How to understand that he will not get divorced. How to understand that he will never get divorced. Good reasons to end a relationship

Fortune telling from the Book of Fates is a very ancient way to find out the unknown. The Book of Fates sheds light on troubling questions. It contains questions and answers to them. But he doesn't always tell the truth. After all, the universe is quite complicated, and sometimes the whole truth cannot be revealed to a person. In this case, you should not be persistent, but accept the lack of an answer as a fact.

In order to start fortune telling, you need to put your thoughts in order, calm down, and tune in to the necessary mood. You need to take the Book seriously and respectfully - this is the only way you can get correct and accurate answers. The questions that can be asked are selected from 4 blocks that the book of destinies contains, 190 questions on the most exciting topics: love, fate, health and career.

You cannot ask the same question twice in a row. If the Book does not give you an answer to a very exciting question, still be patient and ask it about it no earlier than the next day. Often, when the Book does not give a precise answer, it gives rise to thoughts or simply points in the direction. It is always worth remembering that a person’s fate largely depends on himself.

With the development of technology, fortune telling from the Book of Fates has become simple and accessible. Today the Book of Fates is available online; predictions and questions are collected in an automated system. To fortune tell online using the Book of Fates, you need to concentrate your thoughts on the topic of interest and click on the desired question. The answer will automatically appear on the screen in front of you. All that remains is to analyze it for yourself, comparing it with your life situation.

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A girl I know is dating a married man. He is good-looking, witty, charismatic and wealthy enough to satisfy a girl's basic needs. But, as you know, the main basic need of a person is not material at all. I want not only carnal love and sweet words, but something more tangible, besides promises to definitely spend the night from Thursday to Friday together. He lies to his wife about a business trip and arrives with a real leather suitcase on wheels to go on a business trip for the whole evening, night and even part of the morning to the girl’s address. All this time he walks around her apartment with a towel on his hips, like Apollo, well, definitely Apollo. Passing by a large mirror in the hallway, he stops and flexes his muscles, pleased with himself. Everything suits him. He likes the way he has cleverly organized his life.

Once upon a time this was enough for her. She lived only from Friday until the following Thursday evening. The rest of the time I waited, anticipated, prepared. I bought new underwear. Perfume with pheromones. I prepared a seven-course dinner. She thought that all her efforts would not go unnoticed and that a man would one day get down on one knee, or just over a cup of tea, tell her the great news: “Darling, now we will always be together, I’m divorced, marry me...”

In her fantasies, she had already come up with a lot of options for him for his solemn speech. And each time, plunging into dreams, these speeches were more and more refined and beautiful. There were no speeches in life. There was a lot of humor in life, good sex, about the same compliments and... nothing! As if that's how it should be! As soon as she even tried to hint that she would now ask the question: “What’s next?”, her beloved seemed to have a presentiment of this and cleverly used some kind of distracting maneuver. Suddenly he asked when she would pay the rent and if she needed help. Of course I need it, oh thank you, you are the best!

Everything was obvious, but not obvious.

Do you love me even a little? - she asked.

Of course, dear! Are words really needed for this? You are the coolest! I just adore you! - he said. - And you me?

Do you need words for this? - she said sarcastically. He laughed and kissed back.

What do you think he thinks of me? - she interrogated her best friend, who had seen them together more than once.

Honestly? - asked a friend. Then she squinted and shot straight into the heart: “He’s using you, living his second youth with you.” And he will never leave his family; everything suits him. Why change anything? Did he promise you anything?

Yes. We are planning to go to Bali together, I don’t know when yet.

Well, this is the maximum you can count on.

You don't see what I see! - the girl was very upset, offended by her friend and... went to a psychologist.

Photo by Wundervisuals/ E+/ Getty Images

The psychologist said that a mistress is a crutch for the relationship between husband and wife. That in fact he simply fulfills with her those deficits that his wife lacks, and thus he has no complaints against his wife, and everything is smooth and wonderful with them. And it turns out that she serves both him and his wife, and the safety of their marriage. That if it weren't for her, the marriage might have fallen apart. And so she is practically a sister of mercy, investing her energy and youth in someone else’s family, which only becomes stronger and more prosperous. Here's a new twist! The psychologist offered to figure out why the girl needs this, to support someone else’s family, where she got such a scenario from, what are the secondary benefits in her position as a secret lover. But the comparison with a crutch was enough for the girl.

What a fool! - said the girl, leaving the psychologist after the session. I called a friend, just a friend, a former classmate and cried. And she began to complain to him about all the men, all the psychologists and all her girlfriends. A friend suggested meeting. He gave the girl a cappuccino, listened, listened, and then said:

You're just having an existential crisis.

Oh, thank you, I really feel better! - she said ironically. - It would be better if you said what men think about people as terrible as me. Who like married men and believe and hope that love will win. Well, this is really so naive of me, right?

According to statistics, in 95% of cases this is really very naive, said a friend. - But I don’t know what percentage your case is included in.

Here! - the girl was happy. - What if, suddenly our case is included in that very 5% when it is not naive. What if he gets divorced and we end up together?

Well... It seems to me that you should just talk to him frankly.

Eh... The girl sighed. She had already tried so many times just like this, carefully and frankly, and with him, and nothing worked. And fear scratched inside: what if he leaves after this. Suddenly the fairy tale will end. Maybe these are really just illusions. Or maybe it’s better to let it be as it is?

Yes, of course,” she said. - We need to talk to him. You are right. We’ll go to Bali with him and there I’ll choose the most suitable moment...

Our heroine never left for Bali. The man of her dreams fed her breakfast, saved her for the train, and one fine day dotted all the i’s.

I'm sorry dear, it was very good with you, but we can't meet anymore. My wife is already seven months pregnant and I have to devote all my time to my family. Sorry.

My friend has not been able to get over this difficult breakup for almost two years now. She tried to take revenge, sort things out, called her wife... But everything was in vain, the deceived woman in this story turned out to be her mistress.

Let's try to analyze situations from life.

“It’s like he’s losing interest in me after the date!” This behavior of a man is explained by the fact that in a normal family environment he lacks sex. He makes up for this deficiency with the help of you. To prove this, you need to compare the number of calls and SMS messages from your chosen one before the meeting and the next day after the meeting. After a date, usually bright and romantic messages are replaced by meager, everyday phrases, or even completely absent. Such a partner wants to meet you only when he wants and he probably doesn’t have feelings for you. For him, you are just another entertainment in a boring ordinary life.

His plans for a stable future. Your lover has planned a tourist trip to foreign countries for the next holiday, but for some reason only with his family. This means that he cannot imagine the future without her, and you have no place in her.

Oh, how laconic he is! Your kind words and speeches that you are trying to convey to your loved one, he does not seem to hear or ignores at all. Of course, any woman wants to hear from a man that she is the most beautiful and gentle, but usually these are dry phrases like “Bye, dear, everything was fine.” Perhaps affectionate words are hidden from you in his soul, but the uncertainty that he really loves you more than his family scares him. He understands perfectly well that if he allows himself to admit that he loves you more, then you will certainly put pressure on him, forcing him to leave his family for you. He is absolutely not prepared for such a turn of events.

"He doesn't care where I am.". Surely, you have noticed how during sex your partner uses a lot of caring phrases towards you: “Do you like it this way or that way? When is it better and where is it better?” But in ordinary life, he has little interest in your life, he simply does not consider it necessary to waste time on empty conversations. He cares little about your health if you are sick or will let you know with a mean SMS message, knowing that you had a very difficult day.

"I'm his big secret". How would you like to spend the evening in some restaurant or go to the cinema? But for some reason, every time you invite him somewhere social, he finds an excuse. It would seem that there is nothing terrible if you walk together along the streets of the city. But your chosen one continues to ignore your requests to spend time outside your home. This means that this is a reason to think about how dear you are to him.

His interest in you is unstable. His visits to you occur at a certain frequency. Either you spend almost every day together, then suddenly he disappears for a long period of time. The reason lies in his relationship with his wife. When their relationship is damaged, he looks to you for comfort. But if everything is fine with his wife, then at that moment he does not think about you and there can be no talk of divorce.

How long have you been together? Three months, a year or a quarter of a century? Psychological research shows that there are two periods of time after which a man decides that he needs to break off relations with his mistress. This is 3 months and 1 year. In the first 3 months, a man only decides to leave his wife for his mistress if family relationships are far from ideal. However, if his family is more calm, then your romance may drag on, but only for a year. However, he goes on vacation with his family, not with you. This means it’s time for you to break off relations with this person, since next year the same course of events will happen.

Even in the last century, traditions established over centuries were revered, so few people talked about divorce. The father dominated the families. His word was law. The woman had no rights. Her duty was to honor and obey her husband, no matter whether he was right or wrong. There were also frequent cases of violence in marriage, so to speak for educational purposes.

However, today women have rights, they can defend their opinions, and there is no longer any need to endure the unfair attitude of their husband, his infidelity, drunkenness and beatings. Now the spouses have equal rights, and if family relationships are a burden to them, they can both decide whether to divorce or not.

Divorce - a solution or a dead end?

Starting a family is a responsible matter that imposes certain obligations, so it is necessary to approach this issue seriously. Most marriages are for love, and young people think that this feeling will last forever. After several years of everyday fuss and family problems, love and passion gradually fade away, relationships deteriorate, reach a dead end, and now one of the spouses is already thinking about divorce.

You can understand whether a divorce is needed by looking at the previous signs. To make a decision about the need to get a divorce, you should think it over and weigh everything carefully, determine the reasons for the current situation, and talk about the problem with your husband (wife). Only after this will it become clear what decision to make.

The main signs of an impending divorce are:

When can a family be saved?

Divorce is not always the answer, and in some cases the family can be saved. It all depends on the specific case, because often trivial quarrels and inability to listen and negotiate lead to divorce. If passion, sympathy, and the desire to be together remain between husband and wife, they can try to understand each other, forgive and save the relationship.

Having children can also be an argument for preserving family relationships, because for children, mother and father are the closest and dearest people. Whatever the relationship between parents and the reasons for divorce, for a child it is always a trauma that not every adult can cope with. If the situation is not critical, for the sake of the children you need to look for compromises and save the family.

Good reasons to end a relationship

The grounds for divorce may vary. In some cases, reconciliation and preservation of a married couple is possible, but in others, a divorce is simply necessary. The main reasons to break off a relationship are as follows:

Divorce and children: is a two-parent family always better?

Most women with children are ready to sacrifice themselves and tolerate a dysfunctional man who can raise a hand against her and insult her. They forgive their husbands for infidelity or spend their time and health to cure a husband suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction. However, it is worth thinking about whether children need such a father? What can he give them and what will he teach them?

Undoubtedly, in such situations, even if there are children, you need to get a divorce and break off the relationship. Parents should set a good example for their children, and in dysfunctional marriages, the children’s destinies are broken, and the children follow in the footsteps of their relatives. It is necessary to take care of the well-being of the children, but in order to make the right decision, it is worth weighing the pros and cons of divorce.

How strong is your relationship: test

Sometimes it seems that everything is going smoothly in a relationship, but the feeling of anxiety is still present. To figure out how strong your relationship with your partner is, take a simple psychological test, giving negative (0 points), neutral, for example, “not always” or “I don’t know” (1 point) or positive (2 points) answers:

Count how many points you got. If the sum is more than 14 points, it means your relationship is strong and you are ideal for each other. With a score of 10–14 points, you need to develop your relationships, look for common interests, listen to your other half, and learn to negotiate. You lack harmony in your family.

If you score less than 10 points, you need to reconsider your relationship. Read all the questions again, you will be able to figure out what you and your spouse lack in order to become happy.

Try to understand yourself, your desires, and understand what you are missing in your marriage. Put yourself in your spouse's shoes and determine what he expects from you and whether you meet his expectations.

Expert advice may be needed if the relationship can still be saved, that is, the situation is not critical. First, you need to get ready to think and understand the situation by answering the questions:

  1. What will happen if you leave everything as is and do nothing? Here you need to think about your situation and understand whether you can continue to live like this (see also:).
  2. What happens if you get a divorce? Think about what you have in your marriage and what you will get in a divorce. Evaluate the advantages and benefits.
  3. Think about your situation again, relying on your intuition, your desires, and answer the following question: what will you lose if you do not decide to divorce?
  4. What happens if you don't get divorced? Consider the price you pay by leaving the situation unchanged. Does it make sense to leave your marriage in this state, or perhaps it is better to move in a different direction, changing your life for the better, realizing your dreams and desires?

By answering the questions posed, you will be able to understand your feelings. If you decide that you want to save your marriage, then you need to change and work hard on yourself. Advice from a psychologist will help you save your relationship:

  • stop sacrificing yourself;
  • learn to love and respect yourself and your life;
  • find time for yourself;
  • try to change externally and internally, watch your appearance;
  • look for a compromise in a relationship, learn to negotiate;
  • do not conflict, try not to criticize your spouse, no one likes criticism;
  • look for common interests, common topics of conversation, this way you will become closer;
  • find a hobby that will help you relax, relieve negativity and bring pleasure;
  • pay more attention to your intimate life with your partner, diversify your relationships.

Before “torturing” your loved one, you just need to observe him and his behavior. It will say much more than all the fiery promises combined. Observation does not involve arming yourself to the teeth and running after them. All the details are in the palm of your hand. You just need to be able to see them.

How to find out if he will get divorced: behavior

This aspect is easy to identify. You just need to see how communicative a man is. For example, how often he calls and texts. If he does this regularly, and seemingly without reason, this is a good sign. A woman means much more to this man than she thinks. But if he begins to intensively write and call before the meeting, this is a sure harbinger that the gentleman is clearly not going to get a divorce. He calls when he wants. In other words, it is important for him to fulfill his physiological need. So he cuts off the phones.
Hence the conclusion: if a man remembers only before the meeting, then things are bad. He doesn't need a woman. He only needs her body.

How to find out if he will get divorced: the life of his family

Usually married men sin by devoting their mistress to their family affairs. As soon as problems begin on the personal front, he runs to escape from everyday life. And a mistress is a holiday. After all, she doesn’t ask you to drag bags of potatoes. He came, she is always waiting, ready to love day and night. If she is so beautiful, he certainly wants to cry into her vest. And then the fun begins. He will tell you everything and even more.
However, at this moment you need to keep your ears sharp. Surely he will accidentally blurt out that he and his family went on vacation, to visit. In addition, he will certainly mention the upcoming renovation or planned vacation. These details will be the answer to the main question.
If a man is about to leave the family, he will not bother with repairs. Moreover, he will not want to go on vacation with a woman who is unpleasant to him. (Read also).

How to find out if he will get divorced: signs of attention

To understand your significance for a person, it is not necessary to hear “I love you” a thousand times a day. Love is expressed in slightly different ways. For example, if a girl is cold, a man will definitely invite her to put on his jacket. If she is hungry, he will take all measures to feed her. It doesn’t matter whether he takes you to a restaurant or cooks scrambled eggs himself.
If the girl is tired, instead of insisting on a meeting, he will allow her to rest. And the most important argument. When a woman gets sick, he will try to help in every possible way. He will get medicine and take it to the doctor. Elementary, he will offer help. After all, it’s important for him to be around.
If we talk about signs of attention in general, then a man will diligently take care of his companion. After all, he cares about her. (Read also).
As you can see, it’s very easy to figure out the wife’s further plans. And there is no need to ask questions once again, such as when you will get divorced. It's a waste of time. It is much easier to observe his behavior. And only after this can one conclude: “Will I become his wife or not.”

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