Marina Anisina's father never saw his grandchildren. Dzhigurda and Anisina: a scandalous couple Hockey player Anisin, Marina’s father

Nikita Dzhigurda is one of the most scandalous figures in Russian show business. Either he is a Cossack, or a Rosicrucian, then he performs on the Maidan, or he receives DPR citizenship. Sometimes he is homophobic, sometimes he is ready to lead a gay pride parade in Moscow.

Sometimes he is a confidant of Russian politicians, and sometimes he is ready to receive US citizenship from the hands of Hillary Clinton. He is awarded the title of People's Artist of the Chechen Republic and deprived of DPR citizenship. Despite all this, he is married. Dzhigurda regularly divorces Marina Anisina and returns to her again.

Their union is wonderful

There are many incomprehensible, confusing stories in the biography of this couple, and upon closer examination their union no longer seems strange.

Dzhigurda, like his wife Marina Anisina, is always in sight, but not many know about the hidden facts in the life of this couple. For example, at the age of 20, Dzhigurda was admitted to a psychiatric clinic with a diagnosis of hypomanic psychosis.

Few people know that Marina Anisina became an unwitting participant in the scandal at the 2002 Olympic Games. Allegedly, it was in exchange for the victories of the Anisina-Peyser pair that the French judge put the Russian pair Berezhnaya-Sikhorulidze in first place in pair skating.

Sport as it is

Marina Anisina was born in 1975 into a family of famous Soviet athletes. Father, Vyacheslav Anisin, is a hockey player, member of the Soviet Union national team, and mother, Tatyana Chernyaeva, is a figure skater, student of Tatyana Tarasova and champion of the USSR.

Marina's parents did not want their daughter to follow in their footsteps. Marina regularly went free skating at an amateur skating rink; there was no talk of professional classes.

Marina got into big-time sports not thanks to, but in spite of her famous parents. When mom and dad were at the training camp, the grandmother looked after the girl. It so happened that one day she got sick, and her mother had to take Marina to the training camp.

At first Anisina sat obediently in the locker room, but soon began to go out on the ice. The team members fell in love with the girl’s skating, recognized her talent, and the parents had to give in.

Marina's first coach was the famous Lyudmila Pakhomova. Her experience and flair created the professional base for Anisina, thanks to which she won a number of brilliant victories. Together with Ilya Averbukh, she won the 1990 and 1992 World Junior Championships. Marina was already looking forward to how she and Ilya would enter the adult category, new, serious expenses would begin, they would win all the most prestigious competitions.

Life has made its own adjustments. Ilya Averbukh began training with Irina Lobacheva. In her autobiographical book “Dot the i’s,” Irina says that she perceived Averbukh’s departure as a betrayal. She was left without a partner before the key season for her, before leaving for the adult league.

She began training with Sergei Sakhnovsky, but this collaboration was short-lived. The skater went to Israel for permanent residence, and Anisina was left alone again. She continued to train alone, because at that time there was no partner of her level in our country. The coach advised me to look for a couple abroad.

Marina considered many candidates, and settled on the Canadian athlete Victor Kraatz and the Frenchman Gwendal Peizerat. Both skaters were interested in the offer, but Marina chose Peizer. In 1993, she moved to Lyon and lived for a long time with Gwendal's family in his house.

French adventures

Anisina accepted French citizenship and began competing for France in international tournaments. Six times the Anisin-Peyser couple became champions of the Fifth Republic and won golden places at the World Cup stages.

In 1998, the couple made their debut at the Nagano Olympics, where they took third place. This was not enough for Anisina, but in France her result was perceived as a triumph. President Jacques Chirac met with her, spoke to her in Russian, and she became a Knight of the Legion of Honor.

Anisina's cherished dream was an Olympic gold medal. In 1999 the couple became European Champions, and in 2002 - Olympic Champions.

Olympic conflict

In 2002, Anisina and Peyzera became national heroes of France. Their faces were on the covers of magazines and television screens; the athletes experienced a well-deserved triumph, which they had been working towards for almost ten years. But fate seemed to continue to test Anisina, at which time a scandal broke out.

In 2002, Russians Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze were in the lead in the sports pairs competition after the short program. In the free program, the Russians made a minor mistake, and their opponents, Canadians Jami-Salle-David Paletier skated cleanly. The programs themselves, prepared in the spirit of different sports schools, put the jury in a difficult position. As a result, the victory was given to the Russian duet.

Interesting notes:

The North American sports community exploded, and the press was full of scandalous headlines. One of the judges, Frenchwoman Marie-Rene Le Gougne, was accused of conspiracy. Allegedly, she put the Russian couple in first place in exchange for the fact that in dance duets the Russian judge would give primacy to Anisina-Peyser. There were a number of sports trials where the French arbitrator either admitted the collusion or denied it.

The result of these ups and downs was that the Canadian couple was awarded gold medals, retaining first place for the Russians. The shameful section of the highest step of the podium is remembered by many sports fans. And it was this scandal that ended Anisina’s career in France.

“Gwendal and I skated our number and headed to the locker room. Mom calls, excited, talking in riddles about some kind of arrest, asking to turn on the TV. I understood one thing: Alimzhan Toktakhunov, whom everyone simply called Alik, was arrested. First thought: what do I have to do with this? Yes, I am familiar with him, but all the Russians living in France were familiar with him... I go out to the finale of the show to bow. My partner and I held hands, and suddenly he asked me: What did you do there? Everyone is talking about some kind of scandal…” recalls Marina Anisina in her book.

Anisina was accused of having connections with the Russian mafia; this scandal cut off all sources of income for her. It turned out to be of no use to anyone - neither promoters nor television. Anisina returned to Moscow.

Love in Russian

Anisina’s sports career ended there and a new life began. She does not perform at official competitions, but in various creative projects. One of these competitions was the ice show “Dancing on Ice” on the RTR channel, where I met Nikita Dzhigurda.

Nikita Dzhigurda left his ex-wife Yana Pavelkovskaya in the last months of pregnancy.

Pavelkovskaya and Dzhigurda met on tour: Yana went as part of a dance variety show, and Nikita took part in a concert of chanson stars. The marriage to Yana lasted 12 years and it was the meeting with Anisina that brought discord to the family.

In 2008, the couple won Dancing on Ice. At 33, Marina Anisina married her partner in the project. In 2009, Dzhigurda and Anisina had their first son, Mick-Angel-Christ, and in 2010, their daughter, Eva Vlada. The couple amazed the public when the video of the birth was posted online.

Many fans of Anisina expressed the opinion that she fell under the influence of an “inadequate husband” and began to behave strangely. Nikita has repeatedly posted on the Internet either candid photo sessions with his wife or his drunken wife separately.

At the same time, the couple seemed to constantly create an informational reason to attract attention to themselves. Many believe that this is how the couple makes a living.

One of the latest scandals is a lawsuit with the sister of millionaire Lyudmila Bratash. The couple's longtime friend and godmother to the children Anisina and Dzhigurda left Nikita a will, according to which a large sum of money goes to him.

The sister of the deceased contested the will, involving the media. As a result, Dzhigurda won the legal dispute.

At the same time, Anisina divorced Dzhigurda, claiming that he was behaving inappropriately. She tried to treat him in clinics, but there was no result. During and after the divorce proceedings, Anisina gave numerous interviews and participated in various television projects. There are rumors that she estimated her interviews at six-figure sums.

Marina Anisina herself recently lived in France, with her children. In 2017, the couple announced their reunion, pregnancy, and miscarriage. The couple loudly announced that Malakhov was fired due to bullying of the Anisina-Dzhigurda family on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program.

Marina wrote to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to protect her family from persecution by television workers; in particular, she accused the employees of Channel One of undermining Russian-French friendship.

Today Dzhigurda and Anisina are together, delighting subscribers with new photos on Instagram. Interest in this couple continues unabated. And if it weakens, they will remind you of themselves.

Marina Anisina was born on August 30, 1975 in Moscow. Father - Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Anisina, a famous hockey player, played in the USSR national team, was a world champion. Mother - Irina Evgenievna Chernyaeva, the first student of Tatyana Tarasova, USSR champion in figure skating. Younger brother Mikhail (father's son from his second marriage, 1988) is a hockey player.

At two years old, the future star took her first steps on the ice of an outdoor skating rink. The parents, who knew well what big sport was, were against their daughter taking up figure skating. But when the grandmother, who usually looked after her granddaughter at home, fell ill, there was no one to leave the child with. Then the mother, who worked as a coach at CSKA, was forced to take her daughter with her to the skating rink.

At first, the girl just sat in the locker room, and then the mother, succumbing to the persuasion of her colleagues, let her daughter out onto the ice. Since childhood, Marina dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion. She loved to skate and watch figure skating. I often looked through my parents’ medals, magazines with their photographs and wanted to achieve more than them.

At the age of nine, Anisina began to study sports dancing under the guidance of Lyudmila Pakhomova. Then she began skating with Ilya Averbukh, but after winning the Junior World Championships in 1992 she was left without a partner. Averbukh chose Irina Lobacheva as his new partner, and Marina skated for some time together with Sergei Sakhnovsky, who soon left for Israel, and even alone, since she could not find

Marina Vyacheslavovna Anisina is a beautiful and talented figure skater who ideally combines figure skating, raising two beloved children, and also a healthy lifestyle.

Marina made mistakes in her life, however, her greatest joy and huge mistake was her marriage to the scandalous, shocking and slightly crazy actor and director Nikita Dzhigurda. The whole country was watching these relations, but they could not draw the line between reality and a PR stunt.

One way or another, the figure skater was able to achieve everything on her own and became a symbol of how patience and work can help in life.

Fans of the beautiful and vibrant figure skater can accurately indicate her height, weight, and age. How old Marina Anisina is is also publicly available information, however, it is worth repeating it again.

Marina was born in 1975, so the beauty was only forty-two years old. The zodiac gave the girl the sign of a quiet, insecure, punctual, correct, modest and stable Virgo.

The Eastern horoscope endowed Anisina with such character traits inherent in Rabbits as goodwill, restraint, objectivity in judgment, sophistication, and ambition.

Marina Anisina: the photos in her youth and now are slightly different, because today the skater has gained a little weight and has become more confident and relaxed. Her height reached a meter and sixty-three centimeters, and her weight did not exceed five tens of kilograms.

Biography of Marina Anisina

The biography of Marina Anisina has always been interesting, it is connected with the fact that with constant training you can achieve a lot, and disenchant your Monster. The baby was born in the capital of the then USSR; she was born into a special family.

Father - Vyacheslav Anisin - was a famous hockey player who played for the Krylia Sovetov team, as well as for the USSR national team.

Mother - Irina Chernyaeva - was a famous Soviet figure skater.

Brother - Mikhail Anisin - was born thirteen years later than his sister, he attended a sports school, and since 2005 he became a hockey player, like his famous dad. He was a promising player for CSKA, Dynamo, Saryak, and Krylya Sovetov.
Marinka started skating at the age of three, and only then began training with Lyudmila Pakhomova. She skated together with Ilya Averbukh, with whom she constantly won gold at the Junior World Championships, until her partner left her. After a new partner, Gwendal Peyser, was found, Anisina moved to France and even became a citizen of this country.

With her bright and charismatic partner, she received many prestigious awards, and even won the European Championship and the Winter Olympic Games with Gwendale in 1999-2000, after which she left the big sport after a scandal.
Marina took part in the show “Dancing on Ice”, and also starred in the movie “What Men Do”.

Personal life of Marina Anisina

Marina Anisina’s personal life before meeting Nikita Dzhigurda was very quiet, calm and lethargic. The thing is that the girl was constantly studying and training on the ice, so she practically did not pay attention to the guys. The most interesting thing is that she often perceived the guys not as friends, but as rivals.

Friends, acquaintances, relatives and colleagues dissuaded her from marrying the shocking and strange Nikita. Anisina at that time was in love and infinitely happy, so she did not pay attention to the strange behavior of her chosen one.

Currently, Marina’s heart belongs to her beloved children; she does not even think about new relationships and marriage.

Family of Marina Anisina

Marina Anisina's family was small, but friendly and active. The fact is that the girl’s parents were sports people who found themselves in winter sports.

The father and mother did not want the girl to be involved in sports in the future, because this entailed constant training, inevitable injuries, as well as restrictions associated with them.

Marinka got into professional sports by accident, when her grandmother got sick and could not stay at home with the girl. So the little girl went to the training camp with her mother and soon began performing in figure skating competitions and achieved great success.

Children of Marina Anisina

The children of Marina Anisina were born into this world married to the shocking and bright Nikita Dzhigurda, who was incredibly happy about this. Both children were born with a slight age difference, they are friendly and incredibly bright.

Marina Anisina is pregnant with her third child; this news spread across all channels and appeared on the front pages of the tabloids in 2017. Everyone said that Dzhigurda’s persistence attracted not only the resumption of relations, but also the interesting position of the figure skater. The smiling faces of the expectant parents and purchases of baby items indicated that they were happy. However, the joy was soon eclipsed by the news that Anisina had a miscarriage, after which the couple broke up completely.

At the same time, during a joint vacation at a Greek resort, Dzhigurda posted a message that he was going to conceive another child with Marina to replace the one who could not be born.

By the way, there is talk that Anisina was not pregnant at all, and this story was just a PR stunt in order to stir up interest in the couple.

Son of Marina Anisina - Mick-Angel Christ Dzhigurda

Marina Anisina’s son, Mick-Angel Christ Dzhigurda, was born in 2009. Nikita was delighted with his first-born, so he literally showered his wife with gifts and thanked her for the baby on social networks.
The boy’s triple name is associated with angels and Jesus Christ, who were supposed to become the baby’s protectors; of course, it is clear that the shocking dad named the child that way.

It is worth noting that the boy sometimes behaves inappropriately due to conversations with his father about the other world, as he even tried to commit suicide by jumping out of the window.

Mick is doing well at school, plays sports, and is currently mastering judo, gymnastics, and is confident in skating.

Daughter of Marina Anisina - Eva-Vlada Dzhigurda

Marina Anisina’s daughter, Eva-Vlad Dzhigurda, was born in 2010, and this literally happened live, as her outrageous father filmed the whole process on video, accompanying it with frank comments.

Her father simply adores the girl, he sees her often and fulfills all the princess’s wishes. Eva is incredibly similar to her mother, she loves to be photographed and wants to become a model or actress.

The little girl loves to travel, tries to control a real yacht, masters water skiing and alpine skiing, and also practices modern dancing and figure skating.

Marina Anisina's ex-husband - Nikita Dzhigurda

Marina Anisina's ex-husband, Nikita Dzhigurda, is the most shocking actor and film director of our time. His bass voice is known to every person all over the world, and his behavior sometimes makes even the most stoic person blush, as it borders on madness.

The young people met on the ice of the show “Dancing on Ice”, back in 2007 they were able to win and reveled in fame. At the same time, Nikita began to look after his partner, but sometimes he did it so extravagantly that he frightened her more than pleased her.
The love grew, so already in 2008 the guys got married, and the wedding was noisy, shocking and slightly crazy. Anisina appeared on it in a red lace dress and bright tights, and Dzhigurda in a strange general's jacket with orders from the times of the Tsar.

Anisina claims that the whirlwind romance led to a strange family life, where Nikita constantly filmed his every step on video or with a camera, including the birth of a child and many explicit scenes and posted it for everyone to see. Also, he abused alcohol, often behaved quite inappropriately, and even systematically beat his wife in front of the children and forced them to participate in satanic rituals.

All this led to a divorce, which took place in 2016, after Anisina accused her husband of inappropriate behavior and demanded to undergo treatment at a clinic. Dzhigurda later stated that he was ready to change for the sake of his beloved, got tattoos in her honor, but nothing worked out to change.

Marina Anisina latest news

Marina Anisina The latest news indicates that Dzhigurda and Anisina are constantly coming together and then diverging, about which timely information instantly appears on social networks. The fact is that Marina was recently in an interesting position, but the baby was not destined to be born.

So far, Nikita and Marina are not together again, although quite recently on Instagram pages one could admire photos from a joint vacation, going to children's stores and walking with their offspring.

One way or another, the couple is not together now, so Anisina is trying to improve her physical and psychological state. Marina returned to the ice and began dancing; she took the children and moved to France. She also became a welcome guest on television programs, where, together with lawyer Sergei Zhilin, she talked about life with Nikita.

It’s impossible to find Marina Anisina naked photos of our days, however, from the time of her life with her outrageous husband, there are plenty of nude photographs. Everyone knows that Dzhigurda loved to show off his beloved girl, as evidenced by the process of her childbirth, posted on the Internet.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Anisina

The figure skater has had Instagram and Wikipedia for Marina Anisina for quite a long time, since it is with their help that she communicates with her fans.

On the Wikipedia page you can find exclusively reliable information that will be related only to education or career growth, but will in no way affect Anisina’s childhood and school years. It is worth noting that Anisina’s parents are so famous that separate articles on Wikipedia are dedicated to them.

A huge number of people have subscribed to Marina’s Instagram, namely twenty thousand people. Fans of the famous figure skater can admire not only high-quality photographs, but also video materials from the family and personal archive. It is worth clarifying that there is practically no material from the sports archive, since Marina does not like to mix work and family.

The famous figure skater Marina Anisina is well known not only to domestic winter sports fans. She became an Olympic champion representing France, so for this European country Marina’s name is perhaps even more significant than for her historical homeland. If you look at the biography of Marina Anisina, it becomes clear that, by and large, she had no other path than the sports path.

The girl’s mother, Irina Chernyaeva, was a representative of a famous figure skating school in the USSR, and her father, Vyacheslav Anisin, was a national hockey star. Brother Mikhail followed in his father’s footsteps. But Marina’s parents initially wanted to protect her from big-time sports. But since the girl attended her mother’s training at the CSKA ice complex from the age of two, she went to the skating rink herself quite early. She became the team's favorite, and her friends convinced Irina Chernyaeva to give her daughter a chance. Soon the future ice dancing star took advantage of it.

Much later, having already become a famous figure skating star, Anisina realized other talents. The girl starred in films - in the second part of the comedy “What Men Do!”, and also published an autobiographical book “Dot the i’s”, which, according to her, is much more frank than any of her interviews.

Figure skating

The figure skater's professional sports career began during the Soviet Union. She danced with and twice won gold medals at the World Junior Championships. But when Ilya made a duet with, Marina had to look for a new partner. After a short-term collaboration with Sergei Sakhnovsky, who immigrated to Israel, the girl decided to find a highly qualified dancer abroad.

Her choice fell on the French figure skater Gwendal Peyser, although Canadian Victor Kraatz also applied for a partnership. Thus, at the age of 17, Anisina found herself far from home, in a foreign country, which eventually became her second home. Marina took French citizenship and represented the country of fashion and culinary at major competitions. The couple Marina Anisina and Gwendal Peizer had a unique style that set them apart from hundreds of other duets. Their trademark was topsy-turvy lifts: while the standard is for the man to hold his partner, here Marina supported Gwendal.

The highest point of Anisina's success was her victory at the Olympic Games in 2002, which, admittedly, turned out to be scandalous. Marina was even accused of unsportsmanlike behavior, and she was seen as a witness to the bribery of judges. However, the figure skater retained the title of Olympic champion. After winning the European Championships that same year, Marina Anisina ended her professional career and focused on performing in ice shows. She also participated in the Russian project “Dancing on Ice. Velvet season." In 2013, Marina returned to professional sports and reunited with Gwendal Peizer.

Personal life

When the figure skater came to Moscow in 2007 to become a participant in the dance show “Dancing on Ice. Velvet Season" on the RTR channel, she was paired with a shocking actor and musician. A romantic relationship arose between him and the young woman, and the following year, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, they played a bright wedding and the status of Marina Anisina’s personal life changed.

It is noteworthy that the athlete’s mother was sharply against the candidacy of Marina Anisina’s husband, but the girl did not pay attention to the opinions of relatives and friends about her husband, whose behavior was and remains unusual.

Even after the birth of her grandchildren, Anisina’s mother did not like her son-in-law. She was categorically against the sale of Marina's house in France. At the same time, she knew that Nikita was insisting on this. As a result, the foreign real estate was eventually sold, and with the proceeds the family purchased an elite apartment in a prestigious residential complex, 10 km from Moscow.

In 2009, the couple had a son, to whom the outrageous father gave the original name Mick-Angel Christ Anisin-Dzhigurda. A year later, a daughter, Eva-Vlada, was born into the family. But Marina’s family life was not smooth and smooth. Nikita Dzhigurda’s wife has repeatedly said that they have “true love” and they are “two halves of one whole,” however, information about scandals between celebrities leaked to the press. When Marina Anisina went to France to resume her figure skating performances, talk began about a romance between Marina and Gwendal Peizer.

Some media outlets wrote about the impending divorce between Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda, to which in 2015 the couple responded with a public statement of reconciliation. Moreover, it became known that the athlete is pregnant for the third time. Unfortunately, Marina Anisina had a miscarriage. And soon rumors about their separation began again.

In October 2016, Marina filed a divorce suit in court. As the figure skater’s representative stated, she was no longer satisfied with her husband’s attitude towards her, but above all – towards her children. After Nikita Dzhigurda changed his name to Janatan El-Air Bratash Ji Pogorzhelsky von Gan Eden, his wife decided that she no longer wanted to live with such a person.

Nikita more than once made loud statements against his wife’s lawyer, and once even tried to start a fight. But the lawyer brought the matter to its logical conclusion, and at the end of November 2016, the divorce of Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda came into force, and their marriage was officially recognized.

In 2017, Marina Anisina came to the “Secret to a Million” program, where she shared with the TV presenter the details of her family life with Dzhigurda, as well as the piquant moments of their divorce. Marina was as frank as possible, but she never revealed her secret to the public and burned the envelope, saying that she did not even reveal this secret to her ex-husband.

Of course, such a bright woman had many fans even before Dzhigurda. In an interview with Caravan of Stories, she said that she once even met with the Prince of Monaco, Albert Grimaldi.


Anisina's family life has scandalous overtones from the very beginning. In 2009, Nikita Dzhigurda filmed his wife’s birth and posted the video on the Internet, which was later shown on TV. Of course, few people liked this idea. Despite the fact that the shocking man assured everyone that he captured the birth of a new life and this is real art, the public did not appreciate such an act, considering it too intimate a process for public viewing.

An even bigger scandal erupted in 2016, when it became known that Dzhigurda and Anisina became heirs to the multimillion-dollar inheritance of their lonely friend Lyudmila Bratash. It is noteworthy that the woman still had a sister, and, in theory, she was the legal heir. And Lyudmila’s death raised doubts among some. Her sister is sure that her relative died from violent acts, and accused Dzhigurda of involvement in this. Nikita claimed that the driver of the deceased had a hand in leaving for another world.

The medical examiner's report indicated that death was due to traumatic brain injury. It is known that the woman suffered from alcoholism; most likely, she fell and broke her head. The trial continues to this day.

In the summer of 2017, information appeared from a presenter from Channel One, but everyone was silent about the reasons for this decision. At the same time, Marina Anisina stated in “ Instagram“, that such changes on the TV channel occurred because of her appeal to the President of Russia and the filing of lawsuits against the employees of the show “Let Them Talk.” Allegedly, the editors of the program put pressure on her, spreading slander and lies about her family. And after the skater refused to give them an interview, they began to threaten her and Nikita Dzhigurda.

Marina Anisina today

After a high-profile divorce, which only the lazy did not discuss, 2017 became an even bigger sensation. Fans and haters of the couple did not expect this and were extremely surprised when photos from their vacation together appeared on the Internet. Marina asked her to understand and not judge, because Nikita is the father of her children. At the moment, the couple have reconciled, they continue to raise children and shock the public.

In May 2018, the Moscow City Court rejected the claim of Lyudmila Bratash’s sister, leaving unchanged the decision of the Kuntsevsky Court, rendered in favor of the showman and Marina Anisina. Thus, they will soon be able to dispose of their friend’s three apartments in Moscow and one in Paris.


  • 1998 - bronze medal at the Olympic Games in Nagano
  • 1998 – Knight of the National Order of Merit
  • 2002 - gold medal at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City
  • 2003 – Knight of the Legion of Honor

Marina Anisina was born into the family of the famous figure skater Irina Chernyaeva and hockey player Vyacheslav Anisin. Anisina began her sports career in tandem with Ilya Averbukh, winning gold medals at the World Junior Figure Skating Championships in 1990 and 1992. Then Averbukh chose Irina Lobacheva as a new partner, and Anisina worked in tandem with Sergei Sakhnovsky. After Sakhnovsky left for Israel, where he became a partner with Galit Hayit, Anisina was forced to train alone for some time, since she did not find a suitable partner in Russia. Then, on the advice of her coach, she began to look for a couple outside the country. After watching a large number of videos, her choice settled on two skaters - Victor Kraatz from Canada and Gwendal Peyserat from France. Having written letters to them with a proposal to work together, Anisina received the consent of Gwendal Peyser and in 1993 went to France, where for the first six months she lived with Gwendal’s family in Lyon. Since Peyzerat refused to move to Moscow and compete for Russia, Anisina had to stay in France and obtain French citizenship, after which the couple was able to represent France at the Olympic Games. After winning the Olympic Games and European Championships in 2002, the Anisin-Peyser couple ended their careers and did not take part in the 2002 World Championships. Since then, the couple has performed in various shows.

Currently, Marina Anisina lives in Moscow. On February 23, 2008, her wedding took place with the famous actor Nikita Dzhigurda.

State awards

1998: Knight of the National Order of Merit (French: Chevalier de l "Ordre National du mérite)

2003: Knight of the Legion of Honor (French: Chevalier de la Légion d "Honneur)


The Anisin-Peyser couple has a special style that distinguishes it from other couples. Their trademark is lifts performed not by a partner, but by a female partner.

The surname "Anisina" is a palindrome, i.e. It is read the same both from left to right and from right to left.