The court, after hearing the experts... decided. For publicly denying God is a criminal offense.... Christ stopped in Stavropol You can go to prison for denying God

Nothing in Christianity can be logically proven.

Cunning and deceit - in a nutshell.

The fact is that the Creator reveals himself to the believer.
And as long as a person does not chase the Light,
and having tamed his pride he will see all the “poverty of philosophy” and “woe from the mind”,
brings the mind down to the heart, and begins to walk the Path of Faith above Reason.

Those. it is very important not to chase after lights and interpretations,
and by your actions prepare the vessel from altruistic desires
- similar in intention to the desires of the Creator.
Then, as the properties coincide, the “revelation” of the Creator will occur.
You see - this is FUNDAMENTALLY not cognizable by a person intellectually.

Moreover, it is intellectual cognition, and the Tree of Knowledge,
make it almost impossible for a person to “reveal” the Creator (for pride gets in the way).
They are different in properties, which means there will be a “hiding” of the Creator,
but man, of his own free will, cannot discover the Creator; this is again a fundamental factor.

By the way, the Hindus also say that God is revealed to man, but man himself cannot know. For the simplest reason - God is infinite, and man is limited. And therefore, similarity and rapprochement are possible only in properties.

For clarity:

What is needed is not Wisdom - Hochma, but - the heart!

Buddhists, Kabbalists, Hindus, and Christians say one thing:
“bring the mind down into the heart”, “walk the path of faith above the mind”, “beat the mind with slippers” - even like that.


“God is infinite, but man is limited.” - is he no longer even limited by the solar system? But you proved and burned people (in particular Giordano Bruno for his work “On Infinity, the Universe and Worlds”) that “the earth is the center of the world,” so does science enlighten you? So does science rule the world and even you?...((


It’s no longer even limited to the solar system

What does the solar system have to do with it? We are talking about qualities.

The Creator has the quality of boundless pleasure.
but a person does not have the corresponding quality.
Greed only causes blood vessels to burst,
and the Light either leaves or bends.

Spiritual objects that match in PROPERTIES “come closer”
and those opposed are “removed.”
Although in fact the Highest Light does not move anywhere at all (the spiritual is outside of space or time).
If you match the qualities of Light,
then He reveals himself to you, with the force of a coincidence of qualities.
Because we are talking about qualities.

Moreover, it is not even the Light that is important, but the vessel,
and moreover, one must go further than the Light,
“Fire Pillar”, “Unscorching Fire” is just a step.
Those. pleasure should be given to the Creator,
but - not “dishes”, and - you should not feed your egoism.
Then there will immediately be a discrepancy in properties,
and - “removal”, “hiding” of the Creator.
It is necessary to rise ABOVE egoism, with the help of the Creator!

And one should serve - not just the Creator, but - for the sake of the Creator!
For the same reasons, so that there is no discrepancy in properties.

Buddhists have a similar practice - with the help of Wisdom that comprehends the Emptiness, one should be reborn from the Emptiness as a Deity, and already take Refuge! This is generally the basics, taking Refuge, without this you are not even a Buddhist at all.
And then you should combine the Wisdom that comprehends Emptiness, and the Method of cultivating the Six Virtues, this will be the Middle Way.

This is not done by the intellect, and therefore you cannot know it by the intellect. Here it depends more on the strength of your accumulated merits, virtues, and acquisitions - the Grace of God. You can direct your intellect and heart to create conditions for your vessel, but the revelation of the Creator is done by the Creator Himself, and not by you, and therefore, even in principle, you cannot cognize it with your intellect.


And yet - science rules the world and even you?...((


Does science rule the world and even you?

You - tell this to our academicians from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“Science” is six military men and moneylenders.
And it was these three who started more than a dozen wars,
and killed hundreds of millions of people.

Lies rule the world, or the horned one, the prince of this world.
And therefore, billions of people are dying, languishing in poverty, and suffering.

Science, money, violence - rule the world. Here is the “demonic” matrix - EVIL, LIES, and SIN.
But just don’t forget that partial truth is essentially the worst lie.

Well, even if, according to science, our “ego” is formed from mental reflections,
and “being determines consciousness” - this is the ready-made formula.
However, in addition to science, money, and violence, there is also the mental,
and moreover, a spiritual environment for a person.

Why are they so slyly omitted from the “equation”?
- mental and spiritual environment of a person???
It’s clear why, yes, because it’s the most cynical

Man is a “social being”; to become rich you need to hang out with rich people.
To become famous, you should also choose an appropriate circle of friends.
And this will in a certain way impose certain restrictions and obligations on you.

Now imagine - who, what a normal person,
suddenly - he wants to be friends with those who shout “we will destroy the whole world to the ground,
and then..chorus-mantra.. there is no money, but - you are sooooo holding on...".
- demonic, and the most cruel - "cheating" suckers.

If you slyly cross out or erase 2/3 of the formula from a number of equations,
then - what remains there - it’s somehow difficult to call it “science”.
On the other hand, if “science” cares so much about man,
then why does “science” create weapons that exterminate hundreds of millions of people?

And they don’t even hide that the biggest scientific breakthroughs
occurs precisely thanks to increased funding of “science”
during bloody wars, when people are exterminated in such large numbers.
Or, as is now commonly believed, they “clear” the territory of the population.

Blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky was sentenced to three and a half years of suspended imprisonment and forced labor, having been found guilty of insulting the feelings of believers.

12.05.2017 09:55

Well, what can I say?! Congratulations! Now everyone believes in God! As under Stalin in communism.
And I don’t advise you to doubt, otherwise you will upset the feeling of a believer and you will end up with a government house.
The only annoying thing is that the judge handed down the sentence. With all due respect to her.
It would be right for a male authority (or authorities) to deal with such crimes. But, if the irreconcilable struggle for feelings continues, then I am sure we will live to see a joint church-Sharia trial with the stoning of anyone who openly denies the Holocaust of God.
What does it say in the expert reports for the verdict?

1. “The defendant’s videos contained information containing signs of insulting the feelings of adherents of Christianity and Islam, formed through the denial of the existence of God.” I note that in the verdict the word God is written in small letters, and this very seriously offends me and offends my feelings. Disorder. And if the verdict had been drawn up by ministers of world religions, then I am sure there would not have been such “blunders”.

2. “The defendant denies the existence of Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad, thus committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 148 of the Criminal Code.” Yes, that’s it, in one sentence, with a capitalization! And that's it, all the differences between Christianity and Islam are over! Under pain of criminal prosecution, everyone now admits the existence of everyone. And period.

3.“The defendant insulted numerous feelings of various social groups not only with his speech form, but also with his facial motor activity.”. Every word here is a song! This is not Vyshinsky and Beria, or even the medieval Inquisition! It never occurred to them that the expression on the faces of their charges could be imputed to them!

Court you say?! Experts?! Our court is the most humane in the world, and its “experts” are real adherents of science! And they will force everyone to love their homeland to believe in God! Do not doubt!

Lord, have mercy and forgive!

Bestiary and Zombies - YouTube– May 11, 2017
Judge Ekaterina Shoponyak reads out the expert opinion in the case of blogger Sokolovsky

The point is not about Ruslan Sokolovsky’s hooliganism, but about a monstrous provocation against my Russian Orthodox Church and the very fact of criminal prosecution not for hooliganism, but for insulting the special “feelings of a believer.” That same “feeling” that, starting today, through criminal prosecution, has divided people into those who have it and those who, no matter how hard they try, do not experience it.

It is interesting that the very fact of insult is determined not by imams and bishops, not by Church Councils, but by unknown “experts” who are not responsible for their actions, whose conclusions the court is guided by.

As for me, remaining a consistent opponent of hooligan acts and behavior towards any person and public order, being irreconcilable with swearing and drinking alcohol, as well as a believer and parishioner of the Russian Orthodox Church, I simply demand that the names of the “experts” and the authors of this provocative criminal article.
So that all believers would have someone to pray for, before God!
Who asked why there are snowfalls in May?
It’s time, it’s high time to start praying, otherwise we’ll see autumn without summer.

Protodeacon Kuraev criticized the verdict of "Pokémon catcher" Sokolovsky

Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev expressed his disagreement with the sentence to Ruslan Sokolovsky, who received a 3.5-year suspended sentence for catching Pokemon in the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg. According to the clergyman, the Yekaterinburg diocese, rather than the video blogger himself, is more likely to be accused of insulting the feelings of believers.

Kuraev believes that the trial of Sokolovsky gave rise to an extremely negative attitude towards the church among many believers, and the Yekaterinburg diocese is primarily to blame for this.

“It was necessary to manage to find this young man, whose video blog no one except his mother knew two years ago, and make such a show out of it. A smart teacher does not react to every stupidity of a child,” the clergyman said in a commentary to

According to the archdeacon, it will now be very difficult to establish relations with the youth of the Russian Orthodox Church who sympathize with Sokolovsky: this requires specific actions, for example, the refusal of the highest clergy from the deliberate consumption of luxury and helping those in need.

Kuraev also criticized the appearance of an article about “Protecting the Feelings of Believers,” according to which Sokolovsky was convicted. “Everyone’s feelings are individual, and an examination cannot be carried out on them,” the clergyman explained his position. “Secondly, I am ashamed that we live in a country where people are happy about a suspended sentence. This is not normal. What have we brought the country to,” Kuraev was indignant.

Deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Boris Vishnevsky, in turn, recalled that we live in a secular state. “The court’s guilty verdict for denying the existence of Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad is a return to the Middle Ages. For this, the judge should be disqualified - and not sentenced (even if to a suspended sentence) to a citizen,” he wrote on his Facebook.

Repeating the act should lead to real prison terms, the archpriest told Izvestia.

Sokolovsky and society as a whole should perceive the lenient decision of the court correctly, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, who previously headed the Synodal Department of the Russian Orthodox Church for interaction between the Church and society, told Izvestia.

“I really hope that the leniency of the punishment will not lead to him repeating his monstrous actions. I hope no one follows his example. This is not catching Pokemon, but using abusive language in relation to, as he (Sokolovsky - Izvestia) said, “the God of the Christian Bible.” A combination of obscene language with the melody of a liturgical chant. Once again, these actions are never acceptable by anyone. The next time someone uses an obscene word in relation to God or sacred symbols, then the punishment has not worked. This means we need real deadlines, and very long ones,” said Chaplin.

According to the archpriest, Sokolovsky did not admit guilt in his last word in the courtroom.

“The most important thing is that what Sokolovsky did is not repeated by him or anyone else. This man, judging by his last word, is evil incarnate. This man refuses to even admit that the use of obscene language in combination with sacred symbols and the name of God is completely unacceptable. “He’s still trying to justify his actions,” Chaplin said.

Judge Ekaterina Shoponyak announced the verdict for about two hours.

A few fragments from the verdict.

  • “[Sokolovsky’s videos] contain information that contains signs of insulting the feelings of adherents of Christianity and Islam, formed through the denial of the existence of God.”
  • "... signs of insult to the feelings of adherents of Christianity and Islam, formed through the presentation and endowment of Jesus Christ with the qualities of a living dead person - a zombie."
  • "... endowing Jesus Christ with the qualities of Pokemon, as a hero not only of a computer game and an animated series, but also a representative of the bestiary."
  • “…[the videos] contain socio-psychological techniques aimed at causing shock and protest among the public.”
  • "The intellectual deficiency of religious people was repeatedly presented in the video files discussed above."
  • “[Sokolovsky] denies the existence of Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad, thus committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 148 of the Criminal Code.”
  • “[Sokolovsky] offended numerous feelings of various social groups not only in the form of speech, but also in the motor activity of his face.”
  • “The actions of the person [Sokolovsky] are purposeful, this is manifested in the objectivity of the statement, the coherence and consistency of the person’s speech activity.”
  • [During the court hearings, Sokolovsky] “presented information in the style of youthful maximalism...”
  • “... [in the video] the object of humiliating assessments is Patriarch Kirill, who is condemned not only as an individual, but also as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.”

List of things seized from Sokolovsky during the search (from the verdict)

  • jumper and T-shirts with the inscription "Scum"
  • "Over You" T-shirt
  • black clergy cassock
  • paper stickers
  • Sokolovsky's magazines "Nothing Sacred"
  • 58 posters "featuring a man"
  • 19 posters "with the image of a cartoon man and the inscription"
  • 21 posters "depicting men holding a cross in their hands"
  • self-adhesive stamps
  • four mugs with images
  • 82 plastic badges

In an interview with the BBC Russian Service after the verdict was announced, the blogger said that “until the very last seconds” he expected that he would be given the real sentence that the prosecutor’s office requested.

“The punishment for videos on the Internet may well be real imprisonment,” said Sokolovsky. “Perhaps I realized my main mistake. Indeed, my presentation is too cynical for Russian society.”

“Abroad, [American comedian] Marc Maron can joke that Jesus is a zombie, but if you joke about the same thing in Russia, apparently you can sit down. Now I will know that,” the blogger added.

Without a smile, a gloomy day becomes brighter

11.05.2017 22:44

In connection with questions about the sentence of Mr. Sokolovsky. Mr. Sokolovsky himself is boring, so are the Pokémon, but the wording of the verdict could not help but interest me, since the details and persons involved change, but the wording of the court sentences remains, and becomes the starting point for sentencing later.

(a) from now on, the reason for criminal prosecution (that is, a crime) becomes not even mockery of something, but simply, as in good times, " denial of God's existence", that is, atheism,

(b) evidence of a crime is natural for an atheist, doubt about the existence of certain historical characters, regarded as " insult to feelings",

(V) " youthful maximalism"(which does not have a clear legal definition, that is, interpreted in the broadest terms) is considered as an aggravating circumstance,

(d) as well as an aggravating circumstance is " performance "(that is, a visual demonstration of) someone's" intellectual disability ".

How does all this relate to Art. 14 And Art. 29 I don’t know the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but this is a fact, however, this fact pales in comparison to the fact that from now on, evidence of the commission of a crime becomes " facial motor activity "(smile, grin, raised eyebrow etc),

and, most importantly, insults (even in the form of a smile) are now the reason for initiating a case and sentencing.” numerous feelings various social groups,” that is, on the basis of this verdict, using it as a precedent, if necessary, anyone can be closed for anything.

I will refrain from commenting - after all, dear Russians, THANK GOD, it’s not me who has to live with this, but you - however, what 10 years ago caused a Homeric cackle (remember " Masha Schreiber vs Darwin"?), now, like 300 years ago –

1 min read

Blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky was found guilty of “insulting” the feelings of believers because of a video in which he catches Pokemon in a church in Yekaterinburg. The prosecution believes that a suspended sentence “will create a feeling of impunity.”

  • Denial of the existence of God;
  • All videos present only Sokolovsky’s opinion;
  • In the videos, believers are presented as sick and stupid people;
  • He denies the existence of Jesus Christ and the Prophet Muhammad;
  • The object of humiliating assessments is Patriarch Kirill;
  • Forms the opinion that obscurantism and arbitrariness reign in Russia.
  • Some of the materials in the case have been separated into separate proceedings.

    After the indictment, Sokolovsky made a speech and concluded that he may be “an idiot, but not an extremist.”

    “The only reason I didn’t admit guilt is that I don’t consider myself an extremist. I may be an idiot, but I am by no means an extremist. This is exactly my position,” Sokolovsky said.

    The reaction of the Orthodox Church

    The prosecution demanded not a conditional, but a real imprisonment for “insulting the feelings of believers,” believing that otherwise it would “give rise to a feeling of impunity.”

    The publication Meduza asked the rectors of churches and priests how much they agreed with the verdict.

    Of the four church ministers interviewed, two said that the case was “made up,” the other two wanted a more severe sentence. One of the respondents, Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov, recalled that “a hundred years ago blasphemers were sent to hard labor.”

    Attack on expression

    The international human rights organization Amnesty International came out in support of Sokolovsky and called him a “prisoner of conscience” and his arrest “an attack on expression” and demanded his release.

    “Even if Sokolovsky’s behavior may be viewed as disrespectful, authorities should not jail people simply for offending religious sentiments,” said John Dalhuisen, Europe and Central Asia director at Amnesty International.

    The mayor of Yekaterinburg also spoke out in support of Sokolovsky.

    “What happened is a blow to the image of the city, to the investment climate of the city. Who would want to invest in a city where they can get arrested like that?” - said Roizman.

    Forbidden Pokemon

    “Inspired” a video blogger to catch Pokemon in a church by a story shown on federal channels. In the summer of 2016, TV channels informed the population of the country what the consequences of catching Pokemon in public places could be.

    For example, for catching Pokemon in someone else’s apartment or at a polling station, players will face a fine of several tens of thousands of rubles or correctional labor for up to one year.

    And for the same actions committed at the border or in churches, players face imprisonment for two and three years, respectively.

    Ruslan Sokolovsky decided to check whether playing Pokemon Go in a church could really lead to a criminal sentence and shot a video in the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg.

    Amid the trial of the blogger in early May of this year, the 2×2 channel decided not to air one of the episodes of the animated series The Simpsons, because in it the main character Homer catches Pokemon in a church.

    “We do not show content that could compromise the channel and cause a controversial reaction in society, so we will not show this episode,” Anastasia Shablovskaya, PR director of the 2×2 TV channel, said in an interview with RBC.

    The ROC (Russian Orthodox Church) itself advocated tightening the age rating for the animated series “The Simpsons”

    According to clergy, children and teenagers should be protected from watching The Simpsons.

    Pokemon Go was released in early July 2016. Nintendo's product quickly became popular - users used the game to search for Pokemon on the streets of their city.

    On March 2, the Stavropol Regional Court began considering the case of VKontakte social network user Viktor Krasnov on charges of insulting the feelings of believers. This is the first time such a process is taking place in Russia.

    Two years ago, Stavropol resident Viktor Krasnov (Viktor Kolosov), during a public discussion on “There is no God,” denied the existence of God and called the Bible “a collection of Jewish fairy tales.” Offended, two participants in the discussion filed police reports against the man. At the end of 2015, the Investigative Committee for the Industrial District of Stavropol charged Krasnov under Part 1 of Article 148 of the Criminal Code “insulting the feelings of believers.” Linguists came to the conclusion that the words of the Stavropol citizen could not offend a person on the basis of religious affiliation, but were capable of causing offense to the feelings of believers. The accused in the case of insulting the feelings of believers does not admit guilt:

    Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev told NSN about how the church views this situation.

    “We cannot seriously discuss what this blogger wrote because it is inconvenient to quote. If he had simply called the Bible a “collection of Jewish tales,” then everyone would have forgotten about it long ago. And there were very specific swear words. We seem to have amendments that abolish administrative penalties for obscene swearing in a public place, or is this Soviet norm still in effect? So, it would be nice if such a punishment still existed, so that it would be applied not only for insulting feelings, but in all other cases too,” Kuraev noted.

    He went out into public space, so as not to demonstrate his knowledge of jargon, he continued.

    “So I have no sympathy for this blogger. If they give him a fine, I will be quite pleased. But I don’t like this kind of exclusivity - the feeling of religious people, it turns out, needs to be protected. And the rest of the citizens are cattle, they have no ethical and aesthetic feelings, and let anyone swear about them and their beliefs?” asked the archdeacon.

    He also believes that there is another side to this “coin”.

    “As for the practice of renewing prosecution for insulting religious feelings, I recommend turning to Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich had a wonderful poem called “Worldly Power”. He wrote it in connection with the fact that it was ordered to place armed guards near the Shroud of the Lord. And Pushkin writes about this that, in fact, in history there were two wives at the tree of Christ, but now:

    We see the wives of the saints put in place
    In the gun and shako of two formidable sentries.
    Why, tell me, the guardian guard?
    Or a crucifix is ​​government luggage,
    And are you afraid of thieves or mice?
    Or do you think it is important to give the king of kings?

    You see, faith in Christ is faith in God, who gave himself up to be mocked, and to defend him from mockery is to go against the will of Christ himself,” concluded Andrei Kuraev in an interview NSN.

    It should be noted that the victims in the case, who were brought to the court hearing today, refused further participation in the process. Krasnov’s lawyer noted that the article under which the case was initiated against Viktor Krasnov is being used in judicial practice in Russia for the first time. The next hearing in Krasnov’s case is scheduled for March 15.

    Let us remember that criminal liability for insulting the feelings of believers in Russia was introduced three years ago. The maximum fine for this crime is 500 thousand rubles, and the term of imprisonment can reach five years.

    In Stavropol, the court is considering the case of Viktor Krasnov, who discussed the veracity of the Bible and the existence of God on the Internet. A criminal case was initiated under Part 1 of Art. 148 of the Russian Criminal Code - “Public insult to the religious feelings of believers.” This article appeared in the Russian Criminal Code immediately after the trial of the punk group Pussy Riot. Krasnov’s case promises to be no less high-profile: it includes a strange examination, summons to appear at the “E” center, and a mental hospital. Moreover, the victims do not want to participate in court: at the recent, fifth court hearing, they had to be brought in by car. About how a small dispute on the Internet develops into another political process—own. corr. “New” Evgeny Titov.


    It was a completely ordinary discussion, of which millions happen every day on the Runet. A funny entry was posted on the VKontakte website in the community “Overheard Stavropol”: “My mother says that I should be the head of the family, because I am a woman, and my brother that he should keep his wife at bay hand(vi)tsah, because he is a man.” A comment on this post was left by user Dmitry Burnyashev: “The head of every husband is Christ, the head of every wife is her husband.” User Alexander Kravtsov echoed him.

    But Stavropol resident Viktor Krasnov, registered on VKontakte as Viktor Kolosov, reacted caustically to the comment. He called Burnyashev’s phrase an unparliamentary word, although not swearing. In response, he was reminded about the Bible and the Gospel, and that was the end of the discussion. But it seemed to the user Burnyashev that it was not enough, and he continued: “Next time, be more careful with conclusions and loud phrases.”

    Krasnov did not agree with this state of affairs, calling the Bible “a collection of Jewish fairy tales” and another bad word. In response, Kravtsov posted a quote from the Law on Insulting the Feelings of Believers, and the discussion flared up with renewed vigor. Soon Dmitry Burnyashev and Alexander Kravtsov were so offended that they brought a statement against Krasnov to the police. And then a search took place at Krasnov’s house, and the investigative machine turned on. And at the end of 2015, the Investigative Committee for the Industrial District of Stavropol brought charges against Krasnov under Part 1 of Art. 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Public insult to the religious feelings of believers.”

    Humiliated and insulted

    The conclusion of the North Caucasus Forensic Center showed that Viktor Krasnov insulted believers. Moreover, out of three experts, only one is a linguist, and he has been engaged in expert activities since 2014. The rest are psychologists and psychophysiologists. Believe me, there is something to read in this examination. For example, Krasnov, in a dispute with opponents, wrote about the Jewish religious holiday of Passover, which he designated as “Passover.” Ozhegov’s dictionary says nothing about this holiday, but, as experts write, there is something about sidelocks. Moreover, Ozhegov’s word “sidelocks” is put in the prepositional case: “peysah”. On this basis, experts perceive Krasnov’s phrase about the “holiday of Passover” and the definition in the dictionary about Jewish sidelocks as one and the same.

    Or, for example, Krasnov writes the following phrase: “Dmitry, is your god so weak that he needs human defenders?” We all know from school: there are interrogative sentences, and there are narrative ones. And interrogatives are when they ask. But in the Krasnov case, experts, analyzing the above phrase, come to an unexpected conclusion: “In the form of an interrogative sentence, the addresser asserts...”

    It is noteworthy that experts analyze only Krasnov’s statements, while the statements of other participants in the dispute do not. That is, Krasnov’s phrases are taken out of context. But the experts make a very definite conclusion: “These statements are offensive in relation to Orthodox Christianity and are aimed at humiliating (insulting) the religious feelings of believers.”

    It is quite appropriate to ask how much the victims suffered when they read Krasnov’s statements on the Internet? But finding them turned out to be difficult. Having written statements to the police, Dmitry Burnyashev and Alexander Kravtsov filed petitions not to participate in investigative actions. They also did not get acquainted with the case materials, and they were not present at the first four court hearings either. On the fifth day, both were brought in, they answered several questions from the prosecutor and lawyer, and then again filed petitions - this time about their unwillingness to participate in the trial. The judge granted the request.

    It is known that both victims studied to become lawyers. Now Dmitry Burnyashev, judging by his VKontakte page, provides legal services in the field of housing and public utilities and shared-equity construction. Alexander Kravtsov joined the army and serves in Abkhazia. I wrote messages to both of them asking them to state their position. After that, both were online several times, but there were no answers. Meanwhile, Viktor Krasnov himself is sure: “They were not the initiators, they were simply used to start the persecution.”

    Blood feud

    As Krasnov says, after the initiation of a criminal case, people came to his mother’s employer who introduced themselves as employees of the center for countering extremism (Center “E”). “They convinced him that my mother should be fired because I am an extremist,” says Victor. Mom works as a cleaner.

    Previously, Victor also worked: he had a small business, hand-made artistic forging. But then they received summonses to appear at Center “E”, then to the Investigative Committee. The investigation placed Viktor Krasnov in a psychiatric hospital for a whole month, but a psychiatric examination declared him sane. But the business eventually had to be closed.

    Krasnov himself cannot explain why Center “E” was interested in Krasnov. Judging by his VKontakte page, he is informal: black combat boots, a leather jacket with studs. He calls himself a metalhead, although he is far from music. He says that he has never been a member of either the right or left movements, and is not interested in politics at all. True, during our conversation, Victor explained: “When the search was carried out, they confiscated Wagner’s music and marches of the Third Reich. But Mein Kampf was on the shelf, they didn’t even notice it.” In general, think for yourself.

    Now Viktor Krasnov has announced a fundraiser as he prepares for a long defense in court. He is defended by lawyer Andrei Sabinin from the International Human Rights Group "Agora". At the last meeting, the lawyer asked questions to the victim Alexander Kravtsov, and he stated that he was speaking in court on behalf of all Orthodox Christianity. Burnyashev insisted on judicial punishment for Viktor Krasnov. Now Krasnov himself receives anonymous threats of physical violence on the Internet. It is quite possible that someone seriously believes that dragging a person for interrogation, putting him in a mental hospital and firing his relatives from work is a godly thing. True, calling yourself an Orthodox believer and being one are not the same thing.