Panorama of the Moscow Zoo. Virtual tour of the Moscow Zoo. Attractions, map, photos, videos. Lesson “Virtual tour of the zoo” with elementary school students Excursion to the zoo

The Moscow Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in Europe and the fourth largest zoo in Russia after the zoos of Yaroslavl, Rostov-on-Don and Novosibirsk. Founded in 1864. It has a stable number of visitors per year - up to 3.5 million people. It is among the top ten zoos in the world in terms of attendance. Its collection includes 1,132 species of animals; the number of living specimens is more than 5,000 individuals. It has the status of the head zoo of Russia, the headquarters of the Euro-Asian Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EARAZA). Active participant in international projects for maintaining/studying species in the wild (rehabilitation and reintroduction), breeding rare animal species in captivity. The zoo is located next to the Garden Ring between Krasnaya Presnya, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya and Zoologicheskaya streets. The main entrance is located at the intersection of Krasnaya Presnya and Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, not far from the Barrikadnaya and Krasnopresnenskaya metro stations. Until 2014, the symbol of the Moscow Zoo was the wild steppe cat - the manul. After a change in management, the symbol was changed to a stylized image of pelicans, squirrels, dolphins and pigeons.

The Moscow Zoo was organized by the Russian Imperial Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants and was inaugurated on January 31, 1864 (new style - February 12). One of the main initiators of its creation was Moscow University professor Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov. He called the zoo a “living open-air museum.” The architect of the first buildings of the zoo was P. S. Campioni. The first inspector (director) of the zoo was Professor Ya. N. Kalinovsky. Without full state support, the zoo found itself in a difficult financial situation from the very first years. Proceeds from the entrance fee, donations from the Imperial Family and private individuals did not cover the zoo's expenses for the purchase of animal care, construction and repair of buildings. Trying to improve the zoo's budget, the Acclimatization Society sold many animals abroad, as a result of which the exhibition became poorer and attendance fell. In 1874, the zoo was leased by the Society for several years to the private entrepreneur A. A. Ryabinin, as a result of which by 1878 the garden fell into almost complete decline. In the 1880s - 1890s, the situation improved thanks to donations from private individuals, the skillful and dedicated work of A. P. Bogdanov, A. N. Maklakov, V. V. Popov, V. A. Vagner, N. M. Kulagin and many other prominent members of the Acclimatization Society. And yet, by 1900, the zoo’s debts amounted to a huge sum of 100,000 rubles at that time. In 1903, the Society again leased the zoo to the then director of the garden, I. A. Antushevich, and again this only worsened the state of affairs. During the historical events of 1905-1907, the zoo found itself at the center of revolutionary battles and suffered greatly: the newly built Aquarium was destroyed, many wooden buildings were burned, the archives and library were burned, and many animals died. In 1913, the zoo was seriously damaged by a flood. But especially...

Ekaterina Vanina
Lesson summary “Excursion to the Zoo”

Program content. Expand children's understanding of the diversity of the animal world, that man is part of nature, and he must preserve, protect and defend it. To form the idea that animals are divided into classes: insects, birds, fish, animals (mammals). Develop cognitive interest, curiosity, emotional responsiveness.

Preliminary work. Conversation about animals; reading fiction about animals; drawing animals.

Material and equipment. Presentation “Animals in the Zoo”, multimedia projector, laptop; badges for children - “crucian carp” and “pike”.


The teacher invites the children to go on an excursion to the virtual zoo. Asks the children if they know what a “virtual zoo” is. Explains that a virtual zoo is a zoo that we can visit using a computer. Just like a real zoo, you can see many interesting animals here.

Pavilion No. 1. Terrarium with insects.

A terrarium with insects (grasshoppers, beetles, dragonflies, butterflies, etc.) is shown on the screen.

The teacher asks the children: “What is a terrarium?” Summarizes the children’s answers: “A terrarium is a container where the necessary conditions have been created for keeping insects. Most terrariums are made from glass and a metal base. Sand or earth is poured onto the bottom, stones and moss are placed and plants are planted. You can install driftwood and hang vines. There should be a container of water in the terrarium. It is important to maintain a certain temperature and humidity in it. Lighting and heating are carried out using special equipment.”

He asks: “How are insects different from other animals?” Summarizes the children’s answers: “All insects have a head, chest, abdomen and six legs. Many insects have wings."

Pavilion No. 2. "World of Birds".

The screen shows a pavilion with birds (ducks, geese, pelicans, peacocks, flamingos, storks, parrots, etc.).

The teacher asks the children: “What is a pavilion?” Summarizes the answers: “A pavilion is a covered room where the necessary conditions for keeping birds have been created.”

He asks: “How do birds differ from animals?” Summarizes the children’s answers: “Birds have a body, a head, legs, and wings. On the head there are eyes, ears, and beak. The body is covered with feathers. Birds can fly. Bird chicks hatch from eggs.”

Pavilion No. 3. Aquarium with fish.

An aquarium with fish (shark, pike, crucian carp, catfish, perch and others) is shown on the screen.

The teacher asks the children: “What is an aquarium?” He says: “This is a large container of water, where the natural conditions of streams, rivers, lakes and seas in various parts of the globe have been artificially created. Its glass shores make it possible to see the diversity of this amazing world.”

Invites children to identify the general characteristics of fish: structure - a streamlined body covered with scales; head, body, flexible tail and fins; fish live in water; swim; the young hatch from the eggs.

Invites children to play the outdoor game “Crucian carp and pike” before heading to the next pavilion. One child is chosen as a pike. The rest of the players are divided into two groups: one group forms a circle - these are pebbles, the other group - crucian carp that swim inside the circle. The pike is behind the circle. At the teacher’s signal, the pike runs into the circle and tries to catch the crucian carp. The crucian carp hide behind the pebbles - they crouch behind one of the players standing in a circle. The pike catches those crucian carp that did not have time to hide and takes them out of the circle. After two or three repetitions, the number of those caught is counted. They choose a new pike. Children standing in a circle and inside it change places. The game continues.

Pavilion No. 4. Aviary with wild animals.

Images of mammals (animals) are shown alternately on the screen: bears, foxes, deer, tigers, lions, etc.

The teacher asks the children: “What is an aviary?” He says: “An aviary is a fenced area with a canopy or an open one with attached cages or houses for keeping animals. The enclosure serves to protect animals from bad weather (rain, snow, wind, high and low air temperatures). At the same time, it should be convenient for a person to work in the enclosure. The design of the enclosure makes it easier to clean and also allows for safe feeding of its inhabitants.”

All mammals have a torso, a head, four legs and a tail. The head contains the eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The body of the animals is covered with fur. The limbs end in paws or hooves. Animals give birth to their young and feed on milk.

Summarize what was said in class: “The natural world is diverse. We must take care of the nature around us. In the future we will continue to get acquainted with the amazing world of animals!”

In July, residents of the Presnensky district will be able to sign up, and from August, residents of other Moscow districts will also be able to submit applications.

The Moscow Zoo is launching a new format - free evening walks. For the first time, instead of guides, zoo director Svetlana Akulova will tell visitors about animals. For the rest of the year, she will conduct tours on Mondays at 8 p.m. The director will introduce guests to his favorite inhabitants, talk about their habits, as well as how the country's largest zoo works.

Walking with Svetlana Akulova will also allow neighbors - zoology lovers - to get to know each other. Each excursion will be conducted for residents of a specific area of ​​Moscow.

The first walk will take place on Monday, July 10, from 20:00 to 21:00 for citizens from the Presnensky district (where the zoo is located). You can sign up for it now.

To get on the excursion, you only need to present your passport. The entrance ticket to the zoo, as well as the excursion itself, will be free. If a resident of the Presnensky district comes with a companion living in another area, he will also be able to go for a walk.

In August, a page will appear on the zoo’s website where residents of other Moscow districts will be able to submit their applications. Excursions are organized for citizens from those areas where the largest number of applications will come from.

By the end of the year, the director will conduct several dozen walks around the zoo.

“Evening at the zoo is a special time when many animals that prefer to hide during the day become active. Coming to us for a walk is a great way to relax from the hustle and bustle of the working day in a quiet green corner in the very center of the city,” noted Svetlana Akulova.

The director will tell guests about the baby boom in the zoo and show the cubs that were born this year. Participants in the evening walks will have the opportunity to watch newly born elephants play, see how a growing elephant feasts on fruit, and see how an adult elephant Pipita teaches how to use her trunk.

Visitors will also be able to meet the symbol of the Moscow Zoo - the unsociable Pallas' cat, which comes out of hiding only in the evening. During the walk, visitors will be guided past pink flamingos. The birds have begun the nesting period, which will last until the end of July. The walk will end at the enclosure of the giraffe Samson, who turns 24 years old on August 5.

One excursion group will include about 25 people, including children at least six years old.

On July 8, the Moscow Zoo will host. On this day, visitors will be told about the strongest couples in the capital's zoo. Tours will begin at 11:00 near the main entrance to the zoo.

Located in the very center of Moscow, surrounded by noisy streets Moscow Zoo- the oldest zoo in Europe, founded 150 years ago in 1864 by the Imperial Russian Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants in the favorite place of Muscovites on Presnensky Ponds. The first inhabitant of the Zoo was an elephant, which Emperor Alexander II himself gave to the society, calling on everyone to bring animals and birds here. We invite you to visit our excursions to the zoo both for schoolchildren and children, and for adults.

At first it was not a large menagerie, which contained domestic animals, wild animals and birds, and a dozen reptiles. The Russian fauna was best represented, because the creators of the “living open-air museum” wanted to show the audience, first of all, our native nature. But there were also exotic animals on display.
Today on a huge zoo territory, separated by a large pedestrian bridge, there are exhibitions housing more than a thousand different species of animals and birds. You can see all this on zoo program.
« New» territory:
- In the children's zoo, the youngest visitors will be able to see those animals that children learn about from fairy tales and books. Here live real seven kids, a fox and a crane, a wise owl and even the cow Murka with the cat Matroskin
- Pavilion « Terrarium", here you can see reptiles: crocodiles, pythons and boas, turtles, iguanas
- « Primate House" or " Monkeyman" The most visited pavilion of the Moscow Zoo, the undeniable similarities between humans and monkeys always attract spectators, young and old. In total, about 30 species of monkeys live here. You can see animals all year round.
- Stable with horses. One of the oldest pavilions of the zoo, there is always a crowd of people near the enclosures with horses and ponies, and for the youngest visitors of the zoo there is an attraction - a pony riding circuit.
- A corner of the African savannah. Giraffes, various antelopes, zebras and African ostrich coexist perfectly here, and a family of meerkats has settled here relatively recently.
- Pavilion « Exotarium" Here, in a dimly lit hall, but in brightly lit aquariums, representatives of coral reefs and more than a hundred species of reef fish and shellfish live. In addition to marine life, in the Exotarium you can see spectacled leaf-noses, leaf-cutter ants and ground bumblebees.
- Only in some zoos in the world, incl. In the Moscow Zoo there are rooms called “ Insectarium» where a collection of insects and other invertebrates is exhibited: spiders, scorpions, scolopendras, snails, numerous beetles, butterflies and crickets.
- On island of animals live Amur tigers, funny noses (raccoons), brown and Himalayan bears, polar wolves and the “king of beasts” - the Asiatic lion.
- Separate apartments in the zoo have different horned and humpbacked animals: deer and camels.
- Pavilion « Fauna of Indonesia" The variety of aquatic and semi-aquatic birds will blow your mind, especially in the warm season. And the pond next to the pavilion called “Swamp” is at the complete disposal of cormorants and pelicans.
- Mountain ungulates, various goats, gallop along the real rock “Turya Gorka”.
- IN exposition « Polar world» inhabited by the inhabitants of the Far North - polar owls and polar bears.

« old» zoo territory inhabited by representatives of the animal world of Australia (Emu), animals of South America (llama, vicuña), representatives of the fauna of Russia, inhabiting a wide variety of landscapes - icy deserts and dry steppes, tundra and taiga, sea coasts and mountain ranges, eagles live on the cliff of birds of prey, included in the “Red” book. The building, built in oriental style, houses the Elephant House. The Asian elephant family has lived at the zoo for almost 30 years, during which time they have had five children. The pearl of the bird collection is rightfully considered to be the cranes and storks that live in the spacious enclosures of the “Bird House” (more than 70 species of birds in total). Relatives of dogs from the canine family are red wolves and arctic foxes. A Steller sea lion, a member of the eared seal family, lives in an enclosure with a small pool. Zoo visitors have a special affinity for the cat family: cheetahs, tigers and jaguars live in the “Cats of the Tropics” pavilion, and lynxes, leopards, and snow leopards live in the “Cat Row” enclosure. The Big Pond is a famous place; it has been preserved since the opening of the Zoo 150 years ago; it contains the bulk of the Moscow Zoo’s collection of waterfowl.
Cost of the program per person:
For reservations and orders, please contact our managers.

The Moscow Zoo has always seemed to me a particularly wonderful place: maybe because it was the first place in Moscow where my parents took me when I was 7 years old, my first acquaintance with the capital, or maybe because I always liked watching strange animals, and even seeing Squirrels and hares were rarely seen in the wild. Despite the fact that this zoo is one of the most visited in the world, there is never a crowd here, and therefore it is always a pleasure to stroll along its shady paths along the ponds and enclosures.

And for those who are not surprised by bears, elephants and monkeys in cages, the Moscow Zoo will captivate with its thematic exhibitions and pavilions, excursions and lectures, as well as special events. I will try to briefly tell you why you should definitely visit the Moscow Zoo and what to do there besides leisurely walks!

What is the Moscow Zoo

The Moscow Zoo consists of two main areas - the Old, where the first Moscow Zoo was historically located, and the New, which was opened in 1927. They are connected by a small pedestrian bridge, so you can easily explore both parts. But don’t worry if you suddenly don’t have enough time: the zones in each of them are quite diverse. If you want to see specific wildlife, it's best to check out the zoo map in advance to plan your visit. (A larger map is available here).

Old territory

I usually started exploring the zoo from the main entrance, because it looks like a fairy-tale castle: a wall of huge boulders, fairy-tale turrets and a mini-waterfall as if inviting you to go to another world. A pleasant bonus of visiting the Moscow Zoo has always been the absence of long queues: even in the summer, at the very peak of the tourist season, you wait here for no more than 15 minutes, which makes the visit much more enjoyable.

The first thing you see on the territory of the zoo is a large pond, in the center of which there is a bird island. Walking around the pond, you can watch ducks and swans, flamingos and pelicans, pheasants and peacocks. Even in winter, part of the pond is artificially heated so that the water does not freeze, and the city birds can stay in the zoo for the winter. For me, this is one of the most favorite places in the entire park, because I can watch the life of birds for hours: proud swans, graceful flamingos, funny ducks constantly diving into the water...

If you approach the pond from the north side, be sure to enter the fenced area (on the zoo map it is marked as a bridge and several barriers). Here you will find yourself in a real bird kingdom: parrots, guinea fowl, pheasants, even proud peacocks - all the birds are very close. If you stand still for a couple of minutes, they will boldly approach you and allow you to pet them. I managed to take a photo with a peacock almost in an embrace - where else is this possible? Anyone who dreams of visiting a petting zoo will definitely enjoy this little experience with birds!

Having seen enough of the birds, we went for a walk further. If you want to explore the entire zoo, start moving left, clockwise, from the entrance. You will pass by several buildings - here are children's clubs and studios, a local gallery and a museum of the history of the zoo. Of the animals, the main inhabitants of this corner of the zoo are cats: cheetahs, white tigers and jaguars in the “Cats of the Tropics” zone, and medium-sized wild cats - lynxes, leopards, snow leopards - in the “Cat Row”. It’s convenient that you can read a brief information about each animal in Russian and English right at the enclosure. Watching these graceful cats, I was sad to know that some of them are now listed in the Red Book, which means that there are almost none of them left in the wild. It’s hard to believe that such smart and strong animals are on the verge of extinction and are now forced to live only in the enclosures of zoos and wildlife theme parks.

Next to the cats live funny spectacled bears and the giraffe Samson, whom children love very much. Other inhabitants of distant countries - tapirs and wildebeests - also live in the neighborhood. So, while walking through this part of the park, you can mentally transport yourself to Savannah and imagine yourself as the hero of an adventure film or a participant in a safari.

From antelopes we move on to other ungulates: snow goats deftly gallop along rocky ledges built for them, merging with the stones thanks to their white and gray coloring. And nearby, as if specifically for contrast, they placed slow musk oxen with thick fur.

We approach a large pool with pinnipeds, where a crowd gathers to look at fur seals and seals. These animals comically climb out of the water onto the stones, splashing their flippers funny. Unfortunately, they most often spend time in the depths of the enclosure, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to examine them in detail. But it’s nice to watch their games from afar: they splash, hit the ground with their paws and tails, and exchange shrill screams and signals. For a short time there was a dolphinarium located here, but it was closed a couple of years ago for reconstruction, and it is not yet known when it will resume work.

Next to this pool is a bird house. This is where heat-loving species move for the winter, and all year round you can see a wide variety of penguins. They rush rapidly in the water, spinning in a corkscrew, emerging here and there, and so slowly walk on land. By the way, almost every day you can see demonstration feeding of Humboldt penguins here (a complete schedule of all feedings can be found on this page).

The birds' neighbors are elephants, who spend time in an open sandy enclosure in the summer and take refuge in the elephant enclosure for the winter. Now at the Moscow Zoo you can see a whole family: mom, dad and their baby. The size of these animals in real life is amazing. I find it hard to believe that somewhere these machines are used by people as transport, instead of tractors and trucks! How we managed to conquer such huge and wise animals is a mystery to me.

Directly behind the elephant barn there are several indoor enclosures and exhibitions: amphibians, reptiles and a greenhouse are located right here. In the winter months and rainy weather, you can safely come to the zoo and go here - of course, you will hardly be able to see elephants and giraffes, but you will get to know in detail the life and habits of various lizards, snakes, and insects.
The next large thematic area of ​​the zoo is “Fauna of Russia”. Representatives of various climatic zones are gathered here - from the inhabitants of the taiga to the steppes, from the sea coast to the highlands.

Historically, this exhibition was the first. The Zoo, which opened here in 1864, housed mainly Russian animals, so that the city public could become more familiar with the various natural areas of Russia and appreciate the size and diversity of our landscapes and wildlife.

In the center of the Old Zoo grounds there is another historically noteworthy place - a pony riding circle, where children can ride in a carriage drawn by a small horse. During the summer months you can go horseback riding here. This fun was one of the favorite entertainments of the 19th century public. Riding in a carriage will cost 100–200 rubles, on horseback - 300. You can find out changes in operating hours and other details on this page.

The remaining enclosures in the Old Territory are home to such funny exotic animals as Australian emus, South American alpacas and llamas. Given the recently increased popularity of the latter, these enclosures are always full of people.

When heading to the New Territory, pay attention to the impressive sculptural composition by Zurab Tsereteli near the pedestrian bridge. Elephants, turtles, eagles, hippos mixed with fairy-tale animals and heroes, as if echoing the entrance architectural composition and emphasizing that the zoo is another, truly fairy-tale world, where among the bizarre exotic animals, no, no, but some miracle will come across little animal.

New territory

Just as you exit the pedestrian bridge, you will also be greeted by a huge pond, and I advise you to follow its right side. In the enclosures here you will see small animals: sloths, otters, kangaroos. Next you will find yourself in another of my favorite corners of the zoo - the enclosure with polar bears. It even stands out externally due to the whiteness of the ice and snow, as well as the walls and structures painted white. The bears usually walk around the enclosure, playing with sticks or food buckets, and in the heat they stay near the pond, periodically noisily diving into the water. It is especially interesting to watch the kids - they are always active, regardless of the weather and even the summer heat. The cubs run around the enclosure, roll around in the snow and jokingly fight each other.

Opposite the bears live mountain goats: it’s also interesting to see them in person. Personally, I remember both their dexterity and the amazing shape of their twisted horns. It's amazing how diverse our nature is!

Another large themed area in this part of the zoo is Animals of Africa. Zebras, antelopes, giraffes - when I see them, I immediately remember Gumilyov’s poems about exotic countries and dream of going on a trip to Africa. And how great it is that this area is made common - you see not a single species in your own enclosure, but all the animals at once. In this way, you can observe how different species get along with each other in the wild.

In the enclosure opposite live predators - lions, leopards, jackals, as well as bears and wolves. It always seemed to me that their cages were too cramped, and these energetic animals simply had nowhere to turn around.

The farthest part of the park is home to ungulates - camels, takins, Przewalski's horses. Near these enclosures there is also a zoo stable where horses of various breeds and ponies are kept.

Another popular area of ​​the zoo is the monkey bar. Here you can see representatives of a wide variety of species: from small and nimble monkeys to large chimpanzees and howler monkeys. Personally, I’m afraid to get close to these enclosures: I often read in the news how nimble monkeys snatch phones and keys from the hands of unwary guests, and some of our possible relatives tease park visitors and show them their asses.

The last remaining corner of the park will appeal to children, because in the “Animal Farm” and “Children’s Zoo” you can not only see, but also touch pets. Here, little guests of the zoo will be able to pet goats and sheep, play on the playground, and also learn how an incubator works and how domestic pigeons and chickens are cared for. The operating mode of this zone can be found.

Zoo Special Exhibits

In addition to summer and indoor enclosures, the Moscow Zoo has several thematic exhibitions dedicated to representatives of certain classes of the animal kingdom. There are four thematic zones in the Old Territory:

  • “Arachnolandia”, where you can see many representatives of the arachnid family;
  • reptile exhibition;
  • amphibian exhibition;
  • exhibition “Night World”, where in the twilight of an underground tunnel live a variety of animals, birds and insects that wake up after sunset.

There are three such thematic exhibitions in the New Territory:

  • A terrarium where you can see a wide variety of snakes, turtles, iguanas and crocodiles.
  • The exhibition “Birds and Butterflies”, where the insectarium is especially noteworthy - a collection of a wide variety of insects and invertebrates.
  • “Exotarium”, where you can admire the inhabitants of the coral reef. More than 100 species of fish are represented here.

You can find out details about each thematic exhibition of the zoo in a special section of the website.

Lecture hall and excursions

Lectures and workshops have recently become a real trend: learning something new is now fashionable, and the popularity of such events is growing. In this sense, the Moscow Zoo does not lag behind other leading museums and galleries in the capital and also organizes numerous educational events.

The entrance to the lecture hall is located next to the main entrance to the zoo, and the schedule of open lectures can be found on the official portal. Classes are held twice a month on Thursdays; to attend, you must register and receive a free ticket on the website. You can read more about the lecture. For children from 6 to 12 years old, the Zoo has a Children's Lecture Hall, where you can come for a separate lesson, or you can purchase a subscription to a series of lectures. The cost of a one-time visit for a child is 500 rubles, a subscription for 5 lectures is 2000, for a joint visit with a parent the ticket will cost 800 rubles, and an adult + child subscription is 3500 rubles. You can find out about this lecture.


Getting to the Moscow Zoo is not at all difficult. The most convenient way to come here is by metro: next to the zoo there are the stations “Krasnopresnenskaya” (indicated by number 1 on the map) and “Barrikadnaya” (number 2 on the map), Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya and Circle lines. Coming out of the metro, you will immediately see the zoo, so you just need to cross the road - just a couple of minutes and you will find yourself in the world of animals.

If you are not afraid of traffic jams and want to use ground transport, then there are two bus stops near the zoo: buses No. 116 and trolleybus No. 35 go ​​to “Barrikadnaya” (number 4 on the map), and to “Krasnopresnenskaya” (number 3 on the map) - bus No. 6 and trolleybus No. 79.

For those who decide to come here by car, there is no special parking. So, you will have to look for a place on the neighboring streets. Parking is paid - from 60 rubles per hour on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya to 200 rubles per hour on Krasnaya Presnya. You can view parking prices on the official website of Moscow parking lots.

Prices and opening hours

The Moscow Zoo is open from 9:00 to 17:00 in the winter months, and from May to September it is open longer, the opening hours depend on daylight hours. You can find out the current opening hours on the main page of the website.

The cost of tickets on weekdays is 400 rubles, on weekends and holidays - 500 rubles. For children under 17 years of age, students, pensioners, large families and some other categories of citizens, entry to the zoo is free; you can find out about the benefits on the official website. Entrance to all exhibitions is included in the ticket price.

When planning your visit to the zoo, take into account the season and weather, because during the winter months and rainy days, many animals may be moved indoors or hide in small houses in the summer enclosures. In extreme heat, a visit to the zoo can also disappoint you: animals, like ourselves, do not tolerate high temperatures well, seem lethargic, sleepy, lazy and prefer to lie down in the shade, where it is difficult to see them. The ideal weather for visiting the open areas of the zoo is from +10 to +25°C, and the rest of the time you can visit the indoor areas. If you have already planned a visit, but the weather is bad, don't worry! Go explore the special exhibitions - the correct temperature and weather conditions are always maintained here.

And my personal experience is that visiting the zoo can be tiring, so wear comfortable shoes.
The last note concerns food: in the cafe on the territory of the zoo you are unlikely to be able to eat a hearty meal; there you can only drink tea or coffee, buy soft drinks, sweets and ice cream. There is a Burger King restaurant nearby (on the Krasnaya Presnya side), and not far from the Barrikadnaya metro station there are several other establishments: Chaikhona, Wabi-Sabi, Coffeehouse, so you can go there for lunch after a long walk.


Before leaving the zoo, be sure to stop by the gift shop. Several small retail outlets are located throughout the zoo. Here you will find many wonderful souvenirs: magnets with animals will cost 100 rubles, badges - from 200 rubles, toys and collectible figurines - from 150 rubles, and coloring books and books - from 250. I couldn’t resist and bought a couple of badges here as a keepsake. , especially since they sell a special collection of small metal badges from Heart of Moscow with zoo inhabitants (the collection can be viewed here!

Hotels- don’t forget to check prices from booking sites! Don't overpay. This !

Car rental- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

Anything to add?