to lose excess weight.

Actually need to consume enough calories per day, you just need to take them from the “right” products and distribute them correctly throughout the day.

Carbohydrates are also important during intense sports, as they give us the necessary energy. But it is important to consume complex carbohydrates contained in cereals, whole grain bread, pasta, and vegetables. Complex carbohydrates are ideal for breakfast. And simple, fast carbohydrates, which are rich in sweets, baked goods, and honey, should be excluded as much as possible.

Fats cannot be completely excluded from the diet, since many of them control important metabolic processes in the human body. Preference should be given to high-quality unrefined vegetable oils, nuts, and red fish, but even here you should use moderation. The average maximum amount of healthy fats per day is 30-40 grams.

Why is it important to drink a lot of water?

If you strive for a toned, harmonious figure and regularly play sports, then it is especially important for you to consume the required amount. water(namely water, not coffee, tea or juice). Dehydration Not only can it reduce the effectiveness of your workout, but it can also significantly harm your health. You can drink water both before and after training. If you feel very thirsty while exercising, you should also drink water.

Water prevents dehydration of the body, helps it replenish energy, protects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, helps your skin look younger, and cleanses the body of toxins.

On average, a person needs to consume 2-3 liters of water per day. But there is something important here rule: Try not to drink twenty minutes before meals and an hour after meals.

Nutrition before and after training

You can exercise on an empty stomach only in the morning, after waking up. If you train in the afternoon, you should definitely eat before physical activity. It's best to eat in 1-1.5 hours before training. It’s good if these are foods containing complex carbohydrates - thanks to this, you will get a supply of energy during exercise.

After physical exercise, the so-called "protein-carbohydrate window". If you want to build muscle mass, you can eat some kind of food during this time. protein product(for example, cottage cheese), or drink. A full meal is best organized approximately 1.5 hours after the end of the workout.

Always quench your thirst during training to prevent dehydration.

  • Stick to it five to six meals a day, that is, eat small portions approximately every 3 hours. During the day you should have three full meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner and 2-3 light snacks (cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, kefir, fruits, vegetables).
  • The portion should be the size of yours. palm.
  • On breakfast Complex carbohydrates, or a combination of carbohydrates and proteins, are best.
  • On dinner combinations of products such as potatoes or pasta with meat or fish are excluded. It is best to combine proteins and vegetables with this meal - this is the optimal balanced composition for continuing the day, especially if you have a workout in the gym after lunch.
  • Dinner It is best to make it completely protein, or combine proteins with vegetables. Protein nutrition helps muscles recover after physical activity.
  • In no case don't starve on training days, this can lead to dangerous consequences for the body.
  • Try don't eat in a hurry– it’s easier to overeat or grab forbidden foods on the go. Set the table, put portions on a plate, do not eat from shared dishes - this makes it more difficult to control the portion size.
  • Use as little as possible salt.
  • To create a healthy diet, you can contact nutritionist or an athletic trainer who can help you consider your level of physical activity.

List of the most useful and prohibited foods for an athlete

If you want to build muscle mass or lose weight through sports and a variety of physical exercises, then your diet will certainly include must be present:

  • Buckwheat
  • Oatmeal (preferably NOT instant)
  • Boiled chicken breast or other lean meat (turkey, rabbit, beef)
  • Cottage cheese with fat content of 5% or less
  • Kefir 1%
  • Milk with a fat content of 2.5% or less
  • Natural yogurt (you can make it yourself using yogurt starter)
  • Variety of vegetables
  • Greenery
  • Fruits (best consumed in the morning)
  • Vegetable oils
  • Nuts and seeds

The health benefits of sport are undeniable, but only with the right approach. If you exercise rarely, irregularly and not intensively, then there will be almost no effect from physical exercise, and if you expose yourself to enormous stress, exercise every day and bring your body to exhaustion, this will be harmful to your health. The number and duration of training depends on the type of sport, the person’s physical fitness and state of health.

How much exercise should you do?

Photo by Shutterstock

A healthy lifestyle is the choice of many modern people, bad habits today are frowned upon, and sports and proper nutrition have become more common. There is no doubt about the health benefits of sport; scientists have long proven the connection between physical exercise and the prevention of many diseases, improving human condition and strengthening the immune system. Nevertheless, professional sports often lead to health problems - this suggests that when playing sports you need to stick to the golden mean and not overdo it.

Sports exercises were considered one of the most important factors for a healthy and long life back in ancient Greece.

Health benefits of sports

Any sports exercise, be it running, swimming, aerobics, exercise equipment or playing football, has a positive effect on human health. First of all, the blood supply in the body improves, and the internal organs begin to work better, and thanks to the straight posture, which also appears after exercise, the organs occupy the correct places in the body. In addition, during physical education the heart is trained, and this is a good prevention against cardiovascular diseases, strokes and heart attacks. Sport makes bones and ligaments stronger, therefore reducing the risk of injury.

Sports are a great choice for those who want to lose weight

And finally, sport is an excellent antidepressant; it relieves stress, improves a person’s mood, makes him active, fit, efficient, and awakens interest in creativity. For this reason, those people who play sports from a young age look younger and healthier when they are older.

How much to exercise

Each person has his own standards, which depend on age, health, and physical fitness, so it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. The main rule is to soberly assess your strengths and not put too much stress on your body, especially if you are just starting to dive into sports. The first classes should be short and not exhausting; gradually the load can be increased. Listen to your body during exercise: you should not feel excessively tired or exhausted, but for exercise to bring health benefits, you need to exercise intensely. If your goal is to improve your health, do not strive to delve into sports professionally.

As in life, so in sports, everything should have its time. The best time to train is the most effective in terms of achieving results. If you choose the wrong one, then training will not help you achieve your desired goals. What's the best time to gain weight? When is it better to go to the gym, and when to work out?

All this depends on the goals being pursued. What does a person want: to keep his body in good shape, lose weight or, conversely, gain? It is these goals that determine the best time to train.

Scientific research

Scientists from different countries are constantly conducting all kinds of research related to identifying the most suitable period of time to play sports. And what did they come to?

American researchers stated that the best time to train the body is determined by its body type. People are divided into three main types: If a person belongs to the third type, then he has a very slow metabolism and is more susceptible to gaining extra pounds. For this type of person, the best time to exercise is in the morning. This is from approximately 7 to 10 o'clock. At this time, the body has very little glucose and glycogen, and it is forced to take energy by oxidizing fats.

When a person is an ectomorph, his metabolism is very fast and there is a predisposition to thinness. For this type, the best time for training is in the evening, as the body has enough energy and strength. And he really needs them during training.

People with an average body type are called mesomorphs. Their metabolism is normal. There is no tendency to be overweight or thin. These people are the luckiest, since for them the best time to workout can be any: morning, afternoon and evening. Everything depends only on desire and well-being.

Other scientists from the city of Williamsburg carried out a series of experiments, dividing the day into four periods: 8, 12, 16, 20 hours. At certain times, several participants performed exercises with heavy weights. It should be noted that these people had not previously engaged in sports.

The experiment showed that they were most effective in the evening. This is due to the contraction and work of fast muscle fibers. They are most productive during evening weight training, when body temperature is slightly higher. Another important reason that was identified during this study was testosterone and cortisol levels. The first is responsible for the growth of muscle mass. The second is for destruction.

At rest, testosterone levels are highest in the first half of the day. When training is underway, its level increases significantly more precisely after evening classes. Conclusion: if the goal is to build muscle mass, then it is better to train in the evening.

The best time to exercise to burn fat and promote weight loss is in the morning, as cortisol levels are higher. But it's not that simple. This will be discussed in more detail below.

Early Bird Workout

When a person wakes up very early, for example at 5 o’clock, and feels full of energy, then early training is suitable for him. You just need to take into account the lower body temperature at this time. Ligaments and joints are not very elastic in the morning, so the most active exercises are not the best option. Well, breathing exercises and yoga are excellent choices. Little energy is expended, and the body is charged with strength for the whole day.

From 7 to 9 we burn fat

It is these morning hours that are suitable for burning fat and cardio training. Cortisol levels are high at this time, glycogen is low, and the body takes energy from adipose tissue. It is best to spend no more than 40 minutes at moderate intensity. If a person does not have problems with blood pressure and heart, you can increase the pace and cut the time in half. You need to focus on how you feel, since not everyone can exercise in the morning.

Aerobic exercises - from 15 to 16 hours

At this time, body temperature begins to actively rise and by half past five it reaches its peak. This watch is perfect for active types of fitness, which include cycling, aerobics, dancing and running. They will have a beneficial effect on the fat burning process, and will also help strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

High-intensity and strength training - from 17 to 18 hours

This is the best time to train with heavy weights. During these hours you need to go to the gym or do interval and high-intensity training. They require a lot of endurance. In the evening, body temperature is higher, as is the level of the hormone testosterone. All these factors have a positive effect on strength. This increases productivity during training.

Training after 19:00

At this time, body temperature begins to decrease, and bodyflex, yoga, tai chi, and stretching are suitable for the body. They have a calming and healing effect, promote the formation of correct and beautiful posture, strengthen deep muscle layers, develop endurance and flexibility, and also have a positive effect on the psyche.


Considering all of the above, we can say that the best time for training depends on the individual characteristics of the person’s body, as well as his goals. The morning hours are the best for losing weight, and the evening hours for pumping up muscles. Just before you start training, you need to visit a doctor to find out more about your body and make sure that there are no contraindications. And while playing sports, it is important to monitor nutrition and sleep, since the result will appear only with the right approach to all three components. If at least one of the factors is left unattended, then even if you choose the best time of the day for training, you can torture yourself with exercises for a long time, but still end up with excess or, conversely, insufficient weight.

Sport, fitness - for many people these are no longer just words, but a way of life. These people, no doubt, are aware of how it is advisable to eat during regular (albeit at an amateur level) exercise. However, there is another category - novice athletes. Those who finally made up their minds overcame laziness and joined the gym. We will talk about how to eat properly when playing sports. Although, perhaps, the “pros” will also emphasize something new for themselves.

We emphasize that the story in the material is not about food additives (dietary supplements, etc.), sold in specialized stores. Firstly, there is no confidence in their absolute harmlessness to health. Secondly, “Culinary Eden” is still a resource about “ordinary”, albeit very tasty food, as well as everything connected with it.

Sports activities always involve increased muscle activity. For normal muscle function and achievement of sports results (for example, some muscle building), there is a need for additional protein nutrition. After all, it is protein that is “responsible” in our body for the formation and restoration of body cells and tissues.

However, don't forget about carbohydrates. Some people mistakenly believe that their consumption should be limited because they make you fat. However, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. And energy is very necessary for the body during significant physical activity. Fats are also a source of energy. You shouldn't forget about them either. In general, the body needs more proteins, carbohydrates and even fats during physical activity than without them.

It is always better to rely on personal experience rather than on someone else’s stories (although learning from the mistakes of others, of course, has not been canceled either). Fortunately, in this case there is such an opportunity (personal experience): the author of the text goes to the gym three times a week.

How to eat properly when playing sports. Start

Returning from vacation and looking with sober eyes at his photos taken at a seaside resort, the author was surprised to discover that he already had a fairly noticeable belly. This saddened the author. But true friends did not let me die of boredom - they encouraged me to sign up for the gym. Moreover, they kept us company. By the way, it’s better to go and play sports with a group. At least with someone else. It’s more fun, and there’s a certain competitive spirit.

It’s better to start exercising twice a week (this is not the author’s invention - advice from a trainer). And when you feel that you have “swayed”, you can switch to a frequency of three times every seven days. Some people exercise more often, but if you just want to “get yourself in order,” that’s enough: excessive diligence can do harm.

By the way, I almost forgot, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting classes. Moreover, preferably not with a doctor “assigned” to the fitness center. Take your time, don't regret it. In the end, you will receive not just advice on the intensity of your exercise and load, but also a more or less complete picture of your health. When was the last time you had your body examined for no apparent reason, just for prevention? Same thing.

When a doctor's consultation has been received, finally go to the gym. Meet the coach. At first, it is better to hire him - he will advise and supervise the implementation of a set of necessary exercises (depending on the goals you are pursuing), and show you how to use the exercise equipment correctly.

I want to eat

To be honest, at first I was not in the mood for proper nutrition. After the first couple of lessons, “everything hurt.” But then the body adjusted to the new rhythm of life, the muscles “developed”, the pain went away. My friends and I remembered that we seemed to have heard something about how you should eat something special when playing sports. Having remembered, we asked the coach a question. By the way, he himself could enlighten us on this matter. Ultimately, proper nutrition speeds up the achievement of the desired result. “Minus one hundred points - Gryffindor,” Minerva McGonagall, the headmaster of the Hogwarts school of wizardry from the Harry Potter saga, would say about this.

One way or another, the question was asked. In response, our trainer recommended that we eat at least 5-6 times a day, saying that this way of eating is “the most physiological.” During the day there should be two breakfasts (first and second), lunch, dinner and post-workout meals. At the same time, it is advisable not to overeat before training and not to overeat after it.

To eat properly when playing sports, the first breakfast, which should not be too rich. A glass of yogurt, kefir (not necessarily low-fat), maybe a little cottage cheese, tea, coffee (both without sugar) or fresh orange juice. The first breakfast is about 5% percent of the total daily calorie intake. Next comes the second breakfast. It can be eaten before leaving home for work or, if possible, already at work (approximately 30% of the daily calorie intake for an adult). Lunch is another 30% of calories. Afternoon snack - plus 5%. Dinner - 25%. Another 5% is post-workout nutrition. You shouldn't eat too much. With a weight of 70-80 kg, the volume of food eaten should be no more than 4 kg per day. Don't forget about fruits and vegetables: 15-20% of your daily diet. This is ideal.

Not everyone and not always can follow such a diet. But, of course, options are possible! For example, you can have only one breakfast - nothing bad will happen to you because of this. Breakfast and lunch on a “sports day” should be quite nutritious.

You should have an afternoon snack two or three hours after lunch. In general, in the afternoon you can eat little by little at intervals of two hours. At the same time, food should contain a lot of carbohydrates - this will give you strength before exercise. It is worth scheduling daily meals so that the last one takes place at least an hour and a half before class. Drink water (not carbonated) or juice - it won't hurt, especially in the last hour before training.

You need to eat varied. You shouldn’t get hung up on cottage cheese and diet boiled chicken breasts (I know from myself that at first you just eat them, being happy for yourself, and then you can’t look at these products). Boiled and steamed meat is perfect, legumes - only pureed, as well as oatmeal with milk. An excellent option is various soups, not too fatty, but not entirely lean either. Neutral soups, again for variety, should be interspersed with sour soups.

If possible, in order to comply with your eating schedule, it is better to carry food with you (if there is no normal cafe at work or nearby or if you want to save money). There's nothing to be ashamed of. In the end, are you trying to improve your figure or do you simply have nowhere to put your money and, out of nothing to do, are giving it away for a gym? In addition to chicken and meat, eat fish. Side dish - buckwheat, rice, potatoes, even pasta can be eaten (without fatty sauces). Buy several hermetically sealed plastic containers at the store - they are convenient to take food with you.

The daily calorie intake (and not only when playing sports) also depends on the climatic conditions in which the individual lives. In hot weather, it is better to reduce the calorie content of food, while in Siberian frosts, eat more protein foods, but at the same time reduce fat intake.

During and after training

Of course, you can’t eat anything during training. Agree, it’s strange to pump up, say, your abs, with undigested food in your stomach, biting off a piece of bread from time to time. As already mentioned, you need to “stop” eating at least an hour and a half before the start of your workout.

But during training you should drink water (it’s good to drink a glass of water before). Of course, not in liters, but little by little: a few sips every 20-25 minutes. Do not swallow the water right away, it is better to hold it in your mouth for a while - this will quench your thirst better. Naturally, no soda. Even mineral water, not to mention cola and other lemonades. Don't drink cold water. After physical exercise it becomes hot, and a person strives to sip some cold water. This is exactly what cannot be done. It is much better if the water is at room temperature, even slightly warm. As a rule, gyms have coolers - there is no problem adding a little hot water to a glass of cold water.

You cannot limit yourself in fluid intake while playing sports. This can lead to pressure fluctuations, increased stress on the heart, and the onset of dehydration processes.

After training - optional. If you're thirsty, drink, and if not, don't drink. There is an opinion that you should not drink water immediately after training. But that's not true. If you drink half a glass or even a glass of water, it won't get any worse.

Now about the food. The workout is completed, a lot of energy has been spent, and you are hungry. A huge mistake is to wait two hours after training and only then allow yourself to snack. Should not be doing that. It is advisable that no more than an hour pass between physical exercise and the subsequent meal. Another thing is that you shouldn’t eat your fill. A plate of rice, buckwheat, or even better - a little bean or pea puree, a little cottage cheese with jam, fresh fruit - this is quite enough to remove hunger and strengthen your strength.

You can't eat this

Of course, there are foods whose consumption when playing sports is best minimized. These are sweet drinks - any lemonade, coffee and tea with sugar (it’s better to drink the latter with honey or, in extreme cases, with a sweetener). Of course, you shouldn’t go heavy on baking. Sweet buns and even bread can be replaced with special bread, unleavened bread. Sweets, not only chocolate, but mainly caramel. Various cakes, especially store-bought ones, which are made from “nobody knows what” (it’s better not to eat them at all, never). Cheap pasta (it is acceptable and even healthy to eat only high-quality pasta made from durum wheat). Let us emphasize: “reduce consumption to a minimum” does not mean eliminate it completely: do not reproach yourself for one piece of candy you eat.

  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, oatmeal (3-4 tablespoons dry), an apple or orange, a cup of unsweetened coffee with milk (with regular, not condensed or cream);
  • Snack: a glass or two of kefir or 100-150 g of cottage cheese or an apple (orange) and 50 g of hard cheese;
  • Lean meat or fish or poultry (200-250 g), cereals or pasta, greens;
  • Look what you haven’t eaten yet - maybe a vegetable salad, maybe cottage cheese, maybe 1-2 eggs, maybe, if you don’t really want to eat, a glass of kefir or milk;
  • After training: green salad (white cabbage, greens, maybe with fresh cucumber) with meat, fish or poultry (150-200 g), or eggs;
  • Before bed - a glass of low-fat kefir or green tea with skim milk.

To eat properly, you need to at least approximately know how many calories are “burned” during sports training. However, training is different. Above we were talking about training in the gym (simulators, treadmill). But sport does not live on the gym alone. The table below will help you relate energy expenditure to sports.

As a supplement to nutrition during intense physical activity, you can take vitamins (in winter and spring this is worth doing even without sports). There are specially developed vitamin complexes (not dietary supplements!) for those who are friends with sports. Consult your doctor before using them. Now you know how to eat properly when playing sports. Exercise, eat right and be healthy! By the way, the author’s tummy is gradually shrinking.