Уинстон Черчилль: цитаты, афоризмы на английском с переводом. Уинстон черчилль краткая биография Оценка по биографии

Уинстон Черчилль краткая биография премьер-министра, политического и государственного деятеля Великобритании изложена в этой статье.

Уинстон Черчилль краткая биография

Родился 30 ноября 1874 года в Бленхейме, графство Оксфордшир в состоятельной и влиятельной семье. До 8 лет его воспитанием занималась няня, а потом он обучался в школе в Барайтоне.

Черчилль обучался в престижной школе Хэрроу, где получил отличные навыки в фехтовании. В возрасте 19 лет он поступил в Сандхерстский Королевский военный колледж, после окончания которого отправился служить в Южную Индию.

Недолго он проходил военную службу в гусарском полку – его отправили на Кубу. Там Уинстон был военным корреспондентом, печатал статьи. Затем отправился на военную операцию по подавлению восстания пуштунских племен. По окончанию военных действий вышла книга Черчилля «История Малакандского полевого корпуса». Следующей кампанией, в которой принял участие Черчилль, стало подавление восстания в Судане.

Когда Черчилль уходил в отставку, его знали как превосходного журналиста. В 1899 году он неудачно баллотировался в парламент. Затем, участвуя в англо-бурской войне, попал плен, но смог бежать из лагеря.

В 1900 году был избран в Палату общин от консерваторов. Тогда же вышел роман Черчилля – «Саврола». В декабре 1905 года, если рассматривать краткую биографию Черчилля, им была занята должность заместителя министра по делам колоний.

В 1908 году Черчилль знакомится со своей будущей супругой – Клементиной Хоузьер. В этом же году они обвенчались, и впоследствии у четы было пять детей.

В 1910 году он стал министром внутренних дел, а в 1911 – Первым Лордом адмиралтейства. В 1919 году он получает должность военного министра и министра авиации. В 1920-е годы Черчилль работает в основном в парламенте, занимая различные должности, и увлекается живописью. В 1924 году снова вошел в Палату общин. В том же году стал Канцлером казначейства. После выборов 1931 года основал в составе консервативной партии свою фракцию.

Премьер-министром Великобритании Черчилль избирался два раза. Первый раз в возрасте 65 лет, а второй раз в возрасте 77 лет, когда в 1952 году власть возвращается к консерваторам. Во время его пребывания на посту премьер-министра, в 1941 году Великобритания подписала с СССР соглашение о совместных действиях против фашистской Германии. Затем была подписана Атлантическая хартия с США, к которой позже присоединился и Советский Союз. В 1953 году сама королева Елизавета удостоила политика рыцарским титулом, и он стал сером Уинстоном Черчиллем. Тогда же он удостоился Нобелевской премии в области литературы.

Премьер-министр, политический и государственный деятель Великобритании, лауреат Нобелевской премии, писатель. Родился Уинстон Черчилль 30 ноября 1874 года в Бленхейме, графство Оксфордшир в состоятельной и влиятельной семье. До восьми лет в биографии Уинстона Черчилля его воспитанием занималась няня. А затем его отдали учиться в школу Сент-Джордж, позже перевели в школу в Барайтоне. Черчилль обучался в школе Хэрроу, где кроме знаний получил отличные навыки в фехтовании. А в 1893 году стал учиться в Королевском военном училище, по окончанию которого получил звание младшего лейтенанта. Недолго в биографии Черчилля проходила военная служба в гусарском полку - его отправили на Кубу. Там Уинстон был военным корреспондентом, печатал статьи. Затем отправился на военную операцию по подавлению восстания пуштунских племен. По окончанию военных действий вышла книга Черчилля «История Малакандского полевого корпуса». Следующей кампанией, в которой принял участие Черчилль, стало подавление восстания в Судане. На момент ухода в отставку биография Уинстона Черчилля была известна как превосходного журналиста. В 1899 году он неудачно баллотировался в парламент. Затем, участвуя в англо-бурской войне, попал плен, но смог бежать из лагеря. В 1900 году был избран в Палату общин от консерваторов. Тогда же вышел роман Черчилля - «Саврола». В декабре 1905 года, если рассматривать краткую биографию Черчилля, им была занята должность заместителя министра по делам колоний. В 1910 году он стал министром внутренних дел, а в 1911 - Первым Лордом адмиралтейства. После Первой мировой войны стал Министром вооружений, затем авиации и военным министром. В 1924 году снова вошел в Палату общин. В том же году стал Канцлером казначейства. После выборов 1931 года основал в составе консервативной партии свою фракцию. 10 мая 1940 года Черчилль занял пост премьер-министра (оставался в должности до июля 1945). Сам занял должность министра обороны, чтобы руководить всеми военными действиями. В 1951 году в биографии Черчилля снова был занят пост премьер-министра. В должности он оставался до апреля 1955. Скончался Черчилль 24 января 1964 года.

Winston Churchill Essay, Research Paper

Winston Churchill was born on November 30, 1874, at Blenheim Palace, the famous palace near Oxford that was built by the nation for John Churchill, the first duke of Marlborough. Blenheim meant a lot to Winston Churchill. It was there that he became engaged to his wife, Clementine Ogilvy Hozier. He later wrote his historical masterpiece, The Life and Times of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough. With English on his father’s side and American on his mother’s, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill expressed the national qualities of both his parents. His name proves the richness of his historic background: Winston, after the Royalist family, who the Churchill’s married before the English Civil War; Leonard, after his remarkable grandfather, Leonard Jerome of New York; Spencer, the married name of a daughter of the first duke of Marlborough, from who the family descended; Churchill, the family name of the first duke, which his descendants maintained after the Battle of Waterloo. All these strands come together in a career that had no resemblance in British history for richness, length, and achievement. Churchill took a leading part in laying the foundations of the welfare state in Britain, in preparing the Royal Navy for World War I, and in settling the political boundaries in the Middle East after the war. In World War II he began as the leader of the United British Nation and Commonwealth to resist the German domination of Europe, as an inspirer of the resistance among free people, and as a prime architect of victory. In this, and in the struggle against communism later, he made himself an essential link between the British and American people, for he saw that the best defense for the free world was for the English-speaking people to come together. (Down 133).

Strongly historically minded, he also had predictive foresight: British-American unity was the message of his last great book, A History of the English-speaking Peoples. He was a combination of a soldier, writer, artist, and statesman. He was not so good as a party politician. He stands out not only as a great man of action, but as a writer of it too. He was a genius; as a man he was charming, happy, and enthusiastic. As for personal faults, he was bound to be a great egoist; so strong a personality was likely to be overbearing.

He was something of a gambler, always too willing to take risks. In his earlier career, people thought him of unbalanced judgment partly from the very excess of his energies and gifts. That is the worst that can be said of him

We know all there is to know about him; there was no disguise. His father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was a younger son of the seventh duke of Marlborough. His mother was Jennie Jerome; and as her mother, Clara Hall, was one-quarter Iroquois, Sir Winston had an Indian strain in him. Lord Randolph, a brilliant Conservative leader who had been chancellor of the exchequer in his 30’s, died when he was only 46, after ruining his career. His son wrote that one could not grow up in that household without realizing that there had been a disaster in the background. It was an early spur to him to try to make up for his gifted father’s failure, not only in politics and in writing, but on the turf.

Young Winston, though the grandson of a duke, had to make his own way in the world, earning his living by his mouth and his pen. In this he had the leadership of his mother, who was always courageous and fearless. Rejoining his regiment, he was sent to serve in India. Here, besides his addiction to polo, he went on seriously with his

education, which in his case was mostly self-education. His mother sent him boxes of books, and Churchill absorbed the whole of Gibbon and Macaulay, and a lot of Darwin.

The influence of these authors is noticed through all his writings and in his way of looking at things. The influence of Darwin is distinct in his philosophy of life: that all life is a struggle, the chances of survival favor the fittest, chance is a great element in the game, and the game is to be played with courage, and every moment is to be enjoyed to the full. This philosophy served him well throughout his long life.

In 1897 he served in the Indian army against the uneasy tribesmen of the North-West Frontier, and the next year his first book surfaced, The Story of the Malakand Field Force. He entertained himself by writing a novel, Savrola, which curiously anticipates later developments in history, war, and in his own mind. On the outbreak of the South African War in 1899, he went out as war correspondent for the London Morning Post. Within a month of his arrival, he was captured when acting more as a soldier than as a journalist, by the Boer officer Louis Botha, who became the first prime minister of the Union of South Africa, and a trusted friend.

After being taken to prison camp in Pretoria, Churchill made a dramatic escape and traveled back to the fighting front in Natal. His escape made him world-famous overnight. He described his experiences in a couple of journalistic books and made a first lecture tour in the United States. The proceeds from the tour enabled him to enter Parliament.

On Jan. 23, 1901, Churchill became member of Parliament for Oldham as a Conservative, but he had returned from South Africa sympathetic to the Boer cause, and

his army experiences had made him extremely critical of its command and administration, which he proceeded to attack all along. The tariff proposals of Joseph Chamberlain completed his alienation from the Conservative party, and in 1904 Churchill left the party to join the Liberals. In consequence, he was loathed by the Conservatives for years, and was unpopular with army authorities.

In 1906, he published the official biography, Lord Randolph, a first-class example of his lifelong talent in journalism. In this year, 1908, he married and “lived happily ever after.” During his marriage to Clementine Hozier, they had a son, Randolph, and three daughters, Diana, Sarah, and Mary. He took up painting as a hobby and a comfort, and he remained devoted to it for the rest of his life. His accomplishment in art should not be underestimated.

In 1916, he went back to the army, thoughtfully volunteering for active service on the western front, where he commanded the sixth Royal Scots Fusiliers. But his energy and ability could not be used, and Prime Minister Lloyd George called him back to become minister of munitions. Having lost his seat in Parliament in the 1922 elections, Churchill lived in the political wilderness for the next two years. After various attempts to form an anti-socialist group, he went back to the Conservative party in time to become chancellor of the exchequer in Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin’s.

He was not happy in this office not at ease with economic affairs. During the whole of this disastrous period of 1929-1939, Churchill was out of office. During these years of political frustration he wrote his major works: Marlborough, the first draft of A History of the English-speaking Peoples, a vivid and characteristic autobiography, My

Early Life, a revealing and expressive book, Thoughts and Adventures, and a volume of brilliant portrait sketches, Great Contemporaries. He also began to collect his speeches and newspaper articles warning the country of the rage to come.

On May 10, 1940, Churchill was called to supreme power and responsibility by an unpredictable rebellion of the best elements in all parties. He, almost alone of the nation’s political leaders, had had no part in the disaster of the 1930’s, and he really was chosen by the will of the nation. For the next five years, he held supreme command, as prime minister and minister of defense, in the nation’s war effort. At this point his life and career became one with Britain’s story and its survival. At first, until 1941, Britain fought alone. Churchill’s task was to inspire resistance at all costs, to organize the defense of the island, and to make it the elevation for a final return to the continent of Europe, whose liberation from Nazi tyranny he never doubted. He breathed a new spirit into the government and a new purpose into the nation. Upon becoming prime minister he told the Commons: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat: You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land, and air, with all our might. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory.”

Meanwhile he made himself the spokesman for these purposes among all free people, as he made Britain a home for all the faithful remains of the continental governments. These included the Free French, for Churchill had himself picked out Charles De Gaulle as “the man of destiny.” But Churchill’s personal relationship with President Franklin D. Roosevelt was Britain’s lifeline. Britain had lost most of its army equipment in the fall of France and during the evacuation of the British Expeditionary

Force from Dunkirk in June. Roosevelt rushed across the Atlantic with a supply of weapons that made a beginning.

On Oct. 26, 1951, at the age of 77, he again became prime minister, as well as minister of defense. As the Conservatives held a very small majority and Britain faced very difficult economic circumstances, only the old man’s willpower enabled his government to survive. He held on to see the young Queen Elizabeth II crowned at Westminster in June 1953, attending as a Knight of the Garter, an honor he had received a few weeks earlier. In 1953, also, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. On April 5, 1955, in his 80th year, he resigned as prime minister, but he continued to sit in Commons until July 1964. Churchill’s later years were relatively calm.

In 1958 the Royal Academy devoted its galleries to a retrospective one-man show of his work. On April 9, 1963, he received, by special act of the U.S. Congress, the unique honor of being made an honorary American citizen. When he died in London on Jan. 24, 1965, at the age of 90, he was acclaimed as a citizen of the world, and on January 30 he was given the funeral of a hero. He was buried at Bladon, in the little churchyard near Blenheim Palace, his birthplace.

Periods in Office :
May 10,1940 to July 27, 1945
October 26, 1951 to April 7, 1955 Political Party: Conservative

PM Predecessors : Neville Chamberlain, Clement Attlee
PM Successors : Clement Attlee, Anthony Eden
Date of Birth : November 30, 1874, Oxfordshire, England
Death : January 24, 1965, London, England

The Right Honourable Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, KG. ОМ. CH. FRS (November 30, 1874 - January 24, 1965) was a British politician, best known as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World War II. At various times an author, soldier, journalist, legislator and painter, Churchill is generally regarded as one of the most important leaders in British and world history.

Winston Churchill was born at Blenheim Palace, near Woodstock in Oxfordshire. Winston’s father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was a politician. Winston’s mother, Lady Randolph Churchill of Brooklyn, New York, was a daughter of American millionaire Leonard Jerome. As the son of a prominent politician, it was unsurprising that Churchill was soon drawn into politics himself.

He started speaking at a number of Conservative meetings in the 1890s. In the 1906 general election, Churchill won a seat in Manchester. He served as Under Secretary of State for the Colonies. Churchill soon became the most prominent member of the Government. At the outbreak of the Second World War Churchill was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. He was an early supporter of the pan-Europeanism that led to the formation of the European Common market and later the European Union (for which one of the three main buildings of the European Parliament is named in his honour).

Miscellany - In 1953 he was awarded two major honours. He was knighted and became Sir Winston Churchill and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature "for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values. He was named Time Magazine "Man of the Halt-Century" in the early 1950s. In 1959 Churchill inherited the title of Father of the House. He became the MP with the longest continuous service - since 1924.

Churchill College, a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, was founded in 1960 as the national and commonwealth memorial to Winston Churchill. Churchill was voted as "The Greatest Briton" in 2002 "100 Greatest Britons" poll sponsored by the BBC and voted for by the public.


KG - Knight of the Order of the Garter - кавалер ордена Подвязки

ОМ - Order of Merit - орден Достоинства

FRS - Fellow of the Royal Society - член Королевского общества

a legislator - законодатель

a seat - стать членом правительства

an Under-Secretary - заместитель генерального секретаря

at the outbreak of smth - начало чего-то, в начале чего-то

to be knighted - состоять в рыцарском звании; быть награжденным рыцарским званием

Winston Churchill was one of the greatest politicians of the last century. Apart from being a well-known public figure, Churchill was highly talented and even got a Noble prize in Literature in 1901.

Winston Churchill was born in 1874, Woodstick, in the aristocratic family of the Dukes. Young Churchill was taught at home firstly and then sent to St.George’s school. The boy was rebellious and obviously was not a good student. He continued his study at Harrow School for boys and then entered the Royal Military College at Sandhurst.

After Winston had graduated from college he began to travel as a soldier and as a journalist. He went to India in 1896 and wrote his first book there which told about his experience in India’s Northwest Frontier Province. After India Churchill was sent to South Africa and returned to England only in 1900.

As soon as he came back to England, Winston Churchill joined the House of Commons as a conservative. Several years later he became a liberal. During World War I he was the First Lord of the Admiralty and was responsible for the mobilization of the Fleet.

Later Churchill was Minister of Munitions and Minister of War. Churhill became Prime Minister soon after the outbreak of World War II. He was considered to be one of the greatest orators of all times who inspired the nation by his energy and insistence.

In 1953 Churchill was made a knight by Queen Elizabeth. The great politician died in 1965, one year after retiring from Parliament.


Уинстон Черчилль был одним из величайших политиков прошлого века. Помимо того, что он являлся известной публичной фигурой, Черчилль также был очень талантлив и даже получил Нобелевскую премию в области литературы в 1901 году.

Уинстон Черчилль родился в 1874, в Вудстике, в аристократической семье герцогов. Юный Черчилль сначала обучался дома, а затем был послан в школу Святого Георга. Мальчик был бунтарем и очевидно не был хорошим учеником. Он продолжил свое обучение в школе для мальчиков, а затем поступил в Королевскую Военную академию в Сандхерсте.

После окончания академии Уинстон начал путешествовать в качестве солдата и журналиста. В 1896 году он был в Индии, где написал свою первую книгу о своем нахождении там. После Индии Черчилль был отправлен в Южную Африку и вернулся в Англию лишь в 1900.

Как только он вернулся в Англию, Уинстон Черчилль стал членом консервативной партии в Палате Общин. Несколькими годами позже он перешел на сторону либералов. Во время первой Мировой Войны он был первым Лордом Адмиралтейства и был ответственным за мобилизацию флота.

Позднее Черчилль стал министром по поставкам снаряжения и военным министром. Черчилль стал Премьер-министром вскоре после начала второй Мировой Войны. Он считался одним из величайших ораторов всех времен, который вдохновлял народ своей энергией и упорством.

В 1953 году Черчилль был посвящен в рыцари королевой Елизаветой. Великий политик умер в 1965 году, через год после своего ухода в отставку.

Слова и выражения:

Apart from – кроме, помимо

Duke – герцог

Rebellious – непослушный, мятежный, бунтарский

House of Commons – Палата Общин (Парламент)

Fleet – флот

Munitions – боевые припасы, снаряжение

Outbreak – начало

To retire –уйти в отставку/на пенсию