Download Joom - goods from China. The “Goods from China” application is a convenient service for searching for goods in China Jom things from China

The Joom application is a convenient online shopping service, available today. An application with which you can conveniently and quickly order many necessary goods from China - clothing, watches, electronics, household goods.


We can safely say that this service is a sign of the times. A certain milestone by which you can mark the movement of electronic progress, which is quite easy to check in, you just need to download the joom application.

Today, all major stores have an online shopping service. There are online trading platforms where people are used to making purchases. We can say that joom online store is an application, that is, a whole store of goods from China in a smartphone, in the form of a classic “app”. In fact, you can download the joom application to your computer, but for this you will need to take additional steps and install an emulator. That is, it is focused, first of all, on working through the buyer’s phone.

It is on his device that the buyer can download the joom application for free and without extra effort. And this is probably a completely justified and logical decision. After all, a modern person’s telephone is not just a device for making calls. This is a gadget, a device for all kinds of communications. This is a device with which a person can make calls, write messages, communicate on the Internet, take pictures, online reports, receive and transmit photos, music, get directions, and find their way. And, of course, make purchases.

With the help of Joom, this can be done as conveniently and quickly as possible. You can download the joom application on Android, or install it on your iPhone. The application is installed in the same way as other applications on the phone. If the buyer installs the joom application on Android, he does so through the Play Market. Well, or iTunes, if we are talking about installation on Apple phones.


When you first launch the application, you are prompted to decide which products to display by default – for men or for women. It’s worth noting right away that in the future, in the settings, you can specify a different choice. To some, such a decision may seem controversial; others will find it inconvenient that the entire display of goods in the display will be structured for one or another gender of the buyer, instead of distributing by gender already in product groups. Some, on the contrary, will find it extremely convenient and time-saving. The cost is indicated automatically in the currency of the region that the user selected during installation. But there are options for changing the display currency, which is also worth noting as a positive side of the application. That is, having initially set the display in the monetary units of his region, the buyer can then change the display of the cost of goods in other monetary units if he wants to compare prices and determine the degree of benefit of the purchase.

The in-app system allows you to make purchases without authorization. It’s clear that with authorization it will be a little faster and more convenient to do this; you won’t need to configure it for yourself every time - for example, you can enter a delivery address, which will be perceived as the default address. Authorization can be done through one of the social networks that the buyer uses. It takes literally a minute, the whole process is intuitive. When you enter card data for payment, its data is remembered by the system. Which can be considered both a plus and a minus for this application. On the one hand, the user is relieved of the need to painstakingly enter data again. On the other hand, if a gadget is lost, this may be one of the channels for money leakage from the account.


Products are presented in several categories at once. There is a group of “Best” products, selected, presumably, based on reviews and the number of purchases. There is a “Sale” category, which offers promotional products with an interesting price. Promotional offers are marked, and when they are displayed, a timer is visible that counts down the time remaining until the end of the promotion. There are a total of 18 categories in the application. And a structured catalog in which products are quite logically divided into groups. There is also a search bar in which you can enter the name of the product you are interested in and the application will quickly find many offers for this request. This is in case the catalog tree does not suit the buyer or he is not sure that he knows exactly which group to include the product he is looking for.

There are a lot of goods. Just a lot. And there is a danger of falling ill with online shopaholism, spending more than one hour looking at photographs of various products, making choices, comparing prices and properties. By the way, there are enough photographs in the description; the product can be visually examined in sufficient detail. The same cannot be said, unfortunately, about the description of the product - it could have been done in greater volume and with a better translation.

However, these are the shortcomings that are usually identified and corrected by application creators during operation.

Warranty and delivery

But, speaking of guarantees and safety, Joom promises to return money if the product is not delivered or is damaged. The mechanics were probably developed from the experience of other, earlier trading platforms. By the way, product reviews are also available in the application; you can read them before making a final purchase decision. You can also leave a review yourself. A convenient and useful section, since reviews from real customers are an excellent help in identifying poor-quality goods or an unscrupulous seller. In the joom application system, reviews are an important and significant part of the service.

Delivery of goods is free.

Delivery times are communicated when placing an order. You can track delivery progress, especially if the postal service of the user's country already cooperates with Joom - then the data is more accurate and up-to-date.

Some nuances of the latter can be found in customer reviews; delivery does not always go exactly as expected. What is encouraging is that cases of failures are apparently rare and not widespread. Among the features of the service that make this application attractive and interesting, it is worth noting notifications about discounts and promotions for goods that are in the cart. The system quickly and promptly responds to user requests.

So, what is worth noting in the information about this product:

Point number 7, as already mentioned, can also be considered with a negative sign.


In general, the impression of this application can be defined as that Joom is an interesting and promising option for replacing or supplementing existing trading platforms. Yes, for now there is something for the developers to improve, something to work on. But the application already deserves interest and trying it out.

You can make purchases through the Joom application - goods from China. Joom is an online store of various goods from China. There you can buy clothes, cosmetics, electronics, shoes, gifts and more from China. The price of all products is low, delivery to Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine is available.

Through Joom – goods from China you can profitably purchase everything at competitive prices, there are often promotions and discounts. You can find out about them thanks to push notifications; they inform you about the offers of the hour. This allows you to purchase the product you like at the lowest possible prices.

Become a Joom user and receive your first gift. A 10% discount will be provided on the first purchase made. There will be many more promotions and offers in the future.

Buying goods through Joom is profitable and very convenient. At any convenient time, you can study the catalog of products you are interested in, and the program is implemented in such a way as to offer the most favorable conditions for the buyer.

Juma provides high security for making purchases. The fact is that all sellers are checked. It is also made so that only real users of the application can leave reviews and ratings.

Joom has a huge catalog of various products made in China:

  • Home and garden (tools and household goods).
  • For children (toys and gifts).
  • Beauty (cosmetics, makeup, etc.).
  • Shoes, bags and wallets, wristwatches.
  • Men's clothing (men's underwear, jackets, T-shirts, shirts, shorts, trousers, sweaters).
  • Fashionable women's clothing (lingerie, coats, jackets, long dresses).
  • Other accessories (cases, car accessories, photo accessories).
  • Electronics, android tools, technology, phone cases, phone accessories, technology.

Advantages of the Joom application - goods from China

The advantages of Joom are as follows:

  • You can make secure purchases using the app without leaving your home.
  • All sellers are checked, which guarantees the quality of the goods.
  • 100% delivery guarantee.
  • If the package does not arrive, is damaged, or does not match the description, the company will return the money.
  • The interface and support service are implemented in Russian.
  • Parcel delivery is free.
  • You can track the status of your order, which will allow you to track your parcel.
  • A unique personalization algorithm has been applied. Allows you to find the best product.

I have always placed orders for various Chinese small items on AliExpress or Ebay, but for more than six months now I have been using the application for these purposes Joom. And a good alternative to these sites, I tell you. But, as with everything, there are pros and cons.

So what exactly are we talking about?

Joom is a trading platform that sells and delivers various goods from China.

Like many, I learned about this application from a VKontakte advertisement when I was looking through my news feed. I missed this advertisement a couple of times, but still, under the pressure of dazzling low prices, I gave up and downloaded free application from PlayMarket.

This is what information about the application looks like in PlayMarket now:

The usefulness and pleasant bonuses of the application are also indicated:

Choose from a variety of products

Save on purchases

We 100% guarantee delivery and quality

Get a discount on your first purchase

Read reviews from real customers

Communicate with support in Russian

Now let's talk about everything in order.

After downloading the application to your phone, you need to go through a simple registration procedure: enter your login, password, delivery address and bank card details from which payments for orders will be made. If you wish, you can log in through the social network you use:

For me personally, the first inconvenience in application it turned out the fact that after registration you need to choose which products will be shown to you - women's or men's. It seems to me a rather strange division. Well, or at least they did this function at will - if you don’t want to look at all the products, then you can choose, for example, only women’s ones.

This is what the application home page looks like: where the sentences of the hour immediately catch the eye:

For me, it all starts with looking at them and ends with a full basket with all sorts of unnecessary things.

At the top of the page you can see 4 sections:


Best stores

Best reviews

People actively write reviews of products, many even attach photos, and you can see what they actually received. It is very convenient to read people’s opinions before purchasing and draw conclusions about the usefulness of a potential acquisition.

Navigation in the application is simple and intuitive. There is a menu on the left:

In it you can view your cart and orders, make settings that are convenient for you, etc.

Products in the application are divided into 20 categories:

Then go to the “hobbies and toys for children” subsection, then to “dolls and soft toys” and choose a plush friend for your child:

There is also sorting by price and newness:

And a very convenient filter where you can weed out unnecessary products, for example, in my case, I will select only “soft animal toys”, and I will not have irrelevant products flashing before my eyes:

But you can simply use the search bar and find the thing you need:

Each position usually has several photographs and, if there is a choice of size and color of the item, then you can choose the necessary ones.

The "description" tab contains detailed information about the product. Here you can get additional information about the product and at the same time smile at the funny description. Anyone who has already placed orders on AliExpress or Ebay is familiar with this

“Discounts” also make you smile, which some sellers do. They cross out some unrealistic number and put a price tag that just matches this or that product:

However, according to the application developer, such “marketing” will soon be eliminated:

I also always scroll down the page and look in the "similar products" section because... the same thing can cost differently, some can be found much cheaper than other sellers. I recommend always checking this!

True, I always choose a seller who has a lot of reviews with photos under the product, even if the item costs a little more than others. So at least you don’t take a pig in a poke, but you see what came to people.

How to place an order.

Once the desired product has been found, add it to the cart. There we indicate the required quantity and click on the “buy” button.

It’s very convenient that you receive notifications about the delivery status(for example, that your product has been shipped, crossed the border, etc.), and you do not need to constantly monitor where your nail file, belly button brush and other vital things are.

My orders didn’t arrive until after a month, I live in the Moscow region. I even waited almost 2 months for the last items, but all orders arrived.

Here's what I recently ordered:

Since there is a child in the family, most of my goods are purchased for the baby (mothers will understand)

And this is what actually came to me:

All products correspond to the description and are of decent quality. I am very pleased with the purchases I received.

So, what are the pros and cons that I can highlight after using this application for more than six months.


Convenient navigation and product search

A guarantee is provided if the product does not reach the recipient or does not correspond to the description

Lots of products with good discounts

There is support that you can contact at any time

- FREE shipping on ALL items(perhaps the most significant and advantageous difference between Joom and similar trading platforms)


Long delivery (personally for my orders)

There is no way to view all products, but you have to choose whether men's or women's will be shown

Registration and purchase is possible only from a mobile phone

I would like to note that the application developers are constantly improving it and listening to the opinions of users. On PlayMarket, developers always answer people's questions and respond to requests. There is also a thematic group on VKontakte, where people’s questions and wishes do not go unnoticed.

In general, I like the Joom application, I happily order products from it. If you are interested in online shopping for inexpensive things, I recommend downloading this application to your phone. Even if it’s just for fun, just to look at funny miracle things and various outlandish goods.

Happy shopping in Joom!

Joom - goods from China - a profitable online store with support service in Russian, low prices and guaranteed delivery to Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan: the main features of the application are free distribution on the Android platform, complete security when processing documents and orders, the ability to return money subject to certain conditions. At the same time, you don’t need any subscriptions or paid services (you don’t even have to pay for delivery), advertising is completely disabled, and all settings come down to just writing your own address and introducing convenient payment systems.

The design of the Joom application - goods from China is convenient: the colors are not too bright, the font is readable, the pictures are high-resolution and fully convey information about the product being purchased. The interface is presented in neat blocks with various offers and small panels where you can select different categories, change sections of interest and create your own, convenient lists. Hidden at the very top of the screen is a button for a special pull-out menu, where you can look into the cart, see recently selected items and find out where the already ordered items are located. Of course, it would not be possible without searching with filtering: you just need to make a few restrictions and all the necessary and recently updated information will immediately be displayed on the screen, in a word, an amazing invention!

The assortment is impressive - electronics and small household appliances, cosmetics, watches and bracelets, clothes, shoes, nice trinkets and even expensive accessories. But the developers boast not about the number of products they sell, but about the system of smart recommendations: if users, for example, often look for products of a certain category, but cannot make a choice for a long time, then a special assistant will bring to the fore useful options that are suitable in theme, image and likeness , which are also worth watching and maybe adding to your cart.

Other pleasant bonuses include hundreds of ongoing promotions, off-season sales and, of course, discounts on the first purchase of 10 or even more percent - all for the sake of attention from customers, so why not try it? Be sure to use the free Joom application - goods from China on Android and find among the impressive assortment really useful things that are worth purchasing and attention!

Chinese products» is one of the most convenient services for searching for products in Chinese online stores.

China in the current market is the largest exporter worldwide. A huge number of Chinese products are offered and imported into our country. Mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and China has maintained great demand for products from Chinese stores for many years. Low delivery costs and attractive prices for goods are the main advantages of Chinese online stores.


We all value our time, and shopping in online stores greatly contributes to this. The application will allow you to view and order products you are interested in from Chinese online stores directly and without intermediaries. An excellent option for resellers who resell received Chinese goods or open their own stores, having a whole range of imported purchases. It is possible to view available sales, discounts and wholesale sales, which are often carried out in stores in China.


Unlike auctions, you can immediately select the price threshold you need and place an order. It is quite convenient to compare products at prices from many stores thanks to a well-developed search system. Wholesale and retail purchasing options are available, with a convenient type of delivery. You can place an order by prepayment, payment protection is guaranteed by the Aliexpress Escrow and Paypal systems.

Application "Goods from China"

Payment and delivery

The application settings allow you to select the acceptable currency for making your purchase in the selected store. Payment is possible in Russian rubles as well as foreign dollars, pounds, euros and more than a dozen other acceptable currencies.

Delivery is usually carried out by Russian Post directly to your post office. There are options for all kinds of courier services. Thanks to the track number of your parcel with goods, if you wish, you can track its movement using trackers on the websites of transport companies, Russian Post, Ukrposhta, Belposhta, 24 and 17 track, inpost, Nova Poshta and others.

The application will allow you:

  • Find profitable products in Aliexpress and other other Chinese online stores where direct delivery to Russia is available.
  • Using a convenient search system, select a product by name, availability or cost. If you wish, you can automatically translate the names of the goods into a language convenient for you and view the price category in rubles, hryvnias and other currencies.
  • Monitor replenishment and arrival of new products to the store.
  • Have with you a wide online catalog of Aliexpress and at the same time dozens of other online stores in China.

When buying clothes and shoes in China, you need to take into account the size match. They are different in Europe, the United States and Asia. You can activate product preview in the settings (the online store website will be shown in the application itself, this is much faster than opening it in the browser).