When doing a stretching exercise, my stomach pops out. Quick stretching at home. When not to stretch

Stretching is a training technique that allows you to make your muscles more elastic and your body more flexible. The literal translation of the word “stretching” is stretching.

But the technique received its English name due to the fact that it is practiced separately from fitness and athleticism, with the goal of improving the body’s health and making it more flexible.Stretching is especially popular among middle-aged and elderly people. According to statistics, people who started doing fitness and stretching after the age of 35 look better by the age of 70 and have a higher level of flexibility than “passive” individuals.


There are several types of stretching– static, ballistic and proprioceptive muscle facilitation (PPMF).

Static stretching- This is a simple stretching of the muscle with holding the torso for some time in an extended position.

With ballistic stretching the muscle is stretched through short jerking movements.

PPMO– this is a complicated version of ballistic stretching; in this case, the partner helps to achieve greater stretching - through soft short pressure on the working part of the body.

A set of leg stretching exercises

The stretching program provides three types of exercises to stretch the leg muscles:

  • exercises for stretching the quadriceps (front thigh muscles),
  • to stretch the hamstrings (back thigh muscles),
  • exercises to stretch the calf muscles.

The legs, in addition to the front and back muscles of the thighs and calves, have many more muscles, but there is no point in stretching them further - since they are all involved in the above-mentioned exercises.

Quadriceps stretch

Lie on your right side. Bend your left leg at the knee and, clasping your foot with your hand, pull it behind your back, stretching the anterior thigh muscle as much as possible. Repeat the same exercise for the other leg.

Hamstring stretch

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Using your hands, pull your legs towards you without lifting your back from the floor.

Calf stretch

Stand a step away from the wall. Step forward with one foot and place your toe against the wall. Pressing your whole body against the wall, do not lift the heel of your “working” leg. Every day, gradually increase your step width.

Back stretching exercises

The back consists of the lower back and latissimus muscles, plus many small muscles connected to them. By doing exercises to stretch the main muscles of the back, you are doing prevention for all the others.

Exercises to stretch the long back muscles (lumbar muscles)

Get down on your knees. In this case, your pelvis should be placed on or between your heels. Lean forward and extend your arms as far as possible. As soon as you feel that your palms have reached their maximum point, continue to bend over until you feel the peak of the stretch in your lower back.

Exercise to stretch the latissimus dorsi muscles

Standing a step away from the door frame, bend down and grab the frame with your right hand. Place your left hand above it. Pull your torso back, stretching your right latissimus muscle. Repeat the same exercise for the other side.

Shoulder stretches

There are three exercises to fully stretch your shoulders. And it’s better to do all three at once. Each exercise involves specific heads of the deltoid muscles, as well as the muscles associated with the shoulder joints - the rhomboids and the muscles that rotate the scapula.

1. Straighten your arm until it is parallel to the floor. Grab the elbow of your outstretched arm with your other hand and pull it towards your opposite shoulder. Repeat the same exercise for the other shoulder.

2. Raising one hand up, bend it at the elbow, and try to reach it with the other hand, only from below. Then repeat the exercise, changing the position of your hands.

3. Place the back of your hand on your lower back, and with your other hand grab your elbow or slightly higher. Pull your arm forward until you feel a stretch in your shoulder. Repeat the exercise for the other shoulder.

Arm muscle stretching

By performing stretches for the biceps and triceps, you are doing preventive maintenance for the elbow joints, traction tendons and wrist joints.

Triceps stretch

Raising your arm up, bend it behind your head and grab her elbow with your other hand. Smoothly pull your working hand downwards. A similar exercise is for the other hand.

Biceps stretch

Grab the door jamb. In this case, the thumb of your hand should “look” down, and your hand should be parallel to the floor. Then turn around so that your gaze is in the opposite direction from the “working” hand. Standing in this position, rotate the shoulder section of your arm upward until you feel a stretch in your biceps. Repeat a similar exercise for the other hand.

Breast stretch

Standing at the door frame, rest your hands on it so that the shoulder sections of your arms are parallel to the floor. Press into the doorframe, stretching your pectoral muscles as much as possible.

Neck stretch

Neck stretching is useful not only for the prevention of diseases of the neck muscles and joints. It is useful for relieving fatigue after long mental work, as well as for relaxing the nerves after grueling athletic training.

Three simple exercises performed after work or training will help you maintain your vision, recover faster and protect your neck muscles from microtrauma.

In a standing position, tilt your head down until your chin touches your chest, then take the starting position and tilt your head back; 10 – 15 repetitions.

After resting for 30 seconds, tilt your head as far as possible to the left, then slowly return to the starting position and tilt your head as far as possible to the right; 8 – 10 repetitions in each direction.

After a short interval, smoothly turn your head counterclockwise, then in the opposite direction.

The above set is stretching exercises for beginners. For those who simply want to maintain their muscles and joints in the right tone, such stretching is quite enough. But you must remember the conditions, non-compliance with which can cause harm.

  • Before performing the “stretching” complex, it is necessary to perform a light fitness complex.
  • Either perform one easy set of squats, push-ups, and pull-ups at once, or do a low-intensity athletic exercise before each exercise.

For example, before stretching your leg muscles, do squats, and before stretching your biceps, do biceps curls with light weights.

  • Fans of athleticism and fitness should know that stretching should be performed either immediately after finishing a workout, or no earlier than 24 hours after it.
  • If you perform stretching earlier than a day after training, this will only increase the damage and can lead to microtrauma and problems with the joints.

Stretching and flexibility exercises

The complex presented below includes exercises that can make your body more flexible.

In order for the body to become more flexible, a simple complex to relieve fatigue or muscle tension is not enough. More dynamic movements are needed, performed using your own effort or with the help of a partner.

Stretching the pectoral muscles

Stand in the doorway. Rest your forearms against the door frame so that your upper arms are in one line.

Make several stretching movements, pressing your chest into the doorway.

Then ask your partner to press down on your back and hold your torso at the point of maximum chest stretch.

Perform 3 of these holds.

Before stretching, perform a light set of push-ups.

Back stretching exercise

Sitting on your heels, lean forward as much as possible, placing your outstretched arms in front of you. Pause at the bottom point, and with a slight jerking movement, bend your lower back even more. 8 – 10 repetitions.

Before this exercise, perform a set of standing bends or hyperextensions.

When you get bored and the exercise for stretching the long back muscles becomes very simple, complicate it. Perform a similar exercise, but not sitting on your heels, but sitting on the floor with your legs straight.

Stretch exercise for hamstrings

Stand straight with your feet together. Lean forward, trying to reach your fingers to the floor. Do 6 – 8 measured inclinations.

Then stand up straight, inhale and exhale deeply, and begin ballistic hamstring stretches. Bend as low as possible through jerking movements, touching your fingers to the floor, and stay in the lower position for as long as possible. 5 – 6 repetitions.

Do a set of squats before stretching. If you have stiff joints in your legs and lower back, do the stretching exercise for the rear leg muscles from the first set after squats.

If you have sufficient flexibility and reaching the floor with your fingers is not at all a problem for you, you’d better prefer another exercise - hamstring stretch against the wall.

Standing against a wall, lift your leg. Ask a partner to help you stretch your hamstrings as far as possible. 3 – 4 exercises for each leg.

Before such an exercise, in any case, you need a warm-up and gentle pre-stretching.

Quadriceps stretching exercise

Standing straight, bend your right leg at the knee and grab your foot with your right hand. Pull your foot up until there is a full stretch in the anterior thigh muscle. Do 2–3 exercises for each leg.

Then do the same exercise, but in ballistic mode. Perform 5 repetitions for each leg.

If you do this exercise after the previous one, no preliminary warm-up is needed.

If you do this as your first exercise for any reason, do a light set of squats. Then do the quadriceps stretch from the first set.

Exercise to stretch the calf muscles

Perform as many calf raises as possible while standing on a stand. Then rest for 1 – 2 minutes.

Perform the donkey exercise (bent-over calf raises (torso parallel to the floor) while standing on a bar), but do not do the maximum number of repetitions. Do 5 – 6 repetitions, then stretch your calves as far as possible and hold at this point. Perform 3 sets.

Exercise to develop flexibility of arms and shoulders

Place a chair with a backrest in front of you. The back of the chair should be positioned towards you. The chair should be at such a distance from you that you can lean over and place your palms on it.

Bend over, rest your palms on the back of the chair, and continue to “press.” Make 5 jerking movements without lifting your hands from the back of the chair and without changing the position of your back.

At each workout, try to increase the delay time at the bottom point. When you can hold the maximum stretch for 10 seconds without much difficulty, change the routine slightly. Remove the hamstring stretch and the donkey exercise, but include the metronome exercise. And do it after the quadriceps stretching exercise.

Exercise "Metronome"

Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lean to the right side, touching your hand to the same leg. Make 8 measured movements, then grab your leg with your hand at the lowest point you can reach. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Do 5 sets for each side. published

When it comes to losing weight, many people believe that the only way to lose weight is through cardio training. However, flexibility exercises can also help you improve your metabolism, blood circulation, and can also help build muscle mass. Stretching exercises and some yoga poses can be very effective in burning fat if practiced regularly. Plus, stretching can be an easy first step toward more challenging workouts.


This stretch targets your abs, back, shoulders, obliques, and thighs. Stretch your arms out to your sides and lie on your mat with your legs together. Raise your upper body and tilt your head back. Hold this position for twenty or thirty seconds.

Twist while seated

This exercise allows you to work your abdominal, back, and oblique abdominal muscles. To perform it, you need to sit on the floor, stretch one leg in front of you, bend the second at the knee and cross over the first. After this, you need to rotate your body towards the bent leg. Hold this position for twenty to thirty seconds.


If you do this exercise, you will be able to work the muscles of your back, hips and abs. Get into a standing position and then take a big step forward, leaving your left leg behind. Rotate your foot 45 degrees toward the center of your mat. Bend your right knee 90 degrees so that your knee is directly above your shin while keeping your left leg straight. Raise your arms and reach for the ceiling. Stay in this position for about thirty seconds, then switch legs.


This pose is very effective if you want to stretch the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, abs and legs. Lie on your back and extend your arms along your body, bend your knees at a ninety-degree angle. Slowly lift your hips up while pressing your shoulders and upper torso into the floor. You should stay in this position for about fifteen seconds.

Side lunge

With this exercise you can work your quadriceps, hamstrings and thigh muscles. Lunge out to the side with your right leg, keeping your knee bent 90 degrees. Your left leg should be extended in the appropriate direction, while your left foot should be on the floor. Slightly tilt your upper body forward, and stay in this position for half a minute, then change legs.

Inner thigh stretch

As the name suggests, with this stretch you will work your inner thigh muscles as well as your groin. Sit on the floor with your back straight. Bring your feet together and lower your knees as close to the floor as possible. Using your elbows, lightly press down on your knees to press them closer to the floor. At the same time, you should feel a slight tension in the muscles. Before you reach the point where you feel pain, stop and hold in this position for thirty seconds.

Knee bending

This exercise will help you work on the muscles of both the upper, middle, and lower parts of your back. To do this, you need to lie on your back, and then bend both knees and grab them with your hands. After this, begin to pull your knees towards your chest until you feel a stretch in the muscles. You should remain in this state for about thirty seconds.

Triceps stretch

This stretch targets your shoulders, back, of course, triceps and even your abs. You need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and then raise your arms high up. Bend your right elbow and grab it with your left hand, then gently pull towards your head. Hold this position for twenty seconds, then change hands.

Bends while sitting

This exercise allows you to stretch the muscles of your back, shoulders, abs, and oblique abdominal muscles. To do this, you need to sit on the floor and cross your legs. Or you can sit on a chair if that makes you feel more comfortable. Raise your left arm straight above your head, then tilt it to the left until you feel tension in your left side. At this point, stop and stay in this position for ten or fifteen seconds, then change hands.


This yoga pose works your back, your hips and your abs. To take it, you need to lie on your stomach, stretch your arms back and raise them up, then bend your knees and grab your shins with your hands. Make sure your shoulders don't touch your ears and do this exercise for thirty seconds.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

If you practice this asana, you will be able to simultaneously stretch the muscles of your hips, shoulders, legs, arms and back. To get into this pose, you need to get on all fours. As you exhale, straighten both your arms and legs, lifting your hips up. Point your heels up and your head down, then hold this pose for twenty seconds.


This position targets the obliques, shoulders, legs, chest and thighs. To begin, you need to stand on a yoga mat and then spread your legs wider. Rotate your left leg 45 degrees and your right leg 90 degrees. Extend your arms parallel to the floor and begin to reach to the left side, as if you are trying to reach something. Exhale and tilt your body to the left so that your left hand can touch your left shin or an object on the floor, if that feels more comfortable. At the same time, extend your right hand up and look at it, remaining in this position for a little more than thirty seconds.

Stretching– is one of the most important parts of training. Having elastic and well-stretched muscles, you will be able to move easily, and any physical activity will bring you great pleasure. As they say: “Where flexibility ends, old age begins.”


What is stretching

The action itself is stretching and lengthening your body and limbs. This allows you to gain and maintain the necessary level of flexibility, on which the mobility of both the body as a whole and one or another joint individually depends. A stretching program is, at its core, a training program for flexibility.Here are some examples: hamstring and calf stretches, triceps stretches, etc.Flexibility training is widely used to improve overall joint mobility. The purpose of stretching is to improve mobility by keeping joints toned. Research has shown that Regular stretching significantly improves joint flexibility. However, it should be noted that inadequate or incorrect stretching can cause damage to the ligaments. There is a special concept of “functional range of motion”, which involves developing enough flexibility to perform a specific sport (or specific exercise) without compromising joints and ligaments.Stretching can be practiced regardless of age, gender or degree of flexibility of your body. Stretching exercises should be included in your daily training program, regardless of whether you train every day or once a week. There are many simple exercises you can do while watching TV, working on the computer, or getting ready for bed.

Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Bend your right leg at the knee and rest your right foot on the inner surface of your left thigh as close to your pelvis as possible. Place your palms on the floor on either side of your left leg. Bend your left leg as low as possible until you feel slight pain from the stretch. Try not to bend your left leg at the knee. As you bend over, try to reach your left foot.

Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along your body, lift your chin up. Lift your right leg up and grab it from behind. Hold it in this position for about 30 seconds. Gently pull your leg toward your chest, alternately forward and backward 50 times. Repeat the same with the other leg 50 times. At the same time, do not lift your head from the floor, your chin points to the ceiling.

As you inhale, grasping your legs with both hands, slowly lift your head towards your leg. Stay in this position for 1-2 inhalations and exhalations, and as you exhale, lower your head to the floor, relax and lower your leg. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times, changing legs.

Get into Head Down Dog Pose., stretch your back well. Step forward with your right foot so that your foot is between your palms. Stretch your left leg. Then turn your body to the right and raise your right arm up. Hold this position. Feel the stretch in your arm muscles and obliques. Slowly return to the starting position, performing the exercise in reverse order. And repeat for the left side. Do 6 times for each.

The butterfly exercise is a type of stretching for the groin and leg muscles. To do this, sit on the floor, bring your legs together, foot to foot, and grab your toes with your hands. Extend your legs toward the floor, resting your elbows on your legs. This exercise is considered the simplest for stretching the groin muscles.

Take a sitting position. Straighten your back. Stretch your legs forward. Bend your body forward and reach your palms towards your toes. Reaching your toes, hold this position for a few seconds. Take your starting position. Raise your right leg as high as possible and grab it with your hands. Stretch in such a way that you feel the tension in the muscles of your back and hamstrings. Perform similar actions with your left leg. You should not feel pain when performing the exercise.

The previous article discussed exercises for scoliosis.

  • Never stretch before strength training. No matter how intense your warm-up is, it is not enough to deeply “warm up” the ligaments. “Cold” ligaments are always rigid and inelastic. Stretching such ligaments means going straight to injury. Think of a toffee: if you just took it out of the refrigerator, if you try to bend or stretch it, it will break. But warm it up and the toffee becomes like plasticine.
  • The most vulnerable are the small muscles. That is why First you need to stretch large muscle groups– chest, back, hips. This will also increase blood flow to the small muscles.
  • Dosage. You should feel a pleasant stretch in your muscles. Don't reach the pain threshold!
  • Pace. Make smooth transitions. Slowly move from stretching one muscle group to another.
  • During the warm-up, do stretching exercises dynamically, reaching the maximum stretch several times and immediately returning back. Stretching after training, on the contrary, should be done statically. Stay in the maximum stretch position for 15 to 90 seconds. One stretch for each muscle group is enough.
  • Don't hold your breath! On the contrary, breathe deeply. Deep breathing promotes muscle relaxation, which helps with stretching.


Stretching for legs

Leg stretch

The previous article covered:

Many beginner athletes and even professionals consider stretching to be a pampering exercise for lazy people. However, fitness instructors constantly insist that full-body stretching exercises are just as important as strength training and cardio exercises. Effective, correct stretching helps to avoid muscle tension, reduces recovery time and allows you to avoid feeling like a clumsy elephant in a china shop after strength training. Regular stretching of the shoulders and arms, as well as the back and legs, restores blood and lymph circulation, allows you to freely control your body and even stimulates muscle growth. Let's figure out how to properly stretch muscles and why such a cool-down helps set new records.

Untrained people gradually lose the flexibility of their movements, they are overcome by pain in the joints, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Incorrect postures become so comfortable that a person can no longer sit or walk with a straight back. Easy stretching for beginners for all muscle groups, which can be performed even at home, will help to avoid pain syndromes, increase joint flexibility and reduce the risk of salt deposits.

In addition, constant viewing of mobile gadgets puts incredible strain on the neck and leads to changes in the cervical spine. Due to prolonged daily work at the computer, the chest is compressed, a burning sensation appears in the shoulder blades, and sometimes it even becomes difficult to breathe. A person assumes that he has problems with the lungs or heart, while daily warm-up, yoga or stretching of atrophied pectoral muscles and shoulders can eliminate pain, oxygen starvation and fatigue.

In the end, an inflexible body looks awkward and people in sedentary professions have a hard time in old age. Belated stretching of the back and shoulder girdle after many years of inactivity will not cure. Isn't it better to start regularly performing a set of simple exercises to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system?!

Stretching for strength athletes: ligaments versus muscles

Weight training increases muscle tone, shortens ligaments and makes them stiff. Ignoring stretching will result in the strength potential of the muscles exceeding the elastic capabilities of the tendons and ligaments. The load on the bone apparatus will increase significantly, and all subsequent training will take place with a greater risk of injury. Sometimes it is the stopping of progress that forces professional athletes to change their attitude towards stretching and visit a stretching class.

An important advantage of stretching is an increase in the production of the hormone somatropin, which accelerates recovery processes and muscle growth. The body gets rid of toxins faster, and more oxygen and nutrients reach the tissues. There is no stagnation in training, overexertion and spasms are eliminated.

Types of stretching

Stretching can be dynamic and fast. It is performed without pauses with a gradual increase in the scope and speed of movements. This is how, for example, football players prepare for a match: they make sharp swings of their legs to the waist, and then to the chest. This type of load is only suitable for trained professionals.

Static muscle stretching is performed smoothly with a pause at the end point. You can start with springy movements without jerking to maximize amplitude. The position is held for 10 seconds to two minutes without holding your breath. The time is chosen depending on training experience and flexibility, but most often the stretched position is held for 30–45 seconds.

An independent stretching lesson will take 1–1.5 hours. It's easier and more effective to combine 10-30 minutes of stretching with your regular workout. As a rule, they stretch from top to bottom: they start with the neck muscles and lastly stretch the legs. You need to practice stretching constantly: as soon as you stop exercising, the results will immediately begin to deteriorate.

When to stretch your muscles: before, during or after training?

Stretching is always done after a good joint warm-up and 7-10 minutes of cardio (running, jumping, etc.). It is best to stretch your muscles at the end of your workout. If you do this before strength training, then lifting weights will be harder and strength indicators will decrease.

For example, if you stretch your hamstrings before squats, you will be able to do a deeper squat. But if you stretch the front surface of the thigh, then lifting with a barbell will be much more difficult - a severely stretched muscle is difficult to contract. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing stretching exercises between sets.

Safe complex for stretching the whole body

Neck muscle strain

Development of flexibility of the shoulder girdle

  1. Place your hands behind your back and grab your wrist with one hand. As you bend your arms, pull your hands up and push your chest forward to better stretch your anterior deltoids.
  2. Grasp your right elbow with your left hand at the level of the solar plexus and pull it down.
  3. Grab your left hand with your right hand just above the elbow. Keep your left arm straight, press it to your chest and pull it up.

Arm muscle stretching

  1. Stand with your left side to the wall and extend your left arm up. Bend your elbow as much as possible and lower your hand behind your back so that your palm is between your shoulder blades. Lean your left side against the wall and stretch your triceps.
  2. Grasp the doorway with one hand and turn your back to it. For a better stretch, lean forward slightly.
  3. Place one hand behind your back from below (elbow pointing straight up), and the other from above (elbow pointing down). Try to place your palms between your shoulder blades.

Stretching the chest muscles

  1. Stand in front of a doorway with one foot forward. Rest your forearms on the doorposts and push your chest forward.
  2. Standing facing the wall (as close as possible), place your straight arm extended to the side on the wall. Slowly turn sideways towards the wall and door frame.

Back and spine stretching

Stretching complex for the abdominal muscles

  1. Lying on your stomach, place your palms under your shoulders and lift your body up, leaning on your straight arms. Arch your chest and reach up.
  2. Standing straight, interlock your fingers above your head with your palms up and lean alternately to the right and left.

Leg stretching exercises

Stretching the buttock muscles

  1. Lying on your back, raise your legs bent 90 degrees at the knees. Place the ankle of your right foot on the front surface of your left thigh (slightly below the knee). Pull your right knee towards you, deepening the stretch.
  2. Sit on the floor. Bend your left leg at the knee and pull your lower leg toward your chest with your hands. Turn your knee to the left so that your shin is parallel to the floor.
  3. Sitting on the floor, take your left leg back and straighten it, and bring your right leg forward and bend your knee to a right angle. You can rest your palms on the floor or lean forward with emphasis on your forearms.

Videos on YouTube, photos, lessons in GIF animations will help you learn how to do stretching correctly at home. Any visual presentation of the material allows you to quickly master everything yourself in front of the mirror. Consider your capabilities, choose an adequate amplitude and do not expect to lose weight with stretching: strength and aerobic training, avoidance of fast carbohydrates and harmful trans fats, promote weight loss.

When training, pull the muscles, not the ligaments, and be very careful with the vulnerable shoulder girdle. Do not strain your muscles, because in a relaxed state they stretch much better. Avoid severe pain and for stretching after training, choose 1-2 exercises for each muscle group from the complex. Give equal attention and equal time to each leg, arm, and half of your body. To achieve good results (increase working weight, etc.), do stretching not when the desire appears, but regularly, and preferably daily.

You need to stretch after warming up. This way you can deepen the stretch without injuring your muscles and ligaments.

Warm up before stretching

When you stretch after a workout, your muscles are already warmed up and no additional warm-up is required. If you decide to arrange a separate stretching lesson, first do a few exercises:

  1. Joint warm-up: twirl your joints, bend and twist your body.
  2. 5-7 minutes of cardio: running or Jumping Jacks, Rock Climber, running in place with high knees, .

Once you've warmed up a bit, you can start stretching.

How and how much to stretch

With these exercises, you can arrange an independent stretching session and thoroughly stretch all the muscles of your body. However, it will take about 60–90 minutes. For a quick stretch, choose one or two exercises for each muscle group involved in the workout.

To give your muscles a good stretch, hold each pose for 30 seconds to two minutes. You can remain still or gently spring. Sudden movements can cause injury, so leave them for another sport.

We will give exercises for stretching from top to bottom: neck, shoulders and arms, chest and back, abs, buttocks, thighs, legs.

Neck stretching exercises

Tilt your head back, stretching the front of your neck. From this position, tilt your head to the left. For greater effect, place your left palm on the right side of your head, but do not press hard.

Place your right hand on the left side of your head. Tilt your head forward and to the side, increase the pressure with your hand.

Repeat on the other side.

Place one hand on the back of your head and the other on your chin. Lower your head, making a double chin. At the same time, the neck remains straight, the back of the head tends upward. You should feel it in the back of your neck, especially at the base of your skull.

Shoulder stretches

4. Front Shoulder Stretch

Place your hands behind your back, clasp your wrist with one hand and the other. Bend your elbows and lift your wrists higher. Push your chest forward and feel the stretch in the front of your shoulders.

5. Mid-Shoulder Stretch

Grab your opposite elbow with your hand, press your shoulder towards you and pull it down. Repeat with the other hand.

6. Back Shoulder Stretch

Grasp your right arm with your left above the elbow, press it to your body and straighten it, lower your right shoulder down. With your left hand, pull your right hand up, lifting it with your elbow. Feel the tension in your backside.

Repeat with the other hand.

7. Triceps stretch

Go to the wall, lift your left elbow up, and place your forearm behind your back. Lower your left shoulder blade down. To check that it has actually dropped and will not rise during the stretch, place your right hand below your left armpit.

Repeat on the other side.

8. Biceps stretch

Grab a doorknob, counter, or other support and turn your back to it. Turn your elbow upward and move your body slightly forward.

Repeat with the other hand.

This pose allows you to simultaneously stretch the triceps of one arm and the front of the shoulder of the other. Place one hand behind your back from above so that your elbow points upward, and the other from below so that your elbow points to the floor. Try to bring your wrists together at the level of your shoulder blades.

Switch hands.

10. Wrist Extensor Stretch

Sit on your knees, place your hands in front of you so that the backs of your hands touch the floor and your fingers point towards each other. Gently shift your weight into your hands, stretching your forearms. To enhance the effect, try clenching your fists.

Chest stretching exercises

11. Chest stretch in the doorway

Go to the doorway, lean your elbows on the doorframes and push your chest forward, pectoral muscles.

Place your hand on the wall, lower your shoulder and turn in the opposite direction. Repeat with the other hand.

Back stretching exercises

Stand next to a rack, exercise machine or other support, turn your left shoulder towards it. With your right hand, grab the rack high above your head and move your pelvis to the right and down, stretching the entire right side of your body.

Repeat on the other side.

14. Stretching the lower back muscles

Sit on the floor, move your right leg forward, left leg back. Bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees or slightly more. Place your right hand on the floor, raise your left above your head. Pull your left leg down and back, tilt your body forward and twist towards your right leg.

Switch legs.

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Grasp your shins with your hands on the inside, place your wrists on your feet. Lean forward as low as possible.

Sit on the floor, buttocks should touch your heels. Lean forward, lie on your stomach on your knees and extend your arms.

Get on all fours, then move your pelvis back and up so that your body resembles an angle. Your arms and back should be stretched out in one line, your knees can be bent, and your heels can be lifted off the floor. The main thing is that your back remains straight, without rounding in the lower back.

Grab a low horizontal bar and hang freely, relaxing your body. Feet should remain on the ground. Relax them, bend your knees slightly.

Lie on the floor on your back, arms along your body, legs straight. Raise your legs and then throw them behind your head. Hands rest with elbows on the floor, hands support. Do not lean on your neck, the fulcrum is your shoulders.

Abdominal stretching exercises

Get on your knees, push your chest up, lengthening your spine, and then lean back, placing your hands on your heels. Try to bend in the thoracic region. Don't throw your head back, look up.

Lie on the floor on your stomach, place your hands under your shoulders. Push yourself up, your pelvis rises, your legs remain on the floor. Lower your shoulders, bend in the chest.

Stand straight with your feet together. Raise your arms and join your palms above your head. Bend your chest and tilt your body back. Tighten to avoid strong arching in the lower back.

Stand up straight, raise your arms above your head, clasp your fingers and turn your palms up. Stretch up and bend first to one side and then to the other.

Lie on the floor on your back, arms out to the sides, palms down. Move your pelvis to the left, lift your left leg, bending it at the knee, move it behind your right leg and try to place your knee on the floor. Turn your head to the left and relax.

Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercises for stretching the buttocks

25. Lying stretch

Lie on the floor on your back, raise your knees bent. Place the ankle of your left foot on the knee of your right. Press the knee of your right leg onto your left to deepen it. Repeat with the other leg.

Get on all fours, place your right ankle on your left knee. Push your pelvis back to deepen the stretch. Repeat with the other leg.

27. Seated stretching

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, straighten your back. Bend one leg at the knee, grab your shin with your hands and press it to your chest. The shin should be parallel to the floor, the forearms lie on top and press it to the chest, one hand covers the other.

Repeat with the other leg.

Sit on the floor, bend one leg at the knee at a right angle and move it forward, take the other back and straighten it. You can lean forward and place your forearms on the floor.

If you have difficulty doing this pose on the floor, try placing your foot on an elevated platform.

Exercises to stretch the front of the thigh

Calf Stretching Exercises

48. Stretching against the wall

Press the toe of your right foot against the wall, take your left foot a step and a half back. The feet are pressed tightly to the floor, the left leg is straight. Try to reach the wall with your right knee, this will stretch the muscles of your left leg.

Switch legs.

Stand close to the wall. Place your right toe on the wall, take your left leg a step and a half back. Bend your left leg at the knee, increasing the stretch. Switch legs and repeat.

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs straight in front of you. Place one leg on the thigh of the other. Grab your foot with your opposite hand and pull your toe up.

Switch legs.