Characteristics of a Virgo woman born in the year of the Rooster: horoscope and what awaits her? Characteristics of Virgo men and women in the year of the rooster

Astrologers say that women born in the year of the Rooster are unusual, bright and self-confident people. Virgo's doubts are dispelled under the pressure of the temperamental. The combination of such signs is suitable for a harmonious material and spiritual existence. The characteristics of the Virgo-Rooster woman are very favorable.


A woman who appeared under the sign and in the year of the Rooster is an erudite, bright and multifaceted personality. She is distinguished by her keen observation and analytical mind. Such women are emotional, inquisitive and fair. They always have a lot of friends and are the center of attention. Such women are impressionable, responsive and affectionate.

A woman with this combination of signs is a reliable comrade who will not leave you and will always support you in difficult times. Vulnerable and sensitive, women under the Virgo-Rooster sign take human indifference and neglect very close to their hearts. But be afraid to offend or offend such a person, because in anger he can say a lot of hurtful words. True, women with this combination of signs are forgiving and quickly move towards reconciliation.

Love and marriage

Women with this combination of signs are great housewives. They have everything clearly planned out; not a single detail escapes their observation. They love children very much and devote themselves entirely to their upbringing.

Such women are monogamous. They meticulously choose their companion once and for all. Wasting money on casual acquaintances and romances is not their thing. Calm, self-sufficient and intelligent men become life partners of such women.

Work and career

Women with this combination are sociable and will easily find a common language with any team. They like to carefully organize work moments. They are not afraid of hard mental and physical work. They perform their work duties carefully, down to the smallest details.

Women with this astrological combination can become successful business owners. Their dedication and determination will help them navigate life and work with flying colors. They are realists. They know the value of finances and know how to manage them wisely.


Such people are open to communication. Eloquence and high intellectual level make them interesting interlocutors. Most of all, they value sincerity in others. It is enough to lie to such a woman once, and she will stop treating you with due respect.

Virgo-Rooster women can talk a lot, but they can also listen like no other person. In a difficult situation, you can always get useful advice from such women. A secret entrusted to a woman with such a sign will be known only to her. These people can keep secrets. The observation and insight of women under the Virgo-Rooster sign endears them to those around them.

Women with this astrological combination are always willing to share their knowledge and life experiences with others. We can conclude that it is impossible to find a more reliable comrade.


  • Fabulous suitable for a Virgo woman-man-. Harmony in a relationship with such a man is built on mutual love for home comfort and family values.
  • Taurus will also be able to give Virgo family happiness and comfort. A reasonable attitude towards money will help create a financially stable union. Virgo’s life wisdom will help smooth out conflicts with Taurus and make their union harmonious and calm.
  • A Scorpio + Virgo couple can get along together. Virgo's character is able to accept a Scorpio man with all the complexities of his character.
  • Virgo and Aquarius The two of them are able to overcome all obstacles, despite their different characters.

Compatibility of a Virgo woman born in the year of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope:

  • Most a successful union between a Virgo-Rooster woman and an Ox. The bull will be captivated by the showiness of his chosen one and her ability to build harmonious relationships. This is a stable and financially independent union.
  • The Rooster and the Snake have a good understanding. This couple looks spectacular together. The wisdom of the snake will be able to support the Rooster in various troubles.
  • The Virgo-Rooster woman will also be happy in a relationship with, Pig and Rooster.

What awaits the Virgo woman in the year of the fiery Rooster?

  • Single women will find their other half and get rid of annoying loneliness. Family Virgos do not expect variety in everyday worries. There may be disagreements in the family, so it is better to use all your everyday intelligence to prevent them.
  • Possible changes in career field. They will be positive. You should not neglect interesting offers and professional acquaintances, because they will contribute to the career growth of a Virgo woman. Also, Dev will have an exciting holiday with many unforgettable emotions. In general, the year of the Rooster for Virgos is positive in every sense.
  • Virgos believe in and she does not leave them. Purposefulness, prudence and common sense help Virgos overcome life's ups and downs with brilliance. We can recommend that such a sign not take everything to heart, because it is impossible to please absolutely all people. Astrologers advise such women to get a fluffy pet. It can cheer you up on gloomy and bad days.

October 15, 2016

The Virgo-Rooster man is a difficult person. It may even seem too practical and rational. And overly demanding of other people. This man is endowed with such qualities not only by the zodiac, but also by the eastern patron. In general, the topic is very interesting, so each aspect of it can be considered in a little more detail.

Impact of the zodiac

The Virgo-Rooster man is an interesting personality. It was his zodiac sign that endowed him with many qualities. This man is distinguished by extraordinary restraint and even coldness. He himself is a very smart, educated and well-read person. And he makes high demands on his future beloved. He will not connect his life with the first person he meets. First, he will calculate all the pros and cons. And, by the way, he can spend a lot of time in search of the ideal. Fleeting novels are not for them. For this reason, many Virgo guys get married at a late age. But their marriages are strong. After all, they marry not ardent lovers and model beauties, but those girls who become their faithful and devoted companions in life and excellent friends.

It is also worth noting that the Virgo-Rooster man is a person who considers having a good job to be the meaning of life. He likes to earn a lot of money - it makes him feel successful. But with a solid salary, he can lead a completely modest lifestyle.

What will the Chinese horoscope tell you?

The Virgo-Rooster man adopted a lot in terms of his character from his eastern patron. This person is used to being in charge both at home and at work. He is quite hot-tempered, but quickly calms down. Such guys are honest and straightforward, which is why many people love them.

And they are also great friends. And husbands are good and faithful. Although they enjoy the company of women, after marriage they prefer to be devoted to one lady. After all, they connect life with the best of all. It’s no different for the Roosters. But, unfortunately, these guys are not romantics. If even before marriage they can do some things in the name of love, then after - definitely not. They are practical people. And when the Rooster finally starts a family, he will invest everything in it and in the house.

And they, like Virgos, love to earn money. So this quality in this case has double power.

About relationships

How does a person like the Virgo-Rooster appear in society and in love? The man, whose compatibility will be presented a little later, is very friendly and sociable. But somewhat proud, even arrogant. However, you can come to terms with these qualities.

In any relationship, be it friendship or love, the greatest value for them is affection and sincerity. If suddenly their close people deceive them, then they no longer continue to communicate with them. They don't forgive mistakes. And this is their minus. It would do well for Rooster-Virgos to try to be more lenient towards other people and build relationships differently. And also reduce demands on others. After all, they are not ideal either.

Ideal partner

And now a few words about the love horoscope. Virgo-Rooster will be able to build a good relationship with a woman born in the year of the Ox under the sign of Taurus. These people are very similar to each other. It is important for the Ox-Taurus, like the Virgo-Rooster, to make plans and implement them, and also to earn money and invest it in the house, in the family. Such a girl will be happy to deal with everyday issues and their resolution. She manages to be practical, and she also skillfully creates psychological comfort in the house. But this is exactly how the Rooster man, born under the sign of Virgo, sees an ideal family life.

A Cancer girl born in the year of the Snake would also be suitable for such a person. Such persons are patient and emotionally resilient individuals who also value material stability and comfort in the home. So it will be easy for the Rooster-Virgo with them too.




A very interesting zodiac combination is such a personality is very interesting. And it’s worth considering it in more detail, and also paying attention to the topic of compatibility.

Zodiac characteristics

A Virgo man can be easily recognized by his appearance. He always tries to look perfect. And, besides, this person is very attentive to his speech and behavior. Perhaps correctness and literacy are the “trump cards” of his character.

This is not all that can be said about such a person as his characteristics are very detailed. And another key point about this person is his minimal emotionality. Such people can laugh, smile, and conduct an active, lively dialogue. But never allow yourself to publicly show strong or too personal emotions. Therefore, a girl who is trying to get closer to this man will rack her brain for a long time about whether this man likes her or not.

They do not tolerate negligence and illegibility in people. But they themselves are very obliging and reliable individuals.

Eastern horoscope

It is also worth turning to him, talking about what the Virgo-Rooster man is like. The characteristics of the eastern patron are also interesting. In many ways, it is similar to the qualities that Virgo possesses. Rooster guys take good care of themselves; they like to be the center of attention. They are witty and often the life of the party. Bright, impressive and charming personalities - everyone likes them!

Negative qualities include the Rooster's love of command. Moreover, this is a fundamental factor. They do not like to obey, and it does not matter what it concerns - work, business, friendship or family.

But at least these people know how to command and lead. They are excellent at coping with the role of leader. After all, they are well-read, educated, obliging, attentive and smart. That is why all friends and comrades go to him for advice.

Double Strength

And now - about what a unique symbiosis of human qualities is. Its characteristics consist of features that are distinguished by double strength. After all, they are inherent in both the zodiac and the eastern patron.

This one is unusual and attractive. Those people who are familiar with him will say with confidence that he seems to emanate some kind of magnetism.

They are sociable, positive and friendly. But their negative qualities are pride and arrogance. This is him, Virgo-Rooster (man). His characterization, however, is also different in that he tries to fight his negative qualities.

These guys also rarely get depressed. But if this happens to them, then it takes a long time to “go away.” Because these strong and strong-willed individuals are instantly overcome by a feeling of weakness and loneliness.

What about relationships? They are strict in this area. They are trying to find the ideal partner. They can even find fault with little things. But if they choose a life partner, they will make every effort to make her happy.

Prospects for relationships

Above, we briefly noted the characteristics of such a person as the Virgo-Rooster man. Characteristics, compatibility - these are really interesting topics. And it’s also worth saying a few words about the latter.

A Taurus girl would be a good match for this man. She is balanced, economical, calm. And he will definitely appreciate the hard work, honesty and diligence of the Virgo-Rooster. And if she is born in the year of the Ox, then the relationship can already be considered ideal. This girl is exactly the one whose image the Rooster built in his fantasies. By the way, the qualities of Ox and Taurus also double each other. Only in the case of a girl they are psychological stability and rationality. Thanks to these qualities, she is able to skillfully balance and calm the sometimes harsh Rooster-Virgo.

This Rooster is an intellectual, a talented analyst who attracts attention with his unconventional thinking and keen observation. The Rooster-Virgo is more than practical. He sets realistic goals for himself and knows how to achieve them. Such a person does not suffer from the fact that his plans are too mundane - he, as a rule, is a materialist and practical. His motto: “Even if it’s a little, but everything is mine!” The Rooster-Virgo methodically carries out his tasks step by step and is always focused on results.

It is curious that people with this combination of signs try to attract like-minded people to their side. They are not inclined to work independently and alone. The Rooster-Virgo “recruits” suitable people, often playing on their weaknesses, since he has the talent to see right through people. If there is such a need, in his luggage there are many ways to convince the person he needs in order to attract him to his side.

Character of the Rooster-Virgo

Among the characteristic character traits of the Rooster-Virgo there is such as high self-esteem. If for Virgo this is not very relevant - rather the opposite, then for Rooster it is very important to stand apart from others and feel important. He categorically cannot stand neglect. And if someone allows themselves to say something “unnecessary” in this regard, they will immediately fight back: the tongue of the Rooster-Virgo is quite sharp and sometimes even angry! He will not spare anyone if his honor is affected!

In love, the Rooster-Virgo is very selective, reacting to an outwardly spectacular partner. Courtship periods are important for him: flowers, restaurants, romantic walks - everything should be quite conservative and at the same time refined. He is constant in his affections, but can be quick-tempered and overly critical of his partner.

Rooster-Virgo Man

This man is always enterprising, businesslike and constantly busy with something. He has no time to rest - his active mind and practical interests drive him forward and do not give him the opportunity to relax. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the Rooster-Virgo man is literally obsessed with his work and other matters - he may have a lot of them. He cannot be called overly ambitious; he is rather a workaholic, capable of daily monotonous work, which, you see, is not given to everyone. He finds pleasure in working day after day, year after year, and is ready to methodically do the same thing, not paying attention to everything that is happening around him. He has his own guidelines and no one has the right to interfere...

The love life of the Rooster-Virgo man will most likely remain in the background or third place. In any case, one cannot expect from him feats in this field or absolute dedication. Everything has its place and time... The main thing is that he is not prevented from doing what he loves as much as he needs!

Rooster-Virgo Woman

Ladies of this combination of signs are more flexible and balanced compared to men. But this is understandable, because they have different life tasks. The Rooster-Virgo woman knows how to organize and organize work in a work team so that everything works and brings real results. She doesn't need stars from the sky, but she will do her part flawlessly. At the same time, he will teach others... sometimes in a categorical form, sometimes too assertively, always energetically and more in words. Usually this is enough!

At home, the Rooster-Virgo woman is a caring mother and wife. She has an ideal order: everything is calculated and planned, the household is run economically and “correctly” down to the smallest detail, and... especially in the smallest detail. Maybe she lacks the breadth of vision, but in fact everything is in its place! This woman is devoted to the team, devoted to her family and her loved ones. She will help everyone who asks her about it.

Characteristics of Rooster-Virgo women: These women have a contradictory nature. They do not tolerate routine, so they can often change their place of residence and occupation. It will be difficult for these women to build a life so that it becomes stable. And this is due to their impermanence. They are often unsure of their own abilities because they delve into themselves too much. Self-study can be positive, but in their case they have an entirely negative experience.

By nature, these women are considered dramatic. They always need to make an important decision that is beyond their power to do. This often leaves them at a crossroads. It is difficult for them not to take risks, so their decisions are often extraordinary. These women are not interested in the stability of relationships and life in general. They rarely think about tomorrow. As a result, their whole life is a series of surprises and insurmountable difficulties.

Rooster and Virgo women in love and relationships: The love relationships of these women will be complex. On the one hand, they have a ready-made ideal of a future life partner. However, they will not always evaluate their partner well in order to choose the most suitable option for themselves. As a result, there will be many random connections in their lives that will not bring satisfaction. They should become more serious and decisive in order to choose a partner according to their liking and preferences.

Rooster women - Virgos in finance and career: For them, a career doesn’t mean much. They often change their field of activity without achieving good results in the previous one. At the same time, these women cannot evaluate their failures and incorrectly consider fate to be the culprit. In fact, they should be more prudent and analyze their actions. In this case, they will be able to get the most positive results in life. The financial side of life also interests them little.

Rooster - Virgo women in family and marriage: Family relationships will be full of contradictions. Their complex nature creates certain difficulties for their partner. They do not consider it necessary to take on responsibilities; they cannot live up to their marital status. However, they have the power to turn everything around, making the relationship more harmonious. They must necessarily accept responsibilities and try to achieve mutual understanding.

Advice for Rooster-Virgo women: These women are not master communicators, but they need to learn how to do it. At the same time, they should reconsider their attitude towards other people and try to make them more harmonious. Only the ability to forgive will help build relationships. Secretiveness of character must be reduced, as this can also lead to negative consequences. It is important to find yourself in order to achieve good results in social life.