Bananas in crispy batter. Delicious fried bananas in batter (just like in a Chinese restaurant) Fried bananas in batter

. Bananas in batter is a fruit dessert.
You can also fry apples and pears (soft varieties) or pineapple in batter. Perhaps lovers of healthy eating will say that this is not healthy, but we are not saying that you need to prepare such a dessert often! Only sometimes will such a serving of fruit slightly update your menu and that’s all.
In China, fruit batter is made from rice flour with the addition of mineral water. In Asia, just like here, there are various recipes for making fruit batter. The batter in this recipe includes coconut and sesame seeds. So, bananas in batter!

Bananas in batter


  • 2 ripe bananas (sweet ones with dark spots on the skin)
  • 3 tbsp coconut flakes (1 pack 20 g)
  • 1.5 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 3/4 cup rice or wheat flour
  • 1-2 tbsp sugar (optional)
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 glass of water (can be sparkling mineral water)
  • vegetable oil (peanut oil will taste best)

Bananas in batter recipe

You can take rice and wheat flour in a 1:1 ratio. If you make batter from wheat flour, it is better to add an egg and milk instead of water, then the batter will turn out the most delicious. You can make a very simple batter - from rice flour and sparkling mineral water.

How to make fried bananas

First, prepare a delicious batter:

Mix flour with sugar.

Mix flour with sugar

Add coconut flakes, sesame seeds, salt, baking powder.

Add the rest of the ingredients

Knead the dough in water. The consistency of the batter should be like thick sour cream. If you want a thicker layer of batter, make the dough thicker by adding flour, and vice versa, if it is a thin layer, add water.

Knead the dough

Cut the bananas in half and each half into thin slices.

Slice bananas into thin slices

Heat vegetable oil in a small saucepan. You can add a little peanut or sesame oil to it for flavor. We first prepare a dish on which you need to put 2 layers of paper napkins or a paper towel to lay out the finished bananas.

Using long tongs, take a banana slice and dip it in the batter.

Dip banana in batter

Carefully lower into the oil.

Heat the vegetable oil

Fry until golden brown.

Hi all. When you want something tasty and unusual - fried bananas in batter, a simple and best option, see the recipe with photos below.

The batter recipe is incredibly simple - milk, flour, eggs. A creamy batter, similar to pancake batter, is mixed and the food is dipped into it just before deep-frying. The products can be very diverse: vegetables, fish, meat, and, of course, fresh fruits.

Fried bananas in batter, deep-fried, are obtained in a beautiful, appetizing crust, and the thickness of such a crust depends on how thick the dough is.

Frying in batter is an ingeniously simple and amazing invention of resourceful cooks. After all, products fried in this wonderful composition retain their shape and juiciness intact, and most importantly, their natural taste. Just take a look at these dishes:

Try these recipes and you will definitely fall in love with deep fried food.

Battered bananas are not the only fruit that works for this recipe. Of course, you can replace it with an apple, a pear, etc., but still, a fried banana in batter, in my opinion, is just a royal delicacy, despite the fact that it contains so many beneficial microorganisms, which our body needs so much.

The dish, fried bananas in batter, is also good because bananas are quite accessible, they are sold in stores all year round, and their price is quite reasonable.

This dish is prepared in a matter of minutes, but... it will ruthlessly win the hearts of your guests, and children will generally be delighted with this wonderful delicacy.

Serve fried bananas in batter, you can, with air, with honey, you can pour liquid chocolate on them, decorate with nuts, for example, most often, I generously sprinkle fried bananas in batter, powdered sugar, and my kids just squeal with pleasure from so yummy.

The dessert turns out to be quite satisfying and looks presentable.

Fried bananas in batter are perfect for a complete and nutritious breakfast - I advise you to bookmark the recipe so as not to lose it.

P.S. And here look at a convenient budget option for dinner: "" - for a quick meal when there is a minimum of food in the refrigerator.

Well, now let's look.

Deliciously prepared food is a source of pleasure. But we don’t always pay due attention and time to desserts in everyday life. Most often, we just drink after a hearty dinner and that’s where the sweet ends. Despite our busy schedule and busy schedule, we can always find a couple of minutes to master a new recipe and please our family and friends with it, who will be very grateful for any innovation in the home menu, especially something like battered banana. Let's try to prepare this unusual dish for our cuisine.

Classic recipe “Banana in batter”

We will need fresh ripe but not overripe bananas and ingredients for the batter: one glass of flour, 1-2 eggs, one tablespoon of sugar, one packet of baking powder, one tablespoon of milk. First, mix the egg with sugar, then add milk and sifted flour with baking powder. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Cut the banana into medium-thick slices. Dip them in batter and place them in a frying pan with preheated butter, or you can use margarine. Fry the slices on both sides for 1-2 minutes until slightly golden brown. It is important not to overcook them as they may burn due to the sugar. This is the basis of the Banana in Batter recipe. You can also add vanilla sugar or cinnamon to improve the taste. And before serving the dish, you can pour a thin stream of raspberry or strawberry syrup over the bananas.

Banana in batter in Thai style

This is one of the variations of preparing such a dish. The main difference lies in the ingredients that make up the batter. For it, we need to mix one and a half glasses of flour with half a glass of sugar, add the same amount of coconut flakes, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds and 1.5 teaspoons of soda, previously mixed in a glass of lukewarm boiled water. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Bananas are not cut into circles, but in half lengthwise and crosswise several times. Oblong slices are obtained. Next, pour sunflower oil into a saucepan or deep frying pan and heat it up. Then dip the battered slices into the oil. It is important that they are completely covered with it. Fry until light brown. Remove the finished bananas with a slotted spoon and place them on dry paper towels to absorb excess oil. The dish for this recipe is shown in the photo. Thai battered bananas are a great addition to your dinner.

What to serve this dessert with?

Chocolate goes great with bananas. A slab of dairy or dark sweet product must be melted in a water bath and beautifully poured over the ready-made bananas before serving. Can be served separately from the fruit in a small deep plate. Then the banana slices will need to be dipped into the melted chocolate mixture. As a decoration, ice cream is often used, which is laid out in balls on battered bananas. In any case, no matter how you serve the dish, it will diversify your diet. And if there are small children in the house, this delicacy will become one of your favorites. I hope you find it easy to prepare this sweet treat. Bon appetit!

Fried bananas in batter is a dessert that absolutely everyone will like. They cook quickly and are eaten even faster. Delicate creamy flesh goes well with a crispy fried crust. This is a very simple recipe, suitable for middle-aged children learning to cook.
You can replace corn flour with rice flour or use coarse wheat flour. It is best to take bananas slightly unripe, then they will better retain their shape during heat treatment.

Taste Info Berries and fruits


  • Corn flour – 200 g;
  • Finely ground wheat flour – 200 g;
  • Baking powder or baking powder - 1 tbsp;
  • Cow's milk – 140 ml;
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • White sesame seeds – 2 tbsp;
  • Table salt – 1/5 tsp;
  • White or brown sugar - 4 tbsp;
  • Mid-ripening bananas – 6 pcs.;
  • Flour – for breading;
  • Vegetable oil must be refined - for frying.

Cooking time is approximately 35 minutes.
The recipe makes 6 servings.

How to cook bananas in batter

Pour corn and wheat flour into a deep bowl. Add all bulk ingredients - baking powder, sugar, table salt and white sesame seeds. Stir until all ingredients are evenly distributed.

Gently fold in the eggs.

Pour in the milk; it should be at room temperature.

Beat everything with a whisk or blender. The resulting batter should be thick, like sour cream. If it is too thick, then add more milk, if it is liquid, then add wheat flour. Please note the correct consistency of the dough in the photo.

Peel the bananas and cut into 5-8 centimeter pieces. Place them on wooden skewers and roll them in flour. If the fruits are already ripe, then you can do without sticks, just cut the fruit smaller, and you will get small donuts with a soft filling.

While twisting the stick, dip the banana into the prepared batter. Immediately add vegetable oil to a deep frying pan. Gently roll the banana on a stick in the oil to get a smooth and beautiful surface. For greater convenience, you can use a non-stick pan or deep fryer.

Frying a whole banana in batter is a little more difficult, since the pan size is larger and, accordingly, more oil will be required. This idea is impractical, but you can experiment if you wish.

Bananas are served in batter with any jam, liquid honey, maple syrup, or simply sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Using a similar technology, you can prepare a vegetarian dessert, without eggs and milk. Mix any wholemeal flour and carbonated table mineral water in equal proportions. Add sugar, ground cinnamon and sea salt to the dough to taste. Let the batter sit for a while until the gluten forms. Now you can fry slices of bananas or any other fruit in the same way.
When cooking in batter, use only fresh, refined oil each time. When heated, it gradually becomes first useless and then harmful to health. Be sure to set the finished products aside on a paper towel to remove excess fat and let the filling cool slightly.
You can also make the dough a little thicker and bake banana slices in batter in the oven. If you take whole grain flour, you will get not only a tasty, but also an absolutely harmless dessert that meets the principles of a healthy diet.
Children eat this wonderful dessert with great pleasure. It can be prepared for a holiday table, or for a snack at school.

In batter, they are very common and revered in eastern countries.

Simple recipes for preparing bananas in batter allow you to get an excellent dessert, where heat treatment transforms the structure of the banana into cream, and the batter helps to obtain a sweet, crispy crust.

Serve it with creamy ice cream or custard and sprinkle with chocolate chips and nuts to create a delicious restaurant-quality dessert.

Below in our recipes we will look at how to properly prepare bananas in batter.

Fried bananas in batter - a simple recipe


  • ripe bananas – 3-4 pcs.;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • flour - approximately 200 g;
  • turmeric – 1/3 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon – 1/2 teaspoon;
  • powdered sugar for dusting;
  • vegetable oil.


First of all, let's prepare the batter. Pour milk into a bowl, add turmeric and cinnamon and, gradually adding sifted flour, make the batter with a consistency like thick sour cream.

Now peel the bananas and cut them into rings about one centimeter thick. Pour vegetable oil into a small frying pan about three centimeters thick and heat it very well. Dip each banana slice thoroughly in batter and plunge into bubbling oil. Fry until browned on all sides and remove to a napkin or paper towel until completely cooled, dabbing the oil on top if desired.

Sprinkle the cooled batter-fried bananas with powdered sugar and serve.

Bananas in batter and caramel with sesame seeds


  • ripe bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 35 ml;
  • flour – 90 g;
  • starch – 60 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • refined vegetable oil – 320 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 75 g;
  • sesame seeds – 15 g;


To prepare the batter, beat the egg with a fork or whisk, add water and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Then add starch, sifted flour and mix thoroughly until the flour lumps disappear.

Peel the bananas and cut them into slices one centimeter thick.

Pour vegetable oil into a small frying pan or saucepan and heat to a boil. First dip the banana pieces into the prepared batter and immediately plunge into the bubbling oil. Cook until golden brown on all sides and remove to a paper towel or napkin.

Pour one tablespoon of vegetable oil into another frying pan, add granulated sugar, add a little water and fry, stirring continuously, until caramel color.

Dip each piece of batter-fried and slightly cooled banana in the prepared caramel, place on a plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bananas in Chinese batter


  • ripe bananas – 3 pcs.;
  • roasted sesame seeds - to taste;
  • liquid - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil;

For the batter:

  • milk – 150 ml;
  • flour – 200 g;
  • baking powder – 12 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 6 g;
  • powdered sugar – 12 g;
  • salt - a pinch.


For the batter, beat the egg with powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and salt until fluffy. At the end of whipping, add milk. Gradually adding sifted flour, make a dough whose consistency will resemble thick sour cream.

Pour refined vegetable oil into a small saucepan with a thick bottom or a small frying pan in a three-centimeter layer and heat it well.

Now, one by one, dip each banana slice in the prepared batter so as to completely cover the fruit, and immerse it in boiling oil. Brown the bananas in the batter on all sides and remove to a napkin or paper towel. When the fat is absorbed, transfer the pieces to a dish, pour over liquid honey and crush with fried sesame seeds.