Beneficial properties of non-alcoholic beer for humans. Non-alcoholic beer benefits and harm - short and clear

Non-alcoholic beer appeared in the countries of the post-Soviet space relatively recently, but it cannot be called a new product on the market either. However, despite this, there are many myths around the drink, and not everyone knows how it is actually produced without alcohol and why its taste is often different from its relative with a degree. Many foam lovers do not mistake the soft drink for real beer at all, complaining about its unpleasant taste. Or maybe the whole point is that they simply didn’t come across good non-alcoholic beer? It's time to reveal all the secrets of foam without a degree and find out which of the non-alcoholic varieties is the most delicious.

What is beer without alcohol?

Non-alcoholic beer is a type of foamy drink made from malt, characterized by a low percentage of alcohol. Yes, contrary to popular belief that this product has zero alcohol content, there is still ethanol in the so-called soft drink. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Non-alcoholic beer is brewed from the same set of ingredients as regular beer. Hops, malt, water, yeast cultures, natural enzymes - it is from these components that the amber drink, beloved by millions around the world, will be obtained. The difference is only in percentage.

Bottles containing a non-alcoholic product first appeared on the market in the 1970s. At that time, the “target audience” of the drink was considered exclusively beer-loving drivers. Over time, the new product began to be used by people for whom alcoholic drinks are contraindicated, people who follow a healthy lifestyle, as well as women, including pregnant women, which, however, is not always correct.

How non-alcoholic beer is made

Many may be surprised now, but the production of non-alcoholic beer is no different from the process of creating its alcoholic counterpart. At least the initial stage of production of both drinks is identical: the non-alcoholic drink is brewed in exactly the same way as regular foamy drink. But dealcoholization can be achieved in several ways.

The first method is to interrupt or eliminate fermentation. This can be achieved by adding special yeast to the wort that does not cause fermentation. The second way to stop fermentation is to sharply cool the drink, as a result of which the yeast cultures die. The result of this production is a drink that contains almost no ethanol, but at the same time with a pronounced malt taste.

The second method of preparing non-alcoholic beer involves a slightly different technique. In this case, the fermentation processes are not interrupted, and ethanol is removed from the finished product. This can also be achieved in several ways. For example, heating a liquid to 80 degrees, as a result of which ethanol begins to evaporate. But this method also has obvious disadvantages: the taste of the drink also changes, and not for the better. More advanced methods for ethanol removal are vacuum evaporation and vacuum distillation. In this case, the removal of alcohol also occurs by evaporating the alcohol, but this is done at lower temperatures, which do not affect the gastronomic qualities of the finished beer, like the previous method.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

The third (most modern) method of dealcoholization of a product is membrane. The essence of the process is to “screen out” ethanol molecules from the product using a special filtration film or membrane. The result is a substance that most closely resembles “real” beer. And in order to achieve maximum similarity with the “source”, flavorings and other components are added to the non-alcoholic drink, which ultimately makes the product more expensive. Here is the answer to the question that probably tormented many: why non-alcoholic beer costs more than alcoholic beer.

How much alcohol is in soft drink

As already mentioned, non-alcoholic beer is not so non-alcoholic. Depending on the brand and method of preparation, drinks in this category may contain from 0.002 to 1.5% alcohol. Most countries have a regulation that the ethanol content in soft drinks should not exceed 1% (usually 0.5%). That is, no matter what the label says, there is still a certain percentage of alcohol in the drink. And this must be taken into account.

Can you get drunk from non-alcoholic beer? From one or two glasses of non-alcoholic beverages, of course, no. But 10 bottles of a one and a half percent drink can really unsettle some people. After such a portion, people with low resistance to ethanol are at risk of mild alcohol poisoning, hangover and fumes. By the way, drivers should take note: 2 liters of non-alcoholic beer is approximately 0.09-0.11 ppm of ethyl alcohol in the blood.

Why is soft drinks dangerous?

By studying the composition of non-alcoholic beer and its effect on the human body, researchers are regularly convinced that this drink is not so harmless. Firstly, it can develop against the background of abuse of even a non-alcoholic version of the drink. The fact is that any beer contains substances that cause the release of dopamine (the hormone of happiness), which is why a person develops a strong desire to repeat drinking the drink. The result is the development of dependence on foam. And it’s not hard to predict that the addicted beer drinker will quickly switch from the non-alcoholic version of the drink to the alcoholic one.

Another misconception about non-alcoholic beer: unlike alcoholic beer, it does not harm the cardiovascular system and internal organs. But scientific research data tells a different story. Abuse of any of the options can cause varicose veins, heart enlargement, hormonal imbalance (and as a result, weight gain).

But there is also a pleasant fly in the ointment in this ointment. Not long ago, Japanese researchers proved that the non-alcoholic version of the amber drink has anti-cancer properties. At least an experiment on laboratory mice confirmed this.

The best non-alcoholic beer: how to choose

When alcohol is banned for various reasons, many seek their “salvation” in non-alcoholic beer. But in order not to join the ranks of the “lucky ones” for whom this drink is not associated with anything good, you need to know which non-alcoholic beer is better.

All beer lovers know that the best foam is brewed in Germany. But not only this country is famous for its delicious non-alcoholic beer. Take, for example, the Belgian brand Stella Artois and its drink labeled Alcohol free. European beer lovers leave flattering reviews about the taste and aroma of this product. Soft drinks from Russian manufacturers are becoming increasingly popular in the world, in particular “Baltika No. 0”, “Bavaria” Premium Malt. This beer has already managed to conquer not only Eurasia, but has also successfully reached America. Beck’s non alcoholic is considered one of the best non-alcoholic drinks from German manufacturers. The popular Dutch product from Heineken is presented in a non-alcoholic version as Amstel non alcoholic. Denmark conquered the world with its FAXE Free, and Austrian brewers loudly announced themselves with the non-alcoholic Samichlaus Classic.

TOP 10 most popular brands

10th place

Besser from Barnaul brewers, although it occupies only tenth place in the rating, has proven itself quite well. The very low alcohol content combined with good gastronomic characteristics make it popular among beer lovers.

9th place

Hefe-Weißbier Non-Alcoholic from the German brewery Paulaner is an excellent taste of a wheat drink with an almost complete absence of alcohol content. Beer of this brand has been known in Europe since the 17th century, and is currently one of the best among Bavarian examples.

8th place

Clausthaler Classic from another German manufacturer Binding-Brauerei, although it belongs to inexpensive brands, has good taste characteristics.

7th place

Baltika No. 0 (popularly known as Baltika zerovka) is created from wheat malt in compliance with the latest technologies for the production of non-alcoholic beer. Thanks to this, the taste of the drink is as close as possible to alcoholic beer.

6th place

Buckler – Non-Alcoholic from the world famous Heineken – is an original taste and excellent beer aroma. Thanks to modern fermentation and filtration technologies, a high-quality drink is obtained, the taste of which is indistinguishable from lager.

5th place

Stella Artois non alconolic is loved not only by Belgian beer lovers. The classic taste of beer without the mind-numbing alcohol brought this drink fifth place in the TOP 10.

4th place

Maisel's Weisse is another wheat soft drink option from German brewers. The highlight of the drink is a dense foam head and an unusual taste with light fruity and floral notes.

3rd place

The pleasant golden color and full flavor of light beer made Bavaria Malt number 3 in the world ranking of non-alcoholic beverages. The sweetish apple notes and hop aftertaste of the drink are best felt when consumed chilled.

2nd place

Schloss Eggenberg is one of the most popular drinks of Austrian origin. It differs from others in its sour taste and notes of pine sawdust.

1 place

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

For most, non-alcoholic beer is a good alternative when alcohol is prohibited. But as it turns out, not everything is so simple: alcohol, albeit in small quantities, is contained even in soft drinks. And this is already a serious argument why people suffering from alcohol addiction, pregnant women and children should not “fall for” advertising tricks about “zero alcohol content.”

People often wonder whether non-alcoholic beer is harmful and how much it can be drunk. This drink is widely popular among young people as well as older people. Many are convinced that everyone can drink non-alcoholic beer, it is completely harmless, moreover, it contains a certain amount of nutrients. Young people believe that this seemingly harmless drink does not contain a single gram of alcohol, so they can drink it in liters! Non-alcoholic beer contains a small amount of alcohol, and this is why it is harmful.


It is worth knowing: against the background of frequent consumption of beer, including this type, alcohol dependence may occur, and this phenomenon is observed quite often. People love this drink very much: the generally accepted opinion that it is harmless cannot be changed, which is why they drink it in excessively large quantities. The most important harm of non-alcoholic beer for men is that the drink has a negative effect on hormonal levels.

If this product is often consumed by a man, the body may experience a shortage of a hormone called “Testosterone”, and estrogen, a female hormone, is produced in excess.

What are the benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer?

Thus, the body undergoes certain changes: the mammary glands enlarge, the abdomen grows rapidly, and the pelvis increases in volume. If a man often drinks beer, his libido suffers. If a person was previously dependent on alcohol, there is a possibility that it will worsen while drinking both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer. If a girl drinks the drink, testosterone is produced in the body. In such cases, body hair begins to grow rapidly, and changes in the voice are also observed. If the drink is consumed by a nursing mother, the baby will experience convulsions.

Any beer is quite harmful to health. A negative effect can affect the functioning of the heart: when drinking alcohol in large quantities, the walls of this organ thicken. In order for the drink to have good foam, various chemicals are added to it, one of which is cobalt. If there is an excess of this element, heart failure can occur. Cobalt negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the influence of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE WON! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


Is non-alcoholic beer harmful in small doses? When consumed in small quantities, the drink has certain benefits for the body. Over the course of long studies, scientists have established one fact: with moderate drinking, it is possible to provide prevention against cancer.

Is beer good for you in small doses? Yes. With its help, you can saturate the body with useful microelements, such as silicon. This component is found in barley malt and can protect a person from the development of osteoporosis. It is worth noting: non-alcoholic beer is low-calorie, unlike regular beer. If you drink it in small quantities, you can significantly reduce your cholesterol levels. The undeniable benefit of non-alcoholic beer lies in the fact that it can be drunk by people who will need to drive. There is no hangover and many other unpleasant accompanying conditions.

Should you drink non-alcoholic beer?

In addition to some useful characteristics, it is important to know about the consequences of consuming this product. To prepare it, manufacturers use hop cones, which impart a bitter taste. Hops contain morphine, which can provoke alcoholism. The benefits and harms of beer are determined, first of all, by its composition. You should be aware that you may develop an alcohol addiction, which will be difficult to overcome. It is worth emphasizing once again: this product has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. When in excess of intake and excretion from the body, it flushes away beneficial potassium salts.

This drink should not be consumed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It contains a large number of additives that can harm the baby’s health. As a rule, young people are not limited to drinking only one can of beer; many drink two or three liters in a row. In this case, beer can provoke addiction, which will negatively affect the functioning of organs and systems.

The name “Non-alcoholic beer” is often confusing: buyers are convinced that there is not a single gram of alcohol in such a drink, however, this is not the case. Alcohol is present, even if in small quantities. In the modern world there are many varieties of beer. There are also powder varieties, however, the quality of such products is questionable. They contain a large number of substances harmful to health. It is important not to forget: non-alcoholic beer is shown only in small quantities.

And a little about secrets...

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Motorists often joke: non-alcoholic beer can only be compared to a rubber woman. But is this drink really neutral? And most importantly, can those who are going to drive drink it? Will there be any problems with the traffic police?

What does it taste like?

Non-alcoholic beer tastes like regular beer. But it only reminds. True beer lovers will never put this “substitute” into their mouths. They would rather leave the car in the parking lot, drink their favorite foamy drink and go home by metro. “Diluted with water”, “watery”, “sickly sweet, without bitterness”, “inadequate taste due to the lack of the required amount of hops” - these are just some of the responses from those who, for some reason, still had to drink non-alcoholic beer. So the drink cannot be considered a full-fledged analogue, although it contains a certain number of degrees - slightly less than in ordinary kvass.

Who is it intended for?

The production of non-alcoholic beer began in the seventies, after a sharp deterioration in the situation on the roads due to the intoxication of motorists. Particularly interested in the drink without degrees are those countries in which beer is the main product of consumption. The non-alcoholic analogue is intended, first of all, for those who, for some reason, cannot drink regular beer, but the habit of drinking it has already taken root. These could be people who are in the process of treatment for alcoholism, simply with health contraindications, or those for whom the intoxicating effect of alcohol in this case is simply unacceptable. An example of such a situation would be driving a car.

Recipe and composition of non-alcoholic beer

Making beer that has virtually no “degrees” is more difficult than regular beer. That's why the final product costs a little more. The quality and taste of beer depend entirely on the recipe. Therefore, a drink from different manufacturers can vary greatly. Dextrin, obtained from starch, plays an important role in its production. But unlike maltose, as in regular beer, this carbohydrate does not come into contact with the yeast. The rest of the production process follows classical technology, excluding the moment of fermentation. Instead, the “young” beer is kept at a temperature of 78.5 0 C so that all the alcohol evaporates. This is ideal. And in some cases, manufacturers simply dilute the beer with water, which also reduces the level of ethyl alcohol in it.

And yet, is it possible to drink it while driving?

A company of journalists from one publication and, part-time, car enthusiasts conducted an interesting experiment. They stocked up on samples of non-alcoholic beer from different manufacturers and consumed it under the supervision of drug addiction specialists. The volunteers were not delighted with the taste, but they had a different task - to check the performance of sobriety monitoring devices. And the breathalyzers were silent. This means that even if traffic police specialists catch you drinking beer (non-alcoholic) and take you to a narcologist, you will not face anything during a medical examination. The experts' conclusion will be sober.

Best non-alcoholic beer

And since the volunteers conducted such an experiment, let's find out which beer was recognized as the best in terms of its taste characteristics. We remind you that this study is not promotional in nature and was conducted for scientific purposes only. And car enthusiasts liked the brands of non-alcoholic beer “Ostmark Export”, “Holsten” and “Sokol”.

Non-alcoholic beer is a product that has a wide target audience. It is purchased by car enthusiasts and nursing mothers, people who cannot drink alcohol for health reasons, and all those who want to spend time with a glass of “foam”, but at the same time remain sober. Is this drink as safe as it seems at first glance? What pitfalls does it contain and are there any benefits?

A little history

Non-alcoholic beer appeared relatively recently. They thought about its development in the 1970s in connection with the large number of accidents caused by drunk drivers. The technology that most businesses use today was developed in Germany in 1979.

Over time, the popularity of pseudo-beer only increased. In the West, interest in the drink was fueled by the active fight against alcoholism, especially among young people. In Russia, they learned about non-alcoholic “foam” thanks to the “prohibition law” introduced by Gorbachev.

Today, even pregnant women and nursing mothers can indulge in “foam” without degrees, considering it a harmless substitute for alcohol. No one thinks about whether non-alcoholic beer is harmful and whether it’s worth reaching for another glass. On the contrary, the advertisement says that the benefits of the drink for the human body are obvious: it quenches thirst, helps to relax and overcome cravings for alcohol.

Features of pseudo-beer production

Non-alcoholic beer is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. It still contains alcohol, albeit in small quantities: from 0.5 to 3%. If you drink 9-10 bottles of this drink, you can get the same effect as after half a liter of classic “foamy”.

Today, two methods of producing pseudo-beer are used. The first is to remove degrees from the finished drink. To do this, the liquid is subjected to vacuum distillation, high temperatures or evaporation. The second method is to suppress fermentation processes, when the processing of sugar into alcohol stops. The drink created using this technology has a characteristic sweetness.

It’s easy to notice that non-alcoholic beer is always more expensive than regular beer. The reason for the high price is the costly production process, because removing degrees requires additional hassle. But the taste of the drink is practically no different from the “original”, so even teetotalers and car enthusiasts drink it with pleasure.

The benefits of foamy drink

  1. The drink saturates the body with B vitamins, which are necessary for normal life.
  2. It quenches thirst perfectly, performing this function better than water due to its carbon dioxide content.
  3. Reduces the risk of cancer.
  4. Helps a person give up alcohol and overcome alcoholism.

The benefits of “foam” without degrees are determined by the technology of its production. It really is present if it is made from natural ingredients in compliance with all standards. If a company skimps on the process by using a large number of chemical additives, the result is non-alcoholic beer, the harm of which is obvious.

What are the harms of pseudo-beer?

If you study the composition of non-alcoholic beer, you will notice that it differs from the “original” only in the absence of degrees, but it has fully “inherited” other components that can negatively affect the body.

  1. Malt and hops negatively affect the endocrine system, liver, kidneys, heart and brain.
  2. Cobalt - dilates the arteries, which increases the load on the heart. As a result, it becomes weaker.
  3. Fusel oils – poison the body as a whole;
  4. Morphine – promotes the development of alcoholism. This element is released by hop cones used in the production process.

The harm of non-alcoholic beer is due to the presence in it of a large number of stabilizers, flavor enhancers and preservatives. In particular, it contains many phytoestrogens - analogues of female hormones. As a result, both men and women develop beer bellies, and the stronger sex also gets problems with potency.

Non-alcoholic beer is dangerous during pregnancy and lactation. The drink can harm the baby because it contains a small amount of ethanol and dangerous additives. Gynecologists prohibit the use of the product by women in an interesting position and mothers whose child has not reached the age of six months.

Practice demonstrates the harm of non-alcoholic beer for drivers. Many people think that after a couple of liters of this “foam” they can safely get behind the wheel, and do not take into account that the characteristic smell gives them away. To avoid losing your license through negligence, you should measure the alcohol content in your blood with a breathalyzer even after one bottle of pseudo-beer.

Opinions differ on whether non-alcoholic beer is harmful. Manufacturers of the drink unanimously claim that it contains enormous benefits for the human body, while independent doctors say the opposite. One glass of “foam” will certainly not cause you irreparable harm, but still think carefully about whether it’s worth reaching for a second or third.

How is beer made non-alcoholic? This question worries many fans of this drink today. In addition, recently a healthy lifestyle has been increasingly advertised in society. Therefore, in television advertising we increasingly see calls to drink beer, if only non-alcoholic. So what is this drink? How does he manage to convey the taste and aroma of a well-known beer, without containing a single gram of alcohol?

What is non-alcoholic beer?

Before we find out how beer is made non-alcoholic, let’s figure out what it actually is. Experts say that this is a drink that is similar to traditional beer only in taste. At the same time, it can either contain no alcohol at all or contain a small amount of alcohol. The strength of the drink in this case, depending on the country, varies from 0.2 to one degree.

This drink is intended primarily for those who cannot afford alcohol. For example, due to deteriorating health or the need to drive a car. But at the same time he wants to drink beer.

It is worth noting that this is a very new invention. Non-alcoholic beer appeared only in the 70s of the 20th century. This is due to a sharp increase in the number of cars on the roads and an increase in accidents involving drunk drivers. It began to be developed especially actively in those countries where drinking beer has become one of the traditions.

The technology for producing non-alcoholic beer is quite complex. It’s much easier to get beer with degrees. Therefore, the final product is more expensive.

Production technology

In order to understand how beer is made non-alcoholic, let’s consider the technology of its production. There are two main options. The first is aimed at reducing alcohol in beer by completely eliminating the fermentation process, the second is at removing alcohol from finished beer.

In order to prevent fermentation, it is necessary to use special yeast. They will not ferment maltose into alcohol. Another effective way is to stop the fermentation process by cooling.

This is not the best option because the resulting drink contains a large amount of sugar and its taste is not at all like traditional beer.

How to remove alcohol from beer

Another way to make beer non-alcoholic is to remove alcohol from the finished product. Most often, thermal methods are used for these purposes. Vacuum distillation and vacuum evaporation are also very common.

This beer has a so-called "boiled" taste because it is exposed to high temperatures.

There is another way to remove alcohol. It is called membrane. In this case, dialysis with the addition of concentrated sulfuric acid or osmosis (a one-way diffusion process) is used. This is the only way to remove alcohol from beer without resorting to high temperatures.

Is there really no alcohol in non-alcoholic beer?

This question worries those for whom alcohol is contraindicated on the recommendation of doctors, or for lovers of a foamy drink who will soon get behind the wheel.

It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of whether there is alcohol in non-alcoholic beer. It may be absent altogether, or may be contained in small quantities. It all depends on the manufacturer and the brand of beer you choose. It is worth remembering that in different countries, alcohol refers to drinks with different alcohol contents.

For example, in Russia only beer with an alcohol content of less than 0.5% is not recognized as alcohol.

And in the UK there are even several categories. Non-alcoholic drinks are those in which the alcohol content does not exceed 5 hundredths of a percent. Next comes the category of drinks from which the alcohol has been removed. This is exactly what non-alcoholic beer is. The third category is with an alcohol content of no more than 1.2%.

So, whether there is alcohol in non-alcoholic beer, you need to control it yourself, carefully reading everything that is written on the label.

If beer is non-alcoholic, does that mean children can drink it?

This is another question that arises in everyone who studies this drink. It must be recognized that in Russia there is no special legislation devoted to non-alcoholic beer: at what age is it allowed to be sold and recommended to be consumed? Russian laws only deal with drinks containing alcohol, so formally there are no violations in the sale of non-alcoholic beer to minors.

But in some countries they decided to enshrine this point in law. Thus, in the USA, only drinks containing less than 0.5% alcohol, by volume, are considered non-alcoholic. In most states, their sale to minors is legally permitted.

Non-alcoholic beer brands

Non-alcoholic beer appeared for the first time in the United States. Among the popular brands that could offer lovers of a foamy drink that does not contain alcohol is, first of all, BUD. It is still considered one of the best on this market.

It is also necessary to highlight the German Clausthaler. The company carefully guards its production technology, declaring that it is a trade secret. Many people cannot even guess that the beer they were offered does not contain alcohol. The credit for this goes to the special hop bitterness that the producers manage to achieve.

Also common is Buckler. To obtain it, special fermentation and filtration processes have been developed. The result is a first-class lager. Moreover, the drink contains malt, hops and purified drinking water. Manufacturers manage to achieve a soft and balanced taste.

The Belgians entered this market with the Martens brand. True, many are skeptical about this drink. There is almost no aroma, there is an unpleasant and incomprehensible taste.

In recent years, Russian brewing companies have become increasingly involved in the production of non-alcoholic beer. They market the brands “Zhiguli”, “Trekhgornoe”, “Baltika Bar”, “Baltika 0”.

Calorie content of non-alcoholic beer

This value also varies depending on the region, but the averages are approximately the same. Most often, the calorie content of non-alcoholic beer is 26 kilocalories per 100 milliliters of drink.

However, it does not contain proteins or fats. And carbohydrates are approximately 4.7 grams per 100 milliliters.

Benefits and harms

If you choose non-alcoholic beer, you need to know about the benefits and harms of this drink. Let us immediately note that it can only be safe if you limit your consumption to one bottle, and not every day, but much less often. If you use it regularly, you will not feel any improvement in your health.

The fact is that most of the components in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer are the same. The benefits and harms of these drinks are approximately the same. The main drawback is, of course, the high calorie content. Both regular beer and non-alcoholic beer promise you serious problems with excess weight.

In addition, non-alcoholic beer is strictly contraindicated for nursing and pregnant women, adolescents and children. Although formally it does not contain alcohol, its components can have a negative impact on a young and developing body. Beer, even if it does not contain alcohol, can cause serious harm to people with diseases of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, and gall bladder. Non-drinkers and coded alcoholics should also be careful. Taste can be deceiving, and a person with a weak will can fall into a drinking binge even if he is free from alcohol.

Be careful if you are taking medications. Most diuretics and antibiotics cannot be combined with non-alcoholic beer.

It also has high levels of cobalt, which is used to stabilize the foam. Therefore, such beer has a negative effect on the function of the heart muscle and can provoke inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and some other organs.

Therefore, you should not be deluded by the absence of alcohol in such beer. It can be no less dangerous than normal.