Compatibility of bull and rabbit in marriage. Compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope of Ox (Ox) and Rabbit (Cat). Intimate compatibility of an Ox man and a Cat (Rabbit) woman

It's no secret that the compatibility of people belonging to different signs of the Eastern horoscope can be found out with the help of astrology. There are couples that are completely incompatible, and there are those whose unions can turn out to be very successful only under certain conditions. And then there are partners who seem to be made for each other. Among the latter are representatives of such signs of the Eastern horoscope as the Rabbit and the Ox. We propose to talk about their compatibility today!

People born in the year of the Ox: characteristics

Before we move on to describing the compatibility between these partners, we suggest talking about how the planets influence the character of a person of a certain sign. As for the Ox, from childhood he was incredibly confident in himself, clearly assesses his capabilities, so he does not care at all what others think of him. In spite of everything, he continues to stick to his line; no one can change his stubbornness. Any attempt at pressure leads to the Ox remaining silent. Over the years, he forms a social circle where he is accepted exactly as he is.

It should be noted that Bulls never defend their position in disputes, because it is simply not interesting to them. The eastern horoscope says that the Ox is hardworking and always knows which path he should take. He does not accept risks and surprises. His whole life is a combination of honesty, reliability and simplicity. Of course, it may seem that his thoroughness and dislike of haste are a sign of stagnation. Thinking like this is a big mistake. The bull never stands in one place, he systematically moves forward, carefully thinking and preparing the place for each step. For his ill-wishers, this may turn out to be a big surprise: the Ox, who seems slow and clumsy, in the middle of his life turns out to be far ahead of many people. The representative of this sign of the Eastern horoscope is pleasant to talk to, he is simple, knows how to accept people and listen to them, and reliably keeps secrets. Besides, he is peaceful.

People born in the year of the Rabbit: main character traits

Rabbits are considered to be calm and very nice people. Astrologers say: they are always lucky in life, though only in small things. Although, in general, Rabbits usually don’t set their sights on any grandiose undertakings. The struggle of life is not for them. They are a little cowardly, avoid conflicts and are always ready to make concessions. Rabbits can be called social people, not at all aggressive and charming. They usually arrange their lives very comfortably, but at an average level. They do not strive for big money and power, but at the same time they do not slide into the lifestyle of losers. What can make the Rabbit happy with his lot? A calm life, full of small joys, lack of worries and worries and warm relationships with people around you. Astrologers note that Rabbits are quite cowardly, indecisive, and cannot tolerate change. Before daring to take any step, representatives of this sign of the Eastern horoscope will hesitate for a long time, weighing the pros and cons, and in the end, most likely, will abandon the action. Of course, given good starting conditions, Rabbits could reach incredible heights, but they are consciously content with ordinary life.

General compatibility information

What is a couple in which people were born in the year of the Ox and Rabbit? Compatibility in such relationships, astrologers say, is extremely high. The Rabbit will certainly be able to appreciate the peace and security that an alliance with the Ox will provide him. At first glance, it may seem that the Rabbit is a typical Casanova, but it is worth getting to know him better to see in him the features of an exemplary family man who adores his home and loved ones.

It is worth noting that this type of people is extremely pleasing to the Bulls, however, a number of difficulties are possible, because Bulls can be overly suspicious. But we can say with confidence that the Ox will never start spying on his chosen one. The best option for this union, astrologers say, is a partnership in which the active component will go to the Ox, while the Rabbit, in turn, should become a diplomatic partner who will smooth out especially sharp corners in any conflict situation. It is important to note that the Ox may be annoyed by the Rabbit's veiled answers to important questions.

Speaking about the compatibility of the Rabbit and the Ox, it should be emphasized that the Rabbit will have to become a little more decisive and more self-confident. And the Ox will be forced to shoulder all the difficulties of life.

Compatibility in love and marriage: Rabbit woman and Ox man

Astrologers say about the compatibility of an Ox man and a Rabbit woman: this union is impeccable. In it, a woman can always be close to her chosen one, support his most daring ideas and endeavors. The man, in turn, will treat his life partner with incredible tenderness; he will probably trust her and will always try to understand. It is also important that both partners love children very much and respect each other. This family will turn out to be quite strong; there will be no groundless quarrels or concealment of any information. The Rabbit and the Ox will be able to overcome all life's difficulties; the Rabbit woman will never leave her Ox man, even despite difficult life circumstances. By the way, if you believe the Eastern horoscope, the Rabbit may seem too calm and even frivolous to the Ox, however, it is these character traits that will allow a woman of this sign to create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house, which her companion will enjoy after difficult work days.

Ox Woman and Rabbit Man

Astrologers call the relationship in this couple not particularly ideal, but quite good. The main condition is the trust of partners. It is important to understand that an intelligent, diplomatic man-Rabbit attracts indiscriminately all representatives of the opposite sex. His charm will be able to conquer the heart of the proud and unapproachable Ox lady. It is unlikely that she will like this feature; most likely, she will be tormented by doubts, jealousy and endless suspicions. What can the Rabbit do in such a situation? Astrologers say: he needs to timely prove his own innocence and pay more attention to his woman than to everyone else. If he behaves as before, the suspicions of his significant other may become even stronger, and most likely the couple will end up separating. After all, no woman wants to constantly plague herself and her partner with suspicions, even if she is as patient as a woman born under the sign of the Ox. Speaking about the compatibility of a male Rabbit and a female Ox, it is worth understanding: if a man feels support and trust, he is unlikely to pursue fleeting hobbies. They can be together for the reason that it is important for both of them that their home is a real fortress and a safe haven.

Disadvantages of the union

Speaking about the compatibility of Rabbit and Ox in love, one cannot help but mention the disadvantages. The sociability of Rabbits will constantly attract representatives of the opposite sex to them, causing acute attacks of jealousy in their partners. The Ox will have to keep his other half under control. But Rabbits may be hurt by the Bulls’ lack of romance and sensuality; they may believe that such character traits are evidence of a superficial and flighty attitude towards them. In general, astrologers say, disagreements usually do not happen in such a union, but if they do occur, they should certainly be brought up for discussion.

Compatibility in bed

The intimate compatibility of the Rabbit and the Ox is considered to be quite problematic. The fact is that Oxen are constrained and do not know how to free their feelings and sensations. But Rabbits can be confidently called wonderful lovers; they can teach their companions everything, however, if they do not meet resistance from them. For Bulls, sex is just a way to get pleasure. Moreover, they are accustomed to receiving this pleasure in the simplest ways, and Rabbits perceive this as a manifestation of vulgarity. For them, intimate connection is a secret ritual; Noticing their partner's detachment or coldness, Rabbits may become offended and withdraw into themselves. These two will be able to get true pleasure from the process only if each of them stops defending their opinion and simply begins to enjoy, obeying their own feelings.

Compatibility in friendship

Speaking about the compatibility horoscope of the Ox and Rabbit, we should talk separately about their friendly relations. The relationship in this couple should be built on mutual sympathy. Friendship between them is possible only if they are imbued with respect for each other and are more tolerant of shortcomings. It is important to understand that the Rabbit is used to being among respectable and influential people, which cannot be said about the Bulls. However, such a contradiction can just bring them together. The Ox does everything to make the Rabbit feel safe, and the Rabbit will be able to thank his friend.

How to improve relationships?

Astrologers give a number of tips and recommendations that will improve relationships. For example, ideal compatibility in the marriage of an Ox and a Rabbit will be possible if the Rabbit learns to find a solution to emerging conflicts, and the Ox takes care of family well-being. You should also pay attention to the fact that Bulls cannot stand veiledness and understatement. In order for them to solve problems, they must see the problem. The Ox needs a clear goal.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that, according to the Eastern horoscope, the compatibility of Ox and Rabbit in the love sphere is characterized by harmony, maximum satisfaction of these people with each other. They are both homely, family-oriented, valuing stability and the usual course of life. They don’t need shake-ups, and therefore both the Ox and the Rabbit will do everything to make the time spent together invaluable.

In this article we will tell you whether the Rabbit/cat and the Ox will be able to create a happy marriage, and we will also provide recommendations for avoiding disagreements and quarrels. The eastern horoscope for love compatibility of signs will help us with this.

Compatibility of horoscope signs Rabbit/cat and Ox

Compatibility in love between an Ox man and a Rabbit/Cat woman

This combination is quite realistic for creating a happy marriage.. Woman of the Year Rabbit/Cat is a caring, good-natured and affectionate person. It is easy for her to create homely family comfort without difficulty, to make the rest of the family feel comfortable. Why is everything easy for her? Because he believes that a woman’s purpose is to raise and protect children and take care of a man.

This position regarding the family seems strange and alien to others. But that's their problem. The rabbit/cat woman does not pay any attention to the reproaches of other people. This elevates her to strong personalities with a stable character. And this helps her to be patient with the problems and adversities that may overwhelm her.

A man born in the year of the Ox really likes this position of the rabbit/cat woman. He just needs a calm and peaceful wife. Why exactly peaceful? The compatibility horoscope in love says that the Ox himself lacks such qualities. What is he like? He is violent, sometimes rude, stubborn, sometimes domineering. Try to force your opinion on him and you'll get into trouble.

Undoubtedly, such qualities of a bull man help to have authority at work, achieve goals, and solve problems quickly and effectively. But in creating a happy marriage and respectful attitude towards each other it is unlikely. The bull man is too demanding of his rabbit/cat wife. This is wrong with him, and this, and this... Often his criticism and pickiness are unconstructive. At that moment, the rabbit woman is absolutely not to blame for anything.

The rabbit/cat woman is a strong personality with a stable character

In such a situation, the horoscope of compatibility in love between signs warns of big quarrels and deep resentment. You yourself understand that you cannot escape from separation. But if an Ox man wants to be with his soulmate, then he must reconsider his character and how he treats his wife. The bull man must see his demands on her and analyze that no one owes him anything. It is fortunate that the rabbit/cat woman began to build a relationship with the Ox, and tolerates his cold attitude towards her, aloofness...

The man of the year of the Ox has a lot to rethink. As soon as he manages, the relationship between him and the Rabbit/cat will immediately improve. Here are some recommendations for the Ox to improve relationships in marriage:

Compliment your loved one as often as possible; Help with household chores, namely cleaning the house, preparing dinner, paying utilities; Give unexpected and pleasant gifts in the form of bouquets of flowers and small presents.

Compatibility in love between a Rabbit/Cat man and an Ox woman

A dangerous union, warns the compatibility horoscope in love. But is it as dangerous as it really seems? It all depends on the individuality of the person and on whether he is ready to compromise, to give in to his values ​​in order to preserve love.

The Woman of the Year Ox is demanding and capricious.

A man born in the year of the Rabbit is serene and calm. If he has serious problems, then he does not vomit and rush, as many representatives of the stronger sex do. He solves problems calmly, without rushing, after thinking everything through.

In a relationship with his wife, a similar trait will be inherent in him. According to the compatibility horoscope, he is not used to deep expressions, beautiful performances and showing his love. A rabbit/cat will not invite his woman to an elite restaurant and will not give luxurious bouquets. You can't criticize him because of this. He is what he is, homely.

But will such a character appeal to a woman born in the year of the Ox? The horoscope of compatibility in love of signs says that not at all. She is the opposite of the Rabbit in terms of activity and emotionality. Next to the Rabbit, she lacks neither care, nor warmth, nor affection. And this does not mean at all that the Rabbit/cat does not give it to her. They just have different ideas about love.

Due to the lack of this, the woman of the year Ox will become demanding and capricious. In this way she will show her protest against the melancholy and excessive calmness of the Rabbit/cat. What should both of them do in this case? Should they fight to maintain relationships and create a happy marriage?

The compatibility horoscope says that everything depends on the rabbit man. If he is ready to endure the violent nature of his wife and have hope for the best, then maintaining the union is possible. The main thing is to believe and wait. After all, faith moves mountains.

A family union in the compatibility of a Cat (Rabbit) man and an Ox woman can develop very successfully, provided that it is for your spouse. Their relationship begins on a strong friendship and easily turns into a love relationship.

However, the Cat (Rabbit) man attracts the attention of many women. He is so diplomatic and charming that he easily charms not only the Ox woman. And if the Ox woman does not learn, then doubts and suspicions will torment her all her life, and at one moment she may not be able to stand it and simply leave.

And the Cat (Rabbit) man will never exchange his Ox woman, who made his home a fortress, for a frivolous relationship, because he is so afraid of change.

The Ox Woman has a sensitive and kind character. She takes a responsible approach to arranging her home and creates the most comfortable and cozy conditions for herself and her man.

Cat Man (Rabbit) and Ox Woman – compatibility

The Cat (Rabbit) man and the Ox woman will instantly be attracted to each other. After all, their almost identical life positions, peculiar seriousness and intention to achieve their goals strongly unite them. The Cat Man (Rabbit) will very quickly win the heart of an unapproachable woman, making small surprises, paying attention to the little things, he will conquer her for life.

The love relationship between a Cat (Rabbit) man and an Ox woman is most often based on friendship, which first turns into romance, and then into family. But there is one significant difference in these relationships, which can become a stumbling block in family life.

The Ox woman is not very sociable and prefers to keep her feelings under control, while the Cat (Rabbit) man is overly sociable, and, moreover, puts his friends on the same level as his family. This can be very offensive to the Ox woman, for whom family always comes first. It won’t be easy for her, but still, she will have to accept the character of her chosen one so that the family does not fall apart.

Despite the fact that the diplomacy and tactfulness of the Cat (Rabbit) man charms all representatives of the fairer sex, in romantic relationships he himself is highly susceptible to female influence, and often succumbs to manipulation. He rarely shows activity and is in no hurry to change anything in his life.

Therefore, the initiative to create a family, as a rule, comes from the Ox woman. If she decides to get married, then she will do everything possible for this, and the Cat (Rabbit) man will simply accept all the benefits.

This is due to the fact that these representatives of the eastern horoscope have a different concept of love for the Cat (Rabbit) man; love is romance, feelings, emotions and zero calculation. And for the Ox woman, this is necessarily family. She loves to live according to a certain plan and routine that she has established.

A woman born with good character. She is responsible, loves her home and will make it as cozy and comfortable as possible. Despite the fact that she succeeds in everything easily at work, she is appreciated and loved, it is more important for her to be the keeper of the home.

She is a wonderful housewife who strives to make her husband and children happy. And the Cat (Rabbit) man is lucky in life. He easily manages business and finances. He is able to make sure that his family does not need anything.

In this relationship, the Ox woman creates an atmosphere of comfort and security for the Cat (Rabbit) man, and he, in turn, brings an atmosphere of joy and celebration into their life together.

Family relationships between a Cat (Rabbit) man and an Ox woman can develop very harmoniously if both spouses are focused on interaction and are sincerely interested in implementing joint plans. Moreover, each partner can complement each other with missing qualities.

Thus, the Ox woman in life lacks emotions, creative imagination, sensitivity, which her husband has in abundance. And the Cat (Rabbit) man really likes the discipline, responsibility, reliability and wisdom of the Ox woman.

Of course, a woman born in the year of the Ox would like to go through life with a stronger and more reliable spouse, since her pragmatism may conflict with the sophisticated goals and plans of the Cat (Rabbit) man.

In addition, sensitivity, tenderness and the ability to be affectionate attract many women to this man, which causes attacks of jealousy in the Ox woman. She will want to control her chosen one always and in everything.

But these partners know how to negotiate, family relationships are valuable to both, and they both try to do everything to strengthen their couple. The Cat (Rabbit) man just needs to show the Ox woman that she is the only one, unique and the best for him.

Moreover, in reality he really needs her support, approval and faith. The Cat (Rabbit) man loves the comfort and reliable rear that the Ox woman can create, therefore, he will never exchange his stable situation for fleeting hobbies. And the Ox woman needs to learn to trust her husband.

Otherwise, suspicions and doubts will constantly torment her soul. And no woman, even one as patient as the Ox woman, can live in constant doubt. It is worth noting that a man born in scandals and tedious discussions. He tries to avoid such situations and quickly smoothes out rough edges. Therefore, a hot-tempered Ox woman will feel calm and confident next to him.

Common goals and plans in life bring spouses even closer together. Both know how to work and accumulate material wealth, therefore, over time, they will provide themselves with everything they need and create a solid financial base.

The Cat man (Rabbit) loves to study, to experience something new, and the Ox woman is an intellectual and is always happy to talk about different topics, which makes their pastime interesting for both.

Cat Man (Rabbit) and Ox Woman – compatibility in love

In the “closeness” of this couple, everything is harmonious. The feminine curiosity and humility of the Ox woman will allow the Cat (Rabbit) man to realize almost any fantasy. He will be able to give her the real beauty of a relationship full of romance, a sea of ​​tenderness and sensuality. And having learned the price of real pleasure, she will not be able to refuse it.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the couple Cat Man (Rabbit) and Ox Woman

How harmonious the union of a Cat (Rabbit) man and an Ox woman will be will depend on both. It will be especially difficult for the Ox woman, since she will be the one who will have to change her world, and this is always difficult.

First of all, the Ox woman needs to learn to trust her husband. The Cat Man (Rabbit) is so sociable and attractive to women that he constantly arouses jealousy in his wife. She still won’t be able to “chain” him. He will run away or meow pitifully.

But the Cat (Rabbit) man is able to prove his beloved’s suspicions unfounded if he devotes more time to her than to everyone else. In addition, the Ox woman becomes very capricious, demanding and irritable when she lacks attention.

Another stumbling block is the laziness and irresponsibility of the Cat (Rabbit) man. He tries in every possible way to avoid responsibility and does not like to take on responsibilities. It is difficult for the Ox Woman to understand this, but there is no other way. To maintain the relationship, she needs to accept her spouse and learn to be uncomplaining, gentle and attentive towards him.

Therefore, in order for representatives of these signs to keep their home as a place of rest and relaxation, and to avoid scandals and quarrels, they need to talk through all controversial issues immediately after a problem arises; they should not be hushed up.

The compatibility of a family union between an Ox man and a Cat (Rabbit) woman cannot be called ideal, but they have every chance of becoming happy. Everything will depend on the individuality of each spouse and their willingness to compromise, to give in to their values, for the sake of preserving the family.

Spouses have difficulty understanding each other's habits and character. As a rule, the Ox man is simply fascinated by his sociable, gentle, feminine and graceful wife, but over time, her indiscipline begins to infuriate him. And romantic towards the caution and excessive realism of the Ox man, and the slightest criticism of him can lead the Cat to isolation and even depression.

Although, it is worth noting that when living together for a long time, spouses learn to restrain mutual claims and adapt to each other. In addition, the Cat (Rabbit) woman is very soft and knows how to smooth out rough edges, which further improves the compatibility of this couple.

Ox Man and Cat Woman (Rabbit) – compatibility

A woman born in the year has a very attractive appearance; she can spend hours taking care of herself or going shopping. She is quite stubborn and willful, but her demeanor is charming and graceful, thanks to which she enjoys increased attention from the opposite sex.

The Ox Man is no exception. He is especially attracted by the fact that the Cat woman (Rabbit) knows how to be weak and defenseless, and he has a pronounced need to protect and protect his chosen one from all troubles. Next to her, he feels truly strong and courageous. And for a man this is very important.

The Cat (Rabbit) woman is quite capricious, but the Ox man is able to satisfy all her whims. He is attentive to her, and this alone evokes reciprocal feelings in her. A man born in the year of the Ox. conservative and reserved, but thanks to his partnership with this woman, he has a lot of reasons for fun and joy.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) values ​​her freedom very much, so she is in no hurry to tie the knot with anyone. But, having met the Ox man, she understands that this wealthy and hardworking man can give her much more than she has without him. Therefore, after hesitating for some time, she agrees to marry him.

It is worth noting that the Ox man is absolutely unromantic. He doesn't know how to give compliments, and he certainly won't sing serenades under the window. Therefore, having connected her life with this man, the Cat (Rabbit) woman will have to come to terms with the fact that the Ox man expresses his love differently. Next to him, she will feel the ground under her feet, he will do everything to save her from all worries and problems. As a result, the family union will be happy until the spouses begin to look for flaws in each other.

A man born into a man for almost every girl. He knows how to provide stability and confidence in the future. His family and the interests of his loved ones always come first. He never sits idle, waiting for better times. He is very hardworking and approaches any business with responsibility.

In his views, the Ox man is conservative and critical, so he has his own established worldview and does not want to change it. Catwoman (Rabbit) makes him want to take care of her, which is exactly what he needs to feel strong. He feels that he has met the ideal of femininity in the person of the Cat (Rabbit) woman.

She is an excellent housewife, good-natured, sociable, caring, gentle and charming. Her house will always be clean and cozy. She easily creates comfortable conditions in any circumstances. She loves and knows how to cook. This will really appeal to the Ox man, who loves to spend his free time within the walls of the house.

Also, the Cat (Rabbit) woman knows how to provide interesting leisure time. She always strives for knowledge and leads a busy lifestyle. Her position is more active than that of the introverted Ox man, but she can “rock” him and cheer him up.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is rebellious and willful, but the Ox Man knows how to conquer her. In his face she meets a truly courageous man. He is the unconditional leader, the head of the family, the commander-in-chief, and she happily accepts this.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is very faithful to her husband and will support him in all his endeavors and will follow him “to the ends of the earth. Honesty and openness in relationships, following good manners and maintaining a framework of decency unite these spouses, and both also love reading and watching educational films.

Together they are never bored. Both love children very much and happily raise them.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is incredibly diplomatic and peace-loving. She does not like all kinds of discussions and arguments, so she tries with all her might to avoid them. In an attempt to avoid a quarrel, the representative of this sign shows remarkable charm and makes every possible effort, which bears fruit.

Thanks to this behavior, it is always pleasant to communicate with her, she is incredibly witty, and, moreover, is able to convince any person of almost anything. Therefore, even a hot-tempered Ox man will feel calm and confident next to her.

The couple's main disagreements lie in the fact that the Ox man considers his partner a little frivolous and too calm. But, over time, he can still understand that it is thanks to this that there is always a calm atmosphere in their house, and he can relax after a hard day at work.

It is she who will constantly remind you that from time to time it is worth taking a break from work, taking a break and just enjoying life. He will see that thanks to the fact that his wife relieves him of emotional stress, it is easier for him to resolve serious issues and easier to achieve his goals.

And the Cat (Rabbit) woman is very offended by the fact that the Ox man is not romantic and constantly forgets important dates for her. But after seeing how much he does for the family, she will come to terms with this fact. Both spouses complement each other perfectly.

The Ox man brings stability and reliability to the family, and the Cat woman (Rabbit) brings sensuality and passion. As a result, they can create a harmonious coexistence of two people so different from each other.

Another danger lies in the fact that the Cat woman (Rabbit) is constantly surrounded by admirers. And he will leave his suspicions only if she does not give him the slightest reason.

Ox Man and Cat Woman (Rabbit) – compatibility in love

There will be no problems in this area only if the Ox man can relax in bed and give free rein to his feelings. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is a wonderful lover and can teach him a lot, naturally, if he does not resist.

For the Ox man, sex is simply a way to obtain physical satisfaction, and in the simplest ways. And for a Cat (Rabbit) woman, such closeness is perceived as vulgarity. Sex for her is a special, mysterious ritual, and if her partner remains cold, she may become offended and withdraw into herself.

Both should stop proving their point of view on this process and love as the voice of the body suggests. Then both will be able to experience unprecedented pleasure.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Ox Man and Cat Woman (Rabbit) couple

Disagreements happen even in the most ideal couple; the main thing is not to run away from difficulties, but to look for ways out of them.

For the Ox man and the Cat (Rabbit) woman, it is important to immediately discuss the problem that has arisen. You shouldn’t hush it up, since unresolved issues tend to accumulate and after a while it will be a whole volcano of erupting passions.

In order for the Cat (Rabbit) woman to be even more happy in the family, the Ox man should compliment her as often as possible. This woman is a bright representative of those who “love with their ears.” She will also appreciate a man's help with household chores, cooking dinner or paying utilities. Small, unexpected gifts in the form of a bouquet of flowers or a simple chocolate bar will bring her indescribable joy.

A Cat (Rabbit) woman, if she wants family happiness with an Ox man, should calm down her obstinacy and rebellion. You can show your character outside the home, but not in the presence of your beloved man.

Despite the fact that most women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) know how to be weak, some are still afraid to do so. But in vain. The Ox man will not only be able to protect, but will make caring for his beloved woman the main thing in his life, of course, if he sees that he is also important to her.

The Cat (Rabbit) woman likes to spend time outside the home, in some respectable society, in a large company, and the Ox man is a homebody. This issue can be resolved through compromise.

Thus, the Ox man will at least occasionally agree to attend any noisy event, will provide the Cat (Rabbit) woman with security there, and she will make up for his silence with her sociability. He does not like to be the center of attention in a company, but the Cat Woman (Rabbit) can happily do this for him.

In addition, the Chinese horoscope can predict some features of building a relationship with a certain partner. You will get an idea of ​​the likely course of events, and this information will help you avoid quarrels and prevent various problems from arising.

If you are an Ox, then you are adamant and solid as a rock. Once you have made a decision, no one and nothing can convince you otherwise. You will never betray your neighbor and reveal the secrets that he entrusted to you. You never lose confidence in yourself, you do not leave behind you a single unfinished project and not a single unpaid debt. Before you take on any task, you draw up a detailed and thoughtful plan in advance, and then implement it persistently and consistently, following your goal step by step. You can't stand being rushed. You never waste time procrastinating. Sometimes people around you make fun of your persistence, which turns into stubbornness. Because you don't change your mind, some people think you're stupid. In fact, before making a decision, you carefully think through all the details, consider the situation from different angles and try to take into account all possible consequences, so after making a certain decision, you see no point in changing your plans. You are a faithful and devoted spouse who can truly provide for his family and, as gratitude, asks only to provide him with an atmosphere of peaceful stability and reliability. You will not be able to get along with an overly emotional partner who constantly rushes from one emotional extreme to another, or with a woman who is used to constantly dramatizing what is happening.

The Rabbit hates any disagreements and conflicts and tries to avoid them at all costs. In an attempt to avoid a quarrel, the representative of this sign shows remarkable charm and makes every possible effort, which bears fruit. A rabbit can convince anyone of almost anything! This woman will deceive you so skillfully that you won't even notice it. Before doing anything, the Rabbit carefully thinks over everything and analyzes all the details in order to avoid possible unpleasant consequences. She is the type of person who, before signing a contract, will definitely read it from cover to cover, not forgetting the notes printed in small print. From the outside, Rabbits appear relaxed and impeccably polite. It seems to others that they almost never experience stress. If the Rabbit finds herself backed into a corner, she will most likely run away rather than face her problems.

The Rabbit woman is the ideal partner for the Ox man. You will be able to appreciate her inherent logical thinking. Just like you, she always thinks things through carefully before doing anything. In this relationship, you won't have to deal with the consequences of impulsive decisions. You like the Rabbit's relaxed attitude towards life. She will constantly remind you that from time to time it is worth taking a break from work, taking a break and just enjoying life. After work, you both will prefer to relax at home and enjoy a quiet evening with your family. Neither of you has the habit of dramatizing the situation, neither of you strives to play the main role in the relationship. The rabbit is incredibly diplomatic and peace-loving; she will never enter into conflict with you or in any way hurt your pride. If she thinks you are wrong, she will point it out to you in a respectful manner. You will be surprised to find that for her sake you will be able to change, for her sake you will decide to change your behavior or your point of view more easily than for the sake of someone else.

You like the Rabbit's intelligence and broad outlook, but in this relationship you should be careful when making critical comments about her. In some cases, you do not understand her manner of doing business, you have a desire to rush her or put pressure on your partner. She doesn't like this behavior, she's trying to avoid the conversation, and if you start putting undue pressure on her, she might just leave you because she doesn't know how to deal with stress and conflict. You really should develop a softer and more unobtrusive strategy of behavior that you can apply if any disagreements arise.