Meat plot consequences. Love spell on raw meat. Angina pectoris and other damage to human health

Spoilage to meat usually affects the skin, and then begins to “devour” the sufferer’s body from the inside. A man is rotting alive right before our eyes. Such damage is called “meat-eater”.

How to spoil meat?

Let's get acquainted with the most famous method of causing damage to this type. You need to do this:

  1. Go to the market and buy a piece of pork there. You need to choose a larger size. Don't negotiate with the seller.
  2. Wrap the meat in black cloth and go to the cemetery. It must be old and abandoned.
  3. Before you set foot on the cemetery grounds, recite the following spell:

    “Just as the damp mother earth carries pigs and cannot bear them, so let her put the slave (name of the enemy) to rest and reward him with various rashes.”

  4. After that, cross the cemetery, and hold the meat in your right hand. While you’re walking, read this plot (you can do it several times):

    “The first brother is called Chertenysh, and the second Besenysh, the third Domovoy, and the fourth Grobov. As the brother of the Sepulcher goes around the grave, so let the slave (name of the enemy) go to him and lie down with his bones here. Forever and ever, amen."

  5. When you leave the cemetery, stand with your back to it and throw a piece of meat over you with the words:

    “As the slave (name of the enemy) lived on earth, so he all survived. I'll lock him up for 33 years. The meat will rot, and the slave (name of the enemy) along with him, let him perish to hell. I conjure, (name of the enemy), Grobovoy and all the evil people. It will be like this forever and ever!”

  6. Now go home. No one should see you during this ritual. There shouldn't be snow outside.

How to remove the “Meat Eater” spell?

If you have this damage, then to expel it, do the following:

  1. Go to the market just before it opens to be the first buyer. Buy a piece of beef.
  2. Place the meat in the cloth and go to the cemetery.
  3. Upon entering the cemetery area, turn right and move along the perimeter. Hold the piece of meat in your hands.
  4. Returning to the entrance, unfold the piece and read the following words:
    Bo the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    I command you, you piece of flesh,
    In the name of the Lord,
    How in this dead kingdom there is no suffering,
    So I, Servant of God (my name),
    From now on, I will get rid of the damage.
    I pray, Lord,
    Help Your servant (your name).
    From now on and forever and ever. Amen.
  5. Give the meat to the cemetery dog.

Remember that if you are a baptized person, then you are prohibited from causing damage, because this is a terrible sin. Also, you need to remove it not with the help of conspiracies, but in church with the prayers and actions of the priest.

This is a very serious conspiracy. You can use it only if your chosen one is absolutely free and has reciprocal feelings for you, but does not dare to take the first step.

This ritual is also suitable for same-sex relationships, especially for gay male relationships.

After sunset, you need to prepare a meat dish, add hot and spicy seasonings. Throw three pinches of salt onto the meat, and say each time:

Love spell on meat - spell on salt for meat

Just as meat loves salt, so do you, Servant of God (name), love me, servant of God (name).
Just as meat cannot live without salt, so you, the servant of God (name), cannot live without me, the servant of God (name).
Just as meat rots without salt, so you, servant of God (name), are greener without me, servant of God (name),
Don’t eat bread, don’t drink water, be sad, dry up like a dog would die.
Truly I speak, truly I know. Amen.

After this, the meat needs to be cooked. And talk about him

Love spell for love feeding - love spell for meat

You, servant of God (name), taste this dish, let your blood run throughout your body, let you want my white body.
And you, servant of God (name), will no longer be able to live without servant of God (name).
Only by me alone will you be consoled, only by me alone will you enjoy yourself, only by me alone will you be saved.
From now on and forever. From now on and forever. My words will sink into you.
They will remain in your heart, but if you want to get rid of those words, you will suffer all your life.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Note: obviously, for same-sex relationships in the plot, you need to replace the words with the male version, which is not difficult.

When faced with negative influences, people often try to overcome it on their own. Fortunately, today the methods of conducting the corresponding rituals are not secret. And it’s good when the author explains all the actions. But this doesn't always happen. And all sorts of questions arise. For example, why is meat used to remove spoilage? Many people find this magical attribute annoying. And that’s right, apparently, intuition works.

Various options for removing damage

You need to know that negativity comes in different forms. The word “damage” alone does not explain anything. It is directed at the personal or material, at illness or death, at the breakdown of relationships or, conversely, at their emergence. It is important to identify the enemy's goal setting. And this is a complex process. It’s not easy to cope without clairvoyance. In addition, damage can also be inherited from some completely unknown relative whom you have never even seen. How can you figure out what his enemies wanted to spoil in fate?

The point is that a negative program is easy to identify. It changes the life of the victim greatly. But understanding why it was introduced and how it was made is a rather tricky task. One should not think that its consequences in the life of the victim reveal the details of the guidance ritual. Any damage affects all areas of human activity that are important to him. Often damage to relationships leads to losses in business, and vice versa. And without understanding the methods of application and goal setting, it is difficult to get rid of the negative.

Often, universal rituals are used for this. For example, a ritual with a chicken egg or salt. But they are not omnipotent. They cannot completely remove the influence of a serious sorcerer. You have to work several times, in severe cases – constantly. Surely some readers have encountered the fact that the damage does not go away after the first ritual. Grandmothers recommend reporting three times, and in different places. This means that the negative was introduced into the field by a serious specialist.

Negative energy should be removed somewhere. It does not annihilate on its own. The magicians either return it to the witch or send it out into the universe. The decision depends on how and who caused the damage. It turned out to be a vicious circle. It is the piece of flesh used in the ritual that tears it apart.

Why do you need meat when removing spoilage?

During the ritual, if it is unknown who is the author of the negative, it is transferred to the flesh of the animal. This is done only in a special magic circle made of church candles. That is, the victim is protected from the outside world, their energy is manipulated, and they are cleansed. And what worked against his fate is transferred to a piece of meat.

This is done so that the decaying, once living, flesh will work on the negative program. The spoilage contained in the meat will begin to rush back to the source of clean energy. But she will be able to leave only when the author takes her. If he is already in the world of the dead, then the energy of corruption will go into the ground after the meat rots completely.


Non-specialists are not recommended to work with such a complex ritual. It is enough that some give meat to animals, taking on sin. A dog or cat, having feasted on a carrier of damage, can transmit the negative to the owner or die. And this, believe me, is the same as taking the damage back.

In addition, not all types of negativity can be removed using this method. They work with old damage that cannot be removed in any other way. Meat is also used to remove certain types of generational curses that cause early mortality among family members. Sometimes illnesses drive him into it. But any ritual is a delicate matter. It is better when it is carried out by a specialist.

After reading the next description of the process of getting rid of negativity, be sure to take an interest in the intricacies of the technique. To work with organic magical attributes, you need the help of a good sorcerer. Keep this in mind and tell your friends. Believe me, damage that requires such difficulties to remove is rare. Good luck!

Many girls read conspiracies in photos, personal belongings of their loved one. But the simplest and most popular love spell is the food spell. It must be read correctly and with caution.

A love spell on food or drink is one of the most effective methods of magical influence.

Features of the ritual with food

Today, both women and men resort to food spells. This is the most accessible and easiest way to tie your loved one to you. It is food that is chosen as the subject of the ritual. And this is no coincidence. It is vital for everyone and enters the body, penetrating the organs through the blood. Food is an irreplaceable source of energy.

The conspiracy is the oldest ritual of white magic. It is actively practiced today and does not bring harm to the person it is directed at. But sometimes mental and physical harm can be caused. Therefore, such a ritual is far from harmless fun.

Preparation for the ceremony

To achieve the desired result, you must sincerely believe that the plot will work and strictly follow all the instructions given. The following recommendations must be followed:

  • The ceremony is carried out in a good mood.
  • All thoughts must be focused on action.
  • The words are pronounced quietly, but clearly.
  • Before any conspiracy, the prayer “Our Father” is read.
  • A love spell does not work on someone else's man. With the help of a conspiracy, you can return or strengthen your relationship.
  • You need to think several times whether such a conspiracy is really required for a specific object of passion.
  • You cannot use food spells for the purpose of revenge or out of resentment.

What food is suitable for a conspiracy?

You can talk about the following products:

  • eggs;
  • wine;
  • fish;
  • meat dishes;
  • pies;
  • milk;
  • garlic.

Only apples are suitable for fruits. It is better not to use vegetables; they do not sense human energy well. It is not recommended to add blood to food. This is, to say the least, unhygienic. Blood rituals are used in black magic.

The main thing is that the food is prepared with your own hands. The ritual is performed on the waxing moon on odd numbers. The more expensive the products, and the more time was spent on preparing the food, the more powerful the spell will be and the faster the result. Depending on the desired goal, you need to choose the ingredients for the ritual.

Hard-boiled brown eggs are spoken. This will help improve relationships in the family, create comfort and warmth in the home.

Garlic scares away enemies and will not allow you to get into a difficult situation. They can ensure the protection of their home and property from envious people. A spell for garlic is made in case of lack of money.

Meat is used in order to never quarrel with your husband and live in perfect harmony.

A common ritual is the bread spell. It must be baked yourself. Read the words for the seeds. They are then added to the dough before baking. Anyone who eats three pieces of bread will not know poverty.

Love spells

A love spell using food works quickly and is the most effective. The ritual can be performed independently. Any food will do. But you can’t give it to other people to eat. You need to choose a day of the week, the name of which will be masculine, and read above the dish:

“Servant of God (name),

Satisfy your hunger with food

Even after marriage, ladies resort to love spells. If your loved one has become cold, they say salt to add to the food and give him a taste. This will bring back the faded feelings in 2-3 weeks. The words are pronounced over the salt 3 times. Preferably it should be a fish dish.

Another love spell is made for all the ingredients in the dish. If water is needed, it is also placed on the table. The prepared ingredients say:

“How a dryness descends on all products, causing melancholy, but leading to me. Yes, how dry this will become across the throat and eat into the brain, that there will be nothing but me, the one who eats it.”

You need to say it three times and start cooking. When the dish is ready, the remaining food is thrown away. Then they say three times to the plate of food:

“Give me the dryness, as is, so that neither water nor vodka can wash me out of my thoughts. Let it be all mine. As soon as he eats me, he will stop at me and will never leave for others in his life.”

The result of such a conspiracy will not be long in coming. After 3-7 days, the man who ate this food will be inflamed with new feelings and will be drawn to the woman who spoke the dish.

A good and high-quality spell for your husband’s love, carried out according to all the rules, will help revive lost feelings.

Another method is quite easy. Unbeknownst to the man you love, you need to charm drink or food. In this case, you need to repeat three times:

“Just as one half cannot exist without the other, does not exist, so you (name) will follow me all my life, all century, forever. May we live together forever, share bread and bed with you.”

You can charm chocolates. To do this, you need to buy delicious sweets in a box, open it and read:

“Servant of God (name),

Satisfy your hunger with food

And always be by my side (name).

In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,

Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Then you should treat your lover and not give it to anyone else. You can't eat by yourself either.

Many women believe that their husbands will always be faithful to them. And some want to play it safe. This is where a conspiracy against a cheating spouse comes in handy. It is read over food prepared for the husband.

Possible consequences

Before casting spells on various foods, you need to remember that such a ritual can cause an unexpected result. If a man feels bad and feels nauseous, then the ritual was unsuccessful. Such practices can have adverse effects on your loved one's health, cause illness, damage self-esteem, and even change temperament. Health problems may also arise for the person who carried out the conspiracy.

A deliciously prepared dish will not leave any representative of the stronger sex indifferent. Your lover will appreciate culinary efforts even without a conspiracy, if the food is prepared with love.