How to make cupcakes for the New Year. New Year's or Christmas cupcake: simple and delicious recipes New Year's cupcakes recipe

New Year is probably the most beloved and long-awaited holiday of the year for many of us! All the inhabitants of our planet are preparing for it, everyone wants to celebrate it in a close circle of loved ones. It takes a lot of time to prepare for the holiday, however, these pre-holiday efforts only emphasize the specialness and solemnity of the moment. A well-thought-out action plan, distribution of responsibilities, and preparatory work done in advance should significantly reduce your efforts and fill your New Year's Eve with fun and magic. The most important thing is the correct design of your celebration, decoration, thoughtful surroundings and decor.

In addition to various New Year's dishes and salads, you definitely want to make a birthday cake or maybe something simpler, but just as elegant and joyful! New Year's cupcakes, with appropriate symbols, decorated with icing, in beautiful molds, are perfect for these purposes.

Cupcakes for New Year 2020 should preferably reflect the theme of the Rat, the symbol of the coming year. Your children will definitely like this decoration, because we work mainly for them. Moreover, these New Year's cupcakes 2020 can be prepared together with them; children will certainly enjoy the joint festive fun work, which will definitely be crowned with an excellent result.

The recipe for a New Year's cupcake will not be particularly different from everyday baked goods, with the exception of festive decorations and decorations. For example, New Year's cottage cheese cake 2020 is prepared in the same way as its regular counterpart. Chocolate cake for New Year also requires the use of chocolate or cocoa powder. But at the same time, the simplest cupcake for the New Year is transformed. Thanks to the efforts of caring housewives, it becomes a real work of art, the result of a creative approach to their work.

Making cupcakes for the New Year is interesting, exciting and very useful from all points of view. With the recommendations of experienced chefs, you can easily make delicious New Year's cupcakes:

Most muffins are cooked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes;

You can check the readiness of the cake with a wooden stick; it should be dry when immersed in the dough;

Ready-made cupcakes need to be cooled;

Cream and other liquid decorations should be applied to cupcakes using a pastry syringe;

Store decorated fresh cupcakes in the refrigerator until serving;

For decoration, you can use protein cream; its consistency most closely resembles New Year's snow, and also holds its shape well and is suitable for “constructing” any structures;

Cupcakes are also decorated with mastic, marzipan, glaze;

Melted white chocolate, jam, and colorful coconut flakes are also used.

In December, all housewives think about what to put on the New Year's table. And regardless of whether you are celebrating this wonderful holiday with your family or inviting numerous guests, desserts should appear on the table. In my opinion, you should choose the easiest possible recipes for sweet dishes. After all, you really want to enjoy the holiday, and not fall asleep at the table from fatigue. Today I will show you what wonderful cupcakes we made for the New Year with our five-year-old son. They look decent, and if a child can handle them, then any housewife can do it.

Hello my dear friends, glad to see you again on the blog. Alexander and I have prepared a step-by-step recipe for New Year's cupcakes for you. High-calorie cakes are usually chosen as a festive dessert; of course, they are incredibly tasty, but if you serve several salads and hot dishes, then many people simply won’t have enough energy for the cake. But you tried so hard! They started baking the cakes in two days, they set it to soak in a day, but in the end you will have to eat it yourself and gain kilograms.

I have a better idea. To save time on December 31st, make these wonderful, fluffy cupcakes and decorate them the way you like (I'll give you some ideas below). Trust me, they won't be any less tasty or fresh the next day. And if you involve children in the process, then the time spent in the kitchen will turn out to be truly magical.

Making New Year's cupcakes with your child

My son has already developed a tradition at the lyceum: the day before the winter holidays, a common breakfast is organized. Parents should bring small quantities of some of the holiday dishes, and on this day the children will eat whatever they like at the common table. We decided to bring dessert, and since my boy loves to cook with me, making it had to be easy.

Since I have a children’s blog and I am read mainly by mothers, I will allow myself a little demagoguery. In my opinion, it is completely unfair to exclude boys from the kitchen. There is a certain age when children are not divided into male and female household chores. And there are parents who know this well, since from infancy their children are with them while preparing lunches and dinners. The things that a child can learn here will be very useful to him in later life and will develop his general outlook. Let's look at this in more detail, I think there are some things you haven't even thought about:

  1. Memory development.
  2. Primary mathematics. Determination of mass.
  3. Hand control (fine motor skills) during certain actions.
  4. Kitchen safety training.

Learning to be safe in the kitchen

Children who are given the opportunity to participate in the cooking process quickly learn:

  • Only adults use electrical appliances;
  • oven is hot;
  • You cannot lean against a stove with a fire.

However, children's curiosity allows them to learn a lot by watching their mother. My son knows:

  1. It is impossible to turn on the mixer at high speed right away, as bulk products will scatter throughout the kitchen.
  2. That the same mixer has several speeds.
  3. We remember at what temperature the dough is baked, and at what temperature the fish is baked.
  4. On what level (floor) of the oven are baked goods placed?

Cupcakes for the New Year: recipe with photos

We have baked these cupcakes more than once, yesterday I asked my son to remember what ingredients we need and prepare them. A 5-6 year old child who wants to help his mother with a certain recipe is quite capable of doing this. Alexander took everything out himself and put it on the countertop. In addition to developing memory, the organization of the workspace is trained here, which turned out to be very important in school life. How we dealt with the loss of school supplies.

Photos enlarge when clicked

So, you will need:

  • Flour 125 gr;
  • powdered sugar 125 g;
  • baking powder 1/4 tsp;
  • unsalted butter 125 g (soft consistency);
  • eggs 2 pieces;
  • milk 1.5 tbsp;
  • vanillin extract 1/4 tsp.

New Year's themed cupcakes - preparation process

Now let’s see how easy they are to prepare – even a child can do it. To make it easier for my son to take the flour, I poured it into a bowl. We needed scales on which Alexander measured 125 grams of flour, powdered sugar and butter. And this is basic mathematics - determining mass. And if you also have a scale like ours, you have to count divisions of 20 grams and add the numbers.

Step one - sifting

You need to sift the flour, powdered sugar and baking powder into a mixer bowl. It's no secret that these actions are difficult for children. It is necessary to control the movements of your hands so that the sifted product gets only into the bowl. At 5 years 2 months old, my son coped with this perfectly.

I will also include measuring with measuring spoons here. We measure baking powder (bulk product), and then milk with vanillin (liquid products). We are already in a thematic lesson about the Moon, but so that the child understands what measuring spoons are equal to, I used ordinary ones. Explanations based on their example are sufficient for a five-year plan.

Alexander did an excellent job with bulk products, but with liquid products, which should be poured into such a small container, you still need to practice.

Step two - kneading the dough

So, all the ingredients are prepared in the right quantities. Place soft butter and 2 eggs into a mixer bowl that already contains dry ingredients.

Turn on our mixer at low speed so that the flour does not fly away. As soon as we see that all the ingredients are mixed, switch to medium speed and let the machine run for another 1 minute.

Mix vanillin extract and milk in a glass. We reduce the speed to a minimum so that we are not splashed, and pour in this mixture in a thin stream. Increase the speed again and mix on medium for another 1 minute. That's it - the dough is ready! Isn't it simple?

Step three - baking

Now Alexander himself chooses the colors of paper cups for cupcakes and places them in baking dishes. If you have silicone, then skip this step.

This recipe allows you to fill 9 molds out of 12 available. If you are cooking for a large crowd or decorating using one of the methods discussed below, then increase the amount of ingredients based on your needs. Let me remind novice housewives that the molds need to be filled 3/4 full, as the dough will rise.

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius, place our pieces in the center and bake for 22-25 minutes. After removing, let them cool completely.

Cupcake cream recipe

To make our New Year's cupcakes look elegant, we will decorate them on top. At this stage, my assistant was already taking an evening bath, leaving me alone in the kitchen.

Ingredients of cream for cupcakes:

  • Whites of 2 eggs;
  • Sugar 115 gr;
  • Unsalted butter 110 g;
  • Vanillin extract 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt on the tip of a knife.
  1. Mix sugar, salt and egg whites with a whisk in an aluminum or glass bowl.
  2. Pour water into a convenient container about 2-3 cm from the bottom. We wait for the water to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum - this is important, otherwise the whites will cook.
  3. Place the bowl with the protein mixture on top of the saucepan; the bottom of the bowl should not touch the boiling water! Now stir with a whisk without stopping. This will take approximately 5-7 minutes. When the protein mass turns white and the sugar is completely dissolved, remove from heat.
  4. Now you need to beat the protein-sugar mass well. To do this, we transfer it to a mixer bowl. Add vanilla and beat at full speed for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Leave it all for 20-30 minutes to cool. If we don't do this, the oil will simply dissolve!
  6. After the air mass has cooled, turn on the mixer at medium speed and add one tablespoon of butter every 30 seconds. When all the butter has been added, turn the mixer to full speed and beat for another 2-4 minutes.

How to decorate cupcakes for New Year

Well, all that remains is to decorate our fragrant cupcakes, which have already cooled completely.

For decoration I use:

  • Wilton dyes;
  • Wilton nozzles (in this case numbers 2 and 27);
  • a set of 30 cm disposable bags (I admit that I wash them in hot water).

We divide our cream into 3 parts. Using a pastry spatula, randomly apply the first layer of white cream. We paint the second part green, and using nozzle number 27 we make flowers in a circle. We paint the third part red, and using nozzle number 2 we apply the center of the flower and a bow. I decorated it at night, after I put everyone at home to bed. And in the morning Alexander asked me:

– Mom, have you made Christmas wreaths?

So it looks like it! – I thought with relief.

Ideas for decorating Christmas cupcakes

1. Christmas cane

Such a cane will look perfect on the New Year's table, and to implement the idea you will need 11 cupcakes covered with cream on top.

Sorry, I don’t know whose work this is, since I only found a photograph. It looks like it was made in a candy store.

Another cane, this one is much larger than the first, includes 23 cupcakes and has a different design.

We suggest you consider a simple version of holiday baking - we are preparing New Year's cupcakes “Deer”. The simplest cupcakes in such an original design will look elegant on the table and compete with any store-bought sweets. Basic chocolate dough, small cookies for decoration and M&M's candies - that's the whole secret of these wonderful products.

You can also make original New Year’s “Deer” cupcakes as a gift - children will especially be happy with such a tasty and interesting present. By the way, cupcakes allow you to experiment with additives, fillings and decorations, so by showing your imagination, you can make baking even more interesting.


  • dark chocolate - 50 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 120 g;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • cocoa powder - 25 g.

For decoration:

  • dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • M&M's candies;
  • any round small cookies - 12-15 pcs.;
  • small pretzel cookies - 24-30 pcs.

New Year's cupcakes “Deer” recipe with photos

  1. Prepare the base - dough for cupcakes. Break chocolate (50 g) into pieces, add 100 g of butter, randomly chopped. While stirring, heat the mixture in a “water bath” until a single liquid mass without clots is formed.
  2. Lightly beat the eggs with a mixer with sour cream, salt and sugar. Then pour into the cooled chocolate mixture and stir.
  3. After sifting, gradually add flour with baking powder and cocoa powder. Knead a fairly thick chocolate dough.
  4. Place the thick flour mixture into oiled or lined mini-muffin containers. Fill the molds approximately 2/3 full. The quantity of products in the recipe is designed for 12-15 molds.
  5. Bake chocolate cupcakes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes (until dry). After the baked goods have cooled, we begin to decorate.

  6. Melt the chocolate together with the butter in a “water bath”.
  7. Apply the chocolate mixture in a thin layer to the surface of the cupcakes. Before the glaze has time to harden, we attach round cookies to imitate a “face”. We use pretzels as “deer antlers” (small crackers, sweet straws, etc. are also suitable).
  8. To imitate the eyes and “nose” we take “M&M’s”. Apply a small amount of melted chocolate to the cookies and pretzels and secure the candies. We also use the chocolate mixture to draw “pupils” and, if desired, a “mouth”.

New Year's cupcakes “Deer” are ready! Once the glaze has completely hardened, you can start drinking tea. Bon appetit!

Did you look at the cut and decide that such a complex recipe is not for you? In vain! Stop by and I will show you how you can easily and simply prepare such a beautiful cupcake. New Year and Christmas are ahead, surprise your family and guests!

Ingredients for "New Year's Cupcake":

Nutritional and energy value:

Recipe for "New Year's Cupcake":

Beat the eggs with a mixer until fluffy, gradually add sugar and beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. This will take 5-7 minutes

Add sifted flour, a pinch of salt, baking powder and matcha powder. If you don't have any, that's okay, you can add finely grated lime zest and lime juice, or a few drops of green coloring. But even a simple white Christmas tree against the background of a chocolate cupcake base will look beautiful and contrasting in cross-section. In this case, I advise you to add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice. Chocolate and lemon are a great combination! I limited myself to just matcha powder; it has its own, very unique, pleasant taste, so all other additives here are simply unnecessary.

Mix in the flour with a spatula or mixer on low speed. Add softened butter. Actually, the butter should have been added before the flour, but I conveniently forgot about it. When I prepared the chocolate dough, I took into account the mistake, although, by and large, I didn’t see the difference.
Pour in the milk and mix everything again, briefly, at low mixer speed or using a spatula, folding movements, from bottom to top.

Pour the dough into a parchment-lined pan. The larger the shape, the thinner the tree. So see for yourself what is more convenient for you. My dough rose very well, the Christmas trees turned out to be plump, but cutting them out was not very convenient, the mold sank in the dough without cutting through to the bottom. The size of my form is 16x22 cm.
Place in an oven preheated to 180 C for approximately 35 minutes.

About 5 minutes before the end of baking the green cake, start preparing the main chocolate dough. The algorithm is the same, the ingredients are the same as in the green dough (only 2 times more), but instead of matcha powder we add sifted cocoa. And yes, we add the butter before the flour! Do you remember?

We take out the green dough, turn it over (this makes the cake easier to cut through) and quickly cut out the Christmas tree with a mold. As much as possible. I even have one extra left. Well, there were scraps, but we ate them wonderfully along with evening tea.
Do you see how clumsy my Christmas tree is? Obviously she grew up in a deep, dense forest, so it turned out unsightly.)) I’m sure you have a decent mold and the Christmas trees will turn out smooth and beautiful.)
I got distracted. Line up the Christmas trees in a row in the center of your cupcake pan. If the Christmas trees are not stable, pour a little dough on the bottom.

And carefully fill the Christmas trees to the very top with chocolate dough. You level it if it works, but if it doesn’t, you don’t need to. The dough will spread on its own during baking, filling all the voids. The photo shows half of the chocolate dough. The size of my cupcake pan is 24x10 cm.
Bake for 60 minutes at the same 180 C. Do not overdry!

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The New Year's feast consists of salads, aspic, baked poultry and a lot of sweets. But no holiday table is complete without baking. We invite you to prepare a New Year's or Christmas cake using proven, delicious recipes.

New Year or Christmas cupcake: simple and delicious recipes

Christmas Eve Cupcake Recipe


  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 250 gr. butter
  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 0.5 tbsp. raisins
  • 1 tbsp. l. cognac
  • 2 tbsp. l. candied orange peel
  • grated lemon zest
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. soda

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Beat the whites to a strong foam.
  3. Grind the butter and powdered sugar until white.
  4. Add the yolks one at a time, pour in cognac, add raisins, candied fruits, soda, lemon zest and juice.
  5. Add flour and put in dough proteins.
  6. Knead a light dough, stirring wooden spatula.
  7. Grease the cake pan with butter and sprinkle with flour or breadcrumbs.
  8. Fill the mold with dough.
  9. Bake the cake at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes, sometimes a little more.
  10. Decorate the finished cupcake to your liking.

Christmas Cupcake Recipe


  • 3 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 250 gr. butter
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 6 eggs
  • 2.5 tbsp. sour cream
  • 0.5 tbsp. chopped nut kernels
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp. soda

Cooking method:

  1. Grind soft butter with half the sugar.
  2. Beat the eggs with the remaining half.
  3. Combine all ingredients and knead the dough.
  4. Grease cake pans with butter and fill with dough.
  5. Bake the cake at 180 degrees for about 30-45 minutes.

New Year's recipe fruit cake with nuts


  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 0,5 tsp ground cloves
  • 0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • a pinch of salt
  • 100 gr. almond crumbs
  • 250 gr. candied or dried fruits
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 100 ml cognac
  • lemon zest

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar.
  2. Mix flour with spices, baking powder and salt.
  3. Pour candied fruits with cognac and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and knead the dough.
  5. Grease the cake pans with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  6. Place the dough into the molds.
  7. Bake the New Year's cake for about an hour at 180 degrees.

Recipe: Chocolate New Year's Cupcakes


  • 4 egg whites
  • 150 gr. butter
  • 150 gr. powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 100 gr. walnut kernels
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
  • 1 p. vanilla sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • powdered sugar for decoration
  • chocolate pieces according to the number of molds

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the nuts finely.
  2. Melt the butter.
  3. Mix flour, sugar, salt and vanilla sugar.
  4. Add egg whites, butter and cocoa powder to the flour.
  5. Fill paper or silicone muffin tins 2/3 full with dough.
  6. Place 1 piece of dark chocolate into each mold.
  7. Bake chocolate cupcakes about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  8. Decorate the finished cupcakes with powdered sugar.

Blueberry White Chocolate Muffin Recipe


  • 150 gr. blueberries
  • 75 gr. white chocolate (pieces)
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 150 gr. flour
  • baking powder on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar. Add butter and add flour and baking powder.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and blueberries.
  3. Mix the dough.
  4. Fill muffin tins halfway with batter.
  5. Place a piece of white chocolate on top, pressing it a little into the dough.
  6. Bake the cupcakes at 170 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Video recipe " Christmas cupcake"

Have fun cooking and be healthy!

Always yours Alena Tereshina.