New technologies for personnel management. Modern technologies of personnel management. Need help studying a topic?

As explained in the encyclopedic dictionary, technology is an art, skill, skill, a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products in the production process. The task of technology as a science is to identify physical, chemical, mechanical and other patterns in order to determine and use in practice the most effective production processes.

Under technology in production activity we understand the content, method and sequence of interaction between personnel and working machines in the process of manufacturing products, performing work and providing services, taking into account market requirements. In modern production, personnel management technology is the science and art of managing people, the mechanism of the relationship between the subject and the object of personnel management, the system of interaction between the manager and the employee, the strategy for developing solutions and the tactics for their implementation in the field of effective employment of workers in the management of the personnel of the enterprise.

From a general scientific point of view, personnel technology is a mechanism for interaction between managers at all levels of management and their personnel with the aim of making the most complete and effective use of the limited economic resources available in production, and primarily the labor force, the labor potential of all categories of workers.

In modern personnel policy, personnel management technology, or personnel-technology, is characterized by multilateral functional-organizational relations.

Functionally personnel management involves the implementation of the following activities:

Determination of the overall personnel development strategy;

Planning the needs of employees at the enterprise;

Recruitment, selection and evaluation of personnel;

Improvement of qualifications of workers and their retraining;

Professional movement of personnel in the enterprise;

Managing the business career of employees;

Release of company employees, etc.

Organizationally personnel management covers ensuring labor relations and interaction of all employees and all structural divisions of the enterprise in the process of production and sale of products, which includes:

Personnel planning and placement of personnel;

Optimization of the number and structure of personnel;

Rationing of personnel labor;

Organization of payment and material incentives;

Formation of labor culture, etc.

In personnel management there are several types personnel technologies: multi-level, communication, individual, etc. Multi-level personnel technologies involve the implementation of a series of sequential interrelated tasks, communication - the establishment of labor relations between individual employees and production departments of the enterprise, individual - the specification of management actions in relation to a particular employee.

The managerial impact of personnel technology can be directed at an individual employee, a group of workers united by a common labor task, as well as at factors of the internal and external environment in which the enterprise operates and the labor process is carried out.

When developing personnel technology aimed at improving the organization’s personnel policy, it is necessary to take into account the following external and internal factors:

Market requirements for production development;

Strategic and tactical goals;

Available financial capabilities;

Professional and qualified personnel;

The situation on the labor market in the region;

Staff employment level;

Employee productivity;

The current level of staff salaries, etc.

The development and implementation of personnel technology for working with personnel in an organization usually includes seven typical stages:

Diagnostics of the personnel situation;

Making adjustments to existing provisions;

Preparation and approval of the technology project;

Approval of the developed technology;

Dissemination of the mechanism for implementing activities;

Personnel training of new technology;

Establishing those responsible for implementing the technology.

Methods for developing and evaluating applied management personnel technologies depend on specific production conditions and external factors. As a rule, personnel technologies are developed for the current period and, more often, for the future development of the enterprise. The further the planning horizon for technological solutions, the higher the uncertainty of the results. That is why the process of developing modern personnel technologies is complicated both by the presence of elements of uncertainty and the lack of accurate socio-economic information.

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education


Branch in Vologda



Discipline: Fundamentals of personnel management

Topic: Human Resources Management Technologies

4th year students

Specialty 080505 “Human Resources Management”

Levicheva Natalia Sergeevna

Teacher: Sheburakov Ilya Borisovich


The concept of management, recruitment, selection and placement of personnel

Characteristics of the enterprise, analysis of personnel policy

1 Characteristics of the enterprise

2 Analysis of the use of personnel management technologies using the example of JSC "VPK"



Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4


Management in general terms can be defined as a system of economic production management, which includes a set of principles, methods, forms and techniques of management. Management includes management theory and practical examples of effective leadership, which refers to the art of management.

The strategy for the functioning and development of any enterprise (organization) is unthinkable without addressing the staff. In order to ensure the effective functioning of an enterprise, it must have a strong team capable of maintaining its high professional authority.

Until recently, the very concept of “personnel management” was absent in our management practice. True, the management system of each organization had a functional subsystem for managing personnel and social development of the team, but most of the work on personnel management was carried out by line managers of departments.

The main structural unit for personnel management in an organization is the personnel department, which is entrusted with the functions of hiring and dismissing personnel, as well as organizing training, advanced training and retraining of personnel. To perform the latter functions, personnel training departments or technical training departments are often created.

HR departments are neither a methodological, nor an information, nor a coordinating center for personnel work. They are structurally separated from labor management and wages departments, occupational health and safety departments, legal departments and other departments that perform human resource management functions. To solve social problems, social research and service services are created in organizations.

Human resource management services, as a rule, have a low organizational status and are weak professionally. Because of this, they do not perform a number of tasks to manage personnel and ensure normal working conditions. The most important among them: socio-psychological diagnostics; analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships, management relationships; management of industrial and social conflicts and stress; information support of the personnel management system; employment management; assessment and selection of candidates for vacant positions; analysis of human resources and personnel needs; personnel marketing; business career planning and control; professional and socio-psychological adaptation of workers; management of work motivation; legal issues of labor relations; psychophysiology, ergonomics and aesthetics of work.

Purpose of the work: improvement of personnel management in the organization.

Objective of the work: analyze activities related to personnel management; make calculations, build diagrams; improve personnel management.

As an object of study, we will take the production and commercial organization CJSC VPK.

As the subject of the study, we will take the selection of personnel of the enterprise ZAO VPK.

1. The concept of management, recruitment, selection and placement of personnel

1 The concept of management, the essence of management

Management is a complex human intellectual activity that requires special knowledge and experience.

Quality of an effective manager:

knowledge of theory;

having energy and a healthy psyche;

ability to apply knowledge;

desire to manage effectively.

Management - management in a market economy means:

orientation of the company to the demand and needs of the market;

· the desire to improve production efficiency;

economic independence, freedom of decision-making;

· constant adjustment of goals and programs depending on the state of the market;

The end result of the activity is revealed in the market in the process of exchange;

The need to use modern technology in decision-making.

Currently, a process approach to management is widespread in management thought, which considers management as a process consisting of a number of specific sequential steps - management functions. All management functions are interconnected; each function is also a process, because consists of a series of interrelated actions.

Planning is the process of preparing for the future decisions about what should be done, how, when, what and how many resources should be used. The planning function answers 3 questions: where the company is currently located; where she wants to go; how the organization is going to do this.

Stages of organization:

Structural organization (includes authority structure and communication structure;

Organization of the production process (includes organization of personnel work, work in time, work in space).

Motivation is the maximum satisfaction of the needs of the organization's employees in exchange for their effective work.

Stages: determining employee needs; providing the opportunity for the employee to satisfy these needs through good work.

Control is the process of ensuring that an organization actually achieves its goals.

Stages: setting standards; measuring what has actually been achieved and comparing what has been achieved with intended standards; identification of sources of discrepancies and actions necessary to correct plans.

The concept of the management process is applicable to all types of organizations, since the process approach defines only the main general steps in management and provides the opportunity to use them and select content depending on the conditions of each specific company.

Management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling necessary to formulate and achieve the goals of an organization.

Principles, goals and functions of management.

The principle of scientific management:

management activities must be objective in nature;

use of the latest methods and tools;

management activities develop and improve under the influence of science;

The principle of economy.

The main management costs are remuneration of management personnel.

The principle of cost-effectiveness of management activities.

High profitability of the enterprise must be ensured. Costs and results must be balanced.

The principle of complexity.

Accounting for management activities of all factors.

The principle of systematic management.

In addition to complexity, it requires taking into account the influence of all factors on each other and on the result of management activities.

The principle of plasticity.

Flexibility, easy adaptability to changing external conditions.

The principle of self-correction.

The management system itself must identify its imperfections and develop countermeasures.

The principle of efficiency.

Quick response to changing situations.

The principle of common sense.

Goals are the end states or desired outcome that an organization seeks to achieve in a business process. Goals must be realistic (based on the capabilities of the company itself) and realizable from the point of view of the company's personnel.

General goals - follow from the fundamental principles of management and consist in the implementation of these principles for the benefit of society and each person.

Specific goals are determined by the scope and nature of the business.

Strategic - determine the nature of the activities of firms for a long period of time. Implementation requires large resources. This requires a deep study of possible options for the strategy and a thorough justification of the chosen alternative. The strategic goals reflect the essence of the company's management, its social significance, the degree of focus on meeting the needs of the company's personnel and society.

Current - are determined on the basis of the company's development strategy and are implemented within the framework of strategic ideas and current settings.

Strategic goals express the qualitative parameters of the functioning of the company, current - quantitative for a certain period. An organization always has at least one common goal. In the planning process, the management of the organization develops goals and communicates them to the members of the organization. This process is not one-sided because All members of the organization participate in the development of tactical goals.

Management functions are a specific type of management activity, which is carried out by special techniques and methods, as well as the corresponding organization of work. General, or universal, functions are inherent in the management of any business or facility. They divide management activities into a number of stages or types of work, classified according to their order of execution over time in order to obtain a result. General functions: goal setting, planning, organization, coordination (regulation), stimulation, control (accounting, activity analysis).

2 Technology of selection and recruitment

management personnel personnel selection

Recruitment consists of creating the necessary reserve of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the organization subsequently selects the most suitable employees for it. This work is carried out literally in all specialties - clerical, industrial, technical, administrative. The amount of recruitment work required is largely determined by the difference between the available labor force and the future need for it. This takes into account factors such as retirement, turnover, layoffs due to the expiration of the contract of employment, expansion of the scope of the organization.

Recruitment is usually carried out from external and internal sources. External recruitment tools include: publishing advertisements in newspapers and professional magazines, contacting employment agencies and management firms, sending contracted people to special courses at colleges. Some organizations invite the public to apply to the human resources department for possible future vacancies.

Most organizations choose to recruit primarily within their organization. It costs less to promote your employees. In addition, it increases their interest, improves morale and strengthens employees' attachment to the company. A possible disadvantage of approaching a problem exclusively through internal reserves is that new people with fresh views do not come into the organization, which can lead to stagnation.

A popular method of recruitment using internal reserves is to send out information about an opening vacancy and invite qualified workers. Some organizations make it a practice to notify all employees of any opening, giving them the opportunity to apply before outside applications are considered.

One of the main problems when recruiting employees is related to the desire of the employer to “sell” his company more profitably. He may exaggerate the positive aspects or underestimate the difficulties of working in the company. As a result, the potential candidate may have unreasonable expectations. Research shows that raising these types of expectations during hiring leads to increased job dissatisfaction and increased employee turnover. To solve this problem, some companies have developed programs called “Realistic Introduction to Your Future Job”, which allows the hirer to see both the positive and negative sides. The introduction of such programs has significantly avoided frustration and reduced staff turnover.

There are many external sources of recruitment, but employers typically use only a small number of them when recruiting workers for a particular profile.

Recently, the State Employment Service has been very active, but along with it, private employment agencies have also been created. This is a fairly effective way of recruiting personnel, since selection is immediately carried out based on professional qualities.

Recruitment in educational institutions. Using this method, an organization sends a worker, called a “recruiter,” to educational institutions who interviews candidates while describing to them the life of the organization. After preliminary conversations, the recruiter invites selected candidates to visit the companies at a later time. Next, the student is dealt with in the same way as with regular candidates.

In managing workforce planning, management selects the most suitable candidates from the pool created during recruitment. In most cases, it is worth choosing the person who is best qualified to do the actual work in the position, rather than the candidate who appears to be the most suitable for promotion. An objective decision on the choice, depending on the circumstances, may be based on the education of the candidate, the level of his professional skills, previous work experience, personal qualities.

For a selection program to be effective, the employee qualities required for the relevant type of activity must be clearly formulated. The criteria should be formed so that they comprehensively characterize the employee: education, experience, medical characteristics, personal qualities.

The selection decision usually consists of several steps that applicants must go through.

Preliminary selection conversation. Work at this stage can be organized in various ways. Most often, a HR specialist speaks with the candidate. At the same time, enterprises apply some general rules of conversation aimed at finding out, for example, the education of the applicant, assessing his appearance and defining personal qualities.

Step 2. Application form application form and autobiographical questionnaire. The number of questionnaire items should be kept to a minimum and they should ask for information that has the greatest impact on the applicant's future job performance. To use a questionnaire as a selection method, the HR professional must compare each item on the questionnaire with established criteria for effective selection. The questionnaire must be compiled separately for each type of work and organization.

Stage 3. Hiring conversation. The purpose of the hiring interview is to review the applicant for employment. Information is exchanged in the form of questions and answers. It is best to prepare a list of questions in advance; in the future, you can deviate from the list, or you can go strictly according to the list.

Stage 4. Hiring tests. This is one of those methods that makes selection decisions easier. A test is a tool that measures some indicator of a person. Psychologists and human resource specialists develop these tests to assess the ability or mindset necessary to effectively perform tasks in the proposed position.

Step 5. Checking reviews and recommendations. When submitting job applications, candidates may provide references from previous supervisors and other similar documents. It is advisable to check them. This can be one of the most objective types of information for predicting an applicant's future behavior in the workplace.

Stage 6. Medical examination. The reasons for conducting a medical examination are as follows: In the event of workers' compensation complaints, knowledge of the applicant's physical condition at the time of hire is necessary; the employment of carriers of contagious diseases must be prevented; it is necessary to determine whether the applicant is physically able to perform the proposed work.

The three most widely used methods for collecting information required to make selection decisions include tests, interviews and assessment centers.

One type of selection test involves measuring the ability to perform tasks related to the proposed job. Examples include typing or shorthand, demonstrating the ability to operate a machine. Another type of test assesses psychological characteristics such as intelligence, interest, energy, frankness, self-confidence, emotional stability and attention to detail. Management must evaluate whether people who perform well on tests are actually better performers than those who score lower.

Interviews are still the most widely used method of personnel selection. Even non-managerial employees are rarely hired without at least one interview. The selection of a high-ranking manager may require dozens of interviews, taking several months.

Before starting the interview, a program should be drawn up, which depends mainly on the number of candidates and on what types of interviews will be used.

Once the program has been drawn up, personal references and references from previous employers have been received, and candidates have been invited, the interview process can begin.

However, research has identified a number of problems that reduce the effectiveness of interviews as a personnel selection tool. The basis of these problems is emotional and psychological in nature. For example, there is a tendency to make decisions about a candidate based on first impressions, without considering what is said in the rest of the interview.

Assessment centers were first established in the states during World War II to select and evaluate agents for the Secret Service, the forerunner of the CIA. I&T was the first private company to use the center for the selection of management and commercial employees.

3 Placement and adaptation of personnel

The placement of personnel in an organization means the expedient distribution of available employees among departments and jobs in accordance with the system of division and cooperation of labor adopted in the organization, on the one hand, and the abilities of workers, on the other.

The placement of personnel should ensure the coordinated activities of the team, taking into account the volume, nature and complexity of the work performed based on compliance with the following conditions: uniform and full workload of employees of all services and departments; use of personnel in accordance with their profession and qualifications; ensuring the necessary interchangeability of workers based on their mastery of related professions; ensuring everyone is fully responsible for doing their job, i.e. accurate accounting of its quantitative and qualitative results. Assignment to the performer of work that corresponds to the level of his knowledge and practical skills.

When placing personnel, the following principles must be observed: compliance; prospects; turnover.

The principle of conformity means the compliance of the moral and business qualities of applicants with the requirements of the positions being filled.

The principle of prospects is based on taking into account the following conditions:

· establishing age limits for various categories of positions;

· determination of the duration of the period of work in one position, in the same area of ​​work;

· the possibility of changing a profession or specialty, organizing systematic advanced training; health status.

The principle of turnover is that better use of personnel should be facilitated by intra-organizational labor movements, which are understood as processes of changing the place of workers in the system of division of labor, as well as changing the place of application of labor within the organization, since the stagnation of personnel associated with a long stay in one and the same position, has negative consequences for the organization’s activities.

The placement of personnel in an organization, first of all, presupposes the correct distribution of workers into categories of industrial production personnel (workers, students, engineers, employees). At the same time, it is necessary to achieve the most optimal ratio between the number of these categories by establishing standards for the number of workers, engineers and other categories of personnel.

Rational placement of personnel implies compliance with the proportions determined for given conditions in terms of qualifications, social activity, age, and gender.

The placement of personnel in jobs (positions) must be carried out not only in accordance with the quantitative, qualitative, time and territorial requirements of the production process, but also taking into account the interests and inclinations of workers.

The placement of personnel in an enterprise is associated with the solution of two main problems: the problem of adaptation and the problem of distribution.

The first problem has two sides:

Firstly, we are talking about the adaptation of labor to a person, i.e. on the organization of workplaces in accordance with ergonomic requirements, new distribution of work tasks, technological changes that contribute to improving working conditions.

Secondly, we mean a person’s adaptation to work, which finds concrete expression in measures to improve the skills or retraining of workers.

The goal of rational personnel placement is the distribution of workers among jobs in which the discrepancy between a person’s personal qualities and the requirements for the work he performs is minimal, without excessive or insufficient workload.

Adaptation of an employee in an organization is a multifaceted process of his adaptation to the content and conditions of work, to the immediate social environment, and improvement of the employee’s business and personal qualities. This is a process that requires both the employee and the team to be mutually active and interested in each other.

The formation of adaptive connections and relationships covers all aspects of an individual’s activity: professional, organizational, material, everyday, social, socio-psychological. The establishment of these connections determines the employee’s status in the team. He must master a profession, be organized and disciplined, become a good friend, learn the traditions of the team, etc., in other words, fully realize his labor potential.

The following types of adaptation are distinguished:

Professional: main professions; retraining; professional mobility.

Psychophysiological: sanitary and hygienic conditions; operating mode; comfort, convenience of the workplace; content and nature of work.

Socio-psychological: entry into a class, social group, layer, settlement structure, etc.

All these types of adaptation act as inseparable aspects of a single process, with professional adaptation being the determining and leading one. Its peculiarity is that adaptation connections are directed mainly from production to the employee, who is forced to adapt to the requirements of production.

Social adaptation of an individual in a team is a process of interaction between an individual and a team, which is carried out on the basis of coordination of their interests and ensures the normal functioning and development of the “collective-personal” system, as well as the achievement of collective and individual goals.

From the above definition it follows that in the course of such interaction, not only the adaptation of the individual to the collective (social environment) takes place, but also the adaptation of the collective to the needs, interests, and goals of the individual. This is a process in which the individual and the team simultaneously act as the subject and object of adaptation.

2. Characteristics of the enterprise, analysis of personnel policy

1 Characteristics of the enterprise

Closed joint stock company production and commercial organization "VPK" (hereinafter referred to as the organization) was created to meet the needs of the population for various services, goods, scientific and technical products.

The subject of activity is:

· construction of residential and non-residential premises, both for our own needs and by order of outside organizations;

· design of residential industrial buildings;

· capital construction of social and cultural facilities;

· and others.

The highest governing body of the organization is the meeting of its members.

The executive body is the administration of the organization, headed by its director. The powers of the company's workforce are exercised by the general meeting and its elected body. Relations between members of the organization and the workforce are regulated by a collective agreement.

Each service and employees operate on the basis of regulations on departments and job descriptions of employees, according to which the place, role in the company’s management system, main tasks, duties, rights, and responsibility for the work performed are determined.

The main tasks of the services and departments can be summarized as follows:

Production and technical department - ensuring the flow organization of work, rhythm and increasing the efficiency of construction production, commissioning of construction projects on time, timely provision of construction projects with technical documentation, improving the quality of construction, execution of construction contracts.

Consider the organizational structure of CJSC "VPK". See: Appendix 1

The executive body is headed by the director. The responsibilities of the director include managing all structures and divisions of the company, organizing the functioning, setting goals, disposing of property and funds, concluding and terminating contracts, opening bank accounts, stimulating subordinate managers, making decisions, and everything that is necessary for the effective functioning of the organization.

The organization defines the following functions of human resources services:

Administrative activities. Application in practice of basic legislative provisions in the field of organization and remuneration of labor, collective agreements.

Employment. Hiring, familiarization with the workplace and working conditions, issues of transfer to another job within the enterprise, promotion to higher positions, dismissal.

Training, retraining, advanced training of personnel. This includes all issues related to identifying the potential capabilities of the company’s employees, determining the paths for their advancement along the production or service line.

Material reward. Certification of jobs and positions, wage structure taking into account social benefits, study of the labor market, development of individual articles of the collective agreement.

Social issues. Contacts with trade union organizations, assistance in holding public events, analysis and identification of the causes of social tension.

Working conditions and safety measures.

The tasks of the personnel management service are as follows:

Personnel planning;

Reduce staff turnover;

Create good working conditions;

Provide every employee with a permanent job;

Stimulating staff;

Education and advanced training in interested personnel;

Career advancement;

Reward for good work, etc.

Customer service, work with suppliers, sales volume analysis - these are the main functions performed by the sales manager, who occupies a middle position in the management structure. The number of clients, sales volumes, quality of service, and expansion of the client base largely depend on it. This is no less responsible position than the director of the company, so he must have all the necessary qualities for successful work.

Chief accountant - ensures the rational organization of accounting and reporting at the enterprise on the basis of progressive forms and methods of accounting and control. It also organizes salary settlements with the company’s employees, the correct calculation and transfer of payments to the state budget. Takes measures to prevent illegal spending of funds and inventory items, violations of financial and economic legislation. Ensures timely preparation of financial statements.

Leading economist - manages and coordinates the activities of all departments of the enterprise in drawing up long-term plans for economic development. Ensures strict adherence to the regime of saving material, labor and financial resources in all areas of the enterprise’s economic activities. Organizes the development of methods for economic evaluation of activities aimed at improving the organization of production. Controls the timeliness of reporting on the results of economic activities to higher authorities.

Chief engineer - manages the development of long-term plans for the development of the enterprise, reconstruction and modernization, measures to prevent the harmful effects of production on the environment, careful use of natural resources, and the creation of favorable and safe working conditions. Organizes scientific research and experiments, testing of new equipment and technology. Ensures continuous improvement of training and advanced training of personnel in accordance with the requirements of the scientific and technical process.

When organizing material incentives for the labor of enterprise employees, the following factors are taken into account:

the level of wages and the payment system for similar work at other enterprises;

level of qualifications for work related to the artistic part of the product;

lead time factor;

factor of uninterrupted operation of equipment and technology ensuring the production process.

It was decided that it would be expedient to develop a combined remuneration system:

time-based bonus for equipment and machinery maintenance work;

piecework bonuses for jobs where labor rationing is possible;

salary and bonus for engineers and other categories of workers.

2.2 Analysis of the use of personnel management technologies using the example of JSC "VPK"

When pursuing the personnel policy of JSC VPK, priorities are given to the interests of production, while the interests of the employee are almost not taken into account.

In primary work teams, in addition to the manager, the leader influences the behavior of workers. Leadership is the process of spontaneous, spontaneous leadership of a team from the inside, by the most authoritative members of the team. The most proactive, energetic, sociable, and informed employees become leaders. In different situations of the life of a team, different workers can be leaders.

Leadership occurs only when the team has employees with a penchant for leadership. If there are no such workers in the organization, the team is left without a leader. Leaderless teams are less effective and have lower levels of cohesion. The greatest work efficiency and cohesion are achieved by those teams where the manager is also a leader. In this case, he can influence the team not only through administrative measures, but also use socio-psychological sanctions. However, the combination of a manager and a leader in one person is not always possible to achieve.

Specialists in economics and sociology of labor, studying the socio-psychological structure of the team, must identify leaders in order to rely on them when organizing collective activities. The team should be influenced, first of all, through leaders. However, managers who, for some reason, do not correspond to their positions, are afraid of the appearance of leaders in their teams, considering them their rivals. The opposition and hidden confrontation between the manager and the leader can lead to conflicts in the team.

The peculiarities of interaction between team members regarding the adoption, implementation of decisions and control over their implementation form the leadership style.

Leadership style is determined by the characteristics of power-administrative relations and consists of a number of elements. Among them: distribution of powers between managers and subordinates, giving them independence, participation in informing the team; the manager’s attitude towards advice, statements and criticism from subordinates; the tactics used to influence subordinates; predominant forms of addressing subordinates; features of social control in a team; the nature of interactions with public organizations, including the labor council; leader's position in conflict situations.

Depending on the combination of these elements, three main types of leadership styles are distinguished: administrative; democratic; conniving.

The administrative style of leadership is characterized by the exclusion of subordinates from participation in the development and adoption of decisions, the lack of opportunity for subordinates to show initiative and independence, and the lack of mutual understanding between the leader and subordinates.

Democratic leadership style is the complete opposite of administrative style.

The permissive style means that the manager, in essence, withdraws himself from the leadership process, lets it take its course, basically all the work is carried out by deputies.

The combination of conniving and administrative styles gives rise to bureaucracy, i.e. disorganization of work, irresponsibility of workers, discrepancy between word and deed.

At ZAO VPK, the preference for management aimed at production was made due to the authoritarian nature of the head of the enterprise.

3 Analysis of methods used in recruitment and selection of personnel

Based on a comparison of the human resources plan with the number of personnel already working in the organization, the personnel management service determines the vacancies that need to be filled. If such places exist, the recruitment process begins, consisting of several stages: detailing the requirements for a vacant job and a candidate for its occupation, selection of candidates, selection of candidates and hiring. See: Appendix 1.

Scheme for hiring new employees.

Hiring begins with a detailed definition of who the organization needs. At the heart of this process in the organization "VPK" is the preparation of a job description, i.e. a document describing the main functions of the employee occupying this workplace. The job description is prepared by the personnel management service together with the head of the department in which there is a vacant position: the head of the personnel management service contributes his knowledge of the process of creating a job description, and the head of the department - the requirements for a particular workplace.

To facilitate the selection of candidates, a qualification card has been created that describes the main characteristics that an employee must have to successfully work in this position. The card is prepared by the head of the department and employees of the personnel management service on the basis of the job description and represents a set of qualification characteristics (general education, special education, special skills - knowledge of foreign languages, computer skills, ability to draw, etc.) that the “ideal” person should have. » employee holding this position. Example: see Appendix 2.

The use of a qualification card makes it possible to structured assessment of candidates (for each characteristic) and compare candidates with each other.

Having determined the requirements for the candidate, HR officers begin to attract candidates using several methods:

Search within the organization. Before entering the labor market, they first try to search among their employees by posting vacancy announcements on the company’s stands, asking department heads to nominate candidates, and analyzing personal files in order to select employees with the required characteristics.

Announcements in the media. To attract candidates, it places ads in specialized newspapers and headings. The advantage of this method is the wide coverage of the population at a relatively low initial cost. And the disadvantage is the flip side of the advantage: a huge influx of candidates, most of whom do not have the required characteristics.

But there is no universal method for selecting candidates, so HR employees use different methods depending on the vacant position.

The selection of candidates is the basis for the next stage - the selection of future employees of the organization, which begins with an analysis of the list of candidates in terms of their compliance with the organization's requirements for future employees.

The purpose of the initial selection is to identify a limited number of candidates with whom the organization could work individually. At this stage, HR personnel conduct individual interviews with selected candidates. The purpose of these interviews is to assess the degree to which the candidate matches the portrait of the “ideal” employee, his ability to fulfill the requirements of the job description, his ability to adapt to the organization, etc.

Based on interviews (with the HR employee and then with the head of the department), the candidate who is most suitable for this position is selected.

After this, the selected employee is hired for a probationary period (from 1 to 3 months), giving management the opportunity to evaluate the candidate directly in the workplace without assuming obligations for his permanent employment. If, after the probationary period, management has no complaints against the new employee, he is accepted for permanent employment.

Let us analyze the results of the implementation of the concept of personnel policy of the organization "VPK". First of all, let's analyze the use of labor resources in the enterprise.

We are analyzing changes in the number and structure of industrial production personnel of JSC "VPK" for 2010 - 2011. in the table.

Indicators Average headcount (persons) Previous period Reporting period Deviation (+, -) 1. Workers1014+42. Leaders9903. Specialists1821+3Total3744+7

As can be seen from the presented data, the number of industrial production personnel at JSC "VPK" increased from 37 to 44 people, that is, by 7 people, which is explained by the growth of the enterprise and an increase in the volume of work. The structure of industrial production personnel changed during the reporting period - the proportion of workers increased, the proportion of specialists decreased slightly, and the number of managers remained the same.

The personnel policy of JSC VPK can also be assessed using HR performance indicators.

The state of personnel in the enterprise can be determined using the following coefficients:

) Attrition rate. Kvk is determined by the ratio of the number of employees laid off for all reasons for a given period Ruv. to the average number of employees for the same period P:

Kvk \u003d Ruv / P * 100%

Based on the available data, we calculate the retirement rate for 2011:

Ruv=4 persons

Kvk \u003d 4/44 * 100 \u003d 9.1%

This figure of 9.1% indicates that the attrition of personnel is not significant.

) The recruitment rate Kpc is determined by the ratio of the number of employees hired for a given period Rpc. and the average number of employees for the same period P:

Kpk = Ppk/P*100%

Kpk = 37 people at the beginning period - 4 dismissals = 33 people; 44-33=11 people

Kpk =11/44*100=25%

The recruitment rate for 2011 was 25%.

Ksk \u003d 1 - (Ruv / R) * 100%,

where Рв = 4 - the number of employees who left the enterprise of their own free will and because of a violation of labor discipline for the reporting period;

P = 44 - average number of employees at this enterprise in the period preceding the reporting period;

Ksk = 1 - (4 / 44) * 100 = 90.91%

The stability coefficient was 90.91%. This coefficient indicates a fairly high level of enterprise management organization. Ideally, the frame stability ratio should be close to 90-95%.

In general, at ZAO VPK the situation regarding personnel is normal, the retirement rate was 9.1%, the hiring rate was 25%, which are good indicators.

The enterprise has also developed measures to develop personnel and improve their qualifications.

4 Improving the personnel policy of the organization CJSC "VPK"

To improve the personnel policy of JSC VPK, namely recruitment and selection, it can be proposed to more widely use the whole variety of methods used in recruitment and selection. You can extend the already used, and apply new methods such as:

Combination of professions. In these cases, it is advisable to use a combination of positions by the company's employees themselves (if the performer is required for a short time, to perform a small amount of work).

If an employee is required for a position temporarily, then there is no need to begin operations related to the recruitment and selection of personnel, spending precious time and financial resources on this. By combining a profession, an employee can help his organization save money associated with not performing the necessary work until a new employee is hired. For this purpose, it is proposed to appoint a person from your organization, especially since if the place becomes completely vacant and the employee proves himself well, he can be retained to occupy this position permanently.

For some organizations, especially those in the stage of intensive growth, the use of internal sources of management personnel, such as the transfer of managers, is considered very effective. The following options for relocating managers are possible:

promotion to a position with an expansion (or decrease) in the range of job responsibilities, an increase (decrease) in rights and an increase (decrease) in the level of activity. A promotion motivates a person to perform his duties more thoroughly and efficiently, gets him interested, and he may have a desire to achieve greater heights in his position;

an increase in the level of qualifications, accompanied by the assignment to the manager of “more complex tasks, which does not entail a promotion, but is accompanied by an increase in salary. It never hurts to have a high level of knowledge and good qualifications in an organization;

a change in the range of tasks and responsibilities that is not caused by advanced training and does not entail a promotion or salary increase (rotation). Changing the range of tasks can increase productivity due to the fact that a person gets tired of his daily, repetitive, monotonous work.

This type of rotation, as a rule, leads to broadening one’s horizons, increasing managerial qualifications and, ultimately, is accompanied by career growth of the organization’s employees.

The expansion of external sources of recruitment contributes to a faster recruitment of the required personnel, covering all places where people necessary for the organization can apply and, finally, will allow selecting from a larger number of people those whose level of qualifications, education, experience, etc. is necessary.

External sources of personnel selection include all that indefinite number of people who are able to work in the organization, but are not currently working in it. Among them may be people with whom the organization’s managers and personnel personnel have previously met on the issue of employment (from the so-called waiting list), as well as specialists with whom such meetings are yet to come.

Employment centers. Many firms and companies use local employment centers as a source for hiring people. These services can help you find less qualified personnel (for simple, routine work, perhaps requiring part-time work). As a rule, specialists who lost their jobs due to the bankruptcy of their previous enterprises and were forced to undergo retraining (retraining) to master a new specialty are hired through the employment service.

Employment agencies (staffing agencies). Many HR managers use the services of recruitment agencies to save time and avoid difficulties when searching for new staff. The agency is presented with an application for specialists indicating the position, salary, content of activities, indicative search and selection criteria. As a rule, a well-functioning agency presents several candidates so that the employer makes his own choice. The represented specialists may be given a “guarantee”, which comes into force in the event of dismissal of the specialist at his own request or incompetence within the agreed period. In this case, the agency is obliged to introduce other candidates for this position free of charge.

The informational ad must be worded correctly to attract the attention of the most qualified candidates. It is advisable to note in the advertisement some features of the personnel you are interested in (recruitment restrictions), for example, education, special work experience or, conversely, lack of practical experience.

Travel to institutes and other educational institutions. HR officials often use this method to attract young professionals. To illustrate the effectiveness of using the methods, see Appendix 3.

To improve the quality of personnel in the organization of ZAO VPK and reduce staff turnover, competitive recruitment of personnel can be used.

A competition usually means a competition between two or more candidates to fill a vacant position. Competitive procedures contribute to: raising the prestige of the position; attracting more candidates; increasing the objectivity of hiring decisions; democratization and openness of the sphere of personnel management; introduction of new HR technologies; intensifying the collection of personal information for planning work with hired candidates; team formation.

The necessary elements of the competitive procedure are:

). Availability of applicants nominating themselves for the competition;

). The competition commission, which is given the right, based on the regulations on the competition, to choose the techniques and methods of its conduct;

). Mechanisms for assessing the merits of competitors and making decisions based on the results of the competition;

). Mechanisms for informing participants and other interested parties about the progress and results of the competition.

There have been several approaches to organizing and conducting a competition for hiring and filling a vacant position.

Elections are the simplest and most traditional method, most often used when holding a competition to fill a vacant managerial position. This procedure takes into account the opinion of the majority and does not conduct special preliminary tests of candidates. Their suitability or non-compliance with the vacant position is determined by the competition commission based on the study of official and unofficial documents. Information about the candidates is communicated to the team, before which the applicants speak with their messages. Preference is given to one candidate or another by voting, the procedure of which is pre-agreed.

The advantages of the selective method are its speed and the ability to take into account the opinions of team members. Disadvantages include subjectivity and the inability to insure against error, since the voting majority has to trust information obtained from the characteristics of the candidate or, at best, their subjective opinion based on observation of the candidate’s behavior, his speech and answers to questions, if the speech is organized.

Selection - the decision on the suitability of a candidate is made by a personnel commission headed by a directly superior manager or a person appointed by him. The selection method is also used for high-level management positions, where, along with professional competence, great importance is attached to the candidate’s ability to establish relationships with partners at different levels, to be compatible with senior management and subordinates.

When evaluating selected candidates, the competition commission, in addition to analyzing documents and characteristics, conducts interviews, sometimes structured interviews and psychological testing of candidates.

The advantages of the selection method are an individual approach and the opportunity to obtain more reliable information about the professional and personal qualities of candidates; the disadvantages are relative slowness and a high degree of subjectivity, which is of an emotional and psychological nature. The error often occurs due to the subjective desire to evaluate the candidate in comparison with the impression left by the previous candidate. Affects a person’s assessment and appearance, his social status, manners, etc.

Selection is a method that allows, in any conditions, to carry out the most democratic and largely free from subjectivity competitive procedure.

The advantages of the selection method are a comprehensive, thorough and objective study of the individual characteristics of each candidate and the possible prediction of its effectiveness; the disadvantages are the duration and high cost of the procedures used.


The specific task of any analysis of an enterprise’s labor resources is to find weaknesses associated with the use of labor, and its goal is to develop recommendations that will not allow the enterprise to reduce the volume and quality of its commercial products.

Having analyzed the methods and principles of maintaining the personnel policy of JSC VPK, we can conclude that not all methods of recruitment and selection of personnel are used at the enterprise.

The personnel composition of the enterprise is stable, which is clearly seen from the calculation of the indicator (coefficient) of personnel stability, which amounted to 90.91%.

Focus on high-quality work with the personnel of the organization of JSC "VPK" will lead to an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the moral and psychological climate in the team, and contributes to better adaptation of new employees in the team.

However, it is necessary to take measures to activate staff and motivate them to work, because The interest of each employee in the common cause of the enterprise is little noticeable. The organization needs to conduct personnel certification to determine the suitability of employees for their positions in order to determine the reserve within the organization for the ability of employees to combine professions. One of the subtasks of personnel policy is the selection of the most effective methods of motivating personnel. To motivate means to touch upon their most important interests, to give them a chance to be realized in the process of work.

For effective personnel management, an enterprise needs a complete system of work with personnel, which allows them to be managed from the moment they are hired to the end of their career.


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Gorfinkel V.Ya., Kupriakov E.M. Enterprise economy. - M.: Unity, 1996 43-72 p.

4. Egorshin A.P. Personnel Management. - N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2001.

Ivantsevich J., Lobanov A.A. Human resources management. - M.: Delo, 1993. p. 74

Kibanov A.Ya. Organizational personnel management: Textbook / Ed. Prof. AND I. Kibanova. - Ed. 3rd, add. and processed - M: INFRA-M, 2005.

7. Kibanov A.Ya., Durakova I.B. Organizational personnel management: selection and assessment during hiring, certification: a textbook for university students. - 2nd ed. - M.: “Exam”, 2005.

8. Litvintseva N.A. Psychological aspects of personnel selection and testing. - M.: JSC "Business School "Intel-Sintez", 1997.

9. Magura M.I. Search and selection of personnel - M.: 2001.

Mazmanova B. G. Remuneration management. - M., 2001.

Mondi R.W., Nou R.M., Premo S.R. Personnel Management. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2004.

Muzychenko V.V. Personnel Management. Lectures: Textbook for students. universities - M.: “Academy”, 2003.

Psychology of Management: Textbook / edited by G.S. Nikiforov. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing House, 2000.

14. Pugachev V.P. Personnel management of an organization: Textbook. - M.: Aspect Press, 1999. - 279 p.

Rozanova V.A. Psychology of management. - M.: JSC "Business School "Intel-Sintez", 1998.

Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Fundamentals of personnel management. 2001.

Personnel management in the public service system / Comp. IN AND. Danilov, E.A. Kitin, E.A. Nekhvyadovich; edited by V.P. Verschel. - St. Petersburg, 1997.

18. Personnel management: Textbook / General. ed. A.I. Turchinova. - M.: publishing house RAGS, 2002.

Personnel management: Textbook/Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova. - M: UNITY, 2005.

20. Personnel management. Ed. T. Yu. Bazarova, B. L. Eremina; Moscow, Unity, 2000;

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Annex 1

Organizational chart.

Appendix 2

Layout of an interview form for the position of manager

Comments ________________________________________

Conducted by _______________________________________

For the vacant position ___________________________________

Full Name. Date of Birth

Address, phone number

Are you working now? If yes, how soon can you begin your duties? What is your relationship with the company where you currently work?

Why do you want to take this vacant position? (what is the main causal factor - prestige, security, earnings?)




From ____ to ____ (working hours)

How did you get the job? (has the applicant expressed confidence in obtaining employment?)

The essence of the work at the beginning? (Is it possible to use the candidate's work experience in previous jobs to work in this position?) What salary were you paid at the beginning?

How has work changed over time? (what progress did the applicant make at that job?)

What were you doing at work at the time of your dismissal? (what responsibility did the applicant have?) Salary at the time of dismissal?

Chief __________ His position__________ What is he like? (how was the candidate’s relationship with his superiors?) How closely did he watch you? What power did you have (do you have)?

How many people were under your leadership? What were they doing? (is the applicant a leader?)

To what extent were you able to use your initiative and judgment? (did the candidate actively seek responsibility?)

Appendix 3

Professional profile of HR manager

Job title: HR and labor productivity manager.

General description of the work process. The manager performs responsible administrative work to manage the activities of the personnel of the organization ZAO VPK. He is responsible for planning and managing personnel programs, which include recruitment, competitive interviews, employee evaluation and appointment, promotion and promotion, making recommendations for changing the status of employees of the organization, and creating a system for distributing information to employees. The manager works under the general control of line management, while he can take the initiative and have an independent opinion on the implementation of the tasks assigned to him.

Actions inherent in the manager’s work process:

Participates in general planning and decision-making to create a unified and efficient personnel service.

Explains the organization's policies at various levels through the distribution of newsletters, organization of meetings and personal contacts.

Conduct interviews with candidates for positions, evaluate their qualifications and suitability for applications.

Confers with superiors on issues related to his activities, including problems of appointment; hires employees who have completed a probationary period to positions; transfers and dismisses permanent employees.

Organizes testing of employees.

Develops personnel training systems.

Develops a performance evaluation system and trains managers in methods for evaluating the performance of subordinates.

Maintains personnel documentation.

Performs other duties related to his activities.

Manager's workplace specification

As an example, here is a workflow specification for a HR manager:

Training and work experience. Must have extensive experience in this profession. Minimum six years of work experience.

Education. A four-year college or university majoring in human resources, business management, or industrial psychology.

Knowledge, skills and abilities. Must have knowledge of the theory and practice of personnel management, including selection, appointment and evaluation of employees.

Degree of responsibility. Manages a department consisting of three employees specializing in human resources management.

Appendix 4

Recruitment sources used by HR departments and their efficiency percentages.


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1 Poleshchuk Zhanna Aleksandrovna - master's student; 2Geleta Igor Viktorovich - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics, Regional and Personnel Management, Faculty of Economics, Kuban State University, Krasnodar

Abstract: the article reveals the basic concepts, essence, and structure of information technologies used in the personnel management system. The main factors that have a restraining influence on the company's use of information technology in the personnel management system are formulated. A number of problems in the work of personnel services have been identified, the effective elimination of which depends on the implementation of automated personnel management systems in the enterprise. The authors outline the role of HRM systems in the modern personnel management process.

Key words: information technology, personnel management, automated management systems, personnel service.


1Poleshchuk Zhanna Aleksandrovna - Master"s Student; 2Geleta Igor Viktorovich - Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, ECONOMICS OF COMPANY, REGIONAL AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT,


Abstract: main terms, concept and structure of information technologies employed in human resources management system are considered in the article. Main factors that have constraining influence on using company in human resources management system of information technologies. Set of problems related to personnel service work were identified. An effective solution to these problems depends on integration of automated systems of human resource management in company. The role of HRM-systems in modern process of human resource management is indicated by the authors.

Keywords: information technology, human resources management, management information systems, personnel office.

UDC 331.104.2

The development of information technology has also influenced such areas of the company’s activities as personnel management. It should be noted that personnel management is one of the most important components of a company, since competent personnel management can increase the efficiency of company employees and increase profits. Recently, a number of companies that want to automate the HR management process

assistance from information systems has increased significantly. Such information systems help achieve company goals in a shorter time and without additional financial investments.

Today, the use of information technology in personnel management is a necessary condition to ensure the effective operation of any company. As practice shows, one HR manager can manage the affairs of hundreds of company employees using automated systems. The use of computer technology in our work allows us to receive various forms of reporting in the shortest possible time in accordance with all changes occurring in legislation.

The structure of all modern HR automation products that exist today is as follows:

1) help systems;

2) programs that automate certain areas of the HR service;

3) automated integrated personnel management systems.

Information and reference systems cannot be classified as automated

systems that can significantly reduce the number of actions performed when implementing a particular operation. It is advisable to include legal reference systems among them. In Russia, the most popular ones are “ConsultantPlus” and “Garant”.

Programs that automate certain areas of the HR service activity make it possible to select, certify and record employees; develop staffing schedules; calculate wages; prepare analytical reports on enterprise trends. This type of program is used in small companies in order to solve individual problems.

Automated integrated personnel management systems are full-fledged software products that automate all areas of the enterprise's personnel department. There is a large amount of data on automated personnel management systems, among domestic developments one can distinguish such as: "A&T: Personnel Management", "BOSS-Kadrovik", "1C: Salary and Personnel", "Compass: Personnel Management", etc. .

Combining the capabilities of information technology and the human resources of the organization is one of its main competitive advantages. As a developing factor, it has a decisive significance for the activities of any company. But it cannot do without the presence of factors that have a restraining influence.

These factors include:

1) production (lack of qualified specialists in this field; loss of working time due to the use of information technologies for other purposes);

2) economic (lack of funds; risks associated with fraud in making electronic payments);

3) technological (the emergence of a large number of technological difficulties).

It is important to note that these factors are predominantly subjective in nature, because, as we believe, they arise due to ignorance of the managers of many enterprises about the existence of these technologies and the advantages inherent in them, or due to fear and reluctance to change the usual style of company management.

Based on the study of scientific works devoted to the research topic (, , ), we identified a number of problems in the enterprise personnel management system,

which can be solved by introducing personnel management information technologies into it:

1) the presence of a territorial distribution organizational structure of the business (group of companies, holding company, dealer network, a large number of additional offices, branches or representative offices);

2) the need for a constant influx of new personnel;

3) ineffective work on searching and selecting applicants and candidates;

4) a large number of hired employees;

5) the presence of differences in the qualifications of specialists;

6) the need for centralized management of the processes of preparation, training, testing (within the framework of a unified information environment);

7) the complexity of carrying out settlement transactions for wages; commitment to maintaining error-free financial records of personnel expenses;

8) problems with the level of staff turnover;

9) the need to centralize the knowledge accumulated by specialists in a single information base in the form of a program or system;

10) modern style of enterprise management; the desire of top management to follow modern trends and introduce innovations;

11) an ever-increasing level of competition in various areas of business: trading, manufacturing, etc.;

12) the need to introduce new HR technologies.

The problems listed above directly affect human resource management processes and in order to implement them efficiently and with maximum efficiency, it is necessary to introduce automated personnel management systems at enterprises that will optimize all processes related to personnel activities. This is the latest information technology in the field of HRM (Human Resources Management) - personnel management systems. A modern IT system for automation of personnel management provides integration into a single information space, and also greatly simplifies and makes the work of the HR department more efficient and convenient.

Thus, it can be argued that the introduction of information technologies into the personnel management system of an organization is no longer innovative technologies that facilitate the effective performance of operational work, but, first of all, a kind of catalyst for the dissemination of advanced management experience, as well as modern management technologies that provide enterprises with additional adaptive capabilities and competitive advantages.

List of references/References

1. Baranovskaya T.P., Vostroknutov A.E., Berezovsky V.S. Research of HRM-systems: market analysis, choice and implementation for companies of medium and large businesses // Polythematic network electronic scientific journal of the Kuban State Agrarian University, 2016. No. 115. P. 707-729.

2. Ivanenko L.V., Kogdin A.A. Problems of functioning of modern information technologies in personnel management // Fundamentals of Economics, Management and Law, 2012. No. 6. P. 112-116.

3. Osipova D.I., Nikolaeva N.A. Information technologies in personnel management // In the collection: Problems of forming a single space for economic and social development of the CIS countries Proceedings of the annual International scientific and practical conference, 2014. P. 480-484.

4. Savchenko I.P., Granadskaya O.V. Innovations in the company’s personnel management system // Scientific journal “ARMOM. Series: Humanities", 2015. No. 2. P. 35-41.

5. Tarutin A.I., Povorina E.V. The use of information technologies in personnel management // New science: Experience, traditions, innovations, 2016. No. 7 (111). pp. 20-24.



Sorokina P.V. , Popova K.A. Email: [email protected]

1Sorokina Polina Vitalievna - student; 2Popova Ksenia Aleksandrovna - candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor,

Department of Personnel Management and Economics in Education, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University,


Abstract: the article analyzes the motivation of employees of an organization producing culinary and confectionery products, identifying the hierarchy of needs using the “Motivational Profile” questionnaire by S. Ritchie and P. Martin. Without staff motivation, certain indicators by which the company’s performance is assessed will not be achieved, and, accordingly, all work activities will lose meaning. It has been established that the most pressing needs of employees of these organizations are material benefits, the need for favorable physical working conditions, the need for organized work, feedback and information about their own work, and the need for recognition of merit. The most insignificant need was the need for independence and self-improvement. Key words: motivation, stimulation, need, motivational profile.



Abstract: the article analyzes the motivation of the employees of the organization for the production of culinary and a confectionery product, the hierarchy of needs is identified with the help of the questionnaire "Motivation profile" by S. Richie and P. Martin. Without the motivation of the staff, certain indicators will not be achieved, according to which the result of the company's work is evaluated, and, accordingly, all labor activity will lose its meaning. It is established that the most actual needs of employees of these organizations are

Human resource management technologies make it possible to solve the personnel problems facing every organization. With their help, high efficiency of employee management is ensured.

In order for an enterprise to take a leading position in the industry, the company's team must consist of professionals. In addition, the company's management needs to pay enough attention to people management.

HR technologies will help create a modern and effective system, only then will the organization be successful in the market. First you need to find specialists and evaluate their professional knowledge. It is worth paying attention to the business qualities of candidates; it is important to find out the personal characteristics of future employees.

The candidate selection process takes time. It is necessary to hire the best specialists. An employment contract is signed with each employee, the personnel department helps a person to adapt to a new place.

If we talk about the content of personnel technologies, they are a series of actions aimed at achieving two goals. The first of them is obtaining information about the specialist. This may include data on his professional knowledge and skills. The second goal is to determine the qualities and skills that the organization wants to see in its employee.

Staffing is one of the most important elements of working with specialists. The efficiency of the company's activities, as well as how well the company's resources will be used, depends on how experienced employees can be found by personnel officers.

Hiring experienced employees and well-known industry professionals who have made a name for themselves will be a good investment for any enterprise. On the selection of personnel, if the financial condition of the company allows, you should not save. But mistakes in the selection of new employees will become a failure, which can be very costly for the company.

For example, a company plans to start training employees. If specialists are not qualified for the job, their training will be a waste of resources. Even for large organizations this will be a luxury. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the same situation will receive the maximum damage, because they have to work in a highly competitive environment, and the budget of small firms is often limited. HR technologies are designed to protect the company from such expenses.

Basic elements of HR technologies

If an enterprise has hired a sufficient number of experienced specialists, this does not guarantee that the staff will provide high labor efficiency.

In order for the staff’s abilities to be aimed at achieving the goals required by the enterprise, it is necessary to competently manage employees. HR management technology should be carefully thought out; its development should not be rushed. It is necessary that management actions be aimed at assessing the qualifications of specialists. It is useful to timely move an employee to a position where his skills could be used most fully.

In addition, it is important to interest the employee in the results of work.

It is necessary not only to motivate, but also to adequately reward a specialist for high quality work.

All these management activities are closely related to HR technologies. Their main elements include the following:

  1. Personnel planning. Selection of specialists and recruitment of new employees to the enterprise.
  2. Setting wages and determining employee benefits.
  3. Career guidance for specialists, their adaptation to a new place and training.
  4. Assessment of the activities of enterprise employees. Preparation of personnel reserve. Personnel professional development management.
  5. Promoting employees, demoting them. Transfer of specialists to a new place of work, dismissal of employees.
  6. Social issues and health protection of workers. Industrial relations at the enterprise.

Structure of HR technologies

All modern technologies of personnel management at the enterprise can be divided into 3 groups. The first group uses technologies that allow obtaining reliable information about a specialist. This includes the selection of new employees for vacancies, periodic staff rotation, career management of employees.

The second group is those technologies that allow you to find personnel with the required characteristics. This may be certification of specialists, qualification examination of employees, conducting individual interviews. This also includes monitoring how an employee working at the enterprise acts in different situations.

The third group uses personnel technologies that ensure the demand for the capabilities of specialists. A personnel reserve is formed at the enterprise, personnel planning is carried out, etc.

In order to obtain personal information about an employee, the human resources department may use legitimate means that have a legal basis. It should be noted that the technology of personnel management assumes that all groups are interconnected. Practice shows that they cannot be realized one without the other. These personnel technologies can be called basic. But it must be taken into account that the groups differ significantly from each other, although they have much in common.

Company leaders should use different technologies for managing the organization's personnel. In order to obtain reliable information about the employee, an assessment is used. But the selection of personnel makes it possible to find out qualitative characteristics, to get more information about quantitative indicators. Career management involves the use of special personnel measures.

Proper use of personnel technologies creates a comfortable working environment at the enterprise, allows you to form the social capital of the organization. Each employee of the company has the professional skills necessary for the enterprise. They constitute the professional capital of the enterprise. These resources can be managed using specific tools.

Specific management functions

To influence personnel, technologies must be chosen especially carefully. It is imperative to take into account the strategic goals of the enterprise. Firstly, HR technologies in personnel management must effectively influence the company’s system of social relations. This is done in order to satisfy the company's needs for the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of employees.

Secondly, each enterprise has adopted its own system of professional roles. HR technologies contribute to the inclusion of human professional skills in this system.

Thirdly, the company creates a mechanism for reproducing the employee’s professional experience.

Application of HR technologies

In any organization, personnel management technologies should be used only on a regulatory basis. All actions of HR department employees and company managers are strictly regulated.

Only those persons who have the necessary qualifications have the right to develop and use HR technologies in their work. The personal dignity of the employee during the assessment should not be infringed, human rights should not be violated and information not related to the person’s professional duties should not be disclosed. In addition, the methodology should be explained in detail to all employees so that they do not have any questions.

Another important point is that all results obtained during the assessment must be formalized by the regulatory acts of the enterprise. This will increase the confidence of company employees and reduce the likelihood of subjectivity when using HR technologies.

4.1. Classification of personnel management technologies Personnel management technologies represent a system of goals, means and methods of providing management influence on personnel. Technology is a tool of influence, the use of which can be entrusted to various intra-organizational entities. This is why it is important to classify technologies and determine the range of their use.

All personnel management technologies can be divided into several classes based on several characteristics.

Firstly, all technologies are divided based on purpose. This classification is proposed by T.Yu. Bazarov. On this basis, personnel management technologies are divided into:

    Personnel formation technologies;

    Technologies for maintaining staff performance;

    Technologies for supporting the innovation process.

Secondly, personnel management technologies differ based on the reason for their appearance:

    Technologies of planned events;

    Technologies of emergency measures.

Thirdly, HR technologies can be divided according to the scale of their application:

    Technologies for personnel management of the organization as a whole;

    Technologies for managing individual personnel groups;

    Technologies for managing individual employees.

Fourthly, personnel management technologies can be divided in accordance with the sign of certainty:

    Proven technologies;

    Experimental technologies.

It is especially important for an organization who is the author of the technology. By origin, all technologies can be divided into:

    Traditional, widely used in the practice of HR services (for example, personnel records technologies). These technologies are partly statutory, partly the result of professional inheritance.

    Sectoral, which are the result of the activities of special sectoral bodies and services. These bodies develop technological support for the activities of the personnel services of the industry, mainly at the level of an exemplary model.

    Professional, created by special organizations (consulting agencies) by order of organizations. These technologies take into account the specifics of a particular organization and the peculiarity of the moment for which the technology is being built. However, the need to take into account many parameters makes these technologies very costly and, as a result, expensive.

    Innovative - created by the organization's personnel management service to solve urgent problems of the organization and implement the organizational development strategy. The formation and implementation of such technologies requires highly qualified specialists of the service and a high organizational status of the personnel management service.

Another classification of personnel management technologies is related to the definition of the subject of management. On this basis, technologies can be divided as follows:

    Technologies implemented by personnel management specialists;

    Technologies implemented by the personnel management service together with the heads of departments and the organization as a whole;

    Technologies implemented by department heads under the supervision of HR specialists.

Depending on what means are used to achieve a management goal, personnel management technologies are divided into four groups:

    Administrative technologies. These technologies are based on legally enforceable norms, rules and standards. The basis of administrative technologies is the legislative framework: the Constitution, the Labor Code, departmental instructions and rules, local regulations. The essence of administrative methods is the unification of the organization's employees, overcoming the subjective approach in assessing their actions and making management decisions. The difficulties in using administrative technologies are due to the fact that it is almost impossible to find a system of norms that fully and consistently interpret specific circumstances. That is why administrative methods must be supported by a system of recording (recording) specific indisputable facts (lateness and absence of an employee at the workplace, failure to meet deadlines for completing tasks, solving a difficult problem, taking responsibility in extreme circumstances, etc.) In any case, administrative methods technologies culminate in the creation of documents recording facts and represent a special system for formally describing the activities of employees in an organization.

    Economic technologies. These technologies are associated with the use of economic benefits as a means of management. Economic technologies can be formed as a system of sanctions, an incentive system, an incentive system, a reward system. These technologies are used not only for the purpose of managing labor productivity, but also as a means of forming new relationships between departments of the organization. The introduction of the economic paradigm into the practice of personnel management activates attention to personnel as the capital of the organization and allows each employee to be considered as a carrier of intra-organizational capital. This approach forces employees at any level to more actively participate in the process of managing the organization, in particular through the management of company shares at the disposal of employees.

    Organizational technologies. This type of technology is associated with the use of resources owned by an organization for the purpose of personnel management. The main resources of the organization are: a) spatial resources - the areas in which the activities of employees take place; b) temporary resources - the amount of time during which employees are required to perform work; c) ways of organizing the activities of employees; d) ways to organize employee interaction. Organizational technologies are associated with the description of business processes, streamlining these processes and increasing their efficiency through the reorganization of methods. As a result, such personnel management technologies as flexible work schedules, a system of permanent seminars, on-line communication, etc. appear.

    Social and psychological technologies. The use of these technologies is most beneficial for the organization, since the tool underlying them appears with the appearance of the personnel themselves. This means is human relationships. Streamlining relationships, their structuring in accordance with the goals of the organization, becomes the subject of socio-psychological technologies. These technologies are designed to combine formal and informal ways for people to evaluate each other, to approve and support the status of employees both within the organization and outside it. As a result of the use of socio-psychological technologies, important, but hardly perceptible phenomena begin to act as management effects: loyalty, fidelity, pride. Socio-psychological technologies form the state of the organization's personnel, which in itself can become not only a competitive advantage, but also a brand.

A particular technology used by the HR service may contain features of many of the listed technology classes. The most important thing when building a technology is to understand what means the organization has and which of the management subjects is ready for vigorous activity within the framework of the proposed technology.

The most common technologies affect such basic tasks of personnel management as the formation and evaluation of personnel, intra-organizational training and motivation. 4.2. Personnel formation Personnel formation is the main task of personnel management not only at the start of an organization’s development, but throughout its activities. Depending on how actively the personnel service is introduced into the process of forming the composition of the organization’s employees, the personnel structure and determining the advantageous qualities of employees, the effectiveness of the organization as a whole largely depends.

The first task when managing the process of forming an organization’s personnel is to resolve the issue of the structure of the organization and, accordingly, the structure of the personnel. The structure of the organization can be represented by one of the following models: linear, functional, ring, star, panoptic, cellular, hierarchical, polyconnected. T.Yu. Bazarov believes that a specific model of an organization is selected by assessing the following parameters: breadth of control, level of interconnection of departments, level of task uncertainty, level of task complexity. O.S. Vikhansky and A.I. Naumov believe that the choice of organization structure is determined by two factors - the degree of complexity of the external environment and the degree of dynamism of environmental factors.

Depending on which organizational structure is chosen for a given organization, a personnel structure model is built. This model can be planned in one of three planning paradigms:

    Organizational planning – personnel planning in accordance with the topography of the organization (by divisions, workshops, departments, services);

    Functional planning – personnel planning in accordance with professional functions (accountant, lawyer, economist, cleaner);

    Status planning – personnel planning in accordance with management levels (workers, employees (specialists), managers).

In accordance with the chosen planning paradigm, the organization's personnel management system solves the following planning tasks:

    Determining the sequence of personnel formation (which employees will be needed first);

    Determination of the number of employees in accordance with the chosen structure;

    Determining sources of personnel attraction;

    Determining the costs of personnel development.

Determining the sequence of personnel formation is associated with the organization’s development strategy and the specifics of the situation in which planning is carried out. It must be borne in mind that an organization can work with a general understaffing, in the absence of personnel from individual departments, the activities of which may be temporarily suspended (for example, branches), but can never work if functional connections between departments are not ensured. That is why, when planning personnel, it is necessary to draw up a certain “map” of key positions, which under no circumstances can be vacant.

When calculating personnel requirements, two calculation systems are taken into account: calculation of the current number of personnel and calculation of long-term personnel requirements. Calculation mechanisms are presented in textbooks on economics and sociology of labor.

The greatest problem in the formation of personnel is the determination of sources of personnel and, in accordance with them, technologies for staffing the organization. The following factors should be considered when identifying sources:

1. General situation on the labor market; 2. Features of the regional labor market; 3. Features of the sectoral labor market; 4. Level of competition in the chosen field of activity; 5. Urgency of personnel formation; 6. Estimated level of costs for personnel development.

The sources are internal sources (the organization’s personnel themselves in case of restructuring) and external sources (attracting external personnel to the organization).

Depending on how well the organization knows the specifics of the situation, it chooses one of the personnel formation strategies:

    Recruitment of personnel is announced on the condition that the organization in a short time needs to form personnel with standard professional characteristics, provided that there is a sufficient level of labor supply in the labor market. When recruiting staff, an organization has one goal - to fill vacancies as quickly as possible. Recruitment can only be carried out for those jobs that do not require special training and special qualifications. Recruitment can also act as a forced measure. In this case, the organization may have a system of special requirements for personnel, but the labor market cannot satisfy these requirements, since the employees declared by the organization are in short supply. In this case, the organization will also carry out recruitment if it finally finds among the proposals a candidate who mainly meets its requirements. In any case, recruitment is a personnel formation strategy that does not involve a choice between competing candidates coming to the organization from the outside.

    Personnel selection is announced provided that the organization is confident that there are more people on the labor market willing to fill the announced vacancies than there are vacancies themselves. It is this circumstance that forms the procedure for selecting from candidates those who best meet the requirements of the organization. Personnel selection is divided into current and promising. In the current selection, preference is given to those candidates who best meet the requirements stated by the organization. In case of prospective selection, priority will remain with those candidates whose growth prospects correspond to the strategic directions of the organization's development. Personnel selection can be based only on external sources of attracting personnel, or it can be mixed, in particular, in the form of a competition. Personnel selection is always based on the system for assessing the performance of the organization’s employees and the organization’s system for assessing the quality of personnel. The characteristics of these systems are presented in the relevant sections of the manual.

    Personnel selection is a strategy in which only a system of special requirements is selected as a basis. The organization thus “orders” not just an employee, but a system of qualities and properties. In this case, the main task is to find suitable workers even when the organization formally does not have vacancies. When a suitable candidate is found, the form of possible cooperation between the organization and the employee is selected. Personnel selection is widespread, as it helps to solve many problems, in particular, attracting highly qualified workers to the organization on special conditions.

The choice of personnel formation strategy forces the organization to actively turn to internal and external sources of personnel formation. Internal sources can be involved through the organization of such events as:

    Intra-organizational (closed) competition;

    Combination of professions (in particular, through intra-organizational training);

    Rotation (temporary or systematic).

External sources of personnel formation are activated through a system of other activities:

    Open competition;

    Working with candidates who independently search for work (sending out resumes or publishing them in the media and the Internet);

    Work with organizations providing assistance in employment (employment centers, recruitment agencies);

    Participation in regional events (job fairs);

    Independent search (in educational institutions, in competing organizations);

    Self-presentation of the organization (advertisements in the media about vacancies).

The choice of personnel formation strategy and reliance on one or another source of personnel determines the final amount of costs for personnel formation. It is important to keep in mind that when estimating costs you should take into account:

    Payment for work performed by third parties (recruitment agencies, media);

    Payment for the work of the organization’s employees who participated in the events;

    The amount of financial losses the organization incurred due to unfilled vacancies;

    Savings in wages when there are vacancies;

    Compensation to candidates for deciding to work in the organization.

In addition to assessing costs, the organization must also assess the quality of hiring. One of the options for calculating this indicator is given in the textbook by V.V. Travin and V.A. Dyatlov “Fundamentals of Personnel Management”.