Moderation of tarot yes no. Queen of Swords in Tarot, its meaning and description

Meaning of the Queen of Swords in the upright position

The Queen of Swords Tarot represents a woman with power and authority. Most of the time she is lonely. Always able to make a decision.

A certain event: unusual incidents, original actions, unexpected meetings. The situation is almost always fraught with some kind of threat. It is usually not visible, but it is there. The danger may come from this woman. She is concerned only with her own interests and is not constrained by moral standards. It's better to keep your nose to the wind.

  • elderly woman, insight, independence

The Queen of Swords Tarot represents an elderly woman with a sharp mind, very insightful, most often she has a profession related to intellectual activity (law, teaching), and a fairly high position. She can provide assistance to the Client within the framework of her specialty. Possessing an extremely strong sense of independence, self-confidence, and dedication to her work, the Queen of Swords Tarot is usually single or divorced.

Queen of Swords Reversed Meaning

Personal loss, emotionally devastating situation. Pain, breakup, collapse of ambition, betrayal. The card advises you to pay attention to your enemies, there is a high probability of getting stabbed in the back. Now they are much stronger than you, be very careful.

  • hatred of people, misanthropy, picky critic, malice, anger, bitterness, indifference
  • a malicious and gloating woman, capable of causing great damage to you, she is cruel and merciless
  • angry woman, powerful, hurtful, quarrelsome
  • malice, fanaticism, deception, pretense, mistrust, self-pity, cruelty, intolerance
  • a situation that will bring great unhappiness or cause feelings of embarrassment and shame
  • sadness, mourning, bitter experience, breakup

The Queen of Swords Tarot, represented by the unworthy card, is vindictive, critical and tyrannical. She is characterized by hatred of people (probably due to failures in her personal life). She is in opposition to the Client, especially in the professional sphere, and he should be careful with her.

The card indicates an attractive but very evil woman, a symbol of deceit and intrigue. Dangerous enemy.

If the prediction is made for a woman, this card indicates betrayal by someone she considered a friend.

If this card does not represent a specific personality, then it is an indication of bereavement and sadness, separation and hardship, widowhood and mourning.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

Like the King, the Queen of Swords Tarot has power and authority, as well as the intention to use it to achieve her own goals. To the questioner, she may be perceived as a malicious, domineering and malicious woman. If the Tarot Queen of Swords does not represent a specific personality, then it is a symbol of widowhood, personal loss, an emotionally destructive situation. (Note that the King represents physical danger, the Queen represents emotional danger.)

Description of the Queen of Swords Tarot card

The Queen of Swords has power and authority, intelligence and judgment, and is most often depicted as a woman in royal robes seated on a throne. There is a crown on her head, and she holds a sword in her hand. In some versions of the decks, the costume of the Lady of Swords is complemented by certain details of knightly armor: a shield, shoulder pads or armlets. The Queen's facial expression is impenetrable and stern. She is the arbiter of human destinies.

General meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Swords Tarot card in fortune telling and readings

Direct card position

In the upright position, appearing in fortune-telling and layouts, the Tarot card Queen of Swords denotes a breakthrough, a rejection of old stereotypes in outlook on life and, accordingly, a change in behavior patterns. And although all this is most often a positive phenomenon of liberation from addictions, thanks to the power of the mind, the negative aspects of the card can be loss of self-control and excessive impulsiveness and emotionality. At the event level, the direct Lady of Swords can mean clarification, clarification of a situation, as well as complete control over oneself, one’s reactions and actions, which in practice usually means the success of a planned business.

Reversed card position

When the Queen of Swords appears in reversed readings or fortune telling, she symbolizes an exaggerated desire to control everything, impatience and arrogance, which leads to a loss of control over the situation, and thereby to losses and even deprivations. Sometimes Arkan speaks of pettiness and malice, deception and cunning, unpleasant news and lack of prospects.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

The upright Queen of Swords card here indicates a deliberate, accurate and adequate response and independent and flexible behavior in business negotiations. In addition, it shows that a person values ​​​​his freedom too much to sacrifice it for the sake of a prestigious or highly paid job, and will immediately leave if its conditions no longer satisfy him or a more lucrative offer arrives. Arkan also indicates release from obligations to partners and superiors, climbing the career ladder, and moderate profits.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Lady of Swords is interpreted as an incorrect vision of the real state of affairs, as work to the point of exhaustion, as attempts to keep subordinates “in a fist”, a lack of opportunities and prospects, the meaninglessness of what a person is doing. Sometimes Arkan reports that the fortuneteller risks being left alone with his difficulties and problems.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Swords card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Successful operations, gradual recovery.

Reversed card position

Neuralgia and thyroid disease are possible. The chronic course of any disease with changes from improvement to exacerbation.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In the sphere of personal life, the Tarot card Queen of Swords in an upright position means awareness of the meaning and necessity of a relationship with a partner. Most often, this is expressed in an attempt to look at these relationships as if “from the outside” in order to understand them and formulate (at least for oneself) everything that does not suit or bothers them. This is a period when a person especially needs equality with a partner and, perhaps, begins to act more decisively, thanks to the acquisition of inner freedom. One way or another, the card shows that the person will no longer tolerate certain things; in some cases, this protest takes the form of coldness, subtle or even caustic irony. Sometimes the Arcanum symbolizes a tendency towards bachelorhood, which is caused by an excessive desire for independence. Such a person is almost certainly afraid of tying the knot of a legal marriage and will think and doubt for a long time before deciding to take this step.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Lady of Swords indicates a relationship built on lies, insincerity, deception, and manipulation of the partner’s feelings. Sometimes Arcanum symbolizes a marriage of convenience or a union that is in danger of falling apart; disappointment in love, betrayal, betrayal and secret ill will.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Swords card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

Acting as a court card and describing a person, the Arcana Queen of Swords in the upright position speaks of a dark-haired, brown-eyed woman 30–45 years old. This is a very independent woman who knows what she wants and acts accordingly. She is impulsive and emotional, but at the same time she is able to be aware of the nature of her emotions. This woman is wise and has extraordinary intuition, although sometimes she can seem harsh and arrogant; often occupies a fairly high social position and enjoys authority among others. Her absolute self-confidence can even be frightening, but, nevertheless, she always directly and openly expresses her thoughts, decisively cuts off unnecessary things and penetrates to the very essence of any situation. If a fortune-telling or reading is done for a man, then he is advised not to establish, if possible, any personal relationship with this woman. If the fortuneteller is a woman, then this card indicates the betrayal of someone whom she considered a friend.

Reversed card position

When reversed, the Queen of Swords emphasizes vindictiveness, the desire to manipulate other people, pettiness and intolerance. Such a woman, without hesitation, uses deception and cunning to achieve her fanatical goals, and is capable of causing great harm to the fortuneteller. The difficult character and destructive behavior of this person stem from unsatisfied ambitions, overthrown ideals, untapped or rejected abilities.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Swords card as a card of the day

If you have until now felt constrained or dependent on someone or something, then today you have a chance to make the right decision and free yourself from this once and for all. But be careful that this desire for independence does not result in a war against everyone and everything, which can lead very far. It is also possible that you are about to meet an intelligent woman. Listen to her carefully - she can play an important role in your future destiny.

Advice from the Queen of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts

You have quite enough strength and opportunity to live only the way you want - without regard to imaginary authorities and rules. However, do not forget that this does not mean permissiveness.

Queen of Swords – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Lady of Swords corresponds to the Sun in Aquarius and Uranus, symbolizing practical wisdom, independence and individuality.

Other names for the Queen of Swords : Queen of Sabers, Queen of Daggers, Queen of Blades, Lady of Swords, Queen of Swords, Queen of Sabers, Queen of Daggers, Queen of Blades.

Brief description of Arcana : Queen of Spades, Woman with a strong character, Villainess.

Description of the Queen of Swords

The classic image of the Arcana is the Queen sitting on the royal throne. She wears a crown as a symbol of power. She is dressed in expensive clothes befitting her position. She holds a sword raised up in her hands.

Sacred meaning of the Queen of Swords

Take a closer look at the Lady of Swords depicted on the Arcana. Agree, with her pose and appearance she resembles Justice or Equity (XIII or XI Arcanum). This is not easy: here we see a real queen who decides the destinies of people. She sits on a throne, has a crown on her head, and a sword raised up in her hand. Outwardly, she is cold, which speaks of the humility of her feelings, the controllability of their mind.

Her back is straight, and not bent under the weight of some kind of burden - physical, emotional, psychological. She is free, and this freedom allows her to straighten her shoulders and look at the world with her head held high. She is not just free, but also freedom-loving, as befits a queen.

Justice requires cold calculation and orderliness of feelings. She cannot be sacrificial either to herself or to others. She has to pass judgment, so sometimes she looks like a sort of “Snow Queen” - cold, prickly, and, if necessary, tough.

Mythological correspondence to the Queen of Swords

In mythology, the Lady of Swords can be compared to the leader of the Amazons: warlike, calculating, charismatic. An excellent strategist and tactician who acts with a cool head.

The meaning of the direct Queen of Swords in the layout

If we consider that the Queen of Swords is none other than the Queen of Spades, then it immediately becomes clear what can be expected from this person in the scenario. Since ancient times, this strong, evil woman foreshadowed a bitter experience based on her own losses, deep experiences, and sadness. It has always served as a harbinger of misfortune, and its appearance in a situation clearly indicates deterioration. Like all picture cards of the Swords suit, the Lady also speaks of danger, but here we are talking more about emotional danger.

This Arcanum indicates that you will have to face a conflict situation, bad language, harsh criticism or inflated demands. To achieve your goals, you will have to work hard, literally breaking through prohibitions that cannot be ignored even by strict rules set by someone. In order for the result to be as intended, the Lady of Swords recommends taking a very responsible approach to decision-making, using weighty arguments, clear logical arguments in confrontations, and taking independent decisive actions. It is also very important to have complete control over your actions, statements, and reactions to the actions of others.

The Lady of Swords also advises taking a closer look at your surroundings. A person who is unfavorably disposed may squeeze into it. Most often this is a woman. You shouldn’t bring her too close to yourself and call her a friend, but as an objective person whose opinion should be listened to, she is irreplaceable. At the same time, you need to consider this Arcanum in the vicinity of other cards: it may indicate ill will and malicious actions on the part of such a person. They can lead to serious losses.

The meaning of the reversed Queen of Swords in the reading

The reversed Queen of Swords has the same characteristics as the upright one, but here the evil is intensified. For example, Arkan may indicate that once great love has now turned into equally borderline hatred.

The Queen of Swords in reverse also indicates a person in the environment, but here such a person must be treated with extreme caution. He (or, most likely, she) will harm, and not due to some circumstances, but due to his own shortcomings, natural negative character traits. This person lacks strength, but not ambition, so he will act decisively in order to get to at least some higher level from the position of a loser. The methods of action will be chosen to be very unseemly and treacherous, since he has a noticeable narrowness of thinking.

The Lady of Swords indicates a vindictive, hypocritical person who demonstrates double standards. This is hypocrisy in its purest form. He is capable of causing harm not only with actions, but also with words.

The card warns that at the moment a person’s enemy is his own desire for hyper-control over everything, which leads to the opposite effect: control is completely lost and losses follow.

The appearance of the inverted Lady of Swords should be treated carefully as an advisor. It shows that initially a person took some too risky actions, without linking them with the final result, sometimes precisely because of the inability to see it. A lot of effort was wasted on all this. Now we need to gather our thoughts, gain strength and correct mistakes.


If we are talking about the professional sphere, then the Queen of Swords should be understood as establishing strict rules and strictly following them. You have to work in strictly limited conditions, detailing and analyzing all incoming information. If you do not adhere to this, you can hardly talk about the success of the business. If there was no systematization before, then the appearance of the Lady of Swords in the layout indicates an urgent need to do it as soon as possible. It must be said that this Arcanum most often appears in such cases, because it indicates the ordering of what already exists, and not a pragmatic order, starting with an idea.

If we are talking about an employee, then this is an excellent clerk, to whom everything will always be sorted out. He will answer any question from his superiors instantly, and in such detail that he can even confuse him with the flow of information. Such an employee does not enjoy the feeling of his importance, but gets real pleasure from the impeccable order in his affairs. He is experienced, competent, and has serious intellectual potential.

When this Arcanum falls on a leader, then one should understand a tough person who endlessly sets rules for everyone and demands their impeccable compliance. If subordinates show prudence, then at any moment the Lady of Swords will provide them with support and protection, otherwise a conflict situation will brew, which will result in the victory of the Lady. Such bosses are referred to as “witch” or “bluestocking”. To visualize such a personality, one can recall the heroine of “Office Romance” before her fateful meeting with Novoseltsev.

In work scenarios, the Lady of Swords warns of a serious conflict or even the threat of dismissal. Here you can encounter inflated demands, nagging due to poor quality of their implementation, and a negative attitude from management.

The reversed Lady of Swords shows distance from reality in doing business. Sometimes you have to expend a lot of effort, work until exhaustion, but the reason lies only in an incorrect assessment of the situation, a lack of order and logic in actions.

With such a card, you need to be careful with colleagues: the Lady of Swords inverted indicates that someone is trying to take a place, throw them off the career ladder, and with not entirely plausible intentions.

This Arcanum also shows the lack of prospects and opportunities in realizing your goals. Most likely, what a person is doing is meaningless. Especially if the Jester appears in the scenario (0 or XXII Arcana depending on the deck).

Direction of self-development

In the direction of self-development, the Lady of Swords gives a lesson in harmony, when the internal state corresponds to the external one. Nothing should unsettle him, feelings are easily controlled, and no one can influence a person from a position of force, put pressure on him, interfere with his path, or limit his freedom.

It is important here that everything is put in strict order, and life itself follows the rules built in advance.

An inverted Arcana shows that at the moment a person is in a chaotic state. He is not collected, inattentive, cannot resist the circumstances of his life, which is why he is weakening every day. This state of affairs needs to be corrected, starting with putting feelings, thoughts and plans in order.

Personal relationships

As a rule, the most painful interpretation of the Lady of Swords is mourning, widowhood, childlessness and divorce. This has been the custom since ancient times, and this is how it has been interpreted for many centuries. Modern tarot readers have somewhat expanded the concepts of this Arcana in the field of relationships, based on personal observations and their own experience. They prioritize not losses as such, but liberation from the dependence that the relationship has created. This is a break in relationships that suppressed the personality, restrained and oppressed.

The appearance of the Queen of Swords in a reading does not mean that a break in relations has already happened or is about to happen. The card shows more of a relationship that is doomed to break, but it can last as long as desired. But you need to understand that with such a map, quarrels and disagreements will be final, with practically no chance of returning everything back.

If we consider the Lady of Swords as a relationship partner, then we should be talking about a person who highly values ​​his independence. And not only your own, but also in your partner. She does not take well to overly demonstrative feelings; she tries to keep her partner at a certain distance so that he does not suddenly have a desire to establish control over her.

The Lady of Swords does not put love at the forefront; her obligations are much more important to her. At the same time, she is not capable of making a sacrifice. She can easily live without a warm relationship. At first she shows a rather ardent passion, but then she quickly gets tired of it, she acquires her natural coldness. She does not forgive anyone for deception, but she herself prefers to do everything honestly, even if this significantly spoils the relationship. She strives for justice and, even if bitter, the truth.

In relationships, the Lady of Swords builds her own rules and is jealous of their observance. He does not forgive betrayal, he is jealous, and he does it violently.

Also, the appearance of the Lady of Swords in a relationship scenario can mean a traitorous friend, a villain who becomes an irreconcilable rival and can be a source of betrayal.

For a man in the layout, the Lady of Swords shows a woman who is cold in her feelings and does not value relationships. Sometimes she can show that the chosen one is inaccessible to him.

The reversed position of the Lady of Swords shows relationships based on insincerity and even outright lies. In some cases, this Arcanum describes a marriage of convenience.

The union itself with the inverted Lady of Swords has all the prerequisites for destruction. If unfavorable Arcana appear nearby, then we can talk about an upcoming divorce. At the same time, the Tower (XVI Arcanum) will show that the divorce will be very ugly, with a scandalous division of property.

Personality characteristics

The Lady of Swords is distinguished by very highly developed extrasensory senses. She perceives her surroundings through all senses, acutely feels every little thing, especially those that are out of line with the concept of harmony. That is why she tends to get true pleasure where complete order reigns.

It seems to people that the Lady of Swords is very responsive and strives to patronize, so they often try to use her to achieve their goals. This is a misconception. She is indeed responsive, but there is not a drop of kindness in her. She simply feels acutely when someone is experiencing discomfort, and helps only to rid herself of this “feeling.” Roughly speaking, by helping herself, she helps others. However, she will never help a person who does nothing himself. In this case, she easily distances herself.

One of the most enviable qualities of the Lady of Swords is the ability to survive in any conditions. At the same time, she easily works with both her head and her hands. It is difficult to put her in a dead end position. She approaches the problems that have arisen philosophically, calling them tasks that have to be solved. This gives her high stress resistance.

The Lady of Swords has a well-developed taste and sense of harmony. It is difficult to convince her of something, even if it is currently the rage, if she sees even the slightest disharmony. She can't stand hackwork and always speaks about it directly. Many people think that her demands are too high.

Since the Lady of Swords feels everything very subtly, she becomes too vulnerable. This person does not intend to show her weaknesses, so she easily hides them behind coldness and irony. She cultivates these qualities in herself from childhood. The lady tries to restrain her emotions and is quite wary of someone’s emotional outbursts, not trusting them. If this comes from her partner in the relationship, then she will most likely choose to end it.

The Lady of Swords is very self-possessed and patient; it is quite difficult to anger her, since at the slightest discomfort she will try to get rid of the source of her anxiety. She easily breaks up with people and doesn’t even regret it. This person can be called peace-loving, but only if you persistently do not test her patience. She can give a tough rebuff, from which it will not be so easy to recover.

The woman is ambitious and stubborn, persistently follows the intended course and does not tolerate when someone puts up obstacles. She tries not to let people get close to her, but at the same time she is a reliable partner.

In an inverted position, the Lady of Swords also has all the qualities of a straight one, but in a somewhat perverted form. She has high intelligence, but directs it far from plausible goals. She is vengeful, which, when combined with intelligence, becomes a deadly mixture: actions will be quite cruel and ruthless, and a person will very much regret getting involved with her.

If the upright Lady of Swords, in her quest for justice, will try to get out of a state of discomfort, then the inverted one will cruelly push others out of her comfort zone. At the same time, she will manipulate those around her and do everything to ensure that a similar situation never happens in the future. She is merciless towards her enemies.

Its distinctive characteristic is intolerance. She is also seen by others as petty, jealous, and with a huge amount of fanaticism.

Layout for the situation

The appearance of the Lady of Swords in situational scenarios indicates that we need to prepare for confrontation and conflicts. Quite often, the reason can be a strong, strong-willed woman, accustomed to pressure and manipulation; if such a woman cannot be found in the environment, then you should look for a man with the described qualities.

Often the Lady of Swords shows that the situation is going exactly this way due to the fact that someone is deliberately plotting and taking actions with the aim of causing damage.

You need to pay close attention to the Lady of Swords if the layout is made for everyday situations. There is a threat of losing money or housing. There is a high risk of various dubious transactions and slippery schemes that will ultimately lead to collapse.

The situation described by this card inverted is accompanied by great troubles and conflicts, and the opponent emerges victorious. Here we can also talk about an envious, angry, hating person who will try with all his might to cause trouble.


The Lady of Swords indicates diseases associated with hypothermia - problems with the respiratory system, cystitis, cold kidneys. There may also be talk of surgical intervention. This card can warn women about infertility.

Inverted, the Lady of Swords shows the same illnesses as the upright one, only with consequences.

Card of the day

In order for the day to go more or less successfully, you need to plan everything very clearly the day before and strictly adhere to your plans. You should be careful with a woman who is accustomed to demanding that her orders be fulfilled, is picky and demonstrates anger.

The inverted Lady of Swords calls for a careful consideration of events. There may be losses, gossip, and malicious actions that can greatly fray your nerves.

Card of the Year

Throughout the year, you will have to find the strength to survive, since events will require a strong character, a cold and calculating mind, and ordering your affairs.

An inverted card indicates lack of composure during the year, which will lead to losses. There is a high probability of losing your job or going down a step on the career ladder. There is an evil and vindictive ill-wisher surrounded.

Arcana Council

The Lady of Swords recommends putting your feelings in order, achieving clarity of thought and inner harmony. You need to have a cool mind and not allow anyone to limit your freedom. In this case, success will be achieved in full.

Tarot cards are a popular tool for shedding light on future events. An important aspect of this is the correct interpretation of each lasso and the ability to correctly apply it to the situation that has developed in your life today. In this material we will tell you what the meaning of the Queen of Swords Tarot card is.

How are different combinations of the Queen of Swords card interpreted?

  • With the lasso “Jester” - the inability to have children.
  • With the “Magician” lasso - the implementation of new ideas.
  • With the lasso “High Priestess” - abandonment of one’s destiny, ignoring intuition.
  • With the lasso “Empress” - reluctance to give birth to a child.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - parting.
  • With the Hierophant lasso - ruthlessness.
  • With the lasso “Lovers” - a point in a relationship.
  • With the “Chariot” lasso - achieving goals, disobedience.
  • With the lasso “Strength” - aggression.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso - loneliness.
  • With the "Wheel of Fortune" lasso - changes for the worse.
  • With the lasso “Justice” - parting with the division of property.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso - a traitor.
  • With the lasso “Death” - mourning.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - healing wounds.
  • With the lasso “Devil” - an insidious woman.
  • With the “Tower” lasso - parting, division of property, loss.
  • With the “Star” lasso - the desire to get rid of the crown of celibacy.
  • With the “Moon” lasso - pathology, a hopeless situation.
  • With the “Sun” lasso, a person is close in spirit.
  • With the lasso “Court” - recovery from pathology.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - ideals will triumph.

Turning to Tarot cards for help will help solve many of your problems if you know the meaning of each card and also adhere to all the rules of fortune telling.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Indicates that the fortuneteller is a bright, independent person.


There is no love in the couple. Partners are interested in spending time with each other and communicating, nothing more.


If operations are scheduled, they will be successful.


Expects improvement in business and financial situation.

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✚ For the future

The card symbolizes a strong female personality, which is distinguished by the ability to change the fate of others, because it has enormous strength and power that cannot be compared with anything. You may experience unpleasant diseases that are associated with the respiratory system and cold. Try to dress appropriately for the weather to avoid any additional complications caused by hypothermia. It can have a detrimental effect on a person’s overall health, which should be avoided.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The Queen of Swords gives a sign to pause, the fortuneteller and his partner need to slow down a little during their hectic life and pay attention to the relationship; it seems that there is little time and attention left for each other. The main thing in this process is not to get carried away with analysis and cold calculations, but to remember why these relationships began in the first place. Both parties want to gain more power than they currently have, but the main thing in a romantic relationship is not the dominant place, but the desire to be close. In this case, to understand each other and improve relationships, seeking outside help is not the best advice.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Influence, self-control, willingness to conflict and individuality. In your work, you strive to find the right solutions and tend to dominate; your business will improve. The card indicates diseases of the respiratory system, but also shows the strong character of a person, which will help him overcome the disease. Lack of strong sexual attraction to a partner, greater manifestation of intellectual intimacy; possible presence of a rival. You are a strong and independent person, capable of soberly assessing the situation. Fight and achieve your goals!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Represents a woman with a difficult character, intelligent, serious, reserved. Perhaps calculating and repulsive coldness. She has an independent character and a strong personality.

Tomorrow fate will pit the questioner against such a person. Perhaps for the first time, perhaps the description has already seemed familiar and the questioner assumes who he will have to contact and can prepare. The difficult character of the Queen of Swords does not allow you to call meetings with her easy and pleasant, but if she is disposed towards you, then this gives the protection of a smart and strong person.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

The woman in the relationship is very selfish and does not want to cement the relationship with children or marriage, so disagreements may arise if the man views the development of your relationship differently. Also, such a Tarot card can mean that one of the partners has a huge grudge against the other. If you do not start expressing your thoughts to each other, then soon there will be a point of no return, after which the relationship will come to its logical end. Try to become an open book for each other, then many problems will disappear from your relationship on their own.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

Don't plan anything out of the ordinary. There are too many negative external factors around your desire that will negatively affect your action plan. And soon you will have to change your priorities. The only thing you need to remember is that you are always responsible for any decision and action.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Inability to stop events. Rapid changes occur without personal influence. Maximalism and predominance of emotions are expressed. There are new things ahead and a dynamic development of the situation.

You feel determined to achieve your goals and unable to stop. Life changes too quickly. Desires come true. A period of success. Don't stop, no matter what happens! Move forward without paying attention to others.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

Arcana personifies a fair and equal union, practically devoid of emotionality. Most often, this card is interpreted as a fear of getting married. The stamp in the passport causes a sharp fear, which later results in a phobia. Marriage is more than possible, but partners need to be given time to understand each other and understand the value of each in the relationship.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Self-confidence based on a strong life position and real potential. A strong personality without conceit and pride. Ability to manage situations and people.

Card of a woman with strength and power. She is humane and kind to the weak, but does not allow objections from the strong. Do not underestimate her, cheat and dodge.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

If the question was about the beginning of a romantic relationship and possible candidates for marriage, then this card says that now is not the time for love pleasures. You will have to be alone for some period, especially since emotions are dulled, but career and ambitions, on the contrary, are a priority. Once the relationship has begun, it is unlikely to last long. It's a great time to finish your education and find a good job.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For treason

If the questioner gets the Queen of Swords card, then this indicates that in such a relationship the desire takes over to maintain leadership and keep everything under control. It is possible that there is a serious rival, because it is very difficult for a man to be near such a lady.

In a reading for a woman, when a man asks, such a card indicates coldness towards him. Often the Queen of Swords warns of discord and imminent separation.

A full description of the map is available at

When it comes to the Queen of Swords Tarot card, the meaning usually lies in the emotional state of the fortuneteller or the idea of ​​a certain person from his life, usually a woman. However, if you look at the detailed meaning of the card, you will find many possibilities for interpretation.

In the article:

Queen of Swords Tarot card meaning

Queen of Swords Tarot in a straight position usually means clarifying non-trivial questions or obtaining precise answers. What was hidden will become clear. Now you will know everything about the situation or question that was asked to the Tarot cards during fortune telling. The Queen of Swords more often points to women familiar to the fortuneteller than to certain situations and incidents, however, this can also happen.

The Lady of Swords Tarot also means complete control over the situation, one’s own emotions and the people who are involved in what is happening. As a rule, this leads to success in what was intended by the fortuneteller, if we are talking about a matter in which such methods are applicable.

In addition, it can indicate that the fortuneteller has experienced some kind of grief, and at the moment his mind is drowned out by emotions. Soon he will be able to transform grief into some kind of life experience. The Queen of Swords can give a hint - solve the problem using the capabilities of your mind, and with its help, strive for independence. She talks about the awakening of consciousness, the desire for freedom and the desire to continue learning.

Upside down This card signifies a desire for excessive control. The fortuneteller goes too far, and this leads to a loss of control, which is completely the opposite of the desired phenomenon. This approach can only lead to hardships and losses associated with the plan.

If it falls out inverted Lady of Swords, this may indicate that your abilities are being used to the detriment of others. You are deceptive and have all the necessary knowledge to hurt people. In addition, another meaning of the Queen of Swords Tarot card is actions to the detriment of the fortuneteller of a certain woman who is hostile towards him.

Queen of Swords Tarot - meaning in layouts for affairs and work

The meaning of the Queen of Swords Tarot in work layouts lies in the ability to look with open eyes. Be prepared to learn new skills and gain new experiences. Constant learning is one of the important success factors. Thoughtful behavior and quick reaction will be good assistants in the work of a fortuneteller. During business negotiations, communication with superiors and colleagues, he must remain flexible, but remain independent.

In addition, this card indicates the need to value your freedom and the ability to value yourself. These are absolutely not the things that can be exchanged for prestige or material wealth. The Queen hints that if the conditions of the corporation no longer suit the fortuneteller, new options or interesting offers have appeared - it’s time to make a choice towards new opportunities.

Upside down possible consequences of deceiving a certain woman or disrespecting her. There is also a possibility of a conflict with a high-ranking lady who will consider it necessary to seriously harm the fortuneteller. She may act overtly, or she may prefer to keep her anger a secret.

Queen of Swords Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in the relationship of the Queen of Swords Tarot lies mainly in rethinking one's role in the union between a man and a woman, as well as analyzing the relationship. The fortuneteller is in a state of reflection. He is trying to understand what exactly does not suit him in this relationship in question. Usually these are attempts to look at the relationship from the outside, but it can be harmful to involve third parties in this process.

Currently there is a period during which both sides need and strive for equality. The fortuneteller gains inner freedom and begins to act more decisively. The card can speak of protest, which can be expressed in coldness and irony. It shows that you no longer want to tolerate some things.

However, you should not draw hasty conclusions. Now your emotions are muffled by your mind - this is this period. However, it will end, emotions will take over, and the fortuneteller may regret what was done. Inverted The Lady of Swords speaks of the selfishness of a partner who wants to force you to do what is convenient for him, does not respect your feelings and you at the same time.

Queen of Swords Tarot - what personalities she represents in fortune telling

In the deck, the Queen of Swords sits on a throne in the clouds, holding a sword and the severed head of a bearded man. She is wearing only a sarong and a shiny belt. wrote that in a prosperous environment she is an intelligent and observant lady who is distinguished by mercy. In bad situations, her qualities are used to harm; she is dangerous, despite her superficial beauty.

The main meaning of the Queen of Swords Tarot is a woman who has a strong position in life. She is a good wife and mother, but she could well be a widow, a divorced woman, or a career woman who did not have children or get married. The lady is actively busy not only with work, but also with social activities - it would be boring for her to do only housework. She is honored and respected by those who know her. She went through great grief, but it strengthened her character and willpower.

This woman has considerable experience in her chosen industries and uses it skillfully. It took a lot of effort to get what she has, but it was worth it. This lady is smart and independent, and can only advise you to use logic and strive for self-sufficiency.

The card can mean the fortuneteller’s mother, and if there are several Queens of different stripes in the layout, this indicates an important meeting of women for him. Sometimes this card falls on men with feminine character traits and relatives with whom you have not communicated for a long time.

The negative side of this card, which is usually presented to her upside down- a cold and aloof lady who acts according to strict calculations. She may have been previously deceived by a fortuneteller and feel a desire to take revenge. However, this lady may have such a vile character that antipathy is enough for her to act against the fortuneteller. Sometimes she is a gossip or an envious woman who acts secretly.

Your secret enemy feels like an outsider and never acts openly. She does harm behind the fortuneteller’s back, without limiting herself too much in methods of revenge. Perhaps this lady has become bitter after a difficult loss or difficult life circumstances. Sometimes the card means a woman who regularly lets others down and does not deserve the trust of others.

If inverted The Queen of Swords falls to a man; he should not enter into a romantic relationship with the woman implied by the card. If the layout is made for a woman, she should be attentive to her female friends and colleagues.

Queen of Swords and combinations in Tarot

Almost all cards can change their meanings somewhat when it comes to combinations of cards with each other. The Queen of Swords and combinations in the Tarot are a separate topic. The meaning of this card can change greatly, and the layout can become more accurate and understandable if the fortuneteller knows the meaning of the combinations of this card with the others.

So, with the Queen of Swords it means a conscious refusal of motherhood or infertility. If there is already a child, this person is not interested in him; she is burdened by the responsibilities of the mother. The meaning of combining this card with the Empress lasso will be the same.

When the Queen of Swords is combined with the Emperor, the meaning is divorce, the end of a relationship, a serious quarrel. With the Justice card, litigation and division of property are added to this value. With the Tower lasso, widowhood is also possible, but this could be a divorce, in which the woman personified by the Queen of Swords will have a hard time. Divorce can also be expected when this card is combined with the King of Wands or the Four of Wands.