Tips for developing a Rogue. Dragon Age Tips for leveling up, skills, classes, collecting a party Dragon age origins what to level up for a robber

This should immediately upset bow and arrow lovers. Nothing is written about archers here. My post is exclusively about the contact thief.

So, let's see why I loved the robber in this game so much that I even decided to write a short guide about him.

I loved it because the robber, in my opinion, is the best DPS player in the game.

Okay, I overdid it with the lyrics, let's get down to business.

To create a robber, you just need to select the icon

Rogue: author's guide

in the character creation window. This class is available to all races, but every sane person will tell you that it is best to create a human, because of its good racial bonuses to stats.

Now let's talk about stats. What should a real robber be like? Yes, that's right, clever and cunning. Let me show you my version of leveling up the state. 18:

Rogue: author's guide

Now more specifically about each stat:

Force: Strength is our everything at the beginning of the game, our nothing at the end. Why? Because strength becomes necessary only until the moment we take the “Lethality” talent. What kind of talent? Among other goodies, it changes the value of strength in the formula for calculating damage and attack to the value of cunning. After this, we only need strength to meet the armor requirements

Agility: Main stat. Gives a lot of good things, has a very positive effect on defense parameters (namely, the ability to dodge a blow, or block it with a weapon) and physical stability. It also directly affects the attack rate.

Strength of will: Guys, we are not berserkers. We don't really need this stat. Then you'll see why.

Magic: With good aggro control on the tank, we almost never require treatment, we make do with small poultices. Let's forget about this stat =)

Cunning The second most important stat. At a certain stage of the game it will replace strength. Affects beliefs, lockpicking, and (!) many robber skills, including backstabs.

Body type: Our focus is on evasion, not on fatness; it’s better to pump up your agility once again. But it’s worth pumping up a couple of times so as not to fall from 2 hits with magic or a hammer.

Rogue: author's guide

Everything is clear here. Poisons- a very useful thing. At the beginning of the game, bottles of acid are generally dumb weapons. Plus, I have so far come across 2 quests where I need to make poison. In Lothering and Denerim.

Belief- since my GG. For any robber it is a must have because it depends on cunning, and you won’t find anyone more cunning than ours.

Combat training- without fail, we are not magicians.

Making traps I advise you to entrust it to another party member, and pump yourself 1 time in order to be able to place them (if you are pumping invisibility).

Having decided on the beginnings, it’s time to find out what makes the robber unique. Our main task is DPS, which increases sharply from levels 8-9. Believe me, a robber is not just there to open locks. When used correctly in a group with a tank and 2 mages (healer and nuker), the rogue is the main source of damage:

Rogue: author's guide

And this is far from the limit.

So how do we achieve this kind of damage? The answer is easy, you just have to hit it in the back. Nature itself gave us the opportunity for backstubs (strikes from behind). We need to use this opportunity, and very actively - at every opportunity. What do we get from attacks in the back? A very large increase in damage (each blow to the back is almost like a crit if you hit it in the face) and up to +4% to the chance of a critical hit. Not bad, really. Now, see how to backstab correctly:

Rogue: author's guide

That is, the closer we are to the center of the “ass”, the higher the damage we cause. The "Ass" itself is marked with a black section on the enemy designation circle. We figured it out here. Now let's look at the table of talents and see those that will make it easier for us to go behind our backs:

Movement in battle: Great talent. No special explanation needed. Where is it easier for you to get to:

Rogue: author's guide Rogue: author's guide

I think you understand me =)

Second skill - Strike of Mercy. If the enemy is stunned or paralyzed, you don’t even have to go behind your back: hits to any corner are considered backstubs with a maximum bonus. After leveling up your talent, I strongly advise you to insert paralysis runes into your weapons, and also actively use the extract from the root of death =)

So, we dealt with the stabs in the back. Now we need to increase DPS at the expense of attack speed. How to increase it:

1. Forget about the Sword + Dagger combo. Daggers in 2 hands will never be inferior to this combination in the amount of damage caused. Just due to the attack speed, the chance of a critical hit, and the armor penetration factor. From now on, no swords! It is better to give a good sword to a tank - a fellow party member.

2. Balm of agility. We cook it ourselves - a good friend for increasing attack speed.

3. Talent "impulse". After leveling it up, the razbonik reveals its true potential.

Let's summarize the skills:

Branches that need to be upgraded:

Rogue: author's guide Rogue: author's guide Rogue: author's guide Rogue: author's guide

the rest is to your taste. But in fact, I advise you to spend the remaining points on specialization points.

Equipment theme:


Rogue: author's guide

This time we have to consider what is the correct leveling of a robber for the most comfortable game.

First you need to take and create a new character and then choose a class - Robber.

Let's talk about what to download from the main parameters for a robber in Dragon age origins:
Force- this parameter should be touched only at the beginning to get to the ability called “Lethality”, which becomes very useful for your character. Further, the strength can be increased only to match the parameters for the armor;
Dexterity- the main thing for our robber, so download without hesitation;
Strength of will— you can forget about this parameter immediately;
Magic— as you understand, we are also passing by this parameter;
Cunning— another important stat for a robber, so you also need to invest points in it;
Body type- you can take it several times so as not to fall with one hit, but no more.

Actually, these are the ones that need to be downloaded from the main characters and everything else left untouched:
I— adds damage and plus there will be quests in the game with the production of poison;
Belief- a skill that is doubly useful for a robber, since it depends on cunning;
Combat training- of course, there’s no way to go anywhere without her;
Setting traps— you can upgrade once for installation if you are upgraded to invisibility;
It’s better to download everything else from your party members and not bother yourself.


Before talking about abilities, it is worth recalling that you still deal the most damage from your back. You should not pick up a combination of weapons - a dagger and a sword - it is better to take two daggers that will please you with both speed and piercing ability.
Now what abilities

Here are the branches that you should upgrade:

We spend everything else at our own discretion.


The most optimal items for the hero would be the following:
Raven Dagger. This dagger can be obtained in several ways - buy from Cesar in Denerim after completing the quest “Test of the Crows”, buy from Alimar who is in the Alimar market, or pick up from the high dragon on the mountain;
Rose Thorn Dagger- a legendary item that can be obtained by purchasing it from Garin in Orzammar, or by knocking it out of the leader of the thugs when completing the Law and Order quest in the Awakening add-on.
Villain's Attire. High-quality armor that can be purchased from Herren in Wade's shop. To buy armor you need to complete three main quests and do not forget that if Wade is already preparing a second set of dragon leather armor by that time, then you will not be able to buy anything.
There is a second option in which, in the Awakening add-on, such armor can fall from the smuggler leader when completing the “Law and Order” quest;
Shadow of the Empire. Another good option. You can buy it from Legnar, who is in the Common Halls in the dwarf city of Orzammar, or when completing the Awakening add-on in the King and Lion tavern from the innkeeper.
This concludes the guide to the rogue in Dragon age: origins. We hope we were able to help you in choosing the right upgrade for your hero. Don't forget to follow the news on our website

This should immediately upset bow and arrow lovers. Nothing is written about archers here. My post is exclusively about the contact thief.

So, let's see why I loved the robber in this game so much that I even decided to write a short guide about him.

I loved it because the robber, in my opinion, is the best DPS player in the game. Okay, I went overboard with the lyrics, let's get down to business.

To create a rogue, you just need to select an icon in the character creation window. This class is available to all races, but any sane person will tell you that it is best to create a human because of its decent racial stat bonuses.

Now let's talk about stats. What should a real robber be like? Yes, that's right, clever and cunning. Let me show you my version of state buildup at level 18:

Now more specifically about each stat:

Force: Strength is our everything at the beginning of the game, our nothing at the end. Why? Because strength becomes necessary only until the moment we take the “Lethality” talent. What kind of talent? Among other goodies, it changes the value of strength in the formula for calculating damage and attack to the value of cunning. After this, we only need strength to meet the requirements of the armor.

Agility: Main stat. Gives a lot of good things, has a very positive effect on defense parameters (namely, the ability to dodge a blow, or block it with a weapon) and physical stability. It also directly affects the attack rate.

Strength of will: Guys, we are not berserkers. We don't really need this stat. Then you'll see why.

Magic: With good agricultural control at the tank, we almost never require treatment, we make do with small poultices. Let's forget about this stat =)

Cunning: The second most important stat. At a certain stage of the game it will replace strength. Affects beliefs, lockpicking, and (!) many robber skills, including backstabs.

Body type: Our focus is on evasion, not fatness; it’s better to pump up your agility once again. But it’s still worth pumping up a couple of times so as not to fall from 2 hits with magic or a hammer.

Everything is clear here.

Poisons- a very useful thing. At the beginning of the game, bottles of acid are generally dumb weapons. Plus, I have so far come across 2 quests where I need to make poison. In Lothering and Denerim.

Belief- since my GG. A must have for any robber, because it depends on cunning, and you won’t find anyone more cunning than ours.

Combat training- without fail, we are not magicians.

Making traps I advise you to entrust it to another party member, and pump yourself 1 time in order to be able to place them (if you are pumping invisibility).

Having decided on the beginnings, it’s time to find out what makes the robber unique. Our main task is DPS, which increases sharply from levels 8-9. Believe me, a robber is not just there to open locks. When used correctly in a group with a tank and 2 mages (healer and nuker), the rogue is the main source of damage:

And this is far from the limit.

So how do we achieve this kind of damage? The answer is easy, you just have to hit it in the back. Nature itself gave us the opportunity for backstubs. We need to use this opportunity, and very actively - at every opportunity. What do we get from attacks in the back? A very large increase in damage (each blow to the back is almost like a crit if you hit it in the face) and up to +4% to the chance of a critical hit. Not bad, really. Now, see how to backstab correctly:

That is, the closer we are to the center of the “ass”, the higher the damage we cause. The "Ass" itself is marked with a black section on the enemy designation circle. We figured it out here. Now let's look at the table of talents and see those that will make it easier for us to go behind our backs:

Movement in Combat: Excellent talent. There is no need to explain much. Where is it easier for you to get to:

I think you understand me =)

The second skill is Mercy Strike. If the enemy is stunned or paralyzed, you don’t even have to go behind your back: hits to any corner are considered backstubs with a maximum bonus. After leveling up your talent, I strongly advise you to insert paralysis runes into your weapons, and also actively use the extract from the root of death =)

So, we dealt with the stabs in the back. Now we need to increase DPS at the expense of attack speed.

How to increase it:

1. Forget about the Sword + Dagger combo. Daggers in 2 hands will never be inferior to this combination in the amount of damage caused. Just due to the attack speed, the chance of a critical hit, and the armor penetration factor. From now on, no swords! It is better to give a good sword to a tank - a fellow party member.

2. Balm of agility. Cooking yourself is a good friend for increasing attack speed.

3. Talent "impulse". After leveling it up, the robber reveals his true potential.

Let's summarize the skills:

Branches that need to be upgraded:

Characters with the rogue class are comrades who use bows and daggers to kill. They have a fairly high damage rate due to crits and camouflage (use shadows for camouflage). The gameplay for a ranged or melee rogue is very different, but in any case, the robber is a very dangerous and unpredictable enemy. The builds presented below are designed for characters of level 18+; it is at this stage that the full power of the class is revealed.

Master of Shadows

The Assassin specialization for the rogue class is one of the most effective in the game in general. With their overall weak survivability, such characters have the opportunity to inject a huge amount of damage with daggers and move into the shadows from danger using stealth skills. However, the successful use of camouflage is not everything; it is important to learn how to quickly infuse this greatest damage on the enemy. We use stealth, go behind the enemies who are fighting with the tank, pour in what we can and again disappear into the shadows while the skills are on cooldown. In addition to critical hits, do not forget about the skills from the Sabotage branch (weapon poisoning and dirty fighting).

Capabilities: In the Twin Daggers branch, we take flank attack, elusive fighter, double fangs, wounded prey, dance of death, sneak attack, mortal blow, severe chain and spinning blades.

Leveling: The flank attack skill will help you deal quite a lot of damage to the enemy when you emerge from disguise. When modifying the skill, our character will disappear into the shadows again after an attack and avoid retaliatory attacks. Double fangs cause even more damage, but there is no way to escape responsibility for overly arrogant actions. The passive skill wounded prey will make it possible to quickly finish off enemies, but a good tank is simply needed here. The Dance of Death, with proper damage levels, will restore 50 stamina when an enemy dies, which means that it will not be easy to stop us. Next, we take a sneak attack and further strengthen our attacks from the flanks, in addition, the likelihood of landing a critical hit will increase. The mortal blow is also worth taking, it is a very effective thing against bosses. Next, we take a harsh chain for crit and now each of our normal hits increases the chance of crit. It’s worth taking spinning blades to protect yourself from opponents who still managed to reach us, ignoring the tank.

In the Subterfuge branch, we definitely take stealth, evasion and evasion. Stealth will always come in handy, you don’t even have to think about it. Evasion will give you a 5% chance to avoid damage, and evasion will be useful for removing the attention of enemies. The Sabotage branch will require poisoned weapons, infected wounds, and dirty fighting. All this wealth works very effectively against strong enemies.

In the Assassin branch, hidden blades await us, I was not here, a gloomy cloak, a gloomy knife and a mark of death. The skill of hidden blades will make it possible to properly stab an enemy from the shadows and remain unnoticed. The I Was Not Here skill gives a nice bonus to camouflage, instantly restoring stealth after the death of an enemy. The Gloom Cloak quickly hides the group from attacks. The Shadow Knife allows you to deliver a guaranteed critical hit from stealth. Well, the death mark is effective against bosses, giving us the chance to give out additional damage. As a result, we will have a sort of shadow killer, cutting down enemies with powerful critical hits and remaining undetected. Such a character is effective everywhere - both against crowds of enemies and forgiving bosses

Storm Lord

The Storm branch is suitable for bows and daggers. We'll focus on the daggers. When using such a build, our character will be a fairly flexible comrade in terms of capabilities, cutting apart enemies left and right. The trick will make it possible to pass through unnecessary enemies and escape from the environment, while sabotage will increase the damage. In addition, we will have access to: A Thousand Cuts, Ripper. A thousand cuts is preferable, it will look more advantageous. An electric bottle will also be useful, although it is better to bring it to mercury. Using daggers, we also take in the branch of paired daggers a flank attack, an elusive fighter, double fangs, dance of death, sneak attack, mortal blow.

Leveling: Subterfuge is pumped in by default, then we upgrade stealth, thanks to which we will have powerful hidden attacks. Pinned to the wall? There is powder, but with the help of a shadow attack we deal damage at the right moment. In the Sabotage branch, be sure to download poisoned weapons, dirty fighting and a hook on a rope. Next, we go to the Storm branch, from where we add a bottle of cold, a bottle master, a thousand cuts, conquering the storm, a bottle of electricity, mercury and a bottle of fire. A cold bottle will provide some protection and is generally quite useful. A bottle of fire will only give an increase in damage.

Dream Catcher

The dream catcher build uses abilities from the Mechanic branch. This branch is not so easy to use; there are certain difficulties. And you certainly shouldn’t trust such a character to a narrow-minded artificial intelligence, he simply doesn’t use the capabilities as needed, and if in battles with ordinary enemies this can still be somehow tolerated, then in a battle with a boss this situation is definitely not acceptable.

Leveling: However, with proper management of such a character, he looks pretty good. Traps and mines work great and are combined with the sabotage and subterfuge branch. And here we need to use a bow as a weapon.

Capabilities: In the Shooting branch, we take the skills needed for a bow, namely: long shot, archer's spear, first blood, explosive shot, chain reaction, death from above, jump shot, pincushion and mastery limit. The pincushion increases damage to one target, here each next arrow will hit 5% harder, very effective against thick enemies and bosses. Ability the mastery limit gives a chance to inflict huge damage to the enemy with maximum health at the beginning of the fight. In the Sabotage branch we take a trap with garlic, does it hurt?, on a sore spot and throwing blades. The garlic trap effectively slows down enemies that break through. Ability What, does it hurt? restores stamina after a critical hit, this skill is very useful. A skill that hits a sore spot will allow you to deal significant damage even to a heavily armored enemy. An improved option is blade throwing, which can be used to break the defense of many enemies at the same time.

Well, in our main Mechanics branch we take a trap with spikes, a convenient opportunity, a hail of arrows, a retreat plan, a trap on edge, elemental exchanges and seven for one. The spike trap not only does a good job of wounding, but also slows down enemies. Hail of Arrows is a good attack ability,increasing the rate of fire. Before a serious battle, do not forget about the retreat plan skill, it will allow you to escape from certain death. Armed Traps increases the damage from our traps. But elemental mines will have to be selected individually for each enemy. Seven for one increases the chance of a critical hit by 5% for the entire squad.

Strike from the Shadows

In fact, if we put the bow aside, take the daggers and look at the skills, we will see that the robber is very, very diverse and can be upgraded in different ways. Several active and many passive skills give us a high critical rate, in addition, we can weaken with poison. In addition, unlike an archer, we will not need to use camouflage and choose the right position, spending valuable points on this; everything can be thrown into much more effective skills.

Capabilities: In the Twin Daggers branch, the following will come in handy: flank attack, elusive fighter, wounded prey, harsh chain, spinning blades, double fangs, dance of death, sneak attack and mortal blow. In Subterfuge we unlock stealth, shadow merging, sneaking, evading, shadow attack, stealth, disabling powder and mercy killing.

Merging with the Twilight is an improvement in stealth; the skill allows us to hide in the shadows instantly, while our negative effects disappear. Mercy Killing allows you to consistently score critical hits on panicking, sleeping, or stunned enemies. In the Sabotage branch we take poisoned weapons, dirty fighting and explosive toxin. Explosive Toxin increases the damage from poisoned weapons, and enemies will now also explode, spraying poison.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Rogue Guide was last modified: February 4, 2015 by admin

Dragon Age II - Tips for developing a Rogue">

Hello everyone! I decided to make a mini review and guide for one of the Dragon age 2 classes - the robber. A robber is a thief, he is a tramp, it doesn’t matter. The strength of this class lies in speed, agility and inflicting maximum damage on one enemy. So the main thing for us is DAMAGE, DAMAGE and once again DAMAGE. And what, other than high damage, can deal with enemies faster? That's right - crits! And so we set ourselves the task: how to make the Rogue inflict the greatest damage. And this is what we will talk about.


Rogue's initial characteristics:

In the future, it is worth upgrading Dexterity and Cunning in approximately equal amounts or depending on what you need more. Survival, locks and strong crits (Cunning); Either more damage, crits more often but weaker, locks opening worse. In principle, leveling up in equal amounts is also important in order to put on good armor. Now, unlike the first part, for wearing armor you need to pump up two parameters (one for each class).


If the ability icon has an exclamation point


it means it is more or less useful if there are two exclamation marks


This means the ability is good and worth upgrading for DD. If there are three exclamation marks


This means you can’t ignore this ability. If there are no signs, then this ability is worse than others or is not needed so often. We won’t describe the improvements, I’ll just say what they provide.
Branch "Weapon in every hand"

Branch "Sabotage"

"Scoundrel" thread

Branch "Specialist"

Branch "Archery"

Branch "Trick"


General Tips
In general, I consider the “Assassin” to be the best specialization, since it helps to deal more damage. The other two specializations are also quite interesting. "Duelist" is more focused on defense. "Shadow" for crits and stealth. If you decide to upgrade “Shadow”, upgrade the “Tricks” branch as well; these two branches complement each other. And it will turn out to be a real stealth monster. From the “Specialist” branch: it’s worth leveling up both Accuracy and Speed ​​because they are the best in this branch. And they can work together. The main thing is to turn off all other “Supporting Abilities” and turn on these two in order.
If you want to play without pause, it is better to upgrade the “Duelist” and “Assassin”. If you are a tactical player, it is better to upgrade “Assassin” and “Shadow”. But personally, for my own reasons, I don’t like abilities associated with stealth. That's why I played as an Assassin, a Duelist. On fat bosses, cast abilities that increase damage to them as often as possible, such as “Mark of Death” and “Aimed Strikes”.

The consignment


The best tank in the game. It hits weakly. (this compensates for our GG). But it tanks well. A good partner for us.


Good DD mage. You can upgrade the Treatment branch a little. A good partner for us.


Excellent stink-dd. Tanks well. Aveline is worse, but does much more damage. A good partner for us.


Cheerful gnome. Bianca is cool. =) He shoots pretty well. A good partner for us.


The staff pours water everywhere. The best healer in the game. Since we are a subtle class. For us it is simply necessary. An irreplaceable partner.


So-so magician. Practices blood magic. She is dd. Not particularly useful for us. Since there are already plenty of damage dealers.
I won't say anything about Sebastian

Personal conclusion
Excellent party - Main Hero - Rogue (Main damage), Fenris - Warrior (Tank and area damage), Anders - Mage (Mini - damage and Healing), Varric - Rogue (Damage and Walking Pick)

Additionally: completing some difficult tasks

Location of the Gang of Three notes
(1) Chapter:
1) Elfinage - at night.
2) Bone Pit - outside.
3) Casemates - right wing.
(2) Chapter:
1) Day, church, top right, book on the table.
2) Qunari camp, to the left of the stairs at the top.
3) Cloaca, night.
4) Anders' quest "Dissent", almost at the exit.
(3) Chapter:
1) Fish offal Smetti.
2) In the drains, quest "Justice".
3) Final, at the port on the way to Casemates.

Location of the Avirgan Scrolls
1. On the ragged bank, not far from the entrance on the left side. (undead - go a little further along the road that runs along)
2. The Broken Mountain, before reaching the Dalish camp, will again be on the left (the undead will appear almost immediately)
3. On the path to the top of the Broken Mountain. (appears after taking the quest “New Path” from Merril; undead - you need to rise higher.)

Afterwards, a record appears about the last place in which the ancient evil is sealed.
There will be a secret entrance in the sewer (OMG! Greetings from the localizers), not far from Andres' hospital.

After finding each of the three scrolls, you will need to destroy the undead (of course, they will appear at a distance from the scroll)