In the city they said that. Grebenshchikov told what was happening at Pugacheva’s school

“Who knows why the road near school 37 was blocked? Lots of firefighters. What happened?” wrote alarmed citizens on social networks on the evening of April 28.

The situation was clarified by the press service of the Tyumen Ministry of Internal Affairs. They reported that the night before the emergency services received a call from an unknown person. The caller (judging by the voice - a child) said that a bomb had been planted at school No. 37. Dog handlers, riot police explosives experts, and the investigative and operational group of police department No. 4 were sent to the educational institution, located on Kholodnaya Street. Other special services also arrived there.

No explosive device or explosives were found at the school. But the police found the young jokers. It turned out that two 14-year-old Tyumen residents from prosperous families, who had never been registered, called 112 from a friend’s phone, naming the educational institution at random.

Currently, the issue of initiating a criminal case under Art. 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deliberately false report of an act of terrorism). In the near future, PDN inspectors will carry out repeated preventive work in educational institutions of the city of Tyumen.

“Police remind citizens of the responsibility for falsely reporting a terrorist attack. We especially focus the attention of parents on the fact that they will bear responsibility, including financial responsibility, for their children’s offenses. To such “jokers”, by whose will the main work of all services is suspended and the movement of the civilian population is paralyzed, employees of the internal affairs bodies remind that in accordance with Art. 3 of the Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism” of July 25, 1998, this act relates to crimes of a terrorist nature. Even though the report is false and does not lead to serious consequences, damage to public safety is caused. In addition, such jokes cause material damage, since a whole range of measures are carried out to verify information, involving various emergency services,” the police recalled.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has issued an order to all Chinese media outlets to stop reporting information about schools destroyed during the earthquake in Sichuan Province. This was reported to the Financial Times by Chinese correspondents who received this order from the central propaganda department of the CCP.

The Chinese Communist Party issues a message ban order

According to the Financial Times on June 1, following widespread reports that more than 10,000 schoolchildren and teachers were killed in the ruins of school buildings that collapsed during the earthquake, Chinese media were ordered last week to stop reporting information. about it.

A media correspondent who was sent from Guangdong province to the earthquake area told the Financial Times that its editor-in-chief conveyed to him a Central Government order banning reports of collapsed schools and the deaths of schoolchildren and teachers. Because the issue is very sensitive to the CCP, he and other correspondents asked the Financial Times not to reveal their names or the names of their media outlets. Usually, all orders to the Chinese media on how and what to report come from the CCP's Ministry of Propaganda.

Recently, in different areas affected by the earthquake, parents of dead children expressed their protest. They condemn the poor quality of buildings in China and believe that this is due to theft of building materials, as well as negligence and corruption of officials.

In an article published in the Guangzhou Southern Weekend magazine, assistant inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Education Department Lin Chang noted in an interview that the schools were destroyed not only because of the earthquake. He said: “Of course there are natural disaster factors involved, a natural disaster alone would not have led to such a tragedy. Blaming a tragedy on a natural disaster is an immoral approach.”

Numerous collapsed schools, poor-quality buildings and protests from parents are all reports that undermine the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda about its high positive role and assistance after the earthquake. The authorities are trying with all their might to create only a positive image of the party in the eyes of people, without any shadow of doubt. Therefore, they force the media in their reports to focus on the successful rescue work of the victims, organized by the skillful leadership of the party, on the selfless donations of party officials, on how communist volunteers, sparing no effort, participate in rescue work, etc.

On Sunday (June 1), near the destroyed Xinjian Primary School, located in Dujiangyan, not far from the epicenter of the earthquake, several hundred parents and relatives of the deceased children gathered and held a rally in memory of the 239 schoolchildren and teachers who died under the rubble of the school. On International Children's Day (June 1), for 2 hours, people took turns approaching the ruins of the Xinjian school, laying wreaths, lighting candles, saying goodbye to the dead children.

With parents calling on Wen Jiabao on Saturday to investigate the reasons for the shoddy buildings, city inspectors took samples of the school debris to check their quality.

The Chinese Communist Party avoids the topic of investigating and identifying those responsible

The Washington Post reported on June 1 that it would be very difficult for the parents of the dead children to blame the Chinese Communist Party. The report says that several dozen school buildings, under the rubble of which more than 9 thousand children died, were mostly built more than 10 years ago; officials at various levels and commercial companies participated in their construction. Although the Chinese government beautifully stated that they would investigate the matter, officials emphasized that a lesson should be learned from this and did not say that anyone should be held accountable.

Almost three weeks after the tragedy, parents of the dead children said they do not know which official investigation teams visited the earthquake areas to check the quality of buildings.

Lawyers said it is very difficult to prosecute a case like this in China. Beijing lawyer Pu Chang said: "The trial in such cases can be very long and inconclusive, and it will be very difficult to prosecute and claim compensation."

One of the parents who participated in the event in memory of the dead children said that the authorities did not allow them to hold a procession through the city streets, and that even their meeting near the ruins of the school had to be coordinated and received permission from local authorities.

One of the Chinese media reported that Chen Hongui, deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, led two teams to check the quality of buildings. However, when a reporter asked him on Sunday about the results of the inspection, he did not want to comment on this, but only said that the goal of the groups he led was not to investigate the quality of the buildings, but to “rebuild these schools.”

Who should bear responsibility?

As the New York Times reported on June 2, the parents of the dead children are collecting signatures and are planning to sue local officials. They continue their protests, which is a challenge for the Communist Party government, which strongly promotes the exploits of its heroes and the touching actions of people brought up on the ideas of communism, the report says.

Participants in the event dedicated to the memory of the dead children at the Xingjian School in Dujiangyan blocked the entrance to the courtyard of the former school, and demanded that everyone entering register their names and surnames. They also demanded that correspondents show their identification. Event organizers said this was to avoid interference from local officials.

Memorial events for the dead children were also held in the city of Menzhu, about 60 people took part in them. A week ago, the parents of the dead children in Deyang County met with local officials, who promised them to investigate the case and report the first results of the investigation by Sunday. However, almost a week has passed since Sunday, and there is still no information from officials. Farmer Zhang Longfu, whose daughter died at school, said: “They are not responding to our demands.”

Tian Chin. The Epoch Times

What do the predicate verbs to which the subordinate clause refers mean?

Explanatory clauses refer to members of the main sentence with the meaning of speech, thought, feeling or state, requiring mandatory distribution and explanation.

Most often these are verbs (speak, tell, report, think, understand, realize, feel, hear, see, decide, regret, rejoice, threaten, complain, etc.), less often - adjectives, nouns, words of the state category (right, glad , confident, happy, guilty, sorry, necessary, rumor, message, news, etc.).

Explanatory subordinate clauses answer case questions and join the main sentence with the help of conjunctions what, so, as if, how, whether(particle in the meaning of a union), etc. or allied words where, how, how much, why and etc.

For example: The magpie will tell itself (what will it say?) where it has built its nest. (Last.) Suddenly it seemed to me (what seemed?) as if a string rang weakly and pitifully in the rooms. (I. Turgenev.) My father demanded (what did he demand?) that I go with him. (A.N. Tolstoy.) It’s not a pity for good, it’s a pity (what a pity?) that it is wasted in vain. (He ate.) He told (about what?) that his brother had brought a gift; He told (about what?) what his brother had brought him.

117. Rewrite using emphases. In the main sentence, mark the word you are explaining with an X. In explanatory clauses, enclose the conjunctions in an oval, underline the conjunction words as members of the sentence. Determine the shade of meaning that the conjunction gives to the sentence whether.

1. I found out that before leaving..abroad Asya lived for a long time in the village.. . 2. Gagin was surprised (un)expectedly at my decision and blamed me for why I (not, not) took him with me. 3. Look what you have done. 4. I understood why this strange girl attracts me. 5. I thought (from) that (not, never) the whole truth cannot be told. 6. Look what morning it is. 7. If only you knew how blessed our land is! 8. We talked more and more about how exactly it should work. 9. We reasoned quite intelligently and subtly about the actual importance of an artist in our century. 10. You and I are good...reasonable people and we (cannot) imagine how deeply she feels. 11. I (not, nor) remember how I reached the city. 12. I asked Gagin if he would allow me to accompany him. 13. I don’t even (not, not) know if she’s alive. 14. I decided to sing (dt, t) and find out (not, nor) whether her Gagin was ours.

(According to I. Turgenev.)

118. Complete the sentences so that the subordinate clause is explanatory. To connect the main and subordinate clauses, use conjunctions What or as if, as if(if you want to indicate uncertainty in the reported fact). Make alliances in an oval. Mark with X words that include explanatory clauses. Ask questions to the subordinate clauses.

1. The school reported that - -. 2. In the city they said - -. 3. The guys said - -. 4. From the results of the experiments it is clear - -. 5. The doctor was afraid - -. 6. In the patient’s condition, it is dangerous that - -. 7. A few days later it became known - -. 8. In the silence of the night, the guys heard - -. 9. The boy thought - -.

119. Compose complex explanatory sentences using the words below as predicates of the main sentence. Join clauses using conjunctions to or What.

Explain, tell, need, need, need, wish, wait, dream, fear, care, try, strive.

120. What do you remember about the dialogue? Give examples. Convey the content of dialogues between schoolchildren in the form of complex sentences with explanatory clauses. In the main sentence, use the verbs given in brackets. What is used to attach the subordinate clause to the main clause? Did you write down the sentences with direct or indirect speech?


    Did you like the comedy "Woe from Wit"? (Inquire.)

    This is an amazing piece of work. (Say.)

    Lida asked if I liked the comedy “Woe from Wit.” I said it was an amazing piece.

1. - How do you feel about Chatsky? (Inquire.)

I admire him. (Say.)

2. - What is your opinion about Sophia? (Inquire.)

She is (not) worthy of Chatsky. (Approve.)

3. - Did Griboedov write anything significant besides “Woe from Wit”? (Ask.)

This brilliant man died very young and simply did not have time to create anything else. (Answer.)

This monument was created by sculptor A. A. Manuilov and architect A. A. Zavarzin. (To report.)

121. Read the poem. How to prove that in some sentences there is a conjunction What attaches an explanatory clause, and in others - a attributive one?

      Purple foliage - autumn flowers.
      Not the ones they sell at crossroads,
      not the ones you pick in the morning
      calmly, without thinking, simply.
      The dawn smoke covered them with a veil,
      there is random ice on them
      and fragile.
      They are still unknown, and not to them
      compete with the smiles of flower girls.
      They fly for days in a row.
      But I know that in the morning not far away
      trams will be stopped by falling leaves
      and people will tremble, looking out of the windows:
      and the leaves float above, soaring,
      then the fresh wind will throw them down to the ground,
      to highlight the riches of September.
      your land and beauty and generosity.

(B. Okudzhava.)

122. Read, highlighting the lines of dialogue in an appropriate tone. Does it. In your opinion, is M.V. Lomonosov’s answer worthy and witty? Copy using missing punctuation marks. In complex sentences, determine the type of subordinate clauses.

Finding himself in the circle of St. Petersburg academicians, among whom was Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, the young and boastful Prince Ivan Kurakin decided to remind him that he, too, was “great.”

But I am Rurikovich! Who else here can say this about themselves? Are you, Mikhailo son of Vasiliev, able to say something like that about your ancestors?

“Alas, no,” Lomonosov answered sadly. “The fact is that all the metric records of our family disappeared during the Flood.”

(“The Wit of the World.” Encyclopedia.)

123. Presentation. Read the text, highlighting the intonation clauses starting after the period with a conjunction What. Does such a division of a complex sentence facilitate the semantic perception of the text?

Concisely summarize the content of the text in 4-6 sentences. Use the highlighted sentences without dividing them.

Jean Baptiste Moliere Jr. comes to his father with the news that his calling is not the honorable craft of an upholsterer, but acting.

When the father came to his senses somewhat, he still tried to dissuade his son and told him everything that his father’s duty told him to say. That the profession of an actor is a profession despised by everyone. That the holy church expels actors from its bosom. That only a beggar or a tramp could do such a thing.

The father threatened, the father begged.

Go, I beg you, go and think, and then come to me!

But the son flatly refused to think about anything.

Then the father rushed to the priest and tearfully asked him to go and dissuade Jean Baptiste.

The priest acted in accordance with the request of the respected parishioner and began persuasion, but the results of these persuasion were so surprising that it’s scary to even talk about it. In Paris they definitely claimed that after a two-hour conversation with the distraught Jean Baptiste the son, the church minister took off his black cassock and, together with Jean Baptiste, signed up for the very troupe that Jean Baptiste himself wanted to join. (According to M. Bulgakov.)

Complex text analysis grade 7 PREPOSITION Fearing that they will take it into circulation, Participle thanks

tried to less.. This fear of adverbial verbs reached the point that it was afraid to answer the simplest questions. Moreover, he developed some kind of timidity in front of other words, even those that were subordinate to the Communion. It cared only about (with) anyone (not) spoiling the relationship and therefore it was erased to please everyone and sent out in gratitude. But when the phrase “Thanks to a mistake... the score was reduced” appeared in the text, it immediately became clear to everyone that the Participle was out of place. Even the mistake itself realized that there was nothing to thank it for. This decided the fate of the Participle. He was expelled from the proposal and transferred to the position of official word. Word thanks became an excuse. (F. Krivin.)

1.Prove that the word thanks to has not quite become a preposition, but can also be used as a gerund.

2.Give 2-3 examples in which the same word acts as an independent part of speech and a preposition

Fearing that they would take it into circulation, the Participle, thanks, tried to show itself less. This fear of the participial phrase has reached the point where it

I was afraid to answer the simplest questions. Moreover, he developed some kind of timidity in front of other words, even those that were subordinate to the Participle. It only cared about not ruining relations with anyone, and therefore tried to please, and was showered with gratitude to everyone. But when the phrase “Due to a mistake, the grade was reduced” appeared in the text, it immediately became clear to everyone that the Participle was out of place. Even the mistake itself understood that there was nothing to thank it for. This decided the fate of the Participle. He was expelled from the proposal and transferred to the position of official word. The word thanks became a pretext. (write out from the text examples of words corresponding to the schemes: prefix, root, suffix, suffix, ending and prefix, root, suffix, suffix, ending, suffix)

Help me write an essay!

We often say to each other: I wish you all the best. It is not simple expression of politeness. In these words we express our human
essence. You need to have great fortitude to be able to wish good for others.
The ability to feel, the ability to see kindly the people around you is
not only an indicator of culture, but also the result of a huge internal
work of the spirit.
When we make a request to each other, we say:
Please. A request is an impulse of the soul. Refusing help to a person -
means losing your own human dignity. One rule in
Every person should have life: generosity, the ability not to be
selfish, joy lies in helping others.
Indifference to
those in need of help is a mental deformity. To protect yourself from
indifference, you need to develop complicity, sympathy,
compassion and at the same time the ability to distinguish between harmless human
weak from the streams that cripple the soul. A person should feel joyful
excitement and anxiety in connection with the well-being or sorrows of another
person and make sure from your own experience that from the way he
treat others, peace and tranquility in his soul depends.
goodness in the world around us - this is the greatest goal
life. Good is made up of many things, and every time life cuts short
a problem that must be solved by a person. Goodness begins with
little wish for good to your loved ones, but expanding, it captures everything
wider range of issues. It's like ripples on the water, expanding,
getting weaker. Love and friendship, I grow and
spreading to many things, they gain new strength, become higher and higher, and
man, their center, is wiser.

Task 1 (1)… (2) The speed of such rays was considered very high. (3) ... gradually people realized that there are no “optical rays” and

we see not because some rays come out of our eyes, but, on the contrary, because light from various objects enters our eyes and, acting on the retina, leads to the appearance of signals entering the brain, which creates visual images. (4) The question of experimental study of the propagation of light was first raised by Galileo. (5) Galileo himself, however, was never able to verify whether light rays really propagate at high speed. (6) The speed of light was first measured in 1676 by the Danish astronomer O. Roemer, who worked in Paris, and observed eclipses of the nearest satellite of Jupiter.
What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence in the text?

Galileo failed to be convinced (proposition 5)

speed was considered (sentence 2)

who watched (sentence 6)

posed a question (sentence 4)

Task 2

(7) People are united by the difficulties and moments of crisis they have experienced together. (8) If, in overcoming obstacles, in searching for solutions, all parties equally make efforts and fight to make things better, this not only strengthens any relationship, but also gives birth to new, deeper, amazing states of mind that open up new horizons
and directing the development of events in a completely different direction.
(9) You need to learn to take the first step without losing yourself and your inner dignity. (10) It takes two for a relationship, and any step we take should cause a resonance, a response from the other person, followed by his reaction, his reciprocal steps towards us. (11) If after our prolonged efforts this does not happen, then one of the conclusions suggests itself: either we are taking the wrong steps, or our relationships are built on shaky ground, because they rest on only one person and one person is trying to carry everything on himself, and this is already absurd and artificial.

Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN (sentence 11).
Task 3

Beginning of the form

Among 7-11, find a simple one-part impersonal sentence. Write the number of this offer.
End of form

Task 4

(1) The Prut campaign of Peter the Great, undertaken in 1711, as they say, did not work out right away. (2) After the victory over the Swedes, many Russian statesmen began to experience what would later be called dizziness from success. (3) When the army of the Swedish king, which had never known defeat before, was completely defeated near Poltava
Charles XII, who kept the whole of Europe in check, it seemed to many that now nothing was impossible for Russian weapons, that the miracle heroes would only whistle and the Turks would immediately throw out the white flag. (4) But that was not the case. (5) The Turks cunningly lured the Russian army into the waterless steppes, and then surrounded them. (6) The terrible heat, hunger and thirst, the Turkish horsemen silently looming in the haze, like ghosts from the underworld, the incessant sobs of the officers' wives - everything merged into funeral music, which was conducted by inevitability... (7) No one knew what to do. (8) It was impossible to move forward, because the enemies outnumbered them fourfold; it was impossible to stand still, allowing the Turks to tighten the encirclement. (9) But it’s impossible
and retreat. (10) Like water in a drying steppe well, strength melted away, little by little despair and hopelessness took possession of the people who found themselves in a trap.

Among sentences 1-8, find a complex one that includes a one-part indefinite-personal. Write the number of this complex sentence.

Task 5

(23) The main thing is important: in this seemingly inglorious campaign from the point of view of direct results, the strength that is called the national spirit clearly manifested itself. (24) Most often, this force is characterized using the definitions “mysterious”, “unknown”, “incomprehensible”, but there is nothing mystical about it. (25) It is born out of the need to protect one’s family, friend, home, Fatherland, that is, out of the need to be responsible for something big
Task 5

(23) The main thing is important: in this seemingly inglorious campaign from the point of view of direct results, the strength that is called the national spirit clearly manifested itself. (24) Most often, this force is characterized using the definitions “mysterious”, “unknown”, “incomprehensible”, but there is nothing mystical about it. (25) It is born out of the need to protect one’s family, friend, home, Fatherland, that is, out of the need to be responsible for something greater than one’s own life. (26) Yes, on that trip
Military problems were not solved, glorious victories were not won, but the main wisdom was gained: it is not the one who has more people and weapons who wins, but the one who has more stamina and courage.

Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase NEED TO PROTECT (sentence 25).

Task 6

(1) Shrubs and small forests. (2)Eerie late afternoon silence. (3) Silent thickets. (4) A large flock of magpies rose in one, different place. (5) According to this feast, magpies and ravens found dead elk and birds in the forest. (6) What happened?
(7) Recently, an airplane flew over these places and sprayed the forest with a chemical liquid. (8) It was planned to expand the area of ​​meadows. (9) They calculated that uprooting a living forest is more expensive than poisoning it from an airplane, and then uprooting it. (10) The matter is not new, it is attractive because it is cheap and therefore is considered progressive and profitable. (11) Undoubtedly, there are significant advantages in this matter. (12) But there are also very big disadvantages. (13) They are not always noticed. (14) But twenty-seven moose died here, black grouse and small birds that saved the surrounding fields and forest from pests were killed. (15) Insects are dying, many of which are our friends. (16) What kind of accountant will now undertake to calculate the benefits of the operation?! (17) And that's not all. (18) Thousands of people from the big city go to the forest. (19) The singing of birds, every manifestation of life constitutes the joy of these walks. (20) A person sometimes remembers a meeting with a large animal for the rest of his life. (21) Just imagine how many people will not meet twenty-seven moose. (22) How is this loss measured by accounting?

Among sentences 1-15, find simple one-part indefinite-personal sentences. Write the numbers of these sentences.

Task 7
(2) Although the idea of ​​​​building a ship that will submerge under water and emerge at the request of the crew is quite old, the first operational submarines appeared only in the 19th century. (3) At the same time, during the American Civil War, the first successful attack by a submarine on a surface ship took place. (4) ... at the beginning of the 20th century, technologies appeared that allowed such boats to go out to the open sea, dive under water for several hours and from the depths deliver torpedo strikes on ships on the surface. (5) Already at the beginning of the First World War, a new type of naval weapon forced the whole world to pay attention to itself: a German submarine sank three English cruisers at once within half an hour. (6) It seemed incredible - a small ship with a small crew sank three huge military ships that served hundreds of people!

What word or combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence in the text?

idea (sentence 2)

which will sink (and) emerge (sentence 2)

forced the whole world (sentence 5)

it seemed (sentence 6)

Task 8

Find the predicate that is highlighted and characterized correctly.
One young Athenian went to court. He claimed that his decrepit father had lost his mind and was therefore unable to manage the family’s property. The old man did not make excuses - he just read the tragedy that had just ended to the judges. After this, the dispute was immediately resolved in his favor, and his son was recognized as a shameless liar. The tragedy was called "Oedipus at Colonus", and the old man's name was Sophocles. (O. Levinskaya)
1) went to court - simple verb;
2) survived – simple verb;
3) unable to manage – compound verb;
4) didn’t – simple verb.
Task 9
Find among the sentences given while preserving the author's punctuation, one in which the punctuation marks are

Several Russian publications immediately reported that the Alla Pugacheva School of Pop Art for Children Recital Club on Novinsky Boulevard, one might say, in the very heart of the capital (Arbat is very close) has closed in Moscow. We checked: the school website actually does not open. But figuring out the rest is problematic. There is not much information. The primary source of the news is supposedly singer Mikhail Grebenshchikov. He is credited with the revelation that the workshop was not profitable because half of the parents did not pay for the training. In general, the Diva herself decided back in the winter: a three-year course of study was the final point. No new castings were held. All this is allegedly from the words of Grebenshchikov, who also had to refute rumors about his own indecent behavior. They were circulated by glossy media a couple of days ago. They wrote: they say, the artist was completely “removed” from the Recital Club, because he showed up for classes and reporting concerts in, let’s say, inoperative condition, was rude to the students, and insolent to the management. As a result, he brought the matter to his own dismissal. We turned to Mikhail Grebenshchikov himself for comments.

It’s not difficult to believe in the legend about the “foul-drinking, foul-mouthed Mikhail Grebenshchikov” - just remember his stage role. He created a daring image that stuck with the singer back in the 2000s. Children who are sent into the harsh world of show business from an early age must get used to high-profile scandals from an early age. And, apparently, this lesson was openly taught. Some parents, who wished to remain anonymous, said in an interview with one of the publications that Grebenshchikov was simply unbearable.

“The claims against Grebenshchikov accumulated for several months. We tolerated him for a long time, but in the end we could not stand it and collectively turned to Pugacheva,” said the parents of students at Alla Borisovna’s school.

It would seem that everything is simple, and the scandalous composer and music producer of the school of young talents was thrown out of the door. It turns out that Grebenshchikov was not expelled from anywhere, and he did not leave of his own free will. “I’m working, of course!” states the artist himself. “I have equipment there. I have a lot of huge issues related to school that will last for another six months, which I won’t be able to just ‘go away’.”

Before the start of the school season, there was a question about closing the educational institution - the rent was too expensive. The parents spoke out in defense and took the financial issue upon themselves. Grebenshchikov confirmed this story. “I explained to you the situation of the school: its parents bought it, and its question about the life of the school, how it will live, has been resolved,” said Mikhail. “It is not closing. Just how will it live? I would not leave because I Alla Borisovna kicked me out because I’m not crazy to work for my parents.”

However, the parent staff was divided into two camps. While some say that the composer’s creative nature had a bad effect on children, others, on the contrary, are sure that Grebenshchikov was a favorite of children. People ran to his classes at breakneck speed, and even came up with a humorous nickname for him.

“He is a protégé, one might say, of Alla Borisovna, he even wrote musicals. Perhaps he stepped on someone’s foot and did not apologize,” says artists Irina and Vitaly Gogunsky. “This can happen to a creative person. But the fact that he behaved aggressively towards children - our Milana would have complained long ago! Our Milana tells her parents everything. And his children affectionately called him “Behemoth.”

During the conversation with Grebenshchikov, he gave answers to many questions. He says he never drank before reporting concerts. If he looked bad, it was because of total fatigue. If he was rude, it was only with impudent parents who asked for too much. But many do not exclude the possibility that this could just be a PR campaign - another lesson for aspiring stars. But from whose side is a difficult question.

“Maybe this is due to the beginning of the school year,” suggests Otar Kushanashvili, a journalist and TV presenter. “Maybe this is due to the fact that it was injected, and someone remembered about a certain person. Maybe this is the desire of the journalist, so that her name will be remembered because of a dubious, resonant note."

The scandal that started over one article in an online publication has every chance of continuing. On the 10th of September, the school of young talents is waiting for the return of the Prima Donna. And then it will become clear who bought the establishment and who fired whom.