What to see around Rome. Neighborhoods of Rome: what to see near the Eternal City Where to go from Rome not far

Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. There is also incredible nature here, luxury architecture And delicious food. Here you can relax both actively and more mentally and calmly. If you were on vacation in Rome and are already tired of the standard attractions, it's time to go explore the outskirts of Rome - An hour or an hour and a half drive from the capital of Italy, there are no less amazing, beautiful cities in their own way. These are the ones we will talk about.

Where to go: cities near Rome

You can travel around the outskirts of Rome by public transport, trains and buses, or you can rent a car. And if in the capital itself a rented car turns out to be rather expensive and an idea of ​​dubious convenience, then for trips outside the city it is the most suitable option. You can rent a car with a Russian license, if your full name is indicated in Latin. The best international website for car rental is rentalcar; you can see car options and prices using this link.


This ancient city was founded in XIII V. BC. Like any other, it has its own rich history and amazing sights, two of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. You simply must travel from Rome to Tivoli for at least 1 day: Villa d’Este is located here ( XVI ) is known for its luxurious garden, fountains, the villa itself, and the panorama; the ancient Roman imperial villa of Hadrian will amaze you with its scale and ancient history; Gregorian villa ( XIX ) is notable for its waterfalls, grottoes, greenery, and steep paths; Pope Pius Castle II , built during the Renaissance. Another good option is to get acquainted with the city as part of an excursion, which you can book.


This small town near Rome is known for its beautiful volcanic lake and the medieval Odescalchi castle, which anyone can visit for 8.5 €. More than 100 films were shot there, and the wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes took place there. Information about the museum can be found on the official site, including in Russian. In summer you can swim in the lake. It is truly spectacular to enjoy the water near a beautiful castle.

How to get there: from two railway stations (Roma Ostiense, Roma Tiburtina) Trenitalia trains go directly to Bracciano.

If you plan to stay in Bracciano for more than 1 day, then there are several good hotels in the town.

Ostia Antica)

The ancient trading city of Ostia Antica, which was the main Roman port for several centuries. Currently, the sea has moved a considerable distance away from it, but the ancient buildings remain. It is worth going here to see the amphitheater, forum, thermal pool and residences of the rulers. The atmosphere here is calm, horses graze in paddocks nearby, and the sea is just a stone's throw away - just 2 stops and you're on the beach. Entrance ticket to the territory costs 6.5 €.

How to get there: From Piramide metro station (blue Line B ) change train to Cristoforo Colombo (on the same city ticket 1.5 €) and go to the stop Ostia Antica . Or you can book a car excursion to Ostia and combine a comfortable journey with an educational event. See more details.


An ancient city that was once the state of the Etruscans. The history of Cerveteri dates back to the middle IX V. BC. This is your chance to see a complex of impressive ancient necropolises near Rome. The Etruscans believed that the dead also needed all human goods - dishes, furniture, weapons, spacious premises, etc.

How to get there: from Cornelia metro station (red Line A ) take the company's blue bus Cotral and get off at the stop Cerveteri – Piazza A. Moro.

You can find a hotel in the town.


Viterbo is a popular city in the vicinity of Rome, where people go for 1 day to explore the local attractions. In the former Etruscan capital in XIII V. there was the main papal residence with an amazing openwork loggia. In addition to it, in the city you will find the medieval pilgrims' quarter (San Pellegrino), the late Gothic Farnese Palace, the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, the Renaissance town hall, Gothic fountains and other significant attractions.

This city also offers a very rare opportunity to get acquainted with the city as part of several interesting excursions in Russian. You can view the proposals.

How to get there: the most convenient way to get there is from the railway stations (Roma Ostiense, Roma Tiburtina ) trains go to the station Trenitalia.


This small town near Rome is located on a cliff surrounded by forests. It is not for nothing that artists sought to get here, renting and buying houses for themselves. Thanks to them, Kolkata came back to life. There is undoubtedly something to see in the city – from winding streets and wonderful panoramas to real artists’ workshops.

How to get there: from Roma Saxa Rubra station take the company's blue bus Cotral.

If you want to stay longer in Kolkata, the city has a couple of good hotels .

We wish you pleasant trips around Rome!

It's time to talk about the picturesque lakes near the Eternal City, which can be visited both in summer and winter. In addition, the lakes and towns around Rome are entire cultural treasures with castles and volcanoes, places of relaxation, gastronomic and wine discoveries of the Lazio region. If you are traveling to Rome for more than 2 days, be sure to visit at least one of the lakes!

1. Lake Bracciano

The second largest lake in the Lazio region. And one of the cleanest and most well-groomed. The volcanic lake of Braciano and the surrounding Sabatini Mountains are one of the most beautiful places in Italy. In the medieval town of Bracciano (one of three picturesque towns located on the shores of the lake) there is perhaps the most beautiful castle in the Roman province and the Lazio region - Odescalchi-Orsini Castle. It is still the private property of the aristocratic Odescalchi family.

Lake Bracciano is often called the “well of Rome”. It is from here that the capital of Italy gets its drinking water, so you cannot throw any waste into the lake and ride on its surface in motor boats. Beautiful views can be admired from several observation platforms. The magnificent beaches of Lago di Bracciano, covered with black volcanic sand, are pleasant for swimming and fishing.

How to get there: 50 minutes by regular train from Lido Ostienza station (metro Piramide). Or order

2. Lake Martignano

Besides Lake Bracciano, Martignano is another wonderful volcanic lake in the north of Rome, ideal for spending the whole day there. After overcoming a slight descent, you will come to a shore decorated with an English lawn and see a beautiful lake. This is a great place for a summer day - you can swim in the lake, sunbathe on the shore, and local musicians often perform nearby.

How to get there: from the Termini metro station (from the red line) to the Cipro metro station, from there by train FM3 to the Cesano di Roma station, using the same metro ticket. From Cesano station you can take a local bus and get off at the Valle del Baccano stop.

3. Lake Bolsena

Located in the very center of Italy, one of the largest lakes of volcanic origin in Europe and the cleanest among them. The lake was formed approximately 370,000 years ago as a result of the collapse of the crater of the Vulsini volcano. The average depth of the lake is 81 meters, and the greatest is 151 meters. In the southern part of the island (its total area is 113.5 square meters) there are two islands - Bisentina and Martana. Taking a ferry to the island of Bisentina, you can see its pristine nature, as well as many historical monuments - the Church of St. Giacomo and St. Cristofor, a Franciscan convent, the Chapel of the Crucifixion with fifth-century frescoes and even the terrible “Malta dei Papi” - a prison for clergy found guilty of heresy.

How to get there: You can get to Bolsena via the A1 highway (turn off towards Orvieto) or along the more picturesque Via Cassia (SR143), known since the times of Ancient Rome. There are no trains to Bolsena. The nearest station is in Orvieto. You can travel by train from Rome to Orvieto and from there by bus from Orvieto to Bolsena.

4. Lake Albano

The most favorite place of the Romans is not far from the city and very beautiful. The lake was formed in the crater of an extinct volcano. The area of ​​the lake is 6 km², depth is up to 170 meters. The water level in the lake is regulated by an ancient sewage tunnel, founded in 398 BC. e. Lake Alban and neighboring Lake Nemi are separated by Mount Monte Cavo.

How to get there: by train from Rome Central Station Roma Termini to Castel Gandolfo station. The journey takes 40 minutes. Or order ours! Here you will visit the city of Castel Gandolfo (Gandolfo Castle) - the summer residence of the popes since the 17th century, the city of Ariccia with its famous Castle - Palazzo of the Chigi family and the “strawberry” city of Nami. Unforgettable views of the mountain lakes Albano and Nemi (former volcanic craters) await us, and we, of course, will have a tasting of local olive oil and wine from these places.

Italy is the most beautiful country in the entire globe. Here you will find unimaginable nature, luxurious architecture, and delicious food. Here you have the opportunity to spend your leisure time both dynamically and more relaxed and peaceful. Rome is famous for its abundant history and attractions, but approximately 60-90 minutes drive from the Italian capital there are no less stunning, in their own way - surroundings of Rome . It’s about them that we’ll talk about next.

This ancient city (outskirts of Rome) was formed in the thirteenth century BC. Like each other, it has its own history full of facts and stunning sights, 2 of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Why it makes sense to go to: the incredibly beautiful Villa d’Este (16th century) is famous for its chic garden, fountains, the villa itself, and a wonderful panorama; the imperial Villa Adriana will amaze you with its scale and ancient history; The Gregorian villa (19th century) is curious with its waterfalls, grottoes, and steep paths; Palace of Pope Pius II, built during the Renaissance.

Another great option is to get to know the city with a guided tour; you can book one.

How to get there: Your best bet is to take the direct Kotral bus from the Ponte Mammolo metro stop (blue line B).

You can choose an excellent hotel in the locality using this link.

This small town in the vicinity of Rome is famous for its amazing volcanic lake and the medieval Odescalchi Palace, which anyone can visit for eight and a half euros. More than a hundred films were shot here, and Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes celebrated their wedding here. Data about the museum can be seen on the official website, also in Russian. In summer you can swim in the lake. It's truly luxurious to enjoy the water near a picturesque castle.

How to get there: from 2 railway stations (Roma Ostiens, Roma Tiburtina) Trenitalia trains run directly to Bracciano.

If you wish, you can stay in Bracciano for more than 1 day - there are a number of decent hotels in the town.

The outskirts of Rome are also interesting for this ancient trading city, which for several centuries was the main Roman port. Now the sea has moved an impressive distance away from it, but the buildings still stand, the most notable among them being the forum, the residences of the rulers, as well as the famous amphitheater and thermal pool. The spirit here is peaceful, horses graze in paddocks nearby, and the water is nearby - the beach is only two stops away! Entrance to the territory is six and a half euros.

How to get there: From the Piramide metro stop (blue line B), change trains to Cristoforo Colombo (using the same city ticket for one and a half euros) and get to Ostia Antica station.

Ostia hotel offers can be seen.

The ancient city is also a suburb of Rome - at one time the state of the Etruscans. The history of Cerveteri dates back to the mid-9th century BC. Here you can look at a complex of amazing ancient necropolises. The Etruscans believed that the deceased also needed all human amenities - dishes, furniture, weapons, spacious rooms, and so on.

How to get there: From the Cornelia metro stop (red line A), take the blue Cotral bus and get off at the Cerveteri - Piazza A Moro station.

It is possible to choose a hotel in this wonderful place.


The former Etruscan capital, also now a suburb of Rome, was the site of the Pope's main residence in the 13th century, with a striking loggia. In addition to it, the town has a curious medieval quarter (San Pellegrino), the Farnese Palace (late Gothic), Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, the Renaissance town hall, fountains (made in the Gothic style) and other important points of interest. In this city there is still a unique chance to get to know the city during a sightseeing tour in Russian.

How to get there: The best way to go from the railway stations (Roma Ostiens, Roma Tiburtina) is to take trains to Trenitalia station.

Accommodation options can be seen.

Neighborhoods of Rome: Calcata

This small town (outskirts of Rome) is located on a cliff, framed by a strip of trees. It was not for nothing that artists tried to find themselves here, renting and purchasing houses for themselves. Thanks to them, Kolkata returned to life. There is definitely something to admire in the city – from curved streets and magical panoramas to authentic artists’ workshops.

How to get there: From the Roma Saksa Ruba stop, take a blue bus from the Kotral company.

The outskirts of Rome are no less beautiful than the Eternal City itself, because patricians and members of imperial families built their villas in the suburbs of the capital. Wonderful romantic buildings, surrounded by luxurious parks, await travelers a short distance from Rome. It is quite possible to get to them on your own using public transport, or rent a car and move from one attraction to another with ease.

What to see in the vicinity of Rome.

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Tivoli and its villas

One of the most breathtaking places in the vicinity of Rome is the city of Tivoli. It is located not far from Rome (24 km) on the Anio River and includes all the pleasures of an Italian holiday: ancient magnificent architecture, picturesque natural beauty and family restaurants with traditional cuisine. Tivoli is known throughout the world for its villas, which are definitely worth seeing if you find yourself in Italy.

1. Villa d'Este.

This building is called the most beautiful building in all of Italy. The villa was built for Cardinal Ippolito II in the 16th century. Medieval and Renaissance architecture harmoniously fit into the appearance of Villa d'Este. It is surrounded by a rich garden, inscribed in the Italian landscape, five hundred fountains, numerous grottoes, pools and ponds. It was Villa d’Este that the architects were guided by when designing Versailles and Peterhof.

2. Villa Adriana.

This villa was built by Emperor Hadrian in the 2nd century AD. Hadrian is known as an emperor-architect, philosopher and artist, and there is an opinion that the villa was built according to his design. The huge archaeological center includes libraries, gardens, baths, a theater, a temple, and the emperor's chambers. Villa Adriana was decorated with originals and copies of famous works of art: sculpted statues, paintings, frescoes and mosaics are still preserved on the territory of the villa. After Hadrian, the villa was a favorite place of emperors and retains traces of the grandeur of the Roman era.

3. Villa Gregory

The villa is named after Pope Gregory XVI, who in 1832 ordered the course of the Aniene River to be changed due to frequent floods. Thanks to this, stunning waterfalls arose, which both tourists and residents of Italy come to see. Villa Gregory is attractive with its romantic landscape, grottoes, colorful paths, cliffs, and fascinating alleys. You will especially enjoy visiting the elegant round Temple of Vesta from the 1st century BC, which later became Christian, as well as the windowed tunnel that was built through the picturesque rocks.

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How to get there?

  • By bus. Departure from Ponte Mammolo metro station or from Tibertina station. The fare costs only about 2 euros and you will reach Tivoli in 40 minutes.
  • By train. Departure point: Tibertina or Termini train stations. The train can take almost an hour and costs 2.60 euros.


A must-see is the small medieval town of Bracciano, located in close proximity to Rome. The city is located on the shores of an amazing crystal lake, after which it was named. Be sure to stroll through the narrow, inviting streets lined with medieval signs and old family-run restaurants. But the main attractions of the city of Bracciano are, of course, the castle and the lake.

1. Lake Bracciano

The lake is of volcanic origin and once upon a time in its place there was a village that was flooded. The lake is very clean, because the authorities prohibit the use of motor vehicles and the dumping of waste, and its water is a drinking source for nearby cities, including Rome. The opening landscape amazes with its pristineness and pure beauty, and volcanic beaches with black sand and swimming in clear water will provide a break from exhausting walks.

2. Bracciano Castle

The first tower of this castle was founded in the 10th century and since then it has had many eminent owners and has developed throughout its existence. The romantic defensive architecture of the ancient building is filled with many legends and secrets that the guide will share with you. You will see the Papal Room, the Etruscan Hall with ancient exhibits, the chambers of Isabella de' Medici, the Hall of the Caesars and even the utility rooms of the castle.

How to get there?

Bracciano can be reached by train from Rome, from Ostiense station. The trip takes only 30 minutes and costs 3 euros. Your stop is Bracciano station.

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They deserve the attention of curious tourists no less than the eternal city itself. To travel to the most interesting places in the Lazio region, which includes the historical metropolis, you just need to select an object that interests you from a cognitive point of view, plan a specific day for a one-day trip - and off you go to new discoveries!

The map of the surrounding areas of Rome is simply crammed with archaeological sites, beautiful villas, palaces, gardens, and the best wine cellars! But, besides history, there are even beaches here! Below we decided to present a list, in our opinion, of the most interesting places to visit, most of which are located in the southern and northern parts of Lazio, but there are also those located on the outskirts of the city, as well as more distant ones - in neighboring Tuscany and Umbria.

Neighborhoods of Rome, what to see

1. Appian Way

Its other name, in Italian style, is Via Appia Antica. This ancient transport route was once the main road of the ancient Roman Empire. Today it has been turned into a regional park - Parco Regionale Dell "Appia Antica. In the park, not only the ancient catacombs of San Callisto (St. Callisto - the famous burial tunnel of Rome), the remains of defensive structures, but also the road itself, ancient churches and acropolises have been preserved.

To get here from Rome, you need to take a bus (the Appian Way stop is on city route No. 118, the bus stops at the Colosseum and Circus metro stations, and passes through most of the city’s historical attractions). This will take you close to the catacombs. From here it is worth starting a walking or cycling route to get acquainted with the ancient road, which has survived to this day.

We recommend having lunch and a little rest on the same Via Appia Antica, in the restaurant “Cecilia Metella” (Italian: Cecilia Metella) - sit in the courtyard, listen to the silence, enjoy something delicious from the local cuisine. As you know, Sunday is the best day to visit this interesting place in the vicinity of Rome, since the part of the Appian Way is closed to traffic on weekends.

Restaurant opening hours: 12:30 - 15:00, 19:30 - 22:00. Address: Via Appia Antica, 125/127/129, 00178 Rome, Italy, tel. +39 06 512 6769.

2. Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica

Many of us believe that the Vatican (see Historical places of Italy) is part of the great Rome, but in fact it is a completely independent state, the territory of which is located within the city. The Vatican is definitely worth visiting as part of your stay in Rome. Among the objects of this state that are worth seeing are St. Peter's Square and the Basilica (Italian: Basilica di San Pietro), i.e. the cathedral, the famous Sistine Chapel and the extensive complex of Vatican museums, the collections of which were collected by the highest spiritual fathers of the Catholic Church.

To get to know the Vatican, you should set aside at least half a day. Every day in St. Peter's Basilica, Sacramento Chapel, Mass begins at 8:30 am and continues until 4:45 pm, ending with the Eucharistic blessing.

Cathedral opening hours: 7:00 - 18:30. Address: Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Città del Vaticano, Vatican City, tel. +39 06 6988 3731.

The Vatican Museums are open every day except Sunday, opening hours: 9:00 - 16:00. Address: Viale Vaticano, 00165 Roma, Italy, tel. +39 06 6988 3332.

3. Tivoli and its famous villas

The city of Tivoli also belongs to the Lazio region, like Rome. It’s quite easy to find it on the map - look at the thin blue line indicating the Anio River (another name is Aniene, the left tributary of the Tiber) where Tivoli is located. Getting here is also quite simple - the distance from Rome is 24 km, you need to move northeast from the capital of Italy.

You need to come here for at least two days, or better yet three, to see the main attractions of the city:

  • Villa Adriana (Italian: Villa Adriana - belonged to the ancient Roman Emperor Hadrian), covers an area of ​​more than 120 hectares, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. From the center of Tivoli you can get to the villa by local bus (distance 6 km). Visiting hours are daily, 9:00 - 17:30. Address: Largo Marguerite Yourcenar, 1, 00010 Tivoli RM, Italy, Tel. +39 0774 530203.
  • Villa d'Este (Italian: Villa d'Este, built in the 16th century) and its fantastic Renaissance fountains. Visiting hours: daily except Mondays, 8:30 - 18:30. Address: Piazza Trento, 5, 00019 Tivoli RM , Italy, tel. +39 0774 312070.
  • Gregorian Villa (Italian: Villa Gregoriana - named after Pope Gregory XVI). A wonderful example of a man-made romantic estate with a garden, waterfalls (one of them is about 120 m high), glamorous grottoes, unexpected cliffs, steep and narrow paths, beautiful alleys. Address: Largo Sant'Angelo, 00019 Tivoli RM, Italy, tel. +39 0774 332650.
  • The castle of Pope Pius II (Italian: Rocca Pia) is a symbol of the constancy of papal power. Address: Vicolo Barchetto, 00019 Tivoli RM, Italy, Tel. +39 0774 313536.

The easiest way to get to Tivoli is by train from the railway station. Tiburtina station (Italian: Tiburtina), from where high-speed trains run. express trains, or by bus.

4. Ostia - the main harbor of ancient Rome

The ancient Roman port city of Ostia Antica is also part of the outskirts of Rome, it is located at the mouth of the Tiber River. From those great times, only ruins remain, but the visit is worth it. You should set aside a few hours to get acquainted - wander through the old streets, look into the original miraculously preserved dwellings, see with your own eyes this huge historical complex with an ancient theater, residential buildings, gardens, baths, which is somewhat reminiscent of ancient Pompeii, buried under the ashes of Vesuvius.

The undoubted advantage of Ostia is the small number of visitors (few people know such attractions), which provides a pleasant opportunity to enjoy what you see slowly and with pleasure. Getting to the historical site is quite simple - you need to use the Roman metro: take line B to the station Piramide or Magliana, address: Via Castelrosso, Rome, Italy, and from there take the train in the direction of Ostia Lido (Ostia Lido, or Lido di Roma, or Lido di Ostia).

5. Tarquinia - Etruscan tombs and museum

Tarquinia (Italian: Tarquinia) is a small commune in the Lazio region (province of Viterbo), located on the banks of the Martha River, in the vicinity of Rome. Approximately 16 thousand people live here. Outside of Italy, the small town is known for the Etruscan tombs that were discovered in its surroundings and for the interesting Etruscan museum. The city is also notable for its preserved medieval center and cathedral, decorated with frescoes dating back to 1508 AD.

Tarquinia can be reached by train in about one hour, on the Rome-Ventimiglia route. Trains depart from Ostiense Station (Roma Ostiense), located in Piazzale dei Partigiani, Ostiense quarter, near Porta San Paolo. But if you live near the railway. Termini station, then you can go to Tarquinia from there.

6. Orvieto, Umbria

An impressive city in Umbria, the “green heart” of Italy, Orvieto sits on top of a huge tuff rock and is literally surrounded by greenery. The Etruscans lived in these places for a very long time and left behind a thousand-year history. Orvieto will feature impressive museums, historical monuments, a stunning cathedral (Duomo), decorated with a mosaic facade (it is considered one of the most beautiful medieval monuments preserved in Italy).

In addition to its interesting historical past, in the glorious town of green Umbria you can visit many shops, colorful restaurants, and try delicious local cuisine. Getting to Orvieto is very easy - by train (from Termini station), it will take a little over an hour from Rome. From the railway From Orvieto station there is a local funicular (Italian: Funicolare Bracci), connecting the station and the lower part of the city with the medieval buildings on the mountain.

By car, you should go to the city along the A1 highway (Milan - Bologna - Florence - Rome - Naples), it passes not far from Orvieto.

7. Sabina Hills

The rural region, which has the pleasant name Sabine (lat. Sabinium), or in other words - Sabine Hills (Sabine Hills) is located in the center of Italy. These are ancient territories that once bordered Lazio in the south, Picenum in the east, were separated from Umbria in the north by the Nera River, and in the west, from Etruria, by the Tiber River. Sabina Hills is simply dotted with medieval towns and well-preserved castles.

To explore its most interesting surroundings, you need to have at least one day, take the train going from Rome to Fara in Sabina, the journey will take less than an hour. During your organized excursion, be sure to take an interest in the local culinary delights and buy several bottles of excellent olive oil.

8. City of Frascati and Castelli Romani

Frascati (Italian: Frascati) is a wonderful place in the hills 21 km from Rome. Its fame is associated with the good reputation of local white wine and the black (papal) nobility of the 16th - 17th centuries, who had their country residences here. The area on which the city is built is part of the relief terrain of the Alban Hills and at the same time - the “habitat” of ancient medieval cities and castles, they are called Castelli Romani.

The landscapes around the town are decorated with mountains and lakes; in the local valleys and hills, rich Romans had country houses for many centuries! Prominent representatives of medieval historical building patterns are the communes of Grottaferrata Marino (Italian Grottaferrata e Marino) and Castel Gandolfo ((Italian Castel Gandolfo, the summer residence of the Pope is hidden here), which you should definitely visit. Each of them should be allocated at least one day for travel and exploration, all these cities can also be easily reached by train from Rome, or by regular bus.

Neighborhoods of Rome: unusual sights