A selection of autobiographical photographs of Angela Merkel (32 photos). Pictures of a young Merkel with neo-Nazis have appeared on the Internet. Family of Angela Merkel

Angela Dorothea Merkel was born in July 1954 in Hamburg. She is the first and so far only woman in German history to hold the post of chancellor. Has the status of a scientific physical chemist. She acquired the chancellorship relatively recently - in November 2005.

Her dad, Horst Kasner, has an ambiguous biography. For example, some believe that he was a servant of the Nazis.

One of the reasons to think so is the change of name before the arrival of Hitler. He had a job as a church pastor at the Lutheran Church of Berlin-Brandenburg. Her mother's work involved working with children who did not have the opportunity to attend educational institutions and preschool institutions. She taught Latin and English.

The Chancellor also has a younger sister, Irene, and a younger brother named Marcus. The brother is a physicist teaching in Frankfurt am Main in Larmstadt. And sister Irene, her only best friend, has a specialty as a psychotherapist.

The earliest photos of Merkel in her youth:

In the photo: Angela Merkel, a teenager, cooks food over a fire. The photo was taken in July 1973.

She was not very talkative at school, but she was always the best among everyone in her studies. She passed her final exams with excellent marks.

In 1973 she entered the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Leipzig.

From then on, Angela was actively interested in politics and later joined one party.

Carier start

Absolutely everyone knows that this woman is the Chancellor of Germany. Everything she did always evoked respect from many. The girl was unable to achieve success in the “Democratic Breakthrough” (as the party was called). One year later, she became a referent in Wolfgang Schnur's own party.

She posted and distributed leaflets to gain public attention. Here she also had the duties of a press secretary. Unfortunately, the work here did not last long. However, after some time, Angela ascended to the post of deputy in the Bundestag parliament.

In 1991, she took up the position of deputy head of the CDU in Germany. A couple of years later she became the head of this union. Merkel stood up for the rights of women and children, which had a significant impact on her career growth.

And so, in 2005, she was nominated for the post of German leader. At this time, she already had enormous authority and support from the citizens of the country. In the elections, Angelai receives the chancellorship. Angela actively supports the unity of all countries - the European Union. And its foreign policy supports and cooperates with the United States and all European countries.

Personal life: family and children

She met her first husband at the institute in her 3rd year in 1977. Future husband Ulrich Merkel studied to become a biologist. A year later, the couple got married. Angela replaced her father's last name - Kasner - with her husband's last name - Merkel, and since then she has been known by that name. The marriage did not last long; five years later they divorced.

Even during her first marriage, Angela learned about the diagnosis of infertility. The girl was treated for a long time in the best women's health centers, but, unfortunately, nothing worked out. Angela and her husband Joachim Sauer have no children.

The full name of the recognized leader of Germany is Angela Dorothea Merkel. Born in 1954 in Hamburg. The girl's family has Polish roots. My grandfather at one time served as a police official in Poznan and was a participant in the First World War and the Soviet-Polish War. Angela's father studied theology at the Universities of Hamburg and Heidelberg. Mom taught English and Latin.

Some time after the birth of Angela, who became the eldest child in the family, her parents moved to the GDR. The father, Horst Kasner, found a position in the Lutheran Church in Perleberg. In 1957, the family moved to the small town of Templin. Angela has a brother, Marcus, and a sister, Irena. The children did not go to extended day school: they spent their free time from school at home. The mother, Gerlinda, raised the children herself.

A quiet, calm and modest girl, Angela always studied well. Teachers noted her ability in exact sciences and foreign languages. The girl was best at mathematics and the Russian language. The future leader of Germany has a secondary polytechnic school behind him. Like all children of socialist Germany, Angela was a member of the pioneer organization, but of her own free will she left the organization a year after joining. Later she joined the Union of Free German Youth, where she was actively involved in agitation and propaganda activities. In 1973, Angela graduated from school with honors and entered the physics department of the University of Leipzig.

Merkel also did well at university. At the same time, she was an active participant in political events in the youth union. In the photographs of that time, it was already difficult for her to recognize the quiet and inconspicuous girl of her previous years. In her youth she loved to dance. Already during these years, the girl began to seriously think about a political career, but then she could not be called a member of the opposition.

In 1977, Angela married Ulrich Merkel, her fellow student. After completing their studies, the young couple moved to East Berlin, where the young woman physicist worked as a researcher at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Academy of Sciences. But the marriage was short-lived: already in 1982, the young couple separated.

Career in politics

Angela Merkel became a politician at the very end of the 80s of the last century. Increasingly, she could be seen among those who determined the political life of Germany. The destruction of the Berlin Wall had a huge impact on Angela. It was at that time that Chancellor Helmut Kohl noticed her. He was in dire need of fresh and young assistants who could represent the new federal states that became part of a united Germany. Dr. Merkel fits perfectly into his team.

Angela conscientiously coped with her new responsibilities as a politician. She held meetings with fishermen in the Baltic, not hesitating to visit beer halls for this. When agitating people, Angela did not skimp on loud statements and promises. They listened to her carefully, they believed her, and they actively voted for her candidacy. The main advantage of a young woman politician was her ability to listen to others. The result was Angela's victory in the first all-German elections. She began to represent one of the German constituencies in the Bundestag. At the age of 36, Angela became the Federal Minister for Women and Youth, joining the government of Helmut Kohl. In inviting Angela into politics, Kohl rightly believed that she would be able to captivate and lead German women.

In 1994, Merkel headed the German Ministry of the Environment. She initiated the first UN climate conference and made valuable proposals to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. But four years later, Kohl lost the election to Gerhard Schröder. Angela, at one time devoted to Kohl (she was even called “Kol’s girl”), hastened to dissociate herself from her former patron and even became the head of a movement that pursued the goal of removing the ex-chancellor from the highest post in the CDU party. Merkel was subsequently elected leader of this particular party.

Entering adulthood, Angela Merkel rose to power with German tenacity. It was her leadership qualities, which emerged in her youth, that allowed her to lead one of the most influential parties in the country. In 2005, Angela became the first female chancellor of the new Germany. By this time she was 51 years old. Having proven herself to be a skillful and self-possessed leader, Merkel increased her authority and strengthened Germany’s position in the international arena.

Recently Forbes published its next annual ranking of the most influential women in the world. And in 2016 it took first position (again, and for the 11th time!) Angela Merkel- Federal Chancellor of Germany. The most powerful woman in the world is by no means considered the most fashionable - Angela Merkel's style is criticized rather than encouraged. But her image was created in full accordance with the so-called power dressing- the style of strong women holding leadership positions in politics and business. What are the distinctive features of this style, and which of them can be found in the images of Angela Merkel now?

What is Power Dressing?

Verbatim power dressing- this is “clothing of power and strength.” This term was specially coined in the fashion world for all the “iron ladies” - influential and strong women who head large companies or occupy leadership positions in politics, that is, those who must, one way or another, adhere to a strict dress code, conservatism , suitability for your profession.

It is believed that this business style of clothing originated in the United States around the early 80s, that is, exactly when women began to make their way into politics en masse and occupy major positions. This is exactly how Madeleine Albright, Margaret Thatcher and, of course, Angela Merkel dress.

Power dressing style in the image of Angela Merkel

Unfortunately, it is difficult to call the style of a female chancellor bright and refined. She doesn't always pose well for the camera - that's not her priority. Trendy makeup? No, only natural shades. Complicated hairstyles? No, only simplicity and practicality.

In the photo - Angela Merkel in her youth:

Photo via pinterest.com

With her appearance, Angela Merkel represents a typical German woman. And many average women in Germany love to observe her style. No, not at all because he is outstanding, but because “hey, she’s just like me, and what has she achieved!”

Photo via www.telegraph.co.uk

If we talk about Angela Merkel's business or casual style, she prefers to dress according to the canons power dressing, namely, in a trouser suit. Many female politicians and businesswomen love this type of clothing. In addition, Angela feels great in trousers, and her husband (for reference: Angela Merkel’s second husband is chemistry professor Joachim Sauer) quite likes her the way she is.

Photo via photofash.com

The trouser suit is a real calling card of Angela Merkel. She has them, and there are a lot of them, from fabrics of different textures, colors and shades. But the style is usually unchanged: classic slightly elongated jackets and tapered trousers with arrows. Clothes for Frau Merkel are sewn by her personal seamstress - Bettina Schönbach.

Sometimes Angela Merkel can be seen in suits with skirts. But the cases when Merkel wore a dress can be counted on one hand. Although a well-chosen style and color will only emphasize the femininity of the chancellor. For example, this is what Angela Merkel looks like in an evening dress, see photo:

Angela Merkel with her husband

Do you think these are photos from the same event? But no! Look at the handbags - they are different. The first photo was taken in 2008, and the second in 2012. An evening dress in a beautiful, discreet shade made of fabric with a slight satin sheen certainly suits Frau Merkel, which is perhaps why she wore it twice. Even the pearl beads and black pumps (as well as the suit of Frau Merkel’s wife) are the same.

Angela Merkel has been seen wearing the same clothes several times. For example, this bright tunic has been known to the public since 1996. The press captured Angela wearing it again in 2002 and 2009.

Photo via www.slate.com

Do you think the appearance of this item of clothing, which Frau Merkel bought in California 18 years ago (like the aforementioned evening dress), was accompanied by intense criticism? Certainly not from ordinary people! On the contrary, they appreciated the Chancellor's democratic character and her love of conservatism and economy.

Once, during the opening of the opera in Oslo, Angela Merkel appeared in the auditorium in an outfit with an incredible neckline. It would seem that his age is not young, and his figure is not ideal. But it turns out that Merkel has no shortage of courage! At one time, Frau Merkel's neckline was even used by her political competitors. For example, Vera Lengsfeld posed on posters with an equally outstanding neckline and the phrase “We can offer you much more.” Which is unlikely :)

Here Angela Merkel is younger, but looks less advantageous

Yes, German women are not used to using an abundance of cosmetics, especially German politicians. But today we can say with confidence that Angela Merkel pays some attention to her appearance: publicity obliges. The hair of the German Chancellor is handled by a well-known fashion-Wednesday hairdresser Udo Waltz. A well-chosen color with warm wheat and caramel tints makes Angela Merkel's hair more voluminous. The look is completed with the most natural makeup done by a professional.

Photo via www.bundeskanzlerin.de

This is roughly how Angela Merkel, the most powerful woman in the world in 2016 according to Forbes, appears before us. It’s hardly worth wishing her more courage and variety in her wardrobe: she is who she is, she loves herself this way, she is confident. This is perhaps the main feature of her style, the style of the most powerful woman in the world according to Forbes.

Tatiana Maltseva

Angela was a calm but cheerful child. She studied well and was also interested in social activities. In high school, Angela joined the ranks of the pioneers, but a year later she left of her own free will. However, this did not mean the end of Komsomol activities.


Merkel was excellent at mathematics and Russian. She participated in many school activities and went on hikes. Photos of Merkel in military uniform have been preserved.

Student years

Angela graduated from the Polytechnic Secondary School with honors in 1973. After that, she entered the University of Leipzig, the Faculty of Physics.


In her youth, Merkel paid a lot of attention to socialist ideas. She was a member of the Union of Free German Youth, and was even secretary of agitation and propaganda.

SSNM is an analogue of the Soviet Komsomol organization. Active work in the Youth Union did not prevent Angela from excelling in her studies.

Socialist ideas did not prevent Merkel from succumbing to other fashionable trends at that time. In the 60s and 70s, nudist beaches gained popularity in Germany. In 1972, a photo was allegedly taken of the future chancellor visiting a similar beach with two friends. Representatives of the Chancellor did not react in any way to this photo, published in 2013, so it is not clear whether Merkel is really in the photo, or just a girl who looks like her.

Angela found her first big love thanks to a university event. In 1974, a meeting was held dedicated to the exchange of students between the GDR and the Soviet Union, to be more precise, Moscow and Leningrad. Here she encountered physics student Ulrich Merkel. The couple got married in 1977.

On July 17, German Chancellor Angela Merkel celebrated her 61st birthday. In honor of this event, we invite you to get acquainted with the autobiography of one of the most influential politicians in the world, on whose decisions the fate of a huge number of people depends.

It just so happened that a few days ago, Bundeschancellor Angela Merkel challenged “civilized humanity” and personally US President Barack Obama, in fact declaring that she was not going to support the idea of ​​legalizing same-sex marriage.

Looking at this cute and funny child

It’s hard to imagine that he will grow into a woman who will be called the “Iron Lady” and who will repeatedly top the list of the most powerful women in the world, according to Forbes magazine.

Her fate as a person and as a politician cannot be called easy, since she had to go through a difficult path and endure a sufficient number of life trials. Only her childhood could be called almost carefree.

Having spent her entire childhood and youth in the GDR, during her school years Angela Merkel was a member of the pioneer organization and then the Union of Free German Youth (SSNM). And before the fall of the Berlin Wall, she even managed to work at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR.

But this laughing, carefree girl, despite the fact that she got married twice, was never able to find her feminine happiness and realize herself in motherhood. And, probably, that’s why she devoted all her energy to politics.

The events that took place in Germany in the late 1980s and early 1990s, leading to its unification, captured the ambitious Merkel, and in 1989 she joined the Democratic Awakening organization, a year later became its press secretary, and a few months later took the same position in the first and last non-communist government of the GDR.

Her political career developed extremely successfully, and in 2005 Merkel will be inaugurated as German Chancellor.

By the way, her rise to power then greatly puzzled the two largest world powers - Russia and the USA. For Russia, the fact that long-time supporters of our country, the Social Democratic Party, represented by Chancellors Gerhard Schröder and Helmut Kohl, were defeated in the elections, was an unpleasant surprise. And many were anxiously awaiting the results of a woman from the Christian Democratic Union coming to power, in place of politicians who always expressed a friendly attitude towards Russia. But the US State Department “rubbed their hands” in the hope that this event would lead to a cooling in relations between Russia and Germany.

But Mrs. Merkel was able to immediately surprise both the United States and Russia when she calmly supported the decision of the newly appointed Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who announced the inappropriateness of deploying a missile defense system in Eastern Europe.
The indignant NATO leadership tried to demand an explanation from Merkel, to which Angela told them that the issue of deploying missiles on the territory of Poland and Romania must necessarily be agreed upon with Moscow. To say that Moscow was delighted, and the US State Department was unpleasantly surprised, is to say nothing. But this was not their first and not the last surprise.

It was thanks to Merkel’s political position that Russia and Germany became military allies for the first time after the Great Patriotic War and signed an agreement under which they pledged to coordinate their actions in the military sphere.

So this is not the first time that a German female chancellor has taken the risk of ruining relations with the United States when it is necessary to make a categorical decision, especially if this decision is directly related to Russia.

I think that this “inflexible grandmother” will surprise us and world politicians more than once, and in honor of her birthday yesterday, I want to express my respect to her and show you a selection of photographs from Angela Merkel’s past.

I hope you like it, because some of the photos are quite rare.