The meaning of the shining name Zaur is destiny, career, character and family. Origin and character of the name Zaur Zaurbek name of what nationality

Záur (Zaza) Pachulia (Georgian: ზაურ (ზაზა) ფაჩულია; born February 10, 1984, Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, USSR) - Georgian professional basketball player
  • Kaloev, Zaur Grigorievich
    Zaur Grigorievich Kaloev (March 24, 1931, Tiflis (now Tbilisi) - December 23, 1997, ibid.) - Soviet football player. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1963)
  • Kadyrova, Zaure Zhusupovna
    Kadyrova Zaure Zhusupovna was born on November 23, 1940 in the village of Saryzhaz. Married to Atkeshev Zhumagali Saidenovich, two children: Danara (born 1973), Aigul
  • Makharadze, Zauri Anzorievich
    Zauri Anzorovich Makharadze (Ukrainian: Makharadze Zauri Anzorovich; March 24, 1993, Balta, Odessa region, Ukraine) - Ukrainian and Georgian football player
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    Zaur Umarovich Sadaev (November 6, 1989, Shali, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR) is a Russian football player, forward of the Ankaragucu club. Pupil of Grozny
  • Tedeev, Zaur Eduardovich
    2017 director of the youth football club Bars director Zaur Eduardovich Tedeev (September 18, 1981) - Russian football player and coach, played as a midfielder
  • Khapov, Zaur Zalimbievich
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    Zaur Gubadovich Tagizade (Azerbaijani: Zaur Tağızadə; February 21, 1979, Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, USSR) - Azerbaijani football player, midfielder. Professional
  • Mamedov, Zaur
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    Russian Championship among adults and immediately won first place. After that, Zaur turned professional. Having considered numerous proposals from various
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  • This male name has gained especially wide popularity in the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia. The meaning of the name Zaur has several interpretations, but always personifies a courageous and courageous person.

    Parents who decide to name their son this way should remember that the meaning of the name Zaur for a boy is very, very great. In the future, this person will achieve everything on his own and will certainly reach the very top in his position and chosen business. You can always rely on him, he will never betray or let you down, he will always stand up for the weak.

    Knowing exactly the meaning of the name Zaur for a child, parents will have to come to terms with the fact that the boy will have a rather hot-tempered and irritable character.

    He is not always ready to admit that he is wrong and is able to defend his point of view literally to the last, which often creates dead-end situations. However, the interpretation of the name gives great confidence that in general he will certainly be a bright and extraordinary person.


    In adulthood, Zaur turns into a brutal man who is fully responsible for his words and actions. It is this quality that primarily attracts the fairer sex to him. Women on a subconscious level feel in him a strong and caring man, and therefore he is rarely alone in life.

    Moreover, love for him means mandatory marriage, a cozy nest and a bunch of kids. However, usually in his younger years, a guy is busy establishing a career and ensuring future well-being, so there is practically no time left for his personal life and Zaur gets married quite late.

    An ideal union with Alexandra, Elizabeth, Varvara and Catherine. Some disagreements may arise in an alliance with Albina, Bronislava, Tatyana, Alevtina.


    Before proposing and getting married, a man must make sure that his chosen one meets the high requirements, which he outlines very clearly. His wife must be visually attractive, well-educated, naturally intelligent and certainly educated.

    Despite the fact that such a high framework is of great importance to him, in family life Zaur turns out to be a real tyrant, demanding complete submission and impeccable loyalty. In turn, I am ready to offer all this and even more. He is a skilled provider, an excellent lover and simply a caring husband.

    The only drawback is his indifference to household chores and the arrangement of family comfort. At home he can only relax after a hard day. He places any household chores entirely on the shoulders of his beloved wife, while more than providing for the maintenance of the family.

    But Zaurchik simply adores guests, and friends are especially important to him. He is a hospitable host who is able to throw a party with numerous guests even without a special reason.

    Business and career

    Thanks to his perseverance and hard work, Zaur is able to make an amazing career. Among the specialties and professions that he is especially good at are a jeweler, an auto mechanic, a doctor and even an artist.

    The chosen business means a lot to a person, and therefore the fame of skill often precedes him, which is greatly facilitated by increased efficiency, activity and energy.

    Zaurchik is not without a share of risk; obeying a sudden impulse of the soul, he can get involved in a risky enterprise. Unfortunately, this man is rarely the favorite of fate, and therefore he has to pay in full for rash decisions and more than once in his life he has to start all over from the very beginning.

    Origin of the name Zaur

    Today there is no consensus on where exactly this name came from, but there are two most common versions. The history of the first says that its etymology refers to the Turkic peoples who once lived in the modern territory of Georgia, Ossetia, Mongolia and even China.

    According to this version, the origin of the name Zaur is connected with the meaning of the word “saurmag”. Over time, it lost the “magician” part and only “saur” remained, which means “strong warrior” or “black-armed warrior.”

    The secret of the name is hidden precisely in the last meaning. In ancient times, only noble men had a tattoo on their shoulder, which is why Zaur can be interpreted as a “king”.

    The second Arabic version claims that a man whose name is Zaur is “doomed” to absolute success in any business.

    Characteristics of the name Zaur

    Zaur’s character is distinguished by his strength; he is a courageous and resilient person who is not afraid of life’s obstacles and is always ready to stand up for his family.

    However, the characteristic of the name Zaur is such that communicating with it is fraught with serious difficulties. He can literally get angry over a trifle and start a scandal out of the blue.

    The owner of this name is willful, stubborn, but, of course, honest and decent in all respects. It is enough to find the right approach to the self-sufficient Saur and you can find a true friend for life.

    He hates being bossed around, and even with apparent equanimity in his soul, he can experience a whole storm of emotions, which one day can break through with a terrible hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path.

    It has its pros and cons. He is a prudent owner and is always ready for the unexpected. Unfortunately, a man tends to too persistently impose his point of view on others, which limits their freedom of choice. Disadvantages also include excessive stubbornness, some aggressiveness and the desire to keep everything under personal control.

    The mystery of the name

    • Stones - emerald, moonstone, sapphire, tiger's eye, zirconium.
    • The best colors are dark green and brown.
    • Lucky numbers – 22, 4, 18, 9.
    • Planet – Saturn, Mercury.
    • Metal – uranium, tin, silver.
    • Zodiac sign – Virgo.
    • Day of the week is Wednesday.
    • Name days are absent, but can be celebrated on the days of the angel Yuri.

    Famous people with the name Zaur

    • Zaur Sadaev is a Russian football player, a striker for the Israeli FC Beitar (Jerusalem).
    • Zaur Tutov (1951) – People’s Artist, singer.
    • Zaurbek Baysangurov (1985) – Russian boxer.
    • Zaur Khapov (1964) – football goalkeeper and coach.

    Name Zaur in different languages

    The translation of the name Zaur varies depending on the version of its origin. So from Georgian its meaning is translated as “black-armed”. It can be understood both figuratively (one who has a tattoo) and literally (a person who is not afraid of dirty work, hardworking or dark-skinned).

    But the way the name is translated from Arabic has a completely different interpretation. "Zakhoor" means "brilliant", "successful" and "famous". Among Muslims, the generally accepted translation is “brilliant”; in other languages ​​only the spelling differs:

    • in Chinese – 碌碌庸
    • in Japanese – ザウル

    Name forms

    • Full name: Zaur.
    • Derivatives – Zahur, Saur.
    • Diminutive - Zaurchik, Zurik, Zaurushka.
    • Declension of the name – Zauru, Zaurom, Zara.
    • Church in Orthodoxy - Yuri.

    Meaning: brilliant

    The meaning of the name Zaur - interpretation

    The Muslim name Zaur has several versions of origin - hence several translations: “dark”, “famous”, “sparkling”, “excellent”. One of the most popular interpretations is “strong warrior.” This name was previously given to men who were supposed to become real defenders and successful military men. Today it is chosen by parents who wish their child a life full of achievements and victories.

    Years later

    From an early age, Zaur is a little man you can rely on. He is a physically developed, active, but calm and uncapricious child. His parents are his authority, but he is not a very gentle child: he does not like excessive attention, and is indifferent to affection.

    He wants to spend time with peers - more with boys. It is almost impossible to catch Zaur cheating; he is always honest and open. He can become very stubborn when he defends his point of view, which he considers 100% correct.

    Such categoricalness sometimes negatively affects relationships with classmates. If Zaur becomes an informal leader in his class, then the conditional “subordinates” will experience all the negative traits of his character.

    During adolescence, a guy can become more hot-tempered and impulsive. It costs him nothing to be rude or shout. But those around you should be patient. If they begin to gently and carefully point out to Zaur that he is wrong, these corners of character will soften in the future.

    He can perform actions caused by pure emotions - it is quite normal for him to fight. It is important that during the transition period the young man does not fall under the influence of bad company. In such an environment, he will become a leader, not in the best sense of the word.

    The authority of the father is of great importance for getting out of a critical situation: if a strong, strong-willed and stable man is next to the guy, the period of searches and emotional outbursts will end happily.

    Calmer, but still somewhat explosive, over the years Zaur is an example of a confident, successful person who is resistant to the hardships of life. He will achieve excellent results where others have long given up. Sometimes tough in his statements, a man is still fair and protects the weak.

    He will not offend a woman, a child, or an elderly person, but he rarely saves other men - he believes that they can stand up for themselves. But he is ready to literally give his life for his friends - for him it is a matter of honor to help loved ones.

    Zaur does not have the simplest character, but you can always find a common language with him. You just have to remember that a man cannot stand lies, prevarications, or intrigues. He is ready to forgive any weakness and oversight if it is honestly told about it.

    Character of Zaur

    Responsibility, inner strength, reliability and perseverance in any situation - these are the traits that make this person a real fighter. He is active, constantly doing something. Zaur lying on the sofa with a can of beer is a picture from the realm of fantasy.

    He is not used to wasting his life, and inspires everyone else to achieve their goals. In the company of friends, he is a kind of motor, thanks to which the whole system moves. He is undemanding to life if there is no opportunity to improve conditions yet, but he is always careful.

    He can be too emotional and impulsive, which often frightens others. Although it won't do any real harm to anyone. Under the influence of emotions, he is able to make the wrong decision and destroy something that has been created for a long time.

    He often has to start everything from scratch - and he has only himself to blame for this. Doesn't really like humor and people who can make fun of him. He also doesn’t know how to laugh at himself, so he takes minor failures seriously.

    Fate of Zaur

    If Zaur is careful and does not try his luck, no serious consequences will happen in life. Such a man should completely refuse any risk - especially useless, not justified by the result or situation. You definitely need to learn to thank life and fate for the opportunities and chances that have arisen.

    and money

    and family

    and love


    and hobbies

    Career, business and money

    This person knows how to work and achieve his goals, he is always accompanied by success. Zaur will not be an ordinary subordinate and will always go all the way to the top. He can become a true master of his craft, whom clients will respect.

    He is quite capable of organizing his own business or making a dizzying career in sports. He always knows how to earn more money and provide for himself and his family.

    Marriage and family

    Zaur is very sensitive to his family and his home. He strives to build a real fortress in which every loved one can find protection and shelter.

    He loves his wife very much and simply adores his children. But it usually has nothing to do with everyday matters. He would rather get an extra mammoth than start nailing a shelf in the bathroom.

    Sex and love

    In sex, as in life, Zaur strives to be a winner. It is extremely important for him to impress his partner, so he puts her interests above all else. He has many fans and connections, but he saves all his tenderness and boundless adoration for that same girl.

    As soon as he meets her, he becomes an absolutely romantic and vulnerable creature. For his beloved, he is ready to get a star from the sky; he will never let her go even one step away from him. He becomes quite jealous, but if the chosen one does not give a reason, there will be no conflicts on this basis.


    This is a strong, healthy man who rarely suffers from illness. If Zaur falls ill with something, he delays the situation until a critical moment.

    He generally does not admit that he is capable of being weak and sickly. If a man is more attentive to visiting a doctor, he will not face any trouble until old age.

    Interests and hobbies

    Saur is attracted to men's hobbies, sports, active lifestyle, and gatherings with friends. He is ready to devote a lot of free time to these activities.

    Can easily change non-core activities, gaining new experience and impressions. For example, he is quite capable of traveling to several countries.

    The Georgian name is “black-handed”.

    Her nature is strict, her gaze is always sullen. He is courageous, loves to achieve everything himself, and can go ahead. Physically strong, ready to protect a weak person. Zaur is respected by everyone who knows him. He often achieves high mastery in his chosen specialty, becomes famous and authoritative, so that many strangers turn to him. Maybe a doctor, a circus performer, a singer. He is capable of becoming an indispensable car repairman or jeweler, whose products are wildly successful. His word is always firm. He will never let down anyone who trusted him. In communication he is sometimes quick-tempered and irritable; does not know how to admit that he is wrong. His character is not easy, and often causes many tense situations in life.

    “December” shows impulsiveness. It can explode when no one expects it. You need to communicate with him, armed with patience. He does not always understand jokes, sometimes (depending on his mood) he likes to argue in vain and vigorously prove his point of view on some unimportant issue. He takes everything too close to heart and reacts to events with excessive emotionality. Pragmatic, but at the same time loves to fantasize, to dream about the impossible. He is not deprived of friends, because he takes their problems just as close to his heart. He is especially able to make new acquaintances quickly. He has good intuition, he acutely senses falsehood, dishonesty, and insincerity. If Zaur catches his friends committing these sins, he may explode and say rude things. However, having cooled down, he is able to forgive everything. Difficult to influence, but knows how to listen to other people's opinions of older people. Doesn't like to do housework or raise children. These problems fall entirely on the wife's shoulders.

    He is very hospitable, but he also likes to visit on various holidays.

    “Noyabrsky” has an irrepressible character, is energetic, active, and cannot sit idle for an hour. Hot-tempered and impulsive; His middle name is very important for his character. Often he acts driven by a momentary impulse, risking committing rash acts. His life path is quite thorny, the blows of fate overtake him at the moment when he is already on the verge of success in life. But again and again he starts over and achieves his goal. When angry, he can be unrestrained, capable of sharp attacks and not only in verbal form, but he quickly cools down. Sometimes among friends he likes to argue over trifles, gets angry, and does not listen to the arguments of his interlocutor. At heart he is a sensitive and kind person who cares about everything. Often married twice, almost always the father of sons.

    The meaning of the name Zaur - interpretation

    The Muslim name Zaur has several versions of origin - hence several translations: “dark”, “famous”, “sparkling”, “excellent”. One of the most popular interpretations is “strong warrior.” This name was previously given to men who were supposed to become real defenders and successful military men. Today it is chosen by parents who wish their child a life full of achievements and victories.

    Years later

    From an early age, Zaur is a little man you can rely on. He is a physically developed, active, but calm and uncapricious child. His parents are his authority, but he is not a very gentle child: he does not like excessive attention, and is indifferent to affection.

    He wants to spend time with peers - more with boys. It is almost impossible to catch Zaur cheating; he is always honest and open. He can become very stubborn when he defends his point of view, which he considers 100% correct.

    Such categoricalness sometimes negatively affects relationships with classmates. If Zaur becomes an informal leader in his class, then the conditional “subordinates” will experience all the negative traits of his character.

    During adolescence, a guy can become more hot-tempered and impulsive. It costs him nothing to be rude or shout. But those around you should be patient. If they begin to gently and carefully point out to Zaur that he is wrong, these corners of character will soften in the future.

    He can perform actions caused by pure emotions - it is quite normal for him to fight. It is important that during the transition period the young man does not fall under the influence of bad company. In such an environment, he will become a leader, not in the best sense of the word.

    The authority of the father is of great importance for getting out of a critical situation: if a strong, strong-willed and stable man is next to the guy, the period of searches and emotional outbursts will end happily.

    Calmer, but still somewhat explosive, over the years Zaur is an example of a confident, successful person who is resistant to the hardships of life. He will achieve excellent results where others have long given up. Sometimes tough in his statements, a man is still fair and protects the weak.

    He will not offend a woman, a child, or an elderly person, but he rarely saves other men - he believes that they can stand up for themselves. But he is ready to literally give his life for his friends - for him it is a matter of honor to help loved ones.

    Zaur does not have the simplest character, but you can always find a common language with him. You just have to remember that a man cannot stand lies, prevarications, or intrigues. He is ready to forgive any weakness and oversight if it is honestly told about it.

    The meaning of the name Zaur, origin, character and fate of the name Zaur
    View a description of the name “Zaur”, its meaning and origin. Find out the fate and character of a person named “Zaur”.


    Meaning of the name Zaur

    Name meaning: Brilliant, Georgian king

    Origin of the name Zaur

    Such a popular name came to us from the Northern Caucasus and Transcaucasia, where it is quite widespread among these peoples. Translated from Georgian, the name Zaur means “black-handed”; in colloquial speech it is interpreted as “swarthy” and “one who takes on menial work.”

    What does the name Zaur mean and from what nationality do its origins come? The name Zaur is of Arabic and Turkic origin. The meaning of the name Zaur from Arabic is interpreted as “brilliant”, “shining”, “radiant” (star, diamond). Also as “recognized”, “famous” (a successful and successful person), “gifted”, “excellent” (endowed with special qualities). This name is widely used among Muslims. Zaur is often pronounced and written as Saur, but these are two separate names with different meanings, having their own versions of origin.

    Character of Zaur

    Men of Caucasian nationality are quick-tempered and slightly aggressive, and the name, as you know, also introduces its own individual qualities into a person’s character.

    A man named Zaur has a strict disposition, but is very reserved. He has strength, will and courage, he is able to protect not only himself, but also his family and friends. An independent nature, she achieves everything on her own, where necessary, she goes ahead. He accepts any outside help reluctantly and rarely; he prefers to help himself. Thanks to assertiveness and the ability to set the right goals, he reaches the top in his career. He is ready to do dirty work if he sees that it is important, but when they start telling him, he becomes stubborn, angry and refuses to continue. For this reason, the owner of the name Zaur strives for his own business.

    Zaur Kuramagomedov (Russian Greco-Roman wrestler)

    A leader by nature, he makes his own decisions and keeps his promises. A man of his word, he will never let anyone who trusted him. Despite his restraint, he can be quick-tempered during a conversation and can start a scandal, all because of his unwillingness to accept that he is wrong. The correct opinion is his only; other opinions simply do not exist for him; he rarely changes his decision, even if it is wrong.

    A person named Zaur has well-developed intuition; he is able to recognize the message coming from his interlocutor; sensing insincerity or deception, he will express dissatisfaction without hesitation.

    The meaning of the name Zaur largely depends on the month of birth. “Winter” Zaur is very impulsive, when communicating with him you need to be careful and ready to
    everything. Depending on his mood, he does not always understand jokes, he likes to impose his rightness even on small, not so important issues. He is emotional, takes everything too seriously, but thanks to these qualities he is not deprived of friends, because their problems do not leave him indifferent.

    “Autumn” Zaur is a person with irrepressible energy, initiative and inquisitive. Doesn't like to sit idle. Impulsivity and hot temper directly depend on the patronymic. Often acts rashly and spontaneously, which inevitably leads to failure. But he does not give up, having sorted out the mistakes, he begins his plan again. Despite his temper, he quickly calms down and forgives. At heart he is a very kind, sensitive and vulnerable person, whom the misfortune of others does not leave indifferent.

    What does the name Zaur tell?

    Among eastern names, Zaur is quite popular. A man named Zaur can be met in Georgia, Ossetia, and also in Russia.

    Its origin is Turkic, and the meaning of the name Zaur is “strong warrior” or “courageous fighter”. This name was given to boys who were destined to become a real conqueror and an invincible warrior. This name means that a person will never have an ordinary fate, he is destined for trials and glory.

    You can affectionately or abbreviately call him Zaurchik, Zarchik, Zaurik, Zarik, Zar. The name has Muslim roots, it has no foreign analogues, name days are not celebrated.

    What is his character and destiny?

    Zaur is strong, strict and courageous; everything masculine has been manifested in him since childhood. This boy achieves his goal firmly, goes ahead, does not know compromises. He is not playful, does not show affection to his parents, but at the same time he is not at all angry.

    Very honest and fair, he is ready to rush into any fight if he notices lies, injustice, or sees how the weak and defenseless are offended. A true friend takes friendship extremely seriously. He keeps his word, if he promised, he will certainly fulfill it, no matter what it costs him. Appreciates and respects only people who are endowed with similar qualities - honesty, courage, directness of character.

    It is not for nothing that the meaning of the name Zaur is “winner” and “strong warrior”. This is true. Zaur is very inclined towards sports; he feels the need for competition and rivalry.

    He can play sports very successfully, but not in team games, but in something individual. He is a winner, so if he chooses sports (especially martial arts) as a child, he will most likely become a champion.

    He is close to physical work, not intellectual, he does not like to solve puzzles and logical problems, his character is more direct. His profession may be associated with work that requires strength, for example, in construction.

    Zaur is respected by everyone - it is impossible not to respect him or take him lightly. Everyone knows that he doesn’t really like humor and doesn’t understand jokes, he takes everything literally. He never fusses, does not lie, does not pretend, does not tolerate hypocrisy.

    He hates it when they want to say one thing and say something else; he doesn’t understand subtexts and hints. For him, words are of great importance, he does not throw them around. This earns great respect from everyone around.

    But at the same time, Zaur knows how to have fun with everyone, loves to spend time with true friends and with his family. He values ​​family ties above all else and understands very well the power of the family.

    Among other things, Zaur has good taste and can be very talented in some types of art. For example, he can take up dancing, especially those that require great physical strength - classical ballet, folk dancing. Art will be an outlet for him, he is inclined to take it very seriously and can even become a celebrity, performing as part of a world-famous group.

    The man, whose name is Zaur, knows how to obey, which means that he is also a wise, demanding and strict leader. This person perfectly understands the essence of social relationships and roles, and if he is a subordinate, then he fulfills this role strictly and very responsibly.

    Having achieved growth and begun to manage a team, he will demonstrate the qualities necessary for a real leader. They will be a little afraid of him, but they will respect him and know that he is a good boss. Zaur does not run after money and will live like his family. If he is born into a family with wealth, then he himself will achieve a good financial position.

    He will never ask his parents for help; on the contrary, he will try to help them as early as possible. Born into a poor family, Zaur will live modestly, will not dream of money and will be able to provide himself and his family with everything they need.

    In love, a man whose name is Zaur is also serious and not in the mood for games. He has true masculine dignity, gallantry, responsibility, strength. He conquers fragile women who are looking for a warrior and protector.

    This man is not prone to romance, does not look for love adventures - he is committed to a strong family. A woman is looking for an intelligent, serious, real housewife, wife and mother. If there is something masculine in a woman, if she does not want children or is a career woman, he is completely uninterested in this.

    Meaning of the name Zaur

    The name Zaur has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Zaur is a Turkic name. The Turks occupied a large territory, including the modern territories of Ossetia, Georgia, China, Mongolia and many other states.

    In the Georgian language, the name Zaur may have appeared from “saurmag”, translated as “black hand”, “black-handed”, later only the first part remained, and “magician” was replaced by “bek”, “zhan”. In historical context, the name means "strong warrior". “Black” - from the color of the tattoo that was on the warrior’s hand. Only noble warriors could wear this insignia, so the name can also mean “Georgian king”, “king of the Georgians”.

    Later, with the loss of historical context, the name Zaur began to be interpreted as “black-handed,” which gave the name completely different shades. In a figurative sense, in colloquial speech it can be interpreted as “swarthy”, “tanned” or “hardworking”, “one who is not afraid of menial work”, i.e. difficult, hard work, unskilled labor. In Abkhazian this name is interpreted as “warrior”.

    According to the second version, the name Zaur has Arabic roots and has the meaning “brilliant” in various aspects. This is “sparkling”, “shining” (like a star), and “famous”, “famous” (one who is accompanied by success and good luck), and “excellent, wonderful” (possessing exceptional qualities, talents). The name Zaur is widely used among Muslims. Sometimes the name Zaur is pronounced and written as the name Saur, which has other versions of its origin.

    From the male name Zaur a female name was formed, which can sound differently among different peoples - Zaure, Zaurat, Zauresh.

    A man named Zaur is always reserved and strict. He is physically developed, which automatically gives him the image of a strong and strong-willed person. However, there is no aggression in Zaur, and he uses his strength solely for the purpose of helping the weaker.

    There are few people as worthy of trust as Zaur. He is guaranteed to fulfill all the promises he makes and keeps his word. Although the man is respected, they unanimously admit that communicating with him is not easy. Zaur's character is very complex. It happens that over a trifle he can flare up and become rude, but it is very difficult for a man to admit that he is wrong, even if in his heart he understands that he wronged the person in vain. Zaur, born in the winter months, has a particularly complex character. This man’s temper is complemented by emotionality and impulsiveness. Such a Zaur is capable of unexpected actions performed under the influence of emotions. He can argue over trifles and react inadequately to jokes. “Winter” pays too much attention to what is happening around him and takes it too close to his heart.

    Saur has the power to achieve noticeable career heights, becoming a recognized authority in his field. Most often, a man chooses to work as a jeweler, artist, doctor or car service technician. The fame of the quality of its services can spread very far, attracting clients from other cities. Zaur’s work is helped by his activity and energy. It is impossible to catch this man doing nothing. However, obeying the impulses of his soul, Zaur can take rash and reckless actions. So it turns out that fate often throws him unpleasant “gifts”. Usually, having reached certain professional heights, a man is faced with completely insurmountable difficulties. As a result, Zaur has to start all over again, but sooner or later the man achieves what he wants.

    Zaur is sociable and easily makes new acquaintances. He easily recognizes insincerity in people, relying only on his intuition. A man cannot tolerate deception and reacts very painfully when he learns that one of his loved ones has lied. However, the man is not vindictive; he quickly forgives such offenses.

    Zaur makes all decisions independently. It is almost impossible to influence him. Even the authority of older and respected people can do little here. Despite his practicality, Zaur can be captivated by unrealistic fantasies, but he does not strive to translate them into reality.