What do you need to get into the special forces group? Conscript service in GRU special forces: comparative characteristics. Join the special forces: requirements

Not all conscripts hide from the military registration and enlistment office. Many of them come to the military commissariat with the desire to join the elite troops. Most young people are interested in: how to get drafted into special forces?

Special forces are small special forces units trained according to an individual program of the ground forces, aviation, navy, internal troops and police to carry out special operations using special tactics and means. Therefore, getting into special forces conscription is simply unrealistic, since performing non-standard tasks is not part of the general military requirements. Conducting sabotage is the task of the reconnaissance group, which is in each of the military formations. Special forces are a group of people who are ready to carry out the task assigned to them in any conditions.

How to get into special forces

Everyone is familiar with the Alpha rapid response team. Is it possible for a conscript to get into special forces? Brief conditions for recruiting to the team will help answer this question. FSB special forces recruit officers and warrant officers with recommendations from FSB employees or veterans. The applicant must be at least 175 cm tall and under 28 years old. Good physical preparation and passing psychological tests are also mandatory conditions for enrollment in the unit.

FSB special forces requirements

Physical standards are designed for a young man with the makings of an athlete:

  • pull-ups – 25;
  • floor push-ups – 90;
  • press – 100;
  • Bench press using your own body weight – 10 times.

You also need to run a hundred meters in 12.7 seconds and a small cross-country race, the distance of which is 3 km, in 11 minutes. In addition, you need to have minimal hand-to-hand combat skills, which you will have to persistently improve in training.

In addition, a personal file will be studied, with close relatives checked for criminal records.

Airborne Forces

Before you think about the Airborne Special Forces, you need to join the ranks of the Airborne Forces. The Airborne Forces are units with their own history and established traditions, and today, in order to serve in this group of troops, you need to have excellent health and a great desire. Your personal file will reflect all the information: smoking, addiction to alcohol, heart disease, etc. Therefore, even if you quit smoking, then, most likely, another applicant will get the vacant position.

If you are clearly sure that you want to serve in special forces, you must definitely be part of an air assault battalion. This is the best power structure where a conscript who wants to later end up in the ranks of special forces can get into.
After that, it’s possible to get into a reconnaissance battalion, which only recruits contract soldiers. It will be considered a big plus if by this time you have a youth rank or belt in one of the types of martial arts. Next, you need to demonstrate your abilities in the DSB, and you will probably be offered to move on a contract basis to an intelligence or special forces unit.


Marines are the most functional branch of the military in the Russian Army. Marine Corps soldiers can be dropped from the air or from water, capture and destroy enemy positions, and act both as part of the main forces and independently. The initial physical requirements for conscripts are small, since it is generally accepted that the basic qualities will be instilled in the troops, but health must be no worse than that of applicants for service in the Airborne Forces.

The majority, most likely, thinks to consider certain types of troops if there is a specific question: how to get into the special forces by conscription? Soldiers serving in the ranks of the Airborne Forces and Marines most often receive an offer to transfer to special forces, but on a contract basis, since no one will spend time and money on training soldiers whose service life will end in a year.

Intelligence service

In addition to the FSB, there is also the GRU, whose units belong to a separate category. The conditions for joining the ranks of the Main Intelligence Directorate are the same as for the FSB special forces, but with one difference. Soldiers and sergeants can join the unit.

Mental toughness and excellent physical fitness are essential for this type of work, but instructors say it's not enough to just shoot straight and cover long distances. Along with these qualities, there must be a sober mind and the ability to think quickly and make decisions in non-standard situations. It is also impossible to get into the GRU special forces by conscription. In the best case, you will receive an offer to switch to contract service.

Health categories

The registry uses five categories that reflect health status and affect the type of military service likely to serve.

Category "A"

Based on the results of the commission, this mark is given to conscripts in good health. Today there are few of them, so with category “A” they are sent to special forces.

Category "B"

This indicator appears in conscripts with minor disorders in the body and affects the choice of troops. Category “B1” confirms that a person is able to withstand any load. With such a mark you can get into special forces. “B2” - suggests more relaxed types of service. With the “B3” category, they will most likely be sent to units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or to the anti-aircraft missile forces.

Conscripts who fall into categories “B”, “G”, and “D”, especially those with poor eyesight, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc., have every chance of not getting into the ranks of the armed forces at all.

Service in any branch of the Russian army is honorable; mastering each military specialty requires intellectual, moral, psychological and physical concentration from a person. The country's Armed Forces include units where only people with special qualities can serve. These are army special forces, separate groups within the regular army, which are entrusted with solving problems of a certain complexity. Only candidates with excellent health and high psychophysiological qualities will be able to be selected for special forces.

Types and tasks of special forces, general requirements of the RF Armed Forces

In the army of any state there are units formed according to the principles of subordination to individual branches of the military or various power structures. In our country, the following units have their own special forces:

  • Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff;
  • Navy;
  • Marines;
  • Border Troops;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Department of Corrections;
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The goals of each division are determined by the department under which it is located. Regardless of departmental affiliation, they may be assigned tasks aimed at:

  • conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities on enemy territory;
  • preventing sabotage by a possible enemy against the Russian Federation;
  • counterintelligence and anti-terrorism operations, including the release of hostages and the physical elimination of terrorists;
  • security activities of strategically important objects and serious persons.

Ensuring public safety is primarily entrusted to the special forces of the internal troops, but if necessary, these tasks can be performed by other special units, participating in joint operations during public events.

Who are special forces

The activities of special forces are regulated by departmental regulatory and legal documentation. Taking into account the special nature of the operations being carried out, the units are equipped with special vehicles and specialized weapons.

Important! To train employees, enhanced training and education bases have been equipped, and personnel training centers have been created.

The level of physical training must ensure the performance of combat missions in particularly difficult conditions, including covertly, behind enemy lines. From an economic point of view, the state incurs large costs for employee training. Enormous material and scientific resources have been invested in providing special forces with weapons, transport and special equipment, so employees are equipped with the most advanced means of protection and evacuation. The special value of army personnel is due to their unique combat skills. Every fighter is perfect:

  • knows the design, rules for using weapons and equipment in service with the world's armies;
  • can use any available object as a weapon;
  • masters several martial arts, knows how to use them in practice, so the military man himself is an effective weapon;
  • has a high level of intelligence and learning ability;
  • capable of instantly analyzing the situation and making the right decision;
  • knows how to use artificial structures and landscape objects as shelter;
  • able to act autonomously for a long time;
  • trained in practical survival skills in extreme conditions;
  • has a strong will and a stable psyche;
  • knows how to provide first aid.

The list of unique skills of fighters is not exhausted by this list, and can be supplemented by the skills that are required to perform individual combat missions.

How to get into service in special units

Spetsnaz is the most professional part of the Russian army, so it is impossible to get into military service in special forces: there is no recruitment. It is inappropriate to spend time and money on training a high-level specialist if he leaves the unit after a year of military service. The staff includes positions that can only be filled by warrant officers and officers. The law establishes contract service in special forces, and it can be concluded for a period of at least 3 years. The following may apply for service in the structure:

  • citizens who served conscription;
  • contract employees in other branches of the military;
  • graduates of higher military schools.

All applicants must have good characteristics from the place of service, meet the requirements for the state of health and psycho-emotional development of a special forces soldier.

Salary amount

Special rules regarding special forces employees are also reflected in the amount of remuneration, which consists of:

  • salary according to position and rank;
  • surcharges for secrecy and length of service;
  • payments for difficulty and tension, as well as special conditions of service.

In addition to these components, departmental additional payments are also provided. The salary in peacetime is from 60,000 rubles. Going on a business trip leads to an increase in the amount of salary to 100 thousand rubles or more. Payments for participation in special operations depend on their complexity and duration.

Requirements for candidates

In order to get into one of the special forces, it is not enough to be a physically healthy adult citizen of the country. Candidates are subject to much more stringent requirements than when recruiting for other types of troops:

  • age limit up to 28 years;
  • height above 175 cm;
  • ideal state of health;
  • successfully passed testing of the physical capabilities of the body;
  • passing psychological testing;
  • compliance with the psychotype;
  • passed a polygraph test;
  • high moral qualities;
  • excellent characterizing data from place of residence and previous work (service);
  • recommendations from a current special forces officer;
  • absence of a criminal record for the candidate and all his relatives;
  • consent from close relatives (parents or spouse).

Attention! Restrictions on height and age parameters may be revised when an employee moves from another department if he has other professional qualities and specialized experience.

From the list of requirements it is clear that, having planned a career in a special forces unit, the candidate must prepare in advance for selection.

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Many young men, inspired by military service, want to know how to get into the special forces. It is quite difficult to be part of a special forces detachment. To do this, it is necessary to meet strict requirements that are presented to potential candidates for a place in this unit.

Conscripts enter the army for only one year. Many conscripts are very happy about this. This state of affairs does not suit young people who dream of military affairs. They are offered the opportunity to join special forces or other units. The service life of a military man in this case will be limited by his contract. Usually it takes from 3 years.

Selection criteria for special forces: height of at least 175 cm and age not older than 25 years

Many people want to know how to get into special forces as a conscript or contract soldier. It is very difficult to learn military science in this unit in one year, so it makes little sense to take conscripts for military service into such types of troops. Things are different if the soldier is on a contract basis.

In each type of military unit there are special forces groups that specialize in performing particularly important military tasks. Each of them has different requirements for their candidates.


Before joining the special forces, and especially the FSB, it is not enough to simply complete military service. You must obtain a military rank of at least ensign.

It is imperative to have recommendations from employees or former employees of the FSB. The height of the soldier, which must be above average (at least 175 cm), is of great importance for admission. The candidate must successfully pass a number of physical fitness standards and psychological tests.

Airborne Forces

Those wishing to serve in the special forces of the Airborne Forces should first join the airborne troops of the Russian Federation. And only after this can you count on joining the units performing special tasks. Airborne special forces have a long history. It is considered as one of the best types of troops.

In order to serve in this elite unit, you must be in very good health, physically strong and prepared for heavy loads. Candidates with bad habits and serious illnesses are unlikely to pass the selection. Even if a soldier has had health problems in the past, this will become an obstacle to his entry into special forces.


It is impossible to get into the special forces of the navy without serving compulsory military service.

Appointments to the Navy are very honorable for military personnel. It is not easy to be among them.

Members of this unit must carry out combat missions not only at sea, but also in the air by landing from an airplane to forward positions. They are tasked with consolidating and holding them until the rest of the armed forces arrive.

A soldier must have good physical fitness and also be completely healthy. You can get into the Navy special forces after military service.


Spetsnaz GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate) is separate from other types of units. Before joining such troops, you must pass various tests. Training for the GRU special forces is very similar to that of the FSB. The only significant difference is that everyone can be accepted into it, regardless of military rank.

The physical fitness and mental health of military personnel must be at a high level. This is the main requirement for service in the GRU. A person’s intellectual abilities are also of great importance.

Men who were not in the Russian army will not be able to get into the GRU special forces. Such an opportunity may arise during contract service.

Excellent physical fitness is one of the requirements for admission to the special forces of the Federal Security Service

Anyone wishing to join the FSB special forces must fulfill the following standards:

  • Do 25 pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • Do abdominal exercises 100 times;
  • Do 90 push-ups;
  • Do bench presses 10 times in a lying position (the weight should correspond to body weight);
  • Run 100 meters in less than 12.7 seconds;
  • Run 3 kilometers in 11 minutes.

In addition, the special forces soldier must prove himself in hand-to-hand combat. To get into the FSB service, you must show good endurance and perseverance.

Primary selection

Selection for service in special forces takes place in stages. Military personnel are selected from officers and warrant officers. There is an opportunity to enter the FSB special forces after graduating from military school.

Selection of personnel for special forces is carried out in a certain order. 97% of military personnel must have officer ranks. The remaining 3% may be warrant officers.

Before joining the FSB, a serviceman must show his references. They can be provided either by current employees or by people who have already served in special forces. Men who are undergoing training at institutions of the FSB and the Ministry of Defense are allowed to take part in the selection.

The easiest way is to try to enter the special forces after studying at a special faculty for special forces. A person who served in the army and wants to join the FSB must make a lot of effort to achieve this. This is because there are a lot of people who want to serve in special forces and who are trained specifically for this purpose.

Specialized institutions where future special forces are trained are under constant surveillance by FSB officers. They select students and test them. If it is successfully completed, the young man can count on receiving an invitation to an interview regarding further military service.

When selecting, certain personal data are taken into account. There are height restrictions for candidates. He must be more than 175 cm. Short stature may prevent a soldier from wearing protective equipment during combat operations. In some cases, they may deviate from the rules and make an exception.

Special forces officers are selected by age, which should not exceed 28 years. In some cases, this requirement is not taken into account. A man over 28 years old can be recruited into special forces if he proves himself to be an excellent and promising fighter.

Physical testing

It is impossible for a physically unprepared person to get into special forces

After the initial selection process, physical testing follows. Recruitment is taking place for two well-known departments, which have slight differences in physical fitness requirements.

Special Forces "Alpha" (referred to as Group "A") has high standards for passing. Also in demand is the Vympel division or group B. Their requirements are inferior to Alpha in terms of complexity.

All endurance exercises take place within one day. Upon completion of their implementation, sparring begins, during which the candidate’s suitability for service in special forces is finally determined.

The review begins with arrival at a special base. On its territory, after changing into a comfortable uniform, candidates run a distance of 3 kilometers. This must be done in no more than 10 minutes and 30 seconds. After the run, they give you 5 minutes to rest. This is followed by a 100 m run. This distance must be covered in no more than 12 seconds.

The next stage is pull-ups in the amount of 25 times for control “A” or 20 times for group “B”. The rest time between all subsequent exercises is 3 minutes.

This is followed by abdominal exercises, which take 2 minutes to complete. During this time you need to perform them 90 times. All candidates must do the same number of exercises. Then the young people begin to do push-ups. The mandatory norm for control “A” is 90 times, for group “B” at least 75 times. If push-ups are required not from the floor, but on uneven bars, then the soldier who ends up doing this type of exercise will have to perform it 30 times. Intelligence departments do not limit the time required to complete push-ups. In this case, the most important thing is the quality and correctness of the candidate’s actions, and not his speed.

At the very end, candidates begin a set of specific exercises. It includes push-ups, abdominal exercises, the “lying emphasis” position, and from it the “crouching emphasis”, as well as jumping from the “crouching” position. To control “Alpha” you need to perform 7 repetitions of this complex. The Pennant squad only requires 5 reps.

Special check

A medical examination is required upon admission to special forces.

Candidates are required to undergo psychological testing. He checks the soldiers and makes a psychological portrait of each of them.

A medical examination is mandatory. All military personnel additionally undergo a polygraph test. A special commission will simultaneously conduct a check on the relatives of the candidate for the special forces.

Permission from relatives

A mandatory procedure is to conduct a conversation with close relatives of the candidate. During communication with them, the main nuances of the upcoming service are explained.

The most important thing for military people is their health. If a person plans to work in such organizations in the future, he should give up bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle. To serve in the special forces, it is necessary to practice martial arts, both in civilian life and in the army. You need to learn to demonstrate the best skills in military affairs in order to prove your suitability for such responsible service.

Since we’ve decided to find out how to get into the special forces, we’ll tell you the whole truth. Don't rely on easy ways, freebies or concessions. Everything is serious, that’s what the Special Forces Unit is for. Training of employees according to a special program, using special means and tactics to perform special operations. Not everyone will be allowed to do this; a certain set of skills, abilities, abilities and merits is already required from the very beginning. So, how to get into the special forces of various units (FSB, GRU, Airborne Forces, etc.).

Join the special forces: requirements

Regardless of what kind of special forces unit you like: gru, alpha, airborne special forces - how to get there, what is needed, what requirements will be imposed - this is the main thing that those who want to join the ranks of special forces should think about.

The first thing you simply must know for sure is to serve. Here is the first key to the special forces ranks. For example, all elite units are formed from former soldiers who served in special forces units. Vympel, GRU, Alpha special forces - how to get there? Let's go to serve, achieve heights. Often such units require a maroon beret.

Let's talk about general points that relate to service in special forces. For example, let's look at how to get into the FSB special forces: what is the algorithm for recruiting candidates. Any selection consists of several stages.

Primary selection

  • The FSB special forces, as a rule, recruit warrant officers and officers. Cadets of military schools are enrolled as candidates for officer positions. At the same time, a warrant officer must have at least a secondary education, and an officer needs a higher education. Actually, there are about 97% of officer positions in special forces, the rest are warrant officers.
  • A recommendation from a current CSN employee is required for a candidate to be admitted. Or a recommendation from someone who previously served in Vympel or Alpha.
  • Preference is given to students of the special forces department (available at the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School).
  • There is also a serious limitation in the matter of physical data - the candidate’s height must be at least 175 cm (due to equipment - heavy armored shields of impressive size). However, if your professional merits can compensate for the lack of height, an exception may be made.
  • Age must not exceed 28 years. Again, exceptions can be made for candidates with combat experience who come from other law enforcement agencies.

Physical testing

  • Special forces of any direction: Vympel, Alpha, FSB, GRU special forces - how to get there without the appropriate physical data? That's right - no way. So let's start training right now (if there is still time). Well, hang in there.
  • In the FSB special forces we can talk about Directorate “A” and Directorate “B”. The physical fitness requirements for them differ, for “A” they are slightly higher. By the way, rest between exercises is just a name. And the quality of execution is monitored very strictly; it won’t be possible to fake it.
  • Candidates arrive, change clothes and run 3 kilometers in 10 minutes. 30 seconds (faster is possible).
  • Five minutes of rest - and a hundred meters in 12 seconds, which will be allowed further.
  • We run to the gym, where a pull-up on the crossbar awaits. Office candidate "A" - 25 times for credit, "B" - 20 times. Then between exercises there is a rest of 3 minutes.
  • Flexion and extension of the torso (“press”) - 90 times in two minutes.
  • Push-ups: 90 times for “A”, and 75 times for “B”. There is no strict time here.
  • Next is a set of exercises. One complex includes: 15 presses, 15 push-ups, 15 jumps up from a crouching position, 15 transitions from a crouched position to a lying position and back. So for Control “A” it is necessary to perform the complex 7 times, for “B” - 5 times. 10 seconds are allotted for each individual exercise of the complex. There is no rest between exercises.
  • For Control "A" sometimes an endurance exercise is given - 100 jumps up.
  • Next - hand-to-hand combat with an instructor or well-trained employee.

Special check

  • Checking absolutely all relatives.
  • The candidate’s work with a psychologist, based on the results of which a conclusion is drawn, a psychological portrait is drawn up.
  • Full medical examination.
  • Polygraphic research ("lie detector").

Permission from relatives

Since getting into special forces is very responsible and serious, a conversation is held with the candidate’s parents and his wife. The relatives are explained the features of service in special forces and its nature. The result is the written consent of the wife and parents.

Here is an approximate algorithm for admission to special forces. Apparently, it’s worth preparing from childhood, or at least not skipping physical education classes.