Keep your eyes open - what does it mean? How to understand the meaning of the expression keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes open - what does the meaning of the expression keep your ears open


We all know that caution is very important. Especially in these turbulent times, it is very useful to always be on the alert. As you know, Russian people like to decorate their speech by diluting the narrative with red words, so it is not surprising that phraseological units have also appeared to describe the behavior of cautious people. It sounds like this: “keep your eyes open.” Our article will discuss the meaning and origin of this expression.

Where does the expression “keep your eyes open” come from?

Perhaps we should start with the obvious, namely, with the history of the famous phrase. Many catchphrases in the Russian language appeared thanks to people’s observations of animals. The phraseology “keep your eyes open” is one of these expressions.

Perhaps each of us has noticed how animals turn their ears warily when some noise is heard somewhere. They are trying to understand what is the source of the noise and what the consequences of its occurrence may be. At this time, the animals’ hearing organs are so strongly involved that they themselves become tense, acquiring a pointed shape.

The meaning of the phraseological unit “keep your eyes open”

After a detailed analysis of the origin of the phraseological unit, its meaning is beyond any doubt. The expression “keep your eyes open” means that a person is trying to be extremely attentive and careful. It is appropriate to use this phrase when a person does not relax for a minute and does not lose vigilance in any situation.

The phraseological phrase “keep your eyes open” has not lost its popularity for quite some time. We can safely say that it will remain one of the most popular catchphrases for a long time. Unfortunately, time passes, and humanity changes little, and we still need to be on guard in order to feel safe and ensure the existence of our loved ones as secure as possible.

It is worth emphasizing that the expression is often used not only in oral speech, but also in various literary works. This is not surprising, because this phraseological unit can very vividly and colorfully describe human behavior, and at the same time, the use of the expression “keep your eyes open” will help to better understand the idea that the author wanted to convey to the reader. This is due to the fact that the meaning of the expression is quite easy to guess even by those people who hear it for the first time.

Beware Wed. Oh, keep your eyes peeled for you! Turgenev. Spring waters. 35. Sanin. Wed. Anyone who messes with him is unsafe. So keep your ears open!... Dostoevsky. Humiliation and offended. 3, 6...

Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - adv...

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  • - ́, adv.: keep your ears open, be on your guard, be alert, don’t let your attention drop...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - VOSTRO, adv. only in the expression: keep an ear out for someone - be careful, not too trusting, constantly on guard...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - vostro vostro, ostro adv. qualities local 1. Making it spicy. Ott. trans. Insightful, lively. 2. transfer Nimble, smart...

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  • - adv. up-down 1...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - keep your ears open...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - beware. Wed. Oh, keep your eyes peeled for you! Turgenev. Spring waters. 35. Sanin. Wed. Whoever contacts him is not safe. So keep your ears open!... Dostoevsky. Humiliation and offended. 3, 6...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Razg. Express 1. Be extremely cautious with anyone, do not trust anyone. Irina Pavlovna realized that she had to be careful with this old man. 2. Be constantly on alert. At the border an eye is needed...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Razg. 1. with whom. Don't trust someone, be careful, be careful. 2. Be alert, alert. FM 2002, 570; FSRY, 138; BTS, 153, 1409; Glukhov 1988, 39...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - ...

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  • - keep your ear...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

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    0 Today people have become very cruel, deceitful and dangerous, and you need to stay as far away from many of them as possible. Nowadays, just walking down the street without fear is a great luxury. After all, you usually have to be on your guard all the time, expecting some trick from the people around you. Of course, in the West, where gangs of Arabs are rampaging, raping and killing women, life is not at all easy, but even here we are far from the order that was under the USSR. Therefore, any person in the modern world should Be careful You can read what this phrase means a little lower. Our site is specially created so that you can find transcripts of a wide variety of sayings, expressions and concepts used in our everyday speech. Therefore, it’s not for me to remind you to add such a useful resource site to your bookmarks in order to continue to delight yourself with useful transcripts.
    However, before I continue, I would like to show you a few more popular, and in some places even educational, publications on the topic of sayings and phraseological units. For example, what does it mean to powder the brain; how to understand the phrase Touch a nerve; the meaning of the phrase Through quiet sadness; which means Every sandpiper praises his swamp, etc.
    So let's continue Keep your eyes open, meaning?

    Be careful- means to be extremely careful with someone, not to trust him completely.


    Max, you have to keep your eyes open with Tolyan, he’s an extremely shady guy.

    Be careful- be constantly alert, monitor the situation, and don’t miss a single detail.


    In this area, “treasures” must be hidden extremely carefully, and in general, always keep your ears open.

    The main message of this phrase is " be on your guard", which means a lot of things, and one of them lies on the surface - to be prudent and careful, and not to treat the people around you with brotherly gullibility. This short expression contains the ancient folk wisdom that young mothers taught their fragile offspring , back in the Middle Ages.
    However, this does not mean that you cannot trust anyone in principle. After all, there are good acquaintances, relatives and even devoted friends who will always step up and help with advice, money, and who knows what else. After all, this phraseological unit hints at paying attention to people who are suspicious, but not close to you.

    Origin Keep your ears open

    As you already understand, this folk art was formed in the depths of centuries, and in fact is a legend of deep antiquity. Of course, it has a specific author, but now it is almost impossible to establish him, and therefore this phrase, like thousands of other nameless proverbs, are considered to be the brainchild of the Russian people, " flesh of flesh, blood of blood".
    In general, our distant ancestors, in their legends, stories, and parables, loved to compare human behavior with the habits of a variety of animals. If you have your own dog or cat, look at what they do in a moment of fear or excitement, their ears stand up, actively scanning the surrounding space for the quietest sounds. When you see that your cute cat has raised her head and is energetically moving her ears, it means that something has alerted her or caused her great curiosity. It was precisely this behavior that gave rise to a similar proverb among the common people.


    Today in our everyday vocabulary this phrase has practically disappeared as unnecessary, but in classical literature it was used almost everywhere at one time. In addition, at school, it is used by some teachers of Russian language and literature, grandparents born in the era of developed socialism, as well as in the media and the Internet. For example, while watching some program on TV, you hear the presenter extremely insistently recommending that you be careful and always keep your ears open in a given situation. In fact, the journalist seems to be hinting, no, even saying in plain text, that you should be more careful and attentive, for which he, of course, gets special " Thank you".

    Having studied all of the above, we can conclude that this catchphrase hides several meanings and functions. This phrase not only makes our daily communication brighter, richer and more colorful, but is also excellent advice for most of our citizens.

    After reading this small but quite informative publication, you learned the meaning of phraseological units Be careful, and now you won’t find yourself in a bad situation if you suddenly hear or read this stable phrase again.

    Keep your ears open. Only nonsense. Led more often. incl. or inf. 1. Be cautious, cautious, do not trust anyone. With whom? with this person, with the enemy, with the enemy... keep your ears open; must, must, must... keep your eyes open.

    They are thieves. I have to keep my ears open; at the first failure, they will ransom their neck with my head. (A. Pushkin.)

    We have forgotten that we need to keep our ears open with deep-thinking people... (N. Dobrolyubov.)

    Irina Pavlovna realized that she had to be careful with this old man. (V. Pikul.)

    2. To be on guard, on the alert, to be afraid of something. We must, we must... keep our ears open.

    Lock the horses under the barn at the forge! And you yourself are on guard, and don’t doze off, but keep your ears open. (A. Ostrovsky.)

    It’s not so easy to cross the border during the day, but at night keep your eyes open. (N. Ostrovsky.)

    (?) From the speech of hunters. Literally: the dog should raise its ears straight up in order to hear better when smelling game.

    Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

    See what “keep your eyes open” in other dictionaries:

      be careful- Cm … Synonym dictionary

      Be careful- Razg. Express 1. Be extremely cautious with anyone, do not trust anyone. Irina Pavlovna realized that she had to keep an eye out for this old man (V. Pikul. Ocean Patrol). 2. Be constantly on alert. An eye is needed at the border. You'll sleep a little... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

      Be careful- Razg. 1. with whom. Do not trust anyone, be careful, careful. 2. Be alert, alert. FM 2002, 570; FSRY, 138; BTS, 153, 1409; Glukhov 1988, 39 ...

      be careful- Don't be too trusting... Dictionary of many expressions

      Keep your ear up- Kar. Same as keeping your eyes open. SRGK 1, 454 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

      Keep your ears open- (foreign language) beware. Wed. Oh, keep your eyes peeled for you! Turgenev. Spring waters. 35. Sanin. Wed. Whoever contacts him is not safe. So keep your ears open!... Dostoevsky. Humiliation and offended. 3, 6. Wed. Please, gentlemen, I... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

      keep your ears open- (foreign language) beware Wed. Oh, keep your eyes peeled for you! Turgenev. Spring waters. 35. Sanin. Wed. Anyone who messes with him is unsafe. So keep your ears open!... Dostoevsky. Humiliation and offended. 3, 6. Wed. If you please, gentlemen, I accept... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

      hold- Keep your word and fulfill your promise. You must keep your word. Keep your mouth shut, be silent, don’t speak when you don’t need to. He promised to keep his mouth shut. Keep your pocket wider (colloquial fam.) don't expect to get it. How...... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

      HOLD- HOLD, I hold, you hold, nev. 1. who what. Have it in your hands. Hold a cigarette. Hold an umbrella. || Don't let go of yourself, force you to be with yourself. The mother held the child tightly by the sleeve. || Grab without allowing you to leave. Stop the thief! 2. who what... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      ear- drum in the ears, fall head over heels in love, go in one ear, go out the other, keep your ears open, tear your ears, plug your ears, and don’t lead with your ears, strong in the ear, screech your ears, prick up your ears, buzz your ears, keep your ears alert, don’t apparently, like your ears, not an ear... ... Synonym dictionary


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