Wax moth tincture - reviews and medicinal properties. The use of bee moth tincture for the treatment of diseases Bee moth in folk medicine

) is the worst pest in the apiary, but at the same time bee moth is a fairly significant product in beekeeping; wax moth is used to make many medicines and tinctures. Long-livers in Japan and the priests of ancient Egypt knew about the medicinal and healing properties of bee moth larvae - with the help of it they prolonged their youth and strengthened the immune system.

But the medicinal properties of this pest are that caterpillars consume only bee products rather than any other food. When a bee moth consumes wax, it becomes chemically completely inactive. This indicates that it is simply impossible to find on Earth such a large number of compounds and substances of natural origin that can break down and process wax.

It is difficult to imagine how these small insects produce such active and effective biochemical elements. In almost one month of development, one larva can cause harm by eating more than 5 grams of wax, which will ruin about 700 honeycomb cells.

Wax or bee moth is silver moth, which belongs to the class of moths. The wingspan of a male can reach 18-24 mm, in a female - 19-33 mm. Insects can destroy entire bee colonies by laying eggs on their honeycombs, from which a caterpillar emerges a week later. At first, she eats beebread, pollen, and honey. Then it destroys wax and the remains of cocoons, entwining the exits with a web, destroying honeycombs and dryness. Having grown to a size of 18-24 mm, the caterpillars complete their feeding and pupate.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of wax moth

Every beekeeper knows that the bee moth is the main pest of bees' honeycombs, but this moth also has positive properties. The moth is propagated for the production of a medicinal product - bee moth extract. Nature hides an amazing power in these unique insects, the ability to restore a huge number of processes in the human body.

There are more than 30 thousand species of moths in nature. However, only one of the species is capable of causing serious damage to beekeepers and honey lovers (it enters the hive and eats wax).

We are talking about one subspecies of the moth - the bee moth (its second name is wax moth). However, this pest is capable of not only causing harm - medicinal tinctures are made from this insect. We propose to dedicate today’s publication to this topic. From this article you will learn a recipe for preparing bee moth tincture, its beneficial properties and, conversely, contraindications, as well as a treatment regimen using folk methods using wax moth tincture.

Bee moth tincture use in folk medicine

Alcohol tincture of wax moth began to be taken in folk medicine for many diseases back in ancient times. It was used to treat consumption, various diseases and disorders of the genitourinary system, incl. infertility, etc.

Today, science has made great strides forward and, studying the beneficial properties of bee moths, scientists have come to the conclusion that the extract from this insect has wide application and can indeed have a healing effect on the human body. This was first noted by Ilya Mechnikov back in the 19th century, when he began taking it as a remedy for lung diseases. According to scientists, the main value of the medicinal product lies in a special enzyme that is secreted by wax moths - it promotes the processing of wax (cerrase).

Useful properties and contraindications

Bee moth tincture, its properties and contraindications:

Medicinal effects and properties - alcohol tincture from wax moth has antioxidant and antibacterial effects, strengthens the immune system and improves memory and revitalizes mental processes, as well as the physical abilities of the body;
contraindications – hepatitis of various forms and manifestations, allergies, gastrointestinal diseases; during pregnancy, it can be used for toxicosis in the later stages; mandatory consultation with a specialist is recommended. It is not recommended to use the extract for small children.

What does bee moth tincture cure?

The remedy may be indicated for use for:

Recommended for use in the treatment of various dysfunctions of the genitourinary system in men and women (prostate adenoma, infertility, inflammation, etc.);
upper respiratory tract diseases of various etiologies;
varicose veins;
diseases of the heart or vascular system, incl. rehabilitation after heart attacks, etc.;
diseases of the thyroid gland;
for nervous disorders or memory impairment, etc.

Today, specialists from different countries are actively searching for a cure for oncology. Among others, this remedy is also being considered; today there is no confirmed data on the treatment of cancer in this way, but nevertheless, its use in the treatment of oncology helps, which has been noticed by many patients.

The remedy from the larvae is used in both folk and traditional medicine, but before starting treatment, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is recommended. Self-medication can lead to negative consequences, as confirmed by patient reviews.

Bee moth tincture recipe

The pharmacy sells various bee moth products: ointments, extracts and alcohol tinctures. And, if problems may arise with making the ointment at home (the process is too labor-intensive and the composition of the recipe is complex), then the remaining options based on wax moth larvae are not difficult to make on your own.

To prepare the remedy, you will need a dark glass container with a tight lid, alcohol (you can use vodka) and bee moth larvae, a proportion of 10 parts alcohol to one part larvae.

The recipe is simple: Pour alcohol over the larvae and place in a dark, cool place. The medicinal bee moth product will be ready in a week. The shelf life of the product is one year. Storage of the finished product is recommended in a cool, dark place with moderate humidity (possible with other drugs), which is confirmed by patient reviews.

Many traditional healers recommend its use as a disease prevention, so have a tincture recipe on hand.

How to take bee moth tincture

The dosage of the product directly depends on the patient’s weight: it is recommended to take 3 drops per 10 kg of human weight. In this case, it is recommended to divide the total (daily) dose into two doses. According to the instructions, it is permissible to dilute the remedy from the larvae with water, unsweetened tea or juice (in any case, a small amount). Users advise that at the beginning of treatment, prepare the body to take the drug and start with reduced doses, which is confirmed by their reviews.

Avid beekeepers are probably familiar with the wax moth (also called the bee moth). In fact, this is a pest that feeds on wax (hence the name), but this pest accumulates so many useful substances in its body during its short life that it is simply a sin not to use the moth for medicinal purposes. Which, by the way, is what people have been doing for several centuries.

In this article we will look at the main method of treatment using fireweed - preparing and using a tincture. That’s why the article is called – Wax moth tincture, indications and contraindications.

Beneficial properties of wax moth

Many will probably be interested in how such a powerful effect is achieved when using fireweed tincture. What beneficial properties does wax moth have?

It's no secret that any beekeeping product has a very beneficial effect on the human body. In the case of the moth, this is expressed in the fact that by feeding on wax, as well as honeycombs and processing them in its body, it accumulates a huge proportion of useful substances that are contained in all beekeeping products.

Thanks to this, a powerful healing effect is achieved when using bee moth in folk medicine. What beneficial properties can preparations made from wax moth, in our case a tincture, have? First of all this:

  • significant improvement in metabolism
  • powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties
  • improved sleep
  • normalization of the nervous system
  • improving blood circulation
  • lowers blood pressure
  • normalizes hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells in the blood

And this is what the famous moth larvae look like. It doesn't look very attractive, but the healing power in them is simply colossal!

Indications for use of wax moth tincture

Indications for the use of wax moth tincture (moth) are the following diseases:

  • many diseases of the stomach and duodenum (including ulcers)
  • hypertension ()
  • atherosclerosis
  • heart disease (arrhythmia, heart disease)
  • high thrombus formation
  • infertility in men and women
  • scars, abrasions, lacerations and cuts
  • climacteric disorders
  • reduced immunity
  • anemia

Let's look at some points in more detail. For example, immunity. If you are tormented by constant colds, herpes on the lips is the first sign that it is time to strengthen your immune system. This can be done in completely different ways, including using wax moth tincture.

Next point. If you suffer from constantly high blood pressure or have heart problems (arrhythmia, cardioneurosis, ischemia) - again, tincture of fireweed in this case will be an ideal option for treating these diseases. It is also used after a heart attack as a restorative agent.

Moth tincture is quite effective in the treatment of male and female diseases. In men this may be impotence, in women – infertility or menopausal changes.

Children's health. Although it is not recommended to use bee moth tincture before the age of 12, in some cases an exception can still be made, and after 12 years nothing prevents you from using it to improve, for example, your child’s immunity. Until the age of 12, the tincture is used (of course, strictly observing the dosage) in the treatment of:

  • strong neuroses
  • dysbacteriosis
  • anemia
  • consequences of birth pathologies
  • developmental disorders

Gastrointestinal diseases. Moth tincture has long been successfully used to treat: liver diseases, gastric ulcers and gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis.

Well, the last moment. Wax moth tincture is recommended for use by those who are actively involved in physical education and sports. This is due to the fact that it promotes rapid recovery of the body after high physical exertion, which is inevitable when playing sports. Some athletes quite legitimately use it in preparation for competitions and as a restorative remedy after them.

Contraindications to the use of wax moth tincture (moth)

The tincture is contraindicated:

  • if you are allergic to any bee products
  • for individual intolerance
  • during pregnancy
  • during breastfeeding
  • with exacerbation of ulcers, hepatitis, acute pancreatitis

It is also not advisable to use wax moth tincture for children under 12 years of age. Although in the treatment of chronic diseases, children can take bee moth (tincture). The dosage is simply reduced significantly.

To exclude possible cases of complications after taking it, I always recommend consulting with a doctor before starting a course of treatment.

Wax moth tincture - where to buy

You can buy wax moth tincture by placing an order online. A very rich assortment of this product appeared recently in the Ecopiter store (with them). At the moment they offer 10 types of tincture:

You can order any option based on your needs simply by clicking on this banner. All products are of very high quality!

You can also buy a flamethrower in Altaivita (), the prices are approximately the same everywhere. True, Altaivita also offers syrup.

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How to use wax moth tincture

  1. The optimal time of administration is 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals
  2. dosage – 3 drops of tincture for every 10 kg. weight of the patient, diluted in a small amount of water
  3. Frequency of administration: for prevention purposes, drink once a day, preferably in the morning. For medicinal purposes – 2 times a day, in the morning and before bedtime
  1. The optimal time of administration is also 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals
  2. dosage – up to 12 years, no more than 1 drop for every 12 kg of weight. For the first 2 days you should drink 0.5 of the recommended dose and observe the body’s reaction. If everything is normal, then continue to drink the full dose.

What is important!!! Bee moth tincture is made with alcohol. This means that people with alcohol addiction and all those who have problems with liver function should not take it. It is also important to remember that the moth contains waste products of bees. Therefore, if you have, for example, an allergy to pollen, propolis or honey, the use of the tincture is prohibited for you and can be harmful!

Now let's look at the use of wax moth tincture in more detail.

Chronic diseases, weak immunity

For chronic diseases, poor immunity, or after treatment with chemicals, bee moth tincture is taken 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 10–20 drops per 50–100 ml. water. The course of such treatment is 3 months, after which a mandatory break is required, after which the treatment is repeated. Most often, one course is not enough and 2-3 are done to achieve the effect.

Treatment of tuberculosis with moth tincture

For tuberculosis, the dosage is increased gradually - from small doses to the average recommended (3 drops per 10 kg 3 times a day) or even slightly increased - 4 drops per 10 kg. The course of treatment is 2 months. It should be taken into account that during the treatment with fireweed, a patient with tuberculosis may have a rise in temperature, as well as strong sputum production.

In principle, this is normal. You should not interrupt treatment because of this; you can only slightly reduce the dosage of the tincture.

And one more important point for those who treat tuberculosis with moth tincture. Even if the patient feels noticeably better after completing 1–2 courses of treatment and the signs of the disease have disappeared, there is no need to stop treatment. To consolidate the effect, you need to drink the tincture for at least another month.

Treatment of infectious and viral diseases

For viral or infectious diseases, the tincture, as for tuberculosis, is taken for 2 to 3 months, followed by a break. Then, if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.

The standard dosage is 3 drops for every 10 kilograms of the patient’s weight. Most often, one 3-month course of treatment is enough for the patient to feel significant relief.

Preventing colds and flu

For preventive purposes, the dosage is slightly reduced - on average to 2 drops for every 10 kg of the patient’s weight.

The intake is standard: diluted in water and drunk for a month before meals or an hour after it.

A course of prevention using wax moth tincture is an excellent solution during seasonal exacerbations of influenza. A very effective remedy!

My review of the use of wax moth tincture (moth)

In this article I will not publish numerous positive reviews about the use of fire tincture; you can easily find them on the Internet. I’ll tell you better about my experience of using it.

I have always respected beekeeping products, but somehow I never had the opportunity to try their effects on myself. The opportunity presented itself last year.

My daughter had to take the Unified State Exam, and already 3 months before she began to simply become hysterical, which turned into a severe nervous breakdown. This manifested itself in the fact that she began to sleep poorly and even screamed at night. She taught and crammed like a regular, but the more she studied, the more irritated she became.

Naturally, all this affected me too. I also became nervous, twitchy and could flare up for any reason and even without it. As a result, I invited my daughter to drink tincture of fireweed for a month with her, since I knew about its properties to relieve stress and put the nervous system in order.

We drank the tincture for a month once a day in the evening before dinner 30 minutes, as recommended. After just 2 weeks, both my daughter and I were surprised to notice that we both became surprisingly calm.

The nervous system seems to relax, but at the same time unprecedented activity and energy appear. I constantly want to do something, keep myself busy. In addition, this year we almost did not get the flu. I think the flame helped here too!

Here's a review. Believe it or not, check it yourself. I am writing as it was, without any exaggeration.

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Honey moth is a butterfly and enters moth family. The life of individuals is closely connected with beekeeping: they live only where there is an apiary. This insect is small and inconspicuous, the color is predominantly gray. Females are approximately 2 times larger than males, reaching a length of 30-35 mm. The body length of males is no more than 15-20 mm.

Adults have an undeveloped digestive system and oral cavity. Basics nutrition insect gets in the larval stage. Accumulated resources enough to go through the mating process, which occurs outside the hive and then returns into the hive and lay eggs.

Features of the bee moth's lifestyle

  1. During several nights moth active lays eggs, and after another week small larvae (1 mm in length) are born.
  2. Newborns are gray in color, 4 pairs of legs and a bristly back.
  3. Diet of larvae at first consists exclusively from honey, pollen and bee bread.
  4. When the larva's digestive system is able to process more solid food, caterpillar starts absorb everything whatever comes along the way (propolis, royal jelly, wax honeycomb, dead wood).
  5. In about a month, larva grown to 20 mm, ready to move into a new stage. Receiving the required amount of nutrients caterpillar, finds a secluded corner in the hive and begins the pupation process.


What does bee moth tincture treat?

Used for treatment tincture of bee moth larvae. Official medicine does not recognize the “healing” properties of this tincture, but in folk medicine it has long been widely used as a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for many diseases. The benefits of the tincture are explained by the rich in vitamins and microelements composition of larval tissues. They contain:

  • enzymes;
  • lipids and proteins;
  • nucleotides;
  • a unique enzyme - cerrase, which is capable of breaking down wax and fight with phospholipid shells Koch bacilli.

The range of application of the product is extensive. In folk medicine, it is used to treat coronary artery disease and recovery after myocardial infarction. The tincture is also used to treat tuberculosis and stomach ulcers; it is also effective for accelerating wound healing and scar resorption.

Tincture of wax moth larvae is a preparation that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The tincture contains biological substances from bees, components that stimulate cell regeneration. The production route is the extraction of larvae in a solution of vodka or alcohol.

This remedy can be prepared at home. For this you need take unpupated larvae, since they contain a large amount of useful substances.

Preparation Concentrate Application
  1. Put larvae into a glass container and pour them with alcohol or vodka (40%).
  2. Infuse the mixture 7-10 days.
  3. After expiration strain.
Exists 2 types of concentrate.
  1. 10% solution. To prepare it, the ratio of larvae to alcohol should be be 1 in 10
  2. 20% solution. Larvae to alcohol ratio: 1 to 5.
  • The optimal dosage of the drug for various diseases of moderate severity is 2-3 drops for every 10 kg of weight.
  • You need a tincture first dissolve in water.
  • Drink 3 times a day.
  • At treatment of severe forms diseases the dosage should be increase practically 3 times.
  • Drink only after permission of the attending physician.

The greatest effect of treatment can be achieved if take the tincture in courses. The minimum course of treatment is 6 months, the optimal one is a year. During a course of treatment, after a month of taking the tincture, you need to take a break for 30 days. Then resume taking the medication.

Attention! Moth tincture is prohibited for women during pregnancy and lactation, children under 14 years of age, as well as people who have an individual intolerance or allergy to bee products.

Alternative self-cooking - order and purchase medicinal tincture from beekeepers-producers. The product is usually sold on the Internet, the average cost of a 100 ml bottle is 700-800 rubles. Beekeepers also offer to buy moths in the form of still living larvae. This is not recommended, since outside the hive the larvae can pupate at any time.

When deciding to purchase a tincture, it is important to consider some factors

  1. This remedy is used exclusively in folk medicine, and there is no clinical confirmation of the effectiveness of the medicinal properties of the drug.
  2. Before drinking the tincture you should Be sure to consult a qualified physician.
  3. We should not forget about moderation and caution so as not to cause even more harm to your body.

Wax moth is a pest of beekeeping and a malicious enemy of beekeepers. Individuals harm beehives and bee colonies, but at the same time benefit people. A healing tincture is prepared from moth larvae to treat a number of diseases. The clinical properties of the drug have not yet been officially confirmed, but it is widely and successfully used in the field of traditional medicine.

Useful video

Tincture on wax moth larvae. A real story from a working herbalist about this product, based on many years of experience.

Most of us are familiar with bee moths because an infusion is made from its larvae, which is used as a medicine in the fight against many diseases. But, despite such a high popularity of using beeswax moth tincture, there is virtually no scientific and medical evidence and justification for the effectiveness of this remedy.

What is a bee moth?

Many people believe that bee moths are similar to their relatives: clothing and food moths. However, this opinion is erroneous. The wax moth, moth (also called the bee moth) is a dull gray-brown butterfly of medium size, the length of its wings reaches 3.5 cm.

If you find a photo of this insect, then its relationship to the moth family is revealed by the shaped outline of the head and the small “proboscis” characteristic of a moth. In fact, the color of the body and wings of this insect species allows it to camouflage itself among branches and bushes.

If you look at the reference book of insects, then the concept “bee moth” refers to 3-4 types of insects, while among the people this is what they call the bee moth itself. Its larvae reach the largest sizes and are best suited as the main ingredient for making tinctures.

The bee moth got its name for a reason. And all because in its biology it is closely related directly to the bees themselves. Bee moth larvae live in the hive and eat almost all bee products: honey, wax, beebread and even the bee larvae themselves.

The hatching of moths also occurs in the hive, but in order to reproduce, these insects leave the “bee house” and mate outside it.

Adult bee moths eat practically nothing, and their life expectancy is very short. Mating in these insects occurs already in the first days after leaving the cocoons, and in just a few days the females manage to fulfill their main purpose - to find a new hive of bees and lay eggs there.

The larvae that hatch from bee moth eggs feed exclusively on honey at the first stage of their life, and after 3-5 days they switch to other products produced by bees. In doing so, it damages the honeycombs, entangles them in silk and prevents the bees from feeding the brood.

So, when 2-3 bee moth broods appear in one hive at once, then, in order to continue their life, each larva eats not only bee products, but also the bee larvae themselves, the insulating waste of the “house,” and organic residues. And ultimately, in most cases, the bees living in this hive die. Therefore, beekeeping does not allow the appearance of these butterflies.

There is an opinion that three centuries ago, enterprising beekeepers decided to capitalize on their misfortune and came up with medicinal properties that bee moth larvae are endowed with. Whereas in folk medicine they immediately began to use all kinds of tinctures, extracts and extracts of these insects. So, according to people, bee moth tincture has a lot of healing properties, thanks to which almost any ailment can be cured.

Is it possible to use bee moth tincture as a remedy? Is there really any benefit from it?

What are the benefits of wax moth tincture?

In folk medicine, this medicinal tincture has been used since the beginning of the 17th century. Even then, the healing properties of this tincture were used for pulmonary tuberculosis. Treatment of skin diseases using mumiyo from bee moth larvae, prevention of the aging process, the extract for which was also made on the basis of these insects. Several centuries ago, many women resorted to using the tincture in order to preserve and prolong their youth, because this remedy was considered one of the best nationally produced anti-aging drugs.

The wax tincture contains a huge number of useful microelements, including the amino acids leucine, valine and isoleucine. And thanks to this combination of substances, the use of a tincture, which is based on a wax moth larva, can be considered a good rejuvenating agent. At least this is what Italian scientists claim, proving that aminopropanoic acid is produced from these three amino acids. Due to it, brain cells and the central nervous system do not need to be recharged with energy from the outside. Alanine, which is also included in wax moth extract, helps strengthen the immune system and also ensures that blood glucose levels are maintained in proper condition, which in turn acts as protection against such an insidious disease as diabetes.

The extract, for the production of which fire is used, is capable of establishing many vital processes in the human body. According to research, an extract based on wax moth larvae contains at least 28 amino acids.

At the beginning of the 19th century, an extract based on moth found its widespread use. I.I. Mechnikov was confident that this remedy would treat pulmonary diseases, so he began to develop a special vaccine that would help with pulmonary tuberculosis. The scientist was completely confident that the medicinal bee moth larva was capable of actively processing the wax produced by bees. Based on this, Mechnikov concluded that the treatment of tuberculosis with the help of bee moth extract is possible, because the substances included in its composition are able to fight the cells of this disease. And indeed, after this, a huge amount of research was carried out, thanks to which it was possible to confirm this fact. As it turned out, the moth has strong immunity to the tuberculosis pathogen, as well as to diphtheria and the one that causes the plague. The larva that the wax moth lays is capable of destroying various kinds of pathogenic microorganisms and their waste products found in the human body.

In the last century, one of the capital’s specialists, who practices traditional medicine in addition to his profession, tried the extract of the bee butterfly on his “skin”, being sick with tuberculosis, and he managed to recover from a pulmonary disease, which he picked up in his youth: “It helped me fire to get rid of this disease. Until now, the fight against tuberculosis has been pointless, because treatment with means that do not have any therapeutic ability to overcome the cells of the disease does not make any sense. I walked with him for a long time and suffered. And finally I managed to find what I had been looking for for so long. I was able to make a breakthrough in medicine and prove that there are remedies that can truly save a huge number of people suffering from this disease. Ognevka – it really heals!” Sergei Aleksandrovich Mukhin experimented for a long time with medications that included fireweed, and came to the conclusion that with their help it is possible to rehabilitate after a myocardial infarction in a relatively short time. Thus, the doctor was able to establish that the extract promotes the resorption of scars that appeared after the disease, and in their place contractile muscle tissue is formed. Moreover, Mukhin was able to prove the fact that the tincture can be used as a full-fledged treatment for geology - formations remaining in the pulmonary cavity after tuberculosis is cured.

Indications and method of use of the tincture

The applications that the bee moth has found among a huge number of people have a huge range in the treatment of various types of ailments.

As soon as the wax tincture was recognized as a remedy with medicinal properties, it was used exclusively for tuberculosis, because the extract that the moth larva gives contains a special enzymatic substance called cerrasium, with the help of which the larva is able to break down beeswax, as well as the phospholipid membrane Koch bacillus, the main causative agent of tuberculosis.

But a little later, doctors practicing traditional medicine began to prescribe wax moth tincture as an effective treatment for a various range of ailments. And therefore, today the fireweed has found its use in various types of therapies so that it has the glory of a true panacea - it is recommended for use by almost everyone who has any health problems.

So, with the help of this tincture it is possible to treat the following ailments:

  • bronchitis, chronic asthma and other lung diseases;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • neuroses, mental disorders and other ailments associated with the central nervous system;
  • disruption of the urinary system;
  • various types of allergies (with the exception of individual intolerance to honey, beeswax and other bee products);
  • disruption of the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cancer diseases.

By the way, dead bees (products obtained from bees and prepared in a special way) are no less effective and treatment based on it allows you to get rid of the same list of ailments that bee tincture treats. And reviews from people who have used both death and wax tincture testify to the effectiveness of both products. Although there are also negative reviews that describe the fact of cure at the level of belief in the healing properties of deadhead and bee moth extract.

The fact that a tincture based on wax moth is recognized does not have official confirmation from certified doctors. For this reason, some qualified specialists do not prescribe bee moth extract with its “medicinal” properties to patients. But, as they say, “How many people - so many opinions!”

For the sake of truth, I would like to note the fact that wax tincture is not produced in pharmaceutical factories. The production of this healing mixture is carried out exclusively by beekeepers or people who have at least some connection to beekeeping. Bee breeding is always characterized by the presence of wax moths, so every second apiary owner is engaged in the production of this healing product. And why pharmaceutical companies refuse to make drugs based on bee moths, or rather its larva, remains unclear. Either they don’t want to lose profits from more expensive medications (after all, a wax tincture is not that expensive compared to a medicinal drug), or they don’t see the point in terms of the effectiveness of treatment with this drug.

As for taking the tincture. Doctors who practice traditional medicine recommend using it at the rate of three drops for every ten kilograms of the patient’s weight before meals, but at least three times a day. So, the required amount of alcohol solution is added to various types of liquid and consumed along with it. But this is for tuberculosis and other diseases associated with the lungs.

If you have health ailments and you regularly resort to the help of traditional healers, then it is better to determine the amount of tincture that contains moth directly with the healer. He will calculate the rate you need based on the type and characteristics of the disease. If you rely on the reviews of people for whom treatment with a wax extract turned out to be the most effective, then they still recommend contacting doctors who have successful experience in treating a particular ailment.

Making wax tincture at home

Wax (bee) tincture is easy to prepare. To prepare it you will need:

  • moth larva - one handful or as many as there are;
  • glass container;
  • 40% alcohol.

Fill the required amount of larvae with alcohol. If you want to get a 10% tincture, then pour in a ratio of 1 part larvae and 10 parts alcohol. To obtain a 20% tincture, take 1 part larvae and 5 parts alcohol.

In order for the wax tincture to be medicinal, the larvae are selected to be at least 1.5 cm in length. The quality of the product is also affected by the age of the larvae, which should be the penultimate or last, it is important what time the moth lays eggs. If she does this for the first or second time, then these broods are suitable for preparing the tincture, but subsequent broods are not so useful.

To prepare wax moth extract, you need the same products, but the larvae are dried or preserved in alcohol, ground, and only then doused with alcohol. Then the resulting solution is heated.

Who should not use bee moth tincture?

Like other medicines, bee tincture has contraindications for use. So, use is undesirable in the following cases:

  • children under 14 years of age;
  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • if there is a history of acute forms of diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, duodenum, pancreas.

As for side effects. They were not identified during clinical studies, but it is better for people who have an individual intolerance to bee products not to resort to treatment using this remedy.

Purchasing wax tincture

You can purchase an alcohol solution based on moth larvae only from private traders, that is, from beekeepers who breed bees and produce tinctures based on bee moth larvae. You can buy the tincture directly from distributors and via the Internet.

You can often purchase not only the tincture itself, but also a live product, the larvae themselves, from which you can prepare a medicinal solution yourself. But you should not rely on this option, since the larvae removed from the hive immediately pupate, which does not have a positive effect on the creation of a useful product.

And in conclusion, I would like to add: before being treated with wax moth tincture, it is best to consult a doctor.

Be healthy, beautiful and happy!