Venerable Silouan of Athos. Adam's cry. Movie "Adam's Lament. Venerable Silouan of Athos" watch for free Adam's Lament Venerable Silouan

ADAM, the father of the universe, in paradise knew the sweetness of God’s love, and therefore, when he was expelled from paradise for sin and lost the love of God, he suffered bitterly and wept with a great groan throughout the desert. His soul was tormented by the thought: “I have offended my beloved God.” He did not regret paradise and its beauty as much as he regretted the fact that he had lost the love of God, which insatiably draws the soul to God every minute.

Thus, every soul that has come to know God through the Holy Spirit, but then loses grace, experiences Adam’s torment. It hurts the soul, and it greatly regrets when it offends its beloved Lord.

Adam was bored on earth and wept bitterly, and the earth was not sweet to him. He yearned for God and said:

“My soul yearns for the Lord and seeks Him tearfully. How can I not look for Him? When I was with Him, my soul was cheerful and calm, and the enemy had no access to me; and now the evil spirit has taken power over me, and shakes and torments my soul, and therefore my soul yearns for the Lord even to death, and my spirit yearns for God, and nothing on earth makes me happy, and my soul does not want anything. to be comforted, but wants to see Him again and be satisfied with Him. I cannot forget Him for a minute, and my soul yearns for Him, and from the multitude of sorrows I cry with a groan: “Have mercy on me, O God, Thy fallen creation.”

So Adam wept, and tears poured down his face onto his chest and the ground, and the whole desert listened to his groans; animals and birds fell silent in sadness; and Adam wept, because for his sin everyone had lost peace and love.

Great was Adam’s grief after being expelled from paradise, but when he saw his son Abel, killed by his brother Cain, his grief became even greater, and he was tormented in soul, and sobbed, and thought: “from me nations will come and multiply, and all they will suffer and live in enmity and kill each other.” And this sorrow of his was great, like the sea, and only one whose soul knew the Lord and how much He loves us can understand it. And I have lost grace and together with Adam I cry: “Be merciful to me, Lord. Grant me the spirit of humility and love."

O love of the Lord! He who knows you tirelessly seeks you day and night and shouts:

“I miss You, Lord, and I search for You tearfully. How can I not look for You? You have made me know You through the Holy Spirit, and this knowledge of God draws my soul to tearfully seek You.”

Adam cries:

“I don’t like the desert. High mountains, meadows, forests, and birdsong are not dear to me; nothing is nice to me. My soul is in great sorrow: I have offended God. And if the Lord took me again to heaven, then I would grieve and cry there too: why did I offend my beloved God.”

After Adam was expelled from paradise, his soul was sick and he shed many tears from grief. So every soul that has come to know the Lord misses Him and says:

“Where are you, Lord? Where are you, my Light? Why did You hide Your face from me, and my soul does not see You for a long time, and misses You, and tearfully seeks You.”

“Where is my Lord? Why don’t I see Him in my soul? What prevents Him from living in me? This means I don’t have Christ’s humility and love for my enemies.”

God is insatiable love, and it is impossible to describe it.

Adam walked the earth, and cried from many illnesses of his heart, and thought about God with his mind, and when his body was exhausted and he could no longer shed tears, then his spirit burned towards God, for he could not forget paradise and its beauty ; but Adam’s soul loved God even more, and was drawn to Him by the power of love itself.

Oh, Adam, I write, but you see, my weak mind cannot understand how much you missed God and how you carried the work of repentance.

Oh, Adam, you see, I, your child, suffer on earth. There is little fire in me, and my love is almost extinguished.

O Adam, sing to us the song of the Lord, so that my soul may rejoice in the Lord, and may it be moved to praise and glorify Him, as the Cherubim and Seraphim praise Him in heaven, and as all the ranks of heavenly angels sing to Him the thrice-holy song.

O Adam, our father, sing to us the song of the Lord, so that the whole earth can hear, and all your sons raise their minds to God, and enjoy the sounds of the heavenly song, and forget their grief on earth.

The Holy Spirit is love and sweetness of soul, mind and body. And those who know God by the Holy Spirit, insatiably, day and night, strive for the living God, for the love of God is extremely sweet. But when the soul loses grace, it again tearfully seeks the Holy Spirit.

And whoever has not come to know God by the Holy Spirit cannot tearfully seek Him, and his soul is always torn by passions; his mind thinks of earthly things and cannot come into contemplation and know Jesus Christ. He is known by the Holy Spirit.

Adam knew God and paradise, and after his fall he tearfully sought Him.

- “Oh, Adam, our father, tell us, your sons, about the Lord. Your soul knew God on earth, knew heaven, its sweetness and joy, and now you live in heaven and see the glory of the Lord. Tell us how our Lord is glorified for His suffering, and how songs are sung in heaven, and how sweet these songs are, for they are sung by the Holy Spirit.

Tell us about the glory of the Lord, and how merciful He is, and how He loves His creation.

Tell us about the Blessed Virgin Mary. How She is magnified in heaven and with what songs She is pleased.

Tell us how the Saints rejoice there, and how they shine with grace; how they love the Lord, and in what humility they stand before God.

O Adam, comfort and bring joy to our sorrowful souls. Tell us what you see in heaven?.. Why are you silent?.. After all, the whole earth is mourning... Or, from the love of God, you cannot even remember about us?

Or do you see the Mother of God in glory, and cannot tear yourself away from the vision, and do you want to say a word of kindness to us who mourn, so that we forget the grief on earth?

Oh, Adam, our father, you see the sorrow of your sons on earth. Why are you silent?"

Adam says:

- “My children, do not touch me. I cannot tear myself away from the love of God and talk to you. My soul is wounded by the love of the Lord and rejoices in His beauty, and how can I remember the earth? Those who live before the Face of the Lord cannot think about earthly things.”

- “Oh, Adam, our father, you have abandoned us, your orphans. But we are in grief on earth. Tell us what to do to please God? Look at your children, scattered throughout the earth, scattered in their minds. Many forget God, live in darkness and go into the abysses of hell.”

- "Do not disturb me. I see the Mother of God in glory, and how can I tear myself away and talk to you? I see the holy Prophets and Apostles; and they are all similar to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

I walk through the Gardens of Eden and everywhere I see the glory of the Lord, for the Lord is in me and has made me like Himself. This is how the Lord glorifies man, that he makes him like Himself.”

- “Oh, Adam, we are your children. Tell us who mourn on earth how to inherit paradise, so that we, like you, can see the glory of the Lord. Our soul misses the Lord, but you live in heaven and rejoice in the glory of the Lord. We pray to you, comfort us.”

- “Why are you crying out to me, my children? The Lord loves you and has given you commandments. Keep them, love one another, and you will find peace in God. Repent of your sins every hour, so that we can meet the Lord. The Lord said: “Those who love Me, I love, and those who glorify Me, I will glorify.”

“Oh, Adam, pray for us, your children. Our soul is sad because of many sorrows.”

“Oh, Adam, our father, you live in heaven and see the Lord sitting in glory at the right hand of God the Father. You see Cherubim and Seraphim and all the Saints, and you hear heavenly songs, from the sweetness of which your soul has forgotten the earth. We are sad on earth and miss God a lot. There is not enough fire in us to ardently love the Lord. Instill in us what we must do to find heaven?

Adam answers:

- “Do not touch me, my children, for from the sweetness of God’s love I cannot remember about the earth.”

- “Oh, Adam, our souls are bored, and sorrows have burdened us. Give us a word of comfort. Sing to us from the songs that you hear in heaven, so that the whole earth can hear them, and people forget their grief... Oh, Adam, we are very sad.”

- “Don't touch me. My time of sorrow is over. Because of the beauty of paradise and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, I can no longer remember the earth. But I will tell you: the Lord loves you, and you live in love, be obedient to the authorities, humble your hearts, and the Spirit of God will live in you. He comes quietly into the soul, and gives it peace, and testifies to salvation without words. Sing to God in love and humility of spirit, for the Lord rejoices in this.”

- “Oh, Adam, our father, what should we do? We sing, but there is no love and humility in us.”

- “Repent before the Lord and ask. He loves a person and will give everything. And I repented a lot and grieved a lot for the fact that I offended God, that for my sin peace and love on earth were lost. My tears flowed down my face and wet my chest and the ground; and the desert listened to my groans. You cannot understand my grief, nor how I wept for God and paradise. In paradise I was joyful and cheerful: the Spirit of God made me happy, and I did not know any suffering. But when I was expelled from paradise, cold and hunger began to torment me, animals and birds, which were gentle in paradise and loved me, became wild, began to be afraid and run away from me. Evil thoughts tormented me; the sun and wind scorched me, the rain drenched me; I was tormented by illnesses and all the sorrows of the earth, but I endured everything and firmly trusted in God.

And you bear the labors of repentance: love sorrows, dry up your bodies, humble yourself and love your enemies, so that the Holy Spirit may dwell in you, and then you will know and gain the Kingdom of Heaven.

But don’t touch me: now, out of the love of God, I have forgotten the earth and everything that is on it, I have even forgotten the paradise I lost, for I see the glory of the Lord and the glory of the Saints, who from the light of God’s face themselves shine, like Him.”

“Oh, Adam, sing us a heavenly song, so that the whole earth will listen and enjoy the peace of love for God. We want to hear these songs, they are sweet, for they are sung by the Holy Spirit.”

Adam lost his earthly paradise and looked for it crying; “My paradise, my paradise, my beautiful paradise.” But the Lord, with His love on the cross, gave him another paradise, better than the previous one, in heaven, where the Light of the Holy Trinity is. What shall we render to the Lord for His love for us?

Original name: Adam's cry. Venerable Silouan of Athos
Release year: 2009
Director: I.Grekov
Genre: Doc. movie
Studio/Country: Studio Dobroye Kino
Duration: 41:07

About the film: The earth remembers a time when man knew neither death nor suffering and had no need for anything. God created man to live in Paradise. Adam was the name of the first man. The Lord gave him everything in abundance for a happy and carefree life. But Adam ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and God expelled him from Paradise and closed the gates, and Adam’s sorrow was great. Adam walked the earth and he shed many tears out of sorrow: “My Paradise, Paradise, my beautiful Paradise.” And since then, the longing for the lost Paradise has lived in Adam’s children... This is a story about a man who fully knew Adam’s suffering, he was a simple Russian monk, from the peasantry. His name is Silouan.

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Adam, the father of the universe, in paradise knew the sweetness of God's love, and therefore, when he was expelled from paradise for sin and lost the love of God, he suffered bitterly and wept with a great groan throughout the desert. His soul was tormented by the thought: “I have offended my beloved God.” He did not regret paradise and its beauty as much as he regretted the fact that he had lost the love of God, which insatiably draws the soul to God every minute.

Thus, every soul that has come to know God through the Holy Spirit, but then loses grace, experiences Adam’s torment. It hurts the soul, and it greatly regrets when it offends its beloved Lord.

Adam was bored on earth and wept bitterly, and the earth was not sweet to him. He yearned for God and said:

“My soul yearns for the Lord and seeks Him tearfully. How can I not look for Him? When I was with Him, my soul was cheerful and calm, and the enemy had no access to me; and now the evil spirit has taken power over me, and shakes and torments my soul, and therefore my soul yearns for the Lord even to death, and my spirit yearns for God, and nothing on earth makes me happy, and my soul does not want anything. to be comforted, but wants to see Him again and be satisfied with Him. I cannot forget Him for a minute, and my soul yearns for Him, and from the multitude of sorrows I cry with a groan: “Have mercy on me, O God, Thy fallen creation.”

So Adam wept, and tears poured down his face onto his chest and the ground, and the whole desert listened to his groans; animals and birds fell silent in sadness; and Adam wept, because for his sin everyone had lost peace and love.

Great was Adam’s grief after being expelled from paradise, but when he saw his son Abel killed by his brother Cain, his grief became even greater, and he was tormented in soul, and wept, and thought: “from me nations will come and multiply, and all they will suffer and live in enmity and kill each other.” And this sorrow of his was great, like the sea, and only one whose soul knew the Lord and how much He loves us can understand it. And I have lost grace and together with Adam I cry: “Be merciful to me, Lord. Grant me the spirit of humility and love.”

O love of the Lord! He who knows you tirelessly seeks you day and night and shouts:

“I miss You, Lord, and I search for You tearfully. How can I not look for You? You have made me know You through the Holy Spirit, and this knowledge of God draws my soul to tearfully seek You.”

Adam cries:

“I don’t like the desert. High mountains, meadows, forests, and birdsong are not dear to me; nothing is nice to me. My soul is in great sorrow: I have offended God. And if the Lord took me again to heaven, then I would grieve and cry there too: why did I offend my beloved God.”

After Adam was expelled from paradise, his soul was sick and he shed many tears from grief. So every soul that has come to know the Lord misses Him and says:

“Where are you, Lord? Where are you, my Light? Why did You hide Your face from me, and my soul does not see You for a long time, and misses You, and tearfully seeks You.”

“Where is my Lord? Why don’t I see Him in my soul? What prevents Him from living in me? This means I don’t have Christ’s humility and love for my enemies.”

God is insatiable love, and it is impossible to describe it.

Adam walked the earth, and cried from many illnesses of his heart, and thought about God with his mind, and when his body was exhausted and he could no longer shed tears, then his spirit burned towards God, for he could not forget paradise and its beauty ; but Adam’s soul loved God even more, and was drawn to Him by the power of love itself.

Oh, Adam, I write, but you see, my weak mind cannot understand how much you missed God and how you carried the work of repentance.

Oh, Adam, you see, I, your child, suffer on earth. There is little fire in me, and my love is almost extinguished.

O Adam, sing to us the song of the Lord, so that my soul may rejoice in the Lord, and may it be moved to praise and glorify Him, as the Cherubim and Seraphim praise Him in heaven, and as all the ranks of heavenly angels sing to Him the thrice-holy song.

O Adam, our father, sing to us the song of the Lord, so that the whole earth can hear, and all your sons raise their minds to God, and enjoy the sounds of the heavenly song, and forget their grief on earth.

The Holy Spirit is love and sweetness of soul, mind and body. And those who know God by the Holy Spirit, insatiably, day and night, strive for the living God, for the love of God is extremely sweet. But when the soul loses grace, it again tearfully seeks the Holy Spirit.

And whoever has not come to know God by the Holy Spirit cannot tearfully seek Him, and his soul is always torn by passions; his mind thinks of earthly things and cannot come into contemplation and know Jesus Christ. He is known by the Holy Spirit.

Adam knew God and paradise, and after his fall he tearfully sought Him.

- “Oh, Adam, our father, tell us, your sons, about the Lord. Your soul knew God on earth, knew heaven, its sweetness and joy, and now you live in heaven and see the glory of the Lord. Tell us how our Lord is glorified for His suffering, and how songs are sung in heaven, and how sweet these songs are, for they are sung by the Holy Spirit.

Tell us about the glory of the Lord, and how merciful He is, and how He loves His creation.

Tell us about the Blessed Virgin Mary. How She is magnified in heaven and with what songs She is pleased.

Tell us how the Saints rejoice there, and how they shine with grace; how they love the Lord, and in what humility they stand before God.

O Adam, comfort and bring joy to our sorrowful souls. Tell us what you see in heaven?.. Why are you silent?.. After all, the whole earth is mourning... Or, from the love of God, you cannot even remember about us?

Or do you see the Mother of God in glory, and cannot tear yourself away from the vision, and do you want to say a word of kindness to us who mourn, so that we forget the grief on earth?

Oh, Adam, our father, you see the sorrow of your sons on earth. Why are you silent?"

Adam says:

- “My children, don’t touch me. I cannot tear myself away from the love of God and talk to you. My soul is wounded by the love of the Lord and rejoices in His beauty, and how can I remember the earth? Those who live before the Face of the Lord cannot think about earthly things.”

- “Oh, Adam, our father, you have abandoned us, your orphans. But we are in grief on earth. Tell us what to do to please God? Look at your children, scattered throughout the earth, scattered in their minds. Many forget God, live in darkness and go into the abysses of hell.”

- "Do not disturb me. I see the Mother of God in glory, and how can I tear myself away and talk to you? I see the holy Prophets and Apostles; and they are all similar to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

I walk through the Gardens of Eden and everywhere I see the glory of the Lord, for the Lord is in me and has made me like Himself. This is how the Lord glorifies man, that he makes him like Himself.”

- “Oh, Adam, we are your children. Tell us who mourn on earth how to inherit paradise, so that we, like you, can see the glory of the Lord. Our soul misses the Lord, but you live in heaven and rejoice in the glory of the Lord. We pray to you, console us.”

- “Why are you crying out to me, my children? The Lord loves you and has given you commandments. Keep them, love one another, and you will find peace in God. Repent of your sins every hour, so that we can meet the Lord. The Lord said: “Those who love Me, I love, and those who glorify Me, I will glorify.”

“Oh, Adam, pray for us, your children. Our soul is sad because of many sorrows.”

“Oh, Adam, our father, you live in heaven and see the Lord sitting in glory at the right hand of God the Father. You see Cherubim and Seraphim and all the Saints, and you hear heavenly songs, from the sweetness of which your soul has forgotten the earth. We are sad on earth and miss God a lot. There is not enough fire in us to ardently love the Lord. Instill in us what we must do to find heaven?

Adam answers:

- “Do not touch me, my children, for from the sweetness of God’s love I cannot remember about the earth.”

- “Oh, Adam, our souls are bored, and sorrows have burdened us. Give us a word of comfort. Sing to us from the songs that you hear in heaven, so that the whole earth can hear them, and people forget their grief... Oh, Adam, we are very sad.”

- “Don’t touch me. My time of sorrow is over. Because of the beauty of paradise and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, I can no longer remember the earth. But I will tell you: the Lord loves you, and you live in love, be obedient to the authorities, humble your hearts, and the Spirit of God will live in you. He comes quietly into the soul, and gives it peace, and testifies to salvation without words. Sing to God in love and humility of spirit, for the Lord rejoices in this.”

- “Oh, Adam, our father, what should we do? We sing, but there is no love and humility in us.”

- “Repent before the Lord and ask. He loves a person and will give everything. And I repented a lot and grieved a lot for the fact that I offended God, that for my sin peace and love on earth were lost. My tears flowed down my face and wet my chest and the ground; and the desert listened to my groans. You cannot understand my grief, nor how I wept for God and paradise. In paradise I was joyful and cheerful: the Spirit of God made me happy, and I did not know any suffering. But when I was expelled from paradise, cold and hunger began to torment me, animals and birds, which were gentle in paradise and loved me, became wild, began to be afraid and run away from me. I was tormented by evil thoughts; the sun and wind scorched me, the rain drenched me; I was tormented by illness and all the sorrows of the earth, but I endured everything and firmly trusted in God.

And you bear the labors of repentance: love sorrows, dry up your bodies, humble yourself and love your enemies, so that the Holy Spirit may dwell in you, and then you will know and gain the Kingdom of Heaven.

But don’t touch me: now, out of the love of God, I have forgotten the earth and everything that is on it, I have even forgotten the paradise I lost, for I see the glory of the Lord and the glory of the Saints, who from the light of God’s face themselves shine, like Him.”

“Oh, Adam, sing us a heavenly song, so that the whole earth will listen and enjoy the peace of love for God. We want to hear these songs, they are sweet, for they are sung by the Holy Spirit.”

Adam lost his earthly paradise and looked for it crying; “My paradise, my paradise, my beautiful paradise.” But the Lord, with His love on the cross, gave him another paradise, better than the previous one, in heaven, where the Light of the Holy Trinity is. What shall we render to the Lord for His love for us?

Silouan of Athos (in the world - Semyon Ivanovich Antonov; 1866, village of Shovskoye, Shovskaya volost, Lebedyansky district, Tambov province - September 11 (24), 1938, Athos) - monk of the Patriarchate of Constantinople of Russian origin, labored on Athos. He is revered in the Orthodox Church as a saint in the ranks of the venerables, commemorated on September 11 (according to the Julian calendar).

Missing God: “My heart has loved You, Lord, and therefore I miss You and tearfully seek You.

You decorated the sky with stars, the air with clouds, the earth with seas, rivers and green gardens, but my soul loved You and does not want to look at this world, although it is beautiful. My soul desires only You, Lord. I cannot forget your quiet and meek gaze, and I tearfully pray to you: come and dwell, and cleanse me from my sins. You see from the height of Your holy glory how my soul misses You.”

Prayer for peace: “I pray to You, merciful Lord, that all the nations of the earth may know You through the Holy Spirit.”

About faith and knowledge of God: “Unbelief comes from pride. A proud person wants to know everything with his mind and science, but he is not allowed to know God, because the Lord reveals himself only to humble souls. To humble souls the Lord shows His deeds, which are incomprehensible to our minds, but are revealed by the Holy Spirit. With a simple mind one can only know earthly things, and then only in part, but God and everything heavenly is known by the Holy Spirit.”

About love:

“The greater the love, the greater the suffering of the soul;
the more complete the love, the more complete the knowledge;
the more ardent the love, the more ardent the prayer;
the more perfect the love, the more holy the life.”

We are children of God and are like the Lord: “Grace made me know that all people who love God and keep His commandments are filled with light and are like the Lord; and those who go against God are filled with darkness and look like the enemy.”

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ADAM, the father of the universe, in paradise knew the sweetness of God’s love, and therefore, when he was expelled from paradise for sin and lost the love of God, he suffered bitterly and wept with a great groan throughout the desert.

His soul was tormented by the thought: “I have offended my beloved God.” He did not regret paradise and its beauty as much as he regretted the fact that he had lost the love of God, which insatiably draws the soul to God every minute.

Thus, every soul that has come to know God through the Holy Spirit, but then loses grace, experiences Adam’s torment. It hurts the soul, and it greatly regrets when it offends its beloved Lord.

Adam was bored on earth and wept bitterly, and the earth was not sweet to him. He yearned for God and said:

“My soul yearns for the Lord and seeks Him tearfully. How can I not look for Him? When I was with Him, my soul was cheerful and calm, and the enemy had no access to me; and now the evil spirit has taken power over me, and shakes and torments my soul, and therefore my soul yearns for the Lord even to death, and my spirit yearns for God, and nothing on earth makes me happy, and my soul does not want anything. to be comforted, but wants to see Him again and be satisfied with Him.

I cannot forget Him for a minute, and my soul yearns for Him, and from the multitude of sorrows I cry with a groan: “Have mercy on me, O God, Thy fallen creation.”

So Adam wept, and tears poured down his face onto his chest and the ground, and the whole desert listened to his groans; animals and birds fell silent in sadness; and Adam wept, because for his sin everyone had lost peace and love.

Great was Adam’s grief after being expelled from paradise, but when he saw his son Abel, killed by his brother Cain, his grief became even greater, and he was tormented in soul, and sobbed, and thought: “from me nations will come and multiply, and all they will suffer and live in enmity and kill each other.” And this sorrow of his was great, like the sea, and only one whose soul knew the Lord and how much He loves us can understand it. And I have lost grace and together with Adam I cry: “Be merciful to me, Lord. Grant me the spirit of humility and love."

O love of the Lord! He who knows you tirelessly seeks you day and night and shouts:

“I miss You, Lord, and I search for You tearfully. How can I not look for You? You have made me know You through the Holy Spirit, and this knowledge of God draws my soul to tearfully seek You.”

Adam cries:

“I don’t like the desert. High mountains, meadows, forests, and birdsong are not dear to me; nothing is nice to me. My soul is in great sorrow: I have offended God. And if the Lord took me again to heaven, then I would grieve and cry there too: why did I offend my beloved God.”

After Adam was expelled from paradise, his soul was sick and he shed many tears from grief. So every soul that has come to know the Lord misses Him and says:

“Where are you, Lord? Where are you, my Light? Why did You hide Your face from me, and my soul does not see You for a long time, and misses You, and tearfully seeks You.”

“Where is my Lord? Why don’t I see Him in my soul? What prevents Him from living in me? This means I don’t have Christ’s humility and love for my enemies.”

God is insatiable love, and it is impossible to describe it.

Adam walked the earth, and cried from many illnesses of his heart, and thought about God with his mind, and when his body was exhausted and he could no longer shed tears, then his spirit burned towards God, for he could not forget paradise and its beauty ; but Adam’s soul loved God even more, and was drawn to Him by the power of love itself.

Oh, Adam, I write, but you see, my weak mind cannot understand how much you missed God and how you carried the work of repentance.

Oh, Adam, you see, I, your child, suffer on earth. There is little fire in me, and my love is almost extinguished.

O Adam, sing to us the song of the Lord, so that my soul may rejoice in the Lord, and may it be moved to praise and glorify Him, as the Cherubim and Seraphim praise Him in heaven, and as all the ranks of heavenly angels sing to Him the thrice-holy song.

O Adam, our father, sing to us the song of the Lord, so that the whole earth can hear, and all your sons raise their minds to God, and enjoy the sounds of the heavenly song, and forget their grief on earth.

The Holy Spirit is love and sweetness of soul, mind and body. And those who know God by the Holy Spirit, insatiably, day and night, strive for the living God, for the love of God is extremely sweet. But when the soul loses grace, it again tearfully seeks the Holy Spirit.

And whoever has not come to know God by the Holy Spirit cannot tearfully seek Him, and his soul is always torn by passions; his mind thinks of earthly things and cannot come into contemplation and know Jesus Christ. He is known by the Holy Spirit.

Adam knew God and paradise, and after his fall he tearfully sought Him.

- “Oh, Adam, our father, tell us, your sons, about the Lord. Your soul knew God on earth, knew heaven, its sweetness and joy, and now you live in heaven and see the glory of the Lord. Tell us how our Lord is glorified for His suffering, and how songs are sung in heaven, and how sweet these songs are, for they are sung by the Holy Spirit.

Tell us about the glory of the Lord, and how merciful He is, and how He loves His creation.

Tell us about the Blessed Virgin Mary. How She is magnified in heaven and with what songs She is pleased.

Tell us how the Saints rejoice there, and how they shine with grace; how they love the Lord, and in what humility they stand before God.

O Adam, comfort and bring joy to our sorrowful souls. Tell us what you see in heaven?.. Why are you silent?.. After all, the whole earth is mourning... Or, from the love of God, you cannot even remember about us?

Or do you see the Mother of God in glory, and cannot tear yourself away from the vision, and do you want to say a word of kindness to us who mourn, so that we forget the grief on earth?

Oh, Adam, our father, you see the sorrow of your sons on earth. Why are you silent?"

Adam says:

- “My children, do not touch me. I cannot tear myself away from the love of God and talk to you. My soul is wounded by the love of the Lord and rejoices in His beauty, and how can I remember the earth? Those who live before the Face of the Lord cannot think about earthly things.”

- “Oh, Adam, our father, you have abandoned us, your orphans. But we are in grief on earth. Tell us what to do to please God? Look at your children, scattered throughout the earth, scattered in their minds. Many forget God, live in darkness and go into the abysses of hell.”

- "Do not disturb me. I see the Mother of God in glory, and how can I tear myself away and talk to you? I see the holy Prophets and Apostles; and they are all similar to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

I walk through the Gardens of Eden and everywhere I see the glory of the Lord, for the Lord is in me and has made me like Himself. This is how the Lord glorifies man, that he makes him like Himself.”

- “Oh, Adam, we are your children. Tell us who mourn on earth how to inherit paradise, so that we, like you, can see the glory of the Lord.

Our soul misses the Lord, but you live in heaven and rejoice in the glory of the Lord. We pray to you, comfort us.”

- “Why are you crying out to me, my children? The Lord loves you and has given you commandments. Keep them, love one another, and you will find peace in God. Repent of your sins every hour, so that we can meet the Lord.

The Lord said: “Those who love Me, I love, and those who glorify Me, I will glorify.”

“Oh, Adam, pray for us, your children. Our soul is sad because of many sorrows.”

“Oh, Adam, our father, you live in heaven and see the Lord sitting in glory at the right hand of God the Father. You see Cherubim and Seraphim and all the Saints, and you hear heavenly songs, from the sweetness of which your soul has forgotten the earth. We are sad on earth and miss God a lot. There is not enough fire in us to ardently love the Lord.

Instill in us what we must do to find heaven?

Adam answers:

- “Do not touch me, my children, for from the sweetness of God’s love I cannot remember about the earth.”

- “Oh, Adam, our souls are bored, and sorrows have burdened us. Give us a word of comfort. Sing to us from the songs that you hear in heaven, so that the whole earth can hear them, and people forget their grief... Oh, Adam, we are very sad.”

- “Don't touch me. My time of sorrow is over. Because of the beauty of paradise and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, I can no longer remember the earth. But I will tell you: the Lord loves you, and you live in love, be obedient to the authorities, humble your hearts, and the Spirit of God will live in you. He comes quietly into the soul, and gives it peace, and testifies to salvation without words. Sing to God in love and humility of spirit, for the Lord rejoices in this.”

- “Oh, Adam, our father, what should we do? We sing, but there is no love and humility in us.”

- “Repent before the Lord and ask. He loves a person and will give everything. And I repented a lot and grieved a lot for the fact that I offended God, that for my sin peace and love on earth were lost.

My tears flowed down my face and wet my chest and the ground; and the desert listened to my groans. You cannot understand my grief, nor how I wept for God and paradise. In paradise I was joyful and cheerful: the Spirit of God made me happy, and I did not know any suffering. But when I was expelled from paradise, cold and hunger began to torment me, animals and birds, which were gentle in paradise and loved me, became wild, began to be afraid and run away from me.

I was tormented by evil thoughts; the sun and wind scorched me, the rain drenched me; I was tormented by illness and all the sorrows of the earth, but I endured everything and firmly trusted in God.

And you bear the labors of repentance: love sorrows, dry up your bodies, humble yourself and love your enemies, so that the Holy Spirit may dwell in you, and then you will know and gain the Kingdom of Heaven.

But don’t touch me: now, out of the love of God, I have forgotten the earth and everything that is on it, I have even forgotten the paradise I lost, for I see the glory of the Lord and the glory of the Saints, who from the light of God’s face themselves shine, like Him.”

“Oh, Adam, sing us a heavenly song, so that the whole earth will listen and enjoy the peace of love for God. We want to hear these songs, they are sweet, for they are sung by the Holy Spirit.”

Adam lost his earthly paradise and looked for it crying; “My paradise, my paradise, my beautiful paradise.” But the Lord, with His love on the cross, gave him another paradise, better than the previous one, in heaven, where the Light of the Holy Trinity is. What shall we render to the Lord for His love for us?