How to remove the curse from your son yourself. How to remove your mother’s curse with prayers yourself. How to protect yourself from your mother’s negativity - mirror shield

If you are working off your mother’s curse, try to remove it yourself in church with prayers.
You are faced with a very difficult and twofold task.
On the one hand, it is the greatest sin to suspect one’s own mother of sending a curse. Even if it sounded clearly.
On the other hand, removing it yourself is quite painstaking.
The evil energy message of the mother can be safely equated to the monstrous corruption of an extraordinary adept.

By cursing her child, the mother not only breaks through his protective shell, but also dooms the child to difficulties in later life.
For this reason, be patient and strictly follow everything I tell you!

You have to visit 3 different Orthodox Temples.
In each of them, place 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
While standing before the image of the Virgin Mary, say these prayer lines to yourself:

Virgin Mary, I beg you to forgive, I beg you to cleanse me, I beg you to save me. Amen!

Cross yourself heartily and light 3 candles on the eve.

Do the same in two other churches, preferably on the same day.
In every Orthodox Church you need to submit a registered note about your own Health and the Health of your mother.
Total 6 notes. You'll have to spend a little money.

When leaving the walls of the last Temple, buy the icons listed above and 36 candles.
Collect holy water. A lot of!
When you come home, retire to your room. Lock the door tightly. Under no circumstances should you dare to tell your mother about her fatal curse. And don’t even think about cursing her back! You will bring about your own destruction!
Light 12 candles. Place icons and a decanter of holy water nearby.
Read the Orthodox prayer “Our Father” many times.
When finished, cross yourself diligently and sip some holy water. Place a cup or glass next to the decanter.
Proceed to repeated prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos from the terrible curse of the mother.

Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary. Don’t be angry with me for this damn sin and don’t punish me with even greater suffering. Deliver me from all ominous curses and from my mother's wrath. If the guilt lingers on me, let go of all sinful acts. Intercede before me and my own mother in the Halls of God and send down holy deliverance from heaven. Let the demonic curse disappear, and let sorrow leave me forever. Thy will be done. Amen.

Drink holy water again, heartily crossing yourself.
Put out the fire. Suck cinders into the trash. You put the icons in the closet.
The next day, repeat self-cleaning.
The next day you complete the withdrawal again.
For greater clarity, I’ll summarize: 3 different Temples, a total of 6 custom notes about my Health and the Health of my mother, church candles for the icons listed above in each church, as well as Orthodox cleansing performed for 3 days in a row.
Don't confuse anything by losing sight.
The mother’s curse can be lifted, and there are prayers for this.
Only energetic family closeness is very difficult to interfere with.

May God help you!

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Number of reviews: 32

    Since childhood, I have not had a very good relationship with my mother, there is complete lack of understanding. I remember in my teens when I behaved badly, didn’t listen, she somehow screamed at me in her hearts - “damn you, don’t let your life go well like mine.” These words sank into my soul, I remember them especially often now that I have become a widow, just like she was in her time, only she later got married, and I have been alone for more than 10 years. Could this be the effect of her words? Thanks for the answer.

    What if mom is no longer alive? My mother drank a lot and constantly cursed everyone and wanted to die (for several hours in a row, while she was baptized and turned to God). I got it the most. Can this be considered a mother's curse? THANK YOU!

    Natalia comments:

    Hello, Natalia.

    In any case, practicing removing your mother's curse won't hurt you.
    Please use the material provided above.

    Very grateful for your answer! There is only one question left: should we submit notes in churches about our mother for her repose?

    Natalia comments:

    – should you submit notes in churches about your mother for the repose of your mother?

  • 15 years ago, my husband’s sister and her husband died, my mother-in-law was very worried, she even started drinking. And somehow, during another binge, her husband picked her up drunk, brought her home and locked her up, she screamed at him, said damn you, and it would be better if you crashed, and Alla was alive. Since then we have been living, collecting all the misfortunes - too many to count - and the car was crashed more than once, and there is no luck in any matter, we gave birth to a child with the help of IVF, now I am afraid for my son. My mother-in-law is still alive, please tell me what to do?

    Tell me, please, what to do? I am 19 years old. My mother is against my marriage with my boyfriend, and last year on my birthday she cursed me 3 times. And during this year she cursed me more than once. She doesn't work, she stays at home. Me and my dad work. She hates everyone, even her parents. What should I do, tell me?

    Natalia comments:

    What should I do, tell me?

    Hello, Natalia.

    Go to an Orthodox Church and submit a registered note of Health to all family members.

    Place 3 candles each at the icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    While standing before the image of the Pleasant, heartily crossing yourself, whisper these prayer lines to yourself:

    Wonderworker Nicholas, God's Pleasant. May the curse of the mother be lifted, which was done with a word and sent down with anger. Forgive her sins and mine, and save our family. Thy will be done. Amen.

    Everything will gradually improve for you.

    Take care of yourself, Natalia.

    Tell me, please, what should we do? I am 5 years older than my husband, and after 6 years of persecution I married him.
    My mother-in-law treated me negatively all the time; from the first day we rented an apartment, although my husband’s parents lived in a two-room apartment. My first daughter Anna was born, I was on maternity leave, there was nothing to pay for a rented apartment, my husband had a small salary, and we had to move to live with my mother in a one-room apartment.

    And when I became pregnant with my second child, my mother-in-law simply ordered an abortion. The second daughter, Yulia, was born, and when she was vaccinated against rubella at the age of 3, this apparently caused a complication of the kidneys - nephritis, and her mother-in-law then wished her death.

    Now Yulia is married and expecting a baby herself, I am very worried about the health of her and the baby. And the eldest daughter is already almost 28, unmarried, very thin and often sick, and there is absolutely no candidate for a husband.

    When we lived in a one-room apartment with my mother, and she said twice that she was so tired of us that we would die.
    I'm all sick.
    My parents were buried, and I had to look after everyone, and everyone asked for forgiveness before they died, especially my mother-in-law. Please advise what to do! Thank you!

    Tatyana comments:

    I'm all sick.

    Your revelation is very dear to me, Tatyana, and in your reverent story I felt the difficult life, the suffering that your bright soul went through.

    As for health, treat yourself with traditional medicine, helping with prayers, fasting and strong attitudes towards calm.

    Please monitor your health by taking the necessary tests.

    Your children and grandchildren, if I’m not mistaken, should not “pull the burden of the curse” of your mother-in-law, since she repented when she died.

    Everything will work out for them too. The eldest will meet a real man, and believe me, she doesn’t want just anyone.

    Everything has its time. Try to find on our website those prayers that you trust.

    Intuition will not deceive a wise person like you.

    Take care of yourself and live as long as possible!

    Hello, tell me what prayers to start with.
    My older brother got married 14 years ago, my daughter-in-law didn’t want to work, and we come from a rich family.
    She didn’t want to do anything at all, just spend money.

    My mother got angry with them and stopped helping. And after a while she was replaced, she began to hate me and my dad, and idolize my brother and his wife.
    All sorts of terrible diseases began to fall on me, and I miraculously pulled through. Then she married an alcoholic, gave birth to two children and immediately divorced.

    My mother doesn’t help me, she constantly calls me terrible names, and she showers my lazy brother and daughter-in-law with money, and they don’t work at all.

    Now I got married again, and my husband stole from me. I go to church and pray at home. And I cry every day. Is there anything you can do to help me? Thanks a lot.

    Anna comments:

    I go to church and pray at home. And I cry every day. Is there anything you can do to help me?

    Hello Anna!

    I sincerely tell you that you are helping yourself.

    Praying and visiting the Temple, I cannot dare to offer you magical spells to perform.

    When you get ready to go to Church again, submit a registered note about your own Health.

    Christ sends sorrows - that’s what the Orthodox say.

    Anna, please don't torture yourself.

    It is very difficult for you, but I am convinced that the darkness will give way to bright days.

    Happy upcoming Easter.

    If there are icons listed for the ritual in the house, do I need to buy them again?
    After the ceremony is completed, what should be done with them?
    Thanks for the answer.

    Natalia comments:

    Thanks for the answer.

    Hello, Natalia!

    If the required icons are available at home, you should not buy new ones.

    After the end of the event, put the icons back where you got them from.

    May God help you! Be happy!

    Hello, in a fit of anger and resentment towards my son for his rudeness and insults, I couldn’t stand it and told him these terrible words.
    Now he is in a psychiatric hospital, I blame myself for this, that I couldn’t restrain myself, what should I do, can I change something?
    Help, advise, I pray with tears in my eyes!!!
    Thank you in advance, may God bless you!

    Margarita comments:

    Help, advise, I pray with tears in my eyes!!!

    Hello Margarita!

    The more you love a person, the more you hate him when he does nasty things.

    You are a Mother, which means that you wish only the Good for your son.

    Let's put aside all these myths about the mother's curse for a second.

    Your boy is being treated at the clinic. He will definitely get better, but you must help him with your care and affection.

    And he most likely no longer remembers about the curse.

    Please do not torment yourself, but continue to live with faith and hope for brighter days.

    Good luck!

    Hello! Help me please.

    I was told that I was cursed to not be able to have children. Today my husband remembered that once my mother said that we would not have children, to which my husband asked her a question: are you sure, she answered: yes.

    After all this, I can't have children. What can you tell me and what should I do?

    Alla comments:

    What can you tell me and what should I do?

    Hello, Alla.

    Forgive me for the delay in response.

    Unfortunately, I am not a healer, so I will muster up the courage to acquaint you with the opinion of the average person.

    First of all, find a truly experienced doctor, and not one who “throws up his hands.”

    As for the mother's curse, this is a very serious suspicion that may be unfounded.

    So, you and your husband go to the Orthodox Church and place 1 candle at the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

    Get some holy water. Drink it with your spouse in small sips.

    Read the prayer “Our Father” and Psalm “90”.

    And you continue to undergo treatment.

    If all else fails, try using the material presented on this page.

    I endlessly believe that you will have children.

    Please live happily!


    I love my mother very much, I talk to her every day on the phone, and see her every weekend.

    She is wonderful, she tries for us, she helps. I have two children. I do not know what to do. There comes a moment when everything changes dramatically.

    It’s as if a demon is possessing her, and she doesn’t belong to herself. She says terrible words: damn you, die, baptizes, tells children to torture you.

    And this happens regularly.

    It started from childhood. He curses the whole family: dad, sister, me. Then, when it calms down, it’s as if nothing had happened. You tell her that you shouldn’t curse your children, but she says: it’s your nerves, don’t take it to heart, and so on from time to time.

    These words are very reflected in life: the husband at work has jambs on jambs, it’s getting worse and worse.
    Business has stopped and cannot get going.

    We've already visited grandmothers and fortune tellers, but it's all useless.

    As I write, tears well up; I’m ashamed to write that my mother is cursing me.

    I'm afraid for my daughters that this won't affect them.

    And the worst thing is that I couldn’t stand it and answered her the same thing.

    Tatyana comments:

    Please advise what should I do. Thank you!

    Hello Tatiana.

    Sorry for the delay in response.

    It is with deepest sorrow that I have studied your revelation.

    Dear woman, mother is sacred.

    I beg you very much, do not torment yourself, but visit the Orthodox Church and place 1 candle at the icon of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.

    Submit separate (ordered) Health Notes for all family members.

    Read Psalm 91 and the Lord's Prayer.

    Drink holy water. Add it to your mother unnoticed.

    And I ask you very much, find the strength within yourself so as not to make mistakes.

    Be tolerant, although it is unbearably difficult for you.

    Everything will definitely work out for you.


    3 years ago I got married.

    Ekaterina comments:

    When my mother found out, she was not happy...

    Hello, Ekaterina, I deliberately shortened your comment so that the page does not look like an array of the same type of information.

    I kindly ask you to read all the comments left on this page.

    In them we discuss a similar problem.

    Live in peace and harmony!


    I ask for advice and help.

    My mother is 93 years old. My daughter and I constantly help her: every day we go to her, cook, clean, bring food, try.

    But in return there are only reproaches and curses.

    My children and grandchildren are not going well in their personal lives and have health problems. And this is not only now, but has always been. So much anger and hatred!

    No one wants to go to her except us. In response to her anger, I always tell her that we will not leave her.

    We read about this age and tolerate it.

    Valentina comments:

    Please tell me how to remove this negativity from us?

    Hello, Valentina.

    The comments left on this article will help you.

    I urge you to familiarize yourself with them.

    Old people... It hurts, and it’s bitter, and it’s insulting...

    But what can we do, dear woman?..

    Believe in the intercession of the Lord God and endure all hardships to the end.

    Please, take care of yourself!

    When I was 15 years old (now 57), my mother said that with my character I would never get married.

    And so it happened.

    There are children (and even grandchildren). But there is no husband.

    I met a good man, but I’m afraid that my mother’s curse will not allow me to be with him.

    Elena comments:

    If possible, please tell me what should I do?

    Hello, Elena.

    I sincerely repent for the delay in response.

    You don't need to do anything!

    If you feel necessary, you can use the material presented on this page.

    You have everything - children, grandchildren, and a loved one (good).

    All that remains is to get rid of what is called personal programming for failure.

    There is no curse on you. At least 99% out of 100.

    Be infinitely happy!

    Hello, I committed the worst sin.

    Out of anger, she said the terrible words “go to hell” to her son.

    I repent very much and am afraid for him.

    How can I fix everything before it’s too late? What should I do?

    Hello, Natalia.

    Please don't be sad.

    If you start torturing yourself now, you will “burn out”, reducing the years of your life.

    Go to the Orthodox Church and submit a registered note of Health for yourself and your son.

    Read the Prayer Book.

    You are a very good mother, and nothing will happen to your child.

    Be infinitely happy!

    Hello, I am now 41 years old.

    In childhood, adolescence, and to this day, my biological mother curses, wishes for death and says: “Damn you!”

    And a kind, holy woman raised me and took me from the orphanage where my blood mother gave me up.

    I have terrible health problems: there are almost no healthy organs and body parts, I couldn’t give birth to children, I had 2 miscarriages, and my marriages ended in divorce.

    I dream of getting married, but my mother constantly wishes me the worst, and says that she hates me, and that I have achieved nothing in life, that I am worthless and empty.

    I, too, I confess, in response, repeatedly cursed her, then asked God for forgiveness.

    Life is like horror, problems in all areas, and a constant depressive mood, you don’t want to do anything, but you really want to live happily.

    Help me please.

    Maybe I need to stop contacting my mother?

    Hello, Nadezhda.

    I read your frank lines with wild pain.

    Tell me frankly, how can I dare to advise you anything?

    Only charlatans who know the answers to any questions are capable of this.

    By leaving your mother who curses you, you will then condemn yourself three times.

    I am not a seer, but it seems to me that you need to make every effort to improve your health.

    If your living conditions allow, try changing your apartment.

    On our website you can easily find material on any problem.

    I'm sorry that I didn't live up to your expectations.

    May God hear you!


    I am 46 years old.

    My mother cursed me since childhood.

    From the age of 6 to 11, my father went to bed with me.

    I think you understand me.

    I told my mother about this once, but she just yelled at me.

    While I was married, even my ex-husband was amazed at how someone could curse his own daughter.

    The husband left.

    She has been on Phenazepam for 30 years.

    He curses me and my son and wishes death.

    Today there are a lot of such SMS again.

    But it’s amazing that her friends support her.

    She turned all my relatives against me.

    When I went to see her, she threw herself at me.

    She also annoyed my son with text messages saying that now he doesn’t communicate with me either.

    Tell me what to do?

It is necessary to get rid of the mother's curse begging.
It is begged off either by the person who was cursed, or by one of this kind.

A cursed person must get up an hour before dawn, and turning to the east, read prayers and ask for forgiveness for the one who cursed him.

First read three times "Our Father":

“Our Father” Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Once "Prayer to the Cross":

“May God rise again, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His face. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts before the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and sign themselves with the sign of the cross, and who speak with joy : Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled down the power of the devil, and gave us His Honorable Cross to drive out every adversary. Oh, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen."

Once "Alive in Help" :

“He who lives in the help of the Most High, to dwell in the Blood of the Heavenly God, says, O Lord: You are my protector and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. trust in His wing: His truth will surround you with weapons. You will not fear from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies in the days, from the thing that passes in darkness, from the splinter, and from the demon of the midday. A thousand will fall from Your country, and the darkness is at your right hand, but not to you will draw near: you will see your eyes, and you will see the deeds of sinners. For you, O Lord, are my hope: you have set your refuge on the Most High. Evil will not come to you, and no wound will come close to your body: for as His angel commanded you, keep you in all in your ways. They will take you in their arms, and once upon a time you dash your foot against a stone: you will attack the asp and the basilisk, and you will cross the lion and the serpent. For you have trusted in Me, and I will declare, and for you to know My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will take him away, and I will glorify him: I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation."

And you should finish by reading "Prayers to St. Guardian Angel":

"Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel" Holy Angel, stand before me more wretched than my soul and more passionate than my life, do not abandon me, a sinner, forsake me for my intemperance. Do not give room to the evil demon to possess me with the violence of this mortal body; strengthen my poor and weak body hand and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my damned soul and body, forgive me everything, I have offended you greatly all the days of my life, and if I sinned this past night, cover me on this day , and save me from every opposite temptation, so that in no sin I anger God, and pray for me to the Lord, that He may strengthen me in His passion, and show me worthy to show me the servant of His goodness, amen."

I'm following Jesus Christ
And for the Mother of God
Along the blue sea, along the spring sea.
I go from edge to edge,
From Motherland Day to Christening Day,
From the spring hour to the eternal hour.
I follow in the footsteps of the Mother of God,
For the Virgin Mary.
Mother of God, turn around,
Mother of God, pray for me
To His Son Jesus Christ.
Mother of God, Virgin Lady,
I bow to Your servant (name),
Your feet are down to the ground.
Mother of God, help me.
My mother conceived me
Carried under my heart,
To the white light through the meat gate
She released it and cursed the last one.
Mother of God, help,
Take it off me, God's servant (name),
Curse from (name)'s mother.
As You are Your Son Jesus Christ
She loved, her heart grieved for Him,
She shed tears at the Cross,
Help, Mother of God,
To me, God's servant (name),
Remove the curse of blood from blood,
Fate from fate, from the navel to the spool.
There is no higher word than Jesus Christ,
There is no higher word than the Mother of God,
I don't have my mother's curse
From this hour, from this dawn
I'm filming a turning point in fate
From an evil deed, from a black heart,
From a mother's word.
How strong Mother of God
Loved the Lord
So truly it left my body,
From fate, from foot, from hand, from roads,
From the eyes, from the eyebrows, from the backlog and business,
From the night, from the day, from the star, from the blood
The word is damned, the word is black.
How surely the sun will rise in the morning,
So surely the curse will subside
From roots, from branches, from fruits,
From the tree, from the womb, from the trail, from the placenta.
Amen to my deed and word.
I love my mother,
Break her word.
Amen to my deed and word.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

The mother, carrying her child in the womb, protects and protects him with all her might. Therefore, the child initially trusts only the mother, and subsequently trusts her most of all.

Too strong an energetic connection was formed during pregnancy and caring for a completely helpless baby.

The words that mother tells us are not filtered, but penetrate into the very subconscious: it is written on the subcortex: this is mother, she is right, she is protection, she is always for you. This is the terrible power of the mother’s curse: any other impact first makes a hole in the barrier of a person’s energy protection, and then destroys the field itself. Subconscious trust in the mother makes you miss the blow - all the fuse, all the strength that the mother puts into her words will fall on a defenseless person without encountering an obstacle.

So, any curse can be compared to a fight: who will be stronger? The magician who wants to harm you, or you? People can have very strong energy, such that any sorcerer who tries to harm them will feel sick. You grab hold - and either take the blow, or, not having time to take cover, you are knocked out. But even in this case, the person will tense the neck muscles - instinctively, unconsciously.

A mother's curse can be compared to an unexpected blow to the back of the head with a hammer or a baseball bat - no chance, no instinctive muscle tension, you are not expecting the blow, and therefore you are defenseless.

Maternal curses are most often imposed by a thoughtless, careless word. Scolding a child for a minor offense or prank, much less taking anger out on him, is completely unacceptable; you can send a curse on him and not even notice it. The younger the child, the greater the danger he is if the mother is incontinent with her tongue.

In addition, a mother can deliberately impose a curse - but I would like to believe that not a single woman living on the planet would commit such madness.

What does the curse mean?

The consequences of the maternal curse are undoubtedly one of the most terrible results of magical intervention in principle; its symptoms are themselves suffering in its purest form. They depend on a number of factors - the “strength of the blow” (how much hatred was invested by the mother), the specificity of the curse - in principle, the child was cursed, or some specific part of his life. Repeated curses are superimposed on each other and mutually reinforce.

The mother can set a delayed start for the curse: the “if-then” formulation will activate the curse if the condition is met. In addition, a mother's curses are stronger against a daughter than against a son.

Any negative attitude that the mother promotes in her curse will certainly come true.“May you die” - and the child dies under mysterious circumstances, “May the devils take you away” - and the child is kidnapped, raped or killed. Examples and signs of such effects of maternal curses are found at every step, but people are perplexed about the reasons for the life troubles of their children.

If the mother curses the clan (wants the clan to be interrupted after her death), then the maternal curse will simultaneously become a clan curse.

A maternal curse directed at a pregnant daughter is especially dangerous - for the fetus, which shares the charge equally with the mother, such an effect can be fatal.

The consequences of a curse by a stepmother are not so destructive due to the lack of such a strong emotional connection.

How to protect yourself?

Each case is unique, and there are general recommendations for protection from the maternal curse. If someone claims to know how to break the mother's curse, he probably has no idea what he's talking about. Prayers and conspiracies that allow you to independently remove the curse, get rid of it, or defend yourself are unlikely to work.

Each mother's curse is unique, and this is precisely the problem. Therefore, there is no universal recipe to get rid of such a nuisance.

Methods that allow you to protect yourself or get rid of a curse are strictly individual; even conspiracies and prayers are written for a specific case by a specialist.

To protect against curses, you can henceforth use spells and prayers, talismans and amulets, you can try to defend yourself or resort to the help of magicians, but one way or another, you first need to get rid of the existing curse.

There are special amulets against the maternal curse, but not everyone can use them - their effect is so specific. Each curse will be mirrored - returned to the mother. Some conspiracies will not allow you to get rid of the negativity completely - the mother gets half back, half will fall on you.

You shouldn’t remove the curse yourself - it’s like treating cancer with folk remedies. There are times when you need the help of a specialist - both with physical and mental health.

The mother's curse is not just a "stain" on the energy field that can be scraped off. It penetrates into all layers of karma, and, like cancer cells, distorts and destroys the internal structure.

Cases of maternal curse are difficult, especially with old influences coming from childhood.

You, an amateur magician or other amateur, will not be able to remove such a curse. This requires a lot of time, effort and knowledge.

“On its own” the mother’s curse will not “dissolve” either - the sooner you begin to take measures to eliminate it, the less harm it will have time to cause you, otherwise your life may completely collapse.

Video: Mother's Curse

The maternal curse is considered one of the most terrible. It is very difficult to protect yourself from it, although there are chances to do so. Someone or someone for whom the relationship with a parent has become destructive needs to protect themselves. If the curse has already been pronounced, they resort to special rites and rituals.

The main signs of negativity

Before considering how to remove the maternal curse, you should pay attention to its main symptoms and signs. They consist mainly of the following:

  • A feeling of strong dependence on the will of the parent.
  • Translating the words spoken by the mother into reality.
  • Problems, difficulties, poor health, depressed emotional state.

Cursing a person is always a powerful negative influence, but the words spoken by a parent are especially powerful. Usually the main emphasis is on the area of ​​life that was “smoothed out” by the parent. But damage, as a rule, is so destructive that it has a destructive effect on a person’s entire life. These are the main symptoms of induced negativity. Whether the maternal curse can be lifted will be discussed further.

Appeal to Lada

Lada is the Slavic goddess of family harmony. Our ancestors always turned to her if they were worried about difficulties with relatives. How to remove the maternal curse by turning to the Slavic goddess? To carry out this effective ritual, it is necessary to purchase an expensive ransom - a ring made of gold or silver. The ritual is performed strictly alone.

The table is covered with a new white tablecloth. A black wax candle is placed and lit in the center. Four candles made of red wax are placed around it, and a crystal vase with water is placed nearby. If the lamps begin to smoke, it means the curse is strong enough.

Lade spell text

The spell is read on the ring as many times as the full age of the performer of the ritual:

“Svarog, you are our father! Lada, you are our mother! Makosh, good grandmother! May your holy will always be with us. Help me remove the evil, dashing word from (name). The word is maternal. Grandfather, Oak, help me. There was a golden throne in the mansion, and Mother Ladushka sits on that mansion. Grandfather, Oak, help me. Ladushka reads the Family Book, knows everything about children and mothers, and accepts prayer. Grandfather, oak tree, help me. I will pray to you, Ladushka, from my heart, and bow down to you. The mother's dashing word fell like a heavy pebble. It draws you to the damp earth and does not give peace to your zealous heart. He confuses his little legs on the way and gnaws them like a poisonous snake. In bad times, my mother cursed me (name) and said evil things to me.

The word seemed to poison me with poison, but closed me off from the bright share. It still pecks at the black raven, it doesn’t let you see the world and let you breathe. You, Mother Ladushka, help me now. Take that dashing maternal word from me. Remove the boiling tar from my forehead to my eyes. From the cheeks, from the sugary lips, from the little hands and feet, and from the spine. From large and small bones, from quick blood and every vein and half-vein. Lada, Ladushka, you are our kind mother. Just as a wax candle melts away, so let the curse melt away from me (name). Mother Ladushka with her white hands will shake off and erase the unkind word from me. Just as a burnt candle can never be whole again, so no curse can stick to my body and soul. From circle to circle."

The ring is then taken to the forest and placed in an empty bird's nest. At the same time, you need to whisper the words: “Empty to empty.” They return home without looking back, without greeting anyone. It is preferable to go home by a different route.

Funeral ritual

How to lift a mother's curse at a church funeral for a deceased person? To do this, you need to go to the temple on the day when they bring the deceased to the funeral service. As a rule, relatives stand with lit candles near the coffin. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will ask the question: “Who are you and why are you here?” Anyone who wants to remove maternal damage should also stand with a candle near the deceased. When the priest begins the funeral service, the words of the conspiracy are mentally pronounced 13 times:

“Newly deceased, abandoned from the white light. You are now lying in a coffin, not looking at the white light. Take my curse. Amen".

The words must be memorized in advance. If you remember them poorly, you can read them from a piece of paper so as not to confuse the order. However, the most powerful ritual will be if the conspiracy is pronounced from memory.

After this, you need to come to church on the 9th day and on the 40th after the funeral service, and light three candles each time. At the same time, the words are mentally pronounced: “For the repose of my curse.”

Midnight Rite

Held at midnight. The most optimal time is the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, on the waning moon. On Monday, before the sacrament, it is necessary to fast, read prayers and be sure to read an akathist to the guardian angel. By nightfall, you need to prepare three church candles and holy water.

Around midnight, they take off their outerwear, remaining in a nightie or T-shirt. Linen should be worn before the ritual for at least two days, but it should not be dirty. Place a mirror with candles in front of you. Place another mirror behind you.

Then the candles are lit. The person conducting the ritual looks into the eyes of his reflection intently, without blinking. If the last condition cannot be fulfilled, blinking is allowed occasionally. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“I look into my clear eyes. I'm not afraid of anyone now. No evil enemy, no spirit, no person. The Great Lord is with me, the Holy Spirit is with me. The Mother of God herself is with me. Amen, amen, amen."

Right in front of the mirror, you need to wash yourself with holy water prepared in advance, and then dry yourself with a T-shirt or nightgown, without taking off your clothes. After the end of the ceremony, look in the mirror for as long as the desire arises. The candles must burn out completely. While the lamps are burning out, it is absolutely not necessary to be near them.

After the ceremony, you should visit the temple. 12 candles are placed there. Three candles are placed for the Mother of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and St. Panteleimon. At the same time, you should thank them for their help in removing the damage.

Prevent damage: protection

Sometimes it is useful to think not about how to remove the mother’s curse, but how to put up protection in advance before it is said. This should be done in cases where the parent often says something unpleasant or does not skimp on offensive words. The following ritual can also be used to prevent further aggravation of the situation (subsequent curses and damage will not be able to overtake the person).

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • Small mirror.
  • Photograph of the mother.
  • A wax candle brought from the temple for a big holiday.

How to remove the maternal curse yourself using this ritual? To begin, place the photograph face to face against the mirror. They light a candle and say the words of the conspiracy: “Mother (name), you gave birth to me, you carried me under your heart for nine months. She protected her from other people, but she couldn’t protect her from herself. Let the dashing stay with you, but it doesn’t concern me in any way, it’s reflected by the mirror surface.”

You must wait until the candle burns out completely. After the ceremony, you must keep the mirror with you - it is especially useful to do this while communicating with your mother. It will serve as a talisman against the curse. The ritual will be stronger if the photograph is returned to the mother - the photograph should not be kept at home.

Comprehensive removal of damage

The next procedure is quite complicated, but if you perform the ritual correctly, you can completely get rid of the negative. To carry out the sacrament you will need a new knife, a candle from the temple, and a bowl of holy water.

Since it will not be possible to quickly remove the maternal curse on your own, the person conducting this sacrament will have to be patient. This ritual involves a gradual cleansing of negativity. It is necessary to cast a spell during the waning moon. The sacrament will especially help those who do not know how to remove a mother’s curse from her son. Light a candle and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother gave birth to a young child. Yes, she left it in a wide field, abandoned it in the blue mountains, forgot it in the deep sea, and gave it to animals and fish to be torn to pieces. She blessed with a dashing word, for the amusement of evil forces and for the laughter of people. Pure fire devours evil words and burns away curses. It cleanses the soul of a child in a mighty flame and frees it from its shackles. Drives away wild animals, takes away fierce spirits. That fire illuminates life with light and warmth, protects the one-eyed from misfortune and dashing. The wax melts and flows down. All evil disappears forever. It leaves my life, leaves me and my children. It is deprived of its evil power by fire. My life will be illuminated with heavenly light. All bad things will return to the underworld, but will never affect me. Dashing and black words, bitter and shameful thoughts will not stick to me. As the candle burns out, so will the curse burn out.”

Completion of the ritual

After this, you need to carefully make an incision on your left little finger and squeeze out a small amount of blood into a bowl of water. Before this, it is necessary to use disinfectants so that the ritual is safe for health.

Then they cut off a little hair with the same knife and burn it in the flame of a candle. The ashes are also thrown into the water. The ceremony ends after the candle burns out completely. The water should be poured under a dry tree. After this, this powerful conspiracy against the mother’s curse begins to operate. It can be difficult to remove strong damage, so the ritual can be repeated several more times, but only on the waning moon. It is necessary to cleanse yourself until there is a strong feeling that the damage to the parent has ceased to work.

How to remove a mother's curse from her daughter? Effective way

If the negativity was directed at your daughter, she can use the following effective method. First you need to visit three different Orthodox churches. In each church they place three candles - to the icon of Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and also to the Mother of God. Approaching the icon of the Virgin Mary, say the following words:

“Most Holy Mother of God, Most Pure Virgin! I, servant of God (my name), come running to you with a request. I beg you, forgive, cleanse, and save. Amen".

Having crossed themselves, three candles are placed at the holy image. The same must be done in the other two temples - preferably on the same day. In each of the three churches, you should submit a registered note for a prayer service for your health and your mother’s. There are six notes in total.

The final part of removing maternal damage from a daughter

Leaving the walls of the last church, you should purchase the above icons, as well as 36 candles. In the temple you should collect as much blessed water as possible. Arriving home, you should retire and light 12 candles. Place holy images and a bowl of holy water nearby. The Lord's Prayer is said many times. After this ritual, the question of how to remove the mother’s curse from her daughter on her own will not bother you. To be sure, you can strengthen the effect of the sacrament by giving alms to the poor at the temple on the next church holiday.


It is not easy to live with the knowledge that the mother could have caused serious harm. But since kinship provides a strong spiritual connection, this closeness can also have its negative side. Removing a family curse due to consanguinity is a labor-intensive process. But don't give up. After all, as long as the person himself does not give up, he has every chance of improving the situation.

There are certain magical influences that cause a curse for the entire family - it is difficult for even an experienced specialist to cope with them, not to mention a simple layman. The consequences of the influence of such spells are terrible - they can cause quarrels, the inability to live in peace, as well as loneliness and even the formation of very serious diseases that are inherited.

If you want to know how to remove a curse, you should prepare for the fact that there are no easy ways to get rid of black magic - you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. You can use a variety of rituals, as well as prayers - but you can never say which person will be better suited for one or another technique. Sometimes removing a strong curse can take months until an individual effective method is selected.

A curse, unlike damage or the evil eye, is never imposed on a specific person - even when pronounced against him, it is inherited by his children and more distant descendants.

Previously, it was believed that such an impact lasts seven generations, but modern experts say that it is impossible to get rid of such a problem on your own - after time it only weakens, although it may resurface again in the future. Removing a curse is extremely difficult - it is best to contact a professional who can help you do it safely and reliably.

There is such a thing as generational curse- it means that the influence was directed by the ancestors on their descendants who committed an objectionable act. Removing it is the most difficult - it requires lengthy prayers and unwavering faith in one’s own strength. Most often, there is a curse imposed on the female line - in this case, the mother usually renounces her dissolute daughter, who brings shame to the whole family.

If the ancestral spell is considered one of the most complex, then it is definitely worth mentioning separately about such a phenomenon as mother's curse— its consequence is loneliness and the crown of celibacy.

Slightly easier to remove curse passed on by father to son- it is usually a consequence of betrayal, refusal to procreate, as well as betrayal of the spouse. Diseases, insanity, and impotence are more often transmitted through the male line, which can also be a consequence of strong magical influence. Such a generational curse is somewhat less dangerous than a maternal one - it rarely leads to the inability to have children, and the family usually continues its life even if it is not lifted.

The most common consequences

If we do not touch on the complex cases of ancestral curse described above, then we can highlight countless more options for the consequences of using such black magic.

It’s worth starting with celibacy, which can arise even after the mother’s word - such a measure is considered the worst, because after it the clan ceases to exist. It is much more often transmitted through the female line, but usually does not bypass a single person belonging to a given family - they are doomed to lifelong loneliness if they do not get rid of this problem.

If you need to know how to remove a generational curse, it is worth mentioning magic that causes physical and mental illness - it already prefers to go down the male line, although there are exceptions. If the maternal spell is less painful, but more cruel, then people suffer from such a ritual for years, unable to heal. Doctors shrug their shoulders, but it’s impossible to treat yourself. At the same time, it is unknown which curse is worse - physical pain or clouding of mind.

The ancestral influence on relationships within the family is also widespread - it is the easiest to determine. If even two loved ones cannot get along with each other, we can definitely talk about the presence of outside interference. Such a curse is equally easily transmitted through both the female and male lines, and in the end it can also cause loneliness with all its consequences.

Quite serious magic, which must be removed as quickly as possible - lack of money. For an inexplicable reason, money begins to disappear from the families’ pockets at a tremendous speed - and no prayers or protective rituals help. If you do not remove this type of ancestral curse, soon everyone will become beggars and will be forced to beg. Moreover, it will affect every person in the family for several generations.

How can the church help?

If you need to find out how to remove a generational curse, the best way to do this is by visiting church. First, it’s worth determining which of your relatives caused you to have such a problem.

To remove the impact yourself, go to church on Sunday and read prayers for the repose of all the deceased whom you knew personally. Next, getting rid of the ancestral curse will require lighting candles one by one for all the dead people you can remember, as well as for the health of all living and healthy loved ones. Remember for which person you lit a certain candle, and then begin to read the “Our Father” prayer.

Determining the source of a family curse will be relatively easy - the required candle will begin to hiss strongly, and its flame will be uneven and may contain shades of blue. If such influence is maternal or otherwise, transmitted through the female line, you must first cleanse yourself of any types of damage using special prayers and rituals.

After the preparation is completed, it is necessary to light another candle for the person from whom the family curse came, and also go to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Light a candle and say the following prayer:

"Our family was punished
And both the evil eye and the dashing word fell on us
But we are not broken, and we are not tired
They bore their heavy cross, but did not regret
And now it's time for us to rest
You, Lord God, and Saint Nicholas, help me with this
Let the sins of our family burn out like a candle flame.
May they fly like free birds from our land!

After reading these words, you must order an annual prayer service for all deceased relatives, and also donate at least a tenth of your monthly income to the temple.

A maternal curse, or another spell descending on descendants through the female line, will also require fasting for a month in order to prevent incurring additional sin.

In addition, when leaving the church after prayer, you must give at least one coin to each beggar sitting near it. It will also be possible to remove black magic if you do not communicate with your relatives on this day and try not to think about them.

Against the mother's evil words

If misfortune came to you like a mother’s unkind word, and was passed on during the life of both generations, you should get rid of it as soon as possible so as not to stop the continuation of the family. To remove it, prayer against curses can be used in various versions. The most effective method is one that involves performing the ritual at home - its only condition is that the mother who created a similar problem for you is not at home.

To perform the ceremony you will need the following items:

  • saucer without rim;
  • salt;
  • new scarf;
  • church candle;
  • Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”.

At noon, lay a scarf on the table and place the icon on it, and next to it put a saucer on which pour a large pile of salt and place a candle in it. The maternal curse can be lifted if you light a candle, close your eyes and read the words of the Hail Mary prayer. You cannot open your eyes until the candle burns out - you can time this time in advance so as not to make a mistake.

After this, check your feelings yourself - if you have negative emotions, the icon will reflect the spell of your mother, and she will receive eternal loneliness, which will make her suffer.

To remove a generational curse, you must read the following prayer:

“Mother of God, our long-suffering mother!
Forgive your ignorant servant (mother's name)
She did not wish me harm, and did not want to start a dark sorcery!
Forgive me, a sinner, your servant (your name)
I don’t want to live out my life on my own!
Help me find my betrothed,
Yes, he is happy to give birth to a child
Help me, and I will never forget you
I will be grateful forever, and everyone who comes after me!

In order for the curse transmitted through the female line to completely leave you, you need to wrap the icon in a scarf that lies on the table and hide it under the pillow. There it should lie for three days, after which it should be placed in a prominent place and, if possible, prayers should be read in front of it as often as possible.

It must be remembered that it is not always possible to remove a serious family curse - in many cases it is only possible to stop its further spread in the family.

Therefore, the scarf will become your amulet, without which loneliness will find you again and you will need to start performing the described rituals again on your own.

Even when you find a loved one and give birth to a child, the curse can quickly return - it is extremely rare to completely remove it. Therefore, it is worth carrying a scarf with you at least a few hours a week - you don’t have to tie it on your head if you don’t like this style. It is enough to put it on your hand or around your neck as a stylish accessory so that you can remove the consequences of a family curse passed down through generations.

If you feel that problems are overtaking you again, and in your personal life everything is not as cloudless as you would like, you should go to church and say prayers. Putting a scarf on your head, go to the icon of the Mother of God, and then light a candle for your mother’s health and say the following words:

"Mother of God, kind, fair
Help me, don't leave me in trouble!
I don’t want to be on my own, I don’t want to live out my life alone
The dark fortune-telling comes to me again,
The demonic forces are rolling in again
Help me, shed your light on my head!
Save the perishing servant of God (your name),
May she have healthy and happy offspring!